Digitised records 1950s

Page last updated:11 July 2023

1950 | 1951 | 1952 | 1953 | 1954 | 1955 | 1956 | 1957 | 1958 | 1959


Record Number Title

1950/001 Geology and shale resources of Canberra brickyards: Interim report
1950/002 Petrographical study of rock samples from the coastal section between Torquay and Airey's Inlet, Victoria
1950/004 Micropalaeontological examination of rock samples from the lower Minilya area, North-West Basin, Western Australia, collected by Dr. Teichert & G. Thomas 1949
1950/005 Heavy mineral investigations of three bores in the Roma district : interim report
1950/006 The geology of the Nerrima Dome, Kimberley Division, Western Australia
1950/007 Mineral deposits of the Palm Beach area, south-east Queensland
1950/009 The bauxite resources of Tasmania
1950/010 Micropalaeontological report on samples from bores in the Moorlands Coalfield, South Australia
1950/011 Report on a sample of diatomite from Queensland
1950/012 Report on a sample of diatomite from Victoria
1950/013 Micropalaeontological report on Northern Australia regional survey rock samples collected by L.C. Noakes, D.M. Traves, W. Dallwitz in 1947-49
1950/014 Report on the occurrence of radioactive minerals in the vicinity of Rum Jungle Railway Siding, Northern Territory
1950/015 Second progress report on coal drilling at Ashford, New South Wales
1950/016 Tentative method of test for porosity of rocks, including samples of drill cores
1950/018 Geological report on a copper-gold deposit at Yeuralba, Northern Territory
1950/019 Mineral deposits of the Tweed-Fingal area, northern New South Wales
1950/020 Sulphur deposits at Lolobau, Pangalu and Kasolali, New Britain
1950/022 Mineral deposits of the Fingal-Cudgen areas, northern New South Wales
1950/023 Report on the Rum Jungle uranium deposits
1950/024 The bauxite resources of Victoria
1950/025 Geophysical surveys at Hermidale and Girilambone, New South Wales
1950/026 Coal resources of New South Wales (Revised October 1950)
1950/027 The hypostoma of Pagetia
1950/028 Report on an examination of fossils from the Portland area, Southwestern Victoria, collected by Dr. Boutakoff
1950/029 Report on investigation of sulphur deposits, Iamelele-Fangululu district, Fergusson Island, with appendix Clays resulting from hydrothermal decomposition of volcanic flow rocks)
1950/030 Raw materials for the manufacture of cement in the Port Moresby area, Papua
1950/031 Notes on Palaeozoic stratigraphy, Cambridge Gulf area
1950/033 Geological report on Kelso and Cleeve stations, Longreach, Queensland
1950/034 Geophysical survey of the Mariposa area, Zeehan, Tasmania
1950/035 Note on the oil possibilities of the North-West Basin and the Desert Basin
1950/036 Report on alleged pitchblende occurrence, Wyndham area, Western Australia
1950/037 Gravity survey: Walloway Artesian Basin, South Australia
1950/038 Antimony supplies
1950/039 Strategic graphite supplies (interim report)
1950/040 Maranboy tinfield - reconnaissance survey, 1950
1950/041 Progress report of the geophysical survey of Renison Bell tin field, Tasmania
1950/042 Micropalaeontological examination of core samples from bores at Collie, Western Australia
1950/043 Radiometric investigations on the Sunnyside Goldfield
1950/044 The petrography of sedimentary rocks from the Torquay area, Victoria
1950/045 Bauxite on Tamborine Mountain, Queensland
1950/046 Notes on the oil prospects of Portuguese Timor
1950/047 Report on the geology of the Rum Jungle uranium-bearing area, Northern Territory
1950/048 Report on micropalaeontological examination of samples from the 16-mile Government bore, west of Alice Springs, Northern Territory
1950/049 Micropalaeontological report on a core sample from No. 2 Bore, Parish of Glencoe South, Gippsland, Victoria
1950/050 Limestone deposits at White Rocks, Parish of Queanbeyan
1950/051 Merton's clay deposit, Parish of Queanbeyan
1950/052 Palaeozoic stratigraphy of Western Australia
1950/053 The Kuridala copper deposits, Cloncurry district, Queensland
1950/054 First progress report on the geophysical survey of the Astrolabe mineral field, Papua
1950/055 Radiometric investigations in the Daly River area, Northern Territory


Record Number Title

1951/001 Geological report on the proposed hydro-electric installation, Loloki Valley, Territory of Papua
1951/002 Micropalaeontological examination on limestone samples from Rigo district, Papua
1951/003 Micropalaeontological examination of samples from bores in the region of Mt. Gambier, South Australia. (9 separate reports)
1951/004 Micropalaeontological examination on a sample of lignite from a water bore on Freud River, 80-90 miles west of Alice Springs, Northern Territory
1951/005 Notes on the stratigraphy and paleontology of Tasmanian Cambrian, Ordovician and Silurian rocks
1951/006 Micropalaeontological examination of clays from the Southwestern division, Western Australia
1951/007 Summary of results of investigations at Rum Jungle and Fergusson River during 1950
1951/009 Report on seismic refraction traverse at Comet, Queensland, (1951)
1951/010 Analysis of gravity survey of the Yallourn-Morwell-Traralgon area, Victoria
1951/011 Preliminary report on geophysical survey of the Janina lease, Barrona county, New South Wales
1951/012 Geophysical surveys at Mount Hope, New South Wales
1951/013 Geological investigations in the Cobar area, N.S.W., 1949
1951/016 Micropalaeontological examination of a sample of diatomite from Redesdale, Victoria
1951/017 Notes on fluctuation of water level at Lake George
1951/018 Micropalaeontological examination of a limestone from Numa-Numa - Balbli track, Bougainville, Solomon Islands group
1951/019 Magnetic investigations of compass swinging sites at the R.A.A.F. aerodrome Laverton, Victoria
1951/020 Visit to India, January, 1951
1951/021 Report on Permian plant remains from Collinsville, Queensland
1951/022 Shelley Ordovician strata at the Belublula River, near Canowindra, New South Wales
1951/023 Preliminary report on seismic survey at Rome, Queensland
1951/024 Results of drilling, Oaklands-Coorabin Coalfield, 1950
1951/025 A geological reconnaissance of the Townsville-Bowen region, Northern Queensland
1951/026 Progress in the study of Cambrian fossils from the Northern Territory and North-west Queensland
1951/029 Final report on the geophysical survey of the Astrolabe mineral field, Papua
1951/030 Magnetic survey of alluvial gold deposits at Kuta, New Guinea
1951/031 Report of the sub-committee on vulcanology, 1951. Australian National Committee on Geodesy and Geophysics
1951/032 Preliminary statement of results of drilling at Cardiff, New South Wales
1951/033 The escape of water from the Cotter storage basin
1951/034 Micropalaeontological examination of samples from bores No. 3871 - Coonamble; Yerranbah - 120 miles north-west of Moree; and Dungalear - 100 miles west of Moree, northern New South Wales
1951/035 Treasure mine, Hatches Creek (condensed report)
1951/036 The Nunyerrie chrysotile deposits, West Pilbara goldfield, Western Australia
1951/037 The Coobina chromite deposits, Peak Hill goldfield, Western Australia
1951/038 Preliminary report of vulcanological investigation of Lake Lolaru, Bougainville, Territory of New Guinea
1951/040 Discovery of fossiliferous Upper Cambrian in Tasmania
1951/041 Notes on the mineral industry of New Caledonia
1951/042 Second progress report of the geophysical survey of Renison Bell tin field, Tasmania
1951/043 Report on visit to United States of America
1951/044 A provisional isogonic map of Australia and New Guinea for the epoch 1950.5
1951/045 Gravity traverse near Bullsbrook Western Australia
1951/046 Report of radiometric investigations in the Mt. Kavanagh area
1951/047 Report on radiometric investigations at Carcoar, New South Wales
1951/049 Results of drilling at Cocked Hat Creek, New South Wales
1951/050 Reconnaissance geological report of the Mt. Cavanagh area
1951/051 Geophysical survey of the Spencers Creek area, New South Wales
1951/052 The Bonaparte Gulf Basin northwestern Australia: a stratigraphic summary with special reference to the Gondwanaland system
1951/053 Report on an inspection of the Mosquito Creek, Northern Territory, Wolfram field
1951/054 Notes on an extended isogonic map for the epoch 1950.5 for R.A.A.F. long range plotting charts
1951/055 Micropalaeontological examination of samples from bore No. 8253, R.J. Dunk "Warroo", Bourke, Northern New South Wales
1951/056 Geophysical survey of the Rum Jungle Uranium field, Northern Territory, 1950
1951/059 Cambrian fossils from Leven Gorge, northern Tasmania
1951/060 The Stratigraphy of the Mesozoic and Permian sediments of the Desert Basin, Western Australia
1951/061 A geological reconnaissance of New Hebrides
1951/062 Report on Giralia-Bullara seismic reflection traverse, Western Australia
1951/063 Geological reports on the Snowy Mountains region
1951/064 The structure of the Northern Territory in relation to mineralisation
1951/065 Micropalaeontological examination of rock samples from Margaret Bay, Northern Territory
1951/066 Bauxite in the Wessel Islands and viciniy, Arnhem Land, Northern Territory
1951/067 Radium Hill ore reserves, November 30th, 1951
1951/068 Detailed gravity traverse, northern end Giralia Structure, North West Basin, Western Australia
1951/069 Gravity reconnaissance (1950) North-West Basin, Western Australia


Record Number Title

1952/001 Australian geological survey in Pakistan - 1951 : activities, results, and suggestions for further aid to Pakistan
1952/002 Report on the alluvial gold deposits of Mastuj and Chitral Rivers in Chitral State, Pakistan
1952/003 Surveyor Creek, Newcastle district, Results of drilling in northern portion of area tested
1952/004 Report on volcanic activity on Ambrim Island 1950/51
1952/005 The use of the Frantz isodynamic separator in the separation of minerals in heavy mineral beach sands
1952/006 Are there possibilities for a geophysical survey in the Cloncurry district
1952/007 Minmi area, Newcastle district : results of drilling in western and central blocks
1952/008 Brief report on an investigation of mines in the Harts Range and Plenty River mica fields, Northern Territory
1952/009 Preliminary geological report on the Enterprise gold mine, Tennant Creek goldfield
1952/010 A geological reconnaissance of the southern portion of the Australian Capital Territory
1952/011 Magnetic survey of Toolangi Observatory site
1952/012 Interpretation of the stratigraphy of the Palaeozoic sedimentary rocks of the Adaminaby Tunnel lines, Snowy Mountains
1952/013 Notes on gravity survey of East Gippsland area, Victoria
1952/014 Notes on aeromagnetic survey of East Gippsland area, Victoria
1952/015 Remarks and suggestions regarding the stratigraphy and micropalaeontology of the Tertiary of Australia
1952/016 Seismic survey of the Mossy Marsh Tunnel area, Tasmania
1952/017 Discovery of fossiliferous Upper Cambrian in central Australia
1952/018 The Uranium-copper deposits, Rum Jungle, Northern Territory, Australia : abridged progress report
1952/019 Visit to North America and United Kingdom, 1951
1952/020 Geological report on Peko gold mine, Tennant Creek goldfield, Northern Territory
1952/021 Notes on water supply at Allice Springs
1952/022 Note on the recent discovery of marmatite on the Wau-Edie Creek road, Wau
1952/023 Western coalfields : results of drilling in the Tyldesley area
1952/024 Results of drilling in the Swansea area, New South Wales
1952/025 Water-supply investigation on Hermannsburg Mission Station, Northern Territory
1952/026 Radiometric investigations at Maldon, Victoria
1952/027 Geology of the Mount Elliott copper mine Selwyn, Queensland
1952/028 Notes on the Cretaceous - Tertiary megafauna of the Northwest Basin, Western Australia
1952/029 Seismic tests for water table measurement, Cobram area, Victoria
1952/030 Micropalaeontological examination of cores from the Ravensworth bore, New South Wales
1952/031 The Maranboy tinfield. Progress report
1952/032 Mount Elliott mine, Selwyn, Queensland
1952/033 Preliminary report on the geology of the north-west portion of the Gilgit Agency, Pakistan
1952/034 Abstract of the stratigraphy of the Springsure area and adjacent areas (Queensland)
1952/035 Preliminary report on seismic reflection survey, Avon area, Gippsland, Victoria
1952/036 Geophysical survey of the Rye Park scheelite deposit
1952/037 Kirby's Hill and Tyldesley - Ben Bullen area, Western Coalfield : results of scout drilling
1952/038 Geology of the western syncline, Kuridala, Queensland
1952/039 Report on the geology of the Sutton-Nanima-Gundaroo district, New South Wales
1952/040 Micropalaeontological examination of samples from bores in the Great Artesian Basin of New South Wales, submitted by the Water Conservation and Irrigation Commission of New South Wales
1952/041 The Geology of the Crusader copper mine, Dobbyn, Queensland
1952/042 Report on Upper Palaeozoic fossils from the north-west portion of the Gilgit Agency, Pakistan
1952/043 Notes on aeromagnetic surveys
1952/044 Notes on experimental seismic survey, Dynon Road area, West Melbourne
1952/046 Results of drilling for open-cut coal in the Bloomfield area, Newcastle region, N.S.W
1952/047 Preliminary report on the Precambrian rocks of the Lawn Hill, Camooweal and Dobbyn sheets
1952/048 Possibility of discovery of new lead, zinc and copper deposits, Mt. Isa district, Queensland
1952/049 Open cut coal programme-Newcastle region, Buchanan area. Drilling results
1952/050 Open cut coal programme - Newcastle region, Kotara area. Drilling results
1952/051 Open cut coal programme - Newcastle region, Point Morisset area. Drilling results
1952/052 Determination of differences in the magnetic elements between the absolute stations on the north end of Macquarie Island
1952/054 Tungsten deposits at Rye Park, New South Wales
1952/055 Geophysical investigations of water deposits, Western Australia
1952/056 Preliminary report on the geology of the Wilton (Bulman) River - Mt. Marumba area Northern Territory
1952/057 Report on micropalaeontological examination of bore samples from northern New South Wales
1952/058 Radioactive investigations in the Broken Hill district
1952/059 A review of the petroleum prospects of the North West and Fitzroy Basins of Western Australia and suggestions for a future exploration programme
1952/060 Notes on Plen's radioactive deposit at Toongi, South of Dubbo, New South Wales
1952/061 Migration of foraminifera in Territory times in Australia
1952/062 Micro-examination of a sample of diatomite from Beach Range, Queensland
1952/063 Wee Jasper-Cooleman Caves area
1952/064 Micropalaeontological examination of rock samples from the vicinity of Jervis Bay, New South Wales
1952/065 Radioactive deposits, Carcoar, New South Wales
1952/066 Micropalaeontological examination of samples from bores in northern New South Wales
1952/067 Sub-surface water supply in the Barkly Tablelands
1952/068 The geology of an area surrounding the Fergusson railway siding, Northern Territory
1952/069 The Edith River uranium-bearing area
1952/070 Bauxite at Gove, Arnhem Land, Northern Territory
1952/071 Interim report: geophysical investigations of the copper-nickel deposits, North Dundas field, near Zeehan, Tasmania
1952/072 Discussion: three foraminiferal zones in the Tertiary of Australia, by M.F. Glaessner
1952/073 Pacific area : drilling results
1952/074 New South Wales open cut coal program, Newcastle region, Swansea South area : drilling results
1952/075 The micropalaeontology of the Giralia Anticline, north-west Australia
1952/076 Open cut coal investigations, Cessrock Muswellbrook region, Parnell's Creek area : completion report
1952/077 Micro examination of bore cores from Stockton No. 2 diamond drill hole, Collie, Western Australia
1952/078 Notes on heavy mineral beach sands in Dampier Peninsula, north-western Australia
1952/079 Preliminary report on scintillometer airborne surveys over the Rum Jungle area and other portions of the Northern Territory
1952/080 Territory of Papua New Guinea : preliminary report - on an investigation of Mount Langila Volcano (copy 2)
1952/082 Report on the geology of Manus Island, Territory of Papua and New Guinea with reference to the occurrence of bauxite
1952/083 Channel Island water supply, Northern Territory
1952/084 Preliminary note on Howard Springs radioactive prospect
1952/085 Preliminary report on air-borne scintillometer anomalies
1952/086 Preliminary report on magnetite deposit, Gulgong, New South Wales
1952/087 The Wells limestone, A.C.T., as a source of aggregate
1952/088 Report on a geological survey of Commonwealth Territory, Jervis Bay
1952/089 An investigation of a reported "gas-blow" near Wabag, Western Highlands, New Guinea
1952/090 Mineralogy of tungsten ores from Rye Park, N.S.W
1952/091 Gunning district, N.S.W. - earth tremors November, 1952
1952/092 Uranium-copper deposits, Rum Jungle, Australia


Record Number Title

1953/004 Geophysical test survey over dykes in the Newcastle Coalfields, New South Wales
1953/005 Magnetic survey of compass swinging site, R.A.A.F. airfield, Laverton, Victoria
1953/006 Magnetic survey of compass swinging site, R.A.A.F. airfield, Point Cook, Victoria
1953/013 Geophysical investigation at the Commonwealth Mine, Wellington, New South Wales
1953/014 Magnetic survey of testing site for naval torpedo factory, Neutral Bay, New South Wales
1953/015 Geophysical test survey at Liontown, near Charters Towers, Queensland
1953/016 Micropalaeontological examination of two samples from the Joint Coal Board Bore, Camberwell, near Singleton, New South Wales
1953/017 The Pinnacles copper mine, Strangways Range
1953/018 Preliminary report on the Mosquito Creek tungsten field, Northern Territory
1953/020 Report on Home of Bullion Mine, Barrow Creek, Northern Territory
1953/021 Micropalaeontological report on samples from two bores near Bourke, Northern New South Wales
1953/022 Summary statement of Australian bauxite reserves at 31st December, 1952
1953/023 Preliminary report on the Brodribb uranium deposit, Northern Territory
1953/024 Rum Jungle investigations 1951 and 1952: progress report
1953/025 Ferruginous manganese deposits, Teano Range, North-West Division, Western Australia
1953/026 Dyson's Find (1951), Rum Jungle N.T
1953/027 Intermediate Prospect (1951), Rum Jungle, N.T.
1953/028 Crater Prospect (1951), Rum Jungle, N.T.
1953/029 Crater Line Investigation, Rum Jungle, N.T.
1953/030 Report on work at Macquarie Island, 1951-52
1953/031 Micro-examination of rock samples from the Hunter River area, New South Wales
1953/032 The Yeuralba Mineral Field, Northern Territory
1953/033 A provisional isogonic map of Australia and New Guinea showing predicted values for the epoch 1955.5
1953/037 Mount Lamington vulcanological observations : progress report, February 1953
1953/038 Preliminary report on investigation volcanic activity, Umboi Island, New Guinea
1953/039 Bauxite in the Wessel Islands, Arnhem Land, Northern Territory of Australia
1953/040 Report on tour abroad, July-December, 1952
1953/041 Beach sand heavy mineral deposits at Laurieton
1953/042 Note on radioactive deposits Carcoar-Dubbo region, New South Wales, together with observations on the use of helicopters for prospecting for radioactive minerals
1953/043 Notes on Ritter, Sakar, Umboi and Long Island volcanoes
1953/044 Preliminary report on the use of electric logging in connection with coal exploration in the Cessnock- Muswellbrook district
1953/045 The geology of the Rye Park district
1953/046 Mitchell's Flat area : drilling results
1953/047 Howick area reports
1953/048 A report on the change of correction to international magnetic standard of the quartz horizontal magnetometers of the Geophysical Section of the Bureau of Mineral Resources during the period March 1951 to June 1952
1953/049 Notes on radiation measuring instruments
1953/052 Testing of cores from Australian Associated Oilfields (N.L.) Well No. 2, Roma, Queensland
1953/053 Third progress report of the geophysical survey of the Renison Bell tin field, Tasmania
1953/054 Report on magnetic and seismological work, Heard Island, 1952-53
1953/055 The London Bridge limestone, Monaro district, New South Wales
1953/057 Report on examination of specimens of mill products from mines at Broken Hill
1953/058 Seismic investigations in the vicinity of the railway line between Wodonga and Albury, Victoria
1953/059 Geophysical survey of the Trevallyn Tunnel line, Launceston, Tasmania
1953/060 Geology of Williambury and Moogooree, one mile map areas
1953/062 Manganese deposits near Ragged Hills, Gregory Range, North-West Division, Western Australia
1953/063 Geophysical survey of magnetitie deposits near Gulgong, New South Wales
1953/064 Gravity survey in the Fitzroy Basin, Kimberley Division, Western Australia, with special reference to the Nerrima structure
1953/065 Electrical logging of No. 2 bore, Associated Australian Oilfields N.L., Roma, Queensland
1953/066 Electrical well logging tests, Maitland Coalfields, New South Wales
1953/067 Report on the bryozoan faunas of the Nura Nura limestone and the Noonkanbah series (Fitzroy Basin)
1953/068 Territory of Papua and New Guinea, report on investigation of volcanic activity Manam Island, T. N. G. , April, 1953
1953/069 Summary statement of Australian bauxite reserves at 30th June, 1953
1953/070 Preliminary report on the Tennyson's No. 2 uranium prospect, Edith River, Northern Territory
1953/071 Report on tests of helicopter-mounted equipment for radioactive surveying
1953/072 Seismic survey of the Nerrima Dome, Kimberley Division, Western Australia
1953/075 Note on copper possibilities - James Range, Central Australia
1953/076 Micropalaeontological examination of samples from three bores in Northern N.S.W
1953/077 Discussion of gravity results, East Gippsland, Victoria
1953/078 Underground water at Morstone station north-west Queensland
1953/079 Petrographic description of seventeen rock specimens from Muswellbrook, New South Wales
1953/080 Changes in ideas of age of certain beds in the Australian Territories
1953/081 Geological report on gold mining lease 1075 - ""Barola Reefs"" Kainantu sub-district, Eastern Highlands, New Guinea
1953/082 Geophysical investigation of the copper-nickel deposits, North Dundas field, near Zeehan, Tasmania
1953/083 Petrographic report on rock specimens from the Soldiers Cap area, Cloncurry district, Queensland
1953/084 Report on uranium prospecting in the northern section of the Northern Territory
1953/085 Bauxite of Manus Island, Territory of Papua and New Guinea
1953/086 Micropalaeontological examination of core samples from hole No. BMR 1 S.C., St. Helier's, near Muswellbrook, N.S.W
1953/087 Open cut coal scout drilling, West Wallsend, Newcastle region, New South Wales
1953/088 Open cut coal investigations in the New South Wales, Newcastle region, Killingworth area, drilling results
1953/089 Open cut coal scout drilling, Stoney Pinch, and Thornton area
1953/090 Geochemical prospecting at Mt. Isa, Queensland
1953/091 A study of underground water at Wave Hill Station, Northern Territory
1953/092 Scout-drilling for open cut coal, Minmi-Plattsburg area, Newcastle region, New South Wales
1953/093 A reconnaissance magnetic survey of an area southwest of Brown's workings, Rum Jungle, N.T
1953/094 The Tennyson uranium prospects, Edith River, Northern Territory
1953/095A The Waterhouse area, Northern Territory : (preliminary report & maps)
1953/095B Uranium prospects, Waterhouse area, Northern Territory
1953/096 Ravensthorpe manganese deposits
1953/097 Micropalaeontological report on bore and surface samples from the Muswellbrook area, New South Wales
1953/098 Radioactive surveys, Katherine - Darwin area, Northern Territory : summary of activities 1st January to 30th June, 1953
1953/099 Geology of the eastern part of the Canberra 4-mile sheet
1953/100 Guide to prospectring for uranium, Darwin - Katherine area, Northern Territory
1953/101 The uranium prospects of the Brodribb, Ella Creek, and Frazer areas, Northern Territory
1953/102 Report on Mesozoic plants from the Mullaman group in the vicinity of Willeroo Station, Northern Territory
1953/104 Preliminary geological and geophysical report on Waterhouse uranium prospect No. 1, Northern Territory
1953/105 Preliminary report on Waterhouse uranium prospect No. 2, Northern Territory [and] Preliminary geophysical report on Waterhouse uranium prospect No. 2, Northern Territoy
1953/106 Radioactive surveying from a helicopter
1953/107 Preliminary report on the Frazer Prospect Brodribb area, Northern Territory
1953/108 Geological survey of Upper Cotter Dam sites A and B1, Australian Capital Territory
1953/109 Preliminary geological report on Madigan's uranium prospect, Northern Territory [and] Preliminary geophysical repot on Madigan's uranium prospect, Northern Territory
1953/110 Report on the sounding of Prion Lake, Macquarie Island, March 1953
1953/111 The coal resources of New South Wales (draft)
1953/112 Preliminary geophysical progress report on Waterhouse uranium prospect No. 3, Northern Territory
1953/113 Edith River area - prospecting activities 20th July to 6th August, 1953
1953/114 Preliminary geological report on the Tennyson No. 1 uranium prospect, Edith River area, Northern Territory
1953/115 Radioactive surveys, Katherine - Darwin area, Northern Territory : report for quarter ending 30th September, 1953
1953/116 Results of coal-drilling Surveyor Creek area - southern portion, Newcastle region, New South Wales
1953/117 Preliminary geophysical report of the Frazer radiometric prospect, Northern Territory
1953/118 Prospecting activities Edith River area : progress report for period 31st August to 3rd Spetember, 1953
1953/119 Edith River area: carborne radiometric survey and prospecting by geochemical party July, 1953
1953/120 Preliminary geological report on the Ella Creek uranium prospect, Northern Territory
1953/121 Results of open cut coal drilling in the East Bloomfield area, Newcastle region, New South Wales
1953/122 Progress report on the Brodribb prospect at 31st October, 1953
1953/123 Progress report on the ABC Prospect at 31st October, 1953
1953/124 Progress report on the Coronation Hill prospect at 31st October, 1953
1953/126 Preliminary laboratory investigation of radioactive ferruginous sandstone from Madigan's prospect, Bynoe Harbour, Northern Territory
1953/127 Geological report on Waterhouse uranium prospect No. 4, Northern Territory
1953/128 Preliminary geophysical report on Waterhouse uranium prospect No.4, Northern Territory
1953/129 Preliminary report on the Yenberrie uranium prospect, Northern Territory
1953/130 The geology of the Embayment area, Rum Jungle, Northern Territory
1953/131 Nomenclature of sedimentary rocks - glossary
1953/132 White's South prospect, Rum Jungle, Northern Territory
1953/133 Report on the western flank of the Muswellbrook anticline
1953/134 Geophysical work at Heard Island 1951/52 : establishment of seismological and magnetic observatories and initial results
1953/136 Notes on search for airborne scintillometer anomaly, Katherine area
1953/137 Megafossils from two bores in the Ponds Creek area
1953/138 Geophysical investigations at the Yenberrie uranium prospect, Northern Territory
1953/139 White's extended prospect, Rum Jungle, Northern Territory
1953/140 Mt. Fitch Prospect, Rum Jungle, Northern Territory
1953/141 Brown's deposits, Rum Jungle, Northern Territory
1953/142 Report on White's deposit, Rum Jungle, Northern Territory
1953/143 Preliminary report on diamond drilling at the Brodribb prospect, Northern Territory
1953/144 Geophysical report on the Ella Creek radioactive deposits, Northern Territory
1953/145 Geological report on Mt. Shoobridge uranium prospect, Northern Territory [and] Preliminary geophysical report on Mount Shoobridge uranium prospect, Northern Territory
1953/146 Preliminary report on the geology of the Fitzroy Basin, Kimberley Division, Western Australia. June 1953
1953/147 Prospecting activities Edith River area : progress report for period 7th to 17th July, 1953
1953/148 Coronation Hill uranium prospect, Northern Territory


Record Number Title

1954/001 Geochemical prospecting in the vicinity of radio-active deposits and prospects in the Northern Territory, Australia
1954/002 Geophysical survey at Labour Victory mine, near Selwyn, Queensland
1954/003 Geophysical survey at Silver Valley, Copeton, New South Wales
1954/004 Geophysical survey at Tallawang magnetic deposit, Gulgong, New South Wales
1954/005 Radioactive surveying from a helicopter (abridged version)
1954/006 The geological significance of the discovery of oil at Rough Range, Western Australia
1954/007 Geophysical survey at Mount Cleveland mine, Waratah, Tasmania
1954/008 Petrographic description of 21 rock specimens from Muswellbrook, New South Wales
1954/009 Preliminary report on Permian brachiopod faunas of the Fitzroy Basin
1954/010 Preliminary report on the ABC uranium prospect, Katherine area, Northern Territory
1954/011 Preliminary report on diamond drilling at Ella Creek prospect, N.T. [and] Preliminary report on radiometric bore- logging and assaying, Ella Creek, Northern Territory
1954/012 Radioactive surveys Katherine - Darwin area : report on activities, February, 1954
1954/013 Some observations on laterites in the Northern Territory
1954/014 Lower Cretaceous fossils from Papua and New Guinea
1954/016 Changing sea levels of the Australian east coast, suggested by levels of water-laid sand-deposits and by dune morphology
1954/017 The Coronation Hill uranium propsect Katherine - Darwin area, Northern Territory : preliminary report
1954/018 The Tertiary and Mesozoic stratigraphy and micropalaeontology of Rough Range bore No. 1, Carnarvon Basin, Western Australia
1954/019 Radioactive surveys, Katherine - Darwin area : report on activities March, 1954
1954/020 Preliminary report on the petrology and petrography of limestones from the Fitzroy Basin
1954/021 Statement of magnetic surveys in Australia and Sub-Antarctic Islands 1951-1953
1954/022 Radioactive surveys, Katherine - Darwin area, Northern Territory : report for quarter ended 31st March, 1954
1954/023 Radioactive surveys, Katherine - Darwin region : annual report for 1953
1954/024 Radioactive surveys, Katherine - Darwin area : report on activities, April 1954
1954/025 Fossiliferous rocks from the Nullabor Plains
1954/026 Regional geology of the Rum Jungle district, Northern Territory, Australia
1954/027 Pre-Permian, probably Devonian, plants from near Gregory's Salt Sea, Western Australia
1954/028 Report of the Sub-Committee of vulcanology 1953. Review of volcanic activity in the Territory of Papua-New Guinea, the Solomon and New Hebrides Islands 1951-53 : Australian National Committee on Geodesy and Geophysics
1954/029 The ranges of Glossopteris, Taeniopteris and Thinnfeldia in Australia
1954/030 Radiometric surveys, Katherine - Darwin area : report on activities May, 1954
1954/031 Cambrian stratigraphy of the Camooweal region : (progress report)
1954/032 Geophysical work at Macquarie Island, April 1952 - April 1953
1954/033 Geophysical work at Macquarie Island, April - December, 1953
1954/034 Micropalaeontological examination of rock samples from the Nigo Nigo River area, (Mullins Harbour - Wedau reconnaissance), South Eastern Papua
1954/035 Fossils from near Katherine, Northern Territory
1954/036 Condensed progress report on the geology of the Carnarvon (North-West) Basin, Western Australia
1954/037 Radioactive surveys, Katherine - Darwin area : report on activities June, 1954
1954/038 Explanatory notes on the Minilya sheet, Western Australia
1954/039 Radioactive surveys, Katherine - Darwin area, Northern Territory : report for quarter ending 30the June, 1954
1954/040 Seismic reflection survey, Darriman, Gippsland, Victoria
1954/041 Radioactive surveys, Katherine - Darwin area : report on activities July, 1954
1954/042 Report on inspection of porition of proposed authority to prospect No. 151 (Sleisback), Northern Territory
1954/043 Reconnaissance geological report Burrundie radioactive prospect reservation
1954/044 Geophysical exploration in the Carnarvon (N.W.) Basin, Western Australia
1954/045 Radioactive surveys, Katherine - Darwin area : report on activities of the Darwin Uranium Group. August, 1954
1954/046 Preliminary geological and geophysical report on the Burrundie Prospect, Northern Territory
1954/047 A Bibliography of Australian foraminifera
1954/048 White Rocks gravel pits, Queanbeyan
1954/049 Radioactive surveys, Katherine - Darwin area : report on activities of the Darwin Uranium Group, September, 1954
1954/050 Collenia Reefs
1954/051 Dolomite problems
1954/052 Report on micro examination of a core sample from Cape Range No. 1 well, Shot-Hole Canyon, Exmouth Gulf, Western Australia
1954/053 Radioactive surveys, Katherine - Darwin area, Northern Territory : report for quarter ending 30th September, 1954
1954/054 Inspection of radiometric anomalies "A.B.C." Reserve, Katherine, Northern Territory
1954/055 Notes on limestone samples from Yaringa North homestead, Carnarvon Basin, Western Australia
1954/056 Conditions in the Canning Basin desert
1954/057 Notes on a geological sketch map of Coronation Hill area, Northern Territory
1954/058 Preliminary report Tulaman Volcano, Lou Island, St. Andrew Strait, New Guinea
1954/059 Preliminary report Bam Island, Madang sub-district, New Guinea
1954/060 Radioactive surveys, Katherine - Darwin area : report on activities of the Darwin Uranium Group, October, 1954
1954/061 Palaeontological examination of core samples from Cape Range No. 1 test well, Western Australia
1954/062 An examination of thermal areas, Vitu (Garove) Island, August 26-27th, 1954
1954/063 An examination of thermal areas at Garua Harbour, New Britain, August, 1954
1954/065 The Flowery Gully limestones deposits, Tasmania
1954/066 Radioactive surveys, Katherine - Darwin area : report on activities of the Darwin Uranium Group, November, 1954
1954/067 Report on seismic reflection, traverse ""C"", Giralia Anticline, Western Australia
1954/068 Seismic refraction survey of the Wayatinah ""A"" power station site and penstock lines, Tasmania
1954/069 Note on the Tertiary succession and foraminifera of Manus Island
1954/070 Diamond drilling in the Edith River uranium-bearing area, Northern Territory
1954/071 Geology of the Cotter River and Uriarra area, Australian Capital Territory
1954/072 Preliminary geophysical report on the Coronation Hill uranium prospect, Katherine - Darwin area, Northern Territory


Record Number Title

1955/001 Discovery of two radioactive prospects, Coronation Hill reservation
1955/002 Radioactive surveys, Katherine - Darwin area : report on activities of the Darwin Uranium Group, December, 1954
1955/003 George Creek uranium prospect. Progress report, December, 1954
1955/004 Notes on a lepidocyclina-bearing rock from Cebu, Philippines
1955/005 Permian fossiliferous rocks from near the south-west margin of the Canning Basin, Western Australia
1955/006 Sedimentary environment as a control of uranium mineralization in the Katherine - Darwin region, Northern Territory
1955/007 Diamond drilling at the Burrundie radioactive prospect, Burrundi, Northern Territory
1955/008 Note on the occurrence of some Tertiary larger foraminifera on Bougainville Island (Solomon Islands)
1955/009 Micropalaeontological examination of rock samples from Buna-Kokoda area, Eastern Papua
1955/010 Report on the geophysical investigation of the A.B.C. reservation near Katherine, Northern Territory
1955/011 Surface geology at the Fleur de Lys Mine near Brock's Creek, Northern Territory
1955/012 Radioactive surveys, Katherine - Darwin area, Northern Territory : report on activities of the Darwin Uranium Group, January 1955
1955/013 Fossiliferous rocks from the Cloncurry district, Queensland
1955/014 Micropalaeontology of specimens from the Salt Lake anticlines, Carnarvon Basin, Western Australia
1955/015 Microfossils from the southern portion of the Canning Basin, Western Australia
1955/016 Geophysical test survey at Mt. Galena Mine, Wellingrove, N.S.W.
1955/018 Examination of museum specimens for radioactivity
1955/019 Micropalaeontological examination of bore cores from Stanford Main No. 2 colliery, near Coongewai, New South Wales
1955/020 Prospecting and geological reconnaissance in the Yerranderie area
1955/021 Prospecting and geological reconnaissance in the Yarrangobilly- Brindabella area
1955/022 The geology of the King Edward-Drysdale area North Kimberley, Western Australia
1955/023 White clay deposits, Jervis Bay
1955/024 Magnetic survey of the Hampshire magnetite deposit, Tasmania
1955/025 A geological report on a reconnaissance on the Markham and Upper Ramu drainage systems, New Guinea
1955/026 Radioactive occurrences, Cloncurry mineral field, Queensland
1955/027 Cretaceous micropalaeontology of Murchison River area, Western Australia
1955/028 Radioactive surveys, Katherine - Darwin area : report on activities of the Darwin Uranium Group, February, 1955
1955/029 Radioactive surveys, Katherine - Darwin area : report for quarter ending 31st December, 1954
1955/030 Uranium occurrences, Avoca area, Tasmania
1955/031 Petrography of rock specimens from the Upper Sepik area, New Guinea
1955/032 Lower Cretaceous microfossils from Cherwell No. 1 bore, Maryborough, Queensland
1955/033 Preliminary geological account for Vestfold Hills area, Antarctica
1955/034 Preliminary geological account of Lorten Island, Antarctica
1955/035 Progress report on a seismic survey of the Poole Range-Prices Creek area, Kimberley Division, Western Australia
1955/036 Fossiliferous limestone from Menapi Bay, Cape Vogel Peninsula, Papua
1955/037 Probable Lower Carboniferous deposits in the Fitzroy Basin, Western Australia
1955/038 George Creek uranium prospect : progress report, March, 1955
1955/039 Geological reconnaissance, August River area, Sepik district, New Guinea
1955/040 Cretaceous formations, Murchison House area, Western Australia
1955/041 Geological report on the A.B.C. uranium prospect near Katherine, Northern Territory
1955/042 Radioactive surveys, Katherine - Darwin area : report on activities of the Darwin Uranium Group. March, 1955
1955/043 Biogeochemical prospecting investigations in the Northern Territory, 1954
1955/044 Drilling results Ravensworth and Muswellbrook areas, New South Wales
1955/045 Radioactive surveys, Katherine - Darwin area, Northern Territory : report for quarter ended 31st March, 1955
1955/046 Foraminifera from the Upper Sepik River, Western New Guinea
1955/047 Preliminary geochemical prospecting report on Namoona lead prospect, Northern Territory
1955/048 Foraminiferal limestones from Rough Range Carnarvon Basin, Western Australia
1955/049 Progress report on geological mapping, Katherine - Darwin region, 1954
1955/050 Foraminifera in cores from Cape Range No. 1 bore, Carnarvon Basin, Western Australia
1955/051 Geophysical work at Heard Island, 1953-54
1955/053 Radioactive surveys, Katherine - Darwin area : report on activities of the Darwin Uranium Group, April, 1955
1955/054 The geology of the Katherine, Mt. Todd and Lewin Springs sheets, Northern Territory
1955/055 Petroleum geology of Western Australia
1955/056 Report on radiometric grid survey at Adelaide River prospect, Northern Territory
1955/057 Micropalaeontological examination of samples of Miocene limestone from the Western District, Victoria
1955/058 The geology of the South Western Canning Basin, Western Australia
1955/059 Ore reserves at Mt. Isa, Queensland
1955/060 Geological investigation of the ABC uranium reservation, near Katherine Northern Territory.
1955/061 Report on magnetic survey of compass swinging site, R.A.A.F. airfield, Canberra, A.C.T.
1955/062 Report on an inspection of a uranium prospect near Mosquito Creek, Northern Territory
1955/063 Report on an inspection of a uranium find on Pandanus Creek, Northern Territory
1955/064 Bauxite survey, Gove Peninsula, Arnhem Land, Northern Territory : progress report on geological investigation
1955/065 Coronation Hill uranium prospect, Katherine - Darwin area, Northern Territory : mapping of bulldozed benches
1955/066 Reconnaissance report Georgetown area, northern Queensland
1955/067 Report on geochemical survey at Manton Dam prospect, Northern Territory
1955/068 Proposed diamond drilling at Dam Site ""A"", Upper Cotter River, A.C.T.
1955/069 The micropalaeontology of cores Nos. 66 and 67 from Giralia No. 1 Well, Carnarvon Basin, Western Australia
1955/070 Occurrences of beryl, Mount Isa district
1955/071 Micropalaeontological examination of rocks from the south end of Cape Range structure, Western Australia
1955/072 Notes on radioactive deposits in Tasmania, Storey's Creek and Blue Tier districts
1955/073 Report on Bam Island Volcano and an inspection of Kadovar and Blup Blup
1955/074 The Pre-Cambrian of northwestern Queensland (presented at ANZAAS, Melbourne, 22/8/55)
1955/075 Notes on volcanic activity and thermal areas in the D' Entrecasteaux Islands
1955/076 Initial investigations for aircraft compass swinging site, Avalon Airfield, Victoria
1955/077 Fossiliferous rocks from the Cape Range structure, Western Australia
1955/078 Preliminary notes on results of geophysical survey at Carcoar, N.S.W.
1955/079 Submarine vulcanism east of Tuluman volcano, St. Andrew Strait, Admiralty Islands, October-November, 1954
1955/081 Lower Cretaceous microfossils from L.S.D. No. 2 Well, Susan River, near Maryborough, Queensland
1955/082 Comparison of geophysical and geochemical results at Labour Victory Mine, near Selwyn, Queensland
1955/083 Geological and geophysical investigations at the George Creek uranium prospect, Northern Territory
1955/084 Test surveys with radore equipment in Tasmania
1955/085 Micropalaeontological examination of samples from Australian Oil and Gas Well No. 1, Kurrajong Heights, New South Wales
1955/086 Micropalaeontological examination of five samples from Frazer River No. S-1 Structure Hole, Dampier Land, Western Australia
1955/087 Micropalaeontology of the Pliocene deposits at Portland, Western Victoria
1955/088 Geophysical survey at Mt. Brown copper mine, Karangi, New South Wales
1955/089 Seismic veolocity survey in Rough Range No. 1 Well, Western Australia
1955/090 Micropalaeontological examination of samples from Grierson No. 3 structure hole, Carnarvon Basin, Western Australia
1955/091 Operation and adjustment of the portable Geiger-Muller counter, type RL202
1955/092 A further collection of limestones from Rough Range structure, Carnarvon Basin, Western Australia
1955/093 An examination of thermal areas at Lake Loloru, Bougainville, February-March, 1955, with additional information from an aerial inspection on 29th June, 1955
1955/094 Tectonic earthquakes and volcanic activity, Bougainville Island, T.N.G.
1955/096 Micropalaeontological examination of rock samples from the Cape Vogel area, Papua
1955/097 Beryllium in Australia
1955/098 Volcanic activity: Lake Wisdom, Long Island, T.N.G., May 1953
1955/099 Airborne scintillometer survey, Broken Hill. (VH-MIN). February-March, 1955. Preliminary report
1955/100 Micropalaeontological examination of samples from the Cook Bore, Nullabor Plains, South Australia
1955/101 The phosphate deposits of the Pacific
1955/102 Preliminary report on airborne reconnaissance scintillograph survey in W.A.
1955/103 Micropalaeontological examination of samples from Grierson No. 1, Rough Range No. 4, Rough Range No. 5, Rough Range No. 8, and Cape Range No. 2 well, Carnarvon Basin, West Australia
1955/104 Fossils from Yandanboka, Western Australia
1955/105 Preliminary report on geochemical prospecting for lead at Namoona, Northern Territory, 1955
1955/106 Preliminary report on aeromagnetic survey over Hampshire and Blythe river areas, Tasmania
1955/107 Airborne geophysical survey, Georgetown area, Queensland, November, 1954
1955/108 Airborne scintillometer survey, Halls Creek-Wyndham region, Western Australia, June-September, 1954
1955/109 Preliminary report on airborne scintillograph surveys in Northern Territory by aircraft VH-Bur, April-July, 1955
1955/110 Seismic reflection survey over Deep Well anticline, Myroodah, Kimberley Division, Western Australia
1955/111 Supplementary report on radioactive occurrences, Cloncurry mineral field, Queensland
1955/112 Preliminary seismic reflection investigation, Broome area, Kimberley Division, Western Australia
1955/113 Report on uranium prospects in the Mt. Isa-Cloncurry district of Queensland
1955/114 Micropalaeontology of cores from Dirk Hartog No. 1 bore, Western Australia
1955/115 Preliminary report on the micropalaeontology and stratigraphy of Giralia No. 1 test bore Carnarvon Basin, Western Australia
1955/116 Geological investigation of propsed Mexican damsite near Jay Creek settlement, Northern Territory
1955/117 Micropalaeontological examination of further cores from Dirk Hartog No. 1 Structure Hole, Western Australia
1955/118 Report on the diamond drilling of a self-potential anomaly near Manton Dam, Northern Territory
1955/119 Micropalaeontological examination of samples from Warroora No. 1 Well, Carnarvon Basin, Western Australia
1955/120 Geological report on the Mucketty manganese deposit
1955/121 Report on a reconnaissance of the uranium prospects in the Wyndham-Halls Creek region of Western Australia
1955/122 Report on radiometric bore logging in the Mt. Isa-Cloncurry district for the Geological Survey of Queensland
1955/123 Tectonic earthquakes and recent volcanic activity


Record Number Title

1956/001 Micropalaeontological examination of samples from Cape York Peninsula, Northern Queensland
1956/002 Micropalaeontological examination of cores from Cape Cuvier No. 1 bore, and one sample from Murchison River area, Western Australia
1956/003 Electrical logging of No. 3 bore, Associated Australian Oilfields, N.L., Roma, Queensland
1956/004 Geochemical prospecting for lead and copper at Peko, Tennant Creek, N.T., 1955
1956/005 Report on visit to vulcanological observatory, Rabaul
1956/006 The Madigan prospect, Northern Territory
1956/007 The Gomwa Bay (D'Entrecasteaux Islands) earthquakes: July-September, 1955
1956/008 Manganese deposits, Gregory Range-Pilbara goldfield, Western Australia
1956/009 Additional notes on volcanic activity and thermal areas in the D'Entrecasteaux Islands
1956/010 Water supply investigations, Areyonga native settlement, Northern Territory
1956/011 Preliminary report on seismic refraction survey at Maralinga, South Australia
1956/012 Investigations of recent volcanic activity in the Territory of New Guinea, 1953
1956/013 Report on an inspection of the Adelaide River uranium mine, Northern Territory
1956/014 Investigation of eruptive activity at Mt. Bagana, Bougainville, March, 1952
1956/015 Carnarvon Basin, Western Australia : summary of activities 1955
1956/016 Annual summary of activities (1955): Canning Basin party
1956/017 Micropalaeontological examination of cores from Dirk Hartog No. 4 structure hole, Western Australia
1956/018 Fossiliferous limestones from the Cape Range anticline, Carnarvon Basin, Western Australia
1956/019 Fossils from Eradu and Mingenew, Western Australia
1956/020 Micropalaeontological examination of rock samples from the Upper Sepik-August River area, New Guinea
1956/021 Occurrence of black sands on the north coast of Melville Island, Northern Territory
1956/022 Activities of the micropalaeontology group during 1955
1956/023 Micropalaeontological examination of samples from Frazer River No. 1 well, Dampier Land, Western Australia
1956/024 Geophysical survey in the Manton Dam catchment area, Northern Territory
1956/025 Notes on thermal activity at Lihir and Anir (Feni) Island Groups
1956/026 Preliminary report on a seismic reflection traverse across the Perth Basin at Gingin, Western Australia
1956/027 Radioactive prospects in New South Wales
1956/028 Radiometric logging of diamond drill hole No. BG80 at the Royal George Mine, near Avoca, Tasmania
1956/029 Radioactive investigations at Lucas Heights near Menai, New South Wales
1956/030 Summary of activities of resident geologists in the Northern Territory for 1955
1956/031 A geological reconnaissance of the Upper Sepik-August River area, Sepik district, New Guinea
1956/032 Report on vibration test at Brunswick City Council Quarry, Victoria
1956/033 Photo-interpretation of the Urapunga, Mount Young, Bauhinia Downs and Hodgson Downs Sheets of the Army 4-mile series, Northern Territory
1956/034 Geophysical investigation of the Nive River dam site, Wayatinah "A" power development scheme, Tasmania
1956/035 Water supply investigations Haast Bluff native settlement, Northern Territory
1956/036 The age of the marine faunas of the Weaber group, Bonaparte Gulf Basin, northern Australia
1956/037 Summary of continental drift symposium, Hobart, March 1956
1956/038 Discovery of Lower Carboniferous outcrops in the Fitzroy Basin, Western Australia
1956/039 The age and affinities of the fauna of Lyons group, Carnarvon Basin, Western Australia
1956/040 Stratigraphy and micropalaeontology of Cape Range Bore No. 1, Carnarvon Basin, Western Australia
1956/041 Geophysical test survey of copper deposits, Waterhouse Range, Northern Territory
1956/043 Geophysical survey in the Rum Jungle area, Northern Territory
1956/044 Preliminary report on operations from Mawson base, ANARE 1954/55
1956/045 Report on the Charlotte River reserve, Northern Territory
1956/046 Annual report 1955 - petrological and chemical laboratory
1956/047 Micropalaeontological report on samples from Cape Range No. 2 bore, Carnarvon Basin, Western Australia
1956/048 Seismic survey at Maralinga, South Australia (1955-56)
1956/050 Report on samples from Rennell and Bellona Atolls, Solomon Islands
1956/051 Geophysical survey of proposed tunnel line, Wayatinah ""A"" power development scheme, Tasmania
1956/052 Geological and geophysical investigations at the Coronation Hill Reservation, Northern Territory
1956/053 Preliminary report on a seismic refraction survey of No. 1 power station site, Kiewa, Victoria
1956/054 Micropalaeontological examination of cores from Rough Range No. 4 bore, Carnarvon Basin, Western Australia
1956/055 Geophysical survey of new tunnel line, Wayatinah ""A"" power development scheme, Tasmania
1956/056 Report on an inspection of a uranium discovery near Central Creek, Northern Territory
1956/057 Annual report: regional radioactive parties Katherine-Darwin area, Northern Territory, 1955
1956/058 Review of stratigraphic nomenclature for the Precambrian of north-western Queensland
1956/059 Preliminary report on aeromagnetic surveys for iron ore in Tasmania
1956/060 Preliminary report on the resistivity survey of the lower West Kiewa diversion tunnel
1956/061 Kasolite from the El Sharana mine, South Alligator River, Northern Territory
1956/062 Preliminary report on aeromagnetic survey over Nowa Nowa area, Victoria
1956/063 Preliminary report on airborne scintillograph surveys at Chillagoe and Einasleigh-Gilberton, Queensland (1955)
1956/064 Foraminifera from Associated Freney Oilfields Nerrima No. 1 exploration well, Fitzroy Basin, Western Australia
1956/065 Micropalaeontological examination of rock specimens from Portuguese Timor
1956/066 Seismic reflection survey in the Poole Range - Christmas Creek area, Kimberley Division, Western Australia
1956/067 Report on a gas occurrence in a bore on Ammaroo station, Northern Territory
1956/068 Depositional structures in Carnarvon Basin, Western Australia
1956/069 Preliminary report on a geophysical survey of the Great Lake North area, Tasmania
1956/070 Preliminary report on a geophysical survey at Mount Lyell (Corridor area), Queenstown, Tasmania
1956/074 Geophysical survey in the Protheroe area, Northampton mineral field, Western Australia
1956/076 Magnetic survey of the ""Seven-Mile"" and adjacent iron ore deposits near Nowa Nowa, East Gippsland
1956/077 Stratigraphy and micropalaeontology of Australian Oil and Gas Corporation bore No. 1, Loxton, South Australia
1956/078 Micropalaeontology of samples from various bores in the Carnarvon Basin, Western Australia
1956/079 Foraminifera from the Permain deposits in the south-east Carnarvon Basin, Western Australia
1956/080 Petrological examination of samples of rocks from the south-east end of Carnarvon Basin, Western Australia
1956/081 Report on vibration test at Merri Creek Quarry, Northcote, Victoria
1956/082 Geophysical survey of the Derwent diversion tunnel, Wayatinah ""A"" power development scheme, Tasmania
1956/083 Geophysical survey of the Dee Tunnel, Lake Echo power development scheme, Tasmania
1956/084 Interim report on regional gravity reconnaissance survey, Darwin- Katherine area, Northern Territory
1956/085 Geochemical prospecting for uranium in the Carcoar-Rockley area, New South Wales
1956/086 Observations on airborne scintillograph anomalies and uranium prospects in the Georgetown - Forsayth - Einasleigh area of North Queensland
1956/087 The George Creek Reserve and uranium propsect, Northern Territory
1956/088 Preliminary report on airborne reconnaissance scintillograph surveys in Tasmania, January and March-April, 1955
1956/089 Cambrian fossils from Huckitta and Elkedra 4-mile sheets, Northern Territory
1956/090 Micropalaeontological examination of bore cores from Roebuck Bay No. 1 stratigraphic bore, Canning Basin, Western Australia
1956/091 Seismic refraction survey at Black Bob's dam site near Ouse, Tasmania
1956/093 Operational problems and conditions in the north-east Canning Basin, Western Australia
1956/094 Stratigraphic drilling in the West Kimberley Division, Western Australia, Borehole B.M.R. 1, Jurgurra Creek
1956/095 Stratigraphic bore, B.M.R. 2, Laurel Downs, Fitzroy Basin, Western Australia
1956/096 Stratigraphic bore, B.M.R. 3, Prices Creek, Fitzroy Basin, Western Australia
1956/097 Uranium occurrences in Tasmania
1956/098 Upper Cotter dam site investigations: Dam site C - progress geological report and proposed drilling programme
1956/099 Airborne scintillograph survey, Tasmania, 1955
1956/100 Fossiliferous rocks from Central Highlands, New Guinea
1956/101 Micropalaeontological examination of samples from Western Australia
1956/102 Report on visits to radioactive occurrences, New South Wales
1956/103 Vibration tests at Commonwealth Fertilisers and Chemicals Ltd, Yarraville, Melbourne
1956/104 Micropalaeontology and stratigraphy of Rough Range South No. 1 bore, Carnarvon Basin, Western Australia
1956/105 Permian plant remains from water bore for B.M.R. 3, Prices Creek, Kimberley Division, Western Australia
1956/106 Land classification and new geographical names in the northeast part of the Canning Basin, Western Australia
1956/107 An attempt to distinguish between calc-silicate and basic igneous rocks in the Mary Kathleen mine area, north- west Queensland
1956/108 Seismic refraction survey of the Dawson River dam site, Queensland
1956/109 Airborne scintillograph test survey in the Cloncurry-Mt. Isa district by D.C. 3 aircraft
1956/110 Micropalaeontology examination of samples from bores in the Perth Basin, Western Australia
1956/111 Interim report on an airborne scintillograph survey of the Eastern Highlands and Strathbogie areas, Victoria
1956/112 Seismic reflection traverse west of Langey's Crossing, Kimberley Division, W.A.
1956/113 The Permian marine macro-fossils of Wooramel and Byro groups of the Wooramel River area, Western Australia
1956/114 Report on an inspection of the uranium discovery near Mosquito Creek, Northern Territory
1956/115 Report on an inspection of uranium discoveries in the Calvert Hills area, Northern Territory
1956/116 Preliminary report on aeromagnetic survey of Gippsland off-shore area (1956)
1956/117 Further collection of fossiliferous rocks from the Central Highlands, New Guinea
1956/118 Geophysical survey of the northern prospect (Tombstone Hill Area) , Mt. Isa, Queensland
1956/119 Geophysica survey of the southern prospect (Mt. Novit area) Mt. Isa, Queensland
1956/120 Seismic refraction survey at the Mingoola Dam Site, Dumaresq River, New South Wales
1956/121 Resistivity survey at Mugga Mugga Quarry, Canberra, Australian Capital Territory
1956/122 Report on an occurence of copper on Haasts Bluff native settlement
1956/123 Report on the copper reef at Yueundumu native settlement, Northern Territory
1956/124 Seismic survey of the eastern abutment of dam site ""B"", Upper Cotter River, Australian Capital Territory
1956/125 Geophysical survey at the Conrad Mine, Howell, New South Wales
1956/126 Stratigraphy and micropalaeontology of Myroodah No. 1 bore, Fitzroy Basin, Western Australia
1956/127 Seismic survey Lake Echo power development scheme, Tasmania
1956/128 Seismic refraction survey at the Lower Repulse Dam site, Derwent River, Tasmania
1956/129 Geophysical survey of the Upper Repulse Dam site, Derwent River, Tasmania
1956/130 Electrical logging of No. 4 bore, Associated Australian Oilfield N.L., Roma, Queensland
1956/131 Reports on the Edie Creek and Karuka Mines (N.G.G. Ltd) Edie Creek, Territory of Papua and New Guinea
1956/132 Report on water supply at Wave Hill, Limbunya, Waterloo and Mistake Creek Stations, Victoria River district, Northern Territory
1956/133 Geological report on an examination of a new tin find at Mt. Harris, Northern Territory
1956/134 Report on diamond drilling of Mucketty manganese deposit, Northern Territory
1956/136 Seismic refraction survey of No. 1 power station site, Kiewa, Victoria
1956/137 Seismic refraction survey of No. 2 dam site area, Kiewa, Victoria
1956/138 Radiometric investigation of mineral deposits on the Mount Doreen pastoral lease, Northern Territory
1956/139 Micropalaeontology and stratigraphy of Roebuck No. 1 bore, Canning Basin, Western Australia
1956/140 Report on laboratory tests of molybdenite samples
1956/141 Carborne radiometric survey of the A.B.C. prospect, Katherine, Northern Territory
1956/142 Geophysical survey of the proposed Cleveland Tunnel Line, Tasmania
1956/143 The electrical logging of coal bores at Nebo Colliery, Wollongong, New South Wales
1956/144 Electric logging tests at Morwell, Victoria
1956/145 Regional gravity traverses across the Eucla Basin
1956/146 Summary of carborne radiometric surveys 1953/1954
1956/147 Summary of carborne radiometric investigations in the Northern Territory, 1955
1956/148 Detailed gravity survey of Rough Range anticline, near Learmonth, Western Australia
1956/149 Report on visit to North America
1956/150 History and organization : early attempts to form a Commonwealth Geological Survey
1956/151 Geophysical test survey at Greta and Corella prospects, Cloncurry mineral field, Queensland
1956/152 Geophysical investigations at the Edith River Uranium Prospects, Northern Territory, 1953
1956/153 Geophysical test survey of Torrington wolfram deposits, New South Wales
1956/154 Geophysical survey at Coronation Hill, Northern Territory
1956/156 Report on overseas trip January-April, 1956
1956/157 MacDonnell Range party. Summary of activities for 1956


Record Number Title

1957/001 The Precambrian orogenic belt of northwestern Queensland (ANZAAS, 1957)
1957/002 The significance of high-angle reverse faults in the Canberra Region
1957/003 Geochemical prospecting method for determination of uranium
1957/004 Geophysical survey at cobalt workings, Carcoar, New South Wales
1957/005 Geophysical survey at the Endurance tin mine, South Mount Cameron, Tasmania
1957/006 Preliminary report on the groundwater reserves of the Alice Springs area
1957/007 Summary of oil-search activities in Australia and New Guinea to the end of 1956
1957/008 Geology of Melville Bay area, Arnhem Land, Northern Territory, including report on Gove bauxite
1957/009 Preliminary report on airborne surveys (scintillograph and magnetometer) of Geraldton-Onslow region, Western Australia, 1956
1957/010 Stratigraphy and micropalaeontology of the Upper Cretaceous of Western Australia
1957/011 Ostracoda from bore cores from bore B.M.R. No. 2, Laurel Downs, Fitzroy Basin, Western Australia
1957/012 Commonwealth Avenue bridge. Drilling to investigate foundation conditions
1957/013 Initial geological report on the Wigley's Gorge dam site, Northern Territory
1957/014 Volcano-seismic phenomena in Eastern Papua since 1939
1957/015 Preliminary report - volcanic activity at Cone No. 7, Tuluman Islands, Manus district, November-December, 1956
1957/016 Botanical report on plant remains from Grant Range Bore No. 1, Kimberley District, Western Australia
1957/017 Second progress report Dam site ""C"", Upper Cotter River, A.C.T.
1957/019 Interim report on the geological reconnaissance of the Aifunka-Raipinka area, Kainantu sub-district
1957/020 Preliminary report on geophysical investigations of underground water, Alice Springs, Northern Territory, 1956
1957/021 Report on Larrakeyah Quarry, Darwin, Northern Territory
1957/022 Preliminary report on clay and gypsum deposits, Leanyer Swamp, Darwin, Northern Territory
1957/023 Seismic refraction survey of the Latrobe River Dam site, Yallourn, Victoria
1957/024 Seismic survey of the southern abutment of dam site ""A"", Upper Cotter River, Australian Capital Territory
1957/025 Seismic refraction survey of No. 2 power station site, Kiewa, Victoria
1957/026 A species of Lepidodendron from the basal Lyons Group, Carnarvon Basin, Western Australia
1957/027 Micropalaeontology and stratigraphy of Dural East No. 1 bore, Sydney area, New South Wales
1957/028 Report on the examination of beryl prospects, Harts Range, Northern Territory
1957/029 Micropalaeontological examination of samples from the Tabu area, Permit 22, Papua
1957/030 Lepidodendroid plant remains from near Arthur River woolshed, Carnarvon Basin, Western Australia
1957/031 Geophysical survey of the Acton weir site, Canberra, Australian Capital Territory
1957/032 Seismic survey of the Kings Avenue Bridge site, Canberra, Australian Capital Territory
1957/033 Seismic survey of the Royal Mint site, Canberra, Australian Capital Territory
1957/034 Seismic survey of the Commonwealth Avenue Bridge site, Canberra, Australian Capital Territory
1957/035 Seismic survey of the Yarralumla weir site, Canberra, Australian Capital Territory
1957/036 Seismic survey of the Anzac Park Bridge site, Canberra, Australian Capital Territory
1957/037 Seismic refraction traverse in the Christmas Creek area, Kimberley Division, Western Australia
1957/038 Progress report on regional geological mapping, northern Queensland, 1956
1957/039 Foraminifera in Australian Permian stratigraphy
1957/040 Report on inspection of uranium occurrences and airborne radiometric anomalies, Westmoreland area, northwest Queensland
1957/041 Report on 20th International Geological Congress and a visit to the United States
1957/042 Investigation of conditions on Bam Island, January, 1957
1957/043 Eruption of Manam Volcano, Territory of New Guinea, December, 1956 - February, 1957
1957/044 Geophysical survey of the Great Lake North area, Tasmania
1957/045 Preliminary Report on a seismic reflection survey in the Sydney Basin, New South Wales, February-May, 1956
1957/046 Preliminary report on a seismic survey in the Bonaparte Gulf area, June- October, 1956
1957/048 Radiometric investigations at Chwalczyk's prospect, near Rossarden, Tasmania
1957/049 Vibration tests at the Wool Textile Research Laboratories, C.S.I.R.O., Melbourne
1957/050 Geophysical survey at Mt. Lyell (Corridor and Glen Lyell areas), Queensland, Tasmania
1957/051 Airborne scintillograph survey of the Nicholson River region, Northern Territory and Queensland
1957/052 Ostracoda from bore cores and cuttings from Sisters No. 1 bore, Fitzroy Basin, Western Australia
1957/053 Report on plant fossils in stratigraphical bore B.M.R. 2, Laurel Downs, Western Australia
1957/054 Geological report on the structural behaviour of the lode system at Northern Hercules Mine, Northern Territory
1957/055 Investigations of sources of aggregate and sand, Dam Site "C", Upper Cotter River
1957/056 Ground investigation of airborne scintillograph anomalies near Bamboo Creek, Western Australia
1957/057 Carborne radiometric survey at Blackfellows Dam propsect, near Condobolin, New South Wales
1957/058 Carborne radiometric surveys in the Davenport Range area, Northern Territory, 1956
1957/059 Siesmic refraction survey of the Murchison River Dam site, Tasmania
1957/060 Geophysical investigations at the Mackintosh River Dam site, Tasmania
1957/061 Report on water supply at Nutwood Downs station, Northern Territory
1957/062 Report on water supply at Manbulloo station, Northern Territory
1957/063 Preliminary report on a geophysical survey of the Mount Farrell Mine, Tullah, Tasmania
1957/064 Fossil plants from the south west Canning Basin, Western Australia
1957/065 Botanical report on a lepidodendroid log from the Harris Sandstone, Carnarvon Basin, Western Australia
1957/066 Fossil plants from near Selwyn, Cloncurry district, North-West Queensland
1957/067 Laterite in Australia
1957/068 The mineral deposits of the West Arm, Bynoe Harbour and Bamboo Creek field, Northern Territory
1957/069 Permian fossils from Carynginia Gully, Irwin River area, Western Australia
1957/070 Fossil plants from the Georgetown district, western Queensland, from the Blythesdale Formation
1957/071 Lepidodendroid plant fossils from the base of the Gilberton formation, North Queensland
1957/072 Notes on the results of aeromagnetic surveys in the Northern Territory
1957/073 Electric logging of Condomine Oil Ltd. No. 1 (speculation) well, near Chinchilla, Queensland
1957/074 Report on plant fossils from the north east Canning Basin, Western Australia
1957/075 Seismic refraction survey (1957) of the Latrobe River Dam site, Yallourn, Victoria
1957/076 Iron ore deposits near Cape Lambert, New Britain
1957/077 The Papua ultrabasic belt, with particular reference to economic aspects
1957/078 Geological survey of the Stokes Hill Wharf parking area, Darwin, Northern Territory
1957/079 Magnetic work at Mawson, Antarctic, 1955/1956
1957/080 Airborne scintillograph survey in the Mosquito Creek region, Northern Territory, 1956
1957/081 Vibration tests on a specially constructed pillar in the Standards Laboratory of the Munitions Factory, Footscray
1957/082 Geophysical work at Heard Island, 1954
1957/083 Geophysical investigations in the Cranbourne area, Victoria
1957/084 Report on overseas visit
1957/085 Report on a radioactive ""find"" in the Mt. Johnstone area, Strangways Range, Northern Territory
1957/086 Geophysical work at Macquarie Island, 1954
1957/088 Occurrence of heavy-mineral beach sands in the vicinity of Point Blaze, Northern Territory
1957/089 Final report on geophysical investigations of underground water, Alice Springs, Northern Territory, 1956
1957/090 Operations of the 1957 Canning Basin Party
1957/091 Micropalaeontology of rock samples from the Central Highlands, New Guinea
1957/092 Rockfalls at Cascade Jetty, Norfolk Island
1957/093 Geological report on the brick pit at Deakin, November, 1957
1957/094 The geology of the Selwyn area of North-West Queensland
1957/095 Cambrian succession in Queensland south of 22nd parallel (Preliminary report)
1957/096 Resistivity survey of the Mundaring Seismic Observatory site, Western Australia, September 1957
1957/098 The results of diamond drilling of the copper-nickel deposits at North Dundas, near Zeehan, Tasmania
1957/099 Geophysical survey in the Chillagoe-Mungana district, Queensland, 1949
1957/100 The Adelaide River uranium mine, Northern Territory
1957/101 Geophysical survey at the Evelyn mine, Pine Creek district, Northern Territory
1957/104 Lavas from Savo Volcano
1957/105 Geophysical work at Macquarie Island, December, 1955 - December, 1956
1957/106 Visit to New Zealand. ANZAAS 1957
1957/107 Commonwealth Avenue Bridge site : geological report on foundation conditions
1957/108 Structure and stratigraphy of the country between Queanbeyan and Sutton, with special reference to building stone
1957/109 Micropalaeontological examination of samples from FBH-AA0 No. 1 Well, Wyabba, Queensland
1957/110 Permian fossils from Woolaga Creek, Irwin Valley, Western Australia


Record Number Title

1958/001 Report on groundwater prospects Yuendumu Native Reserve
1958/002 Micropalaeontological examination of samples from A.O.G. scout bores No. 1 and No. 2, Talbalba, Thallon Basin, Queensland
1958/003 Summary of activities 1957 - Georgina Basin area
1958/004 Helicopter operations, Calvert Hills - Robinson River 4-mile Sheet areas Northern Territory, Spetember-October 1957
1958/005 Diamond drilling at site of Weetangera Reservoir, Australian Capital Territory
1958/006 Report on water supply, Beswick station, Northern Territory
1958/007 Permian fossils from the Canning Basin, Western Australia
1958/008 Report on plant fossils from the Myroodah Ridge area and Erskine Range, Western Australia
1958/009 Micropalaeontology of samples from Kaufana No. 1 Well, Papua
1958/010 Semi-detailed gravity survey in the Comet Rolleston area, Queensland
1958/011 The drainage problem at Torres Street, Red Hill
1958/012 Preliminary report on the Mount Harris tinfield, Northern Territory
1958/013 Electrical logging of Frome Broken Hill No. 1 bore, Wyaaba, Queensland
1958/014 Activity of Tuluman Volcano, St. Andrew Strait, Admiralty Islands, September 1955 - March 1957
1958/015 Geophysical investigations (1956-1957) copper-nickel deposits near Dundas field, Tasmania
1958/016 Geological report dam site 'C' Upper Cotter River, Australian Capital Territory
1958/017 Geological investigations in the Australian Antarctic Territory from M.V. "Thala Dan", January-February, 1958
1958/018 Descriptions of Northern Territory rock samples for age determination
1958/019 Permian foraminifera from the Irwin River area, Western Australia
1958/020 Preliminary geological report on Yarralumla weir site with recommendations for testing
1958/021 Preliminary report on the ground water resources of Cabbage Gum Basin, Tennant Creek, Northern Territory
1958/022 Fossil plants from the Boulia district, West Queensland
1958/023 Report on visit to Canada and U.S.A. in 1957
1958/024 A report on a geological reconnaissance of the Middle Musa area, Northern District, Papua
1958/025 Recent foraminifera from shore sands from Noumea, New Caledonia, and other Islands in the Loyalty Group
1958/026 Preliminary report on micropalaeontology of samples from the Bonaparte Gulf Basin
1958/027 Preliminary report on ice thickness measurements, Mawson, 1957-58
1958/028 An experimental seismograph survey at Heywood, Western District Basin, southwestern Victoria
1958/029 Geophysical investigations at the Huon River Dam site, Tasmania, 1956-57
1958/030 A study of some aspects of radiometric bore logging
1958/031 Foraminifera from rock samples from the Fiji Islands
1958/032 Micropalaeontology of samples from the Yule Island, Lakekamu River and Popo areas, Papua
1958/033 Geophysical test survey at the Plenty River mica field, Northern Territory
1958/034 Micro examination of further samples from Dural No. 2, P.D.H., New South Wales
1958/035 Geophysical survey at the Mount Farrell mine, Tullah, Tasmania
1958/036 Petrography and petrology of Mount Dundey granite and Mount Goyder Syenite, Northern Territory
1958/037 A geological reconnaissance of the Nambayat Creek area, Finisterre Range, New Guinea
1958/038 Plant fossils from the Einasleigh region of North-east Queensland
1958/039 Magnetic survey of the Savage River iron ore deposits, northwestern Tasmania
1958/040 Preliminary report on measurements of ice-thickness on the Antarctica ice-cap by seismic and gravimetric methods
1958/041 Foraminifera in Australian Permian stratigraphy
1958/042 Preliminary report on the seismic survey of the Derwent Bridge site, Hobart, Tasmania
1958/043 Petrology of Prices Sprints 'granite' Northern Territory
1958/044 Methods of improving the quality of seismic reflection data
1958/045 Preliminary report on airborne magnetic and radiometric surveys in Kalgoorlie-Southern Cross region, Western Australia (1956/57)
1958/046 Equipment for the determination of radon and radium in water
1958/047 Radon concentrations in spring waters in the Daylesford area, Victoria
1958/048 Final report on a seismic reflection survey in the Sydney Basin, New South Wales, February-May, 1957
1958/049 Sedimentary structures in the Metamorphic rocks and orebodies of Broken Hill
1958/050 Report on the selection of a bore site for the police station at Hatches Creek, Northern Territory
1958/051 The ground water problem at Yuendumu native settlement, Northern Territory
1958/052 Seismic work at Melbourne, Macquarie Island, Mawson and Port Moresby during the I.G.Y
1958/053 Magnetic observatories operated by the Bureau of Mineral Resources, Geology and Geophysics, during the International Geophysical Year 1957-58
1958/054 Proposed ionospheric work, Port Moresby Geophysical Observatory
1958/055 Ionospheric work at the Watheroo magnetic observatory
1958/056 Seismological report of the Watheroo Observatory
1958/057 The cosmic noise recorder the the Watheroo Mangetic Observatory
1958/058 Geomagnetic work at Gnangara and Watheroo, Western Australia
1958/059 Distribution of data from observatories operated by the Bureau of Mineral Resources, Geology and Geophysics
1958/060 Geology of the Hall's Reward copper mine area, northern Queensland
1958/061 Interim report on the ground water resources of Cabbage Gum Basin, Tennant Creek, Northern Territory
1958/062 Outcrop samples from Western Queensland
1958/063 Beach sand heavy minerals near Bunbury, Western Australia
1958/064 Annual conference of Institute of Engineers, Newcastle, February, 1958
1958/065 Radiometric logging of drill holes at Royal George mine, Avoca, Tasmania
1958/066 Geophysical work at Macquarie Island. December 1956 - December, 1957
1958/067 Notes on the current eruption at Manam
1958/068 Effects of ground vibrations from blasting at open-cuts, Ravensworth, New South Wales
1958/069 The Canberra Lake scheme - a review of the siltation problem
1958/070 Airborne radiometric survey of the South Alligator River region, Northern Territory
1958/071 Geophysical survey at the Yithan alluvial tin mine, Ardlethan, New Wales
1958/072 Sources of sand in and near Canberra City district, Australian Capital Territory : investigations completed before July, 1958
1958/073 The eruptive trend of Manam Volcano
1958/074 Micropalaeontology of samples from the Surat area, Queensland
1958/075 Engineering geology of the proposed Canberra Lake
1958/076 A geological examination of Eldorado Mine, Tennant Creek, Northern Territory
1958/077 Report on search for phosphate deposits in the Northern Territory
1958/078 Investigation of a reported magnetic anomaly near Fortification Point, Masaweng River 1-mile area, Territory of Papua and New Guinea
1958/079 Report on an inspection of the Halls Creek uranium prospect
1958/080 Sedimentary basins of Australia : a glossary of nomenclature
1958/081 Geophysical survey Waterhouse No. 1 uranium prospect, Northern Territory (1957)
1958/083 Geophysical work of the Bureau of Mineral Resources, Geology and Geophysics, during the International Geophysical Year
1958/084 Preliminary report on a reconnaissance gravity survey at oil prospecting Permit No. 14 area, near Horsham, Victoria
1958/085 Geophysical survey at No. 2 tunnel line and No. 2 penstock line, Kiewa, Victoria
1958/086 Seismological results obtained from the Snowy Mountains explosions of December 1956 and February 1957
1958/087 Reconnaissance airborne magnetic survey of the Eucla Basin, Southern Australia
1958/088 Supply of road aggregate, Kowen Road, Australian Capital Territory
1958/089 Seismic data obtained from the atomic weapons test at Maralinga, South Australia, 1956
1958/090 Preliminary report on Lower Palaeozoic fossils of Samphire Marsh No. 1 bore, Western Australia
1958/091 Geological investigation of weir sites at Acton and Yarralumla, Canberra, Australian Capital Territory
1958/092 Geology of the eastern Central Highlands of New Guinea
1958/093 Micropalaeontology of A.A.O. No. 8 bore, Karumba, North Queensland
1958/094 Micropalaeontology of samples from the Karema-Karova Creek and Malalaua-Saw Mountains areas, Papua
1958/095 Report on a visit to Misima Island
1958/096 The geology of the Darwin-Adelaide River area, Northern Territory
1958/097 Electrical logging of Associated Australian Oil Fields N.L. No. 8 Karumba, Queensland
1958/098 Notes on the geology and the phosphate deposits of Christmas Island, Indian Ocean
1958/099 Efontera lead-zinc prospect, Kainantu, Eastern Highlands of New Guinea : interim geological report
1958/100 Geology and mineral deposits in the Paradise Creek area, northwest Queensland
1958/101 Preliminary report on an experimental seismic survey, Latrobe Valley, Victoria
1958/102 Preliminary report. Underwater gravity survey Bramble Cay to Cape Arnhem
1958/103 Preliminary report. Underwater gravity survey, Gulf of Papua
1958/104 Preliminary notes to accompany the electrical logs of B.M.R. stratigraphic bores, West Australia, 1958
1958/105 Summary of activities, palaeontological laboratory, Bureau of Mineral Resources, 1958
1958/106 Geological notes, inspection trip, 1958
1958/107 Notes on the geology and mineral deposits of Reynolds Range area, Northern Territory
1958/108 The ground investigation of aeroradiometric anomalies obtained by DC3 high-level survey, Rum Jungle district, Northern Territory, 1957
1958/109 Reconnaissance ground magnetic survey over Olive Wood area, Tennant Creek (1958)
1958/110 Geology and petrology of Gray Creek area, Queensland
1958/111 Geophysical survey at Mt. Lyell, Queenstown, Tasmania 1948-49
1958/112 Geophysical investigations at the Brodribb radioactive prospect, Northern Territory
1958/113 Darwin Uranium Group. Annual report for 1958
1958/114 Stromatolites from Paradise Creek, north-western Queensland
1958/115 The geology and mineral deposits of the Hatches Creek wolfram field, Northern Territory
1958/116 Summary of activities, sedimentary basins, 1958
1958/117 Summary of activities - 1958. Resident geologists - Papua and New Guinea
1958/118 Summary of activities - 1958. Resident geologists - Northern Territory
1958/119 Summary of activities, metalliferous sub-section, 1958
1958/120 Summary of activities, 1958. Miscellaneous investigations and map compilation group
1958/121 Summary of activities, 1958. Editing, publications, drawing office, museum and library
1958/122 The geology of Woolwonga, Mt. Bundey and Marraki East areas, Northern Territory


Record Number Title

1959/001 Geophysical survey of Nymagee copper field, New South Wales
1959/002 Preliminary report on the brick shale deposit at Queanbeyan
1959/003 Preliminary geological report on new power house site, Stokes Hill, Darwin, Northern Territory
1959/004 Preliminary report on a seismic survey in the Carpentaria Basin, Queensland, July-December, 1958
1959/005 Geological report on Upper Ridges Mine, Wau, Territory of New Guinea
1959/006 Gravity effect of the Burt Range limestone and basin structure in the Burt Range sub-basin
1959/007 Preliminary report on a geophysical investigation of underground water at Yuendumu, Northern Territory
1959/008 Preliminary report on a reconnaissance gravity survey in the Georgina Basin area, Queensland
1959/009 Airborne radiometric survey of the Rum Jungle region, Northern Territory, 1957
1959/010 Geophysical survey of the Whirlpool Reach Bridge site, Tamar River, Tasmania
1959/011 Magnetic survey of the Natone/Blythe River-Cuprona, and Highclere iron ore deposits, north-western Tasmania
1959/012 Some diatomite deposits, north Queensland
1959/013 Experimental seismic survey, Surat, Queensland
1959/014 Progress report on geophysical survey at Tennant Creek, 1957
1959/015 Review of geophysical exploration for oil in Australia and New Guinea to the end of 1958
1959/016 The geology of the Badgeradda area, Western Australia
1959/017 Explanatory notes: Westmoreland 4-mile geological series, sheet E54-5
1959/018 Report of investigation of radiometric anomalies discovered by Auster aircraft in the Rum Jungle district, Northern Territory
1959/019 An experimental seismic survey, Haddon Downs, South Australia
1959/020 Report on a gravity survey in the Bonaparte Gulf Basin, 1956-58
1959/021 Geological reconnaissance of the Laloki River hydro-electric projects, Port Moresby
1959/022 Lae hydro-electric projects, New Guinea : reconnaissance investigation the Sankwep River scheme
1959/023 Lae hydro-electric projects, New Guinea : reconnaissance geological investigation of the Upper Ramu scheme
1959/024 Explanatory notes on tables of manganese reserves of Western Australia as at 30/9/58
1959/025 Foraminiferal rocks from Fiji and New Hebrides
1959/026 Probable salt dome at Woolnough Hills, Canning Basin, Western Australia
1959/027 Geological report Mt. Victor prospect, E.P.L.37, Kainantu, Territory New Guinea
1959/028 An aerial reconnaissance of portion of the Frew River area, Northern Territory
1959/029 Permian glacials in central Australia
1959/030 Mary Valley manganese deposits. Report on an inspection, February, 1959
1959/031 A note on the geology of the Aewo-Sirorata area
1959/032 The geology of the Ajura Kujara Range
1959/033 Geological report on the Merri Creek mine, Edie Creek
1959/034 Preliminary report on gravity survey of Port Phillip Bay and adjacent areas
1959/035 Fossil plants from the Georgina Basin, Queensland
1959/036 Geophysical survey of the Great Lyell, East Darwin and the Comstock areas, Queenstown, Tasmania
1959/037 Lower Ordovician fossils in the area of Boulia 4-mile, Queensland
1959/038 Engineers' conference, Hobart, March, 1959; with special reference to hydro-electric works
1959/039 Notes of Savo Volcano, British Solomon Islands Protectorate
1959/040 An outline of the geology of the Alice Springs area
1959/041 Report on Rockhole and O'Dwyer's prospects, South Alligator River area, Northern Territory, May 1958
1959/042 Fossil wood from the Boulia-Glenormiston area, North West Queensland and Eastern Northern Territory
1959/043 Preliminary report on a semidetailed gravity survey at the McKenzie area, western Victoria
1959/044 Geophysical survey at Blackfellow's Dam uranium prospect, Condobolin district, New South Wales
1959/045 Recommendation for diamond drilling at Tennant Creek, Northern Territory
1959/046 Absorption of gamma rays from radium in air
1959/047 The phosphate deposits of Bellona Island
1959/048 The copper deposits of the Redbank copper field, Northern Territory
1959/049 The geology of the Tennant Creek gold and copper field. Progress on the work of the 1958 field season
1959/050 Notes on the Calvert Hills 4-mile geological sheet, E53/8
1959/051 Preliminary report on gravity survey in the Toko Range area, western Queensland
1959/052 Correlation chart of Cambrian and Ordovician in Australia
1959/053 Bureau of Mineral Resources experimental water bore drilling, Canberra, 1958
1959/054 Preliminary report on a geophysical survey at the Reward lease, McArthur River, Northern Territory
1959/055 The drainage problem at No. 16 Mugga Way, Red Hill
1959/056 The drainage problem at Duffy Street, Ainslie
1959/057 Preliminary report of the geophysical survey at the Gray Creek prospect near Greenvale Station, north Queensland
1959/058 Report of investigation of islands in the Territory of Papua and New Guinea; phosphate survey, 1958
1959/059 Electric logging of Port Fairy borehole, Parish of Belfast No. 4, Victoria, April, 1959
1959/060 Preliminary report of an underwater gravity survey, Kerema area, Gulf of Papua
1959/061 Pisolithic ironstone deposits, Port Hedland area, Western Australia
1959/062 A seismic refraction survey at the Moogerah damsite near Kalbar, Queensland
1959/063 A seismic investigation of the Fenton Fault at Barnes Flow, Canning - Fitzroy Basins, Kimberley Division, Western Australia
1959/064 Preliminary report on an aeromagnetic survey of the Perth Basin, 1957
1959/065 Vibration tests at Kirkstall-Repco Pty. Ltd., Clayton, Victoria
1959/066 The effect of pumping from a bore on the drainage problem at Torres Street, Red Hill
1959/067 The geology of the Diljin Hill, Black Cap, Waterhouse West and Canopy Rock West areas, Northern Territory
1959/068 Preliminary report on underwater gravity survey, Hervey Bay, Queensland
1959/069 Preliminary report on underwater gravity survey, Great Barrier Reef area, Rockhampton to Gladstone
1959/069A Preliminary report on underwater gravity survey, Great Barrier Reef area, Rockhampton to Gladstone. [Appendix:] Notes to accompany gravity maps and profiles
1959/070 Preliminary report on underwater gravity survey, Great Barrier Reef area, Thursday Island to Rockhampton
1959/071 Preliminary report of an underwater gravity survey, Cape Arnhem to Darwin, 1958
1959/072 Report of a reconnaissance gravity survey in the Darwin-Katherine area, Northern Territory, 1955-1957
1959/073 Tabletop 4-mile geological series : sheet F/51-11, Australian national grid : explanatory notes no. 18
1959/074 Preliminary report on ice thickness measurements of the Antarctic ice cap by seismic and gravimetric methods 1958- 1959
1959/075 Report on a further collection of plant fossils from the Einasleigh region of N.E. Queensland
1959/076 Explanatory notes on the Yarrie 4-mile geological Sheet
1959/077 An outline of the water resources of central Australia
1959/078 Report of inspection of radiometric anomalies in Mount Isa mineral field, detected by B.M.R. airborne survey 1958
1959/079 Preliminary note on the micropalaeontology of samples from HBR. Wreck Island No. 1 bore, near Gladstone, Queensland
1959/080 Seismic reconnaissance survey at the Hell's Gate damsite, Pieman River, Tasmania
1959/081 Vibration tests at the CSIRO Laboratory, Fisherman's Bend, Melbourne
1959/082 Desert dune sands from the Canning Basin, Western Australia
1959/083 Vibration tests of blasts in the M.M.B.W. tunnel, Swanston Street, Melbourne
1959/084 Ground vibration measurements at the Wycheproof Hospital, Victoria, 1959
1959/085 Geophysical investigation at the Rosebery No. 1 damsite, Tasmania
1959/086 Vibration test at the M.M.B.W. sewer project, Brooklyn, Victoria, 1959
1959/087 Geophysical survey at the Cluny dam site, Derwent River, Tasmania
1959/088 Pegmatities in the Huckitta 4-mile sheet area
1959/089 Explanatory notes on the Paterson Range 4-mile geological Sheet
1959/090 Explanatory notes on the Mount Bannerman 4-mile geological Sheet
1959/091 The geology of the eastern part of the Toko Range and its foothills
1959/092 Micropalaeontological report on rock samples from Portuguese Timor
1959/093 Geophysical survey at the Barron Falls hydro-electric scheme, Kuranda, near Cairns, Queensland
1959/094 Preliminary report on probable Lower Carboniferous fossils from Station Creek area, Fitzroy Basin, (Westralian Oil Ltd., Permit 106H)
1959/095 Explanatory notes on the Cloncurry 4-mile geological map
1959/096 Explanatory notes on the Dobbyn 4-mile geological Sheet
1959/097 National report on gravity in Australia and Australian Territories, May, 1959
1959/098 Foraminifera from the West Darling area, New South Wales
1959/099 Lower Miocene foraminifera from the Milne Bay area, Papua
1959/100 Permian pelecypods and gastropods from the Bowen Basin, Queensland
1959/101 Probable sand volcanoes in the Lower Proterozoic at Tennant Creek, Northern Territory
1959/102 The occurrence of sedimentary iron in the Dulcie Range, Northern Territory
1959/103 Jervois Range copper-lead deposits, Northern Territory
1959/104 Progress report on Upper Palaeozoic intrusions controlled by ring fractures near Kidston, North Queensland
1959/105 Miocene foraminifera from the Wira Anticline, Puri-Purari River area, Papua
1959/106 Preliminary report on a geophysical investigation of Longreach Bridge sites, Tasmania
1959/107 Geophysical investigation of the Judbury damsite, Huon River, Tasmania
1959/108 The geology and mineral deposits of the Mungana, Chillagoe, and Almaden 1-mile sheets, North Queensland (Part 1)
1959/109 The petrology of the Jervois Range mining area
1959/110 Radiolaria in the Lower Cretaceous rocks of Australia
1959/111 Notes on ground magnetic survey at New Hope area, Tennant Creek, Northern Territory
1959/112 The geology of the Musa River area, Papua
1959/113 Report on the Kumbruf gold prospect, Simbai River, Madang district
1959/114 Progress report on regional geological mapping, northern Queensland, 1957. Gray Creek, Broken River and Clarke River areas
1959/115 Progress report on regional geological mapping, northern Queensland, 1958
1959/116 A natural pozzolan deposit near Tully Galls, North Queensland
1959/117 Cainozoic basalts of the Einasleigh 4-mile sheet, North Queensland
1959/118 Micropalaeontology of further rock samples from Portuguese Timor
1959/119 Geological reconnaissance of Batonga River hydro-electric scheme
1959/120 Geological reconnaissance of the Towanokoko River hydro-electric scheme
1959/121 Vibration test at the M.M.B.W. sewer project, Spotswood, Victoria
1959/122 Seismic refraction survey at Dawson River Dam site, Queensland (1958)
1959/123 Geophysical work at Macquarie Island, 1958
1959/124 Preliminary report on a geophysical survey at Ruddygore Copper Chillagoe, North Queensland
1959/125 Quarterly report of petrographic and mineragraphic work for the period July-September, 1958
1959/126 Geophysical survey at the Koombooloomba damsite near Ravenshoe, Queensland
1959/127 A study of magnetic bays at Macquarie Island
1959/128 Australian ice thickness measurements in Antarctica by seismic and gravity methods 1957/59
1959/129 Explanatory notes to the Einasleigh 4-mile Sheet
1959/130 An outline of the geology of the western portion of Australian Antarctic Territory
1959/131 Report on geological and glaciological work by the 1958 Australian National Antarctic Research Expedition
1959/132 The geomagnetic work of the Bureau of Mineral Resources, Geology and Geophysics
1959/133 Geological observations in the Louisiade Archipelago
1959/134 Geophysical work at Macquarie Island December 1954 to December 1955
1959/135 Radioactive investigation at Wolfram Camp, Queensland
1959/136 Magnetic survey of compass swinging sites, R.A.A.F. Station, Richmond, New South Wales
1959/137 A preliminary report of an airborne magnetic and radiometric survey of the Kurnalpi-Widgiemooltha areas, Western Australia, 1958
1959/138 Petrographic and mineragraphic investigations during the quarter July- September, 1959
1959/140 Mount Isa 4-mile geological series. Sheet F54/1. Explanatory notes
1959/141 Mesozoic and Permian fossils from the Canning Basin, Western Australia
1959/142 Geophysical survey at the Yithan alluvial tin mine, Ardlethan, New South Wales
1959/143 Report on a gravity survey at the Blair Athol Coalfield, Queensland
1959/144 Micropalaeontology of samples from the Kedimba Creek and Cox's River area, Blue Mountains, New South Wales
1959/145 Report on diamond drilling at Cosmopolitan Howley Mine, Brocks Creek, Northern Territory
1959/146 Report on survey of manganese deposits of Western Australia, 1958
1959/147 Papers on airborne geophysical surveying presented at ECAFE conference, Bangkok 1960
1959/148 Mackintosh River Dam site geophysical survey, Tasmania 1959
1959/149 Geological completion report bores BMR 8 and BMR 9, Byro Basin, Western Australia
1959/150 Geophysical survey of the Black Snake Copper Mine, Tubbut, Victoria
1959/151 Experimental seismic survey Latrobe Valley, Victoria, April 1958
1959/152 Geophysical surveys at Shuttleton and Cabelego, New South Wales, 1947- 1950
1959/153 Plant fossils from the Callawa Formation, Canning Basin, Western Australia
1959/154 Plant fossils from the Broome sandstone, Western Australia
1959/155 Kohinoor copper deposit, Cloncurry, mineral field, Queensland
1959/156 Preliminary report of an underwater gravity survey, Darwin-Wyndham 1958
1959/157 Foraminifera from the Middle Purari River area, Papua
1959/158 A study on the geothermal environment of New Britain