Building Australia's Resource Wealth
Last updated:14 April 2023
Current projects
- Acreage Release and Promotion
- Onshore Energy Systems
- The Repository
- Trusted Environmental and Geological Information Program
- Offshore Basins Pre-competitive Studies
- Data Driven Discoveries Program – Adavale Basin
Concluded projects
- Bonaparte CO2 Storage
- CO2 Infrastructure
- Greenhouse Gas Monitoring
- Onshore Petroleum Project
- Offshore Basins Pre-competitive Studies
- Vlaming Sub-basin CO2 Storage
- Browse Basin CO2 Storage
- Browse Basin Petroleum Systems Study
- Gippsland Basin CO2 Storage
- Lord Howe Rise
- Northern Houtman Sub-basin
- Triassic and Older Source Rock Petroleum Systems Study
Current projects
- Australian Lithospheric Architecture Magnetotelluric Project (AusLAMP)
- Continental Geology
- Continental Geophysics Project
- Critical Minerals
- Geochronology Laboratory
- Kauring Airborne Gravity Test Site
- Minerals Systems of Australia
- Onshore seismic and Magnetotelluric Project
- Regional Magnetotelluric Program
- Southern Thomson Project
- Stavely Project
Concluded projects
- AWAGS Radiometrics and Magnetics Project
- Broken Hill Exploration Initiative Project
- Felsic and Intermediate Igneous Rocks Project
- Fluid Flow Modelling Project
- Gawler Mineral Promotion Project
- Lachlan Fold Belt Project
- Uranium Systems Project
- National Geochemical Survey of Australia
- North Australia Project
- North Pilbara Project
- Norseman-Wiluna Synthesis Project
- Paterson Project
- Phanerozoic Synthesis Project
- Proterozoic Synthesis Project
- pmd*CRC
- Regional Geodynamics Project
- TASMAP Project
- Thorium Project