Re-use of Abandoned Stratigraphic Unit Names
Last updated:2 June 2020
Abandoned names
Because of the shortage of available geographic names in some areas, re-use of abandoned names may be approved in some limited circumstances, provided the name is used in a different, non-adjacent geological province, and there is no possibility of confusion. For more information see Proposals for the re-use of invalid and superseded stratigraphic names in Australia.
Validly defined abandoned names may be re-used if they have been absent from the literature for 25 years, with the following exceptions. If the units are now disused because of hierarchical changes or because the units have been found to be geologically invalid, then:
- in the case of poorly known names that are now disused because of hierarchical changes, the absence from the literature must be 50 years before they can be re-used
- widely known names that are now disused because of hierarchical changes (or because the units have subsequently been found to be geologically invalid) may not be re-used.
For abandoned names that were published invalidly for some reason, the situation is more complicated.
The National Convener of the Australian Stratigraphy Commission, or the local State/Territory Subcommission, can give advice on whether or not a particular abandoned name can be re-used.