Digitised records 1970s

Page last updated:11 July 2023

1970 | 1971 | 1972 | 1973 | 1974 | 1975 | 1976 | 1977 | 1978 | 1979


Record Number Title

1970/001 Geophysical investigation of the eastern margin of the Rum Jungle Complex, Northern Territory 1967.
1970/002 Sandstone and Youanmi airborne magnetic and radiometric survey, Western Australia 1968.
1970/003 The geology of the Cape Scott, Port Keats, Fergusson River and Delamere 1:250 000 sheet areas, Northern Territory.
1970/004 Wells and footage drilled for petroleum exploration and development in Australia and the Territory of Papua and New Guinea in 1968.
1970/005 Rubber tyred diesel equipment in Australian metal mines.
1970/006 Palaeozoic geology of the Warwick and Goondiwindi 1:250 000 Sheet areas, Queensland and New South Wales.
1970/007 Dawsonite in Sydney Basin wells.
1970/008 Bibliography of the Perth Basin, Western Australia (to 31/12/69).
1970/009 Bibliography of the Canning Basin, Western Australia (to 31/12/69).
1970/010 Marine geology and recent sediments of Milne Bay, New Guinea.
1970/011 Studies in the cold extraction of copper, lead and zinc from geological materials.
1970/012 Foraminifera and age of outcrop samples collected during the Kubor Range survey 1968, Central Highlands, New Guinea.
1970/013 The co-precipitation of iron and trace metals from aqueous solutions.
1970/014 Foraminifera and age of samples from the Star Mountains, Territory of Papua New Guinea.
1970/015 Reconnaissance gravity survey of parts of Northern Territory and Western Australia, 1967.
1970/016 Petroleum exploration activity: report and predictions.
1970/017 Bibliography of the Bonaparte Gulf Basin, W.A. and N.T. (to 28/2/70).
1970/018 Estimated consumption of drilling mud materials in Australia and Papua and New Guinea in 1968 and comparative study of the same for 1963-1968.
1970/019 Bibliography of the Sydney Basin (to 31/12/69).
1970/020 Rb-Sr age determinations of some rocks from the West Kimberley region, Western Australia.
1970/021 Ulawun volcano, New Britain: geology, petrology, and eruptive history between 1915 and 1967.
1970/022 Preliminary tests of the EM16 prospecting equipment at Captains Flat, New South Wales 1968.
1970/023 Gould area (Waterhouse No. 2 and Mount Minza) geophysical surveys, Rum Jungle district, Northern Territory 1968.
1970/024 The Proterozoic metamorphic rocks of the Cloncurry 1:100 000 sheet (Soldiers Cap Belt), Northwestern Queensland
1970/025 A report on the sedimentology of the Moolayember Foramtion, Bowen Basin, Queensland.
1970/026 Palynological observations on Amoco Towerhill No. A-1 well, Galilee Basin, Queensland.
1970/027 The sediments, structure, and morphology of the northwest Australian continental shelf between Rowley Shoals and Monte Bello Islands.
1970/028 Report on petrified woods from the Beaver Lake area, Prince Charles Mountains, Antarctica.
1970/029 Plant fossils from the Cape Vogel Basin, East Papua.
1970/030 Mineral resources of Australia, 1970.
1970/031 Reconnaissance gravity observations near Amery Ice Shelf, Antarctica, Summer 1968/69
1970/032 Jervis Bay power station site seismic refraction survey, A.C.T. 1970.
1970/033 World supply and demand for zirconium minerals: current position and future prospects.
1970/034 Micropalaeontology of core and cutting samples from water bores and shallow stratigraphic holes in the northern Eromanga Basin, Queensland.
1970/035 Seismicity in the Bismarck Volcanic Arc.
1970/036 A history of the torbanite industry and of the search for hydro- carbons in the Sydney Basin of N.S.W.
1970/037 Summary of oil search activities in Australia and Papua New Guinea during 1969.
1970/038 Shallow stratigraphic drilling, southern Carpentaria Basin, 1969.
1970/039 Progress report on the geology of the southern Carpentaria Basin.
1970/041 Geochemical and radiometric investigations, Rum Jungle district, Northern Territory 1969.
1970/042 Likurwanga volcano, Lolobau Island and associated volcanic centres, New Britain: geology and petrology.
1970/043 A study of the relationship between overburden pressure and fluid permeability in some hydrocarbon reservoir rocks in Australia.
1970/044 Fractures study - Murrays Beach area, Commonwealth Territory Jervis Bay.
1970/045 Stratigraphic bores BMR Ulladulla 1 and 2, and implications for engineering geology, Jervis Bay, A.C.T.
1970/046 Stratigraphic drilling in the Ngalia Basin, Northern Territory 1968- 1969.
1970/047 Mount Isa geochemical project, analysis of core samples
1970/048 Bibliography and index of Australian Cambrian trilobites, part I.
1970/049 Geology of New Ireland.
1970/050 Geology of the northern half of the Bowen 1:250 000 Sheet area, Queensland (with additions to the geology of the southern half
1970/051 Bureau of Mineral Resources 1970 program.
1970/052 Flinders River seismic survey, Queensland 1966.
1970/053 Engineering geology of phase I of the Ramu I hydro-electric project, Eastern Highlands, New Guinea. Part I Text and plates.
1970/054 Summary report on overseas study tour, March to May, 1969.
1970/055 Airphotograph study of coastal changes - southeast Queensland.
1970/056 Third-order regional magnetic survey, Queensland 1967.
1970/057 Gosses Bluff airborne magnetic survey, Northern Territory 1968.
1970/058 Bibliography of the Clarence-Moreton Basin of New South Wales and Queensland (to June 1970).
1970/059 Texture of sediments of the Arafura Sea.
1970/060 Geological investigations, Belconnen sheets G4C, G4D, G5A, G5B, G5C, and G5D, Australian Capital Territory, 1965- 1967.
1970/061 North Molonglo outfall sewer, A.C.T. Geological report on detailed investigation, 1969
1970/062 National report on gravity in Australia, July 1965 to June 1970
1970/063 Geology of the Gazelle Peninsula, T.P.N.G.
1970/064 Evans Head Bombing Range vibrations tests, New South Wales 1969.
1970/065 Crater Formation investigation, Rum Jungle district, Northern Territory 1969.
1970/066 Mineralogy of cumulus and non-cumulus ultramafic rocks from eastern Papua.
1970/067 A computer program for analysing directional data designed for use on a CDC3600.
1970/068 Engineering geology of the Tuggeranong West urban development area, A.C.T.
1970/069 Catalogue of radiometric age determinations carried out on Australian rocks in 1967/1968.
1970/070 Preview report: Northern New Guinea Basin airborne seismic survey 1970.
1970/071 Bibliography of the Carnarvon Basin, Western Australia (to 31/12/69).
1970/072 Short papers on Quaternary volcanic areas in Papua-New Guinea.
1970/073 Mineral Resources Branch summary of activities 1970.
1970/074 Results of 1961 stream sediment geochemical survey of Fergusson and Goodenough Islands, Papua.
1970/075 The relationship of pyrite oxidation in rockfill to highly acid water at Corin Dam, A.C.T., Australia.
1970/076 Preliminary analyses of natural gases encountered in exploration and development drilling in Australia and Papua New Guinea.
1970/077 Some geochemical aspects of petroleum genesis.
1970/078 Some characteristics of formation waters obtained from petroleum exploration and development wells in Australia and Papua including the continental shelf.
1970/079 Geology of the Kubor Anticline - Central Highlands of New Guinea.
1970/080 Ground electrical resistivity data from BMR geophysical surveys, 1952-68
1970/081 Annual summary of activities Geological Branch 1970.
1970/082 Shallow stratigraphic drilling in the Homeboin, St George, Dirranbandi and Eulo 1:250 000 sheet areas, Queensland
1970/083 Supplementary handbook for Willmore seismographs.
1970/084 AFMAG field tests at Buchan, Victoria 1969.
1970/085 Visit to Fourth World Conference on Earthquake Engineering and seismological institutions in North and South America, held at Santiago, Chile, January/February 1969
1970/087 Seismic refraction survey of sections 16 and 22, Barton, A.C.T. 1969.
1970/088 Cotter-Stromlo pipeline, seismic refraction survey, Australian Capital Territory, 1969.
1970/089 Barometric heighting - an assessment of the accuracy achieved during reconnaissance gravity surveys in Australia.
1970/090 Preliminary isogonic map of the Australian region for epoch 1970.0.
1970/091 The South Gippsland earthquake of 20 June,1969.
1970/092 Toolangi Geophysical Observatory, annual report 1968.
1970/093 Visit to International Symposium on Recent Coastal Movements and Associated Seismicity, Wellington, New Zealand, February 1970
1970/094 Deep crustal reflection studies, Amadeus and Ngalia Basins, N.T. 1969.
1970/095 Tests of the V.L.F. electromagnetic prospecting method in the Queenstown and Zeehan districts, Tasmania 1969
1970/096 Tests of the V.L.F. electromagnetic method in the Comet and Sylvester areas near Zeehan, Tasmania 1970.
1970/097 Meckering earthquake intensities and notes on earthquake risk for Western Australia
1970/098 Wells and footage drilled for petroleum exploration and development in Australia and the Territory of Papua and New Guinea in 1969.
1970/100 Tests of the V.L.F. electromagnetic prospecting method in the limestone area near Zeehan, Tasmania 1970.
1970/101 First-order regional magnetic survey at Cocos Islands, Southern Cross and Augusta 1970.
1970/102 Mount Blundell mineral deposit, A.C.T.-N.S.W
1970/103 Magnetic test: Moorabbin airport compass swinging site.
1970/104 Geophysical investigation of the Burnt Shirt Anomaly 4 area, Tennant Creek 1967.
1970/105 AFMAG field tests, Captains Flat, N.S.W. 1969.
1970/106 Barry Drive seismic refraction survey, Canberra 1969.
1970/107 Annual summary of activities: Geophysical Branch 1970.
1970/108 Petroleum Exploration Branch: summary of activities 1970.
1970/109 Design of proton magnetometer MNSZ; preliminary report.
1970/110 Seismic travel-times from explosions Western Australia 1966-1968.5.
1970/111 Rum Jungle detailed aeromagnetic survey, Northern Territory 1967.
1970/112 Visit to United States - W.J. Perry and P.J. Hillman, July 18 to August 26, 1970.
1970/113 Visit to Japanese volcano observatories
1970/114 The 1968 Bureau of Mineral Resources drilling program in the Alexandria- Wonarah area, Northern Territory.
1970/115 Geology and copper deposits of the Pinnacles bores area, Strangways Range, Northern Territory.
1970/116 Geology of eastern Papua: a synthesis.
1970/117 Textures and genesis of lead-zinc ores from Narlarla, West Kimberley region, Western Australia.
1970/118 Gravity meter measurements on the western Pacific, Japanese, and Australian calibration lines, 1969-70.
1970/119 The role of the mineral industry in the Australian economy.
1970/120 Major developments in the Australian mineral industry, 1960-1970.
1970/121 Recent research in geochemical prospecting in Australia.
1970/122 The legend for the metallogenic map of Australia.
1970/123 Technical officers in geology and geophysics areas.
1970/124 Progress in the compilation of regional maps of Australia.


Record Number Title

1971/001 The geology of the Yampi 1:250 000 sheet area, SE/51-3, Western Australia.
1971/002 Bibliography of recent geological work on the Precambrian of the Kimberley region, W.A.
1971/003 Soil survey, Division of Watson, Canberra, A.C.T. 1970.
1971/004 Gosses Bluff seismic survey, Northern Territory, 1969.
1971/005 Notes on a geological reconnaissance of the Officer Basin, W.A., 1970
1971/006 BMR gravity, latitude and longitude conversion from eastings and northings.
1971/007 The gravity reductions, storage and retrieval system used by BMR.
1971/008 Improvements to BMR's gravity retrieval systems, June 1969.
1971/009 Mawson Geophysical Observatory annual report 1967
1971/010 Mawson Geophysical Observatory annual report 1968
1971/011 Preliminary notes on the geology of the Village Creek area.
1971/012 Mundaring Geophysical Observatory annual report 1968
1971/013 Macquarie Island geophysical observatory annual report 1969.
1971/014 Cape Gloucester area, New Britain: volcanic geology, petrology, and eruptive history of Langila craters up to 1970.
1971/015 Barton (section 4) seismic refraction survey, A.C.T. 1970.
1971/016 Belconnen (sections 43 and 50) seismic refraction surveys, A.C.T. 1970.
1971/017 BMR marine geology cruise in the southern Barrier Reef and northern Tasman Sea, 12.9.1970 to 14.12.1970.
1971/018 Strangways Range geophysical survey, Northern Territory 1967.
1971/019 Mann-Woodroffe aeromagnetic survey, South Australia, 1969.
1971/020 Geophysical surveys of the Rum Jungle complex, Northern Territory 1968.
1971/021 Adelaide River dam site geophysical survey, Northern Territory 1969.
1971/022 Rum Jungle area (Hundred of Goyder) geophysical surveys, Northern Territory, 1968.
1971/023 Manton area reconnaissance geophysical survey, Northern Territory 1968.
1971/024 First-order regional magnetic survey of eastern Australia, 1968.
1971/025 First-order regional magnetic survey of northern and Western Australia 1969.
1971/026 First-order regional magnetic survey of the Territory of Papua and New Guinea 1969.
1971/027 Earthquake focal mechanism in the east New Guinea region.
1971/028 Airborne magnetic and radiometric survey of Belele, Cue, Kirkalocka and the eastern parts of Byro, Murgoo and Yalgoo 1:250 000 Sheet areas, Western Australia 1969.
1971/029 Third-order regional magnetic survey in eastern Australia, 1968 and 1969
1971/031 East Mereenie No. 4 gas-oil relative permeability and waterflood susceptibility tests on core samples from the oil column of the Pacoota Sandstone reservoir.
1971/032 Oceanographic investigations in Melanesia by the Hawaii Institute of Geophysics, 1970 - equipment and operations
1971/033 Molonglo bridge site seismic refraction survey, Australian Capital Territory 1969.
1971/034 Interpretation of a positive Bouguer anomaly feature near Cootamundra, New South Wales.
1971/035 Computer programme for producing magneto-telluric curves for a horizontally layered earth.
1971/036 IP electromagnetic coupling for the dipole-dipole configureation.
1971/037 Miscellaneous chemical, petrographic and mineragraphic investigations carried out in the Geological Laboratory, 1970.
1971/038 Airborne gamma-ray spectrometer survey of the Thorntonia and Burke River areas of northwest Queensland 1969.
1971/039 Seismic surveys and related geological investigations of engineering projects in the A.C.T. from August 1969 to January 1970.
1971/040 Information on Western Australian earthquakes which occurred during periods 1849-1900 and 1923-1960.
1971/041 Electronic logic and counting - a basic introduction.
1971/042 Preliminary report: a reconnaissance of mineral sands in south Vietnam.
1971/043 Petroleum exploration activity in Australia
1971/044 Mineral resources of Australia.
1971/045 Palaeomagnetism of some recent basalts from New Guinea
1971/046 Summary of oil search activities in Australia and Papua New Guinea during 1970.
1971/047 An appraisal of the New England geosyncline for phosphate.
1971/048 Three component fluxgate magnetic variograph type MFR-1.
1971/049 Bureau of Mineral Resources: 1971 programme.
1971/050 Minor metalliferous investigations, Northern Territory
1971/051 Well completion report, Wollongong (B.M.R.) Nos. 1, 2 and 2A wells, Sydney Basin, N.S.W
1971/052 Googong Dam site, Queanbeyan River N.S.W. - feasibility investigations 1970 and 1971
1971/053 Some palynological observations on Amerada Thunderbolt No. 1 well, Galilee Basin, Queensland.
1971/054 Astatic magnetometer designed and built by the Bureau of Mineral Resources.
1971/055 Bamus volcano, Lake Hargy area, and Sulu Range, New Britain: volcanic geology and petrology.
1971/056 Geology of the Marraba 1:100 000 Sheet area, Queensland.
1971/057 Foraminifera and age of samples from New Britain.
1971/058 Russian oceanographic vessel 'Vitiaz'- techniques and equipment
1971/059 Phosphatic sediments on the eastern Australian upper continental slope.
1971/060 Geological evaluation of the proposed Mugga Saddle refuse disposal area, Woden district, A.C.T.
1971/061 The Precambrian geology of the Oscar Range Inlier, Lennard River 1:250,000 Sheet area, SE 51-8, Western Australia
1971/062 Report of photo-interpretation of the Birrindudu and Tanami 1: 250,000 scale sheets - Northern Territory
1971/063 Cainozoic foraminiferal zones and stages used in Papua New Guinea.
1971/064 Geology of the Bowen Basin, Queensland.
1971/065 Results of the Crater Formation drilling, Rum Jungle district, Northern Territory
1971/066 Progress reports on detailed studies in the Arltunga Nappe Complex, N.T., 1971.
1971/067 Eastern Papua aeromagnetic survey.
1971/068 Rabaul Caldera: an exercise in structure interpretation.
1971/069 The Antrim Plateau Volcanics, Victoria River district, Northern Territory
1971/070 Intrusive rocks of New Britain.
1971/071 The geology of the Waterloo, Victoria River Downs, Limbunya and Wave Hil 1:250 000 sheet areas, Northern Territory.
1971/072 Astrolabe area geophysical survey, Papua, 1970.
1971/073 Stapleton area reconnaissance geophysical survey, Rum Jungle area, Northern Territory 1970.
1971/074 A Fortran program for calculating the gravity effect of vertical cylinders.
1971/075 Refraction recording of geotraverse explosions 1969 - operational report
1971/076 Mundaring Geophysical Observatory annual report 1969
1971/077 Mundaring Geophysical Observatory, annual report 1970
1971/078 Application of regional airborne geophysical data to metals search in Western Australia.
1971/079 Selection of a seismometer site, Macquarie Island.
1971/080 Intensity data for earthquakes at Landor (17 June 1969) and Calingiri (1 March 1970) and their relationship to previous Western Australia observatorions.
1971/081 A petrographic examination of samples from five holes in the lower part of the Triassic, Bowen Basin, Queensland.
1971/082 Port Moresby geophycial observatory annual report 1969.
1971/083 Rum Jungle area radon survey, Northern Territory, 1969.
1971/084 Orroral Valley seismic survey, A.C.T., 1970
1971/085 Airborne gamma-ray spectrometer survey, Rum Jungle, N.T. 1969.
1971/086 Macquarie Island geophysical observatory annual report 1967.
1971/087 Macquaire Island geophysical observatory annual report 1968.
1971/088 Notes to accompany International Geological Map of the World, scale 1:15 000 000
1971/089 Seismic refraction survey at Belconnen No. 5 reservoir site, A.C.T. 1970.
1971/090 Seismic refraction survey at Belconnen No. 6A and 6B reservoir sites, A.C.T. 1971
1971/091 Seismic refraction survey on the site for relocation of the Belconnen trunk sewer, A.C.T. 1971.
1971/092 Mawson Geophysical Observatory annual report 1969
1971/093 Port Moresby geophysical observatory, annual report 1968.
1971/094 Igneous and metamorphic rocks of Cape York Peninsula and Torres Strait.
1971/095 Diagenesis of marine sedimentary hydrocarbons and the source rock potential of sediments in the Ashmore Reef No. 1, Iviri No. 1, Nautilus No. 1A. and Orokolo No. 1 wells.
1971/096 Seismicity of the New Guinea/Solomon Islands region, 1967.
1971/097 The thickness of the earth's crust obtained from the spectrum of P waves at Charters Towers, Honiara, Port Moresby and Rabaul.
1971/098 Geochemical and radiometric investigation, Stapleton, Rum Jungle district, Northern Territory 1970.
1971/099 Some environments of formation of uranium deposits.
1971/100 Mesozoic stratigraphy and structure of the Georgetown 1:250 000 sheet area, Queensland
1971/101 Geological potential of imagery from the Bendix TM/LN-2 thermal infra-red line scanner
1971/102 Hall gravel quarry seismic refraction investigation, A.C.T. 1971.
1971/103 Geological Branch summary of activities 1971.
1971/104 Report on 1969 collection of plant fossils from the Moolayember Formation and Clematis Sandstone.
1971/106 An investigation of tremor at Bagana Volcano using telemetered equipment, May 1970.
1971/107 Annual report 1970.
1971/108 Mica lamprophyre (alnoite) from Radok Lake, Prince Charles Mountains, Antarctica
1971/109 Progressive metamorphism of amphibolites from the Cloncurry and Peterman Ranges areas.
1971/110 Zinc pollution in the Molonglo River system.
1971/111 Government revenue from oil and gas.
1971/112 Summary of offshore petroleum legislation.
1971/113 Summary of petroleum legislation in Australia and the Territory of Papua New Guinea - September 1971.
1971/114 Annual summary of activities Operations Branch 1971.
1971/115 Petroleum Exploration Branch summary of activities 1971
1971/116 Mineral Resources Branch summary of activities 1971.
1971/117 Geophysical Branch, summary of activities 1971.
1971/118 Preview report: eastern Papua crustal survey.
1971/119 Regional marine geophysical surveys in the Australian area.
1971/120 Shallow stratigraphic drilling, Western Eromanga Basin and Alcoota sheet area, Northern Territory, 1971.
1971/121 Musa River Hydroelectric Scheme, eastern Papua : geophysical investigations 1970
1971/122 Moura Coalfield geophysical survey, Queensland 1970.
1971/123 Wells and footage drilled for petroleum exploration and development in Australia and Papua New Guinea in 1970.
1971/124 Southern Cape York Peninsula airborne magnetic and radiometric survey, Queensland 1969.
1971/125 Acacia area self-potential survey, Northern Territory 1968.
1971/126 Coronation Hill geophysical survey, Northern Territory 1970.
1971/127 Computer calculation of distances in the range 0 degrees - 160 degrees.
1971/128 Investigation for sources of road aggregate, Corin Dam and Tidbinbilla roads area, A.C.T., 1970.
1971/129 Macquarie Island geophysical observatory annual report 1970.
1971/130 Laboratory measurements on drill cores from the proposed Tuggeranong sewer line, A.C.T.
1971/131 Investigations of crustal structure in the New Britain/New Ireland region, 1969. Geophysical and geological data.
1971/132 Geological evaluation of the proposed Belconnen refuse disposal area, Canberra City district, A.C.T.
1971/133 Proposed gravel pit, Block 12, Hall district, A.C.T
1971/134 Mary River area geophysical survey, Northern Territory 1970.
1971/135 Tests on the Ronka EM16 VLF prospecting equipment, Western Australia 1969.
1971/136 Captains Flat geophysical survey, New South Wales 1971.
1971/137 An investigation of volcanic activity at Doma Peaks.
1971/138 Galilee Basin seismic survey, Queensland 1971. Operational report.
1971/139 Musa River Hydro-electric Scheme, eastern Papua: conclusions and recommendations from 1970 geological and geophysical investigations
1971/140 Visit to the Hydro-Electric Commission, Tasmania, May 1970
1971/141 A detailed seismic study of Gosses Bluff.
1971/142 Stratigraphic drilling in the southern Carpentaria Basin, 1970.
1971/143 Shallow stratigraphic drilling, eastern Carpentaria Basin, 1971.
1971/144 Visit to Tumut 3 project, Snowy Mountains, and Little Scotland Dam, Victoria, May 1971
1971/145 Commonwealth of Australia National Report on Geometrical Geodesy for the period 1967 / 1970


Record Number Title

1972/001 Progress report, Alligator River party, N.T. 1971
1972/002 Googong damsite spillway, seismic refraction survey 1971.
1972/004 Report on attendance at XV General Assembly of the International Union of Geodesy and Geophysics, Moscow, USSR,, 30 July-18 August 1971.
1972/005 Application of electronics to offshore oil exploration.
1972/006 Research in seismology, vulcanology and tsunami occurrence in Australia and Papua New Guinea.
1972/007 Tennent damsite seismic survey, A.C.T., 1970/71
1972/008 Belconnen refuse disposal area seismic refraction survey, A.C.T. 1971.
1972/009 Ada-La Trobe pumped storage hydroelectric scheme, S.E.C., Victoria 1971.
1972/010 Wilhelmina Falls pumped storage hydroelectric scheme, S.E.C., Victoria 1971
1972/011 Galilee Basin detailed gravity survey, Queensland, 1971 - operational report.
1972/012 Mineral resources of Australia - 1972.
1972/013 The 1970 eruption of Ulawun volcano.
1972/014 Precambrian fossils in Australia: notes on localities containing known and possible occurrences of stromatolites and microfossils.
1972/015 The United Nations panel meeting on the establishment and implementation of research programs in remote sensing, Brazil, November-December 1971
1972/016 Integration, specification testing, adjustment, and repair of the PT-700 seismic system and associated equipment by Dresser Australia Pty Limited, Brisbane, May/June 1967.
1972/017 Notes on the Lamington Volcanics of the McPherson Ranges, Queensland-New South Wales border
1972/018 Geology of the Googong reservoir, Queanbeyan River, N.S.W.
1972/019 Shallow stratigraphic drilling of radioactive anomalies at Eyre Creek, Springvale Sheet area, Western Queensland, 1972.
1972/020 A computer-oriented edge-punch card for storage and retrieval of petrographic and geochemical data.
1972/021 Geology and petrology of Quaternary volcanic islands off the north coast of New Guinea.
1972/022 Petroleum exploration activity in Australia, 1971-72
1972/023 Recent developments in geophysics in Australia.
1972/024 Seismic refraction survey of proposed pipe storage area, Molonglo Valley interceptor sewer,
1972/025 Vibration tests during blasting at the proposed Belconnen 54-inch trunk sewer construction site, A.C.T. 1972.
1972/026 The terms Toolebuc Limestone and Kamileroi Limestone
1972/027 Shallow stratigraphic drilling in the Gason and Pandie Pandie 1:250,000 sheet areas, South Australia, 1970
1972/028 Ormond River area (Kakakaka Prospect) geophysical survey, Papua 1970
1972/029 Down-hole induced polarization logging tests at Currawang, N.S.W. and Kowen Forest, A.C.T., 1971.
1972/030 Down-hole induced polarization and electric applied potential surveys at Tennant Creek, N.T., 1971.
1972/031 Mesozoic plant fossils from near Croydon, Queensland.
1972/032 Recent geological mapping in the Carpentaria Basin - new stratigraphic names (2).
1972/033 BMR Symposium, Canberra, 15-16 May 1972: abstracts.
1972/034 Blowout at Petrel No. 1 well and subsequent events
1972/035 Baiyer River - Jimi Valley reconnaissance geology.
1972/036 Evaporite drilling in the Amadeus Basin; Goyder Pass, Gardiner Range and Lake Amadeus, Northern Territory.
1972/037 Tectonic evolution of Australia: summary.
1972/038 Effect of copper on the composition of bacterial cell wall peptides.
1972/040 Mineral conservation in Australia - a preliminary analysis.
1972/041 BMR 1972 program.
1972/042 Tuggeranong sewer tunnel seismic refraction and magnetic survey, A.C.T. 1971.
1972/043 Woden trunk sewer extension seismic refraction investigation, A.C.T., 1971.
1972/044 Mawson Geophysical Observatory, annual report 1970
1972/045 Investigations of crustal structure in the Rabaul region, New Britain 1967 : logistics and data
1972/046 Preliminary report on the geology of the Mount Razorback-Ormiston Pound area, Northern Territory
1972/047 Cainozoic laterite and sediments in the Alcoota sheet area, Northern Territory.
1972/048 Mundaring Geophysical Observatory, annual report 1971
1972/049 A computer program for calculation of gravity and magnetic curves for two-dimensional bodies of arbitrary cross- sections.
1972/050 Theses in Australian universities, 1969-70: abstracts.
1972/051 Oaks Estate river gravel seismic refraction survey, A.C.T., 1972.
1972/052 Mary River area self-potential survey, Northern Territory 1971.
1972/053 The post-Palaeozoic rocks of the Dalby-Goondiwindi area, Queensland and New South Wales.
1972/054 Shallow stratigraphic drilling in the eastern Surat Basin, Queensland, 1966, 1967, and 1968.
1972/056 Notes to accompany the metallogenic map of Australia.
1972/057 The Mesozoic and Cainozoic geology of the Cloncurry 1:250 000 sheet area, Queensland
1972/058 Deaf Adder Creek and Jim Jim Creek airborne geophysical surveys, N.T., 1971.
1972/059 Geological investigations of proposed site for reservoirs 6A and 6B, Belconnen, A.C.T., 1971.
1972/060 Eucla Basin airborne magnetic and radiometric survey, S.A. 1970.
1972/061 The depletion and provision of petroleum reserves in the light of growing demand - the next thirty years
1972/062 Base map compilation and geological interpretation of side-looking radar imagery, western central ranges, Papua New Guinea.
1972/064 Progress report on the geology of the central Carpentaria Basin.
1972/065 Clay mineralogy of recent sediments of the Broad Sound area, Queensland
1972/066 Preliminary results of geological mapping in the Officer Basin, Western Australia, 1971.
1972/067 Hayes Creek/Grove Hill area geophysical tests, Northern Territory, 1971.
1972/068 Earthquake focal mechanisms and continental drift.
1972/069 Reference lines, fault classification, transform systems and ocean-floor spreading: discussion.
1972/070 Morphology of the east Australian continental margin between 21S and 33S
1972/071 Iron sulphide formation in a thermal pool environment, Talasea, New Britain, P.N.G.
1972/072 Miscellaneous chemical, petrographic and mineragraphic investigations carried out in the geological laboratory.
1972/073 Geological, seismic and soils evaluation of the route proposed for the Tuggeranong Freeway, Stage II, A.C.T
1972/074 The geology and petrology of the Helen Springs, Nutwood Downs, and Peaker Piker volcanics.
1972/075 Googong dam site, N.S.W. - seismicity investigation 1971.
1972/076 Geology of the Sydney Basin - a review.
1972/077 Dolomitization and the genesis of the Woodcutters lead-zinc prospect, Northern Territory, Australia.
1972/078 Cainozoic history of the peninsula east of Broad Sound, Queensland.
1972/079 Lake George, N.S.W. - notes for sedimentologists' excursion, November 1970
1972/080 Structural profiles in the New Britain/New Ireland region.
1972/081 Geology, volcanoes, and earthquakes of Papua New Guinea.
1972/082 Geochemical applications of linear programming.
1972/083 Computer program for calculating seismic velocities from expanded and offset reflection spreads.
1972/084 Seismic refraction survey along Tuggeranong Freeway Stage II and Village Creek arterial, A.C.T., 1971.
1972/085 Seismic and magnetic traverses at Mallacoota Inlet, 1971.
1972/086 Seismic refraction survey at bridge sites for Molonglo River interceptor sewer, A.C.T. 1972.
1972/087 AFMAG field recording, 1968-1971.
1972/088 Seismic refraction survey at Kings Avenue - Parkes Way intersection 1972.
1972/089 Canberra City (section 41) seismic refraction investigation, A.C.T. 1971.
1972/090 Port Moresby geophysical observatory, annual report 1970.
1972/091 The geology of the Northern Territory.
1972/092 Geology of the Birrindudu and Tanami 1:250 000 Sheet areas, Northern Territory. Report on the 1971 field season.
1972/093 BMR marine geology cruise in the Tasman Sea and Bass Strait, 12.2.72 to 8.5.72.
1972/094 A chenier sequence at Broad Sound, Queensland, and evidence against a Holocene high sea level.
1972/095 Presurvey report on Officer Basin, seismic survey, W.A. 1972.
1972/096 Presurvey report on Alcoota regional and Arltunga detailed airborne geophysical surveys, N.T. 1972
1972/097 Deep crustal seismic reflection/refraction survey between Clermont and Charters Towers, Qld 1971.
1972/098 Laboratory tests on cores from the Rum Jungle area, Northern Territory, 1968.
1972/099 Notes on the Carboniferous to Cretaceous palynology of the Buchanan, Muttaburra, Tangorin and Hughenden 1:250 000 sheet areas, Queensland
1972/100 A computer program for plotting cumulative frequency curves and cumulative frequency gradient curves.
1972/101 An explanation of water level changes preceding the Meckering earthquake of 14 October 1968
1972/102 Side-looking airborne radar.
1972/103 Geological Branch summary of activities, 1972.
1972/104 Notes to accompany rock type map of Australia, scale 1:10 000 000.
1972/105 KWIK5, a computer program for rapid plotting of data maps
1972/106 Three computer programs for calculation of petrological and geochemical parameters from silicate analyses.
1972/107 Presurvey report on detailed gravity survey, Officer Basin, W.A. 1972.
1972/108 Survival.
1972/109 Recent supratidal dolomite from Broad Sound, Queensland.
1972/110 Cloncurry detailed airborne magnetic and radiometric survey, Queensland 1970.
1972/111 BMR proposals for drill sites for legs XXVIII and XXIX of the deep sea drilling project.
1972/112 Geochronology of the Panguna porphyry copper doposit, Bougainville Island, New Guinea.
1972/113 Ages of mineralization of gold and porphyry copper deposits in the New Guinea highlands.
1972/114 Toward a physical time scale for the Neogene - data from the Australasian region
1972/115 A computer program for plotting perspective diagrams of geological section data.
1972/116 Petroleum Exploration Branch summary of activities, 1972. (Period from 1 November, 1971 to 31 October, 1972.)
1972/117 Annual summary of activities, geophysical Branch 1972.
1972/118 Experiments in controlled direction reception seismic methods and digital processing, 1969-70.
1972/119 The Lower Carboniferous geology of the Rouchel district, New South Wales.
1972/120 Aeromagnetic survey of the Glengarry, Wiluna, and Kingston 1:250 000 sheet areas, W.A. 1970
1972/121 Mount Stromlo water treatment plant storage reservoir site - seismic refraction survey
1972/122 A recent geophysical reconnaissance of the Gulf of Papua and the northwest Coral Sea.
1972/123 Plane representation of multivariate data structure.
1972/124 Nonlinear mapping and a related R-mode technique for compression of multivariate data
1972/125 The supratidal environment and recent dolomitization, Broad Sound, Queensland.
1972/126 Deep crustal reflection seismic test survey, Tidbinbilla, A.C.T. and Braidwood, N.S.W., 1969.
1972/127 Deep crustal reflection seismic test survey, Mildura, Victoria and Broken Hill, N.S.W., 1968.
1972/128 Mineral Resources Branch annual summary of operations, 1972.
1972/129 Operations Branch - summary of activities for 1972.
1972/131 Airborne remote sensing project, Western Australia 1970.
1972/132 Geological work in Antarctica, 1971.
1972/133 The Cape Hoskins area, southern Willaumez Peninsula, the Witu Islands, and associated volcanic centres, New Britain: volcanic geology and petrology
1972/134 Marine geophysical survey of the Bismarck Sea and Gulf of Papua, 1970. A structural analysis of the Gulf of Papua and northwest Coral Sea region.
1972/135 Injune Creek Group - amendments and an addition to stratigraphic nomenclature in the Surat Basin
1972/136 Drilling in overpressured formations in Australia.
1972/137 Statistical study of the geochemistry of meta-igneous rocks of the Eastern Creek Volcanics and Soldiers Cap Formation, Mount Isa-Cloncurry area, Queensland.
1972/138 Interim terms of reference and background information for a proposed management consultancy assignment involving the survey of requirements for, and strategic design of, a technical information storage and
1972/139 A revision of the sequence at Glenbawn, N.S.W.
1972/140 A computer program for calculating statistical parameters of grainsize distributions derived from various analytical methods.
1972/141 Vertical metamorphic and age zonations of the early Precambrian Western Australian crust, and the origin of protocontinents
1972/142 Crude oil correlations in the Perth and Carnarvon Basins.
1972/143 A major unconformity in the Archaean, Jones Creek, Western Australia.
1972/144 Bureau of Mineral Resources Geology and Geophysics Growth and Activities 1946 - 1972


Record Number Title

1973/001 Mineral resources of Australia - 1973.
1973/002 Stratigraphic and isotopic ages of Tertiary basalts at Maude and Airey's Inlet, Victoria, Australia.
1973/003 Silcrete and chemically weathered sediments in southwest Queensland.
1973/004 Port Moresby geophysical observatory, annual report 1971.
1973/005 Relationship between pristane to phytane ratio, crude oil composition, and geological environment in Australia.
1973/006 Oil traces in the Toolebuc limestone, Carpentaria and Eromanga Basins, Queensland.
1973/007 Remote sensing in geology at BMR, 1965-1972.
1973/008 Vibration measurement at Currarong, NSW, 1972.
1973/009 Molonglo Freeway, Black Mountain, A.C.T., seismic survey, 1972.
1973/010 The structural geology of the Arltunga region, central Australia.
1973/011 Stratigraphy and structure, Canberra 1:50 000 geological map area
1973/012 Reconnaissance helicopter gravity survey in the Flinders Ranges, South Australia 1970.
1973/013 Some strong motion seismic results from Papua New Guinea 1967-1972.
1973/014 Central Highlands helicopter gravity survey, New Guinea, 1970.
1973/015 Palaeozoic fossils from the Tarago region, N.S.W.
1973/016 Machine contouring using minimum curvature.
1973/017 Wells and footage drilled for petroleum exploration and development in Australia and Papua New Guinea in 1971
1973/018 The major Papua New Guinean earthquakes near Madang (1970) and beneath the north Solomon Sea (1971).
1973/019 Apparatus for studies of artificial sediments.
1973/020 A submarine slump and tsunami in the Lae area of Papua New Guinea, 26 August 1972.
1973/021 Time-term analysis of New Britain/New Ireland island arc structures.
1973/022 Mid-Tertiary Thylacoleonidae (Marsupialia, Mammalia)
1973/023 Activities in the field of detrital heavy minerals in CCOP, 1967- 1972
1973/024 Geological investigations Tennent damsite, ACT 1970.
1973/025 Great Artesian Basin groundwater project automatic data processing, storage and retrieval system.
1973/026 BMR stratigraphic drilling in the Noonkanbah and Lennard River 1:250 000 Sheet areas, Western Australia, 1972.
1973/027 Summary of oil search activities in Australia and Papua New Guinea during 1971.
1973/028 Interpretation of gamma-ray spectra of uranium and thorium.
1973/029 The geology of the Ord Basin: a review.
1973/030 A summary of the main structural elements of Papua New Guinea.
1973/031 Program MANYPLOT - computer calculated inverse Laplace transforms for prediction of circuit behaviour.
1973/032 Petroleum exploration activity in Australia and Papua New Guinea 1972- 1973.
1973/033 Galilee Basin seismic and gravity survey, Queensland, 1971.
1973/034 Magnetic and seismic profiler records in the Bismarck Sea, Melanesian Archipelago.
1973/035 Geology of the Capital Hill area, Canberra, A.C.T.
1973/036 Australian contribution in expenditure and development of its indigenous petroleum resources.
1973/037 Regional geology of the phosphogenic province of the Georgina Basin.
1973/038 Preview report for the marine geophysical survey of the Gulf of Papua and the Bismarck Sea, 1970.
1973/039 Environmental significance of folds in the Rangal Coal Measures at Blackwater, Queensland.
1973/040 Gravel for rural roads - seismic refraction surveys near Tharwa and Williamsdale, A.C.T. 1972.
1973/041 Gravity surveys of the valleys of the Goulburn and Ovens Rivers, Victoria 1972.
1973/042 Broken Hill power-station vibration measurements, November 1972.
1973/043 The geochemical characterization of crude oil from Australia and Papua New Guinea.
1973/044 The geology of the Officer Basin.
1973/045 The early Carboniferous palaeogeography of the southern New England Belt, New South Wales.
1973/046 Submerged shorelines and channels on the east Australian continental shelf between Sandy Cape and Cape Moreton.
1973/047 Progress report on geological mapping of the northwestern part of the Eromanga Basin, Northern Territory.
1973/048 The transformation of nesquehonite into hydromagnesite.
1973/049 Foraminiferal biostratigraphy of the Oligocene/Miocene limestones of Christmas Island (Indian Ocean).
1973/050 Tables of isotopic ages from the Georgetown Inlier, north Queensland.
1973/051 Microorganisms of Carpentaria (Precambrian) age from the Amelia Dolomite, McArthur Group, N.T. Australia
1973/052 Progress report on the geology of the Bathurst Island, Melville Island, Cobourg Peninsula, and Fog Bay 1:250 000 sheet areas, Northern Territory
1973/053 The Galilee Basin.
1973/054 Uranium in the Pine Creek Geosyncline.
1973/055 Mineral resources offshore
1973/056 New stratigraphic names for Cretaceous and Cainozoic units of Bathurst and Melville Islands and Cobourg Peninsula, Northern Territory.
1973/057 1. Regional geology of the Precambrian Granites-Tanami Block and Birrindudu Basin. 2. Mineralization in the Precambrian Granites-Tanami Block and Birrindudu Basin.
1973/058 BMR 1973 program.
1973/059 BMR Symposium, Canberra, 22-23 May, 1973: Abstracts.
1973/060 Eastern Papua aeromagnetic survey. Part 2: Southwestern panel (onshore) flown in 1970-71.
1973/061 Legend recommendations: ECAFE tectonic map of Asia and the Far East.
1973/062 Officer Basin seismic survey, W.A., 1972: operational report.
1973/063 Crustal structure in southwestern Australia from seismic and gravity data.
1973/064 Regional geology of the Alligator River uranium province, Northern Territory, Australia.
1973/065 High-resolution seismic profiling survey of Port Phillip Bay near the city of Mordialloc, Victoria 1972.
1973/066 Seismological report on the Madang earthquake of 31 October 1970 and aftershocks.
1973/067 Late Cainozoic volcanism in the southeast Papuan islands.
1973/068 1. Late Adelaidean glacial successions of the Kimberley region - northwestern Australia. 2. The age of the Carpentarian - a progress report
1973/069 Correlation chart of the Carboniferous system of Australia.
1973/070 Carpentaria Basin: summary of background to exploration for hydrocarbons.
1973/071 Officer Basin detailed gravity survey, W.A., 1972: operational report.
1973/072 Soviet gravity tie from Moscow to Sydney, 1972.
1973/073 Methods of sample preparation and analysis used in the Broad Sound estuary study project.
1973/074 Sedimentary basins of the Sahul Shelf.
1973/075 The geological evolution of Papua New Guinea.
1973/076 Presurvey report on marine geophysical survey No. 21 (magnetic), northwest continental shelf, 1973
1973/077 Shallow stratigraphic drilling in the Carpentaria and Laura Basins, 1972.
1973/078 The Ngalia Basin, Northern Territory.
1973/079 Mineral deposits in the Precambrian Arunta Block.
1973/080 The Eromanga Basin.
1973/081 Tottenham detailed aeromagnetic survey, New South Wales 1971.
1973/082 Minor non-metallic minerals in the Northern Territory : 1. Evaporites in Central Australia by A.T. Wells; 2. Magnesite by C.E. Prichard
1973/083 Notes on the first edition Camooweal geological sheet, Queensland 1961.
1973/084 Gravity surveys in the Traralgon south area, Gippsland, Victoria, 1949 - 1959.
1973/085 Gravity surveys in the Billys Creek/Middle Creek/Hazelwood area, Gippsland, Victoria, 1960.
1973/086 Gormandale gravity survey, Gippsland, Victoria, 1960-1961.
1973/087 Gravity readings on seismic traverses in the Moree area, Surat Basin, N.S.W. 1962.
1973/088 Investigation for gravel, Monaro Highway, Williamsdale, A.C.T.
1973/089 Quaternary volcanoes of the Central and Southern Highlands of Papua New Guinea.
1973/090 Observations on interpretation of data from the Earth Resources Technology Satellite - ERTS 1 : report on overseas visit to the U.S.A., Canada and U.K. 27 September - 5 December, 1972
1973/091 Strontium isotope ratios of Quaternary volcanic rocks from Papua New Guinea.
1973/092 Overseas visit to USA and Europe.
1973/093 Gravity readings on the seismic traverses at Ooraminna, 1961-1962, and Alice Springs detailed gravity survey, 1959, Amadeus Basin, Northern Territory.
1973/094 Regional geology of the Precambrian Arunta Block.
1973/095 Mineralization in the Victoria River region.
1973/096 Soviet-Australian gravity survey along the Australian calibration line.
1973/097 Overseas visit, L.W. Williams, 1-21 June 1973
1973/099 Organic geochemistry in Precambrian research.
1973/100 Engineering geology of Tuggeranong town centre, stage I, A.C.T.
1973/101 Results of palaeontological work, Blucher Range 1:250 000 sheet area, Papua New Guinea
1973/102 Geological and palynological observations on the Cretaceous of the northwestern Eromanga Basin, Queensland and Northern Territory.
1973/103 Notes on geology and engineering geology, Bendora water main, A.C.T.
1973/104 Regional geology of the Georgetown, Yambo, and Coen Inliers.
1973/105 A discussion on the gravity anomalies of the Precambrian shield of Western Australia.
1973/106 Recent advances in gravimetry for physical geodesy in Australia.
1973/107 Aspects of the structure and tectonic history of the continental margin of northern Queensland.
1973/108 Visit to geophysical survey vessel MV 'Petrel', March 1973.
1973/109 Simpson Desert earthquake, central Australia, August 1972.
1973/110 Geochemistry of mineralized granitic rocks of northeast Queensland.
1973/111 Digital data aquisition system in geophysical survey aircraft VH-BMG.
1973/112 Crustal structure in southwestern Australia.
1973/113 Cation electrode measurements in the Capricorn area, southern Great Barrier Reef province.
1973/114 Lake Windermere seismic refraction survey, A.C.T., 1969.
1973/115 Determination of gravity acceleration at Sydney with pendulum apparatus.
1973/116 Program for East Papua crustal survey, October-November 1973.
1973/117 Geology of Papua New Guinea.
1973/118 Moura coal mine, blasting vibration measurements, Moura, Queensland, 1973.
1973/119 Papers on the measurement of gravity with USSR pendulum equipment.
1973/120 The role of metal-algal interactions in the formation of sedimentary sulphide deposits.
1973/121 Computer processing of seismic refraction data.
1973/122 Seismic ray tracing in a spherical earth using computer models.
1973/123 Morphology of the east Australian continental shelf between Cape Moreton and Tweed Heads in relation to offshore heavy-mineral prospects
1973/124 Presurvey report for the airborne magnetic and radiometric surveys of the Cloncurry 1:250 000 and Prospector 1:100 000 sheet areas, Qld 1973
1973/125 Captains Flat metalliferous survey, New South Wales, 1972.
1973/126 A geochemical orientation study in the Georgetown Inlier, north Queensland - preliminary results.
1973/127 Australian Devonian and Carboniferous conodont faunas.
1973/128 A reinterpretation of the seismic survey results in the Laura Basin, Queensland.
1973/129 Documentation and analysis of the mineral industry in North America, the United Kingdom, France, and Japan.
1973/130 Reconnaissance helicopter gravity survey, W.A., 1971-72
1973/131 Relations in space and time between major Precambrian shield units: an interpretation of Western Australian data.
1973/132 A geophysical review of the Carpentaria, Laura and Olive River Basins.
1973/133 Subsurface solution unconformities at Heron Island, Great Barrier Reef.
1973/134 Marine geology cruise in Bass Strait and Tasmanian waters - February to May, 1973.
1973/135 The phosphate content of sediments at sites 259-263, Deep Sea Drilling Project, eastern Indian Ocean
1973/136 Geochemistry and diagenesis of interstitial fluids and associated calcareous oozes, Deep Sea Drilling Project, leg 27 site 262, Timor Trough.
1973/137 Presurvey report for the airborne magnetic and radiometric surveys of the Westmoreland 1:250 000 and Hedleys Creek 1:100 000 Sheet areas, Qld 1973.
1973/138 Wells and footage drilled for petroleum exploration and development in Australia and Papua New Guinea in 1972.
1973/139 Major and trace element geochemistry of sediments from Deep Sea Drilling Project, leg 27 sites 259 to 263, eastern Indian Ocean.
1973/145 The boundary of the Australian continent.
1973/146 Gibraltar Creek gravel investigation, A.C.T., 1972.
1973/147 Submarine canyons on the continental margin of southeast Australia.
1973/148 Australian Devonian and Carboniferous (Emsian-Visean) ostracod faunas: a review
1973/149 Mawson Geophysical Observatory annual report 1971
1973/150 Macquarie Island geophysical observatory, annual report 1971.
1973/151 Report on 'Science and man in the Americas' Conference, Mexico City; 5th World Conference on Earthquake Engineering, Rome, and visits to seismological institutions.
1973/152 A new occurrence of raspite at the Cordillera mine, New South Wales, Australia.
1973/153 Mount McDonald gravel search, A.C.T. - 1973.
1973/154 Mundaring Geophysical Observatory annual report 1972
1973/155 Current map production methods in West Germany and Switzerland.
1973/156 Origin of Australian bauxite deposits.
1973/157 The palynology of late Palaeozoic glacial deposits of Gondwanaland.
1973/158 The Lower Ordovician sequence at Mount Patriarch, West Nelson, New Zealand.
1973/159 Cape York Peninsula airborne magnetic and radiometric survey, 1973: pre-survey report.
1973/160 The age of the Kockatea Shale (Lower Triassic), Perth Basin - a reassessment
1973/161 Geological work in Antarctica - 1972.
1973/162 Engineering geology of the proposed Halls Creek urban development area, Gungahlin district, A.C.T.
1973/163 Papers tabled at ECAFE meeting, Kuala Lumpur, October 1973.
1973/164 The Silesian in Australia - a review.
1973/165 Preliminary geotechnical investigation of the Belconnen West industrial estate, A.C.T.,1973.
1973/166 Lake George, NSW: its relevance to salinity problems in agriculture.
1973/167 The structure of the north Tasman Sea.
1973/168 Outline of the geological and tectonic evolution of Australia and Papua New Guinea.
1973/169 Thermodynamic (PVT) studies of hydrocarbons and their role in assessing reservoir potential.
1973/170 Evaporites in Australia.
1973/171 Geology of the Granites and Precambrian parts of Billiluna, Lucas and Stansmore 1:250 000 sheet areas, Northern Territory and Western Australia
1973/172 Biostratigraphy, chronology, and the continental mammal record of Australia and New Guinea.
1973/173 Molonglo Valley Interceptor Sewer, Canberra, ACT : geological investigations, 1970-1972
1973/174 Geological Branch summary of activities 1973.
1973/175 Miscellaneous chemical, petrographic and mineragraphic investigations carried out in the Geological Laboratory
1973/176 Operations Branch - summary of activities for 1973
1973/177 Presurvey report on helicopter gravity survey New South Wales, Victoria, and Tasmania, 1973/74
1973/178 Presurvey report on the Georgetown and Red River airborne magnetic and radiometric survey, Queensland, 1973.
1973/179 Search for gravel deposits for Paddys River Road, A.C.T., 1972.
1973/180 Volcanoes and rocks of St Andrew Strait, Papua New Guinea.
1973/181 The geology and geochronology of the Arunta Complex north of Ormiston Gorge, central Australia.
1973/182 Discussion: on analysis of metal distribution and zoning in the Herberton Tinfield, north Queensland, Australia.
1973/184 Darwin second steam power station. Stage 1 - site investigation: report of field visit 5-10 August 1973.
1973/185 Googong water supply project, Queanbeyan River, N.S.W. - statements prepared by BMR for inclusion in an environmental impact statement
1973/186 Geological cartography overseas.
1973/187 Progress report on the geology of the Carpentaria Basin in Cape York Peninsula.
1973/188 The magnetic fabric of the Moruya Granite, N.S.W.
1973/189 Mineral Resources Branch annual summary of activities 1973
1973/190 Corona structures formed by near-isochemical reaction between olivine and plagioclase in a partly metamorphosed dolerite.
1973/191 K-Ar ages and geological relations of plutonic rocks in New Britain.
1973/192 Petroleum Exploration Branch summary of activities (period from 1.11.72 to 31.10.73)
1973/194 Future of the Deep Sea Drilling Project after 1975. Report on an open meeting of the JOIDES planning committee held in Zurich, September 26-28, 1973.
1973/195 Geophysical Branch: summary of activities, 1973.
1973/196 Stratigraphic drilling, Cobourg Peninsula 1:250 000 sheet area, N.T., 1973
1973/203 Data check programs from the Great Artesian Basin ADP system.
1973/205 The gravity anomalies of central Australia, and their significance for long-term tectonic movements
1973/206 Tuggeranong Freeway, Stage II, seismic refraction survey, A.C.T., 1972.
1973/207 Geology of the Proterozoic rocks of northern Australia.
1973/208 Alligator Rivers region environmental fact-finding study: geological and geophysical reports.
1973/209 Scientific publication.
1973/210 Geology of sheets J3C, J3D and J4B, Gungahlin, A.C.T.
1973/211 The storage and retrieval system for hydrogeological data from the Great Artesian Basin.
1973/212 Bowen Basin seismic refraction survey, May-June 1973: operational report.
1973/213 Use of a graphic display terminal to match magnetic curves.
1973/214 Tidal deviations of the vertical at Armidale, Australia.
1973/215 Geological mapping in the Prince Charles Mountains, Antarctica.
1973/216 Summary of oil search activities in Australia and Papua New Guinea during 1972.
1973/217 Conference on mineral processing in Australia.


Record Number Title

1974/001 Mineral resources of Australia - 1974.
1974/002 East Canning Basin earthquake, March 1970.
1974/003 Tuggeranong urban development area, seismic refraction and resistivity surveys, A.C.T., 1971-72.
1974/004 The gravity effects of three large uplifted granulite blocks in separate Australian shield areas.
1974/005 Tertiary plant fossils from Melville Island, NT
1974/006 Palaeomagnetic measurements on the Kempsey Block, NSW
1974/007 BMR proposals for co-operation with Woods Hole Institution in the east Indian Ocean, 1975.
1974/008 Translation of published papers on seismic reflection and refraction methods by N.N. Puzyrev and others, Institute of Geology and Geophysics, Siberian Branch of the Academy of Sciences, Novosibirsk S.S.S.R.
1974/009 Orogenic zones in central Australia: a case for intraplate tectonics
1974/010 Port Moresby geophysical observatory annual report 1972.
1974/011 Tuggeranong/Weston Creek sewer tunnel, ACT : geological investigations, 1971
1974/012 Laboratory studies of gas displacement from sandstone reservoirs having strong water-drive.
1974/013 Geological observations at several construction sites, at Canberra (Northside) and Phillip, ACT 1967-68
1974/014 Structural evolution and geotectonic nature of the Middle Proterozoic Mount Isa Fault trough, northwestern Queensland
1974/015 Marine geophysical survey of the Australian continental margin 1970-1973: field progress reports
1974/016 Geological factors controlling crude oil composition in Australia and Papua New Guinea.
1974/017 The geology and geophysics of the Alligator Rivers region.
1974/018 Sedimentary phosphate deposits.
1974/019 An economic and statistical appraisal of petroleum exploration and development in Australia.
1974/020 Alluvial gold of the Morobe goldfield.
1974/021 Arsenic in sediments on the continental shelf of southeast Australia.
1974/022 Organic geochemistry of phosphorites: relevance to petroleum genesis.
1974/023 Lunar Laser Ranger site foundation investigation, Orroral Valley, 1973 : introduction and summary. Part I - Seismic refraction survey. Part 2 - Geological note
1974/024 High-magnesium calcite ooids from the Great Barrier Reef.
1974/026 Reconnaissance helicopter gravity survey of the southwest of Western Australia, 1969.
1974/027 Reconnaissance helicopter gravity survey of the northwest of Western Australia, 1969.
1974/028 A review of the Petroleum Search Subsidy Acts.
1974/029 Abstracts of papers presented by BMR palaeontologists at Geological Society of Australia Specialist Group in Palaeontology, meeting, Hobart, February 1974.
1974/030 Organic, mineralogic, and magnetic indications of metamorphism in the Late Precambrian Tapley Hill Formation of the Adelaide Geosyncline, South Australia.
1974/031 Palynology of Leg 28 drillsites Deep Sea Drilling Project
1974/032 Stratigraphic occurrence of some placoderm fishes in the Middle and Late Devonian.
1974/033 Preliminary report on airborne magnetic and radiometric survey of Alcoota 1:250 000 sheet area NT 1972
1974/034 Papua New Guinea earthquake strong motion recordings.
1974/035 BMR symposium, Canberra, 30 April - 1 May 1974: abstracts.
1974/036 Seismicity, the world and Australia.
1974/037 Uranium mineralization in the Rum Jungle - Alligator Rivers Province, Northern Territory, Australia
1974/038 Geological site investigation, Googong water treatment plant, N.S.W., 1973.
1974/039 Stratigraphic drilling in the Boulia region, western Queensland, 1973.
1974/040 Metamorphic alteration of carbon isotopic composition in ancient sedimentary organic matter : new evidence from the Precambrian and Cambrian of Australia
1974/041 Progress report: geological review and revision of the Rum Jungle area, Northern territory, 1973.
1974/042 Aeromagnetic interpretation of northern Eromanga and Galilee Basins, Queensland.
1974/043 Poole Range seismic survey 1962
1974/044 Georgina Basin project 1974-1980: a proposal.
1974/045 Marine geophysical survey, Gulf of Papua and Bismarck Sea. Field report, September 1970 to December 1970, Survey 05.
1974/046 Remote sensing study in France and Brazil: report on overseas visit August-December 1973.
1974/047 Pre-survey report: Officer Basin aeromagnetic survey, W.A., 1974.
1974/049 Ngalia Basin seismic survey, Northern Territory, 1967-1969
1974/050 Geological investigation of earth resources satellite imagery of the Mount Isa, Alice Springs and Canberra areas - final report to the US National Aeronautics and Space Administration on BMR investigation of ERTS-1 imagery, February 1974
1974/051 Morphology of part of the central New South Wales continental shelf in relation to offshore heavy-mineral prospects.
1974/052 BMR 1974 program.
1974/053 Geology of the Webb 1:250 000 Sheet area, Western Australia.
1974/054 Archaean to early Proterozoic shield structures: relevance of plate tectonics.
1974/055 Faulting associated with the major north Solomon Sea earthquakes of 14 to 26 July 1971.
1974/056 Hydrological investigations in the Australian Capital Territory, 1974.
1974/057 Explanatory notes on the Ramu geological Sheet.
1974/058 Explanatory notes on the Karimui geological Sheet.
1974/060 Macquarie Island geophysical observatory, annual report, 1973.
1974/061 Upper mantle structure from the trans-Australia seismic survey (TASS) and other seismic refraction data.
1974/062 The follow-up of an airborne gamma-ray spectrometer survey in the Rum Jungle area Northern Territory.
1974/063 Slingram model tests.
1974/064 Structures of the western margin of the Australian continent.
1974/065 Markham Valley gravity survey P.N.G., 1972
1974/066 Shallow seismic structure of the continental shelf, south east Australia
1974/067 Down-hole induced polarization and electric applied potential tests at Basin Creek No.1 prospect, MEL 200, Tumut, N.S.W., 1973.
1974/068 The Australian national gravity repository computer system
1974/069 A proposal for a deep seismic sounding and associated gravity survey in central Australia.
1974/070 The Australian ERTS-1 program.
1974/071 Hughes reservoir site investigation, Deakin, A.C.T.
1974/072 Simulation of sedimentary ore-forming processes: concentration of Pb and Zn in organic and Fe-bearing carbonate sediments.
1974/073 A high-speed method of continuous background correction in atomic absorption spectrometry. III. Direct determination of trace metals in sea water using the Varian Techtron Carbon Rod Atomizer, Model 63.
1974/074 Tin resources of Australia.
1974/075 Auger drilling, northern Cape York Peninsula, 1973.
1974/076 Shallow stratigraphic drilling, northern Cape York Peninsula, 1973.
1974/077 Permian fossils from the Canning Basin, 1971 and 1972.
1974/078 An extensive offshore sand bar field in the western Baltic Sea.
1974/079 Rubidium-strontium dates and excess argon in the Arltunga Nappe Complex, Northern Territory.
1974/080 Ground geophysical survey, Tennant Creek, Northern Territory, 1971.
1974/081 Costs of a proposal for a deep seismic sounding and detailed gravity survey in central Australia.
1974/082 Accelerograph recordings of the Musa earthquake, 16 September 1972.
1974/083 Trans-Australia seismic survey (TASS) 1972, operational report.
1974/084 Regional significance of recent correlations across the Murphy Tectonic Ridge, Westmoreland area.
1974/085 Determining the distribution and classification of the Broad Sound (Queensland) surficial sediments using numerical techniques.
1974/086 Origin of the shelf break off southeast Australia
1974/087 Preliminary analyses of Australian crude oil for geochemical studies.
1974/088 Reconnaissance helicopter gravity survey, SA, 1970
1974/089 Southern Georgina Basin seismic survey, Northern Territory and Queensland 1965.
1974/090 Geology of the Mary Kathleen 1:100 000 Sheet area, Queensland.
1974/091 New and revised stratigraphic nomenclature, Cape York Peninsula.
1974/092 A palaeomagentic reconnaissance of Papua New Guinea.
1974/093 Megascopic algae 1300 million years old from the Belt Supergroup, Montana: a reinterpretation of Walcott's Helminthoidichnites
1974/094 Palaeoclimatic significance of diachronous biogenic facies, leg 28, Deep Sea Drilling Project
1974/095 Measurement of earth movements in the Gunning/Dalton area, NSW - report of feasibility investigation, 1971
1974/096 Mount Stromlo Water Treatment Plant, ACT - balance-storage foundation investigation, 1972
1974/097 Aerial thermal infrared survey, Rabaul area, Papua New Guinea, 1973.
1974/098 Geophysical results from offshore Tasmania.
1974/099 Origin of the Naturaliste Plateau.
1974/100 Googong dam site - Queanbeyan River NSW - geological design investigations, 1972 and 1973
1974/102 Australian earthquakes (1897-1972).
1974/103 Mundaring Geophysical Observatory annual report 1973
1974/104 Shallow stratigraphic drilling the The Granites-Tanami region, Northern Territory and Western Australia, 1971- 73.
1974/105 Climate of the Permian in Australia: palaeontological evidence.
1974/106 Mesozoic and Cainozoic geology of the Lawn Hill, Westmoreland, Mornington, and Cape Van Diemen 1:250 000 Sheet areas, Queensland.
1974/107 Lunar Laser Ranger site, Orroral Valley ACT, foundation investigation - 1974.
1974/108 Terzaghi's theory of one dimensional primary consolidation of soils and its application
1974/109 Devonian stromatolites from the Canning Basin, Western Australia.
1974/110 Marine geophysical survey of the continental margins of Australia, Gulf of Papua and the Bismarck Sea 1970-1973: data processing.
1974/111 Marine geophysical survey of the continental margins of Australia, Gulf of Papua and the Bismarck Sea 1970-1973: equipment description.
1974/112 Stratigraphic and palaeographic evolution and revolution in the Mount Isa area
1974/113 Wireline logging of water-bores in the Surat Basin, 1960 to 1974
1974/114 National report on gravity in Australia, July 1970 to June 1974
1974/115 Macquarie Island geophysical observatory annual report 1972.
1974/116 Geophysical results from the Coral Sea: continental margins survey report.
1974/117 Summary of information on mineral deposits of the Arunta Complex, Alice Springs area, NT
1974/118 Googong water supply project: pump station foundation investigation 1974.
1974/119 Prospects for finding offshore phosphate deposits in the southwest Pacific.
1974/120 Geology of the Highland Rocks 1:250 000 Sheet area, Northern Territory.
1974/121 Comparison of western Pacific and Australian calibration line gravity scales and an evaluation of secular variation
1974/122 A stream sediment geochemical survey of the western half of the Brindabella 1:100 000 sheet area
1974/123 Geological and geophysical investigation of the City East development area, Canberra, ACT.
1974/124 The Cainozoic to Recent volcanic rocks in Victoria: a review.
1974/125 Overseas visit to Mexico and USA, 18 October to 24 November 1973
1974/126 The dual loop configuration of the transient electromagnetic method.
1974/127 Geological Branch summary of activities 1974.
1974/128 Notes on status of remote sensing.
1974/129 Age and isotope studies in economic geology.
1974/130 Report on the International Atomic Energy Agency symposium on isotope techniques in groundwater hydrology, Vienna, March 1974.
1974/131 Application of ERTS imagery in geological mapping and other field operations in Antarctica.
1974/132 Sturt Island sand and gravel deposits, seismic refraction survey, Murrumbidgee River, ACT, 1974.
1974/133 Overseas visit: third Indonesian Petroleum Association Convention, Jakarta, 31 May-15 June 1974
1974/134 Goulburn Valley (Victoria) dipole-dipole resistivity survey 1974
1974/135 Cloncurry area geophysical survey, Queensland 1972.
1974/136 Continental margin survey: preview report for eastern Tasmania and NSW coast.
1974/137 Cooktown, Hann River, and Rutland Plains magnetic and radiometric survey, Qld 1974 : pre-survey report
1974/138 Isotopic ages of rocks from the Georgetown-Mount Garnet-Herberton area, north Queensland.
1974/139 The measurement of mineral resources.
1974/140 Reconnaissance helicopter gravity survey, northern Queensland, 1966.
1974/141 Permian and late Carboniferous palynostratigraphy of the Galilee Basin, Queensland.
1974/142 Notes on seismic reflection testing.
1974/144 Waterflood susceptibility tests on some core samples from oil reservoirs in Kingfish A-1, Kingfish B-1, Mackerel No. 2 and Mackerel No. 3 in the offshore Gippsland Basin
1974/145 Petrographic and geochemical study of the Ringwood evaporite deposit.
1974/146 Sediments and structures of the Australian continental slope bordering the Indian Ocean.
1974/147 Geophysical results from the Great Australian Bight.
1974/149 Wells and footage drilled for petroleum exploration and development in Australia and Papua New Guinea in 1973.
1974/150 Side-looking airborne radar for geology: general principles, interpretation methods and evaluation at Mt Isa
1974/151 Summary of oil search activities in Australia to 1967.
1974/152 Transient electromagnetic model studies, 1973
1974/153 New stratigraphic information from shallow drilling in the central and eastern parts of the Ngalia Basin, Northern Territory.
1974/154 Processing programs for the Great Artesian Basin ADP-system.
1974/155 Continental margin survey preview report for western Tasmania and the eastern Bight.
1974/156 Recontoured magnetic data from part of the 1960 airborne survey of the Tennant Creek 1:250 000 sheet area of N.T
1974/157 Experimental seismic survey using explosives for comparison with a 'Vibroseis' survey in the Otway and Sydney Basins, 1965 and 1966.
1974/158 Geological investigation for proposed urban development at Isaacs, Woden Valley, ACT.
1974/159 Plant fossils from the Gilbert River and Winton Formations, and the Pascoe River area, Queensland.
1974/160 BMR gravity surveys, Gippsland Basin, Victoria 1948-61.
1974/161 Petrography of acid igneous rocks from northeast Queensland.
1974/162 Chemical analyses of acid igneous rocks from northeast Queensland.
1974/163 Late Cambrian fossils (Brachiopoda, Mollusca, Trilobita) from northern Victoria Land, Antarctica.
1974/164 Results of radiometric surveys in the Alligator River and Cobourg Peninsula area of the Northern Territory.
1974/165 Geological factors in land use, Lower Molonglo Valley, ACT
1974/166 Mary River area geophysical survey, Northern Territory, 1972.
1974/167 Transient electromagnetic tests NT and Qld, 1972
1974/168 Explosive tests for comparison of seismic efficiency of Molanite , TNT, and Anzite Blue, Victoria, March 1974.
1974/169 Geochronology of Late Tertiary and Quaternary mineralized intrusive porphyries in the Star Mountains of Papua New Guinea and Irian Jaya.
1974/170 The Queensland Trough: some recent geophysical results, and its petroleum potential.
1974/171 Ground geophysical survey, Tennant Creek, Northern Territory, 1972.
1974/172 ESCAP fossil reference collection (Australian repository): specimens received to 31 October, 1974.
1974/173 Reconnaissance helicopter gravity survey, Qld, 1964 : compilation and recomputation of data
1974/174 Geophysical Branch summary of activities, 1974.
1974/175 Evaluation of radio positioning equipment for helicopter gravity surveys.
1974/176 Geology of the Tantangara 1:100 000 Sheet area, Australian Capital Territory and New South Wales.
1974/177 Petroleum Exploration Branch summary of activities (1.11.73 to 31.10.74)
1974/178 Summary of Phanerozoic Sedimentary Basins of Australia and Adjacent Regions, 1974
1974/179 Operations Branch - summary of activities for 1974.
1974/180 Pine Ridge sewer tunnel seismic refraction investigation, A,C.T., 1974
1974/181 Canning Basin gravity surveys, 1953-1962.
1974/182 A geochemical anomaly west of Mary Kathleen, Queensland.
1974/183 New and revised stratigraphic nomenclature, northeast Canning Basin, Western Australia.
1974/184 Engineering geology of Tuggeranong town centre, ACT.
1974/185 Mineral Resources Branch annual summary of activities, 1974
1974/186 Engineering geology of Gungahlin urban development area, ACT.
1974/187 East Otway Basin seismic survey, Victoria 1967.
1974/188 Sampling and analytical procedures used for the 1973 geochemical exploration program.
1974/189 Investigation of drainage problem, sections 23 and 30, Ainslie, ACT.
1974/190 Tuggeranong sewer pipeline, seismic refraction survey, ACT 1974.
1974/191 Transient electromagnetic field tests, Northern Territory and Queensland, 1973.
1974/192 Geophysical surveys over the continental margin of parts of east and west Africa.
1974/193 Port Moresby geophysical observatory annual report, 1973.
1974/194 Evaporite exploration in the Officer Basin, Western Australia, at the Woolnough Hills and Madley Diapirs.
1974/195 Speculations on the palaeoecology of selected larger foraminifera.
1974/196 The Australian exploration boom 1965-1972-'73
1974/197 Dolomite and organic material.
1974/198 The role of the national geological survey in Australia, 1946 to 1974.
1974/199 Miscellaneous chemical, petrographic and mineragraphic investigations carried out in the geological laboratory.


Record Number Title

1975/001 Recomputation of the 1963 and 1967 reconnaissance helicopter gravity surveys in Qld, NT and WA
1975/002 The effects of finite magnetometer bandwidth on a point source aeromangetic anomaly.
1975/003 Airborne geophysical surveys in the Tennant Creek region, N.T., 1970.
1975/004 A Fortran program for calculating the gravity effect of a three-dimensional body of arbitrary shape.
1975/005 Tuggeranong Town Centre water feature, seismic refraction survey, ACT, 1974.
1975/006 Preliminary geological investigation of south Queanbeyan urban development area, NSW.
1975/007 Gravity trends and the growth of Australia.
1975/008 Mineral resources of Australia, 1975
1975/009 Geological data processing in France - the semantic system.
1975/010 Melbourne area gravity survey, 1975: preview report.
1975/011 Auger drilling, Cape York Peninsula, 1974.
1975/012 Granite diapirism in the Rum Jungle area, northern Australia.
1975/013 The structural and metamorphic geology of the Ormiston area, central Australia.
1975/015 Goulburn Valley gravity survey operational report, Victoria, 1973.
1975/016 Biochemical markers in stromatolites.
1975/017 New Precambrian fossils from the Arumbera Sandstone, Northern Territory, Australia.
1975/018 Notes on the Cooper Basin in Queensland.
1975/019 Drainage investigation at Monaro Crescent, Red Hill, ACT.
1975/020 Long-term program proposals for land seismic investigations by BMR
1975/021 Vibration measurements on electricity towers, Sydney, 1972.
1975/022 Preliminary investigation of a brick shale deposit at Gungahlin, ACT.
1975/023 Seismic refraction surveys, ACT: Coronation Park, Yarralumla, and Block 4, Section 25, Griffith.
1975/024 Preliminary gravity measurements on crustal movement survey markers, Markham Valley, PNG, 1973.
1975/025 Mildura resistivity depth probe, Victoria, 1973.
1975/026 Geochronology and related aspects of Proterozoic acid volcanics and associated granites of The Granites-Tanami region, northwestern Australia.
1975/027 Geochemical studies related to the occurrence of oil and gas in the Dampier sub-basin, Western Australia.
1975/028 Georgetown 1:100 000 geological sheet : preliminary compilation and data sheets.
1975/029 A preliminary report on the petrography and mineralogy of the feldspathoidal-bearing potassic lavas from the Tabar, Lihir, Tanga, and Feni Islands, off the coast of New Ireland, PNG.
1975/030 Geological work in Antarctica - 1974.
1975/031 Progress report : Alligator River party, Northern Territory, 1972 (Jim Jim region)
1975/032 Seismic reflection profiles across the Timor Trough.
1975/033 BMR 1975 program.
1975/034 Stratigraphy and evolution of primary and secondary greenstones: significance of data from shields of the southern hemisphere.
1975/035 BMR symposium, Canberra, 22-23 April 1975: abstracts.
1975/036 Engineering geology and environmental factors of proposed Jerrabomberra industrial estate, ACT.
1975/037 Abstracts of papers presented at the Southwest Pacific symposium.
1975/038 Geological investigation of Tuggeranong damsite, Murrumbidgee River, ACT 1968.
1975/039 Progress report : Alligator River party, NT, 1972 (Oenpelli region)
1975/040 Simulation of carbonate diagenetic processes: formation of dolomite, huntite and monohydrocalcite by the reactions between nesquehonite and brine.
1975/041 Structure contour maps of the base of the Rolling Downs Group and the base of the Eromanga Basin sequence, northern Eromanga Basin, 1974.
1975/042 Visit to International Gravity Commission Meeting in Paris, Recent Crustal Movements Symposium in Zurich and to Ottawa and Moscow, August-September 1974
1975/043 The effect of Late Carboniferous - Early Permian glaciation on the distribution of conodonts in Australia.
1975/044 Transient electromagnetic model studies, 1974
1975/045 Groundwater levels in observation bores, ACT and environs, 1959-74.
1975/046 Molonglo Parkway, Black Mountain, ACT: geological investigations, 1974.
1975/047 Anomalous aspects of New Guinea seismicity.
1975/048 Operational report on the Soviet gravity tie Moscow - Port Moresby - Hobart, 1974.
1975/049 Shallow stratigraphic drilling in the Officer Basin, Western Australia, 1972.
1975/050 Stephens Creek seismograph installation.
1975/051 Stratigraphic correlations between the older units of the southern Carpentaria and northern Eromanga Basins.
1975/052 Broken Hill power station vibration measurements, 1973.
1975/053 Lexicon of Antarctica stratigraphic names introduced by members of Australian expeditions.
1975/054 Geology of the Woden/Weston Creek area, ACT.
1975/055 Tuggeranong town centre water feature, ACT: preliminary geological investigations (1973-5).
1975/056 Drilling, measured section, and geochemical data on weathered profiles in southwest Queensland.
1975/057 Quarry site investigation at Captains Flat, New South Wales, 1974.
1975/058 The place of the earth scientists in urban planning and development.
1975/059 Reconnaissance gravity observations near Mawson and in the Prince Charles Mountains, Antarctica, 1969-71.
1975/060 Geophysical surveys of the continental margins of Australia, Gulf of Papua, and Bismarck Sea.
1975/061 Abstracts of papers for proceedings of symposium on Late Cambrian correlations, Moscow.
1975/062 Proposed bulk-supply-main tunnel, Mount Stromlo ACT: preliminary geological investigation, 1975
1975/063 Kavieng (New Ireland, PNG) resistivity depth probing 1974.
1975/064 Rb-Sr mineral age discordances and geochronology of Precambrian basic intrusives in the Mount Isa region, Australia.
1975/065 Trace and rare earth element geochemistry and origin of Archaean acid igneous series, Barberton Mountain Land, Transvaal.
1975/066 The vegetation of Tertiary islands on the Ninetyeast Ridge: palynological evidence from deep-sea drilling
1975/067 The Cadna-owie and Toolebuc Formations in the Eromanga Basin, Queensland.
1975/068 Soil sampling of the Jubilee Plunger gold prospect, Forsayth, north Queensland.
1975/069 Biostratigraphical synopsis: eastern Georgina Basin.
1975/071 Seismic investigation of the Papuan Ultramafic Belt.
1975/072 Crustal structure under the Mount Lamington region of Papua New Guinea.
1975/073 Carpentaria Basin seismic survey, July-December 1958.
1975/074 Cloncurry regional and Prospector detailed airborne magnetic and radiometric survey, Qld 1973.
1975/075 Mount Stromlo to Higgins Reservoir bulk supply main, tunnel section, seismic refraction survey, Mount Stromlo, ACT, 1975
1975/076 Molonglo Parkway, Black Mountain, ACT: additional seismic survey, 1974.
1975/077 Notes on the geology of the Gregory Sub-Basin and adjacent areas of Canning Basin, Western Australia
1975/078 Summary of oil search activities in Australia and Papua New Guinea during 1973.
1975/079 Shallow stratigraphic drilling in the Cahill and Jim Jim 1:100 000 areas, Alligator Rivers region, NT, 1974
1975/080 An L6 chondrite found near Parachilna, South Australia.
1975/081 Introduction [to book 'Stromatolites' - published by Elsevier].
1975/082 Antarctic glaciation and Early Tertiary vegetation: evidence from Ross Sea drillsites.
1975/083 Ramblings of a micropalaeontologist.
1975/084 Metalliferous diamond drilling, Mount Isa area, 1971
1975/085 Reconnaissance helicopter gravity survey, New South Wales, Victoria, Tasmania, and South Australia, 1973/74.
1975/086 Classification of Pseudagnostus jackel, 1909 (Trilobita: Agnostina).
1975/087 Bouguer anomalies of the Surat and Dalby 1:250 000 sheet areas, Queensland, and their geological interpretation
1975/088 Precambrian geology of the Westmoreland region, northern Australia. Part I: Regional setting and cover rocks.
1975/089 Aeromagnetic and radiomagnetic survey of Cobourg Peninsula, Alligator River and Mount Evelyn (part) 1:250 000 sheet areas, Northern Territory 1971-1972
1975/090 Musa River Hydro-electric Scheme seismic survey, P.N.G., 1972
1975/091 Minerals from the oceans.
1975/092 Heavy-mineral sands along the east coast of Australia.
1975/093 Urban geology of Tuggeranong, ACT.
1975/094 Mesozoic-Cenozoic sediments of the eastern Indian Ocean
1975/095 Summary of oil search activities in Australia and Papua New Guinea during 1974.
1975/096 Miscellaneous chemical, petrographic and mineragraphic investigations carried out in the Geological Laboratory, January-December 1974
1975/098 A program to contour using minimum curvature.
1975/099 The influence of geology and hydrogeology on landfill disposal of solid waste, and its application in Canberra, A.C.T.
1975/100 Geology of the Alcoota 1:250 000 sheet area, NT.
1975/101 Geophysical results from the northwest continental margin of Australia.
1975/102 Isotopic age relationships of Precambrian rocks in the Granites-Tanami region, Northern Territory and Western Australia.
1975/103 Australian Calibration Line gravity survey 1971.
1975/104 Marine geophysical survey of the continental margins of Australia, Gulf of Papua, and the Bismarck Sea, 1970- 1973: systems performance.
1975/105 Preview report on marine geophysical survey, No. 24 (magnetic), northwest continental shelf, 1975 (Division of National Mapping, Contract No. 5)
1975/106 Determination of gravity acceleration at Port Moresby (Papua New Guinea) and Hobart (Australia) with OVM pendulum apparatus.
1975/107 Canberra City sewer augmentation, Ballumbir Street to Barry Drive: geological observations during construction, 1975.
1975/108 Albury-Wodonga geophysical survey, 1975.
1975/109 History of petroleum search in the Canning Basin, Western Australia, to 31 December 1974.
1975/111 Engineering geological notes on the Gooromon Ponds area, NSW.
1975/112 Report on attendance at the 44th annual meeting of the Society of Exploration Geophysicists, Dallas, Texas, 10-14 Nov. 1974, and visits to companies and institutions in Dallas, Houston,
1975/113 Geology of northwest Belconnen, ACT.
1975/114 BMR marine program. Report by a BMR committee on forward marine program.
1975/115 Geophysical results from the Gulf of Papua and Bismarck Sea.
1975/116 Magnetometer shore stations for the continental margin survey, 1970-73.
1975/118 Papers for G.A.M. Taylor memorial volume to be published as a book by Elsevier
1975/119 Report on visits to geophysical institutions in USA, Canada and UK during 27 March-17 May 1974.
1975/120 A Permian cold water marine fauna in the Grant Formation of the Canning Basin, Western Australia.
1975/121 Two-dimensional interpolation of irregularly spaced data using polynomial splines
1975/122 Westernport seismic profiling survey, Victoria, 1973.
1975/124 Ginninderra sewer tunnel, seismic refraction survey, 1975.
1975/125 SEC power station sites offshore seismic profiling survey, Tyabb and Red Bluff, Westernport Bay, Victoria 1973
1975/126 Gravity measurements on Papua New Guinea crustal movement survey markers, and along the Australian Calibration Line, 1973
1975/127 Factors in the deposition and mineralization of a black shale west of Mary Kathleen, Queensland.
1975/128 Visit to base metal prospecting operations, Arnhem Land - 20-24 August, 1974
1975/129 The roles of the geologist and the driller in engineering geology.
1975/130 Gravity meter ties to New Zealand and Antarctica 1975.
1975/131 Galilee Basin seismic survey, Queensland, 1975 - presurvey report.
1975/132 Rock density measurements using gamma ray.
1975/133 Visit to Hong Kong, Japan, USA, Canada, England and Poland, 1972.
1975/134 Origin of marble by replacement of gypsum in carbonate breccia nappes, Carson sink region, Nevada: a discussion.
1975/135 The formation of the Great Barrier Reef.
1975/136 Ryan sewer tunnel geophysical investigation, ACT 1974.
1975/137 Observations of karst hydrology in the Waga Valley, southern highlands district, Papua New Guinea.
1975/138 A petrophysical study of the Stairway and Pacoota sandstones in four wells from the Mereenie Field, Amadeus Basin, Northern Territory.
1975/139 Grainsize scales for macroscopic and microscopic rock studies.
1975/140 Mawson Geophysical Observatory annual report 1973
1975/141 Modification of the Press-Ewing long-period seismometer to compensate for the effects of temperature changes
1975/142 CCOP/SOPAC and IOC, IDOE. International Scientific Workshop on the Geology, Mineral Resources and Geophysics of the South Pacific : notes compiled in preparation for workshop discussions
1975/143 Mundaring Geophysical Observatory, annual report 1974
1975/144 Manufacture and tests of radar reflecting buoys for marine surveys.
1975/145 Googong pumping station site, pipeline, and access road - Queanbeyan River, NSW - seismic refraction surveys 1973 and 1974.
1975/146 Ground vibration induced by the Concorde GSST-002 sonic boom, Alice Springs, NT 1972.
1975/147 Silurian stratigraphic units of the southern part of the Molong High.
1975/148 Engineering geology of McKellar, Belconnen, ACT.
1975/149 Nebo Coalfield magnetic survey, 1974
1975/150 The development of a high-resolution seismic profiling system for shallow water, 1971 and 1972.
1975/151 Summary of oil search activities in Australia to 1967.
1975/152 Marine geophysical survey of the continental margins of Australia, Gulf of Papua, and the Bismarck Sea, 1970- 1973: data quality and distribution.
1975/153 Wells and footage drilled for petroleum exploration and development in Australia and Papua New Guinea in 1974.
1975/154 Some aspects of sedimentation and hydrocarbon potential of the sandy facies of the Latrobe Group, Gippsland Basin, Victoria.
1975/155 Aeromagnetic survey of Perenjori, Ninghan, Bencubbin, and Moora 1:250 000 Sheet areas, WA 1972.
1975/156 Googong pipeline route - rippability study, 1975.
1975/157 Geological Branch summary of activities 1975.
1975/158 A preliminary report on the regional geology of the Exmouth Plateau.
1975/159 Mineral Resources Branch annual summary of activities, 1975.
1975/160 Petroleum Exploration Branch summary of activities, 1.11.74 to 31.10.75
1975/161 Geophysical Branch summary of activities, 1975.
1975/162 Basement geology of the North Sepik region, Papua New Guinea.
1975/163 1975 summary of activities, Operations Branch
1975/164 An orientation geochemical survey in the Georgetown area, north Queensland.
1975/165 Aerial thermal infrared imagery over coal measures, Hail Creek, Qld, 1971.
1975/167 Index to drill-hole data - Carpentaria, Laura, and Karumba Basins, Queensland
1975/169 Great Artesian Basin groundwater project - explanatory note on digital model package, Great Artesian Basin Simulation Model ( GABSIN)
1975/170 Recent trends in seismic data processing.
1975/172 An orientation geochemical survey in the Westmoreland area, northern Australia.
1975/173 Lanyon trunk sewer geological investigations, Tuggeranong, ACT 1975.
1975/175 Geology of the Mount Isa 1:100 000 Sheet area, northwest Queensland.
1975/177 East Papua crustal survey, October-December 1973: operational report.
1975/178 Arltunga Nappe detailed gravity survey, NT, 1973.
1975/179 Geological and geophysical investigations at Emu Bank, Belconnen town centre, ACT, 1975.
1975/180 Geophysical results from the southwest continental margins of Australia.


Record Number Title

1976/001 Stress measurement proposals for Western Australia.
1976/002 Airborne magnetic and radiometric survey: Bendigo, Wangaratta and Tallangatta, Victoria, 1972.
1976/003 Cape York Peninsula geophysical and geological groundwater investigation Queensland 1974.
1976/004 Geology of the Forsayth 1:100 000 Sheet area (7660), north Queensland - Georgetown project progress report.
1976/005 Progress report on the Great Artesian Basin hydrogeological study 1972-1974.
1976/006 An evaluation of ground magnetic surveys as an aid to prospecting for opal in southwest Queensland 1975.
1976/007 Ringarooma Bay magnetometer and sparker profilling survey, Tasmania, 1973.
1976/008 Madang (PNG) 1974 geophysical survey.
1976/010 Seabed margins and resources potential of Macquarie Ridge, Norfolk Ridge and Lord Howe Rise.
1976/011 Gravity ties to Australian Antarctic bases and Christmas Island, 1967-1975.
1976/012 A review of marine geophysical investigations over the Lord Howe Rise and Norfolk Ridge.
1976/013 Mineral resources of Australia, 1976.
1976/014 Geophysical results from the Timor Trough.
1976/015 Notes on interfacing electronic equipment with special reference to the 1977 marine data acquisition system.
1976/016 Auger drilling of beach ridge complexes, western Cape York Peninsula, 1973.
1976/017 Mawson Geophysical Observatory, annual report 1974
1976/018 Plant fossils from the northeastern part of the Canning Basin, Western Australia.
1976/019 Tuggeranong sewerage tunnel connection: geological investigation, 1975.
1976/020 ESCAP fossil reference collection (Australian repository). Supplement 1 - specimens received to 31 December 1975.
1976/023 Bureau of Mineral Resources (BMR) 1976 program.
1976/024 Permian depositional history of the Noonkanbah 1:250 000 sheet area, W.A.
1976/025 Isaacs seismic refraction survey, ACT, 1972.
1976/026 Port Moresby geophysical observatory annual report 1974.
1976/027 Galilee Basin seismic survey, Queensland, 1975 - operation report.
1976/028 An appraisal of petroleum exploration title areas WA-33-P, WA-34-P, WA-35-P, WA-37-P, NT/P5.
1976/029 The Devonian rocks of the Toko Syncline, western Queensland.
1976/030 Australia's natural gas reserves and future natural gas potential.
1976/031 Earthquake hazard in Australia.
1976/032 Subsurface investigation for proposed reclamation of Jerrabomberra Creek Flats, ACT, 1973.
1976/033 Stratigraphic tables, Papua New Guinea.
1976/034 Precambrian geology of the Westmoreland region, northern Australia. Part II: The Cliffdale Volcanics.
1976/035 BMR symposium Canberra 28-29 April 1976: abstracts.
1976/036 A review of the geology and geophysics of Macquarie Island and the Macquarie Ridge Complex.
1976/037 A review of the geology and geophysics of Christmas Island and the Christmas Rise
1976/038 A review of the geology and geophysics of the Cocos Islands and Cocos Rise
1976/039 A review of the geology and geophysics of the Queensland Plateau.
1976/040 A review of the geology and geophysics of the area around Mellish, Frederick, Kenn and Wreck Reefs, and Cato Island.
1976/041 A review of the geology and geophysics of the Marion Plateau.
1976/042 Heavy-mineral deposits along the coasts of Victoria, Tasmania and South Australia.
1976/043 BMR rotary-percussion and auger drilling in the Cahill and East Alligator 1:100 000 Sheet areas, Alligator Rivers region, 1972-73.
1976/044 Geological investigations for the Ginninderra sewer tunnel, Belconnen, ACT 1975.
1976/045 Annual report, Macquarie Island 1974.
1976/046 Barometric levelling test survey using 'Mechanism Ltd' precision aneroid barometers, type M2236/A MK-II, serial Nos. 260, 261 , 262, 263, 264 and 265, ACT, 1973.
1976/047 Geophysical survey, Elura prospect, Cobar, New South Wales, 1974.
1976/048 Mundaring Geophysical Observatory annual report 1975
1976/049 The geological map as a public utility - how useful can a geological map be?
1976/050 Arltunga detailed airborne magnetic and radiometric survey, NT 1972.
1976/051 Overseas visit to France, USSR, Sweden, and U.K., August - September 1975
1976/052 Drill-hole logging and transient electromagnetic test surveys, Woodlawn deposit, New South Wales, 1973.
1976/053 Foundation investigations at Murrumbidgee bridge site No. 3, ACT, 1975: engineering geology and seismic refraction survey.
1976/055 Miscellaneous chemical, petrographic and mineragraphic investigations carried out in the Geological Laboratory, January-December, 1975
1976/056 Notes on earthquake magnitude scales.
1976/057 Progress report on Georgina Basin geochemistry - results of 1974 field season.
1976/058 Velocity analysis of two seismic sections across the Queensland Trough.
1976/059 Structure of the Bismarck Sea.
1976/060 Operational report on Glenburg (part), Robinson Range, Peak Hill, W.A. airborne gamma-ray spectrometer survey, 1972
1976/061 Wewak geophysical survey for groundwater, PNG 1973.
1976/062 A groundwater investigation on Norfolk Island. (Appendices: 1. The modern coastal sedimentary rock complex of Norfolk and Nepean Islands.
1976/063 Gilberton 1:100 000 geological sheet : preliminary field compilation data sheets
1976/064 Preliminary investigation of groundwater resources, Cocos (Keeling) Islands, Indian Ocean, 1975.
1976/065 A guide to the production of shotpoint location maps using a digitising table and computer.
1976/066 A review of petroleum exploration and prospects in the Arafura Sea-Gulf of Carpentaria region.
1976/067 Geothermal resources within Australia - BMR survey proposals.
1976/068 Geology of Tennant Creek 1:250 000 sheet area, Northern Territory
1976/069 Googong pipeline investigation, 1975-76: expected ground conditions for excavation.
1976/070 Future role of palaeomagnetism in the BMR.
1976/071 Defence Force Academy site, Duntroon, ACT: investigation of the subsurface, 1975.
1976/072 International Geological Congress, Sydney 1976. Symposium 103.3 - The structure of Australia and variations in tectonic style.
1976/073 Gravity survey along seismic traverses in the northeastern part of the Eromanga Basin, Queensland, 1967.
1976/074 Mineral resource assessment : report by BMR Interbranch Committee
1976/075 Wells and metres drilled for petroleum exploration and development in Australia in 1975.
1976/076 Petroleum Technology Section - Reservoir Engineering Subsection: Tern Field, Bonaparte Gulf Basin, W.A. : estimated recoverable reserves as at 31-7-76
1976/077 A preliminary investigation of the nature, origin, and economic potential of the Jubilee Plunger gold deposit, central Georgetown Inlier, north Queensland.
1976/078 A bibliography of groundwater recharge in Australia.
1976/079 An appraisal of petroleum exploration title area WA-1-P offshore northern Carnarvon Basin, August 1974.
1976/080 An appraisal of petroleum exploration titles areas WA-23-P, WA-24-P, WA-25-P, offshore northern Carnarvon Basin, August 1974.
1976/081 Compilation of some geophysical and geological information in the northwestern part of the eromanga Basin, and underlying basins, Northern Territory and Queensland.
1976/082 Documentation of BMR Geological Branch computer programs.
1976/083 The adjustment and use of the proton vector magnetometer.
1976/084 Vema cruise 33, leg 1, over the southeast Indian Ridge, 17 November to 17 December, 1975: observer's report
1976/085 Vema cruise 33, leg 2, in the southeast Indian Ocean, 21 December, 1975 to 17 January, 1976 : observer's report
1976/086 Vema cruise 33 leg 4 over the Naturaliste Fracture Zone, 23 February to 15 March, 1976: observer's report.
1976/087 Vema cruise 33 leg 3 over the magnetic quiet zone south of Australia, 20 January to 19 February, 1976: observer's report.
1976/088 West Murrumbidgee geophysical survey, 1975
1976/089 Heavy minerals in the late Cainozoic sediments of southeastern South Australia.
1976/090 Geological Branch summary of activities 1976.
1976/091 Geophysical Branch summary of activities 1976.
1976/092 Mineral Resources Branch annual summary of activities 1976.
1976/093 1976 summary of activities, Operations Branch.
1976/094 Petroleum Exploration Branch summary of activities 1.11.75 to 31.10.76
1976/095 Notes on the geology of the southern part of the Canning Basin.
1976/096 Acquisition, processing, and interpretation of airborne gamma- ray spectometry data.
1976/097 Graphic presentation of magneto-telluric data.
1976/098 Soil sampling at the Big Reef and Two Micks gold mines, Forsayth, north Queensland.
1976/099 Transient electromagnetic survey, Elura Prospect, Cobar, New South Wales 1974.
1976/100 Christmas Island (Indian Ocean) geophysical survey for groundwater, 1973
1976/101 Shallow stratigraphic drilling in the Burnside Granite area, Batchelor 1:100 000 sheet, Northern Territory, 1975.
1976/102 Wodonga sand and gravel survey, Victoria, 1975-76.
1976/103 Seismic investigations of crustal structure in southeast Australia, March-May 1976: operation report.
1976/104 Cabawin Field, Surat Basin, Qld - estimated recoverable reserves as at 30.9.76
1976/105 Tennent Dam sites Nos. 2 and 3 seismic investigations, A.C.T., 1975/76
1976/106 Murrumbidgee Park Drive, Tuggeranong, A.C.T. geological investigations
1976/107 Depth and thickness maps for sedimentary sequences under the Exmouth Plateau.
1976/108 The use of surface geophysical methods in underground water investigations : proceedings of a symposium by the Australian Water Resources Council, Adelaide, August 1975


Record Number Title

1977/001 Kiewa River and Snowdons area (Murray Valley) geophysical survey for sand and gravel, Victoria, 1976
1977/002 Melbourne area gravity survey, 1975.
1977/003 Mineral resources of Australia 1977.
1977/004 Geology of the Prospector 1:100 000 Sheet area (6857), Queensland.
1977/005 Chemical analytical results from rocks of the Golden Dyke Formation, Rum Jungle, NT.
1977/006 Sixth BMR Symposium, Canberra, 3-5 May, 1977. Abstracts
1977/007 Mundaring Geophysical Observatory annual report 1976
1977/008 Screening and averaging magneto-telluric data prior to one-dimensional inversion
1977/009 Rum Jungle area gravity survey, Northern Territory 1974.
1977/010 Bureau of Mineral Resources 1977 program.
1977/011 Kingswood ammunition depot vibration tests, NSW, 1976
1977/012 Seismic refraction survey in the area of Belconnen Town Centre, ACT, 1975
1977/013 R/V 'Vema' crusie 33 leg 14, in the southwest Pacific Ocean, 21 January to 18 February, 1977: observer's report.
1977/014 Lae-Markham Valley geophysical survey, PNG, 1973
1977/015 Geological and geophysical investigations for urban development, Gungahlin, ACT, 1975-76.
1977/016 Geological work in Antarctica - 1974/75.
1977/017 A guide to the use and operation of program CONTOR
1977/018 Preliminary geological investigations of Tennant dam sites 2 and 3, Gudgenby River, ACT, 1975.
1977/019 BMR stratigraphic drilling in the Burke River Structural Belt, southeast Georgina Basin, 1974. Appendix by J.H.Shergold.
1977/020 A preliminary geological and geochemical investigation of the Una May uranium prospect, Seigal 1:100 000 sheet area, Northern Territory
1977/021 A review of petroleum exploration and prospects in the Carnarvon Basin.
1977/022 Defence Force Academy site, Duntroon ACT: additional seismic survey, March 1977.
1977/023 Overseas visit to India for magnetotellurics : sponsored by Aust. Dept. of Science and Government of India (Committee for Scientific and Industrial Research)
1977/024 Results of the 1976 orientation stream-sediment geochemical survey in northeastern Kepala Burung (Birds Head), Irian Jaya, Indonesia
1977/025 Southeastern Georgina Basin seismic survey, Queensland and Northern Territory, 1977.
1977/026 Galilee Basin seismic and gravity survey, Queensland, 1976 : operational report - Clermont-Alpha area
1977/027 Galilee Basin seismic and gravity survey, Queensland, 1976: operational report - Pentland-Hughenden area.
1977/028 Tennant Creek ground geophysical survey, Northern Territory, 1969.
1977/029 Canaway Ridge, Queensland, geophysical sruvey, 1973.
1977/030 Tennant Creek gravity and magnetic survey, Northern Territory, 1973.
1977/031 The East Solomon Sea earthquake of 20 July 1975; and notes on seismic risk in Bougainville.
1977/032 Explanatory notes on the Manokwari 1:250 000 geological sheet, Irian Jaya
1977/033 McArthur Basin Project
1977/034 Heavy-mineral sand deposits along the coast of Western Australia.
1977/035 Aeromagnetic survey of Glenburgh, Robinson Range, Peak Hill, Nabberu, and Stanley 1:250 000 Sheet areas, Western Australia, 1972.
1977/036 Wells and metres drilled for petroleum exploration and development in Australia in 1976.
1977/037 Wanniassa reservoir no.2 seismic refraction and blast-induced vibration investigation, A.C.T., 1977
1977/038 Miscellaneous chemical, petrographic and mineragraphic investigations carried out in the geological laboratory, January-December 1976.
1977/039 Measurements of surface heat flow.
1977/040 Late Cainozoic environments in Australia
1977/041 Southern Cooper Basin magneto-telluric survey, South Australia, 1974.
1977/043 Scott Plateau - structure, isopach, and potential field maps
1977/044 Catalogue of field compilation sheets of the Newcastle Range Volcanics and associated rocks in the Mount Surprise, Galloway and northernmost Geortetown 1:100 000 Sheet areas.
1977/045 Geological Branch summary of activities 1977.
1977/046 Geophysical Branch summary of activities 1977
1977/047 1977 summary of actrivities, Mineral Resources Branch.
1977/048 Petroleum Exploration Branch summary of activities 1977
1977/049 1977 summary of activities, Operations Branch.
1977/050 A magnetic interpretation program based on Werner deconvolution.
1977/051 Control of groundwater seepage by pumping from a bore at Torres Street, Red Hill, ACT.
1977/052 An interpretation of the airborne magnetic and radiometric survey of Coompana, Nullarbor, Fowler, and Nuyts (onshore) 1:250 000 sheet areas, S.A. 1972/3
1977/053 Shallow stratigraphic drilling in the Kapalga 1:100 000 sheet area, Alligator Rivers region, N.T., 1974-6
1977/054 Dairy Flat, ACT: report on sand and gravel investigations 1973-76.
1977/055 Magnetic inducted polarisation (MIP) survey, Woodlawn, New South Wales, 1975.
1977/056 Bibliography of Australian heavy-mineral sands.
1977/057 Stromlo-Higgins bulk supply main, ACT - geological investigations 1975, and review since construction 1977
1977/058 Geological and geophysical investigation of reservoir sites in Tuggeranong, ACT, 1976.
1977/059 Geological and geophysical investigation of sites for major buildings, Canberra City, Parkes, and Campbell, ACT 1974-5.
1977/060 Geological work in Antarctica - 1976.
1977/061 Stratigraphic drilling of stranded beach ridges, central western Victoria, 1977.
1977/062 Seismic investigations of crustal structure in southeastern Australia. November 1976 - March 1977 (MADAR survey): operation reprt.
1977/063 A review of petroleum exploration and prospects in the Perth Basin.
1977/064 Engineering geology of the Queanbeyan urban area, NSW.
1977/065 Engineering geological and geophysical assessment of foundations for the new Tharwa Bridge, ACT 1977.
1977/066 Geophysical survey of weir sites, Lake Tuggeranong project, ACT, 1977.
1977/067 Reclaimed sewage water project, RMC, Duntroon - groundwater investigation, 1976-77
1977/068 Tuggeranong sewer tunnel, ACT: engineering geology completion report, 1977.


Record Number Title

1978/001 A review of the Triassc palaeoenvironments in the Canning Basin, Western Australia.
1978/002 SIMULAT : a computer program for the prospect-by-prospect method of estimating petroleum resources using Monte Carlo simulation
1978/003 A review of the concepts and practice of wire-line log interpretation: and the application of computer program `LOG4'.
1978/004 Port Moresby geophysical observatory annual report 1975.
1978/005 GAS - a computer program to predict gas well deliverability.
1978/007 Geological investigations for airport sites, Canberra and environs, 1976.
1978/008 Permian and Mesozoic geology of the Derby and Mount Anderson 1:250 000 sheet areas, Western Australia
1978/009 Mineral resources of Australia, 1978.
1978/010 A review of petroleum exploration and prospects in the Georgina Basin.
1978/011 Interim report on the Batchelor 1:100 000 sheet (5171), N.T
1978/012 Hydraulic calibration of the GABHYD model of the Great Artesian Basin.
1978/013 An overview of gas hydrates.
1978/015 Geochemical study of core material from the Arringhrunga Formation, Northern Territory.
1978/016 Melbourne cable tunnels geological investigations 1977-78.
1978/017 Stream-sediment geochemistry of the Forsayth 1:100 000 sheet area, north Queensland
1978/018 Vema cruise 33, leg 13, in the Bismarck, Solomon, and Coral Seas, 20 December 1976: observer's report.
1978/019 The Indonesian earthquake of 19 August 1977: effects in Western Australia.
1978/020 Cloncurry area test resistivity survey, Queensland, 1973.
1978/021 Abstracts: 7th BMR symposium, Canberra, 2-3 May, 1978.
1978/022 Mineral processing in Australia: progress and potential.
1978/023 Progress report on Georgina Basin geochemistry - results from 1975, 1976 field seasons
1978/024 Geological notes on proposed Sullivans Creek to Commonwealth Avenue pumping station sewer augmentation and possible to King Edward Terrace, Canberra, ACT.
1978/025 Bureau of Mineral Resources 1978 program.
1978/027 Troubadour Field, Bonaparte Gulf Basin, NT: estimated recoverable reserves as at 31.3.78.
1978/028 Stratigraphic holes drilled in the Canberra area, 1971 to 1976.
1978/029 Geological investigation of topsoil deposits on Block H.423, Booth District, Naas, ACT
1978/030 Preliminary assessment of the hydrocarbon potential of the Sahul Platform, Bonaparte Gulf Basin, Northern Territory and Western Australia.
1978/031 Geological evaluation of terrain for urban and regional development in the Australian Capital Territory.
1978/032 Precambrian geology of the Westmoreland region, northern Australia. Part III: Nicholson Granite Complex and Murphy Metamorphics.
1978/033 Explanatory notes to accompany stratigraphic columns - Carnarvon Basin, Australia.
1978/034 Seismic and detailed gravity survey in the Toko Syncline, Georgina Basin, 1977 - operational report.
1978/035 An appraisal of petroleum exploration title areas SA-4, SA-6, SA-7, SA-10, SA-11, Great Australian Bight - South Australia.
1978/036 An appraisal of petroleum exploration title areas SA-2, SA-8, offshore Otway Basin (Gambier sub-basin).
1978/037 Petroleum source rock potential from wire-line legs.
1978/038 Laura Basin explanatory notes and stratigraphic correlations
1978/039 An appraisal of petroleum exploration title areas WA-15-P, WA-16-P, WA-17-P, WA-18-P, WA-19-P, March 1975.
1978/040 An appraisal of petroleum exploration title areas, Bonaparte Gulf Basin: WA-36-P, NT/P4, NT/P6, NT/P11, NT/P12, NT/P19, June 1975.
1978/041 An appraisal of petroleum exploration title area - Gippsland Basin.
1978/042 An appraisal of petroleum exploration title areas - offshore Canning Basin WA-29-P, WA-30-P, WA-31-P, WA-32-P, May 1975.
1978/043 Enhanced recovery of petroleum - applications to Australia.
1978/044 Georgetown Project progress report - geology of the Georgetown 1:100 000 sheet area (7661), north Queensland; part A.
1978/045 A preliminary estimate of the undisocvered petroleum resources of Australia.
1978/046 Precambrian geology of the Dajarra 1:100 000 Sheet area, northwestern Queensland - preliminary data.
1978/047 A review of petroleum exploration and prospects in the Carnarvon Basin.
1978/048 Geology and geochemistry of Middle Proterozoic base volcanic belts, Mount Isa/Cloncurry, northwestern Queensland.
1978/049 A review of petroleum exploration and prospects in the Arafura Sea-Gulf of Carpentaria region.
1978/050 Notes on the sedimentology and palaeontology of cores and dredged sediments obtained from the Scott Plateau and Java Trench by R.V. Valdivia, 1977.
1978/051 BMR's role in mineral exploration within the Pine Creek Geosyncline, 1949-1977.
1978/052 Denison Trough seismic survey, Queensland, 1978: preview report
1978/053 The Australian offshore compilation for Circum-Pacific Map Project, Southwest Quadrant, May 1978
1978/054 Field work report, McArthur Basin project, 1977.
1978/055 Results of the 1976 Canning Basin geothermal survey.
1978/056 Geophysical investigations of minor zones of mineralisation in the Cloncurry 1:250 000 Sheet area, northwest Queensland, 1973.
1978/057 Geology of the Gundaroo-Westmead Park-Nanima area, New South Wales
1978/058 A case for research and development on geothermal energy in Australia.
1978/059 Mawson Geophysical Observatory, annual report 1975
1978/060 Geophysical surveys at the Jubilee Plunger gold deposit, Georgetown Inlier, Queensland, 1974-1976.
1978/061 Detection of subsurface ordnance by magnetic and transient electromagnetic methods.
1978/062 Field tests with the Scintrex DHP-4 down-hole EM prospecting system, NSW, 1975.
1978/063 Lawn Hill 1:100 000 Sheet area: catalogue of 1:250 000 geological compilation sheets.
1978/064 The contamination of groundwater by hydrocarbons, with brief notes on the hydrogeology of Canberra City, ACT.
1978/065 Airborne and ground geophysical mapping in the Mount Basedow-Mount Partridge Range area, Alligatopr Rivers region, Northern Territory 1974.
1978/066 A review of petroleum exploration and prospects in the Perth Basin.
1978/067 ESCAP fossil reference collection (Australian repository): supplement 2 - specimens received to 30 June 1978.
1978/068 Geological and geophysical investigations of five alternative landfill sites, south Canberra and Tuggeranong, ACT 1976.
1978/069 Geological and geophysical investigation of the proposed Mugga South landfill site, ACT, 1977.
1978/070 Operating manual for the GABHYD model
1978/071 Gravity survey, Alligator River 1:250 000 sheet area, Northern Territory, 1972-73
1978/072 A regression analysis of North Rankin No.5 - core porosity against log porosity
1978/073 Mundaring Geophysical Observatory annual report 1977
1978/074 Sunrise Field, Bonaparte Gulf Basin N.T. : estimated recoverable reserves as at 31.3.78
1978/075 Miscellaneous chemical, petrographic, and mineragraphic investigations carried out in the Geological Laboratory, January-December, 1977
1978/076 National report on gravity in Australia, July 1974 to June 1978
1978/077 Petroleum resource assessment methods in North America
1978/078 Australian activities in the field of stratigraphic correlation 1975-1978
1978/079 An Appraisal of Petroleum Exploration Title Areas NT/P2, NT/P7, NT/P8, NT/P9, NT/P10, NT/P13. NT/P14. NT/P15. July 1975
1978/080 An Appraisal of Petroleum Exploration Title Areas - Offshore and Central Queensland May 1974
1978/081 Evaluation of proposed site for disposal of radioactive waste, West Belconnen, ACT, 1978.
1978/082 Canberra-Queanbeyan relationship study: geological factors in development planning.
1978/083 The establishment of a leachate monitoring system at the West Belconnen landfill site, ACT, 1976-77.
1978/084 Googong pipeline, ACT and NSW: geological mapping of excavations during construction, 1977-78.
1978/085 Interpretation of transient electromagnetic measurements using the apparent conductivity concept.
1978/086 Groundwater pollution by hydrocarbons near the Center Cinema, Canberra City.
1978/087 Geology of the Oban 1:100 000 Sheet area, northwest Queensland: progress report.
1978/088 Drilling in the Spencer Gulf area of South Australia, February and March 1978
1978/089 Geological Branch summary of activities 1978.
1978/090 Melbourne cable tunnels, geological investigations: 1978 supplementary report.
1978/091 A review of petroleum exploration and prospects in the Otway B asin region.
1978/093 Operations Branch summary of activities 1978 and staff list.
1978/094 Papua New Guinea isogal gravity survey, 1967.
1978/095 Petroleum Exploration Branch summary of activities 1978.
1978/096 Shallow reef structure: southern Great Barrier Reef.
1978/097 Geophysical Branch summary of activities - 1978.
1978/098 Mineral Resources Branch summary of activities for 1978.
1978/099 Geological investigations for the Sullivans Creek sewer tunnel, Canberra City, ACT 1978.
1978/100 Morphology and shallow structure of the continental shelf of southern Queensland and northern New South Wales
1978/102 Interim Engineering Services Branch summary of activities - 1978.
1978/103 Mundogie 1:100 000 sheet area data record.
1978/104 Space requirements for a proposed new centre for the Bureau of Mineral Resources.
1978/105 The late Cainozoic sediments of southeastern South Australia - lithology and mineralogy
1978/106 Wells and metres drilled petroleum exploration and development in Australia in 1977.
1978/107 Application of enhanced recovery to the Moonie oilfield, Queensland.
1978/109 A summary of the regional geology, geophysics, and petroleum potential of the Clarence-Moreton Basin.
1978/110 A review of petroleum exploration and prospects in the Gippsland Basin.
1978/111 A Review of Petroleum Exploration and Prospects in the Gippland Basin
1978/112 Precambrian geology of the Duchess 1:100 000 Sheet area, northwestern Queensland - preliminary data.
1978/113 Progress report of the Alligator River party, 1973-76 fieldwork.
1978/114 Operational report on Broken Hill detailed airborne magnetic and gamma-ray spectormeter survey, 1975.
1978/115 Mawson Geophysical Observatory annual report 1972
1978/116 Operation report on Broken Hill regional airborne magnetic and gamma-ray spectrometer survey, 1975.


Record Number Title

1979/001 Geophysical groundwater investigation, Upper Yass Valley, New South Wales.
1979/002 Crust and upper mantle of southeast Australia : summaries of papers presented at a symposium held in Cenberra, February 1979
1979/004 A review of petroleum exploration and prospects in the Bass Basin
1979/005 A review of petroleum exploration and prospects in the Bass Basin.
1979/006 Magnetic and gravity survey, Mawson-Molodezhnaya region, Antarctica 1975-76
1979/007 Adaptation of the synthetic seismogram program 'REFLEX' to the CSIRO CYBER 76 computer.
1979/008 CUMSEA 1979 - excursion guide
1979/009 Preliminary assessment of the hydrocarbon potential of the Barrow Sub-Basin, and the southern extension of the Rankin Platform, Carnarvon, Basin, Western Australia
1979/010 Partial assessment of the recoverable hydrocarbon potential of the Vulcan Sub-Basin, Bonaparte Gulf Basin, Northern Territory
1979/011 Macquarie Island Geophysical Observatory annual report 1975.
1979/012 Forest Home, North Head, and parts of Gilbert River and Esmeralda 1:100 000 geological sheets: Catalogue of preliminary field data compilation sheets.
1979/013 Abstracts: 8th BMR Symposium, Canberra, 1-2 May 1979.
1979/014 Mineral resources of Australia 1979.
1979/015 McArthur Basin Research Project progress report, September quarter, 1978
1979/016 McArthur Basin Research Project, progress report, December quarter, 1978
1979/017 Georgina research, December quarter 1979.
1979/018 Geological data from drilling and excavations along the Molonglo Parkway between Black Mountain Peninsula and Acton, Canberra, ACT, 1977-78
1979/019 Geological reconnaissance in Irian Jaya, 1976 and 1977.
1979/020 A review of petroleum exploration and prospects in the Great Australian Bight region.
1979/021 A rock and sediment drill for use on coral reefs.
1979/022 Carpentaria and Karumba Basins explanatory notes and stratigraphic columns.
1979/023 An Assessment of the Tithonian Play in the Dampier Sub-Basin and Rankin Trend, Offshore Western Australia
1979/024 Geology of the Kennedy Gap 1:100 000 Sheet area (6757), Queensland.
1979/025 A proposal for a seismic survey in the Western Darling Basin, NSW.
1979/026 Preliminary deep-sea sampling results, R.V. Sonne geological cruises off Western Australia in 1979.
1979/027 Molonglo Valley interceptor sewer, ACT: engineering geology completion report, 1978
1979/028 MAG3D: An interactive computer program to calculate the magnetic anomaly of a finite dipping prism.
1979/029 GRAV3: An interactive computer program to calculate the gravity anomaly of a finite horizontal prism.
1979/030 Bureau of Mineral Resources 1979 program.
1979/031 Miscellaneous chemical, petrographic, and mineragraphic investigations carried out in the geochemical laboratory - January-December 1978.
1979/032 Petroleum geology of the Canning Basin.
1979/033 Christmas Island (Indian Ocean) geophysical survey for groundwater, 1976
1979/034 The Airborne Reductions Group Utility System (ARGUS) - manuals and program listings
1979/035 A ready reckoner for early evaluation of open-pit base and precious metal projects.
1979/036 BMR stratigraphic drilling in the Georgina Basin, 1977 and 1978.
1979/037 Stream-sediment geochemical data, Seigal 1:100 000 sheet area, Northern Territory.
1979/038 Stream-sediment geochemical data, Hedleys Creek 1:100 000 sheet area, northwest Queensland.
1979/039 Georgina research, March quarter 1979.
1979/040 Holocene carbonate environments in South Australia and Western Australia. Report on a field excursion to the Coorong Lagoon area and Yorke Peninsula (SA), and Hutt Lagoon, Shark Bay and Lake Macleod (WA).
1979/041 Papua New Guinea earthquake intensity data 1953-1959.
1979/042 Workshop on Antarctic geology, 17-18 May 1979. Abstracts
1979/043 TEM scale model investigations, February-March, 1979
1979/044 McArthur Basin research, March quarter, 1979
1979/045 Gregory Downs and Riversleigh 1:100 000 sheet areas: catalogue of geological compilation sheets
1979/046 Estimating the geomagnetic secular change at Mawson, Antarctica.
1979/047 Geological report on 1:100 000-scale mapping of the southeastern Arunta Block, Northern Territory.
1979/048 Sixteen-channel digital multiplexer: BMR type XDM-1.
1979/049 Denison Trough seismic survey, Queensland: operational report for 1978 survey and proposed program for 1979 survey.
1979/050 Mining cost study for the Australian Mineral Development Laboratories: capital and operating costs for a 4 million cubic metre per annum close connected bucket line dredge, and associated tin recovery plant
1979/051 Arafura and Money Shoal Basins explanatory notes and stratigraphic correlations.
1979/052 Bonaparte Gulf Basin explanatory notes and stratigraphic correlations.
1979/053 Georgina research, June quarter 1979.
1979/054 Pilbara crustal survey, 1977: operational report.
1979/055 Resolving heat flow anomalies in shallow boreholes - feasibility studies
1979/056 Geology of the Quamby 1:100 000 sheet area (6957), Queensland.
1979/057 McArthur Basin research, June quarter, 1979
1979/058 Sydney Basin explanatory notes and stratigraphic columns.
1979/061 Geological Branch summary of activities 1979.
1979/062 Deep-sea sediments and manganese nodules from the southern Tasman Sea.
1979/063 Detailed geophysical investigations, Tennent Dam sites 2 and 3, ACT.
1979/064 Sand and gravel deposits and extraction operations in the Canberra region, ACT and NSW, 1977.
1979/065 Field tests of Geonics EM 31 and EM 34-3 terrain conductivity meters.
1979/066 Development of 8-channel digital-to-analogue conversion card for HP2100 series computers.
1979/067 Stream-sediment geochemical data - Georgetown 1:100 000 sheet area.
1979/068 Stream-sediment geochemical data - Gilberton 1:100 000 sheet area
1979/069 Inventory of Antarctic rock specimens held in Australian institutions.
1979/070 Georgina Research September quarter, 1979.
1979/071 Operations Branch summary of activities 1979, and staff list
1979/072 Murray Basin hydrogeological project: progress report, September quarter 1979
1979/073 Geophysical Branch summary of activities 1979.
1979/076 Estimation of parameters using least squares.
1979/077 Geological and geophysical investigation of the Pialliago Landfill Site, ACT
1979/078 Eastern Galilee Basin seismic survey, Queensland 1976.
1979/079 Petroleum Exploration Branch summary of activities 1979.
1979/081 Mineral Resources Branch summary of activities 1979.
1979/082 McArthur Basin research, September quarter, 1979
1979/083 Geological report on the construction of the Googong Dam, Queanbeyan River, New South Wales.
1979/084 Observations on geology, soils, and groundwater relevant to pavement failure in Canberra, 1979.
1979/085 Geochemical data, Marraba 1:100 000 sheet area, northwest Queensland.
1979/086 Precambrian geology of the Selwyn region, northwest Queensland - preliminary data.
1979/087 The geology of the Canberra-Queanbeyan 1:50 000 map area.
1979/088 Progress report on hydrogeological studies in the Magela and Cooper Creek Catchments, Alligator Rivers region, NT, 1979
1979/089 Stratigraphic drilling in the Rum Jungle area, NT, 1973-74: geological and geophysical results.
1979/090 Interim Engineering Services Branch summary of activities - 1979.
1979/091 Wells and metres drilled for petroleum exploration and development in Australia in 1978.
1979/092 1978 seismic crustal investigations in southeast Australia: operational report forthe DART78 and MANESI surveys.
1979/093 Precambrian geology of the Mount Angelay 1:100 000 sheet area (7055), northwestern Queensland - preliminary data.