Seismic Datasets - South Australia

Page last updated:8 April 2016

Survey Number Survey Name Line Name Length (km) Year CompletedStakeholders Energy TypeComments
L031 Oodnadatta, SA, 1957 A, B 47 1957 BMR Explosive report and associated images only
L032 Haddon Downs, SA, 1957 A, B 41 1957 BMR Explosive report and associated images only
L046 Murray Basin, NSW, VIC, SA, 1960 A, AA, B, BB, C, CC, D, DD, E, EE, F, FF, G, GG, H, HH, I, II 126 1960 BMR Explosive report and associated images only
L074 Otway and Sydney, VIC, SA, NSW, 1965, 1966 V2, V3, GL2, GL3, SD2, HS1, HS2, HS3, HS4 N/A 1966 BMR Explosive report and associated images only
L083 Maralinga, SA, 1955 Site only N/A 1955 BMR Explosive report and associated images only
L133 Officer Basin Tests, SA, 1991 Test only 21.85 1991 AGSO Explosive report and associated images only
L134 Otway Basin Tests, VIC, SA, 1991 BMR91-OT1 4.73 1991 AGSO Explosive  
L134 Otway Basin Tests, VIC, SA, 1991 BMR91-OT2 4.8 1991 AGSO Explosive  
L134 Otway Basin Tests, VIC, SA, 1991 BMR91-OT3 4.73 1991 AGSO Explosive  
L134 Otway Basin Tests, VIC, SA, 1991 BMR91-OT4 6.66 1991 AGSO Explosive  
L134 Otway Basin Tests, VIC, SA, 1991 BMR91-OT5 4.72 1991 AGSO Explosive  
L135 Otway Basin, VIC, SA, 1992 BMR92-OT1 65.5 1992 AGSO Explosive  
L135 Otway Basin, VIC, SA, 1992 BMR92-OT2 33.31 1992 AGSO Explosive  
L135 Otway Basin, VIC, SA, 1992 BMR92-OT3 58.62 1992 AGSO Explosive  
L135 Otway Basin, VIC, SA, 1992 BMR92-OT4 87.77 1992 AGSO Explosive  
L135 Otway Basin, VIC, SA, 1992 BMR92-OT5 100.52 1992 AGSO Explosive  
L135 Otway Basin, VIC, SA, 1992 BMR92-OT6 34.62 1992 AGSO Explosive  
L135 Otway Basin, VIC, SA, 1992 BMR92-OT7 82.02 1992 AGSO Explosive  
L137 Officer Basin, SA, 1993 93AGS-1 100.08 1993 AGSO Explosive  
L137 Officer Basin, SA, 1993 93AGS-3 175.65 1993 AGSO Explosive  
L137 Officer Basin, SA, 1993 93AGS-4 79.23 1993 AGSO Explosive  
L137 Officer Basin, SA, 1993 93AGS-5 114.68 1993 AGSO Explosive  
L137 Officer Basin, SA, 1993 93AGS-6 95.28 1993 AGSO Explosive  
L163 Gawler, SA, 2003 03GA-OD1 194.76 2003 GA/ANSIR Vibroseis  
L163 Gawler, SA, 2003 03GA-OD2 57.05 2003 GA/ANSIR Vibroseis  
L164 Curnamona, SA, 2003, 2004 03GA-CU1 196.34 2004 GA/PIRSA/pmd*CRC Vibroseis  
L189 Gawler-Curnamona-Arrowie, SA, 2008 08GA-A1 59.96 2008 GA/PIRSA Vibroseis  
L189 Gawler-Curnamona-Arrowie, SA, 2008 08GA-C1 263.7 2008 GA/PIRSA Vibroseis  
L189 Gawler-Curnamona-Arrowie, SA, 2008 08GA-G1 264.48 2008 GA/PIRSA Vibroseis  
L191 Curnamona-Gawler Link, SA, 2009 09GA-CG1 144.44 2009 GA/PIRSA Vibroseis  
L193 Southern Delamerian, VIC, 2009 09GA-SD1 147.4 2009 GA/PIRSA/GSV/AuScope Vibroseis  
L193 Southern Delamerian, VIC, 2009 09GA-SD2 48.6 2009 GA/PIRSA/GSV/AuScope Vibroseis  
L203 Eucla-Gawler 13GA-EG1 834.06 2014 GA/GSWA/GSSA/AuScope Vibroseis  
AGSO Australian Geological Survey Organisation
ANSIR National Research Facility for Earth Sounding
AuScope An organisation for a National Earth Science Infrastructure Program
BMR Bureau of Mineral Resources
GA Geoscience Australia
GSV GeoScience Victoria Department of Primary Industries
PIRSA Primary Industries and Resources South Australia
pmd*CRC Predictive Mineral Discovery Cooperative Research Centre