Digitised records 1980s
Page last updated:11 July 2023
1980 | 1981 | 1982 | 1983 | 1984 | 1985 | 1986 | 1987 | 1988 | 1989
Record Number | Title |
1980/001 | Mineral resources of Australia, 1980. |
1980/002 | Geology of the Gilberton 1:100 000 sheet area (7659), north Queensland: data record. |
1980/004 | Petroleum source rock computer reference system: operating instructions. |
1980/005 | McArthur Basin research, December quarter, 1979 |
1980/006 | Geophysical investigation of regional aeromagnetic and radioelement anomalies in the Georgetown and Forsayth 1:100 000 sheet areas, north Queensland, 1976. |
1980/007 | Supplement to 'The Encrinuridae and related trilobite families...' |
1980/009 | Wire-line logging of water wells in the Great Artesian Basin - ADP transcription manual |
1980/011 | Geology and groundwater hydrology of Freshford, West Murrumbidgee urban development area, ACT. |
1980/012 | Denison Trough seismic survey, Queensland, 1979: operational report. |
1980/013 | Murray Basin hydrogeological project, progress report, December quarter 1979 |
1980/014 | Groundwater resources of Niue Island. |
1980/015 | Pine Creek Party 1978 data record: Point Stuart, Mary River, and Mundogie 1:100 000 sheet areas, NT |
1980/016 | Precambrian geology of the Ardmore 1:100 000 sheet area, northwestern Queensland - preliminary data. |
1980/017 | Abstracts: 9th BMR Symposium, Canberra, 29-30 April 1980. |
1980/018 | Report of the Australian geological delegation to China, 1979. |
1980/019 | Shallow stratigraphic drilling in the Munmarlary area, Alligator Rivers region, NT, 1978 |
1980/020 | Lithological logs of stratigraphic holes and water-bores drilled to 1976 in the Wiso Basin, Northern Territory |
1980/021 | Notes to accompany a geological map at 1:10 000 scale of the Googong Reservoir, Queanbeyan River, New South Wales. |
1980/022 | The model algorithm for the GABHYD model of the Great Artesian Basin. |
1980/023 | GANOVEX 1979-80 : brief comments on the planning, implementation, and results of the German North Victoria Land Expedition to Antarctica |
1980/024 | Geology of the North Sepik region, Papua New Guinea. |
1980/025 | Bureau of Mineral Resources 1980 Program. |
1980/026 | A review of the geology, petroleum exploration, and petroleum prospects of the Officer Basin region. |
1980/027 | Notes and a bibliography on oil shale in Australia. |
1980/028 | Investigation of a soil drainage problem at Cook Primary School, ACT. |
1980/029 | Groundwater supply for National Fitness Camp at Block 10, Paddys River District, ACT. |
1980/030 | Geology of the Late Carboniferous and younger rocks of the onshore western Canning Basin, Western Australia. |
1980/031 | Minimum economic reservoir size project |
1980/032 | Central Eromanga Basin Project, program proposals, 1980-1982. |
1980/033 | Geology of the Mundogie 1:100 000 sheet area, Northern Territory. |
1980/034 | Georgina Basin Project progress report 1974-1979. |
1980/035 | Marine magnetic surveys aboard the M.V. Nella Dan, 1979/80 - operations manual. |
1980/036 | Murray Basin Hydrogeological Project, progress report 3, March quarter 1980 |
1980/037 | Georgina research for the period October 1979-March 1980. |
1980/038 | McArthur Basin research, March quarter, 1980 |
1980/039 | Stream-sediment geochemistry of the Seigal and Hedleys Creek 1:100 000 sheet areas, northern Australia. |
1980/040 | Mundaring Geophysical Observatory annual report 1978 |
1980/041 | Groundwater pollution by petrol at the NRMA Building, Braddon, ACT. |
1980/042 | Browse Basin region explanatory notes and stratigraphic columns. |
1980/043 | The geology of the Lawn Hill/Riversleigh region, Queensland |
1980/044 | Summary descriptions of mineral deposits by commodities in the Alice Springs 1:250 000 sheet area, Northern Territory. |
1980/045 | The Arunta Block in the Huckitta 1:250 000 sheet area: a review of data to June 1980. |
1980/046 | ERTIDE1: A computer program to calculate tidal gravity corrections. |
1980/047 | Report on a visit to China 9-26 April 1980. |
1980/048 | Electrical geophysical mapping surveys, Rum Jungle area, N.T., 1974. |
1980/049 | Regional radioelement characteristics of the Koolpin Formation, Pine Creek Geosyncline, Northern Territory. |
1980/050 | Supplement to 'Biometrical studies of Early Neogene larger Foraminifera from Australia and New Zealand'. |
1980/051 | Mundaring Geophysical Observatory annual report 1979. |
1980/052 | Gravity survey along traverses in the southwest of Western Australia, 1970 - operational report |
1980/053 | Mineral analyses and rock descriptions for cumulate peridotites and gabbros from the Marum ophiolite complex, northern Papua New Guinea. |
1980/054 | Palaeozoic rocks of the Hardman, Rosewood, and Argyle Basins, East Kimberley Region, Western Australia. |
1980/055 | McArthur Basin research: June quarter, 1980. |
1980/056 | Groundwater investigation at the Hume Industrial Estate, ACT, 1978. |
1980/057 | Bibliography of the geology of the ACT and environs. |
1980/058 | User manual for the financial model of petroleum reservoir system (FIMPER) |
1980/059 | Geological evaluation of the proposed Dalton to Canberra natural gas pipeline, 1980. |
1980/060 | Central Eromanga Basin Project progress report, January-June 1980. |
1980/061 | Geological Branch annual summary of activities 1980. |
1980/062 | Trisponder navigation system modifications. |
1980/063 | Geology of the northern Arunta Block, Northern Territory. |
1980/064 | Calculation of synthetic seismograms by the reflectivity method. |
1980/065 | Report on symposium on Qinghai-Xizang (Tibet) Plateau: Beijing and southern Tibet. May-June, 1980 |
1980/066 | Uncorrected geothermal map of Australia. |
1980/067 | The Cainozoic Evolution of Continental Southeast Australia : abstracts of papers presented at a symposium held in Canberra, November 1980, sponsored by the Geological Society of Australia (Commonwealth Territories Division) and the Bureau of Mineral Resources, Geology and Geophysics |
1980/068 | Marine magnetic surveys aboard the M.V. Nella Dan, 1979/80 - operational report |
1980/069 | Operations Branch summary of activities 1980 and staff list. |
1980/070 | Geophysical Branch summary of activities 1980. |
1980/071 | Mineral Resources Branch summary of activities for 1980. |
1980/072 | Interim Engineering Services summary of activities 1980. |
1980/073 | Petroleum Exploration Branch summary of activities 1980. |
1980/074 | Georgina research for the period April-September 1980. |
1980/075 | Stratigraphic field sections and drill-hole logs of the Arrinthrunga Formation, Georgina Basin, central Australia. |
1980/076 | The geology of the Carrara Range region, Northern Territory. |
1980/077 | Central Eromanga Basin seismic survey, Queensland, 1980: preview report. |
1980/078 | Westmoreland airborne magnetic and radiometric survey, Queensland 1973. |
1980/079 | The geology of the Kikori 1:250 000 sheet area, PNG. |
1980/080 | Geothermal energy in France. |
1980/081 | Lanyon trunk sewer, ACT: engineering geology of the proposed Pine Island tunnel, and excavation conditions for the planned route under Murrumbidgee Park Drive. |
1980/082 | Murray Basin Hydrogeological Project, progress report 4, for half year ending 30 September, 1980 |
1980/083 | Stromlo-Higgins bulk supply main: Stromlo tunnel section: engineering geology completion report. |
1980/084 | Operations manual for marine magnetic surveys on the M.V. Nella Dan, 1980/81 |
1980/085 | The source of some magnetic anomalies in the Burrell Creek Formation, Pine Creek Geosyncline, Northern Territory. |
Record Number | Title |
1981/001 | The 1978 McArthur Basin magnetotelluric survey. |
1981/002 | Crustal seismic investigations in northern Australia, 1979: operational report. |
1981/003 | Mineral resources of Australia 1981. |
1981/004 | Initial results of Sonne cruise SO-15 on the East Australian continental shelf, September-November 1980 |
1981/005 | Ginninderra sewer tunnel, ACT: engineering geology completion report, 1979. |
1981/006 | Notes to accompany the 1:25 000-scale geological field compilation sheets of the Canberra 1:100 000 sheet area |
1981/007 | Mawson Geophysical Observatory annual report, 1976 |
1981/008 | Mawson Geophysical Observatory, annual report 1977. |
1981/009 | LIBED : a relocatable library management program for HP-1000 computers with an RTE operating system |
1981/010 | Results of gamma-ray spectrometer and radon survey, Austatom prospect, Northern Territory, 1979 |
1981/011 | Abstracts: 10th BMR Symposium, Canberra, 5-6 May 1981. |
1981/012 | Stratigraphic drilling in the Cretaceous Toolebuc Formation in the southern and eastern Eromanga Basin, 1980 : a contribution to BMR/CSIRO NERRDC Project 78/2616 |
1981/013 | Water supply for the proposed secondary school at Matewoulou, Espiritu Santo, Vanuatu. |
1981/014 | Chemical analyses of rocks from East Antarctica. |
1981/015 | Review of BMR activities in the fields of earthquake seismology and geomagnetism. |
1981/016 | 1980 Heard Island Expedition: marine geophysical operations and preliminary results. |
1981/017 | Macquarie Island Geophysical Observatory, annual report 1977. |
1981/018 | Macquarie Island Geophysical Observatory annual report, 1978. |
1981/019 | Macquarie Island Geophysical Observatory, annual report 1979. |
1981/020 | McArthur Basin research, July-December, 1980 |
1981/021 | A collection of FORTRAN programs for the analysis of regional magnetic and gravity data. |
1981/022 | Central Eromanga Basin seismic survey, Queensland, 1980: operational report. |
1981/023 | Notes on the preliminary Youanmi 1:250 000 geological series map, Western Australia. |
1981/024 | Workshop, comparison of the Cuddapah Basin, India and the Adelaide Geosyncline, Australia : report of overseas visit - January, 1981 |
1981/025 | Road gravel investigation, Block 64, Tennant, ACT |
1981/026 | Macquarie Island Geophysical Observatory annual report 1976. |
1981/027 | A guide to digitising stripchart profiles and seismic horizons. |
1981/028 | BMR Ivanhoe No. 1 well completion report |
1981/029 | Stream-sediment geochemical data - Mammoth Mines 1:100 000 sheet area. |
1981/030 | Murray Basin Hydrogeological Project : progress report 5 for half year ending 31 March 1981 . |
1981/031 | Hydrogeology of Tarawa Atoll, Kiribati. |
1981/032 | Palynology of three NERDDC stratigraphic bores in the Eromanga Basin : preliminary report |
1981/033 | Central Eromanga Basin seismic survey, Queensland, 1981 : Preview report |
1981/034 | Geological investigations in Antarctica 1968-1969 : the Prydz Bay - Amery Ice Shelf - Prince Charles Mountains area |
1981/035 | Stability analysis of the southwestern slope of Tuggeranong Hill, ACT, 1977 |
1981/036 | Geochemistry of Archaean volcanic successions, eastern Pilbara Block, Western Australia. |
1981/037 | The computer program 'OYSHL'. |
1981/038 | Stratigraphic drilling in the Cretaceous Toolebuc Formation in the Charleville district, southern Queensland, June 1981. A contribution to BMR/CSIRO NERDDC Project 78/2616. |
1981/039 | A tabulated presentation of metallic mine and prospect data for the Pine Creek Geosyncline, NT. |
1981/040 | Summary of petroleum exploration drilling, Exmouth Plateau, to 31 December 1980 |
1981/041 | Geology of the Mary River and Point Stuart 1:100 000 sheet areas, Northern Territory. |
1981/042 | Report on pyritic aggregate and the cause of warping in concrete paving flags, Parkes Place, Canberra, A.C.T. |
1981/043 | Geological investigations in Antarctica 1973 : the southern Prince Charles Mountains |
1981/044 | Soil and stream-sediment geochemical data, Araluen 1:100 000 sheet area, New South Wales. |
1981/046 | Geological Branch annual summary of activities 1981 |
1981/047 | McKinlay River 1:100 000 sheet area, Northern Territory data record. |
1981/048 | A summary of coal occurrences in Australian sedimentary basins. |
1981/049 | Summary of BMR information sources and systems. |
1981/050 | McArthur Basin research, January-June, 1981 |
1981/051 | Groundwater seepage and the water balance of Lake Windermere, Commonwealth Territory of Jervis Bay. |
1981/052 | Gilbert River 1:100 000 geological sheet: catalogue of preliminary field data compilation sheets. |
1981/053 | Queen Street cable tunnel, Melbourne, Victoria : engineering geology completion report, 1981 |
1981/054 | Report on a visit to USA and Canada, July/August 1981. |
1981/055 | Londsale Street cable tunnels, Melbourne, Victoria : engineering geology completion reports, 1981 |
1981/056 | Computerised bibliographic databases in BMR. |
1981/057 | Geophysical Branch summary of activities 1981. |
1981/058 | A users guide to the source rock data-base (WLDAT) (program IMFN) on the Hewlett-Packard data-base image system |
1981/059 | Geophysical and surveying work along the Ingrid Christensen coast near Davis Base, Antarctica, 1980/1981 summer. |
1981/060 | Permian sediments beneath the Murray Basin. |
1981/061 | Hydrogeological investigations of two basins at Lanyon, ACT, 1974-1976. |
1981/062 | Procedure for the isolation of kerogen from sedimentary rocks. |
1981/063 | Precambrian stratigraphy, metamorphism, and structure of the North Head- Forest Home area, north Queensland. |
1981/064 | The 1979 McArthur Basin magnetotelluric survey. |
1981/065 | DELPHI: A computer program for the summation of hydrocarbon resources using Monte Carlo simulation. |
1981/066 | Electrical geophysics in the USSR. |
1981/067 | Petroleum Exploration Branch summary of activities 1981. |
1981/068 | Well completion reports for BMR Rodinga nos. 1, 1A, 2, 2A, and 3, Amadeus Basin, NT |
1981/069 | Mineral Resources Branch : summary for activities for 1981. |
1981/070 | Operations Branch summary of activities 1981 and staff list. |
1981/071 | Georgina Research : (for the period October 1980 to October 1981). |
1981/072 | A users guide to the data-base REFIL on the Hewlett Packard 1000 image system |
1981/073 | Interim Engineering Services summary of activities 1981. |
1981/074 | Murray Basin Hydrogeological Project : progress report 6 for half year ending 30th September, 1981 |
1981/075 | MFS-7 fluxgate magnetometer development history |
1981/076 | WILDCAT: a computer program for the prospect-by-prospect method of estimating hydrocarbon resources using Monte Carlo simulation |
1981/077 | Electrical properties of the Flying Doctor Prospect, Broken Hill, NSW. |
1981/078 | Hydrogeological and geophysical investigations on Norfolk Island, 1981. |
Record Number | Title |
1982/001 | The nature and mineralogy of beach and dune sands on the central and northern New South Wales and southern Queensland coasts |
1982/002 | Mineral resources of Australia 1982. |
1982/003 | Abstracts: 11th BMR Symposium, Canberra, 4-5 May 1982. |
1982/004 | A microfossil assemblage from the Wollogorang Formation, Tawallah Group, Middle Proterozoic, NT, Australia. |
1982/005 | Investigation of the source of a radon anomaly, East of Batchelor, Rum Jungle area, NT. |
1982/006 | Geology of the Alsace 1:100 000 Sheet area (6858), Queensland. |
1982/007 | Bureau of Mineral Resources 1982/3 program summary |
1982/008 | Esmeralda and adjacent parts of Prospect and Pelham 1:100 000 geological sheets : catalogue of preliminary field data compilation sheets |
1982/009 | Mundaring Geophysical Observatory annual report 1980. |
1982/010 | Third-order magnetic survey of Yorke Peninsula SA, February 1982 |
1982/011 | Pressure pulse testing of oil wells |
1982/012 | Abstracts: Petroleum and Minerals Review Conference, Canberra, 1-2 July 1982. |
1982/013 | Geological notes on the excavations for the new Parliament House, Capital Hill, Canberra, ACT. |
1982/014 | Report on a visit to China, November 1981. |
1982/015 | Ground magnetic survey and drilling (BMR Ayers Rock nos. 1 and 2) of a shallow magnetic-anomaly source in the southern Amadeus Basin, Northern Territory |
1982/016 | Shallow stratigraphic drilling, northwest Eromanga Basin, October 1981. |
1982/017 | Chemical analyses of Early Proterozoic metasedimentary rocks from the Pine Creek Geosyncline. |
1982/018 | Murray Basin Hydrogeological Project : progress report 7 for half year ending 31 March 1982 |
1982/019 | Tripartite investigations of the marine geology of the South Pacific : preliminary report of activities undertaken during the first cruise of the R.V. Kana Keoki |
1982/020 | Geophysical maps of parts of Enderby, Kemp and MacRobertson Lands, Antarctica, 45-82 degrees East. |
1982/021 | Papers presented at the Petroleum and Minerals Review Conference, Canberra, 1-2 July 1982 |
1982/022 | Abner Range 1:100 000 compilation sheets, McArthur Basin, Northern Territory. |
1982/023 | Geology of the Illogwa Creek 1:250 000 sheet area, central Australia : preliminary data, 1979-80 surveys |
1982/024 | Mundaring Geophysical Observatory annual report 1981. |
1982/025 | Stratigraphic drilling in the Cretaceous Toolebuc Formation in the southern Eromanga Basin, 1981 - a contribution to BMR/CSIRO NERDDC Project 78/2616. |
1982/026 | Oligocene epoch pilot study |
1982/027 | Macquarie Island Geophysical Observatory, annual report, 1981. |
1982/028 | Mawson Geophysical Observatory annual report, 1981 |
1982/029 | Proceedings of the Workshop on Australian Earthquake Magnitude Scales, BMR, Canberra, 21 May 1982. |
1982/030 | Analysis of repeat levelling measurements to give ground deformation, southwest Australia. |
1982/031 | Estimates - copper concentrations : Amdel report no. 1167 |
1982/032 | Copper smelter cost estimates : Amdel report no. 1254 |
1982/033 | Cassiterite recovery plant : Amdel report no. 1277 |
1982/034 | Central Eromanga Basin magnetotelluric survey, 1980: operational report. |
1982/035 | BMR magnetotelluric system software, 1980. |
1982/036 | Macquarie Island Geophysical Observatory October 1981-January 1982. |
1982/037 | Source rock drilling in the Proterozoic of the Amadeus Basin, Northern Territory, 1980-81. |
1982/038 | FORCT: A computer program for calculating future production from undiscovered oil fields. |
1982/039 | HP9825A software system for electron probe data, major/trace and RE element geochemistry, magmatic fractionation models, and Rb-Sr isotopic parameters. |
1982/040 | Gravity and magnetic survey of Niue Island, 1979. |
1982/042 | Report on overseas visit to the Unites States and Brazil, 1-18 September 1982. |
1982/043 | Murray Basin Hydrogeological Project : progress report 8 for half year ending 30 September 1982 |
1982/044 | Report on a visit to China, 15-30 September 1982 |
Record Number | Title |
1983/001 | Analyses of geological, geophysical and physical property data from the southwest Arunta Block, NT. |
1983/002 | Macquarie Island Geophysical Observatory Annual Report, 1980. |
1983/003 | Lacoste and Romberg gravity meters : laboratory investigations into the effects of changes of air pressure, temperature and meter supply voltage |
1983/004 | Geology of the Macdonnell Ranges 1:100 000 Sheet area, Northern Territory. |
1983/005 | International Union of Geological Sciences Subcommission on Precambrian Stratigraphy. Sixth Meeting - Egypt - 2- 12 November 1982. Report and Comments. |
1983/006 | Geophysical Branch summary of activities, October 1981 to June 1982. |
1983/007 | Stratigraphic holes drilled in the Canberra area, 1979 to 1981. |
1983/008 | Magnetotelluric signal amplification and filtering : a novel circuit design |
1983/010 | Central Eromanga Basin seismic reprocessing, 1981 - operational report. |
1983/011 | Mineral resources of Australia 1983 |
1983/012 | Handbooks for MPE-1 photo-electronic magnetometer and MCC-1 magnetometer controller |
1983/013 | Central Eromanga Basin seismic survey, Queensland, 1981: operational Report. |
1983/014 | Abstracts : twelfth BMR Symposium, 17-18 May, 1983, Canberra. |
1983/015 | XYPLT : a program to convert incrementally digitized data to 'Log4' compatible input format |
1983/016 | Heavy metal pollution in the Molonglo River, 1982. |
1983/017 | Einasleigh, Lyndhurst, Conjuboy and Burges 1:100 000 sheet areas - catalogue of field compilation sheets. |
1983/018 | Geology of the Hatches Creek region 1:100 000 map sheet, NT. |
1983/019 | Croydon and adjacent part of Wallabadah 1:100 000 geological sheets: catalogue of preliminary field data compilation sheets. |
1983/020 | Australian national report to the International Association of Seismology and Physics of the Earth's Interior, 1979-1982. |
1983/021 | Description of subsurface sediments from the East Australian continental shelf ('Sonne' cruise SO-15) |
1983/022 | Guide to input procedure, WLDAT source rock database/ |
1983/023 | Murray Basin Hydrogeological Project, progress report 9 for the half year ending 31 March 1983. |
1983/024 | Hydrogeology of the Hume Industrial Estate, ACT. |
1983/025 | Groundwater pollution at Mitchell Industrial Estate, ACT. |
1983/026 | Stream sediment geochemical data - North Head and Forest Home 1:100 000 Sheet areas |
1983/027 | Regolith in Australia : genesis and economic significance : summary papers presented at a symposium held in Canberra, November 1983 |
1983/028 | Gosses Bluff ground magnetic survey, NT, 1969. |
1983/029 | Central Eromanga Basin refraction surveys, 1980, 1981: operations report. |
1983/030 | Shotpoint and petroleum exploration well location maps produced to assist in the BMR research program in central Australia, 1983. |
1983/031 | TRIAV: a computer program for averaging several triangular distributions. |
1983/032 | Presurvey report on Melbourne-Queenscliff airborne magnetic and radiometric survey 1983. |
1983/033 | Murray Basin Hydrogeological Project : progress report 10 for half year ending 30 September 1983 |
1983/034 | BMR stratigraphic drilling in the northeast Amadeus Basin, Northern Territory, 1982. |
Record Number | Title |
1984/001 | Potential for platinum group mineralisation in Australia. |
1984/002 | Review and analysis of northeast Queensland regional gravity and aeromagnetic data to 1982. |
1984/003 | Geology of Arunta Block in the southern part of the Huckitta 1:250 000 sheet area, central Australia -preliminary data, 1980 survey |
1984/004 | LAMDA : a computer program for estimating hypothetical petroleum resources using the 'creaming method' |
1984/005 | The AUSTCO database system: user manual. |
1984/006 | Mineral resources of Australia 1984. |
1984/008 | A dual water wireline log interpretation model, computer program DW. |
1984/009 | Bibliography of the Solomon Sea region. |
1984/011 | Abstracts: Petroleum and Minerals Review Conference 1983, Canberra 23-24 March. |
1984/012 | Summaries: Petroleum and Minerals Review Conference 1984, Canberra 21-24 March. |
1984/013 | Data file AUSTCO : wells drilled for petroleum in Australia (to January 1984). |
1984/014 | Quaternary studies in Australia--future directions : discussion papers presented at a symposium held in Canberra, May 1984 |
1984/015 | First order regional magnetic survey of Australia for epoch 1980.0, March 1978 - July 1979 : operations reports |
1984/016 | Geology of the Devils Marbles Region 1:100 000 map sheet, N.T. |
1984/017 | The geology of the Kurundi Region 1:100 000 map sheet, Davenport Province, N.T. |
1984/018 | Geology of the Elkedra Region 1:100,000 map sheet, N.T. |
1984/019 | A palynological review of the Jurassic below the Injune Creek Group in the Eromanga Basin, Queensland |
1984/020 | Assessment of Australian chromite resources : additional data |
1984/021 | The future outlook for petroleum in Australia in 1984 : speaking notes and slides (paper presented at Petroleum and Minerals Review Conference, March 1984) |
1984/022 | Granulite-gneiss terrains of the southwestern Arunta Block, central Australia : Glen Helen, Narwietooma and Anburla 1:100 000 sheet areas |
1984/023 | Murray Basin Hydrogeological Project : progress report 11 for half year ending 31 March 1984 |
1984/024 | Glossary of morphotectonics |
1984/026 | RW (a two pass method of wireline log interpretation for hydrocarbon reservoir evaluation; computer program RW) |
1984/027 | Log plot (computer programs for wireline log data manipulation and plotting) |
1984/028 | Extended abstracts : 13th BMR Symposium, Canberra, 7-8 November, 1984. |
1984/029 | VALAM and ARLAM : two computer programs for estimating hypothetical petroleum resources using prosect areas and field sizes |
1984/030 | CPLAY: a computer program for estimating undiscovered petroleum resources using the Canadian play method. |
1984/031 | Workshop on Early to Middle Proterozoic of Northern Australia, 5-6 November, 1984 : the BMR model - a discussion paper |
1984/032 | Marine geophysical survey of the West Woodlark Basin, M.V. 'Tapini', 1984 : cruise report |
1984/033 | Shallow stratigraphic drilling, Georgina Basin, 1978 and 1980. |
1984/034 | Murray Basin Hydrogeological Project : progress report 12 for half year ending 30 September 1984 |
1984/035 | Mawson Geophysical Observatory annual report, 1982. |
1984/036 | Mawson Geophysical Observatory annual report, 1983. |
1984/037 | Macquarie Island Geophysical Observatory report, October 1982 - January 1983 |
Record Number | Title |
1985/001 | Gravity measurements at Sydney, Lord Howe and Norfolk Islands. |
1985/003 | New England, Nebine Ridge and Murrumbidgee Batholith crustal surveys, 1984 : operational report |
1985/004 | Geology of the Lake George Basin. |
1985/005 | BMR regional seismic refraction data - disc and magnetic tape file structures and data formats. |
1985/006 | Extended abstracts : Petroleum and Minerals Review Conference 1985, 20-21 March, Canberra. |
1985/007 | Abstracts, ACORP Deep Seismic Reflection Profiling Workshop, 18-20 May, 1982 Canberra |
1985/008 | Gas storage in Australia. |
1985/009 | BMR stratigraphic drilling in the Amadeus Basin, Northern Territory, 1983. |
1985/010 | Mineral deposits of the Georgetown region, Queensland: production figures and bibliography. |
1985/011 | Petroleum exploration and development in Australia, 1984 : activity and results |
1985/012 | Chemical analyses of rocks from East Antarctica: part 2. |
1985/013 | Geomagnetic Workshop, Canberra, 14-15th May 1985: programme and abstracts. |
1985/014 | An estimate of Australian production of crude oil during 1985 to 1994. |
1985/015 | Mineral resources of Australia 1985 |
1985/016 | Mundaring Geophysical Observatory annual report 1982 |
1985/017 | Forad : a computer program for summing probabilistic estimates of future discovery and production of crude oil |
1985/018 | Macquarie Island geophysical observatory, annual report 1982. |
1985/019 | Macquarie Island geophysical observatory, annual report 1983. |
1985/020 | Mineralogy and major element analysis of Cainozoic sediments at Lake George, New South Wales. |
1985/021 | Lamfo and Lampo : programs for calculating the future production of petroleum from undiscovered resources using the creaming method |
1985/022 | Murray Basin Hydrogeological project : progress report 13 for half year ending 31 March 1985 |
1985/023 | Chervil and South Chervil Fields, Carnarvon Basin, WA. Estimated recoverable petroleum reserves as at 23 August 1984. |
1985/024 | Mount Isa field excursion guide, 14-22 August 1985, for conference on tectonics and geochemistry of Early to Middle Proterozoic fold belts. |
1985/025 | Excursion guide : proterozoic evolution of the Halls Creek Province, Western Australia |
1985/026 | Pine Creek geosyncline field excursion guide for the tectonic and geochemistry of early to middle proterozoic fold belts, Darwin, Australia, August 7-14, 1985 |
1985/027 | Excursion guide - Arunta Block, N.T. : Conference on Tectonics and Geochemistry of the Early to Middle Proterozoic Fold Belts, Darwin, August 1985 |
1985/028 | Tectonics and geochemistry of early to middle proterozoic fold belts, Darwin, N.T., Australia, 7-14 August, 1985 : program and abstracts |
1985/029 | Assessment and documentation of mineral resources in the United States and Canada. |
1985/030 | Glossary of morphotectonics |
1985/031 | Rheology of the lithosphere and Australian earthquakes. |
1985/032 | Extended abstracts : petroleum geology of South Pacific island countries. |
1985/033 | Extended abstracts : 14th BMR Symposium, Canberra, 23-24 October 1985. |
1985/034 | Extended abstracts : research trends in gold exploration. |
1985/035 | Harriet Field, Carnarvon Basin, WA : estimated recoverable petroleum reserves as at November 1984 |
1985/036 | BMR Maclean No.1 stratigraphic drill hole, Clarence Moreton Basin. |
1985/037 | Mundaring Geophysical Observatory : twenty-fifth year 1983 |
1985/038 | Mundaring Geophysical Observatory annual report 1984 |
1985/039 | Handbooks for MPE-1 photo-electronic magnetometer (horizontal), MPE-2 photo-electronic magnetometer (vertical) and MCC-1 magnetometer controller |
1985/041 | METPRI users' guide : daily metal prices database reference manual |
1985/042 | Southeast Queensland seismic survey 1984 : operational report |
1985/043 | A proposal for ODP-drilling on the Australian continental margin in the Otway Basin/West Tasmania region |
1985/044 | A stream sediment geochemical orientation survey of the Davenport province, Northern Territory |
1985/045 | BMR activities in the Great Artesian Basin, 1971- 1985. |
1985/046 | Murray Basin Hydrogeological Project : progress report 14 for half year ending 30 September 1985 |
Record Number | Title |
1986/001 | Extended abstracts : Petroleum and Minerals Review Conference 1986, 19-20 March, Canberra. |
1986/002 | A field evaluation of the application of Carr-Boyd Geoscan-MSS imagery to regolith studies for an area southeast of Kalgoorlie, Western Austrlalia. |
1986/003 | The economic viability of deep seabed mining of polymetallic nodules |
1986/004 | Broken Hill magnetotelluric survey 1984: operational report. |
1986/005 | Petroleum exploration and development in Australia : activity and results, 1985 |
1986/006 | RE and HFS (Ti, Zr, Nb, P, Y) element evolution of Archaean mafic-ultramafic volcanic suites, Pilbara Block, Western Australia |
1986/007 | Edith River region, Northern Territory: data record of 1:100 000 scale mapping. |
1986/008 | BMR stratigraphic drilling in the Amadeus Basin, Northern Territory, 1985. |
1986/010 | Genesis of tin-tungsten deposits and their associated granitoids : proceedings of Joint Meeting of Working Groups 2 & 4, IGCP Project 220, "Correlation and resource evaluation of tin/tungsten granites in southeast Asia and the Western Pacific region", 30th June - 2nd July, 1986, Canberra, Australia.) |
1986/011 | FORC2: an improved computer program for estimating future production from undiscovered oil fields. |
1986/012 | Mawson Geophysical Observatory annual report, 1984 |
1986/013 | Central Australia refraction survey, 1985: operational report. |
1986/014 | Geochemical data files of Archaean volcanic rocks, Pilbara Block, Western Australia. |
1986/015 | Mineral resources of Australia, 1986. |
1986/016 | Geomagnetic activities at Davis, Mawson and Casey, Antarctica - 1985/86 summer. |
1986/017 | Digital seismic recorder trail, December 1985 |
1986/018 | BMR drilling in the southern Amadeus Basin, Curtin Springs, Northern Territory, 1985. |
1986/019 | BMR stratigraphic drilling in the Roper Group, Northern Territory, 1985. |
1986/020 | IMPRI users guide : industrial minerals prices database reference manual |
1986/021 | Macquarie Island geophysical observatory, annual report 1984. |
1986/022 | Cadoux microearthquake survey 1983. |
1986/023 | Stow region, Northern Territory; data record of 1:100 000 scale mapping. |
1986/024 | Yeuralba region, Northern Territory : data record of 1:100000 scale mapping |
1986/026 | Murray Basin Hydrogeological Project : progress report 15 for half year ending 31 March 1986 |
1986/027 | The regolith terrain map of Australia 1:5,000,000 |
1986/028 | Report on a visit to the Soviet Union, 8-22 June 1986. |
1986/029 | Pressure testing (single well and interference) -computer programs PULSE and PUPLT |
1986/030 | VALAL and ASSAD : two computer programs for estimating and summing undiscovered petroleum reserves |
1986/031 | Extended abstracts : 15th BMR Research Symposium, Canberra, 13-14 November 1986. |
1986/032 | Ranford Hill, Northern Territory : data record of 1:100,000 scale mapping |
1986/033 | Regolith terrain units of the Hamilton 1:1 000 000 sheet area, Western Victoria. |
1986/034 | Australia's potential for further petroleum discoveries (from May 1986) |
1986/035 | Central Australian seismic survey of Northern Territory, 1985: operational report. |
1986/036 | BMR magnetotelluric system : equipment and software, 1985 |
Record Number | Title |
1987/001 | First order regional magnetic survey of Papua New Guinea: March/April 1985. |
1987/002 | Index of BMR land-based seismic reflection surveys, 1949-1986 |
1987/003 | Quest for the magnetic poles : relocation of the South Magnetic Pole at sea, 1986 |
1987/004 | Extended abstracts : Petroleum and Minerals Review Conference 1987, 18-19 March, Canberra. |
1987/005 | Rig Seismic Research Cruise 2 : Kerguelen Plateau : explanatory notes to accompany release of non-seismic data |
1987/006 | Calibration of the 54mm diameter BMR well-logging density tool. |
1987/007 | Murray Basin Hydrogeological Project : progress report 16 for half year ending 30 September 1986 |
1987/008 | Petrological and petrophysical data from Mesozoic sandstones of the Bundamba Group, Clarence-Moreton Basin |
1987/009 | Extended abstracts : Otway Basin Workshop, Canberra, 17 March 1987 |
1987/010 | Petroleum exploration and development in Australia : activity and results, 1986 |
1987/011 | Preliminary Postcruise Report : Rig Seismic Research Cruise 1987: Otway Basin and West Tasmania sampling: Project 1C.09 BMR Fossil Fuel Project |
1987/012 | In-situ stress measurements with the hydraulic fracture technique. |
1987/013 | Mundaring Geophysical Observatory annual report 1985 |
1987/014 | The role of clays in formation damage in Mesozoic reservoir sandstones of the Eromanga Basin. |
1987/015 | Speaking notes: Petroleum exploration and development in Australia,1986 - an overview |
1987/016 | SERCEL SN368 equipment tests, Millmerran, Queensland, 1986 : operational report |
1987/017 | Factors affecting the availability of Australia's undiscovered crude oil resources : speaking notes and figures |
1987/018 | Mineral resources of Australia 1987. |
1987/019 | Australian hydrogeological maps - a discussion paper. |
1987/020 | Structural geology of the Tommy Creek area, Mount Isa Inlier, NW Queensland. |
1987/021 | West Surat Basin refaction survey, 1986 : operational report |
1987/022 | Helium resources and developments in Australia : speaking notes, figures and tables |
1987/023 | Hydrogeochemistry of the upper Hunter River valley, New South Wales. |
1987/024 | Reconnaissance palynology of selected boreholes in the Central Murray Basin, New South Wales. |
1987/025 | Sedimentology and diagenesis of sediments encountered by Vic. D.M. Piangil West 1, Murray Basin, Southeastern Australia |
1987/026 | Hydrogeological mapping pilot study: Ballarat 1:250 000 sheet area. |
1987/027 | Results of a geophysical well-logging survey, Central Austra lia, 1986. |
1987/028 | Historical development of the Australian mineral industry. |
1987/029 | Mawson Geophysical Observatory annual report, 1985 |
1987/030 | Trace elements geochemistry and petrogenesis of Archaean felsic igneous units, Pilbara Block, Western Australia. |
1987/031 | Mineral sands industry review : speaking notes and figures |
1987/032 | Developments and outlook for lead and zinc in Australia : speaking notes and figures |
1987/033 | Structural setting of the McNamara Group in the Yaringa Creek- Big Toby Creek area, Mt Isa, Queensland, Australia. |
1987/034 | Learmonth Geomagnetic Observatory installation, November 1986 |
1987/035 | Glossary of morphotectonics |
1987/036 | CCOP/SOPAC Moana Wave cruise 3 (MW87-02) to the territorial waters of Western Samoa, the Cook Islands and Kiribati : cruise report. |
1987/037 | Copper in Australia - present, past & future : speaking notes and figures |
1987/038 | Macquarie Island Geomagnetic Observatory annual report, 1985 |
1987/039 | Rig Seismic Research Cruises 10 and 11, southern margin of Australia : explanatory notes to accompany release of non-seismic data |
1987/040 | A criterion for the location of crack initiation in hydraulic fracturing experiments |
1987/041 | Australian marine geoscience in Antarctica : background geology, program , & marine accessibility |
1987/042 | The CSIRO - SGTE - THERMODATA package for the thermodynamic computations at BMR. Overview: Geochemical applications, BMR extensions of data base and species index, installation at BMR. |
1987/043 | Macquarie Island Geomagnetic Observatory annual report, 1986. |
1987/044 | Rig Seismic Research Cruise 6, northern Australia heatflow : explanatory notes to accompany release of geophysical data |
1987/045 | Accelerograph timing system. |
1987/046 | Mawson Geophysical Observatory annual report, 1986 |
1987/047 | Marine heatflow system : instrumentations and technique |
1987/048 | Petroleum geology and geochemistry, Middle Proterozoic, McArthur Basin. |
1987/049 | The application of numerical techniques in earth sciences |
1987/050 | Geology of the Stow Region, Northern Territory. |
1987/051 | Extended abstracts - applied extension tectonics : 16th BMR Research Symposium, Canberra, 24-26 November, 1987. |
1987/052 | A review of mineralisation in the South Alligator Conservation zone. |
1987/053 | Mineral resources and prospectiveness of the proposed world heritage listing of wet tropical rainforests area |
1987/054 | Notes to accompany a 1:5 000 000 Silurian structural history map, 1987. |
1987/055 | Murray Basin Hydrogeological Project : progress report 17 for half year ending 31 March 1987 |
1987/056 | National groundwater data base inventory : 5 year forward program |
1987/057 | National groundwater data base inventory : 5 year forward program |
1987/058 | Palynological analysis B.M.R. Manilla-1 borehole, Murray Basin |
1987/059 | Groundwater contamination incidents in Australia |
1987/061 | Sedimentary petrology of BMR drill cores and shallow vibrocores from playas in the southern Amadeus Basin, Northern Territory. |
1987/062 | Tumut Trough seismic survey, New South Wales, 1987 : operational report |
1987/063 | Omega time mark generator. |
Record Number | Title |
1988/001 | Stratigraphic drilling in the Georgina Basin Burke River Structural Belt August 1986 - January 1987. |
1988/002 | Petroleum exploration and development in Australia : activity and results, 1987 |
1988/003 | Regolith terrain data : Kalgoorlie 1:1 000 000 sheet SH-51, Western Australia |
1988/004 | SEAPUP : a computer program for estimating future production of crude oil from undiscovered resources |
1988/005 | Extended abstracts : Petroleum and Minerals Review Conference 1988, 16-17 March 1988, Canberra. |
1988/006 | Rig Seismic Research Cruises 4 and 5 north east Australia, Queensland Plateau: explanatory notes to accompany release of non-seismic data. |
1988/007 | Abstracts, Murray Basin 88 Conference, Canberra, 23-26 May 1988 |
1988/009 | Hydrothermal transport of platinum and gold in the unconformity-related uranium deposits: a preliminary thermodynamic investigation. |
1988/010 | Eromanga-Brisbane geoscience transect: position papers presented in February, 1988. |
1988/011 | Petroleum and Minerals Review Conference, 16-17 March, 1988 : Australian crude oil production from new discoveries to year 2000 : speaking notes and slides |
1988/012 | Hydrogeology and groundwater resources of Nauru Island, Central Pacific Ocean. |
1988/013 | Rig Seismic Research Cruises 10 & 11 : structure, stratigraphy, and tectonic development of the Great Australian Bight region : preliminary report |
1988/015 | Report on a feasibility study for a joint Sino-Australian comprehensive geological and geophysical study of the eastern Junggar region, Xinjiang, China |
1988/016 | Geological results of R/V Rig Seismic Cruise 11, Great Australian Bight Basin 1986 |
1988/017 | Petroleum and Minerals Review Conference, 16 - 17 March 1988 : nickel : into the nineties : speaking notes and figures |
1988/018 | Deep structure of the Gippsland and Bass Basins : (Project 9131.12B) : research cruise proposal |
1988/019 | R.V. Rig Seismic research cruise 3, offshore, Otway Basin : explanatory notes to accompany release of non-seismic data |
1988/020 | Australia: mineral resource developments, 1985 - 1987 |
1988/021 | Abstracts : International Workshop and Symposium: Seismic Probing of Continents and their Margins, 1-8 July, 1988, Canberra, Australia |
1988/022 | Tumut Trough excursion guide for the International Workshop and Symposium on Seismic Probing of Continents and their Margins, Canberra. 1-8 July 1988 |
1988/023 | Program and information : International Workshop and Symposium: Seismic Probing of Continents and their Margins, 1-8 July, 1988, Canberra, Australia. |
1988/024 | Murray Basin Hydrogeological Project : progress report 18 for the half year ending 30 September 1987 |
1988/025 | A review, overview, and preview of industrial minerals in Australia. |
1988/026 | Mineral sands: will Australia retain its importance? |
1988/027 | Surface geology and structure of the Tumut Seismic Traverse, Lachlan Fold Belt, N.S.W. |
1988/029 | Tin : through turmoil, towards tranquility? : edited speaking notes |
1988/030 | Rig Seismic Research Cruise 7 & 8 : sedimentary basin framework of the northern and western Exmouth Plateau |
1988/031 | Preliminary post cruise report : Rig Seismic research cruises 7 & 8: deep seismic structure of the Exmouth Plateau |
1988/032 | Preliminary post-cruise report : hydrocarbon gas geochemistry in sediments of the offshore Otway and Gippsland Basin: Project 9131.20 BMR Fossil Fuels Project |
1988/033 | Late Palaeozoic and Early Mesozoic rocks in the northeastern part of the Central Eromanga Basin |
1988/034 | Offshore Otway and Gippsland Basin geochemistry : research curise proposal |
1988/035 | North Perth Basin Workshop |
1988/036 | Research cruise proposal : organic carbon cycling and Quaternary phosphorite formation: East Australian continental margin (28-32S) : Project 9131.03 |
1988/037 | Palynological analysis, B.M.R. Piangil West-1 borehole, Murray Basin |
1988/038 | Definition of the continental margin using U.N Convention on the Law of the Sea (Article 76), and its application to Australia. |
1988/039 | Reoccupation of the Heard Island magnetic station, Sept-Nov 1985 |
1988/040 | BMR submission to 1988 review of BMR |
1988/041 | Submission to the Review of Marine Science and Technology |
1988/042 | Extended abstracts : palaeogeography, sea level & climate : implications for resource exploration : 17th BMR Research Symposium, Canberra, 8-10 November 1988. |
1988/043 | Murray Basin 88 : geology, groundwater and salinity management (Canberra, 23-26 May 1988) : conference summary report |
1988/044 | Surficial geology, an Australian database, and their application to landscape evolution in the southern highlands of southeastern Australia. |
1988/045 | Geochemical data analysis system (GDA) : reference manual. |
1988/046 | Amadeus Basin refraction survey, 1988: operational report. |
1988/047 | Tidal effects in West Kingfish pulse tests, December 1987 |
1988/048 | Structure, stratigraphy, evolution and regional framework of the Townsville Trough and Marion Plateau region : research cruise proposal : Project 9131.11 |
1988/049 | Static corrections for land seismic processing. |
1988/050 | SEAPUP update version 5.1 : a computer program for estimating discovery and production of crude oil from undiscovered accumulations |
1988/051 | The distribution of Cadoux aftershocks : additional results from temporary stations near Cadoux, 1983 |
1988/052 | An assessment of the mineral potential of the Helsham Inquiry area and the adjoining areas containing the 'Hole in the Doughnut' area, Central Plateau conservation area and Walls of Jerusalem National Park |
1988/053 | Maturation levels of some Proterozoic organic matter in northern Australia : implications for oil exploration |
Record Number | Title |
1989/001 | Deep Structure of the Gippsland and Bass Basins (Project 9131.12). Operational Report for Cruise 1 (Survey 82) |
1989/002 | Sedimentology and Facies Distribution within the Horn Valley Siltstone, Amadeus Basin : A Reconnaissance Study |
1989/004 | Research Cruise Proposal : Light Hydrocarbon Geochemistry of the Bass, Otway, Stansbury and Gippsland Basins, and Torquay Sub-basin, Southeastern Australia : Project 9131.20 |
1989/005 | Sedimentological Analyses from Deepsea Cores taken off Southwest Victoria, and Western and Southern Tasmania |
1989/006 | Seismicity and earthquake studies in the Australian plate and its margins. |
1989/007 | Copy service database : user manual. |
1989/008 | Calibration of the BMR airborne gamma-ray spectrometers upward-looking detector, February 1989. |
1989/009 | National Minerals and Energy Outlook Conference Canberra 1989 : papers. |
1989/010 | Petroleum Exploration and Development in Australia : Activity and Results, 1988 |
1989/011 | Description of rocks dredged from the Kerguelen Plateau |
1989/012 | Rig Seismic Geophysical and Geological Research Cruise off Western and Southeastern Tasmania |
1989/013 | The Geology of Western Tasmania and its Continental Margin, with Particular Reference to Petroleum Potential : Field Excursion Handout, 1989 APEA Conference, Hobart |
1989/014 | Yolla Gas and Oil Field, Bass Basin, Tasmania : Estimated Recoverable Petroleum Reserves as at 1 October 1988 |
1989/015 | North-east Gippsland Basin and Southern New South Wales Margin : BMR Marine Survey 68 : Explanatory Notes to Accompany Release of Non-seismic Data |
1989/016 | Magnetic modelling of two and three-dimensional bodies : test programs and subroutines in FORTRAN 77 |
1989/017 | IOC Workshop Report: Benthic Microbes and Reefs. Townsville, Australia, August 1988 |
1989/019 | PETCHEM data set : Australia and Antarctica - documentation |
1989/020 | Deep Structure of the Gippsland and Bass Basins (Project 9131.12b): Operational Report for Survey 90 |
1989/021 | NSW - Phosphorites, BMR Marine Survey 71 : Explanatory Notes to Accompany Release of Non-seismic Data |
1989/022 | Guidebook - Arunta Block, central Australia, IGCP Project 235 - Metamorphism and Geodynamics : field conference on granulite facies metamorphism June 25 -July 1, 1989 |
1989/023 | Hydrocarbon Prospectivity of the Offshore South Perth Basin |
1989/025 | Mawson Geophysical Observatory annual report, 1988. |
1989/026 | Rig Seismic Survey 79 : Otway Basin Geochemical Survey, South East Australia : Explanatory Notes to Accompany Release of Non-seismic Data |
1989/027 | BMR Marine Survey 77. Tasman Sea: Explanatory Notes to Accompany Release of Non-seismic Data |
1989/028 | Government Petroleum Databases Workshop. Adelaide 11-12 October 1988: Edited Transcript of Proceedings and Papers Presented, Volume 1 and 2 |
1989/029 | Preliminary Assessment of the Hydrocarbon Prospectivity of Area A of the Zone of Cooperation |
1989/030 | A Review of Gold Mineralisation in Eastern Australia - May 1988 |
1989/031 | Cambrian : Biostratigraphic Charts and Explanatory Notes |
1989/032 | Ordovician : Biostratigraphic Chart and Explanatory Notes |
1989/033 | Silurian : Biostratigraphic Chart and Explanatory Notes |
1989/034 | Devonian : Biostratigraphic Chart and Explanatory Notes |
1989/035 | Carboniferous : Biostratigraphic Charts and Explanatory Notes |
1989/036 | Permian : A Standard for the Permian System in Australia |
1989/037 | Triassic : Biostratigraphic Charts and Explanatory Notes |
1989/038 | Jurassic : Biostratigraphic Charts and Explanatory Notes |
1989/039 | Cretaceous : Biostratigraphic Charts and Explanatory Notes |
1989/040 | Cainozoic : Biostratigraphic Chart and Explanatory Notes |
1989/041 | The Silurian Palaeogeography of Australia |
1989/042 | Preliminary proposal for Geoscientific Assessment for Zone A of the Timor Sea Zone of Cooperation |
1989/043 | Computer generated crustal models for the south west seismic zone Western Australia. |
1989/044 | The BMR MAGSAT and 3rd-Order geomagnetic ORACLE databases |
1989/045 | Gippsland Basin Exploration Wells : Stratigraphic Data and Seismic Ties |
1989/046 | Notes on Croydon, north Queensland, fieldwork July/August 1988 and results of K/Ar dating of sericitic alteration |
1989/048 | An Integral Equation for the Conduction of Heat in a Heterogeneous Layered Structure and its Solution for a Three- dimensional Heterogeneity |
1989/049 | Notes to Accompany a 1:5 000 000 Scale Devonian Structure Map of Australia |
1989/050 | A BMR Marine Geoscience Program in Antarctica |
1989/051 | Proposals for the Re-use of Invalid and Superseded Stratigraphic Names in Australia |
1989/052 | Central Victoria Seismic Test Survey, 1989: Operational Report. |
1989/053 | Geology of the Murray Basin, southeastern Australia. |
1989/054 | Geochemical sampling in the Arunta Block, 1980-8. |