Data / Spatial Applications
Page last updated:3 September 2015
Geoscience Australia Interactive Maps
Geoscience Australia's Interactive Maps is a discovery and exploration view of Geoscience Australia's geospatial data products and web services. It provides access to the wealth of curated information content organised into science disciplines and decision support themes, easy to navigate and linked to related information. Data is portrayed as dynamic maps, links to metadata, map printing and access to OGC (Open Geospatial Consortium) web services. Some maps have additional tools providing specific functionality.
Place Names Search
The Place Names Search is a searchable, map-like view of the most current Gazetteer of Australia data product, providing authoritative information on the location and spelling of approved place names throughout Australia and its External Territories. The Gazetteer of Australia is a compiled subset of information sets held by the relevant State, Territory and Commonwealth authorities.
The National Map is a website for 2D and 3D map-based access to spatial data from Australian government agencies. It is an initiative of the Department of the Prime Minister and Cabinet, Data61, and Geoscience Australia. The website provides easy access to authoritative and other spatial or spatially-enabled data to government, business and the public; facilitates the opening of data by federal, state and local government bodies; and provides an open framework of geospatial data services that supports commercial and community innovation.
Australian Renewable Energy Mapping Infrastructure (AREMI)
The AREMI is a related NationalMap website. The AREMI is developed by Data61 in collaboration with Geoscience Australia and with funding support from the Australian Renewable Energy Agency (ARENA). It is a deliverable under the ARENA's Emerging Renewables Program which supports measures for capacity building and skills development for the renewable energy industry, preparatory activities for renewables projects, and other related industry activities to assist the development and deployment of renewable energy and enabling technologies. Geoscience Australia is supporting AREMI through provision of data services, technical management and hosting of the website.
Aerial Photography - Flight Line Diagrams
Aerial photography is recorded on flight line diagrams, which show aircraft paths (also known as runs), the centre of the photos in relation to ground features, and film reference numbers. The Aerial Photography - Flight Line Diagrams is spatial index to scans of flight line diagrams, referenced to the index of 1:250K topographic map sheets and basic metadata such as dates of acquisition. The information about flight lines can then be used to reference specific items (film rolls) in the historical aerial photography archive. To find out more information, including ordering, go to our Aerial Photography webpage.