Digitised records 1940s

Page last updated:11 July 2023

1941 |1942 |1943 |1944 | 1945 |1946 |1947 |1948 |1949


Record Number Title

1941/001 Preliminary statement on Australian bauxite resources
1941/002 Department of Supply and Development, Commonwealth Copper & Bauxite Committee 2nd. report : interim report on copper resources
1941/003 Department of Supply and Development, Commonwealth Copper & Bauxite Committee third report : copper - Mount Isa
1941/004 Department of Supply and Development, Commonwealth Copper & Bauxite Committee fourth report : copper - Cloncurry field
1941/005 Department of Supply and Development, Commonwealth Copper & Bauxite Committee fifth report : South Australian copper mines
1941/006 Department of Supply and Development, Commonwealth Copper & Bauxite Committee sixth report : Western Australia - copper, alunite and bauxite
1941/007 Department of Supply and Development, Commonwealth Copper and Bauxite Committee seventh report : Lake Campion alunites
1941/008 Department of Supply and Development, Commonwealth Copper and Bauxite Committee eighth report : Australian bauxite resources
1941/009 Geological report on the Sapphire-Moresby King, Laloki, and other mines, Astrolabe mineral field, Papua


Record Number Title

1942/001A Report on geology of Leigh Creek coalfield
1942/001B Report on W.R. Johnston's bore, 4 miles southeast of Lila Springs No. 1 bore and 6 miles northwest of Warraweena No. 4 bore near Bourke, northern New South Wales
1942/002 Preliminary report on further samples from W.R. Johnstons bore near Bourke, New South Wales
1942/003 Further report on samples from W.R. Johnston's bore near Bourke, New South Wales
1942/004A Report on the geophysical test survey, Burra copper mine, South Australia
1942/004B Report on the geophysical test surveys, Moonta, Wallaroo copper field, South Australia
1942/005 The Mount Bischoff tin mine, Waratah, Tasmania
1942/006 Montana silver-lead mine, Zeehan, Tasmania
1942/007 The Renison Bell tinfield, Tasmania
1942/008 The King Island scheelite mine, King Island, Tasmania
1942/009 The Aberfoyle mine, Rossarden, Tasmania
1942/010 The Beaconsfield sand dumps, Tasmania
1942/011 The Storey's Creek mine, Storey's Creek, Tasmania
1942/012A Report on investigation into the application for Commonwealth grant by Non-Metallics Limited
1942/012B Geophysical test surveys at Moonta, South Australia
1942/013A Report on No. 2 bore, Boronga, north of Moree, northern New South Wales
1942/013B Coorabin coalfield. Historical data
1942/014A Boolarra bauxite test surveys
1942/014B Report on D.L. Murray's bore, W.L.L. 199, near Bourke, county of Gunderbooka, northern New South Wales
1942/015 Geological report on the Wymah wolfram area
1942/016A Heavy mineral deposits of the North Coast beaches
1942/016B Preliminary notes on bismuth and scheelite deposit, King Island, Tasmania
1942/017A Notes to accompany plan and section of Coorabin coalfield
1942/017B Oaklands-Coorabin coalfield - preliminary report
1942/018A Interim report on samples from the Nelson Bore, Victoria
1942/018B Further statement on Leigh Creek coalfield
1942/019A Report on Boolarra geophysical test surveys
1942/019B Report on surveys made at Coorabin on 12th and 13th August, 1942
1942/020 Geological report on the Chilcot copper mine, Cadia
1942/022 Preliminary report on the salt resources of the Pink Lakes in the County of Weeah, Victoria
1942/023 Geological report on the Mt Hope copper mine, Mount Hope
1942/024A Preliminary report on the King Island scheelite mine
1942/025A Geological report on the Dundurrabin copper mine
1942/025B Coorabin-Oaklands coalfield
1942/026 Review of geophysical surveys in the Wallaroo-Moonta district, South Australia during 1942
1942/027A Coorabin coalfield: summary of results of geological survey of Coorabin area
1942/027B Geological report of the Great Central copper mine, Mount Hope (revised)
1942/028 The Commonwealth Deep Lead, Glen Innes : proposed geophysical survey
1942/029A Geological report on the Costerfield gold-antimony mine
1942/029B Report on overburden at the King Island scheelite mine
1942/030A Geological notes on the Hillgrove mines
1942/030B Notes on mica occurrences at Mt Kitchin, Chillagoe district, northern Queensland
1942/031A Geological notes on the Looking Glass mica deposits, Morehead River district, North Queensland
1942/031B Preliminary report on drill holes Nos. 22, 23, and 24, King Island
1942/032 Australian asbestos resources : preliminary statement
1942/033 The Fraser River beach sands, Naracoopa, King Island, Tasmania
1942/034 The sea elephant tin deposit, King Island, Tasmania
1942/035 Progress report on drilling operations at the King Island scheelite mine, Grassy
1942/036 Bowan Park diatomite deposit
1942/037 Mining for quartz crystals at Kingsgate
1942/038 Report on water survey of the Harts Range mica field
1942/039 Brief notes on the Harts Range mica mines which may be capable of being reopened
1942/040 Notes on the use of mica in aero engine sparking plugs
1942/042 Mica specimens - Mr E. Kitchin, Chillagoe


Record Number Title

1943/001 Geological report on the Attunga copper mine
1943/002 Report on mica deposits on Yinnietharra and Bidgemia stations, Gascoyne River, Western Australia
1943/004 Report on mica deposits near Mullalyup, Western Australia
1943/005 Mica deposits near Northampton, Western Australia
1943/006 Notes on mica deposits near Ajana, Western Australia
1943/007 Microscopic examination of three samples of diatomite from New Zealand
1943/008 Preliminary report No. 2 on the King Island scheelite mine
1943/009 Report on a collection of fossils from the Lakes Entrance shaft, Gippsland, Victoria
1943/010 Second report on a collection of fossils from Lakes Entrance shaft, Gippsland, Victoria
1943/011 Microscopic examination of samples from No. 27 bore, peg 300 feet, Mirboo North, Gippsland
1943/012 Report on the salt resources of the Pink Lakes in the county of Weeah, Victoria
1943/013 Report on geophysical survey of Chilcot copper mine
1943/014 Micro-examination of samples from Bore No. 3797 on the property of A. Holmes near Ellavale, northern New South Wales
1943/015 Micro-examination of samples from a bore (licence No. 1471) sunk by the Berawinnia Pastoral Co., Toorale Station, Bourke, New South Wales
1943/016 Micro-examination of samples from Mrs. F.F. Bennett's Bore No. 3805, Muttama, Quambone, New South Wales
1943/017 Notes on mica deposit in Hundred of Para Wirra, county of Adelaide, South Australia
1943/018 The discovery of scheelite deposits at Yetholme, New South Wales
1943/019A Report on the geophysical surveys, Moonta-Wallaroo copperfield, South Australia
1943/019B Phosphate deposits at Mansfield
1943/020 Phosphate deposits, Kapunda-Angaston districts, S.A.
1943/021 Geological report on Hatches Creek wolfram field
1943/022 Ore reserves at King Island scheelite mine
1943/023 Geological report on the Renison Bell tin field
1943/024 Uranium minerals in Australia
1943/025 Earth vibrations from blasting at Balls Head, Sydney
1943/026 Phosphate deposits - Ashford Caves
1943/027 Phosphate deposits
1943/028 Phosphate deposits in Tasmania
1943/029 Notes on the Trunkey talc deposits
1943/030 Geological report on the Kempfield barite deposits
1943/031 Report on the occurrence of quartz crystals at Teetulpa, Wadnaminga and Kings Bluff, South Australia
1943/032 Notes on Wymah mine
1943/034 The mineral deposits and mining industry of Papua
1943/035 The mineral resources and mining industry of Mandated Territory of New Guinea
1943/036 Notes on the occurrence of scheelite at Hatches Creek and Wauchope wolfram fields
1943/037 Geological report on Fletcher's barite deposit, Braidwood
1943/038 Geological report on the Pine Mountain fluorite lode
1943/039 Geological report on the Everton molybdenite-bearing area, Victoria
1943/040 Ochre deposits, Rumbalara, central Australia
1943/041 Report on a wolfram vein, north of Broken Hill
1943/042 Notes on felspar at Broken Hill
1943/044 Felspar deposit - Londonderry, Coolgardie district, Western Australia
1943/045 Preliminary note on Wog Mountain felspar and molybdenite
1943/046 Report on the Bredbo barite deposits
1943/047 Note on possibility of substituting locally produced asbestos for imported chrysotile in asbestos-cement products
1943/048 Fossiliferous rocks from the Ok Ti River, Western Papua
1943/049 Microscopic examination of cores from bores Nos. 86 and 92, Parish of Loy Yang, Gippsland, forwarded by State Electricity Commission of Victoria
1943/050 Geological report on felspar near Wodonga, Victoria
1943/051 Notes on felspar near Greg-Greg, Upper Murray River
1943/052 Asbestos deposit, Bindi Bindi, Western Australia
1943/053 Pre-war mineral industry in Australia
1943/054 Middle Miocene limestones from King Island, Tasmania
1943/055 Conodonts from Waterhouse Range, central Australia
1943/056 Permian foraminifera from a bore at Coorabin, New South Wales
1943/057 Progress geological report on Wymah wolfram mine, to September 3rd, 1943
1943/058 Bauxite deposits - Boolarra-Mirboo North District, South Gippsland, Victoria
1943/059 Geological report on the Tallandoon antimony mine
1943/060 Scheelite in the Phoenix mine, Frogmore, N.S.W.
1943/061 Felspar deposit, Gumeracha, South Australia
1943/062 Report on diatomite from Nettle Creek, Queensland
1943/063 Summary of oil-drilling activities in Australia and New Guinea
1943/064A Geological report on the Womobi wolfram mine
1943/064B Locating resistive bodies in the ground
1943/065 Geological report on the Mount Murphy wolfram mine
1943/066 Microscopic examination of cores from bores Nos. 84 and 109, Parish of Loy Yang, Gippsland, forwarded by the State Electricity Commission of Victoria
1943/067 Microscopic examination of samples from bore No. 3825 on E.W. Langbien's property, Bullaroon station, Bourke, New South Wales
1943/068 Wallendbeen talc deposits
1943/069 Geological report on the Coimadai antimony mine


Record Number Title

1944/001 Report on permeability, porosity, and other physical properties of a number of rocks and minerals
1944/002 Notes on the Upper Yarraman bentonite deposit, Queensland
1944/004 Notes on thermal radiation
1944/006 Asbestos industry in Australia : kinds of asbestos and their uses
1944/007 Resistivity surveys, Leeton-Narrandera districts, N.S.W.
1944/008 Geological report on Wilks Creek wolfram mine, Marysville, Victoria
1944/009 Notes on rocks from Northern Territory forwarded by Dr. H.I. Jensen for palaeontological determination
1944/010 Notes on the foraminifera in samples from Roma oil bore No. 2, received from Dr. Creek
1944/011 Proposed drilling at King Island scheelite mine, King Island
1944/012 The Hutton Creek bore, Queensland
1944/013 The Arcadia bore, Queensland
1944/014 Middle Miocene limestone from Cape Barren Island, Furneaux Group, Bass Strait
1944/015 Isoclinic lines for North Australia and East Indies
1944/016 Re naval degaussing operations : Report on magnetic investigations in the vicinity of Sydney Harbour open magnetic proving range
1944/017 Geological report on the Rumbalara ochre deposits
1944/018 The electrical resistivities of wet soils
1944/019 Report on the detection by resistivity methods of electrically resistive bodies buried in wet soil at shallow depths
1944/020 Notes on quartz crystals near Tuross, New South Wales
1944/021 Talc deposit at Gawler near Ulverstone, Tasmania
1944/022 The Black Andrew mine near Burrinjuck, County Buccleuch, New South Wales
1944/023 Micro-examination of samples from bore No. 3843 on Mr. A. Holme's property, ""Kerribree"", Bourke, N.S.W.
1944/024 Foraminifera in the Permian rocks of Australia
1944/025 Geological report on the Cotter dam and the aggregate used in the concrete for the dam
1944/026 Report on Lake Cargellico magnesite deposit
1944/027 Preliminary report on the Greisen orebody, Mt. Bischoff tin mine, Tasmania
1944/028 Geological report on a site for a brick pit at Deakin
1944/029 Report on geophysical survey of King Island scheelite mine
1944/030 Microscopic examination of cores from bores in the parishes of Loy Yang, Maryvale and Hazelwood, Gippsland, Victoria, forwarded by the State Electricity Commission of Victoria
1944/031 Summary of results of boring operations, Coorabin-Oaklands coalfield 1942-1943
1944/032 Preliminary report on Gibsonvale Tin field, Kikoira, N.S.W.
1944/033 Report on a sample of bryozoal marl from Montagu, northwest Tasmania
1944/034 Report on the Commonwealth mica mine at Yinnietharra, Gascoyne River, Northwest Division, Western Australia
1944/035 Second report on beryl deposits near Yinnietharra, Western Australia
1944/036 Interim report on gypsum deposits of Australia
1944/037 Micro-examination of samples from Curragundi bore, on portion 15, ph. Gingham, county Benarba, northern New South Wales
1944/038 Micro-faunal examination of samples from bores Nos. 188, 195, 208, 213, parish of Maryvale, Victoria
1944/039 Report on magnetic investigations in the vicinity of Fremantle, in connection with naval degaussing operations
1944/040 The micro-fauna of the Dandaragan chalk, Western Australia
1944/041 Preliminary geophysical survey, Morwell brown coalfield, Victoria
1944/042 Micro-examination of further samples from bore No. 3825, on E.W. Langbien's property, Bullaroon Station, Bourke, New South Wales
1944/043 Notes on structural features of granite at Balladonia Station, Eucla division, Western Australia
1944/044 Report on occurrence of apatite on Alcoota Station, Alice Springs district, Northern Territory
1944/045 Report on red ochre deposits, Ophthalmia Range, Windell district, North-West Division, Western Australia
1944/046 Report on the possibilities of underground water on Piney Creek pastoral lease, Stromlo District, A.C.T.
1944/047 Mount Bischoff mine ore reserves at November, 1944
1944/048 Preliminary report on the Crystal King mine, Tallangalook, near Mansfield, Victoria
1944/049 Report on testing of Upper Yarraman bentonite
1944/050 Notes on anthophyllite in Harts Range, Northern Territory


Record Number Title

1945/001 Magnetic investigation of site of proposed compass swining base, East Arm, Darwin
1945/002 Monazite in beach sand concentrates, Queensland and New South Wales
1945/003 Microscopic examination of bore samples from Maree, South Australia
1945/004 Notes on the occurrence of triplite on Delny station, Northern Territory
1945/005 Notes on the Pannikin and Elbow mica deposits, Harts Range, Northern Territory
1945/006 Report on probable grade of ore to be milled by King Island Scheelite, N.L. in the next two years
1945/007 Deposits of lithium-bearing minerals in Australia
1945/008B Magnetic tests made on diamond drill core from Cobar
1945/009 Report on Geiger Muller survey, Greenwood's camp area, Mount Painter East
1945/010 Vermiculite in Australia
1945/011 Report on magnetic tests made on drill core from Broken Hill, submitted by A.J. Keast 23/6/44
1945/012 Microspcopic examination of core samples from No. 2 bore, Government House grounds, Perth, Western Australia
1945/013 Report on the Crystal King mine, Tallangalook, near Mansfield, Victoria
1945/014 The Hutton Creek bore, Queensland
1945/015 The Arcadia bore, Queensland
1945/016 Preliminary notes on a microfauna from the Lower Cretaceous deposits in the Great Artesian Basin
1945/017 Prospects of obtaining underground water at the Hog Farm, Block 66, Gungahlin district, A.C.T
1945/018 The possibilities of obtaining underground water at the Stock Sale Yards, Gungahlin district, A.C.T.
1945/019 Micro-examination of further samples from the Curragundi bore, 35 miles S.W. of Mungindi, northern New South Wales
1945/020 Micro-examination of samples from bore No. 3831 on W.L. Fennell's property, 70 miles northeast of Bourke, northern New South Wales
1945/021 Micro-examination of samples from bore No. 3761, Weilmoringle No. 9 bore about 80 miles northeast of Bourke, New South Wales
1945/022 Micro-examination of samples from bore No. 3853 on E.W. Langbien's Bullaroon Station, Bourke, northern New South Wales
1945/023 Preliminary geological report on area near Mulligans Flat, A.C.T.
1945/024 Preliminary report on the examination of cores from the Pilot bore, Lakes Entrance, Victoria
1945/025 Preliminary report : results of tests on oil and water saturation, Pilot bore, Lakes Entrance, Victoria
1945/026 Second report on the possibilities of underground water at Piney Creek, Block 10, Stromlo district, A.C.T
1945/027 Micro-examination of further samples from Boronga No. 2 bore, northern New South Wales
1945/028 Brief report on the position regarding the resouces of iron ore in Australia
1945/029 Notes on the Iron King mine, Norseman, Western Australia
1945/030 Preliminary report of geophysical work at Mt. Painter using Geiger- Muller equipment
1945/031 Preliminary report on radioactivity tests on Radium Hill samples
1945/032 Report on geophysical surveys of uranium deposits, Mount Painter district, South Australia
1945/033 Mount Bischoff tin mine. Supplementary to Report 1944/47 (Dec. 1944)
1945/034 The determination of reservoir pressure from liquid level data, Imray and Pilot bores, Lakes Entrance
1945/035 Micropalaeontological examination of samples from bore No. 3719 on the property of J.W. Fisher and Son, Wallangambone, northern New South Wales
1945/036 Micropalaeontological examination of samples from bore No. 3864 on the property of P.A. McGirr, Lauradale, Bourke, northern New South Wales
1945/037 Micropalaeontological examination of samples from bore No. 3858 on the property of I.A.F. Dent, Wangrawally, Walgett, northern New South Wales
1945/038 Micropalaeontological examination of samples from bore No. 3855 and 3859 on the property of W.F. Fennell, 70 miles Northeast of Bourke, northern New South Wales
1945/039 Report on maintenance - Ora Banda Amalgamated, no liability
1945/040 Report on maintenance - Ora Banda United Mines Ltd
1945/041 Report on maintenance - Minnie Palmer gold mine
1945/042 Report on maintenance - North End gold mine
1945/043 Report on maintenance - Timone gold mine
1945/044 Report on maintenance - Morgans Gold Mines Ltd
1945/045 Report on maintenance - Gladiator gold mine
1945/046 Report on maintenance - Prophyry gold mine
1945/047 Report on maintenance - Consolidated gold mines of Coolgardie Limited (Tindal's)
1945/048 Report on maintenance - Spango's Reward gold mine
1945/049 Report on maintenance - Yellowdine Gold Development Limited
1945/050 Report on maintenance - Sterling (Great Bingin) gold mine
1945/051 Report on maintenance - Evanston gold mine
1945/052 Report on maintenance - Burbidge (Great Victoria) gold mine
1945/053 Report on maintenance - Consolidated Gold areas, no liability
1945/054 Report on maintenance - New Milano gold mine
1945/055 Report on maintenance - Great Eastern Mining syndicate
1945/056 Report on maintenance - Triton gold mines.
1945/057 Report on maintenance - Big Bell gold mine
1945/058 Maintenance of gold mines in Western Australia
1945/059 Pyrite production at the Iron King mine, Norseman, Western Australia
1945/060 Notes on arsenic production at Wiluna
1945/061 Talc deposits at Gawler, near Ulverstone, Tasmania
1945/062 Note on salt at Widgiemooltha, Western Australia
1945/063 Notes on Bulong vermiculite, Western Australia
1945/064 Re naval degaussing operations. Report on magnetic investigations in the vicinity of Darwin open magnetic proving range
1945/065 Proposed development programme for greisen orebody, Mount Bischoff tin mine
1945/066 Further magnetic investigation of site of proposed compass swinging base, East Arm, Darwin
1945/067 A possible explanation of the genesis of the Mount Painter uranium deposits - largely based on field observations
1945/068 Notes on beach sand workings at September 1st, 1945
1945/070 Wordie's antimony mine, Kangaroo Falls
1945/071 Report on six samples of limestone from localities in Flinders Island, Tasmania
1945/072 Occurrence and distribution of oil in the glauconitic sandstone at and around the Lakes Entrance shaft; with a discussion of factors affecting probable oil recovery
1945/073 Notes on asbestos deposit, Zeehan district
1945/074 Coal in the Northern Territory
1945/075 Report on samples from a bore at Mt. Burr - hundred of Riddoch, South Australia


Record Number Title

1946/001 Examination of a sample of powder submitted by the Police Department
1946/002 Preliminary report on the results of testing bauxite deposits at Ouse, Tasmania
1946/003 Progress report on testing of bauxite deposits at Ouse, Tasmania, No. 2 area
1946/004 Blue asbestos in Australia
1946/005 Dolomite at Cow Flat
1946/006 Report on asbestos deposits near Renison Bell Tunnel, Zeehan district, Tasmania (held by Tas. Asbestos Pty Ltd)
1946/007 The Pioneer mine, Hatches Creek
1946/008 Water supply on blocks 98A and 98B, A.C.T.
1946/009 Water bores on Gidleigh Station, Bungendore
1946/010 Note on extent, structure and thickness of the Coorabin coal measures
1946/011 Notes on world resources of uranium
1946/012 Dam sites in the Upper Cotter valley between Bushrangers and Collins Creeks
1946/013 Micropalaeontological report on further samples from bore No. 3843 on Mr. A. Holmes's property, ""Kerribree"", Bourke, New South Wales
1946/014 Micropalaeontological report on further samples from a bore on the property of P.J. McGirr, Lauradale, Bourke, northern New South Wales
1946/015 Micropalaeontological report on samples from No. 2 bore, Neargo, northern New South Wales
1946/016 Progress report on testing of Tasmanian bauxite deposits
1946/017 Naronga dam site, Queanbeyan River
1946/018 Barite deposit, Harold's Cross, Captain's Flat district
1946/019 Geophysical survey of Baryulgil asbestos deposits, New South Wales
1946/020 Prospecting campaign for Mount Bischoff tin mine
1946/021 Preliminary report on the micropalaeontological examination of samples from bores in the Great Artesian Basin of northern and northeastern South Australia and southern Northern Territory
1946/022 Micropalaeontological examination of further samples from No. 2 bore, Neargo, northern New South Wales
1946/023 First report on geophysical survey operations at Ediacara, South Australia
1946/024 Report on proposed diamond drilling, Cosmopolitan Howley mine, Brocks Creek, Northern Territory
1946/025 Scheme for diamond drilling area north of open cut, King Island Scheelite mine
1946/026 Dam site E, upper Cotter River, A.C.T.
1946/027 The microfauna from some of the Tertiary deposits in the vicinity of Aldinga Bay, South Australia
1946/028 Report on Batchelor gold prospect, Northern Territory
1946/029 A gravity survey at Leigh Creek Coalfield, South Australia
1946/030 Micropalaeontological examination of No. 1 bore, Dimboola, western Victoria
1946/031 Notes on the Blue Spec mine
1946/032 Administrative centre for the Rabaul district
1946/033 Preliminary geological report on proposed hydro-electric works in the Kosciusko area
1946/034 Report on the Chesney mine, Cobar, New South Wales
1946/035 Report on bauxite, near Rosevale, county Devon, Tasmania
1946/036 Bauxite in Australia
1946/037 Notes on prospecting leases held by the Australian Aluminium Production Commission in South Gippsland, Victoria
1946/038 Foundations Administration Building
1946/039 Notes on collection of mineral statistics
1946/040 Ediacara geophysical survey : interim report


Record Number Title

1947/001 Geological report on the Alexander mine, Halley's Comet mine and Manolis' workings, Marble Bar, Pilbara goldfield
1947/002 Ore reserves and diamond drilling campaign, King Island scheelite mine
1947/003 Geophysical survey of Copperhead mine, Bullfinch, Western Australia
1947/004 Micropalaeontological examination of samples from bore No. 3899 on A.V. Jackson's property, Wampra, Bourke, New South Wales
1947/005 Micropalaeontological examination of further samples from bore No. 3864 on P.J. McGirr's property, Lauradale, Bourke, New South Wales
1947/006 Micropalaeontological examination of samples from bore No. 3259 on W. Gilby's property, Wonga, White Cliffs, New South Wales
1947/007 Micropalaeontological examination of samples from bore No. 3908 on J.P. O'Shannessey's property, Cooncoolie, Bourke, New South Wales
1947/008 The Northern Star gold mine, Tennant Creek, Warramunga goldfield
1947/009 Geophysical survey of Hampton Plains areas, Coolgardie, W.A.
1947/010 Geology and mineral resources of the Murray Valley region
1947/011 Report on dolomite at Cow Flat
1947/012 Report on dolomite deposits, Wall's Siding near Mudgee, New South Wales
1947/013 Micropalaeontological examination of samples from bore No. 3897 on the property of C.M. and W.E. Taylor, Urella Downs, White Cliffs, northern New South Wales
1947/014 Micropalaeontological examination of samples from bore No. 3882 on the property of J.T. Hatch, Ellaville, near Bourke, northern New South Wales
1947/015 Micropalaeontological examination of samples from bore No. 3858 on the property of A.I.F. Dent, ""Wangrawally"", Walgett, northern New South Wales
1947/040 The geology and mineral resources of the northern portion of the Northern Terrritory
1947/041 Reconnaissance survey of dam site at Geehi, Swampy Plain River, New South Wales
1947/056 Microexamination of samples from bore on Brunette Downs, Northern Territory
1947/057 Preliminary report on the bauxite deposits near the township of Ouse, Tasmania
1947/059 Preliminary report: geophysical survey of the Collie coal Basin
1947/060 Preliminary report: geophysical survey at Cobar, New South Wales
1947/061 Micropalaeontological examination of rock samples from the Desert Basin and Bonaparte Gulf Basin, collected by Dr. Frank Reeves
1947/062 Preliminary report on samples from the Nelson bore, parish of Glenelg, southwestern Victoria
1947/063 A field summary of the geology of the Barkly Tableland area
1947/064 The stratigraphy and palaeontology of the subsurface deposits of the Adelaide Plains
1947/065 Spargo's Reward gold mine (28 miles south of Coolgardie, Western Australia)
1947/066 Blue Spec mine, Nullagine, Western Australia
1947/068 Notes on samples of limestone from the Nullabor Plains, South Australia
1947/069 A summary of the stratigraphy and palaeontology of the Lakes Entrance oil shaft, Gippsland, Victoria
1947/070 Dolomite - Mount Magnet
1947/071 The Blue Sec mine, Nullagine, Western Australia
1947/072 Notes on the occurrence of heavy minerals on Stradbroke Island
1947/073 Preliminary report on geophysical investigations, Burdekin River Bridge site
1947/074 The geology of the Cobar mineral field and its bearing on prospecting
1947/075 Notes on a collection of opalized specimens from White Cliffs, New South Wales
1947/076 Preliminary notes rock samples from the northern Flinders Range area
1947/077 Note on a rock sample submitted for palaeontological examination by Lakes Oil Limited, Melbourne
1947/078 Report on reconnaissance survey in the search for radioactive minerals, Marble Bar district, Pilbara goldfields
1947/079 Preliminary report on the Apinaipi structure, Papua
1947/080 Preliminary report on bauxite near Campbell Town, Tasmania
1947/081 Notes on bauxite at Gelliondale, Victoria
1947/082 Australian Aluminium Production Commission Preliminary report on P.L. twelve Victoria
1947/083 Report on testing of bauxite near Campbell Town, Tasmania
1947/084 No. 1 area, Kingaroy bauxite
1947/085A Beach sand work - Report for month ending 31 July, 1947
1947/085B Beach sands investigation - Report for month ending 31st August, 1947
1947/086 Beach sand investigation - Report for month ending 31st October, 1947
1947/087 Beach sand investigation - Report for month ending 30th September, 1947
1947/088 Beach sand investigation - Report for month ending 30th November, 1947
1947/089 Possibilities of developing the Harts Range mica belt
1947/090 Limestone and dolomite deposits at Cow Flat and at Walls Siding, New South Wales


Record Number Title

1948/002 Report on bauxite investigation at Kingaroy, Queensland, Australian Aluminium Production Commission
1948/003 Micropalaeontological examination of rock samples from the north Flinders Range area, South Australia
1948/004 Preliminary report on geophysical survey to the north of Leigh Creek coalfield, S.A.
1948/005 Micropalaeontological examination of samples from bore No. 3954 on the property of Mrs. D. McLeish, "Thurn", Quambone Road, Coonamble, North New South Wales
1948/006 Palaeontological examination of samples from northwest New South Wales and northeastern South Australia
1948/007 Geological reconnaissance of the proposed hydro-electric works in the Kosciusko area between Waste Point and Khancoban
1948/008 Micropalaeontological examination of samples from the Adelaide Cement Company's bore at Klein Point, Yorke Peninsula, South Australia
1948/009 Micropalaeontological examination of samples from No. 8 bore on the Waratah gypsum leases, Penong, north of the eastern shores of Fowler's Bay, South Australia
1948/010 Micropalaeontological examination of samples from bore L.O. on the Waratah gypsum leases, Penong, north of the eastern shores of Fowler's Bay, South Australia
1948/011 Micropalaeontological examination of samples from bores No. 2, 10 and 22, Robe, South Australia
1948/012 Geology of the Peaks - Narri area, Cobar District
1948/013 Micropalaeontological examination of rock samples from the Kimberley district, Western Australia, collected by Dr. F. Reeves
1948/014 Possibilities of selecting a site of a borehole for the disposal of effluent water from the Commonwealth flax mill, Ballarat, Victoria
1948/015 Report on Consolidated Gold Mines of Coolgardie Ltd. (Tindall's gold mine)
1948/016 Summary report on the ore prospects of some Western Australian gold mines
1948/017 Preliminary report on geophysical survey in the Frome Embayment
1948/018 Limestone from a locality half a mile north of Cape Leeuwin Lighthouse, southwest division (34 deg. 20 min. South, 115 deg. 10 min. East)
1948/019 Diatomite from Tincurrin, 40 miles east of Narrogin, Western Australia (32 deg. 55 min. South, 117 deg. 10 min. East)
1948/020 Report on vibration tests, Clifton Brick and Tile Co.'s brick pit, Preston, Victoria
1948/021 Geological report on the Jervis Bay firebrick clay deposit and Jervis Bay aerodrome
1948/022 Micropalaeontological examination of samples from No. 5 bore, Klein Point, South Australia
1948/023 Report on survey for brick shales, Yarralumal area
1948/024 Beach sands investigations, Progress report on the Southport - Coolangatta area (Broadbeach area)
1948/025 Micropalaeontological examination of samples from Campbell's bore, allotment 22, parish of Tunart, County Millewa, Victoria
1948/026 Micropalaeontological examination of samples from E. Miles bore (W1/2/3). Cove Pre Purchase, County of Lowan, Victoria
1948/027 Micropalaeontological examination of samples from the Consolidated School bore (MA21/4) - Murrayville Township, Parish of Danyo, County of Weeah, Victoria
1948/028 Micro-examination of samples from Mornington Fossil Beach, 400' north of small rocky point and immediately west of old lime kilns at Fossil Beach
1948/030 Preliminary geological report on a possible dam site on Pierce's Creek, Australian Capital Territory
1948/031 Summary of the regional survey of the Cotter River area, carried out by student geologists, W.J. Orme and H.M. Harris
1948/032 Commonwealth assistance to gold mining, Big Bell Mines Ltd
1948/033 Supplementary notes to Report No. 16, 1948, on some Western Australian gold mines, Boulder Perseverence Ltd
1948/034 Notes on production, efficiency factors and costs on 12 (twelve) Western Australian gold mines for 1947
1948/035 Report on the area, approximately 100 feet wide, between ML180 and DC22, Broadbeach to North Burleigh
1948/036 Application of gold fineness to the search for ore
1948/037 The heavy mineral deposits of the east coast of Australia
1948/038-039 Geological observations on Heard and Macquarie Islands
1948/040 The physiography of North Stradbroke Island and the history of the development of the island
1948/041 Proposed dam site on Coree Creek
1948/042 Report on gravimetric survey of reservoir site, Myponga, South Australia
1948/043 Progress report on geophysical survey of Cobar mining field, New South Wales
1948/044 Micropalaeontological examination of rock samples collected by Dr. Frank Reeves from the south side of the Desert Basin, Western Australia
1948/045 Micropalaeontological examination of samples from a bore on Stewart's Permit, Roma, Queensland
1948/046 Micropalaeontological report on samples from S.R. Makin's bore, Kieth, section 83W, Hd. Stirling, South Australia
1948/047 Report on detonation of explosives, Tadji, New Guinea
1948/048 Progress report : gravity survey of northern area of Leigh Creek, South Australia
1948/049 South Stradbroke Island. Report on work completed to end of June, 1948
1948/050 Preliminary report on samples from No. 1 bore, allotment 57, parish of Puebla, Victoria (Geelong Flow Oil Co.)
1948/051 Cobar geophysical survey - 3rd progress report
1948/052 Beach sands investigation: report on the area between the allotment frontages and D.C. 22 from Peerless Avenue to Seashell Avenue, North Burleigh, Queensland
1948/053 Micropalaeontological examination of samples from Bondsprings station, about 16 miles east of 16-mile Government bore, Alice Springs, Northern Territory
1948/054 Geological report on dam sites 4 miles northeast of Tennant Creek, Northern Territory
1948/055 Micropalaeontological report on rock samples from the opal fields at Andamooka and Coober Pedy, South Australia
1948/056 Report on micropalaeontological examination - rock specimens received from Dr. Reeves from the Kimberley Basin, Western Australia
1948/057 Notes on Australian occurrences of ceramic clays
1948/058 Analyses of some Australian iron ores
1948/059 Reserves of iron ore in Australia
1948/060 Micropalaeontological examination of samples from bores No. 1-4, Broome and Derby Town Bore, Western Australia
1948/061 Beach sands investigation : the area between the allotment frontages and D.C. 22, Seashell Avenue to Riviera Road, North Burleigh, Queensland
1948/062 Micropalaeontological examination of two samples from the Kimberley district, Western Australia
1948/063 Micropalaeontological examination of rock samples of Lower Cretaceous age from central Queensland
1948/064 Micropalaeontological examination of rock samples from Mount Canaway, 50 miles N.N.W. Quilpie, Queensland
1948/065 Preliminary report on further samples from No. 1 bore allotment 57, Parish Puebla, Victoria (Geelong Flow Oil Co.)
1948/066 Micropalaeontological examination of samples from the Adelaide Metropolitan bores, South Australia, (48 short spearate reports)
1948/067 Beach sands investigation : The "Trough" area, South Stradbroke Island from 2100 feet north to 1100 feet north
1948/068A Wallaroo-Moonta investigation : geochemical project notes
1948/068B Geochemical reconnaissance in Cobar and vicinity, October 5-22, 1948
1948/070 Report on gravity and magnetic test surveys near Wollongong, N.S.W.
1948/071 Geophysical survey, Roma, Queensland. Progress report
1948/073 Preliminary report on Cambrian fossils collected from the Barkly Tableland and adjacent areas in Queensland and the Northern Territory
1948/074 Report on samples from a cutting approximately 40 miles north of Injune, along Rolleston Highway, Queensland
1948/075 Comparison of glauconite from the Miocene beds at Lakes Entrance, Victoria, with low-index "glauconite" from the Miocene beds at Maslin's Beach and Hackham, South Australia
1948/076 Beach sands investigation : report on a deposit, three miles north-north west from Lennox Head, New South Wales
1948/077 Microexamination of rock samples from the Kimberley area, Western Australia
1948/078 Microexamination of rock samples from Mt. Clarkson, Dampier Downs and Mt. Anderson, Western Australia
1948/079 Report on radioactive survey work in the Pilbara area, W.A. during 1948
1948/080 Report on gravity survey in the Leigh Creek area, South Australia
1948/081 Gravity survey of brown coal deposits, Morwell, Victoria. January- February, 1948
1948/082 Compilation of geological and bore hole data from south-western Victoria and the contiguous part of South Australia with particular reference to the Portland - Nelson - Mt. Gambier area
1948/083 The occurrence of natural gas at Balmain colliery, Sydney, N.S.W.
1948/084 Re-examination of fossils of locality B68 (20.4 miles west of Djarra) Queensland, with a note on the palaeography of the Middle Cambrian
1948/085 Preliminary report on the micropalaeontological examination of rock samples collected in the vicinity of Roma, western Queensland, during July, 1964
1948/086 Report on gold subsidy
1948/087 Report on taxation in the mining industry
1948/088 The Opal industry in Australia


Record Number Title

1949/001 Micropalaeontological examination of samples from a bore at Lake Macdonnell, south-eastern S.A.
1949/002 Micropalaeontological examination of rock samples from the Poole Range area, Western Australia
1949/003 Summarised report on ore prospects of mines held by New Occidental Goldmines N.L., Cobar, New South Wales
1949/004 Radioactive minerals in the Marble Bar area : summary of results of 948 reconnaissance survey
1949/005 Notes on copper mining production, Northern Territory
1949/006 Geological notes on the proposed sites for a national reserve at Tidbinbilla and a zoological park in Canberra
1949/007 Report on further samples from No. 1 bore, allotment 57, Parish of Puebla, Victoria
1949/008 Micropalaeontological examination of limestone samples from the North Basin, Western Australia
1949/009 Micropalaeontological examination of samples from 67 mile bore, 67 miles east of Derby, Western Australia
1949/010 Geological notes on the supply of raw materials for cement manufacture at Port Moresby, Papua
1949/011 Preliminary report on the geology of Dampier Land
1949/012 Resume of activities during the 1948 field season - Kimberley Division, Western Australia
1949/013 Wolf Creek meteorite crater
1949/014 Kyanite near Yanmah, Western Australia
1949/015 Supplies of fluorspar for Australian industry
1949/016 Leigh Creek coalfield. Gravity survey. Progress report for period May-June 1949
1949/017 Recent progress in fuel technology
1949/019 Preliminary report on the geology of weir sites at Lennox Crossing, Acton, A.C.T.
1949/020 Heavy mineral investigations of three bores in the Roma district, Queensland
1949/021 Present status of the search for bauxite in the Northern Territory November, 1949
1949/022 Report on the 1949 field season - Ord-Victoria region, northern Australia regional survey
1949/024 The geology of the Nerrima structure Kimberley division, Western Australia
1949/025 Dam sites on the Laloki River, Papua
1949/026 Terminology of lateritic profiles
1949/027 Report on analyses of salt samples for Dr. Sturmfels
1949/028 Report on geophysical surveys at Mt. Lyell carried out by G. Douglas on behalf of Mt. Lyell Company (supplementary to report dated 13/5/48)
1949/029 Geophysical survey at Mt. Lyell. Progress report No.1
1949/030 Cape Everard heavy mineral deposits
1949/031 Summary of activities in Carnarvon district, Western Australia, for field season, 1948
1949/032 The geology of the Cotter River valley with relationship to the proposed extensions to the dam
1949/033 Geological reconnaissance of the proposed hydro-electric works in the Tumut-Upper Murrumbidgee River area
1949/034 Interim (1948) geological report : Tennant Creek goldfield, Northern Territory
1949/035 Mineralization in the Cobar-Nymagee province and its significance
1949/037 Reconnaissance mapping between Berrigan, Mulwala and Corowa
1949/038 Dalton-Gunning area, New South Wales, earth tremors of March, 1949
1949/039 Note on New Occidental gold mine, New South Wales
1949/040 Bauxite investigations - New South Wales : summary of results at Ellsmore, parish of Murrimba, county of Camden
1949/041 Examination of a supposed bauxite bearing area on Cobourg Peninsula, Northern Territory of Australia
1949/042 A reported occurrence of petroleum on Jindare Station, south-west of Pine Creek, Northern Territory
1949/043 The Oaklands - Coorabin coalfield
1949/044 The production of sulphuric acid and Portland cement from calcium sulphate and aluminium silicates : the chemical fundamentals
1949/045 Notes on the occurrence of lateritic soil at Sogeri, Papua
1949/046 Raw materials for the manufacture of cement in the Port Moresby area, Papua
1949/047 Mineral exploration in Australia : paper for fourth Empire Mining and Metallurgical Congress
1949/048 Geological reconnaissance in the Mount Ramsay area, Kimberley division Western Australia
1949/049 Reconnaissance survey of radioactive mineral deposits in the Pilbara goldfield
1949/050 Rock from the Mt. Mugga quarry, A.C.T. : its suitability as aggregate
1949/051 Report on the geology of the Kowen district, Australian Capital Territory
1949/052 The Geology of the Canberra-Tharwa area
1949/053 The Lesi structure, Papua
1949/054 The Geology and physiography of North Stradbroke Island
1949/061 Evaporite deposits in Australia
1949/062 Micropalaeontological examination of samples from bores at Bond Springs, west of Alice Springs, Northern Territory
1949/063 Reports on the testing of various deposits in the Stanthorpe-New England areas for radioactivity
1949/064 Beach sands investigation : The "Trough" area, South Stradbroke Island
1949/065 Micropalaeontological examination of further rock samples from the Northwest Basin, Western Australia - collected by E. Craig
1949/066 Beach sands investigation. The Broadbeach area, from the northern boundary of the Crown land to Peerless Avenue (bounded on the east by the area covered in report no. 1948/35)
1949/067 Beach sands investigation : the North Burleigh area from Peerless Avenue to Seashell Avenue (bounded on the east by area covered in report no. 1948/52)
1949/068 Beach sands investigation : the North Burleigh area, from Seashell Avenue to Wave Street (bounded on the east by the northern part of the area covered in report no. 1948/61)
1949/069 Beach sands investigation : the North Burleigh area, between north Nobby and south Nobby
1949/070 Beach sands investigation : the Burleigh area (west of the Esplanade)
1949/071 Beach sands investigation. The Broadbeach recreation and camping reserve
1949/072 Micropalaeontological examination of samples from a bore on the property of J.H. Fisher, Lochinvar, Carinda, Port 11, PH Willewa, county Clyde, northern New South Wales
1949/073 Shuttleton geophysical survey : first progress report
1949/074 Alleged wolfram occurrence near Lake Koolymilka
1949/077 Preliminary report on accident during erection of seismological observatory at Macquarie Island
1949/078 Summary report on some Western Australian gold mines, with a supplementary note on Commonwealth assistance for exploration and development
1949/079 A geological reconnaissance of the country between Mt. Hagen and Mongureba, Central Highlands district, Mandated Territory of New Guinea
1949/080 Cobar geophysical survey. 5th progress report
1949/081 Micropalaeontological examination of rock samples from the Giralia area, Northwest Basin, Western Australia, collected by Dr. N.H. Fisher
1949/082 Micropalaeontological examination of rock samples from the vicinity of the Watheroo magnetic observatory, Western Australia
1949/083 Micro-examination of rock samples from the vicinity of the Rocket Range, Woomera, South Australia, collected by Dr. N.H. Fisher
1949/084 Note on supposed oil bearing sands received from the Administration of Papua and New Guinea
1949/085 Palaeontological report on collection sent from Fitzroy Crossing on June 23rd
1949/086 Palaeontological report on a collection sent from Fitzroy Crossing, June 6th
1949/087 On some Ordovician trilobites from Canowindra and Canowindra copper mine, New South Wales
1949/088 Micropalaeontological examination of rock samples from the Lesi and Oiapu structures, Papua
1949/089 Occurrence of black sand at Port Essington, Northern Territory of Australia
1949/090 Cobar geophysical survey. 6th progress report
1949/091 Notes on opal-bearing surface rocks in the Northern Territory with reference to supplies of aggregate and sand
1949/092 Geophysical observations during a journey to eastern Jervois Range. 5.4.49 to 13.4.49
1949/093 Micropalaeontological examination of rock samples from Pidinga, South Australia
1949/094 Notes on clay deposits at Bungendore
1949/095 Bauxite resources of the Inverell area, New South Wales
1949/096 Condensed geological report on Tennant Creek goldfield, Northern Territory
1949/097 Bauxite resouces of the Moss Vale district, New South Wales
1949/098 Notes on bauxite in Riau Archipelago, Netherlands East Indies
1949/099 Notes on lateritisation and the origin of opal in Australia
1949/100 Notes on the Maude and Yellow Girl Gold Mining Co., N.L., Glen Valley
1949/101 Geophysical surveys at Mt. Morgan, Queensland - 1st progress report
1949/102 Resoiling of dredged areas, Bulolo, Territory of New Guinea
1949/103 Possible evaporite deposits in Queensland : report on a reconnaissance trip in July and August, 1949
1949/104 Possible underground evaporite deposits in Western Australia : report on a reconnaissance trip in September and October, 1949
1949/105 Micropalaeontological examination of samples from a bore at Eva Downs Station, Northern Territory
1949/106 Progress report on testing of Ashford coalfield
1949/107 Micropalaeontological examination of rock samples from the Northwest Basin, Western Australia
1949/108 Microfossils in a bentonitic rock from Cardabia, Northwest Basin, Western Australia
1949/109 Micropalaeontological examination of samples from Kopperamanna bore, South Australia
1949/110 Beach sands investigation : an investigation of the variations in the composition of heavy mineral concentrates in the Broadbeach recreational area and of the thoria content of the monazite in the area
1949/111 Economic review of copper