Scientific and technical advice on groundwater related matters

Last updated:8 April 2016


Geoscience Australia provides technical, independent hydrogeological advice and information to government. Our advice covers a range of groundwater issues to support decision-making and inform the responsible use of one of the nation's most important hidden natural resources.

We provide input to regulators and water management agencies on issues such as water management planning and developments that have the potential to impact on the quality and quantity of groundwater resources. Much of our work is undertaken to better understand the potential impacts to groundwater from developing Australia's wealth of mineral and energy resources. This includes evaluating the methods used to assess, monitor, mitigate and manage these impacts to groundwater.

Scientific and technical advice provided on groundwater related issues includes:


Informed decision making for groundwater resource management and environmental protection through access to independent groundwater advice.

Coal train, Namoi River catchment. Coal mining is one of the major industries in the region and has potential impacts for the quality and quantity of groundwater available for other uses in the catchment.