Our Chief Scientist: advancing and communicating trusted geoscience

Last updated:30 September 2024

Our science and how we conduct it are essential foundations for the quality, relevance and trust of Geoscience Australia’s mission and value.

The role of Geoscience Australia's Chief Scientist is to provide strategic leadership of Geoscience Australia’s scientific efforts and capabilities to ensure they provide social, economic, and environmental benefit to Australia.

Dr Steve Hill is Geoscience Australia's Chief Scientist.

The role of the Chief Scientist is to ensure there is geoscientific coordination and leadership in Geoscience Australia, as well as throughout the broader community. This work is fundamental to the successful delivery of Strategy 2028, and Science Strategy 2028.

Geoscience Australia’s Science Strategy 2028 sets out a vision with clear and measurable objectives and explains the roles and foundations of Geoscience Australia’s Office of Chief Scientist. It provides the framework and direction to ensure our science aligns with our six Science Principles and supports our Core Commitments set out in Strategy 2028.

Learn more about Science Strategy 2028 and watch Dr Steve Hill introduce the strategy alongside Geoscience Australia’s Chief Executive Officer, Dr James Johnson.

Engaging Geoscience Australia with the broader science narrative

A key part of the Chief Scientist’s role is to work alongside the scientific community, government and industry both in Australia and internationally to champion Earth science, contributing to our mission to be the trusted source of information on Australia’s geology and geography. The Office of the Chief Scientist ensures the quality, relevance and best conduct of Geoscience Australia’s science in meeting its strategic purpose and mission.

Chief Scientist Dr Steve Hill

Committees and Panels

Domestic Committees

AuScope Science Advisory Committee Geoscience Australia representative AuScope Science Advisory Committee established to advise the AuScope Board on allocation of funds from the AuScope Opportunity Fund Allocation.
Flinders Ranges World Heritage Inter-Agency Steering Committee Geoscience Australia representative as the Federal Government's geoscientific advisor for the Flinders Ranges UNESCO World Heritage nomination Forum for meeting with South Australian stakeholders for progressing the nomination of the Flinders Ranges towards UNESCO World Heritage status.
Government Scientists Group (GSG) Geoscience Australia representative Forum of Australia's Chief Scientists to discuss initiatives and activities. Key point of engagement with Australia's Chief Scientist.
National Earth and Environmental Science Facilities Forum (NEESFF) Geoscience Australia representative To discuss and investigate strategic initiatives to enhance coordination and collaboration between facilities funded through the National Collaborative Research Infrastructure Strategy (NCRIS) and government entities to enhance benefits for Australian research and society.
NCI Data Collections Advisory Committee Geoscience Australia representative Forum for discussing collaborations between NCI and ANU.
National Committee of Earth Sciences (NCES) Geoscience Australia representative The Australian Academy of Science’s committee that links the Academy to Australian Earth scientists and relevant scientific societies and provides a link between Australian and overseas Earth scientists.
Publicly Funded Research Agencies (PFRA) National Security Science & Technology (NSST) Geoscience Australia representative Strategic working group assisting Defence Science & Technology with tracking and aligning national security-related research across Commonwealth PFRAs.
Science Strategy and Priorities Taskforce IDC (DiSTEM IDC) Geoscience Australia representative Interdepartmental Committee (IDC) to guide the delivery of a revitalisation of Australia's science priorities and a review of government programs to support greater diversity in Australian STEM sectors. Coordinated by Australia’s Office of the Chief Scientist.
Terrestrial Ecosystem Research Network (TERN) Advisory Board Geoscience Australia representative To ensure the widest possible participation of Australian researchers in TERN, the national research infrastructure project operates as a multi-institutional collaboration. The Advisory Board consists of independent and representational members of the collaborating institutions.

International Committees

Coordinating Committee for Geoscience Programmes in East and Southeast Asia (CCOP) Geoscience Australia representative for Australia as a Cooperating Country of the CCOP Multilateral forum based in Thailand outlining geoscientific initiatives relevant to East and Southeast Asia. Geoscience Australia leads Australia's representation as a Cooperating Country during the CCOP Annual Session.
OneGeology Operational Group Geoscience Australia representative OneGeology is a global forum for providing global geoscientific data.
OneGeology Digital Twin Working Group Geoscience Australia representative OneGeology is a global forum for providing global geoscientific data.
World Community of Geological Surveys (WCoGS) Geoscience Australia representative A best practice community of national and regional geological survey organisations that generates synergies and provides mutual support with the aim of promoting global dialogue relating to geosciences and addressing national and global geoscience issues.

Connect with our Chief Scientist:

Dr Steve Hill is passionate about sharing our science and the importance of Earth science. You can connect with him on LinkedIn or follow him and his insights into the landscapes he encounters on his travels on Instagram.

For media interviews, please contact media@ga.gov.au