Data N H (Doc) Fisher Geoscience Library
Page last updated:31 October 2024

Established in 1946, the Library enjoys state of the art facilities, unique architectural design features and a variety of displays.

Our courteous staff offer a range of information services, including assistance in research, locating library materials and the use of online databases. Corporate and individual memberships are available to frequent users.

The Library has a comprehensive collection of earth sciences literature in print and electronic formats, including books, journals, maps, as well as unique holdings of annotated air photos and field notebooks used in the discovery of resources across the country.

We contribute Australian content to the international database of geoscience literature, GeoRef. A subset of Australian references, AusGeoRef, is available for subscription.

Need to find information on a topic in the geosciences? Locate items in our collection by searching our online catalogue.

Access many historical reports and journals published by Geoscience Australia’s predecessors from the 1930s onwards, by clicking on links in these complete listings. (Includes the continuing Records series.)