About Our projects
Page last updated:8 April 2016
Priority projects

Digital Earth Australia (DEA) is a world-leading digital infrastructure unlocking the potential of over 30 years of satellite images to detect physical changes across Australia in unprecedented detail.

Exploring for the Future (EFTF) is an Australian Government initiative to boost investment in resource exploration across Australia.

By enhancing the accuracy and reliability of positioning in Australia, we will enable innovative technologies across a range of industries and accelerate economic growth.
Our impacts

Building Australia’s resources wealth to maximise benefits from our mineral and energy resources, now and into the future.

Supporting Australia’s community safety to strengthen our resilience to natural hazards.

Securing Australia’s water resources to optimise and sustain their use.

Managing Australia’s marine jurisdictions and supporting sustainable use of our marine environment.

Creating a location-enabled Australia to increase economic, environmental and social prosperity of Australia.