Digitised records 1970s
Page last updated:11 July 2023
1970 | 1971 | 1972 | 1973 | 1974 | 1975 | 1976 | 1977 | 1978 | 1979
Record Number | Title |
1970/001 | Geophysical investigation of the eastern margin of the Rum Jungle Complex, Northern Territory 1967. |
1970/002 | Sandstone and Youanmi airborne magnetic and radiometric survey, Western Australia 1968. |
1970/003 | The geology of the Cape Scott, Port Keats, Fergusson River and Delamere 1:250 000 sheet areas, Northern Territory. |
1970/004 | Wells and footage drilled for petroleum exploration and development in Australia and the Territory of Papua and New Guinea in 1968. |
1970/005 | Rubber tyred diesel equipment in Australian metal mines. |
1970/006 | Palaeozoic geology of the Warwick and Goondiwindi 1:250 000 Sheet areas, Queensland and New South Wales. |
1970/007 | Dawsonite in Sydney Basin wells. |
1970/008 | Bibliography of the Perth Basin, Western Australia (to 31/12/69). |
1970/009 | Bibliography of the Canning Basin, Western Australia (to 31/12/69). |
1970/010 | Marine geology and recent sediments of Milne Bay, New Guinea. |
1970/011 | Studies in the cold extraction of copper, lead and zinc from geological materials. |
1970/012 | Foraminifera and age of outcrop samples collected during the Kubor Range survey 1968, Central Highlands, New Guinea. |
1970/013 | The co-precipitation of iron and trace metals from aqueous solutions. |
1970/014 | Foraminifera and age of samples from the Star Mountains, Territory of Papua New Guinea. |
1970/015 | Reconnaissance gravity survey of parts of Northern Territory and Western Australia, 1967. |
1970/016 | Petroleum exploration activity: report and predictions. |
1970/017 | Bibliography of the Bonaparte Gulf Basin, W.A. and N.T. (to 28/2/70). |
1970/018 | Estimated consumption of drilling mud materials in Australia and Papua and New Guinea in 1968 and comparative study of the same for 1963-1968. |
1970/019 | Bibliography of the Sydney Basin (to 31/12/69). |
1970/020 | Rb-Sr age determinations of some rocks from the West Kimberley region, Western Australia. |
1970/021 | Ulawun volcano, New Britain: geology, petrology, and eruptive history between 1915 and 1967. |
1970/022 | Preliminary tests of the EM16 prospecting equipment at Captains Flat, New South Wales 1968. |
1970/023 | Gould area (Waterhouse No. 2 and Mount Minza) geophysical surveys, Rum Jungle district, Northern Territory 1968. |
1970/024 | The Proterozoic metamorphic rocks of the Cloncurry 1:100 000 sheet (Soldiers Cap Belt), Northwestern Queensland |
1970/025 | A report on the sedimentology of the Moolayember Foramtion, Bowen Basin, Queensland. |
1970/026 | Palynological observations on Amoco Towerhill No. A-1 well, Galilee Basin, Queensland. |
1970/027 | The sediments, structure, and morphology of the northwest Australian continental shelf between Rowley Shoals and Monte Bello Islands. |
1970/028 | Report on petrified woods from the Beaver Lake area, Prince Charles Mountains, Antarctica. |
1970/029 | Plant fossils from the Cape Vogel Basin, East Papua. |
1970/030 | Mineral resources of Australia, 1970. |
1970/031 | Reconnaissance gravity observations near Amery Ice Shelf, Antarctica, Summer 1968/69 |
1970/032 | Jervis Bay power station site seismic refraction survey, A.C.T. 1970. |
1970/033 | World supply and demand for zirconium minerals: current position and future prospects. |
1970/034 | Micropalaeontology of core and cutting samples from water bores and shallow stratigraphic holes in the northern Eromanga Basin, Queensland. |
1970/035 | Seismicity in the Bismarck Volcanic Arc. |
1970/036 | A history of the torbanite industry and of the search for hydro- carbons in the Sydney Basin of N.S.W. |
1970/037 | Summary of oil search activities in Australia and Papua New Guinea during 1969. |
1970/038 | Shallow stratigraphic drilling, southern Carpentaria Basin, 1969. |
1970/039 | Progress report on the geology of the southern Carpentaria Basin. |
1970/041 | Geochemical and radiometric investigations, Rum Jungle district, Northern Territory 1969. |
1970/042 | Likurwanga volcano, Lolobau Island and associated volcanic centres, New Britain: geology and petrology. |
1970/043 | A study of the relationship between overburden pressure and fluid permeability in some hydrocarbon reservoir rocks in Australia. |
1970/044 | Fractures study - Murrays Beach area, Commonwealth Territory Jervis Bay. |
1970/045 | Stratigraphic bores BMR Ulladulla 1 and 2, and implications for engineering geology, Jervis Bay, A.C.T. |
1970/046 | Stratigraphic drilling in the Ngalia Basin, Northern Territory 1968- 1969. |
1970/047 | Mount Isa geochemical project, analysis of core samples |
1970/048 | Bibliography and index of Australian Cambrian trilobites, part I. |
1970/049 | Geology of New Ireland. |
1970/050 | Geology of the northern half of the Bowen 1:250 000 Sheet area, Queensland (with additions to the geology of the southern half |
1970/051 | Bureau of Mineral Resources 1970 program. |
1970/052 | Flinders River seismic survey, Queensland 1966. |
1970/053 | Engineering geology of phase I of the Ramu I hydro-electric project, Eastern Highlands, New Guinea. Part I Text and plates. |
1970/054 | Summary report on overseas study tour, March to May, 1969. |
1970/055 | Airphotograph study of coastal changes - southeast Queensland. |
1970/056 | Third-order regional magnetic survey, Queensland 1967. |
1970/057 | Gosses Bluff airborne magnetic survey, Northern Territory 1968. |
1970/058 | Bibliography of the Clarence-Moreton Basin of New South Wales and Queensland (to June 1970). |
1970/059 | Texture of sediments of the Arafura Sea. |
1970/060 | Geological investigations, Belconnen sheets G4C, G4D, G5A, G5B, G5C, and G5D, Australian Capital Territory, 1965- 1967. |
1970/061 | North Molonglo outfall sewer, A.C.T. Geological report on detailed investigation, 1969 |
1970/062 | National report on gravity in Australia, July 1965 to June 1970 |
1970/063 | Geology of the Gazelle Peninsula, T.P.N.G. |
1970/064 | Evans Head Bombing Range vibrations tests, New South Wales 1969. |
1970/065 | Crater Formation investigation, Rum Jungle district, Northern Territory 1969. |
1970/066 | Mineralogy of cumulus and non-cumulus ultramafic rocks from eastern Papua. |
1970/067 | A computer program for analysing directional data designed for use on a CDC3600. |
1970/068 | Engineering geology of the Tuggeranong West urban development area, A.C.T. |
1970/069 | Catalogue of radiometric age determinations carried out on Australian rocks in 1967/1968. |
1970/070 | Preview report: Northern New Guinea Basin airborne seismic survey 1970. |
1970/071 | Bibliography of the Carnarvon Basin, Western Australia (to 31/12/69). |
1970/072 | Short papers on Quaternary volcanic areas in Papua-New Guinea. |
1970/073 | Mineral Resources Branch summary of activities 1970. |
1970/074 | Results of 1961 stream sediment geochemical survey of Fergusson and Goodenough Islands, Papua. |
1970/075 | The relationship of pyrite oxidation in rockfill to highly acid water at Corin Dam, A.C.T., Australia. |
1970/076 | Preliminary analyses of natural gases encountered in exploration and development drilling in Australia and Papua New Guinea. |
1970/077 | Some geochemical aspects of petroleum genesis. |
1970/078 | Some characteristics of formation waters obtained from petroleum exploration and development wells in Australia and Papua including the continental shelf. |
1970/079 | Geology of the Kubor Anticline - Central Highlands of New Guinea. |
1970/080 | Ground electrical resistivity data from BMR geophysical surveys, 1952-68 |
1970/081 | Annual summary of activities Geological Branch 1970. |
1970/082 | Shallow stratigraphic drilling in the Homeboin, St George, Dirranbandi and Eulo 1:250 000 sheet areas, Queensland |
1970/083 | Supplementary handbook for Willmore seismographs. |
1970/084 | AFMAG field tests at Buchan, Victoria 1969. |
1970/085 | Visit to Fourth World Conference on Earthquake Engineering and seismological institutions in North and South America, held at Santiago, Chile, January/February 1969 |
1970/087 | Seismic refraction survey of sections 16 and 22, Barton, A.C.T. 1969. |
1970/088 | Cotter-Stromlo pipeline, seismic refraction survey, Australian Capital Territory, 1969. |
1970/089 | Barometric heighting - an assessment of the accuracy achieved during reconnaissance gravity surveys in Australia. |
1970/090 | Preliminary isogonic map of the Australian region for epoch 1970.0. |
1970/091 | The South Gippsland earthquake of 20 June,1969. |
1970/092 | Toolangi Geophysical Observatory, annual report 1968. |
1970/093 | Visit to International Symposium on Recent Coastal Movements and Associated Seismicity, Wellington, New Zealand, February 1970 |
1970/094 | Deep crustal reflection studies, Amadeus and Ngalia Basins, N.T. 1969. |
1970/095 | Tests of the V.L.F. electromagnetic prospecting method in the Queenstown and Zeehan districts, Tasmania 1969 |
1970/096 | Tests of the V.L.F. electromagnetic method in the Comet and Sylvester areas near Zeehan, Tasmania 1970. |
1970/097 | Meckering earthquake intensities and notes on earthquake risk for Western Australia |
1970/098 | Wells and footage drilled for petroleum exploration and development in Australia and the Territory of Papua and New Guinea in 1969. |
1970/100 | Tests of the V.L.F. electromagnetic prospecting method in the limestone area near Zeehan, Tasmania 1970. |
1970/101 | First-order regional magnetic survey at Cocos Islands, Southern Cross and Augusta 1970. |
1970/102 | Mount Blundell mineral deposit, A.C.T.-N.S.W |
1970/103 | Magnetic test: Moorabbin airport compass swinging site. |
1970/104 | Geophysical investigation of the Burnt Shirt Anomaly 4 area, Tennant Creek 1967. |
1970/105 | AFMAG field tests, Captains Flat, N.S.W. 1969. |
1970/106 | Barry Drive seismic refraction survey, Canberra 1969. |
1970/107 | Annual summary of activities: Geophysical Branch 1970. |
1970/108 | Petroleum Exploration Branch: summary of activities 1970. |
1970/109 | Design of proton magnetometer MNSZ; preliminary report. |
1970/110 | Seismic travel-times from explosions Western Australia 1966-1968.5. |
1970/111 | Rum Jungle detailed aeromagnetic survey, Northern Territory 1967. |
1970/112 | Visit to United States - W.J. Perry and P.J. Hillman, July 18 to August 26, 1970. |
1970/113 | Visit to Japanese volcano observatories |
1970/114 | The 1968 Bureau of Mineral Resources drilling program in the Alexandria- Wonarah area, Northern Territory. |
1970/115 | Geology and copper deposits of the Pinnacles bores area, Strangways Range, Northern Territory. |
1970/116 | Geology of eastern Papua: a synthesis. |
1970/117 | Textures and genesis of lead-zinc ores from Narlarla, West Kimberley region, Western Australia. |
1970/118 | Gravity meter measurements on the western Pacific, Japanese, and Australian calibration lines, 1969-70. |
1970/119 | The role of the mineral industry in the Australian economy. |
1970/120 | Major developments in the Australian mineral industry, 1960-1970. |
1970/121 | Recent research in geochemical prospecting in Australia. |
1970/122 | The legend for the metallogenic map of Australia. |
1970/123 | Technical officers in geology and geophysics areas. |
1970/124 | Progress in the compilation of regional maps of Australia. |
Record Number | Title |
1971/001 | The geology of the Yampi 1:250 000 sheet area, SE/51-3, Western Australia. |
1971/002 | Bibliography of recent geological work on the Precambrian of the Kimberley region, W.A. |
1971/003 | Soil survey, Division of Watson, Canberra, A.C.T. 1970. |
1971/004 | Gosses Bluff seismic survey, Northern Territory, 1969. |
1971/005 | Notes on a geological reconnaissance of the Officer Basin, W.A., 1970 |
1971/006 | BMR gravity, latitude and longitude conversion from eastings and northings. |
1971/007 | The gravity reductions, storage and retrieval system used by BMR. |
1971/008 | Improvements to BMR's gravity retrieval systems, June 1969. |
1971/009 | Mawson Geophysical Observatory annual report 1967 |
1971/010 | Mawson Geophysical Observatory annual report 1968 |
1971/011 | Preliminary notes on the geology of the Village Creek area. |
1971/012 | Mundaring Geophysical Observatory annual report 1968 |
1971/013 | Macquarie Island geophysical observatory annual report 1969. |
1971/014 | Cape Gloucester area, New Britain: volcanic geology, petrology, and eruptive history of Langila craters up to 1970. |
1971/015 | Barton (section 4) seismic refraction survey, A.C.T. 1970. |
1971/016 | Belconnen (sections 43 and 50) seismic refraction surveys, A.C.T. 1970. |
1971/017 | BMR marine geology cruise in the southern Barrier Reef and northern Tasman Sea, 12.9.1970 to 14.12.1970. |
1971/018 | Strangways Range geophysical survey, Northern Territory 1967. |
1971/019 | Mann-Woodroffe aeromagnetic survey, South Australia, 1969. |
1971/020 | Geophysical surveys of the Rum Jungle complex, Northern Territory 1968. |
1971/021 | Adelaide River dam site geophysical survey, Northern Territory 1969. |
1971/022 | Rum Jungle area (Hundred of Goyder) geophysical surveys, Northern Territory, 1968. |
1971/023 | Manton area reconnaissance geophysical survey, Northern Territory 1968. |
1971/024 | First-order regional magnetic survey of eastern Australia, 1968. |
1971/025 | First-order regional magnetic survey of northern and Western Australia 1969. |
1971/026 | First-order regional magnetic survey of the Territory of Papua and New Guinea 1969. |
1971/027 | Earthquake focal mechanism in the east New Guinea region. |
1971/028 | Airborne magnetic and radiometric survey of Belele, Cue, Kirkalocka and the eastern parts of Byro, Murgoo and Yalgoo 1:250 000 Sheet areas, Western Australia 1969. |
1971/029 | Third-order regional magnetic survey in eastern Australia, 1968 and 1969 |
1971/031 | East Mereenie No. 4 gas-oil relative permeability and waterflood susceptibility tests on core samples from the oil column of the Pacoota Sandstone reservoir. |
1971/032 | Oceanographic investigations in Melanesia by the Hawaii Institute of Geophysics, 1970 - equipment and operations |
1971/033 | Molonglo bridge site seismic refraction survey, Australian Capital Territory 1969. |
1971/034 | Interpretation of a positive Bouguer anomaly feature near Cootamundra, New South Wales. |
1971/035 | Computer programme for producing magneto-telluric curves for a horizontally layered earth. |
1971/036 | IP electromagnetic coupling for the dipole-dipole configureation. |
1971/037 | Miscellaneous chemical, petrographic and mineragraphic investigations carried out in the Geological Laboratory, 1970. |
1971/038 | Airborne gamma-ray spectrometer survey of the Thorntonia and Burke River areas of northwest Queensland 1969. |
1971/039 | Seismic surveys and related geological investigations of engineering projects in the A.C.T. from August 1969 to January 1970. |
1971/040 | Information on Western Australian earthquakes which occurred during periods 1849-1900 and 1923-1960. |
1971/041 | Electronic logic and counting - a basic introduction. |
1971/042 | Preliminary report: a reconnaissance of mineral sands in south Vietnam. |
1971/043 | Petroleum exploration activity in Australia |
1971/044 | Mineral resources of Australia. |
1971/045 | Palaeomagnetism of some recent basalts from New Guinea |
1971/046 | Summary of oil search activities in Australia and Papua New Guinea during 1970. |
1971/047 | An appraisal of the New England geosyncline for phosphate. |
1971/048 | Three component fluxgate magnetic variograph type MFR-1. |
1971/049 | Bureau of Mineral Resources: 1971 programme. |
1971/050 | Minor metalliferous investigations, Northern Territory |
1971/051 | Well completion report, Wollongong (B.M.R.) Nos. 1, 2 and 2A wells, Sydney Basin, N.S.W |
1971/052 | Googong Dam site, Queanbeyan River N.S.W. - feasibility investigations 1970 and 1971 |
1971/053 | Some palynological observations on Amerada Thunderbolt No. 1 well, Galilee Basin, Queensland. |
1971/054 | Astatic magnetometer designed and built by the Bureau of Mineral Resources. |
1971/055 | Bamus volcano, Lake Hargy area, and Sulu Range, New Britain: volcanic geology and petrology. |
1971/056 | Geology of the Marraba 1:100 000 Sheet area, Queensland. |
1971/057 | Foraminifera and age of samples from New Britain. |
1971/058 | Russian oceanographic vessel 'Vitiaz'- techniques and equipment |
1971/059 | Phosphatic sediments on the eastern Australian upper continental slope. |
1971/060 | Geological evaluation of the proposed Mugga Saddle refuse disposal area, Woden district, A.C.T. |
1971/061 | The Precambrian geology of the Oscar Range Inlier, Lennard River 1:250,000 Sheet area, SE 51-8, Western Australia |
1971/062 | Report of photo-interpretation of the Birrindudu and Tanami 1: 250,000 scale sheets - Northern Territory |
1971/063 | Cainozoic foraminiferal zones and stages used in Papua New Guinea. |
1971/064 | Geology of the Bowen Basin, Queensland. |
1971/065 | Results of the Crater Formation drilling, Rum Jungle district, Northern Territory |
1971/066 | Progress reports on detailed studies in the Arltunga Nappe Complex, N.T., 1971. |
1971/067 | Eastern Papua aeromagnetic survey. |
1971/068 | Rabaul Caldera: an exercise in structure interpretation. |
1971/069 | The Antrim Plateau Volcanics, Victoria River district, Northern Territory |
1971/070 | Intrusive rocks of New Britain. |
1971/071 | The geology of the Waterloo, Victoria River Downs, Limbunya and Wave Hil 1:250 000 sheet areas, Northern Territory. |
1971/072 | Astrolabe area geophysical survey, Papua, 1970. |
1971/073 | Stapleton area reconnaissance geophysical survey, Rum Jungle area, Northern Territory 1970. |
1971/074 | A Fortran program for calculating the gravity effect of vertical cylinders. |
1971/075 | Refraction recording of geotraverse explosions 1969 - operational report |
1971/076 | Mundaring Geophysical Observatory annual report 1969 |
1971/077 | Mundaring Geophysical Observatory, annual report 1970 |
1971/078 | Application of regional airborne geophysical data to metals search in Western Australia. |
1971/079 | Selection of a seismometer site, Macquarie Island. |
1971/080 | Intensity data for earthquakes at Landor (17 June 1969) and Calingiri (1 March 1970) and their relationship to previous Western Australia observatorions. |
1971/081 | A petrographic examination of samples from five holes in the lower part of the Triassic, Bowen Basin, Queensland. |
1971/082 | Port Moresby geophycial observatory annual report 1969. |
1971/083 | Rum Jungle area radon survey, Northern Territory, 1969. |
1971/084 | Orroral Valley seismic survey, A.C.T., 1970 |
1971/085 | Airborne gamma-ray spectrometer survey, Rum Jungle, N.T. 1969. |
1971/086 | Macquarie Island geophysical observatory annual report 1967. |
1971/087 | Macquaire Island geophysical observatory annual report 1968. |
1971/088 | Notes to accompany International Geological Map of the World, scale 1:15 000 000 |
1971/089 | Seismic refraction survey at Belconnen No. 5 reservoir site, A.C.T. 1970. |
1971/090 | Seismic refraction survey at Belconnen No. 6A and 6B reservoir sites, A.C.T. 1971 |
1971/091 | Seismic refraction survey on the site for relocation of the Belconnen trunk sewer, A.C.T. 1971. |
1971/092 | Mawson Geophysical Observatory annual report 1969 |
1971/093 | Port Moresby geophysical observatory, annual report 1968. |
1971/094 | Igneous and metamorphic rocks of Cape York Peninsula and Torres Strait. |
1971/095 | Diagenesis of marine sedimentary hydrocarbons and the source rock potential of sediments in the Ashmore Reef No. 1, Iviri No. 1, Nautilus No. 1A. and Orokolo No. 1 wells. |
1971/096 | Seismicity of the New Guinea/Solomon Islands region, 1967. |
1971/097 | The thickness of the earth's crust obtained from the spectrum of P waves at Charters Towers, Honiara, Port Moresby and Rabaul. |
1971/098 | Geochemical and radiometric investigation, Stapleton, Rum Jungle district, Northern Territory 1970. |
1971/099 | Some environments of formation of uranium deposits. |
1971/100 | Mesozoic stratigraphy and structure of the Georgetown 1:250 000 sheet area, Queensland |
1971/101 | Geological potential of imagery from the Bendix TM/LN-2 thermal infra-red line scanner |
1971/102 | Hall gravel quarry seismic refraction investigation, A.C.T. 1971. |
1971/103 | Geological Branch summary of activities 1971. |
1971/104 | Report on 1969 collection of plant fossils from the Moolayember Formation and Clematis Sandstone. |
1971/106 | An investigation of tremor at Bagana Volcano using telemetered equipment, May 1970. |
1971/107 | Annual report 1970. |
1971/108 | Mica lamprophyre (alnoite) from Radok Lake, Prince Charles Mountains, Antarctica |
1971/109 | Progressive metamorphism of amphibolites from the Cloncurry and Peterman Ranges areas. |
1971/110 | Zinc pollution in the Molonglo River system. |
1971/111 | Government revenue from oil and gas. |
1971/112 | Summary of offshore petroleum legislation. |
1971/113 | Summary of petroleum legislation in Australia and the Territory of Papua New Guinea - September 1971. |
1971/114 | Annual summary of activities Operations Branch 1971. |
1971/115 | Petroleum Exploration Branch summary of activities 1971 |
1971/116 | Mineral Resources Branch summary of activities 1971. |
1971/117 | Geophysical Branch, summary of activities 1971. |
1971/118 | Preview report: eastern Papua crustal survey. |
1971/119 | Regional marine geophysical surveys in the Australian area. |
1971/120 | Shallow stratigraphic drilling, Western Eromanga Basin and Alcoota sheet area, Northern Territory, 1971. |
1971/121 | Musa River Hydroelectric Scheme, eastern Papua : geophysical investigations 1970 |
1971/122 | Moura Coalfield geophysical survey, Queensland 1970. |
1971/123 | Wells and footage drilled for petroleum exploration and development in Australia and Papua New Guinea in 1970. |
1971/124 | Southern Cape York Peninsula airborne magnetic and radiometric survey, Queensland 1969. |
1971/125 | Acacia area self-potential survey, Northern Territory 1968. |
1971/126 | Coronation Hill geophysical survey, Northern Territory 1970. |
1971/127 | Computer calculation of distances in the range 0 degrees - 160 degrees. |
1971/128 | Investigation for sources of road aggregate, Corin Dam and Tidbinbilla roads area, A.C.T., 1970. |
1971/129 | Macquarie Island geophysical observatory annual report 1970. |
1971/130 | Laboratory measurements on drill cores from the proposed Tuggeranong sewer line, A.C.T. |
1971/131 | Investigations of crustal structure in the New Britain/New Ireland region, 1969. Geophysical and geological data. |
1971/132 | Geological evaluation of the proposed Belconnen refuse disposal area, Canberra City district, A.C.T. |
1971/133 | Proposed gravel pit, Block 12, Hall district, A.C.T |
1971/134 | Mary River area geophysical survey, Northern Territory 1970. |
1971/135 | Tests on the Ronka EM16 VLF prospecting equipment, Western Australia 1969. |
1971/136 | Captains Flat geophysical survey, New South Wales 1971. |
1971/137 | An investigation of volcanic activity at Doma Peaks. |
1971/138 | Galilee Basin seismic survey, Queensland 1971. Operational report. |
1971/139 | Musa River Hydro-electric Scheme, eastern Papua: conclusions and recommendations from 1970 geological and geophysical investigations |
1971/140 | Visit to the Hydro-Electric Commission, Tasmania, May 1970 |
1971/141 | A detailed seismic study of Gosses Bluff. |
1971/142 | Stratigraphic drilling in the southern Carpentaria Basin, 1970. |
1971/143 | Shallow stratigraphic drilling, eastern Carpentaria Basin, 1971. |
1971/144 | Visit to Tumut 3 project, Snowy Mountains, and Little Scotland Dam, Victoria, May 1971 |
1971/145 | Commonwealth of Australia National Report on Geometrical Geodesy for the period 1967 / 1970 |
Record Number | Title |
1972/001 | Progress report, Alligator River party, N.T. 1971 |
1972/002 | Googong damsite spillway, seismic refraction survey 1971. |
1972/004 | Report on attendance at XV General Assembly of the International Union of Geodesy and Geophysics, Moscow, USSR,, 30 July-18 August 1971. |
1972/005 | Application of electronics to offshore oil exploration. |
1972/006 | Research in seismology, vulcanology and tsunami occurrence in Australia and Papua New Guinea. |
1972/007 | Tennent damsite seismic survey, A.C.T., 1970/71 |
1972/008 | Belconnen refuse disposal area seismic refraction survey, A.C.T. 1971. |
1972/009 | Ada-La Trobe pumped storage hydroelectric scheme, S.E.C., Victoria 1971. |
1972/010 | Wilhelmina Falls pumped storage hydroelectric scheme, S.E.C., Victoria 1971 |
1972/011 | Galilee Basin detailed gravity survey, Queensland, 1971 - operational report. |
1972/012 | Mineral resources of Australia - 1972. |
1972/013 | The 1970 eruption of Ulawun volcano. |
1972/014 | Precambrian fossils in Australia: notes on localities containing known and possible occurrences of stromatolites and microfossils. |
1972/015 | The United Nations panel meeting on the establishment and implementation of research programs in remote sensing, Brazil, November-December 1971 |
1972/016 | Integration, specification testing, adjustment, and repair of the PT-700 seismic system and associated equipment by Dresser Australia Pty Limited, Brisbane, May/June 1967. |
1972/017 | Notes on the Lamington Volcanics of the McPherson Ranges, Queensland-New South Wales border |
1972/018 | Geology of the Googong reservoir, Queanbeyan River, N.S.W. |
1972/019 | Shallow stratigraphic drilling of radioactive anomalies at Eyre Creek, Springvale Sheet area, Western Queensland, 1972. |
1972/020 | A computer-oriented edge-punch card for storage and retrieval of petrographic and geochemical data. |
1972/021 | Geology and petrology of Quaternary volcanic islands off the north coast of New Guinea. |
1972/022 | Petroleum exploration activity in Australia, 1971-72 |
1972/023 | Recent developments in geophysics in Australia. |
1972/024 | Seismic refraction survey of proposed pipe storage area, Molonglo Valley interceptor sewer, |
1972/025 | Vibration tests during blasting at the proposed Belconnen 54-inch trunk sewer construction site, A.C.T. 1972. |
1972/026 | The terms Toolebuc Limestone and Kamileroi Limestone |
1972/027 | Shallow stratigraphic drilling in the Gason and Pandie Pandie 1:250,000 sheet areas, South Australia, 1970 |
1972/028 | Ormond River area (Kakakaka Prospect) geophysical survey, Papua 1970 |
1972/029 | Down-hole induced polarization logging tests at Currawang, N.S.W. and Kowen Forest, A.C.T., 1971. |
1972/030 | Down-hole induced polarization and electric applied potential surveys at Tennant Creek, N.T., 1971. |
1972/031 | Mesozoic plant fossils from near Croydon, Queensland. |
1972/032 | Recent geological mapping in the Carpentaria Basin - new stratigraphic names (2). |
1972/033 | BMR Symposium, Canberra, 15-16 May 1972: abstracts. |
1972/034 | Blowout at Petrel No. 1 well and subsequent events |
1972/035 | Baiyer River - Jimi Valley reconnaissance geology. |
1972/036 | Evaporite drilling in the Amadeus Basin; Goyder Pass, Gardiner Range and Lake Amadeus, Northern Territory. |
1972/037 | Tectonic evolution of Australia: summary. |
1972/038 | Effect of copper on the composition of bacterial cell wall peptides. |
1972/040 | Mineral conservation in Australia - a preliminary analysis. |
1972/041 | BMR 1972 program. |
1972/042 | Tuggeranong sewer tunnel seismic refraction and magnetic survey, A.C.T. 1971. |
1972/043 | Woden trunk sewer extension seismic refraction investigation, A.C.T., 1971. |
1972/044 | Mawson Geophysical Observatory, annual report 1970 |
1972/045 | Investigations of crustal structure in the Rabaul region, New Britain 1967 : logistics and data |
1972/046 | Preliminary report on the geology of the Mount Razorback-Ormiston Pound area, Northern Territory |
1972/047 | Cainozoic laterite and sediments in the Alcoota sheet area, Northern Territory. |
1972/048 | Mundaring Geophysical Observatory, annual report 1971 |
1972/049 | A computer program for calculation of gravity and magnetic curves for two-dimensional bodies of arbitrary cross- sections. |
1972/050 | Theses in Australian universities, 1969-70: abstracts. |
1972/051 | Oaks Estate river gravel seismic refraction survey, A.C.T., 1972. |
1972/052 | Mary River area self-potential survey, Northern Territory 1971. |
1972/053 | The post-Palaeozoic rocks of the Dalby-Goondiwindi area, Queensland and New South Wales. |
1972/054 | Shallow stratigraphic drilling in the eastern Surat Basin, Queensland, 1966, 1967, and 1968. |
1972/056 | Notes to accompany the metallogenic map of Australia. |
1972/057 | The Mesozoic and Cainozoic geology of the Cloncurry 1:250 000 sheet area, Queensland |
1972/058 | Deaf Adder Creek and Jim Jim Creek airborne geophysical surveys, N.T., 1971. |
1972/059 | Geological investigations of proposed site for reservoirs 6A and 6B, Belconnen, A.C.T., 1971. |
1972/060 | Eucla Basin airborne magnetic and radiometric survey, S.A. 1970. |
1972/061 | The depletion and provision of petroleum reserves in the light of growing demand - the next thirty years |
1972/062 | Base map compilation and geological interpretation of side-looking radar imagery, western central ranges, Papua New Guinea. |
1972/064 | Progress report on the geology of the central Carpentaria Basin. |
1972/065 | Clay mineralogy of recent sediments of the Broad Sound area, Queensland |
1972/066 | Preliminary results of geological mapping in the Officer Basin, Western Australia, 1971. |
1972/067 | Hayes Creek/Grove Hill area geophysical tests, Northern Territory, 1971. |
1972/068 | Earthquake focal mechanisms and continental drift. |
1972/069 | Reference lines, fault classification, transform systems and ocean-floor spreading: discussion. |
1972/070 | Morphology of the east Australian continental margin between 21S and 33S |
1972/071 | Iron sulphide formation in a thermal pool environment, Talasea, New Britain, P.N.G. |
1972/072 | Miscellaneous chemical, petrographic and mineragraphic investigations carried out in the geological laboratory. |
1972/073 | Geological, seismic and soils evaluation of the route proposed for the Tuggeranong Freeway, Stage II, A.C.T |
1972/074 | The geology and petrology of the Helen Springs, Nutwood Downs, and Peaker Piker volcanics. |
1972/075 | Googong dam site, N.S.W. - seismicity investigation 1971. |
1972/076 | Geology of the Sydney Basin - a review. |
1972/077 | Dolomitization and the genesis of the Woodcutters lead-zinc prospect, Northern Territory, Australia. |
1972/078 | Cainozoic history of the peninsula east of Broad Sound, Queensland. |
1972/079 | Lake George, N.S.W. - notes for sedimentologists' excursion, November 1970 |
1972/080 | Structural profiles in the New Britain/New Ireland region. |
1972/081 | Geology, volcanoes, and earthquakes of Papua New Guinea. |
1972/082 | Geochemical applications of linear programming. |
1972/083 | Computer program for calculating seismic velocities from expanded and offset reflection spreads. |
1972/084 | Seismic refraction survey along Tuggeranong Freeway Stage II and Village Creek arterial, A.C.T., 1971. |
1972/085 | Seismic and magnetic traverses at Mallacoota Inlet, 1971. |
1972/086 | Seismic refraction survey at bridge sites for Molonglo River interceptor sewer, A.C.T. 1972. |
1972/087 | AFMAG field recording, 1968-1971. |
1972/088 | Seismic refraction survey at Kings Avenue - Parkes Way intersection 1972. |
1972/089 | Canberra City (section 41) seismic refraction investigation, A.C.T. 1971. |
1972/090 | Port Moresby geophysical observatory, annual report 1970. |
1972/091 | The geology of the Northern Territory. |
1972/092 | Geology of the Birrindudu and Tanami 1:250 000 Sheet areas, Northern Territory. Report on the 1971 field season. |
1972/093 | BMR marine geology cruise in the Tasman Sea and Bass Strait, 12.2.72 to 8.5.72. |
1972/094 | A chenier sequence at Broad Sound, Queensland, and evidence against a Holocene high sea level. |
1972/095 | Presurvey report on Officer Basin, seismic survey, W.A. 1972. |
1972/096 | Presurvey report on Alcoota regional and Arltunga detailed airborne geophysical surveys, N.T. 1972 |
1972/097 | Deep crustal seismic reflection/refraction survey between Clermont and Charters Towers, Qld 1971. |
1972/098 | Laboratory tests on cores from the Rum Jungle area, Northern Territory, 1968. |
1972/099 | Notes on the Carboniferous to Cretaceous palynology of the Buchanan, Muttaburra, Tangorin and Hughenden 1:250 000 sheet areas, Queensland |
1972/100 | A computer program for plotting cumulative frequency curves and cumulative frequency gradient curves. |
1972/101 | An explanation of water level changes preceding the Meckering earthquake of 14 October 1968 |
1972/102 | Side-looking airborne radar. |
1972/103 | Geological Branch summary of activities, 1972. |
1972/104 | Notes to accompany rock type map of Australia, scale 1:10 000 000. |
1972/105 | KWIK5, a computer program for rapid plotting of data maps |
1972/106 | Three computer programs for calculation of petrological and geochemical parameters from silicate analyses. |
1972/107 | Presurvey report on detailed gravity survey, Officer Basin, W.A. 1972. |
1972/108 | Survival. |
1972/109 | Recent supratidal dolomite from Broad Sound, Queensland. |
1972/110 | Cloncurry detailed airborne magnetic and radiometric survey, Queensland 1970. |
1972/111 | BMR proposals for drill sites for legs XXVIII and XXIX of the deep sea drilling project. |
1972/112 | Geochronology of the Panguna porphyry copper doposit, Bougainville Island, New Guinea. |
1972/113 | Ages of mineralization of gold and porphyry copper deposits in the New Guinea highlands. |
1972/114 | Toward a physical time scale for the Neogene - data from the Australasian region |
1972/115 | A computer program for plotting perspective diagrams of geological section data. |
1972/116 | Petroleum Exploration Branch summary of activities, 1972. (Period from 1 November, 1971 to 31 October, 1972.) |
1972/117 | Annual summary of activities, geophysical Branch 1972. |
1972/118 | Experiments in controlled direction reception seismic methods and digital processing, 1969-70. |
1972/119 | The Lower Carboniferous geology of the Rouchel district, New South Wales. |
1972/120 | Aeromagnetic survey of the Glengarry, Wiluna, and Kingston 1:250 000 sheet areas, W.A. 1970 |
1972/121 | Mount Stromlo water treatment plant storage reservoir site - seismic refraction survey |
1972/122 | A recent geophysical reconnaissance of the Gulf of Papua and the northwest Coral Sea. |
1972/123 | Plane representation of multivariate data structure. |
1972/124 | Nonlinear mapping and a related R-mode technique for compression of multivariate data |
1972/125 | The supratidal environment and recent dolomitization, Broad Sound, Queensland. |
1972/126 | Deep crustal reflection seismic test survey, Tidbinbilla, A.C.T. and Braidwood, N.S.W., 1969. |
1972/127 | Deep crustal reflection seismic test survey, Mildura, Victoria and Broken Hill, N.S.W., 1968. |
1972/128 | Mineral Resources Branch annual summary of operations, 1972. |
1972/129 | Operations Branch - summary of activities for 1972. |
1972/131 | Airborne remote sensing project, Western Australia 1970. |
1972/132 | Geological work in Antarctica, 1971. |
1972/133 | The Cape Hoskins area, southern Willaumez Peninsula, the Witu Islands, and associated volcanic centres, New Britain: volcanic geology and petrology |
1972/134 | Marine geophysical survey of the Bismarck Sea and Gulf of Papua, 1970. A structural analysis of the Gulf of Papua and northwest Coral Sea region. |
1972/135 | Injune Creek Group - amendments and an addition to stratigraphic nomenclature in the Surat Basin |
1972/136 | Drilling in overpressured formations in Australia. |
1972/137 | Statistical study of the geochemistry of meta-igneous rocks of the Eastern Creek Volcanics and Soldiers Cap Formation, Mount Isa-Cloncurry area, Queensland. |
1972/138 | Interim terms of reference and background information for a proposed management consultancy assignment involving the survey of requirements for, and strategic design of, a technical information storage and |
1972/139 | A revision of the sequence at Glenbawn, N.S.W. |
1972/140 | A computer program for calculating statistical parameters of grainsize distributions derived from various analytical methods. |
1972/141 | Vertical metamorphic and age zonations of the early Precambrian Western Australian crust, and the origin of protocontinents |
1972/142 | Crude oil correlations in the Perth and Carnarvon Basins. |
1972/143 | A major unconformity in the Archaean, Jones Creek, Western Australia. |
1972/144 | Bureau of Mineral Resources Geology and Geophysics Growth and Activities 1946 - 1972 |
Record Number | Title |
1973/001 | Mineral resources of Australia - 1973. |
1973/002 | Stratigraphic and isotopic ages of Tertiary basalts at Maude and Airey's Inlet, Victoria, Australia. |
1973/003 | Silcrete and chemically weathered sediments in southwest Queensland. |
1973/004 | Port Moresby geophysical observatory, annual report 1971. |
1973/005 | Relationship between pristane to phytane ratio, crude oil composition, and geological environment in Australia. |
1973/006 | Oil traces in the Toolebuc limestone, Carpentaria and Eromanga Basins, Queensland. |
1973/007 | Remote sensing in geology at BMR, 1965-1972. |
1973/008 | Vibration measurement at Currarong, NSW, 1972. |
1973/009 | Molonglo Freeway, Black Mountain, A.C.T., seismic survey, 1972. |
1973/010 | The structural geology of the Arltunga region, central Australia. |
1973/011 | Stratigraphy and structure, Canberra 1:50 000 geological map area |
1973/012 | Reconnaissance helicopter gravity survey in the Flinders Ranges, South Australia 1970. |
1973/013 | Some strong motion seismic results from Papua New Guinea 1967-1972. |
1973/014 | Central Highlands helicopter gravity survey, New Guinea, 1970. |
1973/015 | Palaeozoic fossils from the Tarago region, N.S.W. |
1973/016 | Machine contouring using minimum curvature. |
1973/017 | Wells and footage drilled for petroleum exploration and development in Australia and Papua New Guinea in 1971 |
1973/018 | The major Papua New Guinean earthquakes near Madang (1970) and beneath the north Solomon Sea (1971). |
1973/019 | Apparatus for studies of artificial sediments. |
1973/020 | A submarine slump and tsunami in the Lae area of Papua New Guinea, 26 August 1972. |
1973/021 | Time-term analysis of New Britain/New Ireland island arc structures. |
1973/022 | Mid-Tertiary Thylacoleonidae (Marsupialia, Mammalia) |
1973/023 | Activities in the field of detrital heavy minerals in CCOP, 1967- 1972 |
1973/024 | Geological investigations Tennent damsite, ACT 1970. |
1973/025 | Great Artesian Basin groundwater project automatic data processing, storage and retrieval system. |
1973/026 | BMR stratigraphic drilling in the Noonkanbah and Lennard River 1:250 000 Sheet areas, Western Australia, 1972. |
1973/027 | Summary of oil search activities in Australia and Papua New Guinea during 1971. |
1973/028 | Interpretation of gamma-ray spectra of uranium and thorium. |
1973/029 | The geology of the Ord Basin: a review. |
1973/030 | A summary of the main structural elements of Papua New Guinea. |
1973/031 | Program MANYPLOT - computer calculated inverse Laplace transforms for prediction of circuit behaviour. |
1973/032 | Petroleum exploration activity in Australia and Papua New Guinea 1972- 1973. |
1973/033 | Galilee Basin seismic and gravity survey, Queensland, 1971. |
1973/034 | Magnetic and seismic profiler records in the Bismarck Sea, Melanesian Archipelago. |
1973/035 | Geology of the Capital Hill area, Canberra, A.C.T. |
1973/036 | Australian contribution in expenditure and development of its indigenous petroleum resources. |
1973/037 | Regional geology of the phosphogenic province of the Georgina Basin. |
1973/038 | Preview report for the marine geophysical survey of the Gulf of Papua and the Bismarck Sea, 1970. |
1973/039 | Environmental significance of folds in the Rangal Coal Measures at Blackwater, Queensland. |
1973/040 | Gravel for rural roads - seismic refraction surveys near Tharwa and Williamsdale, A.C.T. 1972. |
1973/041 | Gravity surveys of the valleys of the Goulburn and Ovens Rivers, Victoria 1972. |
1973/042 | Broken Hill power-station vibration measurements, November 1972. |
1973/043 | The geochemical characterization of crude oil from Australia and Papua New Guinea. |
1973/044 | The geology of the Officer Basin. |
1973/045 | The early Carboniferous palaeogeography of the southern New England Belt, New South Wales. |
1973/046 | Submerged shorelines and channels on the east Australian continental shelf between Sandy Cape and Cape Moreton. |
1973/047 | Progress report on geological mapping of the northwestern part of the Eromanga Basin, Northern Territory. |
1973/048 | The transformation of nesquehonite into hydromagnesite. |
1973/049 | Foraminiferal biostratigraphy of the Oligocene/Miocene limestones of Christmas Island (Indian Ocean). |
1973/050 | Tables of isotopic ages from the Georgetown Inlier, north Queensland. |
1973/051 | Microorganisms of Carpentaria (Precambrian) age from the Amelia Dolomite, McArthur Group, N.T. Australia |
1973/052 | Progress report on the geology of the Bathurst Island, Melville Island, Cobourg Peninsula, and Fog Bay 1:250 000 sheet areas, Northern Territory |
1973/053 | The Galilee Basin. |
1973/054 | Uranium in the Pine Creek Geosyncline. |
1973/055 | Mineral resources offshore |
1973/056 | New stratigraphic names for Cretaceous and Cainozoic units of Bathurst and Melville Islands and Cobourg Peninsula, Northern Territory. |
1973/057 | 1. Regional geology of the Precambrian Granites-Tanami Block and Birrindudu Basin. 2. Mineralization in the Precambrian Granites-Tanami Block and Birrindudu Basin. |
1973/058 | BMR 1973 program. |
1973/059 | BMR Symposium, Canberra, 22-23 May, 1973: Abstracts. |
1973/060 | Eastern Papua aeromagnetic survey. Part 2: Southwestern panel (onshore) flown in 1970-71. |
1973/061 | Legend recommendations: ECAFE tectonic map of Asia and the Far East. |
1973/062 | Officer Basin seismic survey, W.A., 1972: operational report. |
1973/063 | Crustal structure in southwestern Australia from seismic and gravity data. |
1973/064 | Regional geology of the Alligator River uranium province, Northern Territory, Australia. |
1973/065 | High-resolution seismic profiling survey of Port Phillip Bay near the city of Mordialloc, Victoria 1972. |
1973/066 | Seismological report on the Madang earthquake of 31 October 1970 and aftershocks. |
1973/067 | Late Cainozoic volcanism in the southeast Papuan islands. |
1973/068 | 1. Late Adelaidean glacial successions of the Kimberley region - northwestern Australia. 2. The age of the Carpentarian - a progress report |
1973/069 | Correlation chart of the Carboniferous system of Australia. |
1973/070 | Carpentaria Basin: summary of background to exploration for hydrocarbons. |
1973/071 | Officer Basin detailed gravity survey, W.A., 1972: operational report. |
1973/072 | Soviet gravity tie from Moscow to Sydney, 1972. |
1973/073 | Methods of sample preparation and analysis used in the Broad Sound estuary study project. |
1973/074 | Sedimentary basins of the Sahul Shelf. |
1973/075 | The geological evolution of Papua New Guinea. |
1973/076 | Presurvey report on marine geophysical survey No. 21 (magnetic), northwest continental shelf, 1973 |
1973/077 | Shallow stratigraphic drilling in the Carpentaria and Laura Basins, 1972. |
1973/078 | The Ngalia Basin, Northern Territory. |
1973/079 | Mineral deposits in the Precambrian Arunta Block. |
1973/080 | The Eromanga Basin. |
1973/081 | Tottenham detailed aeromagnetic survey, New South Wales 1971. |
1973/082 | Minor non-metallic minerals in the Northern Territory : 1. Evaporites in Central Australia by A.T. Wells; 2. Magnesite by C.E. Prichard |
1973/083 | Notes on the first edition Camooweal geological sheet, Queensland 1961. |
1973/084 | Gravity surveys in the Traralgon south area, Gippsland, Victoria, 1949 - 1959. |
1973/085 | Gravity surveys in the Billys Creek/Middle Creek/Hazelwood area, Gippsland, Victoria, 1960. |
1973/086 | Gormandale gravity survey, Gippsland, Victoria, 1960-1961. |
1973/087 | Gravity readings on seismic traverses in the Moree area, Surat Basin, N.S.W. 1962. |
1973/088 | Investigation for gravel, Monaro Highway, Williamsdale, A.C.T. |
1973/089 | Quaternary volcanoes of the Central and Southern Highlands of Papua New Guinea. |
1973/090 | Observations on interpretation of data from the Earth Resources Technology Satellite - ERTS 1 : report on overseas visit to the U.S.A., Canada and U.K. 27 September - 5 December, 1972 |
1973/091 | Strontium isotope ratios of Quaternary volcanic rocks from Papua New Guinea. |
1973/092 | Overseas visit to USA and Europe. |
1973/093 | Gravity readings on the seismic traverses at Ooraminna, 1961-1962, and Alice Springs detailed gravity survey, 1959, Amadeus Basin, Northern Territory. |
1973/094 | Regional geology of the Precambrian Arunta Block. |
1973/095 | Mineralization in the Victoria River region. |
1973/096 | Soviet-Australian gravity survey along the Australian calibration line. |
1973/097 | Overseas visit, L.W. Williams, 1-21 June 1973 |
1973/099 | Organic geochemistry in Precambrian research. |
1973/100 | Engineering geology of Tuggeranong town centre, stage I, A.C.T. |
1973/101 | Results of palaeontological work, Blucher Range 1:250 000 sheet area, Papua New Guinea |
1973/102 | Geological and palynological observations on the Cretaceous of the northwestern Eromanga Basin, Queensland and Northern Territory. |
1973/103 | Notes on geology and engineering geology, Bendora water main, A.C.T. |
1973/104 | Regional geology of the Georgetown, Yambo, and Coen Inliers. |
1973/105 | A discussion on the gravity anomalies of the Precambrian shield of Western Australia. |
1973/106 | Recent advances in gravimetry for physical geodesy in Australia. |
1973/107 | Aspects of the structure and tectonic history of the continental margin of northern Queensland. |
1973/108 | Visit to geophysical survey vessel MV 'Petrel', March 1973. |
1973/109 | Simpson Desert earthquake, central Australia, August 1972. |
1973/110 | Geochemistry of mineralized granitic rocks of northeast Queensland. |
1973/111 | Digital data aquisition system in geophysical survey aircraft VH-BMG. |
1973/112 | Crustal structure in southwestern Australia. |
1973/113 | Cation electrode measurements in the Capricorn area, southern Great Barrier Reef province. |
1973/114 | Lake Windermere seismic refraction survey, A.C.T., 1969. |
1973/115 | Determination of gravity acceleration at Sydney with pendulum apparatus. |
1973/116 | Program for East Papua crustal survey, October-November 1973. |
1973/117 | Geology of Papua New Guinea. |
1973/118 | Moura coal mine, blasting vibration measurements, Moura, Queensland, 1973. |
1973/119 | Papers on the measurement of gravity with USSR pendulum equipment. |
1973/120 | The role of metal-algal interactions in the formation of sedimentary sulphide deposits. |
1973/121 | Computer processing of seismic refraction data. |
1973/122 | Seismic ray tracing in a spherical earth using computer models. |
1973/123 | Morphology of the east Australian continental shelf between Cape Moreton and Tweed Heads in relation to offshore heavy-mineral prospects |
1973/124 | Presurvey report for the airborne magnetic and radiometric surveys of the Cloncurry 1:250 000 and Prospector 1:100 000 sheet areas, Qld 1973 |
1973/125 | Captains Flat metalliferous survey, New South Wales, 1972. |
1973/126 | A geochemical orientation study in the Georgetown Inlier, north Queensland - preliminary results. |
1973/127 | Australian Devonian and Carboniferous conodont faunas. |
1973/128 | A reinterpretation of the seismic survey results in the Laura Basin, Queensland. |
1973/129 | Documentation and analysis of the mineral industry in North America, the United Kingdom, France, and Japan. |
1973/130 | Reconnaissance helicopter gravity survey, W.A., 1971-72 |
1973/131 | Relations in space and time between major Precambrian shield units: an interpretation of Western Australian data. |
1973/132 | A geophysical review of the Carpentaria, Laura and Olive River Basins. |
1973/133 | Subsurface solution unconformities at Heron Island, Great Barrier Reef. |
1973/134 | Marine geology cruise in Bass Strait and Tasmanian waters - February to May, 1973. |
1973/135 | The phosphate content of sediments at sites 259-263, Deep Sea Drilling Project, eastern Indian Ocean |
1973/136 | Geochemistry and diagenesis of interstitial fluids and associated calcareous oozes, Deep Sea Drilling Project, leg 27 site 262, Timor Trough. |
1973/137 | Presurvey report for the airborne magnetic and radiometric surveys of the Westmoreland 1:250 000 and Hedleys Creek 1:100 000 Sheet areas, Qld 1973. |
1973/138 | Wells and footage drilled for petroleum exploration and development in Australia and Papua New Guinea in 1972. |
1973/139 | Major and trace element geochemistry of sediments from Deep Sea Drilling Project, leg 27 sites 259 to 263, eastern Indian Ocean. |
1973/145 | The boundary of the Australian continent. |
1973/146 | Gibraltar Creek gravel investigation, A.C.T., 1972. |
1973/147 | Submarine canyons on the continental margin of southeast Australia. |
1973/148 | Australian Devonian and Carboniferous (Emsian-Visean) ostracod faunas: a review |
1973/149 | Mawson Geophysical Observatory annual report 1971 |
1973/150 | Macquarie Island geophysical observatory, annual report 1971. |
1973/151 | Report on 'Science and man in the Americas' Conference, Mexico City; 5th World Conference on Earthquake Engineering, Rome, and visits to seismological institutions. |
1973/152 | A new occurrence of raspite at the Cordillera mine, New South Wales, Australia. |
1973/153 | Mount McDonald gravel search, A.C.T. - 1973. |
1973/154 | Mundaring Geophysical Observatory annual report 1972 |
1973/155 | Current map production methods in West Germany and Switzerland. |
1973/156 | Origin of Australian bauxite deposits. |
1973/157 | The palynology of late Palaeozoic glacial deposits of Gondwanaland. |
1973/158 | The Lower Ordovician sequence at Mount Patriarch, West Nelson, New Zealand. |
1973/159 | Cape York Peninsula airborne magnetic and radiometric survey, 1973: pre-survey report. |
1973/160 | The age of the Kockatea Shale (Lower Triassic), Perth Basin - a reassessment |
1973/161 | Geological work in Antarctica - 1972. |
1973/162 | Engineering geology of the proposed Halls Creek urban development area, Gungahlin district, A.C.T. |
1973/163 | Papers tabled at ECAFE meeting, Kuala Lumpur, October 1973. |
1973/164 | The Silesian in Australia - a review. |
1973/165 | Preliminary geotechnical investigation of the Belconnen West industrial estate, A.C.T.,1973. |
1973/166 | Lake George, NSW: its relevance to salinity problems in agriculture. |
1973/167 | The structure of the north Tasman Sea. |
1973/168 | Outline of the geological and tectonic evolution of Australia and Papua New Guinea. |
1973/169 | Thermodynamic (PVT) studies of hydrocarbons and their role in assessing reservoir potential. |
1973/170 | Evaporites in Australia. |
1973/171 | Geology of the Granites and Precambrian parts of Billiluna, Lucas and Stansmore 1:250 000 sheet areas, Northern Territory and Western Australia |
1973/172 | Biostratigraphy, chronology, and the continental mammal record of Australia and New Guinea. |
1973/173 | Molonglo Valley Interceptor Sewer, Canberra, ACT : geological investigations, 1970-1972 |
1973/174 | Geological Branch summary of activities 1973. |
1973/175 | Miscellaneous chemical, petrographic and mineragraphic investigations carried out in the Geological Laboratory |
1973/176 | Operations Branch - summary of activities for 1973 |
1973/177 | Presurvey report on helicopter gravity survey New South Wales, Victoria, and Tasmania, 1973/74 |
1973/178 | Presurvey report on the Georgetown and Red River airborne magnetic and radiometric survey, Queensland, 1973. |
1973/179 | Search for gravel deposits for Paddys River Road, A.C.T., 1972. |
1973/180 | Volcanoes and rocks of St Andrew Strait, Papua New Guinea. |
1973/181 | The geology and geochronology of the Arunta Complex north of Ormiston Gorge, central Australia. |
1973/182 | Discussion: on analysis of metal distribution and zoning in the Herberton Tinfield, north Queensland, Australia. |
1973/184 | Darwin second steam power station. Stage 1 - site investigation: report of field visit 5-10 August 1973. |
1973/185 | Googong water supply project, Queanbeyan River, N.S.W. - statements prepared by BMR for inclusion in an environmental impact statement |
1973/186 | Geological cartography overseas. |
1973/187 | Progress report on the geology of the Carpentaria Basin in Cape York Peninsula. |
1973/188 | The magnetic fabric of the Moruya Granite, N.S.W. |
1973/189 | Mineral Resources Branch annual summary of activities 1973 |
1973/190 | Corona structures formed by near-isochemical reaction between olivine and plagioclase in a partly metamorphosed dolerite. |
1973/191 | K-Ar ages and geological relations of plutonic rocks in New Britain. |
1973/192 | Petroleum Exploration Branch summary of activities (period from 1.11.72 to 31.10.73) |
1973/194 | Future of the Deep Sea Drilling Project after 1975. Report on an open meeting of the JOIDES planning committee held in Zurich, September 26-28, 1973. |
1973/195 | Geophysical Branch: summary of activities, 1973. |
1973/196 | Stratigraphic drilling, Cobourg Peninsula 1:250 000 sheet area, N.T., 1973 |
1973/203 | Data check programs from the Great Artesian Basin ADP system. |
1973/205 | The gravity anomalies of central Australia, and their significance for long-term tectonic movements |
1973/206 | Tuggeranong Freeway, Stage II, seismic refraction survey, A.C.T., 1972. |
1973/207 | Geology of the Proterozoic rocks of northern Australia. |
1973/208 | Alligator Rivers region environmental fact-finding study: geological and geophysical reports. |
1973/209 | Scientific publication. |
1973/210 | Geology of sheets J3C, J3D and J4B, Gungahlin, A.C.T. |
1973/211 | The storage and retrieval system for hydrogeological data from the Great Artesian Basin. |
1973/212 | Bowen Basin seismic refraction survey, May-June 1973: operational report. |
1973/213 | Use of a graphic display terminal to match magnetic curves. |
1973/214 | Tidal deviations of the vertical at Armidale, Australia. |
1973/215 | Geological mapping in the Prince Charles Mountains, Antarctica. |
1973/216 | Summary of oil search activities in Australia and Papua New Guinea during 1972. |
1973/217 | Conference on mineral processing in Australia. |
Record Number | Title |
1974/001 | Mineral resources of Australia - 1974. |
1974/002 | East Canning Basin earthquake, March 1970. |
1974/003 | Tuggeranong urban development area, seismic refraction and resistivity surveys, A.C.T., 1971-72. |
1974/004 | The gravity effects of three large uplifted granulite blocks in separate Australian shield areas. |
1974/005 | Tertiary plant fossils from Melville Island, NT |
1974/006 | Palaeomagnetic measurements on the Kempsey Block, NSW |
1974/007 | BMR proposals for co-operation with Woods Hole Institution in the east Indian Ocean, 1975. |
1974/008 | Translation of published papers on seismic reflection and refraction methods by N.N. Puzyrev and others, Institute of Geology and Geophysics, Siberian Branch of the Academy of Sciences, Novosibirsk S.S.S.R. |
1974/009 | Orogenic zones in central Australia: a case for intraplate tectonics |
1974/010 | Port Moresby geophysical observatory annual report 1972. |
1974/011 | Tuggeranong/Weston Creek sewer tunnel, ACT : geological investigations, 1971 |
1974/012 | Laboratory studies of gas displacement from sandstone reservoirs having strong water-drive. |
1974/013 | Geological observations at several construction sites, at Canberra (Northside) and Phillip, ACT 1967-68 |
1974/014 | Structural evolution and geotectonic nature of the Middle Proterozoic Mount Isa Fault trough, northwestern Queensland |
1974/015 | Marine geophysical survey of the Australian continental margin 1970-1973: field progress reports |
1974/016 | Geological factors controlling crude oil composition in Australia and Papua New Guinea. |
1974/017 | The geology and geophysics of the Alligator Rivers region. |
1974/018 | Sedimentary phosphate deposits. |
1974/019 | An economic and statistical appraisal of petroleum exploration and development in Australia. |
1974/020 | Alluvial gold of the Morobe goldfield. |
1974/021 | Arsenic in sediments on the continental shelf of southeast Australia. |
1974/022 | Organic geochemistry of phosphorites: relevance to petroleum genesis. |
1974/023 | Lunar Laser Ranger site foundation investigation, Orroral Valley, 1973 : introduction and summary. Part I - Seismic refraction survey. Part 2 - Geological note |
1974/024 | High-magnesium calcite ooids from the Great Barrier Reef. |
1974/026 | Reconnaissance helicopter gravity survey of the southwest of Western Australia, 1969. |
1974/027 | Reconnaissance helicopter gravity survey of the northwest of Western Australia, 1969. |
1974/028 | A review of the Petroleum Search Subsidy Acts. |
1974/029 | Abstracts of papers presented by BMR palaeontologists at Geological Society of Australia Specialist Group in Palaeontology, meeting, Hobart, February 1974. |
1974/030 | Organic, mineralogic, and magnetic indications of metamorphism in the Late Precambrian Tapley Hill Formation of the Adelaide Geosyncline, South Australia. |
1974/031 | Palynology of Leg 28 drillsites Deep Sea Drilling Project |
1974/032 | Stratigraphic occurrence of some placoderm fishes in the Middle and Late Devonian. |
1974/033 | Preliminary report on airborne magnetic and radiometric survey of Alcoota 1:250 000 sheet area NT 1972 |
1974/034 | Papua New Guinea earthquake strong motion recordings. |
1974/035 | BMR symposium, Canberra, 30 April - 1 May 1974: abstracts. |
1974/036 | Seismicity, the world and Australia. |
1974/037 | Uranium mineralization in the Rum Jungle - Alligator Rivers Province, Northern Territory, Australia |
1974/038 | Geological site investigation, Googong water treatment plant, N.S.W., 1973. |
1974/039 | Stratigraphic drilling in the Boulia region, western Queensland, 1973. |
1974/040 | Metamorphic alteration of carbon isotopic composition in ancient sedimentary organic matter : new evidence from the Precambrian and Cambrian of Australia |
1974/041 | Progress report: geological review and revision of the Rum Jungle area, Northern territory, 1973. |
1974/042 | Aeromagnetic interpretation of northern Eromanga and Galilee Basins, Queensland. |
1974/043 | Poole Range seismic survey 1962 |
1974/044 | Georgina Basin project 1974-1980: a proposal. |
1974/045 | Marine geophysical survey, Gulf of Papua and Bismarck Sea. Field report, September 1970 to December 1970, Survey 05. |
1974/046 | Remote sensing study in France and Brazil: report on overseas visit August-December 1973. |
1974/047 | Pre-survey report: Officer Basin aeromagnetic survey, W.A., 1974. |
1974/049 | Ngalia Basin seismic survey, Northern Territory, 1967-1969 |
1974/050 | Geological investigation of earth resources satellite imagery of the Mount Isa, Alice Springs and Canberra areas - final report to the US National Aeronautics and Space Administration on BMR investigation of ERTS-1 imagery, February 1974 |
1974/051 | Morphology of part of the central New South Wales continental shelf in relation to offshore heavy-mineral prospects. |
1974/052 | BMR 1974 program. |
1974/053 | Geology of the Webb 1:250 000 Sheet area, Western Australia. |
1974/054 | Archaean to early Proterozoic shield structures: relevance of plate tectonics. |
1974/055 | Faulting associated with the major north Solomon Sea earthquakes of 14 to 26 July 1971. |
1974/056 | Hydrological investigations in the Australian Capital Territory, 1974. |
1974/057 | Explanatory notes on the Ramu geological Sheet. |
1974/058 | Explanatory notes on the Karimui geological Sheet. |
1974/060 | Macquarie Island geophysical observatory, annual report, 1973. |
1974/061 | Upper mantle structure from the trans-Australia seismic survey (TASS) and other seismic refraction data. |
1974/062 | The follow-up of an airborne gamma-ray spectrometer survey in the Rum Jungle area Northern Territory. |
1974/063 | Slingram model tests. |
1974/064 | Structures of the western margin of the Australian continent. |
1974/065 | Markham Valley gravity survey P.N.G., 1972 |
1974/066 | Shallow seismic structure of the continental shelf, south east Australia |
1974/067 | Down-hole induced polarization and electric applied potential tests at Basin Creek No.1 prospect, MEL 200, Tumut, N.S.W., 1973. |
1974/068 | The Australian national gravity repository computer system |
1974/069 | A proposal for a deep seismic sounding and associated gravity survey in central Australia. |
1974/070 | The Australian ERTS-1 program. |
1974/071 | Hughes reservoir site investigation, Deakin, A.C.T. |
1974/072 | Simulation of sedimentary ore-forming processes: concentration of Pb and Zn in organic and Fe-bearing carbonate sediments. |
1974/073 | A high-speed method of continuous background correction in atomic absorption spectrometry. III. Direct determination of trace metals in sea water using the Varian Techtron Carbon Rod Atomizer, Model 63. |
1974/074 | Tin resources of Australia. |
1974/075 | Auger drilling, northern Cape York Peninsula, 1973. |
1974/076 | Shallow stratigraphic drilling, northern Cape York Peninsula, 1973. |
1974/077 | Permian fossils from the Canning Basin, 1971 and 1972. |
1974/078 | An extensive offshore sand bar field in the western Baltic Sea. |
1974/079 | Rubidium-strontium dates and excess argon in the Arltunga Nappe Complex, Northern Territory. |
1974/080 | Ground geophysical survey, Tennant Creek, Northern Territory, 1971. |
1974/081 | Costs of a proposal for a deep seismic sounding and detailed gravity survey in central Australia. |
1974/082 | Accelerograph recordings of the Musa earthquake, 16 September 1972. |
1974/083 | Trans-Australia seismic survey (TASS) 1972, operational report. |
1974/084 | Regional significance of recent correlations across the Murphy Tectonic Ridge, Westmoreland area. |
1974/085 | Determining the distribution and classification of the Broad Sound (Queensland) surficial sediments using numerical techniques. |
1974/086 | Origin of the shelf break off southeast Australia |
1974/087 | Preliminary analyses of Australian crude oil for geochemical studies. |
1974/088 | Reconnaissance helicopter gravity survey, SA, 1970 |
1974/089 | Southern Georgina Basin seismic survey, Northern Territory and Queensland 1965. |
1974/090 | Geology of the Mary Kathleen 1:100 000 Sheet area, Queensland. |
1974/091 | New and revised stratigraphic nomenclature, Cape York Peninsula. |
1974/092 | A palaeomagentic reconnaissance of Papua New Guinea. |
1974/093 | Megascopic algae 1300 million years old from the Belt Supergroup, Montana: a reinterpretation of Walcott's Helminthoidichnites |
1974/094 | Palaeoclimatic significance of diachronous biogenic facies, leg 28, Deep Sea Drilling Project |
1974/095 | Measurement of earth movements in the Gunning/Dalton area, NSW - report of feasibility investigation, 1971 |
1974/096 | Mount Stromlo Water Treatment Plant, ACT - balance-storage foundation investigation, 1972 |
1974/097 | Aerial thermal infrared survey, Rabaul area, Papua New Guinea, 1973. |
1974/098 | Geophysical results from offshore Tasmania. |
1974/099 | Origin of the Naturaliste Plateau. |
1974/100 | Googong dam site - Queanbeyan River NSW - geological design investigations, 1972 and 1973 |
1974/102 | Australian earthquakes (1897-1972). |
1974/103 | Mundaring Geophysical Observatory annual report 1973 |
1974/104 | Shallow stratigraphic drilling the The Granites-Tanami region, Northern Territory and Western Australia, 1971- 73. |
1974/105 | Climate of the Permian in Australia: palaeontological evidence. |
1974/106 | Mesozoic and Cainozoic geology of the Lawn Hill, Westmoreland, Mornington, and Cape Van Diemen 1:250 000 Sheet areas, Queensland. |
1974/107 | Lunar Laser Ranger site, Orroral Valley ACT, foundation investigation - 1974. |
1974/108 | Terzaghi's theory of one dimensional primary consolidation of soils and its application |
1974/109 | Devonian stromatolites from the Canning Basin, Western Australia. |
1974/110 | Marine geophysical survey of the continental margins of Australia, Gulf of Papua and the Bismarck Sea 1970-1973: data processing. |
1974/111 | Marine geophysical survey of the continental margins of Australia, Gulf of Papua and the Bismarck Sea 1970-1973: equipment description. |
1974/112 | Stratigraphic and palaeographic evolution and revolution in the Mount Isa area |
1974/113 | Wireline logging of water-bores in the Surat Basin, 1960 to 1974 |
1974/114 | National report on gravity in Australia, July 1970 to June 1974 |
1974/115 | Macquarie Island geophysical observatory annual report 1972. |
1974/116 | Geophysical results from the Coral Sea: continental margins survey report. |
1974/117 | Summary of information on mineral deposits of the Arunta Complex, Alice Springs area, NT |
1974/118 | Googong water supply project: pump station foundation investigation 1974. |
1974/119 | Prospects for finding offshore phosphate deposits in the southwest Pacific. |
1974/120 | Geology of the Highland Rocks 1:250 000 Sheet area, Northern Territory. |
1974/121 | Comparison of western Pacific and Australian calibration line gravity scales and an evaluation of secular variation |
1974/122 | A stream sediment geochemical survey of the western half of the Brindabella 1:100 000 sheet area |
1974/123 | Geological and geophysical investigation of the City East development area, Canberra, ACT. |
1974/124 | The Cainozoic to Recent volcanic rocks in Victoria: a review. |
1974/125 | Overseas visit to Mexico and USA, 18 October to 24 November 1973 |
1974/126 | The dual loop configuration of the transient electromagnetic method. |
1974/127 | Geological Branch summary of activities 1974. |
1974/128 | Notes on status of remote sensing. |
1974/129 | Age and isotope studies in economic geology. |
1974/130 | Report on the International Atomic Energy Agency symposium on isotope techniques in groundwater hydrology, Vienna, March 1974. |
1974/131 | Application of ERTS imagery in geological mapping and other field operations in Antarctica. |
1974/132 | Sturt Island sand and gravel deposits, seismic refraction survey, Murrumbidgee River, ACT, 1974. |
1974/133 | Overseas visit: third Indonesian Petroleum Association Convention, Jakarta, 31 May-15 June 1974 |
1974/134 | Goulburn Valley (Victoria) dipole-dipole resistivity survey 1974 |
1974/135 | Cloncurry area geophysical survey, Queensland 1972. |
1974/136 | Continental margin survey: preview report for eastern Tasmania and NSW coast. |
1974/137 | Cooktown, Hann River, and Rutland Plains magnetic and radiometric survey, Qld 1974 : pre-survey report |
1974/138 | Isotopic ages of rocks from the Georgetown-Mount Garnet-Herberton area, north Queensland. |
1974/139 | The measurement of mineral resources. |
1974/140 | Reconnaissance helicopter gravity survey, northern Queensland, 1966. |
1974/141 | Permian and late Carboniferous palynostratigraphy of the Galilee Basin, Queensland. |
1974/142 | Notes on seismic reflection testing. |
1974/144 | Waterflood susceptibility tests on some core samples from oil reservoirs in Kingfish A-1, Kingfish B-1, Mackerel No. 2 and Mackerel No. 3 in the offshore Gippsland Basin |
1974/145 | Petrographic and geochemical study of the Ringwood evaporite deposit. |
1974/146 | Sediments and structures of the Australian continental slope bordering the Indian Ocean. |
1974/147 | Geophysical results from the Great Australian Bight. |
1974/149 | Wells and footage drilled for petroleum exploration and development in Australia and Papua New Guinea in 1973. |
1974/150 | Side-looking airborne radar for geology: general principles, interpretation methods and evaluation at Mt Isa |
1974/151 | Summary of oil search activities in Australia to 1967. |
1974/152 | Transient electromagnetic model studies, 1973 |
1974/153 | New stratigraphic information from shallow drilling in the central and eastern parts of the Ngalia Basin, Northern Territory. |
1974/154 | Processing programs for the Great Artesian Basin ADP-system. |
1974/155 | Continental margin survey preview report for western Tasmania and the eastern Bight. |
1974/156 | Recontoured magnetic data from part of the 1960 airborne survey of the Tennant Creek 1:250 000 sheet area of N.T |
1974/157 | Experimental seismic survey using explosives for comparison with a 'Vibroseis' survey in the Otway and Sydney Basins, 1965 and 1966. |
1974/158 | Geological investigation for proposed urban development at Isaacs, Woden Valley, ACT. |
1974/159 | Plant fossils from the Gilbert River and Winton Formations, and the Pascoe River area, Queensland. |
1974/160 | BMR gravity surveys, Gippsland Basin, Victoria 1948-61. |
1974/161 | Petrography of acid igneous rocks from northeast Queensland. |
1974/162 | Chemical analyses of acid igneous rocks from northeast Queensland. |
1974/163 | Late Cambrian fossils (Brachiopoda, Mollusca, Trilobita) from northern Victoria Land, Antarctica. |
1974/164 | Results of radiometric surveys in the Alligator River and Cobourg Peninsula area of the Northern Territory. |
1974/165 | Geological factors in land use, Lower Molonglo Valley, ACT |
1974/166 | Mary River area geophysical survey, Northern Territory, 1972. |
1974/167 | Transient electromagnetic tests NT and Qld, 1972 |
1974/168 | Explosive tests for comparison of seismic efficiency of Molanite , TNT, and Anzite Blue, Victoria, March 1974. |
1974/169 | Geochronology of Late Tertiary and Quaternary mineralized intrusive porphyries in the Star Mountains of Papua New Guinea and Irian Jaya. |
1974/170 | The Queensland Trough: some recent geophysical results, and its petroleum potential. |
1974/171 | Ground geophysical survey, Tennant Creek, Northern Territory, 1972. |
1974/172 | ESCAP fossil reference collection (Australian repository): specimens received to 31 October, 1974. |
1974/173 | Reconnaissance helicopter gravity survey, Qld, 1964 : compilation and recomputation of data |
1974/174 | Geophysical Branch summary of activities, 1974. |
1974/175 | Evaluation of radio positioning equipment for helicopter gravity surveys. |
1974/176 | Geology of the Tantangara 1:100 000 Sheet area, Australian Capital Territory and New South Wales. |
1974/177 | Petroleum Exploration Branch summary of activities (1.11.73 to 31.10.74) |
1974/178 | Summary of Phanerozoic Sedimentary Basins of Australia and Adjacent Regions, 1974 |
1974/179 | Operations Branch - summary of activities for 1974. |
1974/180 | Pine Ridge sewer tunnel seismic refraction investigation, A,C.T., 1974 |
1974/181 | Canning Basin gravity surveys, 1953-1962. |
1974/182 | A geochemical anomaly west of Mary Kathleen, Queensland. |
1974/183 | New and revised stratigraphic nomenclature, northeast Canning Basin, Western Australia. |
1974/184 | Engineering geology of Tuggeranong town centre, ACT. |
1974/185 | Mineral Resources Branch annual summary of activities, 1974 |
1974/186 | Engineering geology of Gungahlin urban development area, ACT. |
1974/187 | East Otway Basin seismic survey, Victoria 1967. |
1974/188 | Sampling and analytical procedures used for the 1973 geochemical exploration program. |
1974/189 | Investigation of drainage problem, sections 23 and 30, Ainslie, ACT. |
1974/190 | Tuggeranong sewer pipeline, seismic refraction survey, ACT 1974. |
1974/191 | Transient electromagnetic field tests, Northern Territory and Queensland, 1973. |
1974/192 | Geophysical surveys over the continental margin of parts of east and west Africa. |
1974/193 | Port Moresby geophysical observatory annual report, 1973. |
1974/194 | Evaporite exploration in the Officer Basin, Western Australia, at the Woolnough Hills and Madley Diapirs. |
1974/195 | Speculations on the palaeoecology of selected larger foraminifera. |
1974/196 | The Australian exploration boom 1965-1972-'73 |
1974/197 | Dolomite and organic material. |
1974/198 | The role of the national geological survey in Australia, 1946 to 1974. |
1974/199 | Miscellaneous chemical, petrographic and mineragraphic investigations carried out in the geological laboratory. |
Record Number | Title |
1975/001 | Recomputation of the 1963 and 1967 reconnaissance helicopter gravity surveys in Qld, NT and WA |
1975/002 | The effects of finite magnetometer bandwidth on a point source aeromangetic anomaly. |
1975/003 | Airborne geophysical surveys in the Tennant Creek region, N.T., 1970. |
1975/004 | A Fortran program for calculating the gravity effect of a three-dimensional body of arbitrary shape. |
1975/005 | Tuggeranong Town Centre water feature, seismic refraction survey, ACT, 1974. |
1975/006 | Preliminary geological investigation of south Queanbeyan urban development area, NSW. |
1975/007 | Gravity trends and the growth of Australia. |
1975/008 | Mineral resources of Australia, 1975 |
1975/009 | Geological data processing in France - the semantic system. |
1975/010 | Melbourne area gravity survey, 1975: preview report. |
1975/011 | Auger drilling, Cape York Peninsula, 1974. |
1975/012 | Granite diapirism in the Rum Jungle area, northern Australia. |
1975/013 | The structural and metamorphic geology of the Ormiston area, central Australia. |
1975/015 | Goulburn Valley gravity survey operational report, Victoria, 1973. |
1975/016 | Biochemical markers in stromatolites. |
1975/017 | New Precambrian fossils from the Arumbera Sandstone, Northern Territory, Australia. |
1975/018 | Notes on the Cooper Basin in Queensland. |
1975/019 | Drainage investigation at Monaro Crescent, Red Hill, ACT. |
1975/020 | Long-term program proposals for land seismic investigations by BMR |
1975/021 | Vibration measurements on electricity towers, Sydney, 1972. |
1975/022 | Preliminary investigation of a brick shale deposit at Gungahlin, ACT. |
1975/023 | Seismic refraction surveys, ACT: Coronation Park, Yarralumla, and Block 4, Section 25, Griffith. |
1975/024 | Preliminary gravity measurements on crustal movement survey markers, Markham Valley, PNG, 1973. |
1975/025 | Mildura resistivity depth probe, Victoria, 1973. |
1975/026 | Geochronology and related aspects of Proterozoic acid volcanics and associated granites of The Granites-Tanami region, northwestern Australia. |
1975/027 | Geochemical studies related to the occurrence of oil and gas in the Dampier sub-basin, Western Australia. |
1975/028 | Georgetown 1:100 000 geological sheet : preliminary compilation and data sheets. |
1975/029 | A preliminary report on the petrography and mineralogy of the feldspathoidal-bearing potassic lavas from the Tabar, Lihir, Tanga, and Feni Islands, off the coast of New Ireland, PNG. |
1975/030 | Geological work in Antarctica - 1974. |
1975/031 | Progress report : Alligator River party, Northern Territory, 1972 (Jim Jim region) |
1975/032 | Seismic reflection profiles across the Timor Trough. |
1975/033 | BMR 1975 program. |
1975/034 | Stratigraphy and evolution of primary and secondary greenstones: significance of data from shields of the southern hemisphere. |
1975/035 | BMR symposium, Canberra, 22-23 April 1975: abstracts. |
1975/036 | Engineering geology and environmental factors of proposed Jerrabomberra industrial estate, ACT. |
1975/037 | Abstracts of papers presented at the Southwest Pacific symposium. |
1975/038 | Geological investigation of Tuggeranong damsite, Murrumbidgee River, ACT 1968. |
1975/039 | Progress report : Alligator River party, NT, 1972 (Oenpelli region) |
1975/040 | Simulation of carbonate diagenetic processes: formation of dolomite, huntite and monohydrocalcite by the reactions between nesquehonite and brine. |
1975/041 | Structure contour maps of the base of the Rolling Downs Group and the base of the Eromanga Basin sequence, northern Eromanga Basin, 1974. |
1975/042 | Visit to International Gravity Commission Meeting in Paris, Recent Crustal Movements Symposium in Zurich and to Ottawa and Moscow, August-September 1974 |
1975/043 | The effect of Late Carboniferous - Early Permian glaciation on the distribution of conodonts in Australia. |
1975/044 | Transient electromagnetic model studies, 1974 |
1975/045 | Groundwater levels in observation bores, ACT and environs, 1959-74. |
1975/046 | Molonglo Parkway, Black Mountain, ACT: geological investigations, 1974. |
1975/047 | Anomalous aspects of New Guinea seismicity. |
1975/048 | Operational report on the Soviet gravity tie Moscow - Port Moresby - Hobart, 1974. |
1975/049 | Shallow stratigraphic drilling in the Officer Basin, Western Australia, 1972. |
1975/050 | Stephens Creek seismograph installation. |
1975/051 | Stratigraphic correlations between the older units of the southern Carpentaria and northern Eromanga Basins. |
1975/052 | Broken Hill power station vibration measurements, 1973. |
1975/053 | Lexicon of Antarctica stratigraphic names introduced by members of Australian expeditions. |
1975/054 | Geology of the Woden/Weston Creek area, ACT. |
1975/055 | Tuggeranong town centre water feature, ACT: preliminary geological investigations (1973-5). |
1975/056 | Drilling, measured section, and geochemical data on weathered profiles in southwest Queensland. |
1975/057 | Quarry site investigation at Captains Flat, New South Wales, 1974. |
1975/058 | The place of the earth scientists in urban planning and development. |
1975/059 | Reconnaissance gravity observations near Mawson and in the Prince Charles Mountains, Antarctica, 1969-71. |
1975/060 | Geophysical surveys of the continental margins of Australia, Gulf of Papua, and Bismarck Sea. |
1975/061 | Abstracts of papers for proceedings of symposium on Late Cambrian correlations, Moscow. |
1975/062 | Proposed bulk-supply-main tunnel, Mount Stromlo ACT: preliminary geological investigation, 1975 |
1975/063 | Kavieng (New Ireland, PNG) resistivity depth probing 1974. |
1975/064 | Rb-Sr mineral age discordances and geochronology of Precambrian basic intrusives in the Mount Isa region, Australia. |
1975/065 | Trace and rare earth element geochemistry and origin of Archaean acid igneous series, Barberton Mountain Land, Transvaal. |
1975/066 | The vegetation of Tertiary islands on the Ninetyeast Ridge: palynological evidence from deep-sea drilling |
1975/067 | The Cadna-owie and Toolebuc Formations in the Eromanga Basin, Queensland. |
1975/068 | Soil sampling of the Jubilee Plunger gold prospect, Forsayth, north Queensland. |
1975/069 | Biostratigraphical synopsis: eastern Georgina Basin. |
1975/071 | Seismic investigation of the Papuan Ultramafic Belt. |
1975/072 | Crustal structure under the Mount Lamington region of Papua New Guinea. |
1975/073 | Carpentaria Basin seismic survey, July-December 1958. |
1975/074 | Cloncurry regional and Prospector detailed airborne magnetic and radiometric survey, Qld 1973. |
1975/075 | Mount Stromlo to Higgins Reservoir bulk supply main, tunnel section, seismic refraction survey, Mount Stromlo, ACT, 1975 |
1975/076 | Molonglo Parkway, Black Mountain, ACT: additional seismic survey, 1974. |
1975/077 | Notes on the geology of the Gregory Sub-Basin and adjacent areas of Canning Basin, Western Australia |
1975/078 | Summary of oil search activities in Australia and Papua New Guinea during 1973. |
1975/079 | Shallow stratigraphic drilling in the Cahill and Jim Jim 1:100 000 areas, Alligator Rivers region, NT, 1974 |
1975/080 | An L6 chondrite found near Parachilna, South Australia. |
1975/081 | Introduction [to book 'Stromatolites' - published by Elsevier]. |
1975/082 | Antarctic glaciation and Early Tertiary vegetation: evidence from Ross Sea drillsites. |
1975/083 | Ramblings of a micropalaeontologist. |
1975/084 | Metalliferous diamond drilling, Mount Isa area, 1971 |
1975/085 | Reconnaissance helicopter gravity survey, New South Wales, Victoria, Tasmania, and South Australia, 1973/74. |
1975/086 | Classification of Pseudagnostus jackel, 1909 (Trilobita: Agnostina). |
1975/087 | Bouguer anomalies of the Surat and Dalby 1:250 000 sheet areas, Queensland, and their geological interpretation |
1975/088 | Precambrian geology of the Westmoreland region, northern Australia. Part I: Regional setting and cover rocks. |
1975/089 | Aeromagnetic and radiomagnetic survey of Cobourg Peninsula, Alligator River and Mount Evelyn (part) 1:250 000 sheet areas, Northern Territory 1971-1972 |
1975/090 | Musa River Hydro-electric Scheme seismic survey, P.N.G., 1972 |
1975/091 | Minerals from the oceans. |
1975/092 | Heavy-mineral sands along the east coast of Australia. |
1975/093 | Urban geology of Tuggeranong, ACT. |
1975/094 | Mesozoic-Cenozoic sediments of the eastern Indian Ocean |
1975/095 | Summary of oil search activities in Australia and Papua New Guinea during 1974. |
1975/096 | Miscellaneous chemical, petrographic and mineragraphic investigations carried out in the Geological Laboratory, January-December 1974 |
1975/098 | A program to contour using minimum curvature. |
1975/099 | The influence of geology and hydrogeology on landfill disposal of solid waste, and its application in Canberra, A.C.T. |
1975/100 | Geology of the Alcoota 1:250 000 sheet area, NT. |
1975/101 | Geophysical results from the northwest continental margin of Australia. |
1975/102 | Isotopic age relationships of Precambrian rocks in the Granites-Tanami region, Northern Territory and Western Australia. |
1975/103 | Australian Calibration Line gravity survey 1971. |
1975/104 | Marine geophysical survey of the continental margins of Australia, Gulf of Papua, and the Bismarck Sea, 1970- 1973: systems performance. |
1975/105 | Preview report on marine geophysical survey, No. 24 (magnetic), northwest continental shelf, 1975 (Division of National Mapping, Contract No. 5) |
1975/106 | Determination of gravity acceleration at Port Moresby (Papua New Guinea) and Hobart (Australia) with OVM pendulum apparatus. |
1975/107 | Canberra City sewer augmentation, Ballumbir Street to Barry Drive: geological observations during construction, 1975. |
1975/108 | Albury-Wodonga geophysical survey, 1975. |
1975/109 | History of petroleum search in the Canning Basin, Western Australia, to 31 December 1974. |
1975/111 | Engineering geological notes on the Gooromon Ponds area, NSW. |
1975/112 | Report on attendance at the 44th annual meeting of the Society of Exploration Geophysicists, Dallas, Texas, 10-14 Nov. 1974, and visits to companies and institutions in Dallas, Houston, |
1975/113 | Geology of northwest Belconnen, ACT. |
1975/114 | BMR marine program. Report by a BMR committee on forward marine program. |
1975/115 | Geophysical results from the Gulf of Papua and Bismarck Sea. |
1975/116 | Magnetometer shore stations for the continental margin survey, 1970-73. |
1975/118 | Papers for G.A.M. Taylor memorial volume to be published as a book by Elsevier |
1975/119 | Report on visits to geophysical institutions in USA, Canada and UK during 27 March-17 May 1974. |
1975/120 | A Permian cold water marine fauna in the Grant Formation of the Canning Basin, Western Australia. |
1975/121 | Two-dimensional interpolation of irregularly spaced data using polynomial splines |
1975/122 | Westernport seismic profiling survey, Victoria, 1973. |
1975/124 | Ginninderra sewer tunnel, seismic refraction survey, 1975. |
1975/125 | SEC power station sites offshore seismic profiling survey, Tyabb and Red Bluff, Westernport Bay, Victoria 1973 |
1975/126 | Gravity measurements on Papua New Guinea crustal movement survey markers, and along the Australian Calibration Line, 1973 |
1975/127 | Factors in the deposition and mineralization of a black shale west of Mary Kathleen, Queensland. |
1975/128 | Visit to base metal prospecting operations, Arnhem Land - 20-24 August, 1974 |
1975/129 | The roles of the geologist and the driller in engineering geology. |
1975/130 | Gravity meter ties to New Zealand and Antarctica 1975. |
1975/131 | Galilee Basin seismic survey, Queensland, 1975 - presurvey report. |
1975/132 | Rock density measurements using gamma ray. |
1975/133 | Visit to Hong Kong, Japan, USA, Canada, England and Poland, 1972. |
1975/134 | Origin of marble by replacement of gypsum in carbonate breccia nappes, Carson sink region, Nevada: a discussion. |
1975/135 | The formation of the Great Barrier Reef. |
1975/136 | Ryan sewer tunnel geophysical investigation, ACT 1974. |
1975/137 | Observations of karst hydrology in the Waga Valley, southern highlands district, Papua New Guinea. |
1975/138 | A petrophysical study of the Stairway and Pacoota sandstones in four wells from the Mereenie Field, Amadeus Basin, Northern Territory. |
1975/139 | Grainsize scales for macroscopic and microscopic rock studies. |
1975/140 | Mawson Geophysical Observatory annual report 1973 |
1975/141 | Modification of the Press-Ewing long-period seismometer to compensate for the effects of temperature changes |
1975/142 | CCOP/SOPAC and IOC, IDOE. International Scientific Workshop on the Geology, Mineral Resources and Geophysics of the South Pacific : notes compiled in preparation for workshop discussions |
1975/143 | Mundaring Geophysical Observatory, annual report 1974 |
1975/144 | Manufacture and tests of radar reflecting buoys for marine surveys. |
1975/145 | Googong pumping station site, pipeline, and access road - Queanbeyan River, NSW - seismic refraction surveys 1973 and 1974. |
1975/146 | Ground vibration induced by the Concorde GSST-002 sonic boom, Alice Springs, NT 1972. |
1975/147 | Silurian stratigraphic units of the southern part of the Molong High. |
1975/148 | Engineering geology of McKellar, Belconnen, ACT. |
1975/149 | Nebo Coalfield magnetic survey, 1974 |
1975/150 | The development of a high-resolution seismic profiling system for shallow water, 1971 and 1972. |
1975/151 | Summary of oil search activities in Australia to 1967. |
1975/152 | Marine geophysical survey of the continental margins of Australia, Gulf of Papua, and the Bismarck Sea, 1970- 1973: data quality and distribution. |
1975/153 | Wells and footage drilled for petroleum exploration and development in Australia and Papua New Guinea in 1974. |
1975/154 | Some aspects of sedimentation and hydrocarbon potential of the sandy facies of the Latrobe Group, Gippsland Basin, Victoria. |
1975/155 | Aeromagnetic survey of Perenjori, Ninghan, Bencubbin, and Moora 1:250 000 Sheet areas, WA 1972. |
1975/156 | Googong pipeline route - rippability study, 1975. |
1975/157 | Geological Branch summary of activities 1975. |
1975/158 | A preliminary report on the regional geology of the Exmouth Plateau. |
1975/159 | Mineral Resources Branch annual summary of activities, 1975. |
1975/160 | Petroleum Exploration Branch summary of activities, 1.11.74 to 31.10.75 |
1975/161 | Geophysical Branch summary of activities, 1975. |
1975/162 | Basement geology of the North Sepik region, Papua New Guinea. |
1975/163 | 1975 summary of activities, Operations Branch |
1975/164 | An orientation geochemical survey in the Georgetown area, north Queensland. |
1975/165 | Aerial thermal infrared imagery over coal measures, Hail Creek, Qld, 1971. |
1975/167 | Index to drill-hole data - Carpentaria, Laura, and Karumba Basins, Queensland |
1975/169 | Great Artesian Basin groundwater project - explanatory note on digital model package, Great Artesian Basin Simulation Model ( GABSIN) |
1975/170 | Recent trends in seismic data processing. |
1975/172 | An orientation geochemical survey in the Westmoreland area, northern Australia. |
1975/173 | Lanyon trunk sewer geological investigations, Tuggeranong, ACT 1975. |
1975/175 | Geology of the Mount Isa 1:100 000 Sheet area, northwest Queensland. |
1975/177 | East Papua crustal survey, October-December 1973: operational report. |
1975/178 | Arltunga Nappe detailed gravity survey, NT, 1973. |
1975/179 | Geological and geophysical investigations at Emu Bank, Belconnen town centre, ACT, 1975. |
1975/180 | Geophysical results from the southwest continental margins of Australia. |
Record Number | Title |
1976/001 | Stress measurement proposals for Western Australia. |
1976/002 | Airborne magnetic and radiometric survey: Bendigo, Wangaratta and Tallangatta, Victoria, 1972. |
1976/003 | Cape York Peninsula geophysical and geological groundwater investigation Queensland 1974. |
1976/004 | Geology of the Forsayth 1:100 000 Sheet area (7660), north Queensland - Georgetown project progress report. |
1976/005 | Progress report on the Great Artesian Basin hydrogeological study 1972-1974. |
1976/006 | An evaluation of ground magnetic surveys as an aid to prospecting for opal in southwest Queensland 1975. |
1976/007 | Ringarooma Bay magnetometer and sparker profilling survey, Tasmania, 1973. |
1976/008 | Madang (PNG) 1974 geophysical survey. |
1976/010 | Seabed margins and resources potential of Macquarie Ridge, Norfolk Ridge and Lord Howe Rise. |
1976/011 | Gravity ties to Australian Antarctic bases and Christmas Island, 1967-1975. |
1976/012 | A review of marine geophysical investigations over the Lord Howe Rise and Norfolk Ridge. |
1976/013 | Mineral resources of Australia, 1976. |
1976/014 | Geophysical results from the Timor Trough. |
1976/015 | Notes on interfacing electronic equipment with special reference to the 1977 marine data acquisition system. |
1976/016 | Auger drilling of beach ridge complexes, western Cape York Peninsula, 1973. |
1976/017 | Mawson Geophysical Observatory, annual report 1974 |
1976/018 | Plant fossils from the northeastern part of the Canning Basin, Western Australia. |
1976/019 | Tuggeranong sewerage tunnel connection: geological investigation, 1975. |
1976/020 | ESCAP fossil reference collection (Australian repository). Supplement 1 - specimens received to 31 December 1975. |
1976/023 | Bureau of Mineral Resources (BMR) 1976 program. |
1976/024 | Permian depositional history of the Noonkanbah 1:250 000 sheet area, W.A. |
1976/025 | Isaacs seismic refraction survey, ACT, 1972. |
1976/026 | Port Moresby geophysical observatory annual report 1974. |
1976/027 | Galilee Basin seismic survey, Queensland, 1975 - operation report. |
1976/028 | An appraisal of petroleum exploration title areas WA-33-P, WA-34-P, WA-35-P, WA-37-P, NT/P5. |
1976/029 | The Devonian rocks of the Toko Syncline, western Queensland. |
1976/030 | Australia's natural gas reserves and future natural gas potential. |
1976/031 | Earthquake hazard in Australia. |
1976/032 | Subsurface investigation for proposed reclamation of Jerrabomberra Creek Flats, ACT, 1973. |
1976/033 | Stratigraphic tables, Papua New Guinea. |
1976/034 | Precambrian geology of the Westmoreland region, northern Australia. Part II: The Cliffdale Volcanics. |
1976/035 | BMR symposium Canberra 28-29 April 1976: abstracts. |
1976/036 | A review of the geology and geophysics of Macquarie Island and the Macquarie Ridge Complex. |
1976/037 | A review of the geology and geophysics of Christmas Island and the Christmas Rise |
1976/038 | A review of the geology and geophysics of the Cocos Islands and Cocos Rise |
1976/039 | A review of the geology and geophysics of the Queensland Plateau. |
1976/040 | A review of the geology and geophysics of the area around Mellish, Frederick, Kenn and Wreck Reefs, and Cato Island. |
1976/041 | A review of the geology and geophysics of the Marion Plateau. |
1976/042 | Heavy-mineral deposits along the coasts of Victoria, Tasmania and South Australia. |
1976/043 | BMR rotary-percussion and auger drilling in the Cahill and East Alligator 1:100 000 Sheet areas, Alligator Rivers region, 1972-73. |
1976/044 | Geological investigations for the Ginninderra sewer tunnel, Belconnen, ACT 1975. |
1976/045 | Annual report, Macquarie Island 1974. |
1976/046 | Barometric levelling test survey using 'Mechanism Ltd' precision aneroid barometers, type M2236/A MK-II, serial Nos. 260, 261 , 262, 263, 264 and 265, ACT, 1973. |
1976/047 | Geophysical survey, Elura prospect, Cobar, New South Wales, 1974. |
1976/048 | Mundaring Geophysical Observatory annual report 1975 |
1976/049 | The geological map as a public utility - how useful can a geological map be? |
1976/050 | Arltunga detailed airborne magnetic and radiometric survey, NT 1972. |
1976/051 | Overseas visit to France, USSR, Sweden, and U.K., August - September 1975 |
1976/052 | Drill-hole logging and transient electromagnetic test surveys, Woodlawn deposit, New South Wales, 1973. |
1976/053 | Foundation investigations at Murrumbidgee bridge site No. 3, ACT, 1975: engineering geology and seismic refraction survey. |
1976/055 | Miscellaneous chemical, petrographic and mineragraphic investigations carried out in the Geological Laboratory, January-December, 1975 |
1976/056 | Notes on earthquake magnitude scales. |
1976/057 | Progress report on Georgina Basin geochemistry - results of 1974 field season. |
1976/058 | Velocity analysis of two seismic sections across the Queensland Trough. |
1976/059 | Structure of the Bismarck Sea. |
1976/060 | Operational report on Glenburg (part), Robinson Range, Peak Hill, W.A. airborne gamma-ray spectrometer survey, 1972 |
1976/061 | Wewak geophysical survey for groundwater, PNG 1973. |
1976/062 | A groundwater investigation on Norfolk Island. (Appendices: 1. The modern coastal sedimentary rock complex of Norfolk and Nepean Islands. |
1976/063 | Gilberton 1:100 000 geological sheet : preliminary field compilation data sheets |
1976/064 | Preliminary investigation of groundwater resources, Cocos (Keeling) Islands, Indian Ocean, 1975. |
1976/065 | A guide to the production of shotpoint location maps using a digitising table and computer. |
1976/066 | A review of petroleum exploration and prospects in the Arafura Sea-Gulf of Carpentaria region. |
1976/067 | Geothermal resources within Australia - BMR survey proposals. |
1976/068 | Geology of Tennant Creek 1:250 000 sheet area, Northern Territory |
1976/069 | Googong pipeline investigation, 1975-76: expected ground conditions for excavation. |
1976/070 | Future role of palaeomagnetism in the BMR. |
1976/071 | Defence Force Academy site, Duntroon, ACT: investigation of the subsurface, 1975. |
1976/072 | International Geological Congress, Sydney 1976. Symposium 103.3 - The structure of Australia and variations in tectonic style. |
1976/073 | Gravity survey along seismic traverses in the northeastern part of the Eromanga Basin, Queensland, 1967. |
1976/074 | Mineral resource assessment : report by BMR Interbranch Committee |
1976/075 | Wells and metres drilled for petroleum exploration and development in Australia in 1975. |
1976/076 | Petroleum Technology Section - Reservoir Engineering Subsection: Tern Field, Bonaparte Gulf Basin, W.A. : estimated recoverable reserves as at 31-7-76 |
1976/077 | A preliminary investigation of the nature, origin, and economic potential of the Jubilee Plunger gold deposit, central Georgetown Inlier, north Queensland. |
1976/078 | A bibliography of groundwater recharge in Australia. |
1976/079 | An appraisal of petroleum exploration title area WA-1-P offshore northern Carnarvon Basin, August 1974. |
1976/080 | An appraisal of petroleum exploration titles areas WA-23-P, WA-24-P, WA-25-P, offshore northern Carnarvon Basin, August 1974. |
1976/081 | Compilation of some geophysical and geological information in the northwestern part of the eromanga Basin, and underlying basins, Northern Territory and Queensland. |
1976/082 | Documentation of BMR Geological Branch computer programs. |
1976/083 | The adjustment and use of the proton vector magnetometer. |
1976/084 | Vema cruise 33, leg 1, over the southeast Indian Ridge, 17 November to 17 December, 1975: observer's report |
1976/085 | Vema cruise 33, leg 2, in the southeast Indian Ocean, 21 December, 1975 to 17 January, 1976 : observer's report |
1976/086 | Vema cruise 33 leg 4 over the Naturaliste Fracture Zone, 23 February to 15 March, 1976: observer's report. |
1976/087 | Vema cruise 33 leg 3 over the magnetic quiet zone south of Australia, 20 January to 19 February, 1976: observer's report. |
1976/088 | West Murrumbidgee geophysical survey, 1975 |
1976/089 | Heavy minerals in the late Cainozoic sediments of southeastern South Australia. |
1976/090 | Geological Branch summary of activities 1976. |
1976/091 | Geophysical Branch summary of activities 1976. |
1976/092 | Mineral Resources Branch annual summary of activities 1976. |
1976/093 | 1976 summary of activities, Operations Branch. |
1976/094 | Petroleum Exploration Branch summary of activities 1.11.75 to 31.10.76 |
1976/095 | Notes on the geology of the southern part of the Canning Basin. |
1976/096 | Acquisition, processing, and interpretation of airborne gamma- ray spectometry data. |
1976/097 | Graphic presentation of magneto-telluric data. |
1976/098 | Soil sampling at the Big Reef and Two Micks gold mines, Forsayth, north Queensland. |
1976/099 | Transient electromagnetic survey, Elura Prospect, Cobar, New South Wales 1974. |
1976/100 | Christmas Island (Indian Ocean) geophysical survey for groundwater, 1973 |
1976/101 | Shallow stratigraphic drilling in the Burnside Granite area, Batchelor 1:100 000 sheet, Northern Territory, 1975. |
1976/102 | Wodonga sand and gravel survey, Victoria, 1975-76. |
1976/103 | Seismic investigations of crustal structure in southeast Australia, March-May 1976: operation report. |
1976/104 | Cabawin Field, Surat Basin, Qld - estimated recoverable reserves as at 30.9.76 |
1976/105 | Tennent Dam sites Nos. 2 and 3 seismic investigations, A.C.T., 1975/76 |
1976/106 | Murrumbidgee Park Drive, Tuggeranong, A.C.T. geological investigations |
1976/107 | Depth and thickness maps for sedimentary sequences under the Exmouth Plateau. |
1976/108 | The use of surface geophysical methods in underground water investigations : proceedings of a symposium by the Australian Water Resources Council, Adelaide, August 1975 |
Record Number | Title |
1977/001 | Kiewa River and Snowdons area (Murray Valley) geophysical survey for sand and gravel, Victoria, 1976 |
1977/002 | Melbourne area gravity survey, 1975. |
1977/003 | Mineral resources of Australia 1977. |
1977/004 | Geology of the Prospector 1:100 000 Sheet area (6857), Queensland. |
1977/005 | Chemical analytical results from rocks of the Golden Dyke Formation, Rum Jungle, NT. |
1977/006 | Sixth BMR Symposium, Canberra, 3-5 May, 1977. Abstracts |
1977/007 | Mundaring Geophysical Observatory annual report 1976 |
1977/008 | Screening and averaging magneto-telluric data prior to one-dimensional inversion |
1977/009 | Rum Jungle area gravity survey, Northern Territory 1974. |
1977/010 | Bureau of Mineral Resources 1977 program. |
1977/011 | Kingswood ammunition depot vibration tests, NSW, 1976 |
1977/012 | Seismic refraction survey in the area of Belconnen Town Centre, ACT, 1975 |
1977/013 | R/V 'Vema' crusie 33 leg 14, in the southwest Pacific Ocean, 21 January to 18 February, 1977: observer's report. |
1977/014 | Lae-Markham Valley geophysical survey, PNG, 1973 |
1977/015 | Geological and geophysical investigations for urban development, Gungahlin, ACT, 1975-76. |
1977/016 | Geological work in Antarctica - 1974/75. |
1977/017 | A guide to the use and operation of program CONTOR |
1977/018 | Preliminary geological investigations of Tennant dam sites 2 and 3, Gudgenby River, ACT, 1975. |
1977/019 | BMR stratigraphic drilling in the Burke River Structural Belt, southeast Georgina Basin, 1974. Appendix by J.H.Shergold. |
1977/020 | A preliminary geological and geochemical investigation of the Una May uranium prospect, Seigal 1:100 000 sheet area, Northern Territory |
1977/021 | A review of petroleum exploration and prospects in the Carnarvon Basin. |
1977/022 | Defence Force Academy site, Duntroon ACT: additional seismic survey, March 1977. |
1977/023 | Overseas visit to India for magnetotellurics : sponsored by Aust. Dept. of Science and Government of India (Committee for Scientific and Industrial Research) |
1977/024 | Results of the 1976 orientation stream-sediment geochemical survey in northeastern Kepala Burung (Birds Head), Irian Jaya, Indonesia |
1977/025 | Southeastern Georgina Basin seismic survey, Queensland and Northern Territory, 1977. |
1977/026 | Galilee Basin seismic and gravity survey, Queensland, 1976 : operational report - Clermont-Alpha area |
1977/027 | Galilee Basin seismic and gravity survey, Queensland, 1976: operational report - Pentland-Hughenden area. |
1977/028 | Tennant Creek ground geophysical survey, Northern Territory, 1969. |
1977/029 | Canaway Ridge, Queensland, geophysical sruvey, 1973. |
1977/030 | Tennant Creek gravity and magnetic survey, Northern Territory, 1973. |
1977/031 | The East Solomon Sea earthquake of 20 July 1975; and notes on seismic risk in Bougainville. |
1977/032 | Explanatory notes on the Manokwari 1:250 000 geological sheet, Irian Jaya |
1977/033 | McArthur Basin Project |
1977/034 | Heavy-mineral sand deposits along the coast of Western Australia. |
1977/035 | Aeromagnetic survey of Glenburgh, Robinson Range, Peak Hill, Nabberu, and Stanley 1:250 000 Sheet areas, Western Australia, 1972. |
1977/036 | Wells and metres drilled for petroleum exploration and development in Australia in 1976. |
1977/037 | Wanniassa reservoir no.2 seismic refraction and blast-induced vibration investigation, A.C.T., 1977 |
1977/038 | Miscellaneous chemical, petrographic and mineragraphic investigations carried out in the geological laboratory, January-December 1976. |
1977/039 | Measurements of surface heat flow. |
1977/040 | Late Cainozoic environments in Australia |
1977/041 | Southern Cooper Basin magneto-telluric survey, South Australia, 1974. |
1977/043 | Scott Plateau - structure, isopach, and potential field maps |
1977/044 | Catalogue of field compilation sheets of the Newcastle Range Volcanics and associated rocks in the Mount Surprise, Galloway and northernmost Geortetown 1:100 000 Sheet areas. |
1977/045 | Geological Branch summary of activities 1977. |
1977/046 | Geophysical Branch summary of activities 1977 |
1977/047 | 1977 summary of actrivities, Mineral Resources Branch. |
1977/048 | Petroleum Exploration Branch summary of activities 1977 |
1977/049 | 1977 summary of activities, Operations Branch. |
1977/050 | A magnetic interpretation program based on Werner deconvolution. |
1977/051 | Control of groundwater seepage by pumping from a bore at Torres Street, Red Hill, ACT. |
1977/052 | An interpretation of the airborne magnetic and radiometric survey of Coompana, Nullarbor, Fowler, and Nuyts (onshore) 1:250 000 sheet areas, S.A. 1972/3 |
1977/053 | Shallow stratigraphic drilling in the Kapalga 1:100 000 sheet area, Alligator Rivers region, N.T., 1974-6 |
1977/054 | Dairy Flat, ACT: report on sand and gravel investigations 1973-76. |
1977/055 | Magnetic inducted polarisation (MIP) survey, Woodlawn, New South Wales, 1975. |
1977/056 | Bibliography of Australian heavy-mineral sands. |
1977/057 | Stromlo-Higgins bulk supply main, ACT - geological investigations 1975, and review since construction 1977 |
1977/058 | Geological and geophysical investigation of reservoir sites in Tuggeranong, ACT, 1976. |
1977/059 | Geological and geophysical investigation of sites for major buildings, Canberra City, Parkes, and Campbell, ACT 1974-5. |
1977/060 | Geological work in Antarctica - 1976. |
1977/061 | Stratigraphic drilling of stranded beach ridges, central western Victoria, 1977. |
1977/062 | Seismic investigations of crustal structure in southeastern Australia. November 1976 - March 1977 (MADAR survey): operation reprt. |
1977/063 | A review of petroleum exploration and prospects in the Perth Basin. |
1977/064 | Engineering geology of the Queanbeyan urban area, NSW. |
1977/065 | Engineering geological and geophysical assessment of foundations for the new Tharwa Bridge, ACT 1977. |
1977/066 | Geophysical survey of weir sites, Lake Tuggeranong project, ACT, 1977. |
1977/067 | Reclaimed sewage water project, RMC, Duntroon - groundwater investigation, 1976-77 |
1977/068 | Tuggeranong sewer tunnel, ACT: engineering geology completion report, 1977. |
Record Number | Title |
1978/001 | A review of the Triassc palaeoenvironments in the Canning Basin, Western Australia. |
1978/002 | SIMULAT : a computer program for the prospect-by-prospect method of estimating petroleum resources using Monte Carlo simulation |
1978/003 | A review of the concepts and practice of wire-line log interpretation: and the application of computer program `LOG4'. |
1978/004 | Port Moresby geophysical observatory annual report 1975. |
1978/005 | GAS - a computer program to predict gas well deliverability. |
1978/007 | Geological investigations for airport sites, Canberra and environs, 1976. |
1978/008 | Permian and Mesozoic geology of the Derby and Mount Anderson 1:250 000 sheet areas, Western Australia |
1978/009 | Mineral resources of Australia, 1978. |
1978/010 | A review of petroleum exploration and prospects in the Georgina Basin. |
1978/011 | Interim report on the Batchelor 1:100 000 sheet (5171), N.T |
1978/012 | Hydraulic calibration of the GABHYD model of the Great Artesian Basin. |
1978/013 | An overview of gas hydrates. |
1978/015 | Geochemical study of core material from the Arringhrunga Formation, Northern Territory. |
1978/016 | Melbourne cable tunnels geological investigations 1977-78. |
1978/017 | Stream-sediment geochemistry of the Forsayth 1:100 000 sheet area, north Queensland |
1978/018 | Vema cruise 33, leg 13, in the Bismarck, Solomon, and Coral Seas, 20 December 1976: observer's report. |
1978/019 | The Indonesian earthquake of 19 August 1977: effects in Western Australia. |
1978/020 | Cloncurry area test resistivity survey, Queensland, 1973. |
1978/021 | Abstracts: 7th BMR symposium, Canberra, 2-3 May, 1978. |
1978/022 | Mineral processing in Australia: progress and potential. |
1978/023 | Progress report on Georgina Basin geochemistry - results from 1975, 1976 field seasons |
1978/024 | Geological notes on proposed Sullivans Creek to Commonwealth Avenue pumping station sewer augmentation and possible to King Edward Terrace, Canberra, ACT. |
1978/025 | Bureau of Mineral Resources 1978 program. |
1978/027 | Troubadour Field, Bonaparte Gulf Basin, NT: estimated recoverable reserves as at 31.3.78. |
1978/028 | Stratigraphic holes drilled in the Canberra area, 1971 to 1976. |
1978/029 | Geological investigation of topsoil deposits on Block H.423, Booth District, Naas, ACT |
1978/030 | Preliminary assessment of the hydrocarbon potential of the Sahul Platform, Bonaparte Gulf Basin, Northern Territory and Western Australia. |
1978/031 | Geological evaluation of terrain for urban and regional development in the Australian Capital Territory. |
1978/032 | Precambrian geology of the Westmoreland region, northern Australia. Part III: Nicholson Granite Complex and Murphy Metamorphics. |
1978/033 | Explanatory notes to accompany stratigraphic columns - Carnarvon Basin, Australia. |
1978/034 | Seismic and detailed gravity survey in the Toko Syncline, Georgina Basin, 1977 - operational report. |
1978/035 | An appraisal of petroleum exploration title areas SA-4, SA-6, SA-7, SA-10, SA-11, Great Australian Bight - South Australia. |
1978/036 | An appraisal of petroleum exploration title areas SA-2, SA-8, offshore Otway Basin (Gambier sub-basin). |
1978/037 | Petroleum source rock potential from wire-line legs. |
1978/038 | Laura Basin explanatory notes and stratigraphic correlations |
1978/039 | An appraisal of petroleum exploration title areas WA-15-P, WA-16-P, WA-17-P, WA-18-P, WA-19-P, March 1975. |
1978/040 | An appraisal of petroleum exploration title areas, Bonaparte Gulf Basin: WA-36-P, NT/P4, NT/P6, NT/P11, NT/P12, NT/P19, June 1975. |
1978/041 | An appraisal of petroleum exploration title area - Gippsland Basin. |
1978/042 | An appraisal of petroleum exploration title areas - offshore Canning Basin WA-29-P, WA-30-P, WA-31-P, WA-32-P, May 1975. |
1978/043 | Enhanced recovery of petroleum - applications to Australia. |
1978/044 | Georgetown Project progress report - geology of the Georgetown 1:100 000 sheet area (7661), north Queensland; part A. |
1978/045 | A preliminary estimate of the undisocvered petroleum resources of Australia. |
1978/046 | Precambrian geology of the Dajarra 1:100 000 Sheet area, northwestern Queensland - preliminary data. |
1978/047 | A review of petroleum exploration and prospects in the Carnarvon Basin. |
1978/048 | Geology and geochemistry of Middle Proterozoic base volcanic belts, Mount Isa/Cloncurry, northwestern Queensland. |
1978/049 | A review of petroleum exploration and prospects in the Arafura Sea-Gulf of Carpentaria region. |
1978/050 | Notes on the sedimentology and palaeontology of cores and dredged sediments obtained from the Scott Plateau and Java Trench by R.V. Valdivia, 1977. |
1978/051 | BMR's role in mineral exploration within the Pine Creek Geosyncline, 1949-1977. |
1978/052 | Denison Trough seismic survey, Queensland, 1978: preview report |
1978/053 | The Australian offshore compilation for Circum-Pacific Map Project, Southwest Quadrant, May 1978 |
1978/054 | Field work report, McArthur Basin project, 1977. |
1978/055 | Results of the 1976 Canning Basin geothermal survey. |
1978/056 | Geophysical investigations of minor zones of mineralisation in the Cloncurry 1:250 000 Sheet area, northwest Queensland, 1973. |
1978/057 | Geology of the Gundaroo-Westmead Park-Nanima area, New South Wales |
1978/058 | A case for research and development on geothermal energy in Australia. |
1978/059 | Mawson Geophysical Observatory, annual report 1975 |
1978/060 | Geophysical surveys at the Jubilee Plunger gold deposit, Georgetown Inlier, Queensland, 1974-1976. |
1978/061 | Detection of subsurface ordnance by magnetic and transient electromagnetic methods. |
1978/062 | Field tests with the Scintrex DHP-4 down-hole EM prospecting system, NSW, 1975. |
1978/063 | Lawn Hill 1:100 000 Sheet area: catalogue of 1:250 000 geological compilation sheets. |
1978/064 | The contamination of groundwater by hydrocarbons, with brief notes on the hydrogeology of Canberra City, ACT. |
1978/065 | Airborne and ground geophysical mapping in the Mount Basedow-Mount Partridge Range area, Alligatopr Rivers region, Northern Territory 1974. |
1978/066 | A review of petroleum exploration and prospects in the Perth Basin. |
1978/067 | ESCAP fossil reference collection (Australian repository): supplement 2 - specimens received to 30 June 1978. |
1978/068 | Geological and geophysical investigations of five alternative landfill sites, south Canberra and Tuggeranong, ACT 1976. |
1978/069 | Geological and geophysical investigation of the proposed Mugga South landfill site, ACT, 1977. |
1978/070 | Operating manual for the GABHYD model |
1978/071 | Gravity survey, Alligator River 1:250 000 sheet area, Northern Territory, 1972-73 |
1978/072 | A regression analysis of North Rankin No.5 - core porosity against log porosity |
1978/073 | Mundaring Geophysical Observatory annual report 1977 |
1978/074 | Sunrise Field, Bonaparte Gulf Basin N.T. : estimated recoverable reserves as at 31.3.78 |
1978/075 | Miscellaneous chemical, petrographic, and mineragraphic investigations carried out in the Geological Laboratory, January-December, 1977 |
1978/076 | National report on gravity in Australia, July 1974 to June 1978 |
1978/077 | Petroleum resource assessment methods in North America |
1978/078 | Australian activities in the field of stratigraphic correlation 1975-1978 |
1978/079 | An Appraisal of Petroleum Exploration Title Areas NT/P2, NT/P7, NT/P8, NT/P9, NT/P10, NT/P13. NT/P14. NT/P15. July 1975 |
1978/080 | An Appraisal of Petroleum Exploration Title Areas - Offshore and Central Queensland May 1974 |
1978/081 | Evaluation of proposed site for disposal of radioactive waste, West Belconnen, ACT, 1978. |
1978/082 | Canberra-Queanbeyan relationship study: geological factors in development planning. |
1978/083 | The establishment of a leachate monitoring system at the West Belconnen landfill site, ACT, 1976-77. |
1978/084 | Googong pipeline, ACT and NSW: geological mapping of excavations during construction, 1977-78. |
1978/085 | Interpretation of transient electromagnetic measurements using the apparent conductivity concept. |
1978/086 | Groundwater pollution by hydrocarbons near the Center Cinema, Canberra City. |
1978/087 | Geology of the Oban 1:100 000 Sheet area, northwest Queensland: progress report. |
1978/088 | Drilling in the Spencer Gulf area of South Australia, February and March 1978 |
1978/089 | Geological Branch summary of activities 1978. |
1978/090 | Melbourne cable tunnels, geological investigations: 1978 supplementary report. |
1978/091 | A review of petroleum exploration and prospects in the Otway B asin region. |
1978/093 | Operations Branch summary of activities 1978 and staff list. |
1978/094 | Papua New Guinea isogal gravity survey, 1967. |
1978/095 | Petroleum Exploration Branch summary of activities 1978. |
1978/096 | Shallow reef structure: southern Great Barrier Reef. |
1978/097 | Geophysical Branch summary of activities - 1978. |
1978/098 | Mineral Resources Branch summary of activities for 1978. |
1978/099 | Geological investigations for the Sullivans Creek sewer tunnel, Canberra City, ACT 1978. |
1978/100 | Morphology and shallow structure of the continental shelf of southern Queensland and northern New South Wales |
1978/102 | Interim Engineering Services Branch summary of activities - 1978. |
1978/103 | Mundogie 1:100 000 sheet area data record. |
1978/104 | Space requirements for a proposed new centre for the Bureau of Mineral Resources. |
1978/105 | The late Cainozoic sediments of southeastern South Australia - lithology and mineralogy |
1978/106 | Wells and metres drilled petroleum exploration and development in Australia in 1977. |
1978/107 | Application of enhanced recovery to the Moonie oilfield, Queensland. |
1978/109 | A summary of the regional geology, geophysics, and petroleum potential of the Clarence-Moreton Basin. |
1978/110 | A review of petroleum exploration and prospects in the Gippsland Basin. |
1978/111 | A Review of Petroleum Exploration and Prospects in the Gippland Basin |
1978/112 | Precambrian geology of the Duchess 1:100 000 Sheet area, northwestern Queensland - preliminary data. |
1978/113 | Progress report of the Alligator River party, 1973-76 fieldwork. |
1978/114 | Operational report on Broken Hill detailed airborne magnetic and gamma-ray spectormeter survey, 1975. |
1978/115 | Mawson Geophysical Observatory annual report 1972 |
1978/116 | Operation report on Broken Hill regional airborne magnetic and gamma-ray spectrometer survey, 1975. |
Record Number | Title |
1979/001 | Geophysical groundwater investigation, Upper Yass Valley, New South Wales. |
1979/002 | Crust and upper mantle of southeast Australia : summaries of papers presented at a symposium held in Cenberra, February 1979 |
1979/004 | A review of petroleum exploration and prospects in the Bass Basin |
1979/005 | A review of petroleum exploration and prospects in the Bass Basin. |
1979/006 | Magnetic and gravity survey, Mawson-Molodezhnaya region, Antarctica 1975-76 |
1979/007 | Adaptation of the synthetic seismogram program 'REFLEX' to the CSIRO CYBER 76 computer. |
1979/008 | CUMSEA 1979 - excursion guide |
1979/009 | Preliminary assessment of the hydrocarbon potential of the Barrow Sub-Basin, and the southern extension of the Rankin Platform, Carnarvon, Basin, Western Australia |
1979/010 | Partial assessment of the recoverable hydrocarbon potential of the Vulcan Sub-Basin, Bonaparte Gulf Basin, Northern Territory |
1979/011 | Macquarie Island Geophysical Observatory annual report 1975. |
1979/012 | Forest Home, North Head, and parts of Gilbert River and Esmeralda 1:100 000 geological sheets: Catalogue of preliminary field data compilation sheets. |
1979/013 | Abstracts: 8th BMR Symposium, Canberra, 1-2 May 1979. |
1979/014 | Mineral resources of Australia 1979. |
1979/015 | McArthur Basin Research Project progress report, September quarter, 1978 |
1979/016 | McArthur Basin Research Project, progress report, December quarter, 1978 |
1979/017 | Georgina research, December quarter 1979. |
1979/018 | Geological data from drilling and excavations along the Molonglo Parkway between Black Mountain Peninsula and Acton, Canberra, ACT, 1977-78 |
1979/019 | Geological reconnaissance in Irian Jaya, 1976 and 1977. |
1979/020 | A review of petroleum exploration and prospects in the Great Australian Bight region. |
1979/021 | A rock and sediment drill for use on coral reefs. |
1979/022 | Carpentaria and Karumba Basins explanatory notes and stratigraphic columns. |
1979/023 | An Assessment of the Tithonian Play in the Dampier Sub-Basin and Rankin Trend, Offshore Western Australia |
1979/024 | Geology of the Kennedy Gap 1:100 000 Sheet area (6757), Queensland. |
1979/025 | A proposal for a seismic survey in the Western Darling Basin, NSW. |
1979/026 | Preliminary deep-sea sampling results, R.V. Sonne geological cruises off Western Australia in 1979. |
1979/027 | Molonglo Valley interceptor sewer, ACT: engineering geology completion report, 1978 |
1979/028 | MAG3D: An interactive computer program to calculate the magnetic anomaly of a finite dipping prism. |
1979/029 | GRAV3: An interactive computer program to calculate the gravity anomaly of a finite horizontal prism. |
1979/030 | Bureau of Mineral Resources 1979 program. |
1979/031 | Miscellaneous chemical, petrographic, and mineragraphic investigations carried out in the geochemical laboratory - January-December 1978. |
1979/032 | Petroleum geology of the Canning Basin. |
1979/033 | Christmas Island (Indian Ocean) geophysical survey for groundwater, 1976 |
1979/034 | The Airborne Reductions Group Utility System (ARGUS) - manuals and program listings |
1979/035 | A ready reckoner for early evaluation of open-pit base and precious metal projects. |
1979/036 | BMR stratigraphic drilling in the Georgina Basin, 1977 and 1978. |
1979/037 | Stream-sediment geochemical data, Seigal 1:100 000 sheet area, Northern Territory. |
1979/038 | Stream-sediment geochemical data, Hedleys Creek 1:100 000 sheet area, northwest Queensland. |
1979/039 | Georgina research, March quarter 1979. |
1979/040 | Holocene carbonate environments in South Australia and Western Australia. Report on a field excursion to the Coorong Lagoon area and Yorke Peninsula (SA), and Hutt Lagoon, Shark Bay and Lake Macleod (WA). |
1979/041 | Papua New Guinea earthquake intensity data 1953-1959. |
1979/042 | Workshop on Antarctic geology, 17-18 May 1979. Abstracts |
1979/043 | TEM scale model investigations, February-March, 1979 |
1979/044 | McArthur Basin research, March quarter, 1979 |
1979/045 | Gregory Downs and Riversleigh 1:100 000 sheet areas: catalogue of geological compilation sheets |
1979/046 | Estimating the geomagnetic secular change at Mawson, Antarctica. |
1979/047 | Geological report on 1:100 000-scale mapping of the southeastern Arunta Block, Northern Territory. |
1979/048 | Sixteen-channel digital multiplexer: BMR type XDM-1. |
1979/049 | Denison Trough seismic survey, Queensland: operational report for 1978 survey and proposed program for 1979 survey. |
1979/050 | Mining cost study for the Australian Mineral Development Laboratories: capital and operating costs for a 4 million cubic metre per annum close connected bucket line dredge, and associated tin recovery plant |
1979/051 | Arafura and Money Shoal Basins explanatory notes and stratigraphic correlations. |
1979/052 | Bonaparte Gulf Basin explanatory notes and stratigraphic correlations. |
1979/053 | Georgina research, June quarter 1979. |
1979/054 | Pilbara crustal survey, 1977: operational report. |
1979/055 | Resolving heat flow anomalies in shallow boreholes - feasibility studies |
1979/056 | Geology of the Quamby 1:100 000 sheet area (6957), Queensland. |
1979/057 | McArthur Basin research, June quarter, 1979 |
1979/058 | Sydney Basin explanatory notes and stratigraphic columns. |
1979/061 | Geological Branch summary of activities 1979. |
1979/062 | Deep-sea sediments and manganese nodules from the southern Tasman Sea. |
1979/063 | Detailed geophysical investigations, Tennent Dam sites 2 and 3, ACT. |
1979/064 | Sand and gravel deposits and extraction operations in the Canberra region, ACT and NSW, 1977. |
1979/065 | Field tests of Geonics EM 31 and EM 34-3 terrain conductivity meters. |
1979/066 | Development of 8-channel digital-to-analogue conversion card for HP2100 series computers. |
1979/067 | Stream-sediment geochemical data - Georgetown 1:100 000 sheet area. |
1979/068 | Stream-sediment geochemical data - Gilberton 1:100 000 sheet area |
1979/069 | Inventory of Antarctic rock specimens held in Australian institutions. |
1979/070 | Georgina Research September quarter, 1979. |
1979/071 | Operations Branch summary of activities 1979, and staff list |
1979/072 | Murray Basin hydrogeological project: progress report, September quarter 1979 |
1979/073 | Geophysical Branch summary of activities 1979. |
1979/076 | Estimation of parameters using least squares. |
1979/077 | Geological and geophysical investigation of the Pialliago Landfill Site, ACT |
1979/078 | Eastern Galilee Basin seismic survey, Queensland 1976. |
1979/079 | Petroleum Exploration Branch summary of activities 1979. |
1979/081 | Mineral Resources Branch summary of activities 1979. |
1979/082 | McArthur Basin research, September quarter, 1979 |
1979/083 | Geological report on the construction of the Googong Dam, Queanbeyan River, New South Wales. |
1979/084 | Observations on geology, soils, and groundwater relevant to pavement failure in Canberra, 1979. |
1979/085 | Geochemical data, Marraba 1:100 000 sheet area, northwest Queensland. |
1979/086 | Precambrian geology of the Selwyn region, northwest Queensland - preliminary data. |
1979/087 | The geology of the Canberra-Queanbeyan 1:50 000 map area. |
1979/088 | Progress report on hydrogeological studies in the Magela and Cooper Creek Catchments, Alligator Rivers region, NT, 1979 |
1979/089 | Stratigraphic drilling in the Rum Jungle area, NT, 1973-74: geological and geophysical results. |
1979/090 | Interim Engineering Services Branch summary of activities - 1979. |
1979/091 | Wells and metres drilled for petroleum exploration and development in Australia in 1978. |
1979/092 | 1978 seismic crustal investigations in southeast Australia: operational report forthe DART78 and MANESI surveys. |
1979/093 | Precambrian geology of the Mount Angelay 1:100 000 sheet area (7055), northwestern Queensland - preliminary data. |