Digitised records 1990s

Last updated:11 July 2023

1990 | 1991 | 1992 | 1993 | 1994 | 1995 | 1996 | 1997 | 1998 | 1999


Record Number Title

1990/001 Sedimentology and diagenesis on the Renmark Group aquifer in Hatfield 1, Murray Basin : (NSW Water Department of Water Resources Bore No. 36675), (BMR Pooncarie No. 9)
1990/002 Facies analysis of the Renmark Group sediments intersected in Woodlands 1, Murray Basin.
1990/004 Deep Structure of the Gippsland and Bass Basins: Onshore Seismic Recording. Operational Report
1990/005 Aspects of structural geology of the Giles layered basic/ultrabasic complex and associated felsic granulites, Tomkinson Range, Musgrave Block, central Australia.
1990/006 Leg 133 - Northeast Australia : Safety Package
1990/007 The Northeast Australian Margin and Adjacent Areas - A Biostratigraphic Review and Geohistory Analysis
1990/008 New Data on the Mesozoic Sedimentary Succession in the Clarence-Moreton Basin, from BMR Warwick 6 and 7 Stratigraphic Drill Holes, New South Wales
1990/009 Arafura Sea - Seismic Reconnaissance with Geochemistry (Project 121.24) : Research Cruise Proposal
1990/010 Direct hydrocarbon detection in the water column of the Torquay Sub-Basin, Victoria, Australia
1990/011 Australian Sealevel Curves. Part 1, Australian Inundation Curves
1990/012 BMR Marine Survey 76 Townsville Trough, Queensland. Explanatory Notes to Accompany Release of Non-seismic Data
1990/013 Carpentaria Basin to Papuan Basin Structural Cross-section
1990/014 Geological Cross-section of the Arafura Basin.
1990/015 Index of BMR Seismic Surveys 1949 -1989 (Revised Ddition).
1990/016 The stratigraphic index database GEODX : user manual
1990/017 Distribution of Triassic Reefs in the Northern Exmouth Plateau and Offshore Canning Basin : (Project 121.23) BMR Offshore Sedimentary Basins Program
1990/018 A field and laboratory study of acoustic impedances of rocks from Tumut, NSW
1990/019 User's guide to the PetChem database
1990/021 Cretaceous Source Rocks of Australia : Interpreted Geochemical Data : APIRA - BMR Palaeogeographic Map Project (Source Rock sub-Project)
1990/022 Clarence-Moreton Basin Workshop, June 1990 : Abstracts
1990/032 Petroleum Exploration and Development in Australia: A BMR Discussion Paper.
1990/033 Latitudes and Longitudes of Shots and Stations, Water Occurances and Drilling Conditions: Canning Basin Seismic Survey, 1988
1990/034 Cainozoic Palaeogeographic Evolution of the Australian Continental Margin
1990/035 Late Silurian geology in the Michelago-Cooma area, A.C.T. and N.S.W., 1883-1985.
1990/036 Hypocentre relocations using data from temporary seismograph stations at Burakin and Wyalkatchem, Western Australia.
1990/037 BMR Marine Survey 46, Lord Howe Rise : Explanatory Notes to Accompany Release of Non-seismic Data
1990/038 Chemical modelling of lead - zinc transport and deposition in Mississippi Valley-type deposits of the Lennard Shelf, Canning Basin, Western Australia.
1990/039 GetSeq : a PC program for extracting data from a remote SQL database : an example of client-server programming
1990/040 Notes to Accompany a 1:5 000 000 Scale Permian Structure Map of Australia.
1990/041 The Ordovician Palaeogeography of Australia.
1990/042 Corrections for Marine Heat Flow Measurements
1990/043 Stratigraphy of Australia's NW Continental Margin (Project 121-26), Research Cruise Proposal (Survey 96)
1990/044 Recent Intraplate Seismicity Studies Symposium : Perth, Western Australia, September 1990
1990/045 Organic Carbon Cycling and Quaternary Phosphorite Formation : East Australian Continental Margin (28-32S) : Project 9131.03 : Sample Locations and Solid Phase Geochemical Results
1990/046 Petrology and whole-rock geochemistry of selected mafic and ultramafic suites from the Pilbara Block and Halls Creek Mobile Zone, Western Australia
1990/047 Excursion guide A-1 : Lady Elliot Island, Great Barrier Reef, 20-22 September, 1990 : Seventh International Conference on Geochronology, Cosmochronology and Isotope Geology, Canberra 1990
1990/048 Granites of the Lachlan Fold Belt : ICOG7 field guide excursion A-2,Canberra September 1990
1990/049 ICOG excursion A-4 : evolution of the southern continental margin of Australia : basaltic volcanism -thermal history of rifting
1990/050 Cooma Granodiorite and Berridale Batholith : ICOG7 field guide excursion B-1, Canberra, September, 1990
1990/051 Excursion guide B-2 : Silurian volcanics and the geological timescale, Canberra region, Wednesday 26 September
1990/052 Field trip C1 : the Taupo Volcanic Zone, central North Island, New Zealand, Sunday 30th September 1990 to Friday 5th October
1990/053 Excursion guide C-2, Broken Hill Block: Saturday 29 September - Friday 5 October 1990
1990/054 Mineralogical, petrographic and geochemical studies in the South Alligator region, Pine Creek Inlier, N.T.
1990/055 Vulcan Graben, Timor Sea : regional structure from a magnetic survey : Project 221.04
1990/056 Bathymetric Mapping of the Australian Continental Margin : A Possible Model for the IOC WESTPAC Region?
1990/057 BMR Geoscience Research Cruise 95 : Triassic and Jurassic Sequences of the Northern Exmouth Plateau and Offshore Canning Basin
1990/059 Report on the geology of the Leonora area, Western Australia
1990/060 The Permian Palaeogeography of Australia
1990/061 Amadeus Basin Workshop, 6-7 December 1990 : Abstracts
1990/063 Work program 1991/92
1990/064 Geological Cross-section of the Vlaming Sub-basin, South Perth Basin
1990/065 Geological Cross-section of the North Perth Basin
1990/067 Papuan Basin Data Compilation : Mesozoic to Cainozoic Stratigraphic Summary Columns and Data Maps
1990/068 Research Cruise Proposal : Vulcan Graben, Timor Sea : Deep Crustal Structure, Structural Reactivation, Aeromagnetics and Hydrocarbon Migration : Project 121.19
1990/069 Preliminary Post-cruise Report : BMR Survey 91 : RV Rig Seismic Investigation of the Offshore Maryborough Basin, Southern Queensland Continental Margin and Northern Tasman Basin - Structure, Stratigraphy and Petroleum Resource Potential
1990/070 An evaluation of the performance of the SIRODBMS spatial database software toolkit.
1990/072 Geological Cross-section across the Petrel Sub-Basin, Bonaparte Basin.
1990/073 Geological Cross-section across the Offshore Canning Basin
1990/074 Joint Geochemical Research: An Agreement between the Commonwealth of Australia and Transglobal Exploration and Geoscience (USA)
1990/075 Australian Petty Patent : An Underwater Operable Dissolved Gas Analyser : Project 121.20
1990/076 The Jurassic Palaeogeography of Australia.
1990/077 Geological Cross-section of the Wessel Rise, Eastern Arafura Basin
1990/078 The structure and tectonics of the Tumut region, N.S.W. : data record and summary of investigations 1986- 1989
1990/079 Mapdat: a program for plotting spatial data from a relational database onto maps
1990/080 Hydrocarbon prospectivity of the West Barrow Vacant Area.
1990/082 Northwest Shelf, Australia - phase II : petroleum geology and geochemistry
1990/083 Werner Deconvolution of Magnetic Data from the Great Australian Bight Region
1990/084 Pine Creek 1:100 000 sheet area, N.T., data record
1990/085 Stratigraphy of Australia's NW Continental Margin (Project 121-26) : Post-cruise Report for BMR Survey 96
1990/086 Database requirements for the North Queensland project.
1990/087 A geological study of stone artefacts in the collection of the Kakadu National Park Headquarters
1990/088 PORPERM : porosity and permeability database
1990/089 The Geobiology of Hamelin Pool : Research Reports of the BAAS Becking Geobiological Laboratory's Shark Bay Project
1990/090 First-order regional magnetic survey of Southwest Pacific Islands, June-July 1989.
1990/091 Mineral data analysis system (MDA) reference manual.
1990/092 Minor metals and rare earth elements in Australian base metal ores : a reconnaissance assay survey
1990/093 Land Seismic Data Acquisition Proposal: Gunnedah Basin, New South Wales
1990/095 Abstracts for the Inaugural National Meeting of the Specialist Group in Economic Geology of the Geological Society of Australia : 31 January/1-2 February, 1991, A.N.U., Canberra : "Ore fluids - their origin, flow paths, effects and products".


Record Number Title

1991/001 Sustainable development, and the mining sector : a BMR view.
1991/002 Fission Track Data Base
1991/003 Hydrogeology of the Kakadu Conservation Zone near Coronation Hill, Northern Territory
1991/004 Research Cruise Proposal : Bonaparte Basin : Structural Reactivation and Hydrocarbon Migration : Project 121.22
1991/006 Structural geology information: collection techniques and data transfer between DG-ORACLE and ARC/INFO.
1991/007 Geological Cross-section Across the Western Timor Sea, Bonaparte Basin
1991/008 Research Cruise Proposal, Area 'A' of the Zone of Cooperation : Deep Crustal Architecture and Hydrocarbon Migration : Project 121.22
1991/009 Southeast Gippsland Basin Hydrocarbon Prospectivity Package
1991/010 Petroleum Prospectivity of Area W91-1 Central Browse Basin, Western Australia
1991/012 Preliminary Reconstructions for the Cretaceous to Cainozoic of the New Zealand - New Caledonia Region
1991/013 Geological Cross-sections of the Eyre, Denman and Ceduna Basins
1991/014 Geology of the Coen Metamorphics with special reference to the Coen and Ebagoola shear zones
1991/015 Deep Structure of the Southern North West Shelf : Cruise Proposal : Project 121.17
1991/016 BMR Marine Survey 82 Gippsland and Bass Basins. Explanatory Notes to Accompany Release of Non-seismic Data
1991/017 Are high heat producing granites essential to the origin of giant lead-zinc deposits at Mount Isa and McArthur River, Australia? : (pre-publication release)
1991/018 Anti-virus software and its implementation in BMR. Part 1: The IBM-compatible PC environment.
1991/019 Research Cruise Proposal : Bonaparte Basin : Deep Crustal Architecture and Hydrocarbon Migration : Project 121.22
1991/020 Potential from Enhanced Oil Recovery Applications in Australia : Final Report : National Energy Research, Development and Demonstration Program Project 976
1991/021 Southern Margin Sampling Program (Project 121.27): Research Cruise Proposal.
1991/022 A transverse section through granites of the Lachlan Fold Belt : second Hutton Symposium excursion guide, Canberra, September 1991
1991/023 Plutonic, volcanic and metamorphic rocks of the New England Batholith : excursion guide, 29 September - 4 October 1991
1991/024 Enclaves in the S-type Cowra grandiorite : excursion guide, 25 September 1991
1991/025 Abstracts : second Hutton Symposium on Granites and Related Rocks, Canberra, September 1991
1991/026 Mawson Geophysical Observatory annual report, 1989
1991/027 Impact of volcanic eruptions on the middle atmosphere : an annotated bibliography
1991/028 Catalogue of field compilation sheets of late Palaeozoic ignimbrites and associated rocks in the Burdekin Falls Dam - `Conway' area (Glendon and adjacent parts of Ravenswood, Strathalbyn, Harvest Home and Collinsville 1:100 000 areas.
1991/029 RTMAP : BMR regolith database field handbook
1991/030 RTMAP : BMR regolith database user's manual
1991/031 Regional Mapping Field Database (REGMAP) status for the Coen Inlier, Cape York 1990-91
1991/032 Notes to Accompany a 1:5 000 000 Scale Structure and Structural History Map of the Australian Triassic
1991/034 Antarctic ROCKCHEM data set documentation
1991/035 Arunta ROCKCHEM data set documentation
1991/036 Lachlan Rockchem data set documentation
1991/037 Mount Isa Rockchem data set documentation
1991/038 Northeast Queensland Rockchem data set documentation
1991/039 Pilbara Rockchem dataset documentation.
1991/040 Pine Creek Rockchem data set documentation
1991/041 South Australian Proterozoic Rockchem data set documentation
1991/042 Tennant Creek Rockchem data set documentation
1991/043 West Australian Proterozoic Rockchem data set documentation
1991/044 The Warrumbungle Volcano, central New South Wales : an outline of the geology and petrology of the Warrumbungle Volcano
1991/045 Deep Structure of the Bonaparte Basin Region : Petrel Sub-basin Cruise Operational Report : Project 121.22 (Survey 100)
1991/046 Trace metals distribution patterns in basalts, Pilbara Craton, Western Australia, with stratigraphic - geochemical implications
1991/047 Abstracts : Sixth International Symposium on the Ordovician System, University of Sydney, Sydney, Australia, July 15-19, 1991
1991/048 The Cambrian - Ordovician Boundary at Black Mountain, Western Queensland : Sixth International Symposium on the Ordovician System : Guidebook for Field Excursion 1
1991/049 Ordovician Siliciclastics and Carbonates of the Amadeus Basin, Northern Territory : Sixth International Symposium on the Ordovician System : Guidebook for Field Excursion 2
1991/050 Ordovician Basins, Volcanoes and Shelves, Southern and Central New South Wales : Sixth International Symposium on the Ordovician System : Guidebook for Field Excursion 3
1991/051 The Victorian Ordovician Graptolite Sequence : Sixth International Symposium on the Ordovician System : Guidebook for Field Excursion 4
1991/059 Mawson Geophysical Observatory annual report, 1990
1991/060 AUSTPLAY : a menu driven computer program for the assessment of undiscovered petroleum resources : user's manual
1991/061 New Zealand : Notes to Accompany Cretaceous-Cainozoic Stratigraphic Summary Columns for the New Zealand Region
1991/062 Distributed image processing using the RTI-CAD PC software package.
1991/063 Seismic Data Acquisition Proposal : Central Officer Basin, South Australia
1991/065 Preliminary report on the geology of Vaughan 1:100 000 map sheet (Mount Doreen 1:250 000 Sheet), Arunta Block and Ngalia Basin, Northern Territory
1991/066 Notes on the geology of the Blayney area.
1991/067 Survey 97 : Operations Report for the Joint BMR/Woodside Petroleum High Resolution Seismic Program in the Dampier Sub-Basin, October 1990
1991/068 Vulcan Sub-Basin, Timor Sea Survey 97 : High Resolution Seismic Reflection Profiling and Direct Hydrocarbon Detection (Vulcan I) : Post-cruise Report : Project 121.19
1991/069 Measured Sections of the Late Proterozoic Olympic Formation, Pioneer Sandstone and Gaylad Sandstone, Amadeus Basin, Central Australia
1991/070 Western Tasmanian Margin Seismic Interpretation and Mapping
1991/071 Eastern Goldfields ACORP transect : a proposal : preview report
1991/072 National repeat station network descriptions : (IAGA magnetic repeat station reporting scheme)
1991/073 New Zealand Cretaceous-Cainozoic Time Slice Structure Maps
1991/074 Cape York Peninsula: comments on mineral potential and availability of data as at January 1990
1991/075 Mesozoic to Cainozoic Plate Tectonic Reconstructions (Preliminary) for Papua New Guinea
1991/076 First-order regional magnetic survey of Papua New Guinea, April-May 1989.
1991/077 The groundwater quality situation in Australia and possible Australian contribution to regional programmes
1991/078 Preliminary mineral occurrence data for Cape York Peninsula
1991/079 Deep Structure of the Southern North West Shelf : Post-cruise Report : Project 121.17
1991/080 Petroleum Exploration and Development in Australia : Activity and Results, 1989
1991/081 Arafura Sea - Seismic Reconnaissance with Geochemistry Survey 94 - Post Cruise Report (Project 121.24)
1991/082 East Arafura Sea - Seismic Reconnaissance (Project 121.31): Research Cruise Proposal
1991/083 Browse Basin Petroleum Prospectivity Study
1991/084 Results of a Preliminary Palynological Examination of Mesozoic Grab Samples from the North West Shelf
1991/085 Surface (Light Hydrocarbon) Geochemistry in the Gippsland and Eastern Otway Basins and the Torquay Sub-basin of Southeastern Australia : Research Cruise 104 Proposal - Project 121: 20
1991/086 Geological Cross-section Across the Offshore Northern Carnarvon Basin
1991/087 Seismic Field Trials on the Nullarbor Plain, South Australia 1991: Operational Report
1991/088 Tropical and Temperate Carbonate Environments - The Effects of Sea Level, Climate and Tectonics on Facies Development. Joint BMR/TRC-JNOC Program - Phase 1. 1991/92 - Southern Queensland Margin Pre-cruise Proposal
1991/089 BMR Petroleum Group Seminar : abstract : Canberra, 24 October 1991.
1991/090 Ashmore-Cartier prospectivity package : an analysis of the petroleum prospectivity of vacant areas overlying the Ashmore Platform, Vulcan Sub-basin, Jabiru Terrace and northern Browse Basin
1991/092 Research Cruise Proposal : BMR Cruise 106 : Seabed Morphology and Offshore Resources Around Christmas Island, Indian Ocean : Project 121.32, BMR Offshore Sedimentary Basins Program
1991/094 Notes on the geology of the Halls Creek 1:100 000 sheet area, east Kimberley, Western Australia : results of 1990 fieldwork
1991/095 Permian Coal and Palaeogeography of Gondwana
1991/096 Work program 1991/92
1991/097 PC X11 Windows Servers providing network access to UNIX graphics
1991/098 Land Seismic Tape Formats and Disco Examples: Land Seismic
1991/099 North Queensland Project 1990, geological reconnaissance of the Coen Inlier, Cape York Peninsula, Queensland
1991/100 North East Australia 3, BMR Marine Survey 75 : Explanatory Notes to Accompany the Release of Non-seismic Data
1991/101 South Perth Basin 1 and 2, BMR Marine Survey 80 and 81 : Explanatory Notes to Accompany the Release of Non- seismic Data
1991/102 Sequence Stratigraphic Interpretation of Seismic Data in the Taroom Region, Bowen and Surat Basins, Queensland.
1991/104 Quaternary climate in Australia : a bibliography
1991/105 Papua New Guinea Data Compilation : Stratigraphic Summary Columns and Data Maps for the Papua New Guinea Orogen and Neogene Basins
1991/106 Configuration options for the HCL-eXceed/W PC X11 server
1991/107 Structural controls on mineralisation of the Coronation Hill deposit and surrounding area
1991/108 Stratigraphy, sedimentology and tectonic evolution of the El Sherana and Edith River groups, Northern Territory, Australia : a contribution to the BMR Kakadu Conservation Zone Project 1987-1992
1991/109 Surveys of the fault scarp of the 1986 Marryat Creek, South Australia, earthquake
1991/110 An Analysis of Methodology used in Commercial Geohistory and Geochemistry Programs: Bury 5.41, Basinmod 2.55 and Matoil 1.4.
1991/113 Mesozoic to Cainozoic Palaeogeographic Maps for the Eastern New Guinea Region


Record Number Title

1992/001 Geochemical data analysis system (GDA): reference manual
1992/002 Post-seismic surveys in the epicentral area of the 1988 Tennant Creek, N.T. earthquakes
1992/003 Mineral data analysis system (MDA) : reference manual
1992/005 A Review of Permian to Cretaceous Palynostratigraphy in Eastern Australia
1992/008 Kalgoorlie regolith terrain map commentary, sheet SH51, Western Australia
1992/009 A study of the felsic volcanic succession south-east of Coronation Hill : palaeovolcanology, geochemistry, geochronology
1992/010 East Arafura Reconnaissance Survey Operational Report (Project 121.31 - Survey 106)
1992/011 Cretaceous - Cainozoic Palaeogeography of the New Zealand - New Caledonia Region
1992/012 Stratigraphic and structural studies in the Breadalbane-Currawang area, Gunning and Goulburn 1:100 000 sheet areas : report on investigations 1985-1986
1992/013 Andover mafic-ultramafic complex, West Pilbara, Western Australia : chemical and petrographic data, and summary of geology
1992/014 QUAKES : BMR-ASC World Earthquake Database : user's manual
1992/015 Philippine Marine Seismic Survey Project Cruise Proposal : Project 123.3 (Survey 108)
1992/016 Sustainable development : energy and mineral resources in the Circum-Pacific region and the environmental impact of their utilisation : program and abstracts, 9-12 March 1992, Queen Sirikit National Convention Centre, Bangkok, Thailand.
1992/017 Tropical and temperate carbonate environments : the effects of sea level, climate and tectonics on facies development
1992/018 Mundaring Geophysical Observatory annual report 1990
1992/020 Gulf of Carpentaria petroleum prospectivity study
1992/021 Sample, fluid inclusion, stable isotope, and geochronological data for epithermal gold prospects in the northern Drummond Basin.
1992/022 Geology of the Mount Hay-Mount Chapple massif (Arunta Block, Hermannsburg 1:250 000 sheet area, central Australia) Field report, 1990. A contribution to the Kimberley-Arunta NGMA Project. (Mineral Provinces 11)
1992/023 Selected Australian mineral discoveries since 1970
1992/024 Petroleum Prospectivity of the East Malita Graben Area, Bonaparte Basin
1992/025 Integrated spatial information systems in BMR : a report on findings to the BMR IRMC
1992/026 Quaternary Evolution, Modern Geological Processes and Potential Impact of Additional Petroleum Exploration Activity in the Gulf of Carpentaria : (Release 1 of 1992)
1992/027 Geographic information systems, cartographic and geoscience data standards, Bureau of Mineral Resources, Geology and Geophysics, 18-20 March 1992 : workshop proceedings.
1992/028 Deep Structure of the Southern North West Shelf : SNOWS-II Cruise Proposal : Project 121.17
1992/029 Seismic Data Processing Report for Bureau of Mineral Resources, Geology and Geophysics, Marine Geoscience and Petroleum Geology Group : Bonaparte Basin Seismic Survey 1991 : BMR Survey 100
1992/030 Quaternary Evolution, Modern Geological Processes and Potential Effects of Additional Petroleum Exploration Activity on the Van Diemen Rise, Timor Sea (East Malita Graben Area) : Release 1 of 1992
1992/031 Mineral and Land Use Program's laboratories annual report 1990 - 1991
1992/033 Field relationships and tectonic history of the Hinckley Gabbro felsic to mafic granulites and granitoids, West Hinckley Range and Champ de Mars areas, Tomkinson Ranges, Musgrave Block, WA. Mineral Provinces 13.
1992/034 Explanatory notes for the 1:100 000 scale environmental map of the Tomkinson Ranges, western Musgrave Block, central Australia
1992/035 Offshore Sydney Basin and NSW Continental Margin Geochemistry and Sedimentology : Natural Processes, Anthropogenic Contributions and Non-renewable Resources : Project 121.37
1992/036 Alkaline rocks of Australia : ROCKCHEM data set documentation
1992/037 McArthur Basin and Murphy Inlier ROCKCHEM data set documentation
1992/038 Yilgarn Craton Rockchem data set documentation
1992/040 Deep Structure of the Southern North West Shelf : Shallow Water Barrow Sub-basin Survey Proposal : Project 921.17
1992/041 South West Pacific Data Package
1992/043 A Review of Ordovician Source Rocks, Canning Basin, Western Australia
1992/044 Comparison of the mineral resource classification schemes of China and Australia
1992/045 Carnarvon Basin (Barrow Sub-basin) Geochemical Calibration Survey : Project 121.18
1992/046 Light Hydrocarbon Geochemistry in Bottom-waters of the Arafura Sea, Northern Australia : Project 121.24
1992/047 Light Hydrocarbon Geochemistry of the Bonaparte Basin, Including the Sahul Syncline, Malita Graben and Southern Petrel Sub-basin : Rig Seismic Survey 100 : Project 121.22
1992/048 A Review of the Devonian Brachiopod Record in the Canning Basin, Western Australia
1992/049 Philippines Marine Seismic Survey Project Cruise Report : Project 123.03 (Survey 109)
1992/050 Light Hydrocarbon Geochemistry of the Bonaparte Basin : Including the Sahul Syncline, Malita Graben and Northern Petrel Sub-basin : Rig Seismic Survey 99 : Project 121.24
1992/051 Tropical and Temperate Carbonate Environments - The Effects of Sea Level, Climate and Tectonics on Facies Development : Joint BMR/TRC-JNOC Program : Phase 2, 1992/93 - Southern Great Barrier Reef : Pre-cruise Pproposal
1992/052 Light Hydrocarbon Geochemistry of the Gippsland, North Bass, Bass, Otway and Stansbury Basins and the Torquay Sub- basin, South-eastern Australia : Project 121.20
1992/053 The nature of high-strain zones in the Laverton-Leonora area, Western Australia
1992/054 South-eastern Australia Surface Geochemistry II: Light Hydrocarbon Geochemistry in Bottom-waters of the Gippsland Basin, Eastern Otway Basin, Torquay Sub-Basin and the Durroon Sub-Basin. Vols 1 and 2.
1992/055 The geology of Arnhem Land, Northern Territory
1992/056 Mawson Geomagnetic Observatory magnetic results, 1989
1992/057 Mawson Geophysical Observatory annual report, 1991
1992/058 First order regional magnetic survey in the Prince Charles Mountains, Antarctica and at Heard Island, 1992.
1992/059 Regional magnetic repeat-station survey in Kemp Land and the Charles Mountains, Antarctica, 1989/1990
1992/060 Deep Structure of the Southern North West Shelf : SNOWS-II (Survey 110) Post-cruise Report
1992/061 Light Hydrocarbon Geochemistry of the WA-28-P Area, Dampier Sub-basin, Western Australia : Rig Seismic Survey 97 : Project 121.19
1992/062 Light Hydrocarbon Geochemistry of the Vulcan Sub-Basin, Timor Sea : Rig Seismic Survey 97 : Project 121.19
1992/063 Results from GIS development contract : 17th September, 1991 - 16th April, 1992
1992/064 U-Pb analytical results for granitic rocks from the Coen Inlier, North Queensland
1992/066 Mt Isa Inlier and Environs Mineral Deposit Database version 1.0 : explanatory notes
1992/067 The structural and metamorphic geology of the Ebagoola 1:250 000 sheet (SD54-12), Coen Inlier, Cape York Peninsula
1992/068 Strain partitioning near the Keith-Kilenny Fault Zone in the central Norseman-Wiluna Belt, Western Australia
1992/069 Fluid inclusion and oxygen isotope data and summary of evidence for low-temperature gold, platinum and palladium (+uranium) mineralisation at Coronation Hill, Northern Territory, Australia
1992/070 District surrounding the Armanda Sill, Halls Creek Inlier, Western Australia
1992/071 Preliminary map commentary - Australia 1:250 000 basement geology and regolith landforms Ebagoola (SD54-12), Queensland
1992/072 Epithermal gold mineralisation in the northern Drummond Basin, Queensland
1992/073 Petrology of the layered mafic/ultramafic Giles Complex, western Musgrave Block, Western Australia : Igneous stratigraphy, mineralogy and petrogenesis of the Jameson Range, Murray Range, Blackstone Range, Hinckley Range, Bell Rock Range, south Mt. West and Latitude Hill intrusions
1992/074 The stratigraphy of metamorphic rocks of the Ebagoola 1:250 000 sheet area in Cape York Peninsula, north Queensland
1992/075 Igneous rocks of the Ebagoola 1:250 000 sheet area, Cape York Peninsula, north Queensland : field, petrographic, and geochemical data
1992/076 Interpretation of Ebagoola aeromagnetic and gravity data
1992/077 A geological interpretation of the regional gravity and magnetic features of north Queensland
1992/078 Regolith mapping using integrated Landsat TM imagery and high resolution gamma-ray spectrometric imagery : Cape York Peninsula
1992/080 Geology of the walking trails in Kakadu National Park; Jim Jim Falls area
1992/081 Geology of the walking trails in Kakadu National Park : Nourlangie area
1992/084 Petroleum Prospectivity Evaluation Report Arafura Basin
1992/085 Dual Oracle database environment and change control management
1992/086 3D and 4D GIS for space-time modelling of geoscience data
1992/087 Draft Future Program Strategy for AGSO's Marine Geoscience and Petroleum Geology Program
1992/088 Playback and Processing of Data from AGSO Portable Seismic Recording Systems
1992/089 Central Officer Basin, South Australia Seismic Data Acquisition, 1993
1992/090 Work program 1992/93
1992/092 Light Hydrocarbon Geochemistry in Bottom-waters of the Philippines Continental Shelf ; Project 123.03 AGSO (Survey 109)
1992/093 Cruise Preview Report Prydz Bay and Mac.Robertson Shelf, Antarctica January-March 1993
1992/094 Deep Structure of the East Malita Graben Region - Western Arafura and Northern Timor Seas : Cruise Proposal : Project 121.39
1992/095 Deep Structure of the Joint Development Zone and Adjacent Areas, Timor Sea : Cruise Proposal :Project 121.36
1992/096 Canning Basin Project. Well Folio, Stage 1
1992/097 Geological Framework of the Southern Lord Howe Rise/West Norfolk Ridge Region: Cruise Proposal
1992/099 Integrating ER mapper into AGSO's spatial environment
1992/100 Australian seismological report, 1989


Record Number Title

1993/001 Canning Basin Project.
1993/003 Explanatory Notes and Tectonic Elements Map and Database of the North West Shelf, Australia
1993/004 Summary of Phanerozoic Biostratigraphy and Palaeontology of the Canning Basin (Lennard Shelf)
1993/005 Preliminary Results of AGSO RV Rig Seismic Survey 112 Leg B
1993/006 BMR Cruise 107: Seabed Morphology and Offshore Resources around Christmas Island, Indian Ocean
1993/007 Physical Properties and Bulk Chemical Composition of Continental Shelf and Slope Sediments of Australia
1993/008 Rig Seismic Survey 112, Modern Processes and Environmental Monitoring Strategies Offshore Sydney : A Joint Program between the Australian Geological Survey Organisation and the Water Board (Sydney)
1993/010 Rig Seismic Survey 112: Continuous Geochemical Tracers (CGT), Natural Processes and Anthropogenic Inputs to Seawater Off Sydney
1993/011 Users' giude to the OZCHRON database of Australian geochronology.
1993/012 Linking continental databases in the Oracle RDBMS with project data in the Arc/Info GIS
1993/013 Regional Structure of the Gippsland Basin : Interpretation and Mapping of a Deep Seismic Data Set
1993/014 Western Otway Basin 1992 aeromagnetic dataset : images and interpretation
1993/015 Archaean Crustal Structure from Seismic Reflection Profiling, Eastern Goldfields, Western Australia : Results from the Kalgoorlie Seismic Transect
1993/016 Penola (Western Otway Basin) airborne geophysical survey, 1992: operations report
1993/017 Ordovician Conodont Distribution in Selected Petroleum Exploration Wells, Canning Basin, Western Australia
1993/018 Geological Sampling in the Great Australian Bight : Scientific Post-cruise Report - R/V Rig Seismic Cruise 102 : AGSO Project 121.27
1993/019 3rd Australian Geomagnetism Workshop : Canberra, 20-21 April, 1993 : abstracts
1993/020 Palaeomagnetism in Australasia : dating, tectonic and environmental applications : seminar abstracts : Australian Geological Survey Organisation, Thursday, 22nd and Friday, 23rd April 1993 : AGSO Project 224.03
1993/021 Petroleum Geology of the Clarence-Moreton Basin
1993/022 Magnetic Susceptibility, Calcium Carbonate and the Geochemical Composition of Sediments from the Australian Continental Margin
1993/024 Kalgoorlie seismic events 1965-1971
1993/026 Analytical methods used in Mineral & Land Use Program's geochemical laboratory
1993/027 The relationship between gold mineralization and metamorphic grade in the Menzies-Kambalda area, Eastern Goldfields, WA : evidence from fluid inclusions
1993/028 Final report on the geology of Vaughan 1:100 000 map sheet (Mount Doreen 1:250 000 Sheet), Arunta Block and Ngalia Basin, Northern Territory
1993/030 Browse Basin module : 1992-1993
1993/031 Dampier Sub-basin module : 1992-1993
1993/032 Summary of geoscientific information for the East Kimberley, Western Australia, with specific reference to the Dixon Range 1:250 000 Sheet (SE/52-6) and Gordon Downs 1:250 000 Sheet (SE/52-10)
1993/033 Geochemistry of Sediments from the North East Australian Continental Margin, Including the Great Barrier Reef Slope, Queensland Plateau and Trough and the Osprey Embayment
1993/035 Field guide to the Adelaide Geosyncline and Amadeus Basin, Australia.
1993/036 Palaeomagnetic reconnaissance of Upper Palaeozoic volcanics, Northeastern Queensland
1993/037 Assembling the Ebagoola 1:250 000 integrated dataset in ER mapper.
1993/038 Mawson Geophysical Observatory annual report, 1992
1993/039 NUCEXP, Nuclear Explosions Database users' manual
1993/040 Deep Structure of the Browse Basin Region, North West Shelf Australia: Cruise Proposal
1993/041 Ballarat airborne geophysical survey 1992: operations report
1993/042 Dubbo airborne geophysical survey, 1991: operations report
1993/043 The 1975/76 BMR long aeromagnetic traverses over Australia
1993/044 OZCHRON dataset documentation
1993/045 Fluvial Architecture of Triassic-Jurassic Sediments of the Bundamba Group in the Northern Part of the Clarence- Moreton Basin, Queensland : An Excursion Guide for the 5th International Conference on Fluvial Sedimentology. Modern and Ancient Rivers - Their Importance to Mankind
1993/046 The AGSO field geological note books : a user's guide
1993/047 Deep Structure of the Eastern Malita Graben and Adjacent Areas in the Timor and Western Arafura Seas: Survey 118 Operational Report
1993/048 Deep Structure of the Southern North West Shelf : Offshore Canning Basin (SNOWS-3) Pre-cruise Report
1993/049 User's guide to the NGMA field database.
1993/051 Sequence Stratigraphic Interpretation of Seismic Data North of 26S, Bowen and Surat Basins, Queensland
1993/052 Australian seismological report, 1990
1993/053 An international conference on crustal evolution, metallogeny and exploration of the Eastern Goldfields : Excursion guidebook
1993/054 An international conference on crustal evolution, metallogeny and exploration of the Eastern Goldfields : extended abstracts
1993/055 Five regional field magnetic data sets for Australia
1993/056 Deep Structure of the Offshore Canning Basin, North West Shelf : SNOWS-3 (Survey 120) Post-cruise Report
1993/057 Influence of environment on contrasting styles of volcanism, volcaniclastics, and sedimentation : the Devonian boyd volcanic complex, southeastern Australia : IAVCEI, Canberra 1993 : excursion guide
1993/058 Newer volcanics province - basalts, xenoliths and megacrysts : IAVCE1, Canberra 1993 : excursion guide
1993/059 The geology, volcanology, petrology-geochemistry, and tectonic evolution of the New Hebrides Island Arc, Vanuatu : IAVCEI, Canberra 1993 : excursion guide
1993/060 Tumut region : IAVCEI, Canberra 1993 : excursion guide
1993/061 Monaro volcanic province IAVCEI,Canberra 1993: excursion guide
1993/062 Eruptive environment and geochemistry of Archaean ultramafic, mafic and felsic volcanic rocks of the eastern Yilgarn Craton : IAVCEI, Canberra 1993 : excursion guide
1993/063 Mount Read volcanics and associated ore deposits, Tasmania : IAVCEI, Canberra 1993 : excursion guide
1993/064 Newer volcanics province - processes and products of Phreatomagmatic activity : IAVCEI, Canberra 1993 : excursion guide
1993/065 Northland and Taupo zone volcanism, North Island, New Zealand : IAVCEI, Canberra 1993 : excursion guide
1993/066 Woodlawn massive sulphide deposit : IAVCEI, Canberra 1993 : excursion guide
1993/067 The Cowra granodiorite and its enclaves : IAVCEI, Canberra 1993 : excursion guide
1993/068 Palaeozoic felsic volcanism in the Canberra district : IAVCEI, Canberra 1993 : excursion guide
1993/069 Rabaul caldera - Papua New Guinea : IAVCEI, Canberra 1993 : excursion guide
1993/070 Warrumbungle, Nandewar, and Tweed volcanic complexes : IAVCEI, Canberra 1993 : excursion guide
1993/071 Sir Samuel airborne geophysical survey, 1993: operations report
1993/072 International Conference on Hot Dry Rock Geothermal Energy : abstracts (with program)
1993/073 Procedures to access point spatial and attribute data in an Oracle database from within the ARC/INFO GIS
1993/074 Deep Structure of the Joint Development Zone and Adjacent Areas, Timor Sea : Survey 116 Post-cruise Report
1993/075 Sahul Shoals Processes : Neotectonics and Cainozoic Environments : Cruise Proposal : Project 121.41
1993/076 Work program 1993/94
1993/077 Documentation for MURBO, the Murray Basin Borehole Database: version 1.1
1993/078 Post Cruise Report, Prydz Bay and Mac. Robertson Shelf, Antarctica, January - March 1993
1993/079 North West Margin Transects : Cruise Proposal
1993/080 Forbes airborne geophysical survey 1993: operations report
1993/081 Users' guide to AGSO's Oracle database system.
1993/082 Geology of the Featherbed Cauldron complex, North Queensland. Part 1-Eruptive rocks and post-volcanic sediments
1993/083 Second AGSO Petroleum Group Seminar, 17-18-19 November 1993 : Key Abstracts.
1993/084 Evaluation of the Continental Margins Program 1992/93.
1993/085 N/O L'Atalante Swath-bathymetry and Geophysical Survey of the Norfolk Ridge and Vening-Meinesz Fracture Zone, October 1993
1993/086 The University of Papua New Guinea (UPNG): Final Report to the International Development Program of Australian Universities and Colleges (IDP) and UPNG
1993/087 Geochemistry of Surface Sediments from the Southern Australian Continental Margin Including Offshore West Tasmania, South Australia and Victoria
1993/088 Estimation of leakage rates through the Shepparton Formation aquifer, Deniliquin, New South Wales.
1993/089 Gunnedah Basin and Cobar Basin Seismic Test Survey 1989: Operational Report
1993/090 Cobar Basin Seismic Survey 1989: Operational Report
1993/091 Bowen Basin Seismic Survey 1989: Operational Report
1993/092 Gunnedah Basin Seismic Survey 1991: Operational Report
1993/093 Geochemistry of Exmouth Plateau and Carnarvon Terrace Sediments of the West Australian Continental Margin, Including ODP Leg 123 Cores
1993/094 User's guide to the OZMIN mineral deposits database.
1993/095 Central Eromanga Basin Seismic Survey 1982: Operational Report
1993/096 S.E. Queensland Seismic Survey 1986: Operational Report
1993/097 Otway Basin Seismic Survey 1992: Operational Report
1993/098 AGSO Formats for Marine Seismic and Navigation Digital Data
1993/099 Submission to 1992/93 review of the Australian Geological Survey Organisation.
1993/100 Cruise Proposal: Swath-mapping Cruise off Tasmania using R.V. L'Atalante


Record Number Title

1994/001 Geology and Geophysics of the Offshore Maryborough, Capricorn and Northern Tasman Basins: Results of AGSO Survey 91
1994/002 Seafloor Morphology and Tectonics of the Christmas Island Area, Indian Ocean
1994/003 Procedures to configure shared work areas for the ARC/INFO GIS
1994/004 AGSO ORACLE developers' guide
1994/005 Field excursion guide: Kosciusko to Wagga Wagga.
1994/006 Field excursion guide: Kosciusko Summit walks
1994/007 Regolith-landforms of the Ebagoola 1:250 000 sheet area (SD54-12), North Queensland
1994/008 Stream sediment geochemistry of the Ebagoola 1:250 000 sheet area, Cape York Peninsula, north Queensland
1994/009 Granitic rocks of the Coen and Cape Weymouth 1:250 000 sheet areas, Cape York Peninsula, North Queensland: reconnaissance, field, petrographic and geochemical data
1994/010 Australian seismological report, 1991
1994/011 Igneous rocks of northern Queensland : 1:500 000 map and GIS explanatory notes
1994/012 Geology of the Oberon 1:100 000 sheet area, preliminary report and data record.
1994/013 Papuan Basin module : 1993-1994
1994/014 NGMA/PESA Otway Basin Symposium, Melbourne, 20 April 1994 : Extended Abstracts
1994/015 Environmental Geochemistry and Marine (hydrocarbon) Resources Offshore Victoria and New South Wales : Proposal for Rig Seismic Survey 126
1994/016 Benthic Chambers, Nutrient Fluxes and the Biogeochemistry of the Seafloor from Port Phillip Bay, Australia
1994/017 Landsat-5 thematic mapper image correlations: application to NGMA mapping of the Western Musgrave Block, central Australia.
1994/018 Otway Basin Seismic Test Survey 1991 : Operational Report
1994/019 Barrow-Exmouth Sub-basin module 1993-1994
1994/020 Geology of Late Palaeozoic ignimbrites and associated rocks in the Georgetown region, northeastern Queensland
1994/021 The geology of Palaeozoic volcanic and associated rocks in the Burdekin Falls Dam - "Conway" area, northeastern Queensland
1994/023 The Granites area (the Granites (S), Highland Rocks, Mount Solitaire (S and E), Mount Theo) airborne geophysical survey, 1993 : operations report
1994/024 Drafting and type specifications for 1:100 000 and 1:250 000 geological maps
1994/025 Mundaring Geophysical Observatory, 1986 to 1989
1994/027 Mundaring Geophysical Observatory annual report 1991
1994/028 Mawson Geophysical Observatory, 1993 : annual report & data summary
1994/029 Geomagnetic report Davis and Casey, 1993
1994/030 Magnetic repeat station survey of Papua New Guinea and the South West Pacific, May-June 1993
1994/031 Plate-wide Palaeogeographic Maps
1994/032 Catalogue of Type, Figured and Cited Specimens in the Commonwealth Palaeontological Collection, Vertebrata
1994/033 Sahul Shoals Processes : Neotectonics and Cainozoic Environments : Cruise 122, Post Cruise Report : Project 121.41
1994/034 U-Pb Zircon ion-microprobe ages from the northern Drummond Basin, northeastern Queensland
1994/035 Catalogue of Type, Figured and Cited Specimens in the Commonwealth Palaeontological Collection, Conodonta
1994/036 Users' guide to PETROG: AGSO's petrography database.
1994/037 North West Margin Transects : Survey 128 Post-cruise Report
1994/038 Preliminary regolith mapping of the Highland Rocks region using Landsat MSS and high resolution gamma-ray spectrometric imagery
1994/039 Eastern Otway Basin - Horizon Maps for the Onshore Areas at 1:250 000 scale
1994/040 The Cretaceous geology of northeastern Arnhem Land, Northern Territory
1994/041 Geology and Petroleum Potential of Ragay Gulf, Tayabas Bay, Northeast Palawan Shelf and Cuyo Platform, Philippines
1994/042 Origin of Petroleum in the Bowen and Surat Basins : Implications for Source, Maturation and Migration
1994/043 OZMIN documentation: AGSO's national mineral deposits database.
1994/044 Index of airborne geophysical surveys
1994/045 Phanerozoic magnetostratigraphy : a contribution to the timescales project
1994/046 Guide to Genera File of Fossil Spores and Pollen of Jansonius and Hills
1994/047 Mundaring Geophysical Observatory annual report, 1993
1994/048 The Tectonic Framework of the Canning Basin, W.A., including 1:2 million Structural Elements Map of the Canning Basin
1994/049 Geoscience Data Storage Workshop, 29 August 1994 : proceedings.
1994/050 Structural and Stratigraphic Evolution of the Townsville Basin, Townsville Trough, Offshore Northeastern Australia
1994/051 Otway Basin: Regional Seismic Horizon Maps for the Onshore Areas at the 1:500 000
1994/052 Quaternary Climate in Australia : A Bibliography
1994/052 Quaternary Climate in Australia : A Bibliography
1994/053 High Resolution Seismic Survey of the Exmouth, Barrow, and Dampier Sub-basins, North West Shelf, Australia : Cruise Proposal
1994/054 Structure and tectonic development of the Mount Doreen 1:250 000 sheet area
1994/055 Creating ARC/INFO coverages from microstation design files : some procedures and AML routines
1994/056 Australian Regolith Conference '94, Broken Hill, 14 -17 November 1994 : abstracts
1994/057 Australian Regolith Conference '94, Broken Hill, NSW, 14-17 November, 1994 : field guide and notes on the regolith and landscape features of the Broken Hill region, western NSW, Wednesday 16 November, 1994
1994/058 Magnetic fabric and palaeomagnetic studies in the Texas and Coffs Harbour Blocks, New England Orogen
1994/059 Canning Basin Project (Stage II) - Geochemical and Porosity/Permeability Data
1994/060 Officer Basin Seismic Processing Report
1994/061 Cruise Proposal : Otway Basin, South-eastern Australia : Deep Crustal Seismic Data Acquisition, Late 1994/Early 1995 Project
1994/062 Cenozoic Cool-water Carbonates of the Great Australian Bight : Reading the Record of Southern Ocean Evolution, Sealevel, Paleoclimate, and Biogenic Production : Revised ODP Proposal - December 1994
1994/063 Digital near-source accelerograms recorded in Tangshan, China : part 1 (October 1991-December 1993)
1994/065 Geological Framework of the Southern Lord Howe Rise/West Norfolk Ridge Region : Project 121.30 : Post Cruise Report
1994/066 Cainozoic Sedimentary Basins in the Alice Springs Region: Records of Drilling and Reconnaissance Geology
1994/067 Canning Basin Project Stage II - Geohistory Modelling
1994/068 AGSO Cruise 125 Report : Tasmante Swath-mapping and Reflection Seismic Cruise off Tasmania using R.V. L'Atalante
1994/069 Australian seismological report, 1992


Record Number Title

1995/001 Cruise Proposal : AGSO Cruise 147 : Stratigraphy, Tectonic History and Palaeoclimate of the Offshore Tasmanian Region
1995/002 Well-log Data, Officer Basin, South Australia
1995/003 Roebuck and offshore Canning Basins : Beagle Sub-basin module
1995/004 An inventory of saline water disposal basins, Murray Basin.
1995/005 Structure and kinematics of the HYC-Cooley zone at McArthur River
1995/006 Guide to AGSOREFS: AGSO's shared bibliographic reference database.
1995/007 Petrel Sub-basin
1995/008 Plate tectonics : teacher notes and student activities
1995/009 The Mourquong Discharge Complex and disposal basin, Murray Basin, SE Australia
1995/010 Crustal Transects of the Great Australian Bight : A Cruise Proposal in Support of the Ocean Drilling Program and the Law of the Sea
1995/011 Investigation of a Lower-plate Continental Margin: A Proposal for Drilling in the Great Australian Bight Region by the Ocean Drilling Program
1995/012 The Argo Abyssal Plain : A Proposal to Drill Reflecting Interfaces within Oceanic Crust
1995/013 Circum-Tasmania and South Tasman Rise : Cruise Proposal for Deep Crustal Seismic Data Acquisition, 1995
1995/014 Time and life: geological time and palaeontology: teacher notes and student activities
1995/015 Transit Survey from Brisbane to Tonga by R/V Melville of the Scripps Institution of Oceanography during Westward Expedition Leg 06, 1994 : Post-cruise Report
1995/016 PALEO database : manual for data entry, modification and display
1995/017 High Resolution Seismic Survey of the Northern Carnarvon Basin, North West Shelf, Australia : Survey 136 Post- cruise Report
1995/018 Deep Structure of the Otway Basin, Southeastern Australia, Survey 137 (Phases 1 and 2) : Post-cruise report
1995/019 Silicate chemistry : teacher notes and student activities
1995/020 Earthquakes: Teacher notes and student activities
1995/021 Climate change : teacher notes and student activities
1995/022 Users' guide to RTMAP : regolith landform mapping database
1995/023 Geology, geomorphology and hydrology of the Lake Bathurst drainage basin, New South Wales
1995/024 Volcanoes : teacher notes and student activities
1995/026 ROCKCHEM dataset version 2 documentation : AGSO's national whole rock geochemistry database
1995/027 Deep crustal seismic survey, circum-Tasmania and south Tasman rise : AGSO Survey 148/159 post-cruise report
1995/028 Pre-cruise Report - Prydz Bay - MacRobertson Shelf and Kerguelen Plateau, February-April 1995 : AGSO Cruise 149, R.V. Aurora Australis
1995/029 Antarctic CRC Marine Geoscience, Prydz Bay, Mac.Robertson Shelf and Kerguelen Plateau, 1995 : Post-cruise Report : AGSO Cruise 149, ANARE Voyage 6, 1994/95 (BANGSS)
1995/030 Cambrian : Australian Phanerozoic Timescales Biostratigraphic Charts and Explanatory Notes Second Series
1995/032 Silurian : Australian Phanerozoic Timescales Biostratigraphic Charts and Explanatory Notes Second Series
1995/033 Devonian : Australian Phanerozoic Timescales Biostratigraphic Charts and Explanatory Notes Second Series
1995/034 Carboniferous : Australian Phanerozoic Timescales Biostratigraphic Charts and Explanatory Notes Second Series
1995/037 Jurassic : Australian Phanerozoic Timescales Biostratigraphic Charts and Explanatory Notes Second Series
1995/038 Cretaceous : Australian Phanerozoic Timescales Biostratigraphic Charts and Explanatory Notes Second Series
1995/040 Interpretation of aeromagnetic data over the southern Joseph Bonaparte Gulf in the context of petroleum prospectivity
1995/043 The Scotia groundwater discharge complex, Murray Basin, SE Australia
1995/044 Atlas of isoseismal maps of Australian earthquakes, part 3
1995/045 Interpretation of regional magnetic and gravity data in Cape York Peninsula, Queensland
1995/046 Second National Forum on GIS in the Geosciences, 29 - 31 March 1995, Australian National Library : forum proceedings.
1995/047 Mawson Geophysical Observatory annual report, 1994
1995/048 Magnetic repeat station survey of Australia for epoch 1995.0, 1993-1994
1995/049 Fundamental gravity network survey, Mildura - Broken Hill - Mannahill : operations report
1995/052 Correlation of marine seismic and high resolution airborne magnetic data : a case study in the western Otway Basin, Offshore Victoria
1995/053 The science of gold : teacher notes and student activities
1995/054 Bendigo airborne geophysical survey, 1994: operations report
1995/055 Swath-mapping ADEDA V Survey by RV L'Atalante from Adelaide to Davao along the Continental Margin of Western Australia, 1994 : Post-cruise and ADEDA V/TRANSNOR Data Processing Report
1995/056 AGSO Cruise 147 Report : Tasman Rises Geological Sampling Cruise of Rig Seismic : Stratigraphy, Tectonic History and Palaeoclimate of the Offshore Tasmanian Region
1995/057 MARSHOT : AGSO's Marine Seismic Shotpoint Location Database
1995/058 Geomagnetic report Davis and Casey 1994
1995/059 Broken Hill (Broken Hill and Taltingan 1:100 000 sheet areas) airborne geophysical survey, 1994: operations report
1995/060 A guide to the technical specifications for airborne gamma-ray surveys
1995/061 Murray Darling 1995 Workshop : extended abstracts, Wagga Wagga 11-13 September 1995.
1995/062 Otway Basin 1994-95 : Wide-angle Seismic Recording using the 'Rig Seismic' Airgun Source : Operational Report
1995/063 Magnetic repeat station survey of Australia for epoch 1995.0, 1991-1992
1995/064 Arafura Sea Seismic Structure Maps
1995/065 Arafura Sea Geohistory Study
1995/066 Australia - an ancient land : teacher notes and student activities
1995/067 Proposal for an Ocean Drilling Program Site Survey Cruise by the R/V Rig Seismic in the Western Great Australian Bight
1995/069 Review of Tasmanian Cambrian biostratigraphy
1995/070 Fundamental gravity network in Victoria 1995 re-establishment survey
1995/071 Groundwater information from seismic shotholes in the central Officer Basin, South Australia
1995/072 TASGO Seismic Survey 1995: Operational Report
1995/073 Geology of Australia, map kit : teaching resource : teacher notes and student activity ideas
1995/074 Operational report for the 1995 seismic refraction, wide-angle reflection and tomography survey of Tasmania
1995/075 Liverpool Plains, NSW airborne geophysical survey, 1995 - operations report
1995/076 Browse Basin - North West Kimberley Seismic Refraction Survey, 1993 : Operational Report
1995/077 NABRE Project - 1995 field survey : measured field sections and gamma ray logs
1995/078 Cenozoic Cool-water Carbonates of the Great Australian Bight : Reading the Record of Southern Ocean Evolution, Sealevel, Paleoclimate, and Biogenic Production : Proposal 367-Rev3, December 1995
1995/079 Guide to OZROX: AGSO's field geology database
1995/080 Exmouth Plateau & Outer Rankin Platform module
1995/081 Cruise Proposal : An Ocean Bottom and Land Seismograph Survey on the Australian North West Shelf
1995/082 Northwest Australia gravity, magnetic and topography grids


Record Number Title

1996/001 AGSO Jubilee Symposium, 21 February 1996, Canberra : abstracts.
1996/002 Teachers guide : suggested answers to student activities from Plate tectonics (1995/8), Earthquakes (1995/20), Volcanoes (1995/24), Climate change (1995/21), Time & life (1995/14), Silicate chemistry (1995/19)
1996/003 Seismic Streamer Positioning and Water Depth Computation at Receiver Locations : AGSO Marine Data Processing
1996/004 Australia and the Ocean Drilling Program : Extended Abstracts from the 13th Australian Geological Convention, Canberra, 1996
1996/005 Australian fundamental gravity network 1994 survey of Eyre Peninsula in South Australia
1996/006 AGSO's national geochronology database of Australia : OZCHRON dataset documentation
1996/007 Guide to ROCSTOR - AGSO's rock store database
1996/008 Drafting and type specifications for publication illustrations
1996/009 Gold rush technology 1850s - 1990s : educational slide set
1996/013 Australian seismological report, 1993
1996/014 The structure and evolution of the Bass and Durroon Basins as delineated by aeromagnetic data
1996/015 Stratigraphy, structure, and metamorphism of the Proterozoic Etheridge and Langlovale Groups, Georgetown region, north Queensland
1996/016 Guide to the Australian stratigraphic names database
1996/017 Benthic Chambers Nutrient Fluxes and the Biogeochemistry of the Seafloor of Port Phillip Bay 1995 and 1996
1996/018 Visualising waterbore data with ArcView2
1996/019 Australian seismological report, 1994
1996/020 Frome (Frome and southern Callabonna 1:250 000 sheet areas) airborne geophysical survey, 1995 : operations report
1996/021 Methods and Codes used in Seismic Tomography
1996/022 Investigation of airborne gamma-ray images as a rapid mapping tool for soil and land degradation - Wagga Wagga, NSW
1996/023 Correlation of Lower - Middle Ordovician clastics in Tasmania
1996/025 Exmouth Plateau & Outer Rankin Platform module
1996/026 AGSO wide-angle seismic profiling database
1996/027 Early geological research in Antarctica: the southern Prince Charles Mountains 1958 to 1962
1996/028 The 'Southern Gateway' between Australia and Antarctica : A Proposal for ODP Palaeoclimatic, Palaeoceanographic and Transform Margin Drilling
1996/029 The basement elements of Tasmania
1996/030 Guide to Using the Australian Crustal Elements Map
1996/034 Investigation of Linearly Magnetised Rifted Crust and the Evolution of High Extension/Slow Spreading Continental Margins : A Proposal for Drilling in the Great Australian Bight Region by the Ocean Drilling Program
1996/035 RGM Minerals Open Day: Report on feedback from attendees and RGM staff
1996/036 Carnarvon Cretaceous-Tertiary Tie Report
1996/040 Petrel Sub-basin Study 1995-1996 : Summary Report, including Well, Map, and Seismic Folios
1996/041 Petrel Sub-basin Study 1995-1996 : 2-D Gravity Modelling
1996/042 Petrel Sub-basin study 1995-1996 : organic geochemistry of oils and source rocks
1996/043 Petrel Sub-basin Study 1995-1996 : Geohistory Modelling
1996/044 Borehole corrosion in the Great Artesian basin: Phase 1
1996/045 Continental Shelf Definition in the Lord Howe Rise & Norfolk Ridge Regions - Law of the Sea Cruise Proposal
1996/046 QUATDB : Quaternary climates database
1996/047 Notes on the geology of three areas in the Dubbo 1:250 000 sheet area, NSW, 1995-1996
1996/048 A groundwater quality assessment of the alluvial aquifers in the Logan-Albert catchment, SE Queensland
1996/049 Catalogue of Type, Figured and Cited Specimens in the Commonwealth Palaeontological Collection, Palaeozoic Mollusca and Hyolitha
1996/050 North West Shelf Project : a lineament tectonic study of the basement architecture of northwestern Australia
1996/051 Phanerozoic configurations of Greater Australia : evolution of the North West Shelf
1996/052 Phanerozoic configurations of Greater Australia : evolution of the North West Shelf - Part 2
1996/053 Phanerozoic configurations of Greater Australia : evolution of the North West Shelf - Part 3
1996/054 The Australia-Wide Array of Geomagnetic stations (AWAGS) : data corrections
1996/055 Magnetometer traverses across aeromagnetic anomalies near recent earthquake fault scarps in southwestern Australia
1996/056 Blayney 1:100 000 sheet area: notes to accompany geological map
1996/057 Palynostratigraphy of the Murray Basin inland southeastern Australia
1996/058 A provisional palynostratigraphic framework for Tertiary organic facies in the Burt Plain, Hale, Ngalia, Santa Teresa, Ti-tree Basins, Northern Territory
1996/059 Exploring crystals : teacher notes and student activities
1996/060 Yampi Shelf Tie (YST) Basin Study and Interpretation Report : Yampi Shelf, Browse Basin, Northwestern Australia
1996/061 Vulcan Tertiary Tie (VTT) Basin Study: Vulcan Sub-basin, Timor Sea, Northwestern Australia.


Record Number Title

1997/001 Curnamona, S.A. airborne geophysical survey, 1995 : operations report
1997/002 Topographic map kit : teacher notes and student activities
1997/003 ODP drilling in the Coral Sea : sealevel variation, paleoceanography, and fluid flow
1997/004 Index of airborne geophysical surveys 2nd edition
1997/005 Geology of the Bates 1:100 000 sheet area (4646), Musgrave Block, Western Australia
1997/006 The Lake Tutchewop, Lake William and Lake Kelly saline water disposal basins, Murray Basin, Australia : lithostratigraphy, hydrodynamics, and hydrochemistry.
1997/007 An introduction to topographic maps.
1997/008 Lineament interpretation for groundwater assessment, Western Water Study (Wiluraratja Kapi), Papunya -Kintore region, Northern Territory
1997/009 Lissadell, East Kimberley, WA airborne geophysical survey, 1994 : operations report
1997/010 User's guide to Mappad and AGSO FieldPad for the Apple Newton palmtop computer
1997/011 Hann River - Mount Mulgrave, Qld airborne geophysical survey, 1991 : operations report
1997/012 NABRE Workshop, March 1997: extended abstracts
1997/013 Reconnaissance economic geology studies for 1996, North Pilbara NGMA project
1997/014 Preliminary results of PIMA analyses of the alteration zone underlying the Sulphur Springs deposit, Panorama district, Pilbara Block, Western Australia
1997/015 Dating Tasmania's oldest geological events
1997/016 Continental Shelf Definition in the Kerguelen Plateau Region : Law of the Sea Cruise proposal
1997/017 The Mourquong groundwater discharge complex and saline-water disposal basin, Murray Basin, Australia : lithostratigraphy, hydrodynamics, and hydrochemistry
1997/018 Report of the Planning Workshop on a Marine Geoscience Mapping Program in the Australian Ocean Territory : Gold Creek Homestead, Gungahlin, ACT, 18-20 February, 1997
1997/019 GABLOG : the Great Artesian Basin wire-line logged borehole database
1997/020 Explanatory notes for a Landsat-5-TM image series processed according to an RGB directed principal components/band ratio formula, northern Pilbara Craton, Western Australia
1997/021 Stream sediment geochemistry of the Red River region, Cape York Peninsula, North Queensland
1997/022 Stream sediment geochemistry of the Hann River region, Cape York Peninsula, North Queensland
1997/023 Results of field mapping, 1994-1996, in the North Shaw & Tambourah 1:100 000 sheet areas, eastern Pilbara Craton, northwestern Australia
1997/024 Offshore Otway Basin aeromagnetic interpretation
1997/025 Notes on the geology of the Koongie Park Formation southwest of Halls Creek, Western Australia
1997/026 Reconnaissance geological mapping in Dixon, SE McIntosh and northernmost Halls Creek 1:100 000 sheet areas East Kimberly WA 1992-93
1997/027 Transient and induced variations in aeromagnetics : report of meeting on 18th September 1996
1997/028 Ocean Drilling Program Leg 182 : Cenozoic Cool-water Carbonates of the Great Australian Bight : Safety Package - Pollution Prevention and Safety Panel, May 1997
1997/029 Lachlan Fan/Ivanhoe Block steady state groundwater model : model development, calibration, sensitivity analysis and predictions
1997/030 Paraffin Solidification in Model Fuels
1997/031 Palynostratigraphy of Late Cretaceous to Tertiary basins in the Alice Springs district, Northern Territory
1997/032 Australian fundamental gravity network, 1992 : Coober Pedy - Mt Willoughby gravity tie, South Australia : operations report
1997/033 Australian fundamental gravity network, 1993 : Cobar -Mt Hope gravity tie, NSW Australia : operations report
1997/034 Produced Formation Water Discharge from a Production Platform to the North West Shelf. 1995. Marine Survey 152
1997/035 Apatite fission track thermochronology of Tasmania
1997/036 Third National Forum on GIS in the Geosciences, 19-20 March 1997, National Library of Australia, Canberra : forum proceedings
1997/037 Documentation for variable density flow modifications to the USGS MODFLOW program : (A.G.S.O. release 1.3)
1997/038 Browse Basin High Resolution Seismic Study - North West Shelf, Australia - Interpretation Report
1997/039 GWATER : AGSO's water database
1997/041 Kalgoorlie '97 : an international conference on crustal evolution, metallogeny and exploration of the Yilgarn Craton - an update : extended abstracts
1997/042 An interactive GIS database of disposal basins, Murray Basin
1997/043 Nabberu North, W.A. airborne geophysical survey, 1996: operations report
1997/044 Palaeoproterozoic tectonics and metallogenesis: comparative analysis of parts of the Australian and Fennoscandian Shields
1997/045 An integrated remote sensing study for the Papunya-Kintore region, NT
1997/046 Probabilistic earthquake hazard assessment for Fiji
1997/047 North West Shelf Ocean Bottom Seismometer Data Processing Report : AGSO Survey 168, Line 4, Petrel Sub- Basin
1997/048 Landslides: Teacher notes and student activities
1997/049 Broken Hill Exploration Initiative: abstracts from 1997 annual meeting
1997/050 AGSO Library's World Wide Web catalogue: development and maintenance
1997/051 Antarctic CRC Marine Geoscience, Vincennes Bay, Prydz Bay and Mac.Robertson Shelf : Post-cruise Report : AGSO Cruise 186, ANARE Voyage 5, 1996/97 (BRAD)
1997/052 ODP drilling in the Coral Sea : sealevel variation, fluid flow, and paleoceanography : proposal 510-rev 1
1997/053 Geology of the Timber Top Volcanic Subgroup (Featherbed Volcanic Group) and associated rocks, Mount Mulligan area, north Queensland
1997/054 Continental Shelf Definition in the Lord Howe Rise and Norfolk Ridge Regions : Law of the Sea Survey 177, Part 1 - Preliminary Results
1997/055 Proceedings : 'back to the future', Natural Resources Research Workshop, Uluru-Kata Tjuta National Park, 27-29 August, 1997
1997/056 AGSO Minerals Division Open Days, 27-28 November 1997
1997/057 Browse Basin Organic Geochemistry Study, North West Shelf, Australia
1997/058 Light hydrocarbons and the deep ocean outfalls offshore Sydney. Rig Seismic survey 112
1997/060 ROCKCHEM dataset release 3 documentation : AGSO's national whole rock geochemistry database
1997/061 Digital Terrain Model for the Tasmanian Region : A Pilot Study into Combining Disparate Datasets
1997/062 Australian seismological report, 1995
1997/063 Marble Bar (Marble Bar, western Port Hedland, eastern Roebourne and northeastern Pyramid 1:250 000 sheet areas) airborne geophysical survey, 1996: operations report


Record Number Title

1998/001 An Introduction to Geological Maps
1998/002 Mineral Systems and the Crust-upper Mantle of Southeast Australia: Extended Abstracts of Papers Presented at a Symposium held in Canberra, 20-22 April, 1998
1998/003 Archival Record of Non-seismic Data Processing for Marine Navigation, Gravity, Magnetic and Water Depth Data
1998/004 Elizabeth Creek project : buried mineral play in Century- equivalent strata, northern Lawn Hill Platform, Queensland
1998/005 Sea-level Magnitudes and Variations Recorded by Continental Margin Sequences on the Marion Plateau, Northeast Australia : Proposal 510-full 3
1998/008 Goulburn, NSW airborne geophysical survey, 1996/7: operations report
1998/009 Geology, structure, and gold resources of the Leonora 1:100 000 sheet, W.A.
1998/010 Innamincka-Strzelecki, SA, airborne geophysical survey, 1997 : operations report
1998/011 Re-evaluation of crustal structure of the Broken Hill Inlier through structural mapping and seismic profiling
1998/012 A new GIS extension for visualising water bore data and other tabular geological data
1998/013 AGSO Formats for Marine Navigation Digital Data
1998/014 Mawson Geophysical Observatory annual report, 1997
1998/015 Mundaring Geophysical Observatory, report 1994 to 1997
1998/016 A groundwater quality assessment of the fractured rock aquifers of the Piccadilly Valley, South Australia
1998/017 Western water study (Wiluraratja kapi) : groundwater quality in the Papunya-Kintore region, Northern Territory
1998/018 A groundwater quality assessment of the Jandakot Mound, Swan Coastal Plain, Western Australia
1998/019 The Lower Darling regional steady state groundwater flow model
1998/020 A groundwater quality assessment of shallow aquifers in the Darwin rural area, Northern Territory
1998/021 Geology of the Murray-Darling Basin : simplified lithostratigraphic groupings
1998/022 Landsat-5 Thematic Mapper spectral-lithological correlations, northern Pilbara Craton, Western Australia
1998/023 Wangaratta, Victoria airborne geophysical survey, 1997 : operations report
1998/024 Cootamundra, NSW airborne geophysical survey, 1997/1998 : operations report
1998/025 Broken Hill Exploration Initiative: abstracts of papers presented at fourth annual meeting in Broken Hill, October 19-21, 1998
1998/026 Broken Hill Exploration Initiative : field excursion guide for Allendale, Stephens Creek and Thackaringa areas
1998/027 Clarence Richmond Maclean, Tweed Heads, and Eastern Grafton : 1:250 000 sheet area : airborne geophysical survey, 1997 - operations report
1998/028 Index of airborne geophysical surveys 3rd edition
1998/029 A Preliminary Proposal for ODP Drilling : Carbonate Clinoforms on Australia's North West Shelf - a Key Link in Global Neogene Sea-level History
1998/030 AGCRC eastern Lachlan seismic survey 1997 : operational report
1998/031 Hydrogeology of the Yuendumu - Papunya - Kintore Region NT Western Water Study (Wiluraratja Kapi)
1998/032 Groundwater quality of the Murray-Riverina catchment, NSW : Wakool-Cadell and Denimein-Berriquin regions
1998/033 The Bruce Chappell Symposium : granites, island arcs, the mantle and ore deposits : abstract volume.
1998/034 Sustainability in Marine and Coastal Environments : A Canberra Marine Forum
1998/035 AGCRC wide-angle seismic profiling across the Broken Hill Block and eastern Lachlan Fold Belt 1997 : operations report
1998/036 Gas : energy and change : teacher notes and student activities
1998/037 Great Australian Bight : Well Audit
1998/038 The Broadmere structure : a window into palaeoproterozoic mineralisation, McArthur Basin, Northern Australia


Record Number Title

1999/001 Continental shelf definition in the Kerguelen Plateau region: Law of the Sea survey 180, preliminary results
1999/002 AGSO's national geochronology database of Australia : OZCHRON 99 dataset documentation
1999/003 Kingston, WA airborne geophysical survey, 1998 : operations report
1999/004 Interpretation of regional geophysics of the Pilbara Craton, northwest Australia
1999/005 OZMIN documentation : Mount Isa dataset
1999/006 Sources of magnetic anomalies in the Broken Hill region, NSW
1999/007 AGSO Cruise Report: Cruise 210 : The "Sojourn 7" Swath-mapping Cruise of R.V. Melville off Eastern Tasmania and in the Gippsland Basin
1999/008 Australian seismological report, 1996
1999/009 The Joseph Bonaparte Gulf, W.A./N.T., Medusa Banks and Port Keats, airborne geophysical survey, 1994, operations report
1999/010 Measured sections and sequence stratigraphic interpretations: Lower McNamara, Mt Isa and Fickling Groups: preliminary edition data release
1999/011 Menindee, NSW (Thackaringa and Redan 1:100 000 sheet areas), airborne geophysical survey, 1995, operations report
1999/013 Georgetown, Qld airborne geophysical survey, 1998 : operations report
1999/014 Preliminary Results from AGSO Law of the Sea Cruise 206 : An Australian/French Collaborative Deep-seismic Marine Survey in the Lord Howe Rise/New Caledonia Region
1999/015 Measured sections and sequence stratigraphic interpretations: Upper McNamara and Fickling Groups
1999/016 The AGSO field geological note books : a user's guide
1999/017 The Hervey Group (Middle-Upper Devonian) on the Grenfell 1:100 000 sheet area, NSW (Lachlan Fold Belt)
1999/018 The Hervey Group (Middle-Upper Devonian) on the Parkes 1:100 000 sheet area, NSW (Lachlan Fold Belt)
1999/019 Integrated basin analysis of the Isa Superbasin using seismic, well log and geopotential data: an evaluation of the economic potential of the Northern Lawn Hill Platform
1999/020 Geology and metallogenesis of the Parkes-Grenfell-Wyalong-Condobolin region, New South Wales : Forbes 1:250 000 geological sheet : field conference guide, 11-16 April 1999
1999/021 An inventory of saline water disposal basins, Murray Basin : volume 3 additional basins in South Australia, Victoria and New South Wales 1998
1999/022 Interpretation of Geophysical and Geological Data Sets, Cooper Basin Region, South Australia
1999/023 North Broken Hill, NSW (Corona and Fowlers Gap 1:100 000 sheet areas), airborne geophysical survey, 1995/1996, operations report
1999/024 AGSO's Catalog of Everything. In: Proceedings of the 4th National Forum on Information Management and GIS in the Geosciences.
1999/025 HCh: a software package for geochemical equilibrium modelling. User's guide
1999/026 Continental Shelf Definition in the South Tasman Rise Region: Law of the Sea Survey 202, Preliminary Results
1999/027 Geophysical investigation of north central Australia : images, algorithms and crustal models
1999/028 Boulia and Springvale, Qld, airborne geophysical survey, 1997, operations report
1999/029 2nd Petroleum Research & Development Priorites Workshop in Hyatt Hotel Canberra February 15, 1999
1999/030A Discovering remote sensing
1999/031 Rason, WA, airborne geophysical survey, 1998, operations report
1999/032 Throssell, WA, airborne geophysical survey, 1998, operations report
1999/033 Geology of the De La Poer (3443) and Urarey (3343) 1:100 000 sheet areas, Yilgarn Block, Western Australia
1999/034 Geomagnetic repeat station survey of the Australian region, 1996-1998
1999/035 An information infrastructure for disaster management in Pacific Island countries
1999/036 Quantitive landslide risk assessment of Cairns
1999/037 Geology, structure, and mineral resources of the Mount Keith 1:100,000 sheet (3043), Western Australia
1999/038 Willaura sheet 7422 Victoria 1:100 000 geological report
1999/041 Gravity, Magnetic and Bathymetry Grids from Levelled Data for Northwest Australia
1999/042 AGSO Minerals Division Open Days, 7-8 December 1999
1999/043 Geological Atlas of the Officer Basin, South Australia.
1999/044 Australia's gold resources 1998: a review
1999/045 Forbes (SI55-7) geology GIS data package : ON34
1999/046 Geology of the Ballard 1:100 000 sheet
1999/048 Gravity, Magnetic and Bathymetry Grids from Levelled Data for Southwest Australia : Great Australian Bight
1999/049 Third International Conference on Geoscience Education: Conference Proceedings
1999/050 A petrophysical dataset for the Broken Hill region, NSW
1999/051 AGSO Marine Survey 207 Direct Hydrocarbon Detection NW Australia: Northern Carnarvon Basin; Yampi Shelf; Southern Bonaparte Basin (September/October 1998)
1999/052 UV fluorescence analysis of seawater samples from AGSO Survey 207, Western Australia
1999/054 1999 CABGAS Seismic Survey Darling Basin NSW: Final Report - Operations
1999/055 1999 Yilgarn Seismic Survey Kalgoorlie / Boulder Western Australia
1999/056 1999 Lachlan & Marsden Seismic Survey West Wyalong NSW
1999/057 Report of Seismic Reflection Survey at Northparkes Mine, Central NSW