
Last updated:10 August 2023

National Mineral and Fossil Collection

Our public display area is currently home to the National Mineral and Fossil Collection.

Be dazzled by our collection of minerals, fossils and meteorites, with around 700 items on permanent display.

Explore at your leisure or through our Mineral Treasure Hunt activity, available on your own device via QR code or as a paper copy from Reception.

Rocks that Shape Australia

Australia’s rocks have been shaped over billions of years… but they also shape us.

Explore some of Australia’s most significant rocks and discover stories of how they shape our nation. From one of the world’s most extensive and oldest aquaculture systems to the beginnings of multiculturalism, rocks lay the foundation for what makes Australia... Australia.

Touch the Moon!

Did you know that you can touch a piece of the Moon at Geoscience Australia?

Brought back to Earth by the Apollo 17 mission in 1972 and on loan from NASA, our Moon rock is the only piece of the Moon in the Southern Hemisphere that you can touch!

National Earthquake Alerts Centre

Geoscience Australia is home to the National Earthquake Alerts Centre.

Check out our analogue and digital seismographs and watch them record data in real time.

Peer through the window to see our scientists monitoring earthquakes around the country and the globe to keep Australians safe from earthquakes and related hazards like tsunamis.