Seismic Datasets - Victoria

Page last updated:8 April 2016

Survey Number Survey Name Line Name Length (km) Year CompletedStakeholders Energy TypeComments
L007 Avon Gippsland, VIC, 1952 40 shot holes 10 1952 BMR Explosive report and associated images only
L011 Darriman Gippsland, VIC, 1954 A, B, C, D, E, F, G, I N/A 1954 BMR Explosive report and associated images only
L029 Heywood Experimental, VIC, 1956 A, B, C, D 12.87 1956 BMR Explosive report and associated images only
L033 Latrobe Valley, VIC, 1958 A, B, C 7 1958 BMR Explosive report and associated images only
L036 Latrobe Valley, VIC, 1959 B 10 1959 BMR Explosive report and associated images only
L045 Rosedale No. 1, A.P.M., VIC, 1960 Well geophones N/A 1960 BMR Explosive report and associated images only
L047 Rosedale, VIC, 1961 D, E 62 1961 BMR Explosive report and associated images only
L078 East Otway Basin, VIC, 1967 A, B, C, D, S, Q, U, V, X, W, R 90 1967 BMR Explosive report and associated images only
L085 Mildura and Broken Hill, VIC, NSW, 1968 A, B, C 77 1968 BMR Explosive report and associated images only
L128 Bendigo, VIC, 1989 BMR89-09 6.11 1989 BMR Explosive  
L128 Bendigo, VIC, 1989 BMR89-10 8.1 1989 BMR Explosive  
L134 Otway Basin Tests, VIC, SA, 1991 BMR91-OT1 4.73 1991 AGSO Explosive  
L134 Otway Basin Tests, VIC, SA, 1991 BMR91-OT2 4.8 1991 AGSO Explosive  
L134 Otway Basin Tests, VIC, SA, 1991 BMR91-OT3 4.73 1991 AGSO Explosive  
L134 Otway Basin Tests, VIC, SA, 1991 BMR91-OT4 6.66 1991 AGSO Explosive  
L134 Otway Basin Tests, VIC, SA, 1991 BMR91-OT5 4.72 1991 AGSO Explosive  
L135 Otway Basin Seismic, VIC, SA, 1992 BMR92-OT1 65.5 1992 AGSO Explosive  
L135 Otway Basin Seismic, VIC, SA, 1992 BMR92-OT2 33.31 1992 AGSO Explosive  
L135 Otway Basin Seismic, VIC, SA, 1992 BMR92-OT3 58.62 1992 AGSO Explosive  
L135 Otway Basin Seismic, VIC, SA, 1992 BMR92-OT4 87.77 1992 AGSO Explosive  
L135 Otway Basin Seismic, VIC, SA, 1992 BMR92-OT5 100.52 1992 AGSO Explosive  
L135 Otway Basin Seismic, VIC, SA, 1992 BMR92-OT6 34.62 1992 AGSO Explosive  
L135 Otway Basin Seismic, VIC, SA, 1992 BMR92-OT7 82.02 1992 AGSO Explosive  
L136 SAGASCO/AGSO Joint, Gippsland, VIC, 1992 GSG92A-1 4.73 1992 AGSO Explosive  
L136 SAGASCO/AGSO Joint, Gippsland, VIC, 1992 GSG92A-2 4.76 1992 AGSO Explosive  
L136 SAGASCO/AGSO Joint, Gippsland, VIC, 1992 GSG92A-3 4.74 1992 AGSO Explosive  
L142 Victoria Grampians AGCRC, VIC, 1997 97AGS-V1 37.27 1997 AGSO/AGCRC Explosive Reprocessed in 2000
L142 Victoria Grampians AGCRC, VIC, 1997 97AGS-V2 27.09 1997 AGSO/AGCRC Explosive Reprocessed in 2000
L142 Victoria Grampians AGCRC, VIC, 1997 97AGS-V3 4.78 1997 AGSO/AGCRC Explosive Reprocessed in 2000
L178 Central Victoria, VIC, 2006 06GA-V1 141.4 2006 GA/pmd*CRC/GSV Vibroseis  
L178 Central Victoria, VIC, 2006 06GA-V2 107.39 2006 GA/pmd*CRC/GSV Vibroseis  
L178 Central Victoria, VIC, 2006 06GA-V3 72.4 2006 GA/pmd*CRC/GSV Vibroseis  
L178 Central Victoria, VIC, 2006 06GA-V4 78.22 2006 GA/pmd*CRC/GSV Vibroseis  
L179 Ballarat West, VIC, 2006 06GA-B1 11.35 2006 GA/ANSIR/Ballarat Goldfields NL Vibroseis  
L193 Southern Delamerian, VIC, 2009 09GA_SD1 147.4 2009 GA/PIRSA/GSV/AuScope Vibroseis  
L193 Southern Delamerian, VIC, 2009 09GA_SD2 48.6 2009 GA/PIRSA/GSV/AuScope Vibroseis  
L194 Ararat, VIC, 2009 09GA-AR1 69.65 2009 GA/GSV Vibroseis  
L206 South Gippsland 15GA-SG1 44.93 2015 GA/GSV Vibroseis  
L206 South Gippsland 15GA-SG2 79.65 2015 GA/GSV Vibroseis  
L206 South Gippsland 15GA-SG3 40.65 2015 GA/GSV Vibroseis  
L206 South Gippsland 15GA-SG4 38.42 2015 GA/GSV Vibroseis  
L208 Southeast Lachlan, VIC_NSW 18GA-SL1 to SL3 629.2 2018 GA/GSV/GSNSW/AuScope Vibroseis  
AGCRC Australian Geodynamics Cooperative Research Centre
AGSO Australian Geological Survey Organisation
AuScope An organisation for a National Earth Science Infrastructure Program
BMR Bureau of Mineral Resources
GA Geoscience Australia
GSV GeoScience Victoria Department of Primary Industries
PIRSA Primary Industries and Resources South Australia
pmd*CRC Predictive Mineral Discovery Cooperative Research Centre