July to December 2015

Page last updated:8 April 2016

Record Number Record Title
2015/3993 Geospatial and Earth Monitoring - Reporting - Rabaul Volcanological Observatory Twinning Program - AUSAID-Australian Aid Communications 2010 - 2015
2015/3994 Geospatial and Earth Monitoring - Reporting - Rabaul Volcanological Observatory Twinning Program - RVO Communications 2010 - 2015
2015/3505 Government Relations - Visits - National Computational Infrastructure (NCI) Tour of Geoscience Australia's Facilities
2015/3537 Government Relations - Visits - National Computational Infrastructure (NCI) Tour of Geoscience Australia 15 October 2015
2015/3499 Strategic Management - Planning - Geoscience Australia Strategic Plan 2015 - 2018
2015/3794 Strategic Management - Planning - Geoscience Australia Strategic Planing 2016 - 2020
2015/2777 Property Management - Construction - Childcare Centre Construction Project
2015/3283 Marine Zone Geoscience - Interorganisational Liaison - IODP- LHRP - Relationship Documentation - International - JAMSTEC - Data Storage Project
2015/2614 Marine Zone Geoscience - Interorganisational Liaison - IODP- LHRP - Relationship Documentation - International - JAMSTEC - Data Storage Project
2015/2600 Government Relations - Visits - Romanian Ambassador August 2015 - xxx
2015/3307 Government Relations - Visits - xxx, Head Of United Nations Office of Disaster Reduction Asia-Pacific Office
2015/3065 Government Relations - Visits - Satellite Applications Catapult Ltd (Uk) Delegation To GA on Thursday 20 August 2015
2015/3067 Government Relations - Visits - Newterra Chinese Delegation from Bureau of Statistics Hubei Province
2015/3228 Government Relations - Visits - Overseas Delegation Visits to Geoscience Australia - United Kingdom Visitors 7 - 11 September 2015
2015/3066 Government Relations - Visits -xxx USGS visit 31 August to 4 September
2015/3402 Government Relations - Visits - United States Geological Survey (USGS) Visit to Geoscience Australia 21st and 22nd of September 2015
2015/3504 Government Relations - Visits - Chinese Delegation October 2015
2015/3512 Government Relations -  Visits - Philippines Delegation Visit Thursday 1 October 2015
2015/3523 Government Relations -  Visits - Visit of xxx Canada
2015/3686 Government Relations - Submissions - Geoscience Australia Supplementary Budget Estimates October 15