Seismic Datasets - Victoria
Page last updated:8 April 2016
Survey Number | Survey Name | Line Name | Length (km) | Year Completed | Stakeholders | Energy Type | Comments |
L007 | Avon Gippsland, VIC, 1952 | 40 shot holes | 10 | 1952 | BMR | Explosive | report and associated images only |
L011 | Darriman Gippsland, VIC, 1954 | A, B, C, D, E, F, G, I | N/A | 1954 | BMR | Explosive | report and associated images only |
L029 | Heywood Experimental, VIC, 1956 | A, B, C, D | 12.87 | 1956 | BMR | Explosive | report and associated images only |
L033 | Latrobe Valley, VIC, 1958 | A, B, C | 7 | 1958 | BMR | Explosive | report and associated images only |
L036 | Latrobe Valley, VIC, 1959 | B | 10 | 1959 | BMR | Explosive | report and associated images only |
L045 | Rosedale No. 1, A.P.M., VIC, 1960 | Well geophones | N/A | 1960 | BMR | Explosive | report and associated images only |
L047 | Rosedale, VIC, 1961 | D, E | 62 | 1961 | BMR | Explosive | report and associated images only |
L078 | East Otway Basin, VIC, 1967 | A, B, C, D, S, Q, U, V, X, W, R | 90 | 1967 | BMR | Explosive | report and associated images only |
L085 | Mildura and Broken Hill, VIC, NSW, 1968 | A, B, C | 77 | 1968 | BMR | Explosive | report and associated images only |
L128 | Bendigo, VIC, 1989 | BMR89-09 | 6.11 | 1989 | BMR | Explosive | |
L128 | Bendigo, VIC, 1989 | BMR89-10 | 8.1 | 1989 | BMR | Explosive | |
L134 | Otway Basin Tests, VIC, SA, 1991 | BMR91-OT1 | 4.73 | 1991 | AGSO | Explosive | |
L134 | Otway Basin Tests, VIC, SA, 1991 | BMR91-OT2 | 4.8 | 1991 | AGSO | Explosive | |
L134 | Otway Basin Tests, VIC, SA, 1991 | BMR91-OT3 | 4.73 | 1991 | AGSO | Explosive | |
L134 | Otway Basin Tests, VIC, SA, 1991 | BMR91-OT4 | 6.66 | 1991 | AGSO | Explosive | |
L134 | Otway Basin Tests, VIC, SA, 1991 | BMR91-OT5 | 4.72 | 1991 | AGSO | Explosive | |
L135 | Otway Basin Seismic, VIC, SA, 1992 | BMR92-OT1 | 65.5 | 1992 | AGSO | Explosive | |
L135 | Otway Basin Seismic, VIC, SA, 1992 | BMR92-OT2 | 33.31 | 1992 | AGSO | Explosive | |
L135 | Otway Basin Seismic, VIC, SA, 1992 | BMR92-OT3 | 58.62 | 1992 | AGSO | Explosive | |
L135 | Otway Basin Seismic, VIC, SA, 1992 | BMR92-OT4 | 87.77 | 1992 | AGSO | Explosive | |
L135 | Otway Basin Seismic, VIC, SA, 1992 | BMR92-OT5 | 100.52 | 1992 | AGSO | Explosive | |
L135 | Otway Basin Seismic, VIC, SA, 1992 | BMR92-OT6 | 34.62 | 1992 | AGSO | Explosive | |
L135 | Otway Basin Seismic, VIC, SA, 1992 | BMR92-OT7 | 82.02 | 1992 | AGSO | Explosive | |
L136 | SAGASCO/AGSO Joint, Gippsland, VIC, 1992 | GSG92A-1 | 4.73 | 1992 | AGSO | Explosive | |
L136 | SAGASCO/AGSO Joint, Gippsland, VIC, 1992 | GSG92A-2 | 4.76 | 1992 | AGSO | Explosive | |
L136 | SAGASCO/AGSO Joint, Gippsland, VIC, 1992 | GSG92A-3 | 4.74 | 1992 | AGSO | Explosive | |
L142 | Victoria Grampians AGCRC, VIC, 1997 | 97AGS-V1 | 37.27 | 1997 | AGSO/AGCRC | Explosive | Reprocessed in 2000 |
L142 | Victoria Grampians AGCRC, VIC, 1997 | 97AGS-V2 | 27.09 | 1997 | AGSO/AGCRC | Explosive | Reprocessed in 2000 |
L142 | Victoria Grampians AGCRC, VIC, 1997 | 97AGS-V3 | 4.78 | 1997 | AGSO/AGCRC | Explosive | Reprocessed in 2000 |
L178 | Central Victoria, VIC, 2006 | 06GA-V1 | 141.4 | 2006 | GA/pmd*CRC/GSV | Vibroseis | |
L178 | Central Victoria, VIC, 2006 | 06GA-V2 | 107.39 | 2006 | GA/pmd*CRC/GSV | Vibroseis | |
L178 | Central Victoria, VIC, 2006 | 06GA-V3 | 72.4 | 2006 | GA/pmd*CRC/GSV | Vibroseis | |
L178 | Central Victoria, VIC, 2006 | 06GA-V4 | 78.22 | 2006 | GA/pmd*CRC/GSV | Vibroseis | |
L179 | Ballarat West, VIC, 2006 | 06GA-B1 | 11.35 | 2006 | GA/ANSIR/Ballarat Goldfields NL | Vibroseis | |
L193 | Southern Delamerian, VIC, 2009 | 09GA_SD1 | 147.4 | 2009 | GA/PIRSA/GSV/AuScope | Vibroseis | |
L193 | Southern Delamerian, VIC, 2009 | 09GA_SD2 | 48.6 | 2009 | GA/PIRSA/GSV/AuScope | Vibroseis | |
L194 | Ararat, VIC, 2009 | 09GA-AR1 | 69.65 | 2009 | GA/GSV | Vibroseis | |
L206 | South Gippsland | 15GA-SG1 | 44.93 | 2015 | GA/GSV | Vibroseis | |
L206 | South Gippsland | 15GA-SG2 | 79.65 | 2015 | GA/GSV | Vibroseis | |
L206 | South Gippsland | 15GA-SG3 | 40.65 | 2015 | GA/GSV | Vibroseis | |
L206 | South Gippsland | 15GA-SG4 | 38.42 | 2015 | GA/GSV | Vibroseis | |
L208 | Southeast Lachlan, VIC_NSW | 18GA-SL1 to SL3 | 629.2 | 2018 | GA/GSV/GSNSW/AuScope | Vibroseis | |
AGCRC | Australian Geodynamics Cooperative Research Centre | ||||||
AGSO | Australian Geological Survey Organisation | ||||||
AuScope | An organisation for a National Earth Science Infrastructure Program | ||||||
BMR | Bureau of Mineral Resources | ||||||
GA | Geoscience Australia | ||||||
GSV | GeoScience Victoria Department of Primary Industries | ||||||
PIRSA | Primary Industries and Resources South Australia | ||||||
pmd*CRC | Predictive Mineral Discovery Cooperative Research Centre |