Vincenty's Inverse

Given two geographic coordinates, use Vincenty's inverse formula to calculate an ellipsoidal distance and the forward and reverse geodetic azimuths between the two points. If the coordinates are given using the Universal Transverse Mercator (UTM) coordinate reference system, grid bearings are returned instead of geodetic azimuths and a plane distances instead of an ellipsoidal distance.


  • Latitude must be between 0° and ± 90°, and south latitudes are negative (e.g., -35° 55' 56.12"');
  • Longitude must be between 0° and ± 180°, and west longitudes are negative (e.g., -148° 56' 25.12"'); and
  • "The inverse formulae may give no solution over a line between two nearly antipodal points. This will occur when the difference between two latitudes is greater than 180 degrees in absolute value" (Vincenty 1975).
  • Calculations using UTM should only be done in the same or adjacent zones and in the same hemisphere. For more widely separated points, geographic notation should be used.

Map Grid of Australia 2020 (MGA2020) is a UTM projection. The GRS80 ellipsoid must be selected to use MGA2020, and calculations are only valid within the Geodetic Datum of Australia 2020 extent.

For more details see the GDA2020 Technical Manual.