AGRS tools, models and resources
Page last updated:17 December 2024

Transform geographic coordinates between GDA94 and GDA2020 using the 7-parameter similarity transformation. The transformations are only valid inside the legal extents of GDA2020. 1

Transform map grid eastings and northings between MGA94 and MGA2020. The transformations are only valid inside the legal extents of GDA2020.

Propagate static GDA2020 coordinates to time dependent ATRF2014 coordinates and vice versa. The transformations are only valid inside the legal extents of GDA2020.

Convert heights between the GDA2020 ellipsoid and AHD using the AUSGeoid2020 model. The conversions are only valid onshore in Australia. Please note, only GDA2020 coordinates can be used with AUSGeoid2020.

Convert heights between the GDA94 ellipsoid and AHD using either the AUSGeoid09 model or AUSGeoid98 model. The conversions are only valid onshore in Australia. Please note, only GDA94 coordinates can be used with AUSGeoid09 or AUSGeoid98.

Convert heights between the GDA2020 ellipsoidal and AVWS using the Australian Gravimetric Quasi-geoid model. The conversions are only valid for latitudes and longitudes between 8(S) to 61(S) and 93(E) to 174(E).

Use Krueger's n-series formulae to project between a latitude and a longitude (geographic coordinates) to an easting, northing, and zone (grid coordinates), and vice versa. Note: Krueger's n-series formulae are more accurate versions of Redfearn's formulae.

Given a coordinate, an ellipsoidal distance, and a geodetic azimuth, use Vincenty's direct formula to calculate the coordinate of a second point. Given two coordinates, use Vincenty's inverse formula to calculate an ellipsoidal distance and a geodetic azimuth between the two points.

Use the Gazetteer of Australia to obtain the coordinates for two geographical locations and calculate the distance between them.
These apps rely on GeodePy, the Python geodesy package developed by Geoscience Australia. If you would like to include calls to these apps in your own software, API can be found here.
1 Transform between GDA94 and GDA2020. Download the old 'proof of concept' app.

The AUSGeoid2020 model provides the offset between the GDA2020 ellipsoid and the Australian Height Datum (AHD). The model is only valid onshore in Australia. The model is provided in a binary format.

The AUSGeoid09 model provides the offset between the GDA94 ellipsoid and the Australian Height Datum (AHD). The model is only valid onshore in Australia. The model is provided in a binary format. 2

The Australian Gravimetric Quasi-geoid (AGQG) is a gravity model that provides the offset between the GDA2020 ellipsoid and the Australian quasi-geoid. The model is valid for latitude and longitude coordinates between 8(S) to 61(S) and 93(E) to 174(E). The model is provided in a binary format.

The Australian Plate Motion Model transforms coordinates between GDA2020 and ATRF2014. The model is implemented in Python and is part of the GeodePy package. The transformations are only valid inside the legal extents of GDA2020.
2 AUSGeoid09 (binary file). Download the AUSGeoid98 model.

The manual containing information on the entire AGRS. It defines GDA2020 and AHD and provides descriptions on how to do transformations and conversions within the system. Some coordinate computation examples are provided.

This webinar is an overview of the AGRS; which is the collection of datums, reference frames, models, infrastructure and standards needed for accurate 4D positioning in Australia.

The Positioning Australia program ran a series of four webinars in 2020. A recording is available of the first of these, entitled 'Tools for Working with the Australian Geospatial Reference System', along with a Q&A and some worked examples.

The ICSM has partnered with the SSSI Young Professionals to present a four part webinar series on upgrades to the AGRS. The webinars cover an overview of the AGRS, with specific focus on GDA2020, ATRF2014 and working with heights: be they ellipsoid, geoid, Australian Height Datum or the Australian Vertical Working Surface.