Gawler HyLogger

Last updated:8 April 2016

This project concluded on 30 June 2006.

High Resolution Hyperspectral Analysis of Drill Core and Chips in the central Gawler Craton

Geoscience Australia's Gawler HyLogger™ hyperspectral program was set up as collaborative work with Primary Industries and Resources South Australia (PIRSA) and the Cooperative Research Centre for Landscape Environment and Mineral Exploration (CRCLEME) hyperspectral programs and with the CSIRO's Mineral Mapping Technologies Group.

HyLogger™ description

HyLogger™ studies were carried out as a component of spectral geology research in the Gawler project, with associated spectral programs in ASTER, ASTER DEM and portable infrared mineral analyser (PIMA) regolith mapping and bedrock signature tracing studies.

HyLogger™ is a high resolution core scanner which can interpret mineralogy of up to four dominant minerals, as well as 2D and 3D profiling of alteration signatures from depth to surface.

HyLogger™ spectroscopic mineralogical logging and imaging of drill core and chips for the Gawler project was done in collaboration with PIRSA and CSIRO using a specialised version of The Spectral Geologist software called TSGCore.

CSIRO's prototype HyLogger™ system is comprised of an Operational Airborne Research Spectrometer (OARS) hyperspectral sensor mounted above a robotic core try table which allows rapid loading and scanning of both drillcores and chips (up to 1000 metres a day).