Topographic information
Page last updated:24 May 2019
Geoscience Australia's National Geographic Information Group is the Australian Government's national mapping agency. We provide authoritative geographic information services and products to enable evidence-based decision making, deliver government policy, assist industry development needs and support community wellbeing. More about our capabilities.
Basics - topographic mapping
Learn about topographic maps and how to use them.
Topographic maps
These are available for 1:50 000, 1:100 000, 1:250 000 and 1:1 million scale published topographic maps.
Digital topographic data
Map data for use in Geographic Information System applications is available in varying scales. It is free to download or can be purchased on digital media.
Theme and reference maps
Reference maps of Australia include wall maps, folio and report maps and general reference maps. Thematic maps include external territories, tourist maps, maritime zones and more.
Map amendments
Have you found an error on one of our maps or digital products?
If so, please email us and provide as much information as you can about the error (including the location/s) and we will address any errors before we next publish the map or data.
Thank you for assisting us to improve our map data.