Digitised records 2010s

Last updated:11 July 2023

2010 | 2011 | 2012 | 2013 | 2014 | 2015 | 2016 | 2017 | 2018 | 2019


Record Number Title
2010/001 Tsunami Modelling Validation: The Impact of the 2004 Indian Ocean Tsunami on Geraldton, Western Australia
2010/003 Seismic Velocity Models of the Sediments and Upper Crust of the Capel and Faust Basins, Lord Howe Rise
2010/004 Future Directions for the National Earthquake Hazard Map for Australia
2010/006 Interpretation of Seismic Data, Capel and Faust Basins, Australia's Remote Offshore Eastern Frontier
2010/007 Determination of GDA94 coordinates for the CORSnet-NSW stations using the September 2009 and January 2010 GPS data sets
2010/008 Applications of Potential Field Methods over the Eastern Goldfields Superterrane (EGST) of Western Australia
2010/009 Seabed Environments of the Eastern Joseph Bonaparte Gulf, Northern Australia
2010/010 South Australia Seismic and MT Workshop 2010: Extended Abstracts
2010/011 Predicting Seabed Mud Content across the Australian Margin: Comparison of Statistical and Mathematical Techniques Using a Simulation Experiment
2010/012 Geological and energy implications of the Paterson Province airborne electromagnetic (AEM) survey, Western Australia
2010/013 Index of airborne geophysical surveys: 11th edition
2010/014 An assessment of the uranium and geothermal potential of north Queensland
2010/015 National Geochemical Survey of Australia: Analytical Methods Manual
2010/016 New SHRIMP U-Pb zircon ages from the Gawler Craton and Curnamona Province, South Australia, 2008-2010
2010/017 Historic environmental changes and sediment-based condition assessment for Hardy Inlet, Western Australia
2010/018 National Geochemical Survey of Australia: Field Data
2010/019 Determination of GDA94 coordinates for the ARGN and AuScope stations using the March and April 2010 data sets
2010/020 Potential for magmatic-related uranium mineral systems in Australia
2010/021 Investigation of drill holes in the vicinity of the 08GA-C1 seismic line in the Curnamona Province, South Australia
2010/022 Australian Geomagnetism Report 2008
2010/023 Airborne Gravity 2010 Abstracts from the ASEG-PESA Airborne Gravity 2010 Workshop
2010/024 14th International Symposium on Deep Seismic Profiling of the Continents and their Margins - Seismix 2010 Programme & Abstracts, 29 August - 4 September 2010, Cairns, Australia
2010/025 Determination of GDA94 coordinates for five CORSnet-NSW stations using the April 2010 GPS data set
2010/026 Geomorphology of the Lord Howe Island Shelf and Submarine Volcano SS06-2008 Post-survey Report
2010/027 Geodynamic Synthesis of the Gawler Craton and Curnamona Province
2010/028 Oxygen Demand and Nutrient Release from Sediments in the Upper Swan River Estuary
2010/029 Solubility of uranium in hydrothermal fluids at 25ø-300ø: Implications for the formation of uranium deposits
2010/030 A Report on the Analysis of the Asia Pacific Regional Geodetic Project (APRGP) GPS Campaign in 2009
2010/031 New SHRIMP U-Pb zircon ages from the eastern Lachlan Orogen, New South Wales, July 2008-June 2009
2010/032 Australian Marine Physical Environmental Data - Descriptions and Metadata
2010/033 Determination of GDA94 coordinates for four CORSnet-NSW stations using the August 2010 GPS data set
2010/034 Potential-field Data Covering the Capel and Faust Basins, Australia's Remote Offshore Eastern Frontier
2010/035 Proceedings of the 2010 Australian Geothermal Energy Conference
2010/036 The Creation of High Resolution Bathymetry Grids for the Lord Howe Island Region
2010/037 The Creation of High Resolution Bathymetry Grids for Christmas Island
2010/038 The Creation of High Resolution Bathymetry Grids for Cocos (Keeling) Island
2010/039 GOMA (Gawler Craton-Officer Basin-Musgrave Province-Amadeus Basin) seismic and MT workshop 2010 Extended Abstracts
2010/040 Determination of GDA94 coordinates for eleven Queensland Department of Environment and Resource Management COR stations using the August 2010 GPS data set
2010/041 Heat Flow Interpretations for the Australian Continent: Release 1
2010/042 16th Australian Organic Geochemistry Conference : program and abstracts
2010/043 Seabed exposure and ecological disturbance on Australia's continental shelf: Potential surrogates for marine biodiversity
2010/044 The 30th September 2009 Sumatra Earthquake Padang Region Damage Survey
2010/045 Australian Geomagnetism Report 2009
2010/046 SHRIMP U-Pb detrital zircon results, Lake Frome region, South Australia
2010/047 Coastal Seabed Mapping Survey, Vestfold Hills, Antarctica, February-March 2010 (AAS 2201) - Post Survey Report
2010/048 Determination of GDA94 coordinates for six CORSnet-NSW stations using the October 2010 GPS data set
2010/049 Determination of GDA94 coordinates for thirteen CORS sites of GPS Network Perth using the August 2010 GPS data set


Record Number Title
2011/001 3D Geological Modelling and Petroleum Prospectivity Assessment in Offshore Frontier Basins using GOCAD: Capel and Faust Basins, Lord Howe Rise
2011/002 Correction of Determination of GDA94 coordinates for eleven Queensland Department of Environment and Resource Management CORS stations using the August 2010 GPS data set
2011/003 Australian Seismological Report 2009
2011/005 Determination of GDA94 coordinates for two CORSnet-NSW stations using the November 2010 GPS data set
2011/006 Seascapes for the Australian Margin and Adjacent Seabed
2011/007 Predicting Seabed Mud Content across the Australian Margin: Performance of Machine Learning Methods and their combinations with Ordinary Kriging and Inverse Distance Squared
2011/008 Seabed Environments of the Eastern Joseph Bonaparte Gulf, Northern Australia
2011/009 Offshore Northern Perth Basin Well Folio
2011/010 Gas Shale Potential of the Amadeus and Georgina Basins, Australia: Preliminary Insights
2011/011 Australia's seismogenic neotectonic record: a case for heterogeneous intraplate deformation
2011/012 Uranium mineralisation events in Australia: geochronology of the Nolans Bore, Oasis, Kintyre, Mt Gee-Armchair and Maureen uranium deposits
2011/013 3D Gravity Models of the Capel and Faust Basins, Lord Howe Rise
2011/014 New SHRIMP geochronology from the Arunta Region: 2009-2010
2011/015 2011 Audit of High Resolution Coastal Elevation Data in Australia
2011/016 Australian Seismological Report 2010
2011/017 A Report on the Analysis of the Asia Pacific Regional Geodetic Project (APRGP) GPS Campaign 2010
2011/018 Geological and energy implications of the Pine Creek region airborne electromagnetic (AEM) survey, Northern Territory, Australia
2011/019 An assessment on the use of High Resolution Digital Elevation Models for mapping active faults in Indonesia
2011/020 National geochemical survey of Australia : the geochemical atlas of Australia
2011/021 National geochemical survey of Australia : data quality assessment
2011/022 Kerguelen Plateau Bathymetric Grid, November 2010
2011/023 Australian extreme windspeed baseline climate investigation project
2011/024 Australia's Maritime Jurisdiction: Teacher Notes
2011/025 Landslides: teachers notes and student activities
2011/026 Volcanoes Booklet
2011/027 Tsunami - Teacher Notes and Student Activities
2011/028 Heat Flow Determinations for the Australian Continent: Release 2
2011/029 National Geochemical Survey of Australia: Preliminary Implications for Energy and Mineral Exploration
2011/030 Heat Flow Determinations for the Australian Continent: Release 3
2011/031 The National Dynamic Land Cover Dataset - Technical report
2011/032 Cost of Landslides in the Wollongong Region
2011/033 python-FALL3D: User Manual - A procedure for modeling volcanic ash dispersion
2011/034 An assessment of the uranium and geothermal prospectivity of east central South Australia
2011/035 Recharge and discharge estimation in data poor areas: User guide for the recharge and discharge estimation spreadsheets and MapConnect
2011/036 Index of airborne geophysical surveys: 12th edition
2011/037 Determination of GDA94 coordinates for eighteen C.R. Kennedy Survey Solutions stations using the July and August 2011 GPS data set
2011/038 New SHRIMP U-Pb zircon ages from north Queensland, 2007-2010
2011/039 National Geochemical Survey of Australia: Comparison of Geochemical and Airborne Radiometric Data
2011/040 Seabed Habitats and Hazards of the Joseph Bonaparte Gulf and Timor Sea, Northern Australia
2011/041 Australian Geomagnetism Report 2010
2011/042 Depth to Magnetic Basement of the Capel and Faust Basins, Lord Howe Rise
2011/043 Proceedings of the 2011 Australian Geothermal Energy Conference
2011/044 Benthic Community Survey, Mertz Glacier Region, East Antarctica - Post Survey Report, RSV Aurora Australis, Marine Science Voyage (2010/11 VMS), January - February 2011
2011/045 Uranium systems processes in the Crocker Well Suite, South Australia
2011/046 Recharge and discharge estimation in data poor areas: Scientific reference guide


Record Number Title
2012/004 Natural Fields EM Forum 2012: Abstracts from the ASEG Natural Fields EM Forum 2012
2012/005 Gawler-Eucla Demonstration Site Report - Palaeovalley Groundwater Project
2012/006 Murchison Demonstration Site Report - Palaeovalley Groundwater Project
2012/007 Paterson Demonstration Site Report - Palaeovalley Groundwater Project
2012/008 Ti Tree Demonstration Site Report - Palaeovalley Groundwater Project
2012/009 Wilkinkarra Demonstration Site Report - Palaeovalley Groundwater Project
2012/010 Exploring and Assessing Arid Zone Palaeovalley Groundwater Resources
2012/011 BHMAR Project: Data Acquisition, processing, analysis and interpretation methods
2012/012 BHMAR Project: Geological and Hydrogeological Framework and Conceptual Model
2012/013 BHMAR Project: Assessment of Conjunctive Water Supply Options Involving Managed Aquifer Recharge Options at Menindee Lakes
2012/014 BHMAR Project: Assessment of Conjunctive Water Supply Options Involving Groundwater Extraction Options at Menindee Lakes
2012/015 BHMAR Project: Securing Broken Hill's Water Supply: Assessment of Conjunctive Water Supply Options Involving Managed Aquifer Recharge and/or Groundwater Extraction at Menindee Lakes - Summary Report
2012/016 Broken Hill Managed Aquifer Recharge Project Appendices
2012/017 EDM Height Traversing Levelling Survey Report Tarawa, Kiribati, September 2010
2012/018 EDM Height Traversing Levelling Survey Report Nuku-alofa, Tonga, April 2010
2012/019 EDM Height Traversing Levelling Survey Report Pohnpei, Federated States of Micronesia, February 2011
2012/020 EDM Height Traversing Levelling Survey Report Apia, Western Samoa, May 2010
2012/021 EDM Height Traversing Levelling Survey Report Nuku-alofa, Tonga, September 2011
2012/022 EDM Height Traversing Levelling Survey Report Lautoka, Fiji, July / August 2011
2012/023 EDM Height Traversing Levelling Survey Report Rarotonga, Cook Islands, June 2011
2012/024 EDM Height Traversing Levelling Survey Report TUVALU, August 2010
2012/025 EDM Height Traversing Levelling Survey Report Port Vila, Vanuatu, September 2009
2012/026 EDM Height Traversing Levelling Survey Report : Port Vila, Vanuatu, April 2011
2012/027 EDM Height Traversing Levelling Survey Report Honiara, Solomon Islands, November 2010
2012/028 EDM Height Traversing Levelling Survey Report
2012/029 EDM Height Traversing Levelling Survey Report : Majuro, Marshall Islands, October 2010
2012/030 EDM Height Traversing Levelling Survey Report Manus Island, Papua New Guinea, December 2010
2012/031 EDM Height Traversing Levelling Survey Report - Lautoka, Fiji, February 2010
2012/032 EDM Height Traversing Levelling Survey Report - Nauru, July 2010
2012/033 Velocity Analysis and Depth Conversion in the Offshore Northern Perth Basin
2012/034 South Pacific Sea Level and Climate Monitoring Project: GPS Coordinate Time Series, 2007.0 to 2012.2
2012/035 Proceedings of the Fire Weather & Risk Workshop 2011
2012/036 The Architecture and Petroleum Potential of Australia's Onshore Sedimentary Basins from Deep Seismic Reflection Data and Petroleum Maturation Systems Modelling; the Arrowie, Georgina and Darling Basins.
2012/037 Combined Marine and Land Potential-field Datasets for the Southwest Margin of Australia
2012/038 The Victorian Seismic Zone 2011 GNSS Campaign Data Analysis
2012/039 North Perth Basin 2D and 3D Models of Depth to Magnetic Basement
2012/040 The Frome airborne electromagnetic survey, South Australia: implications for energy, minerals and regional geology
2012/041 Northern Territory Coastal Plain: Mapping seawater intrusion in coastal plain aquifers using airborne electromagnetic data
2012/042 Evaluating the potential role of airborne electromagnetics in mapping seawater intrusion and carbonate-karstic groundwater systems in Australia
2012/043 Climate Futures for Tasmania: Severe wind hazard and risk - Technical Report
2012/044 North Perth Basin 2D Gravity Models
2012/045 Determination of GDA94 coordinates for three stations of Position Partners using the November 2011 GPS data set
2012/046 Australian Seismological Report 2011
2012/047 Basement structure and its influence on the pattern and geometry of continental rifting and breakup along Australia's southern rift margin
2012/048 Predicting Seabed Sand Content across the Australian Margin Using Machine Learning and Geostatistical Methods
2012/049 Broad-scale Volcano Monitoring in Papua New Guinea using Satellite Interferometric Synthetic Aperture Radar
2012/050 4th Biennial Conference on Asian Current Research on Fluid Inclusions ACROFI IV
2012/051 An assessment of the uranium and geothermal prospectivity of the southern Northern Territory
2012/052 6th International SHRIMP Workshop - Program and Abstracts
2012/053 A field guide to basin architecture and crustal evolution in the Paleoproterozoic-earliest Mesoproterozoic sequences of Mount Isa, northern Australia: a record of (Nuna) supercontinent breakup
2012/054 Installation Report for Arcturus (ARA): An inland baseline station for the continuous measurement of atmospheric greenhouse gases
2012/055 Vulnerability assessment of climate change impacts on groundwater resources in Timor-Leste: summary report = Avaliasaun vulnerabilidade impaktu husi mudansa klima ba bee-rai-okos iha Timor-Leste - relatóriu sumáriu
2012/056 Catalogue of datasets and data records - Vulnerability Assessment of Climate Change Impacts on Groundwater Resources in Timor-Leste = Katálogu daduskoletanea no rejistu dadus - Avaliasaun vulnerabilidade impaktu husi mudansa klima ba bee-rai-okos iha Timor- Leste
2012/057 GIS Training Methods, QGIS version (free software) - Vulnerability Assessment of Climate Change Impacts on Groundwater Resources in Timor-Leste = Métodu Treinamentu GIS, versaun QGIS (software gratuitu) - Avaliasaun vulnerabilidade impaktu husi mudansa klima ba bee-rai-okos iha Timor-Leste
2012/058 National Groundwater Monitoring Guide: Vulnerability Assessment of Climate Change Impacts on Groundwater Resources in Timor-Leste = Guia Monitoriamentu kona-bá Bee-rai-okos - Avaliasaun vulnerabilidade impaktu husi mudansa klima ba bee-rai-okos iha Timor- Leste
2012/059 Antarctic Geodesy Field Report 2010/2011
2012/060 The Cooper Basin 3D map Version 2: Thermal Modelling and Temperature Uncertainty
2012/061 A Report on the Analysis of the Asia Pacific Regional Geodetic Project (APRGP) GPS Campaign 2011
2012/062 Regional climate change impact modelling for Mandurah, Western Australia
2012/063 A reconnaissance crustal heat production assessment of the Australian Antarctic Territory (AAT)
2012/064 Assessment of mineral potential, geoscience service capacity, risk, and geological aid in Africa, Asia, Latin America, and the Pacific.
2012/065 Impacts of climate change on human settlements and other nationally significant infrastructure in the coastal zone
2012/066 Seabed environments and shallow geology of the Petrel Sub-basin, Northern Australia : SOL5463 (GA0335) - Post survey report
2012/067 The ecology and morphology of sponges and octocorals in the northeastern Joseph Bonaparte Gulf
2012/068 Determination of GDA94 coordinates for nine stations of Ultimate Positioning Group Pty Ltd using the May and July 2012 GPS data sets
2012/069 Stochastic ground-motion prediction equations for southeastern Australian earthquakes using updated source and attenuation parameters
2012/070 Strengthening natural hazard risk assessment capacity in the Philippines: an earthquake impact pilot study for Iloilo City, Western Visayas
2012/071 The 2012 Australian Earthquake Hazard Map
2012/072 Australian Geomagnetism Report 2011 (Volume 59)
2012/073 Proceedings of the 2012 Australian Geothermal Energy Conference
2012/075 Heat flow determinations for the Australian continent. Release 4
2012/076 Determination of GDA94 coordinates for station GRBA at the Goonyella Riverside Mine of the BHP Billiton Mitsubishi Alliance (BMA) in central Queensland using the September and October 2012 GPS data sets
2012/077 Determination of GDA94 coordinates for station R52K at the Norwich Park Mine of the BHP Billiton Mitsubishi Alliance (BMA) in central Queensland using the August and September 2012 GPS data sets
2012/078 An assessment of the impact of the 34th International Geological Congress (IGC) on Australia


Record Number Title
2013/001 Determination of GDA94 coordinates for station CCMB at the Clermont Coal Mine of Rio Tinto Coal Australia (RTCA) in central Queensland using the October and November 2012 GPS data sets
2013/002 Geology and hydrocarbon prospectivity of the deepwater Otway and Sorell Basins, offshore southeastern Australia
2013/003 A national-scale vulnerability assessment of seawater intrusion: Literature review, data review, and method development
2013/004 A national-scale vulnerability assessment of seawater intrusion: Coastal aquifer typology
2013/005 A compilation of grainsize, biogenic silica and carbonate data from East Antarctic surface sediments.
2013/006 Determination of GDA94 coordinates for station CAVL at the Caval Ridge Mine of RPS Australia East Pty Ltd in Queensland using the November 2012 GPS data set
2013/007 Benthic biota of Northern Australia: SS2012t07 post-survey report
2013/008 A national-scale vulnerability assessment of seawater intrusion: vulnerability factor analysis
2013/009 Seabed environments and shallow geology of the Vlaming Sub-Basin, Western Australia: marine data for the investigation of the geological storage of CO2. GA0334 post-survey report
2013/010 Determination of GDA94 coordinates for fifteen CORSnet-NSW stations using the October 2012 GPS data sets
2013/011 Methodologies for seabed substrate characterisation using multibeam bathymetry, backscatter and video data: A case study from the carbonate banks of the Timor Sea, Northern Australia
2013/012 Index of airborne geophysical surveys (Thirteenth edition)
2013/013 Australian Flood Studies Database: cataloguing and uploading guidelines. Release 1.9.2, May 2013
2013/014 Geodetic survey of the Molonglo Radio Observatory
2013/015 Reforming planning processes trial: Rockhampton 2050 technical report on current and future climate hazards
2013/016 Weathering, erosion, landforms and regolith: teacher notes and student activities
2013/017 Geoscience Australia community metadata profile of ISO 19115:2005
2013/019 A national-scale vulnerability assessment of seawater intrusion: First-order assessment of seawater intrusion for Australian case study sites
2013/020 A national-scale vulnerability assessment of seawater intrusion: seawater intrusion vulnerability indexing - quantitative
2013/021 Australian marine environmental data: descriptions and metadata
2013/022 New SHRIMP U-Pb zircon ages from Tasmania: July 2012-June 2013
2013/023 Assessment of tropical cyclone risk in the Pacific region: analysis of changes in key tropical cyclone parameters
2013/024 Bathymetry compilation for proposed marine protected areas in East Antarctica: technical report
2013/025 New SHRIMP U-Pb zircon ages from the Wau-Bulolo region, Papua New Guinea: July 2012-June 2013
2013/026 Earthquake ground shaking susceptibility of the Botany area, New South Wales
2013/027 Summary of results for the joint GSNSW-GA geochronology project: New England Orogen 2009-2010
2013/028 Yilgarn Craton-Officer Basin-Musgrave Province Seismic and MT Workshop
2013/029 New SHRIMP U-Pb zircon ages from the Lachlan, Thomson and Delamerian orogens, New South Wales: July 2009-June 2010
2013/030 Absolute gravity observation at the National Measurement Institute, 18th June 2008
2013/031 Report on the analysis of the Asia Pacific Regional Geodetic Project (APRGP) GPS campaign 2012
2013/032 Australian seismological report 2012
2013/033 Standard operation procedures for a multibeam survey: acquisition & processing
2013/034 Heat flow determinations for the Australian continent. Release 5
2013/035 National Coastal Geomorphology information framework implementation: discovery and distribution
2013/036 Determination of GDA94 coordinates for station MILL at the Millennium Mine in Queensland using the May 2013 GPS data set
2013/037 Murray-Darling Basin Vegetation Monitoring Project: using time-series Landsat data for the assessment of vegetation
2013/038 Oceanic Shoals Commonwealth Marine Reserve (Timor Sea) biodiversity survey: GA0339/SOL5650 - Post-survey report
2013/039 A Review of Australian salt lakes and assessment of their potential for strategic resources
2013/040 Determination of GDA94 coordinates for station CAVL at the Caval Ridge Mine of RPS Australia East Pty Ltd in Queensland using the June 2013 GPS data set
2013/041 Atlas of seismic hazard maps of Australia: seismic hazard maps, hazard curves and hazard spectra
2013/042 Determination of GDA94 coordinates for station PDM1 at BMA's Peak Downs Mine in central Queensland using the June 2013 GPS data set
2013/043 Results of the national GNSS CORS Campaign, June 2013
2013/044 Neodymium depleted mantle model age map of Australia: explanatory notes and users guide
2013/045 2009 Mount Stromlo SLR Observatory local tie survey: technical report
2013/046 Late Permian palynozones and associated CA-IDTIMS dated tuffs from the Bowen Basin, Australia
2013/047 Determination of GDA94 coordinates for eight stations of Ultimate Positioning Group Pty Ltd using the May 2013 GPS data set
2013/048 Determination of GDA94 coordinates for station DNB1 at BMA's Daunia Mine in Queensland using the July and August 2013 GPS data sets


Record Number Title
2014/001 The effects of spatial reference systems on the predictive accuracy of spatial interpolation methods
2014/002 Geological and geomorphological features of Outstanding Universal Value in the Great Barrier Reef World Heritage Area
2014/003 Coastal inundation modelling for Busselton, Western Australia, under current and future climate
2014/004 Proceedings of the National Coastal Groundwater Management Knowledge Transfer Workshop, Canberra, 28-29 May, 2013
2014/005 SHRIMP U-Pb zircon ages from Kutjara 1 and Mulyawara 1, northwestern South Australia
2014/006 Earthquakes - teacher notes and student activities (2nd ed.)
2014/007 New SHRIMP U-Pb zircon ages from the Captains Flat area, eastern Lachlan Orogen, New South Wales: July 2012-June 2013
2014/008 Determination of GDA94 coordinates for eighty-four stations of GPSnet in Victoria using the October 2012 GPS data set
2014/009 Petroleum geology inventory of Australia’s offshore frontier basins
2014/010 Seabed environments and shallow geology of the Leveque Shelf, Browse Basin, Western Australia; GA0340/SOL5754 – Post-survey report
2014/011 Regional assessment of the CO2 storage potential of the Mesozoic succession in the Petrel Sub-basin, Northern Territory, Australia: summary report
2014/012 Gravity and granites: technical notes on mapping relationships of known granites and gravity
2014/013 New SHRIMP U-Pb zircon ages from the New England Orogen, New South Wales: July 2010-June 2012
2014/014 Index of airborne geophysical surveys (14th ed.)
2014/015 EDM height traversing levelling survey report : Rarotonga, Cook Islands, December 2012
2014/016 EDM height traversing levelling survey report : Lautoka, Fiji Islands, February 2013
2014/017 EDM height traversing levelling survey report : Tarawa, Kiribati, December 2012
2014/018 EDM height traversing levelling survey report : Tarawa, Kiribati, August 2013
2014/019 EDM height traversing levelling survey report : Manus Island, Papua New Guinea, September 2012
2014/020 EDM height traversing levelling survey report : Majuro, Marshall Islands, June 2012
2014/021 EDM height traversing levelling survey report : Pohnpei, Federated States of Micronesia, August 2012
2014/022 EDM height traversing levelling survey report : Nauru, February 2012
2014/023 EDM height traversing levelling survey report : Nauru, September 2013
2014/024 EDM height traversing levelling survey report : Apia, Western Samoa, November 2011
2014/025 EDM height traversing levelling survey report : Apia, Samoa, May 2013
2014/026 EDM height traversing levelling survey report : Honiara, Solomon Islands, March 2012
2014/027 EDM height traversing levelling survey report : Honiara, Solomon Islands, June 2013
2014/028 EDM height traversing levelling survey report : Nuku'alofa, Tonga, April, 2013
2014/029 EDM height traversing levelling survey report : Funafuti, Tuvalu, May 2012
2014/030 EDM height traversing levelling survey report : Funafuti, Tuvalu, July 2013
2014/031 EDM height traversing levelling survey report : Port Vila, Vanuatu, October 2012
2014/032 New SHRIMP U-Pb zircon ages from the central Lachlan Orogen and Thomson Orogen, New South Wales: July 2011-June 2012
2014/033 Local wind assessment in Australia: computation methodology for wind multipliers
2014/034 Report on the analysis of the Asia Pacific Regional Geodetic Project (APRGP) GPS Campaign 2013
2014/035 2010 Katherine VLBI Observatory Local Tie Survey : technical report
2014/036 Probabilistic volcanic ash hazard analysis (PVAHA) : adaptation of a seismologically based technique for global scale volcanic ash hazard assessment
2014/037 Metadata report : Arcturus atmospheric greenhouse gas monitoring
2014/038 GAR15 Regional vulnerability functions: reporting on the UNISDR/GA SE Asian Regional Workshop on Structural Vulnerability Models for the GAR Global Risk Assessment, 11-14 November 2013, Geoscience Australia, Canberra, Australia
2014/039 Guide to using the Australian Mafic-Ultramafic Magmatic Events GIS dataset : Archean, Proterozoic and Phanerozoic magmatic events
2014/040 Acknowledging and understanding variability in simulating bushfires: Part 1 - Evaluation of FireDST against the Kilmore fire of 7 February 2009
2014/041 Acknowledging and understanding variability in simulating bushfires: Part 3 - Evaluation of FireDST against the Mt Hall fire of 24 December 2001
2014/042 Acknowledging and understanding variability in simulating bushfires: Part 2 - Evaluation of FireDST against the Wangary fire of 10 January 2005
2014/043 Pacific Island groundwater and future climates: first-pass regional vulnerability assessment
2014/044 Constraining surface deformation predictions resulting from coal seam gas extraction
2014/045 Australian seismological report 2013
2014/046 Handbook of geochronology mineral separation laboratory techniques
2014/047 Evaluation of severe wind hazard from tropical cyclones - current and future climate simulations. Pacific-Australia Climate Change Science and Adaptation Planning Program
2014/048 Petrel Sub-basin marine survey (GA0335/SOL5463): sub bottom profiler processing report
2014/049 Seabed environments and shallow sub-surface geology of the Vlaming Sub-basin, offshore Perth Basin: summary results from marine survey GA0334
2014/050 The Australian coast: teacher notes and student activities
2014/051 Platinum-group elements in Australia: geological setting, mineral systems, and potential
2014/052 New SHRIMP U-Pb zircon ages from the New England Orogen, New South Wales: July 2012-June 2014
2014/053 New SHRIMP U-Pb zircon ages from the Lachlan, southern Thomson and New England orogens, New South Wales: February 2011-June 2013
2014/054 The 2012 Newcastle-Sydney SPAC microtremor surveys
2014/055 Exploring minerals and crystals: teacher notes and student activities
2014/056 Landslide susceptibility mapping : a remote sensing based approach using QGIS 2.2 (Valmiera) : technical manual


Record Number Title
2015/001 3D Geophysical inversion modelling of the Wallaby Plateau: evidence for continental crust and seaward-dipping reflectors
2015/002 New SHRIMP U-Pb zircon ages from the central and eastern Lachlan Orogen, New South Wales: July 2013-June 2014
2015/003 The Design of radar corner reflectors for the Australian Geophysical Observing System: a single design suitable for InSAR deformation monitoring and SAR calibration at multiple microwave frequency bands
2015/004 Pacific Sea Level Monitoring Project: CGPS coordinate time series analysis report
2015/005 Groundwater hydrochemical characterisation of the Surat Region and Laura Basin – Queensland: final technical report for the National Collaboration Framework Hydrochemical Characterisation Project
2015/006 China Australia Geological Storage of CO2 Project Phase Two (CAGS2): Summary report
2015/007 Comparison of sampling methods to assess benthic marine biodiversity: Are spatial and ecological relationships consistent among sampling gear?
2015/008 Results of the National GNSS CORS Campaign, September 2014
2015/009 An integrated study of the CO2 storage potential in the offshore Vlaming Sub-Basin: results of the study undertaken as part of the NCIP program
2015/010 Australian Petroleum Accumulations Report 7 Browse Basin: Western Australia and Territory of Ashmore and Cartier Islands adjacent area
2015/011 Regional hydrogeological characterisation of the Laura Basin, Queensland: Final technical report for the National Collaboration Framework Regional Hydrogeology Project
2015/012 Regional hydrogeological characterisation of the Otway Basin, Victoria and South Australia: Technical report for the National Collaboration Framework Regional Hydrogeology Project
2015/013 Regional geology and mineral systems of the Stavely region, western Victoria: Data release 1 – Stratigraphic drilling field data
2015/014 Regional hydrogeological characterisation of the Maryborough Basin, Queensland: Technical report for the National Collaboration Framework Regional Hydrogeology Project
2015/015 Report on the analysis of the Asia Pacific Regional Geodetic Project (APRGP) GPS Campaign 2014
2015/016 Regional hydrogeological characterisation of the St Vincent Basin, South Australia: Technical report for the National Collaboration Framework Regional Hydrogeology Project
2015/017 Australian Flood Risk Information Portal: Data entry guidelines November 2014
2015/018 Mapping and classification of Darwin Harbour seabed
2015/019 Multi-component kinetics and late gas potential of selected Cooper Basin source rocks
2015/020 New SHRIMP U-Pb zircon ages from the Cuttaburra and F1 prospects, southern Thomson Orogen, New South Wales
2015/021 Dungog Flood, 20-21 April, 2015: Post-flood damage survey
2015/022 Australian seismological report 2014
2015/023 Indonesia’s historical earthquakes: modelled examples for improving the national hazard map
2015/024 Seabed environments, shallow sub-surface geology and connectivity, Petrel Sub-basin, Bonaparte Basin, Timor Sea: Interpretative report from marine survey GA0335/SOL5463
2015/025 The Australian Coastal Sediment Compartments Project: methodology and product development
2015/026 New SHRIMP U-Pb zircon ages from the Stavely region, western Victoria: July 2013 - June 2014
2015/027 Regional geology and mineral systems of the Stavely region, western Victoria: Data release 2 – HyLogger data and catalogue
2015/028 New SHRIMP U-Pb zircon ages from the New England Orogen, New South Wales: July 2014 - June 2015
2015/029 The Southern Thomson Orogen VTEMplus AEM Survey: Using airborne electromagnetics as an UNCOVER application
2015/030 Regional geology and mineral systems of the Stavely region, western Victoria: Data release 3 – Stratigraphic drilling lithology logs
2015/031 Cooper Basin architecture and lithofacies: regional hydrocarbon prospectivity of the Cooper Basin, Part 1


Record Number Title
2016/001 Potential for intrusion-hosted Ni-Cu-PGE sulfide deposits in Australia: a continental-scale analysis of mineral system prospectivity
2016/002 Review of hydrofracturing and induced seismicity
2016/003 Seafloor mapping survey, Windmill Islands and Casey region, Antarctica: GA-0348 post survey report, December 2014 - February 2015
2016/004 Onshore basin inventory: the McArthur, South Nicholson, Georgina, Wiso, Amadeus, Warburton, Cooper and Galilee basins, central Australia
2016/005 A marine survey to investigate seal integrity between potential CO2 storage reservoirs and seafloor in the Caswell Sub-basin, Browse Basin, Western Australia: GA0345/GA0346/TAN1411 - post-survey report
2016/006 Cooper Basin source rock geochemistry: regional hydrocarbon prospectivity of the Cooper Basin, Part 2
2016/007 Geodynamic synthesis of the Phanerozoic of eastern Australia. 2nd ed.
2016/008 Outer Darwin Harbour marine survey 2015: GA0351/SOL6187 - post-survey report
2016/009 Tsunamigenic potential of the Kerguelen Plateau
2016/010 Evaluation of the TanDEM-X Intermediate DEM for terrain illumination correction in Landsat data
2016/011 Geochemical survey of the southern Thomson Orogen, southwestern Queensland and northwestern New South Wales: the chemical composition of surface and near-surface catchment outlet sediments
2016/012 Earth observation from space data for vegetation monitoring in South Australia: Project closure report
2016/013 Earth observation from space data for vegetation monitoring in Victoria: Project closure report
2016/014 Regional geology and mineral systems of the Stavely region, western Victoria. Data release 4 - drill core rock property measurements
2016/015 Volcanoes: teacher notes and student activities
2016/016 Under the Nullarbor: New SHRIMP UPb zircon ages from the Coompana, Madura and Albany-Fraser Provinces, and Officer Basin, western South Australia and eastern Western Australia: July 2014-June 2015
2016/017 A regional assessment of CO2 storage potential in the Browse Basin: Results of a study undertaken as part of the National CO2 Infrastructure Plan
2016/018 Seabed environments and shallow geology of the Leveque Shelf, Browse Basin, Western Australia: GA0340 - interpretative report
2016/019 Standard operating procedure for preparation of grain mounts for SHRIMP analysis: Mineral Separation Laboratory
2016/020 Report on the analysis of the Asia Pacific Regional Geodetic Project (APRGP) GPS campaign 2015
2016/021 New SHRIMP U-Pb ages from the central Lachlan Orogen and New England Orogen, New South Wales: July 2014-June 2015
2016/022 A blast loss estimation capability for the Australian Government
2016/023 Summary of the Great Artesian Basin Research Priorities Workshop 27-28 April 2016, Canberra
2016/024 Testing methods for marine sediment characterisation from a nearshore environment: Davis Station, Australian Antarctic Territory
2016/025 Gippsland Basin 2D Infill 2015 Marine Seismic Survey - GA0352: acquisition and processing reports
2016/026 Australian seismological report 2015
2016/027 New SHRIMP U-Pb zircon ages from the Stavely region, western Victoria: July 2014 - June 2016
2016/028 New SHRIMP U-Pb zircon ages from the Lachlan Orogen and the New England Orogen, New South Wales: Mineral Systems Projects, July 2015-June 2016
2016/029 Cooper Basin Petroleum Systems Analysis: Regional Hydrocarbon Prospectivity of the Cooper Basin, Part 3
2016/030 Household experiences of flooding in Brisbane and Ipswich, Queensland: results of Geoscience Australia surveys following flooding in South East Queensland in 2011 and 2013
2016/031 Beneath the Perth Basin: new U-Pb SHRIMP zircon ages from the Pinjarra Orogen, Western Australia, 2016
2016/032 Carbon dioxide storage potential of the Gippsland Basin : Results of a study undertaken as part of the National CO2 Infrastructure Plan
2016/033 Australian Fundamental Gravity Network Absolute Gravity Survey 2015 : Gravity Survey ID: 201590
2016/034 Regional geology and mineral systems of the Stavely region, western Victoria. Data release 6 - Pre-drilling geophysics
2016/035 Marine seismic survey impacts on fish and invertebrates: final report for the Gippsland Marine Environmental Monitoring Project


Record Number Title
2017/001 An integrative approach to investigating crustal architecture and cover thickness in the Southern Thomson region: modelling new geophysical data
2017/002 Regional geology and mineral systems of the Stavely region, western Victoria: Data release 5 - Geochemistry data
2017/003 Southern Thomson magnetotelluric (MT) survey report and data modelling
2017/004 Bynoe Harbour Marine Survey 2016: GA4452/SOL6432 Post-survey report
2017/005 Gold and intrusion-related Mo-W mineral systems in the southern Thomson Orogen, New South Wales
2017/006 Outer Darwin Harbour Shallow Water Sediment Survey 2016: GA0356 - Post-survey report
2017/007 GSQ Eulo 1 borehole completion record: Southern Thomson Project
2017/008 GSQ Eulo 2 borehole completion record: Southern Thomson Project
2017/009 Spatial variations in lead isotopes, Tasman Element, eastern Australia
2017/010 Vulnerability of Australian houses to riverine inundation: analytical and empirical vulnerability curves
2017/011 Summary of analyses undertaken on debris recovered during the search for flight MH370: a collation of reports describing quarantine and parts analysis undertaken by Geoscience Australia
2017/012 A revised seismic site conditions map for Australia
2017/013 Summary of imagery analyses for non-natural objects in support of the search for Flight MH370 : results from the analysis of imagery from the PLEIADES 1A satellite undertaken by Geoscience Australia
2017/014 Vulnerability of Australian houses to riverine inundation: analytical and empirical vulnerability curves
2017/015 Australian fundamental Gravity Network Absolute Gravity Survey 2016 : Gravity Survey ID: 201691
2017/016 New SHRIMP U-Pb zircon ages from the Birrindudu and Victoria Basins, Northern Territory: July 2016-June 2017
2017/017 Report on the Analysis of the Asia Pacific Regional Geodetic Project (APRGP) GPS Campaign 2016
2017/018 Source rock geochemistry of the offshore northern Perth Basin: regional hydrocarbon prospectivity of the offshore northern Perth Basin
2017/019 Cover thickness estimates in the Coompana Province, South Australia: benchmarking and results from the pre-drilling geophysics program - magnetotellurics
2017/020 SHRIMP U-Pb detrital zircon ages from GSWA Harvey 1, Western Australia: July 2013-June 2015
2017/021 Estimating cover thickness in the Southern Thomson Orogen: results from the pre-drilling application of refraction seismic, audio-magnetotelluric and targeted magnetic inversion modelling methods on proposed borehole sites
2017/022 A U-Pb geochronology compilation for northern Australia: version 1, November 2017
2017/023 Volcanoes: teacher notes and student activities


Record Number Title
2018/001 Workflow for the development of tropical cyclone local wind fields: Tropical Cyclone Debbie, March 25-29, 2017
2018/002 Regional geology and mineral systems of the Stavely Arc, western Victoria
2018/003 The 2017 Australian GNSS CORS Position Verification Analysis
2018/004 Electrical conductivity structure derived from magnetotelluric data in the South-Eastern Mount Isa Region
2018/005 Electrical conductivity structure derived from magnetotelluric data in Cloncurry Region
2018/006 Northern Australia geochemical survey data release 1 - total (fine fraction) and MMI element contents
2018/007 Tongo 1 borehole completion report: Southern Thomson Project
2018/008 Congararra 1 borehole completion report: Southern Thomson Project
2018/009 Congararra 2 borehole completion report: Southern Thomson Project
2018/010 Euroli 1 borehole completion report: Southern Thomson Project
2018/011 Janina 1 borehole completion report: Southern Thomson Project
2018/012 Laurelvale 1 borehole completion report: Southern Thomson Project
2018/013 Milcarpa 1 borehole completion report: Southern Thomson Project
2018/014 Cover thickness estimates in the Coompana Province, South Australia: results from the pre-drilling geophysics program - reflection, refraction and surface wave seismic
2018/015 Australian Geomagnetism Report 2012
2018/016 Geoscience Australia magnetotelluric data location package: government funded surveys to December 2017
2018/017 New SHRIMP U-Pb zircon ages from the central Lachlan Orogen, New South Wales: regional mapping projects, July 2015-June 2016
2018/018 Onshore basin inventory volume 2: the Canning, Perth and Officer basins
2018/019 Australian multibeam guidelines
2018/021 Australian Lithospheric Architecture Magnetotelluric Project (AusLAMP) : Victoria : Data Release Report
2018/022 Pre-drilling geophysics in the Coompana Province of South Australia : Benchmarking magnetotelluric and active seismic cover thickness estimates against preliminary drilling results
2018/024 Source rock geochemistry of the McArthur Basin, northern Australia : Rock-Eval pyrolysis data release
2018/025 Geology and prospectivity of the northern Houtman Sub-basin
2018/026 Geoscience Australia Community Metadata Profile of ISO 19115-1:2014
2018/027 The 2018 National Seismic Hazard Assessment for Australia: model overview
2018/028 Expert elicitation of model parameters for the 2018 National Seismic Hazard Assessment: Summary of workshop, methodology and outcomes
2018/029 Selection and ranking of ground-motion models for the 2018 National Seismic Hazard Assessment of Australia: Summary of ground-motion data, methodology and outcomes
2018/030 The 2018 National Seismic Hazard Assessment for Australia – earthquake epicentre catalogue
2018/031 Earthquake sources of the Australian plate margin: Revised models for the 2018 national tsunami and earthquake hazard assessments
2018/032 The 2018 National Seismic Hazard Assessment for Australia: model input files
2018/033 The 2018 National Seismic Hazard Assessment for Australia – Data package, maps and grid values
2018/034 GSQ Eulo 4 borehole completion record: Southern Thomson Project
2018/035 Southern Thomson orogen mineral spectroscopy: Southern Thomson project
2018/036 GSQ Cunnamulla 1 borehole completion record: Southern Thomson project
2018/037 GSQ Eulo 3 borehole completion record: Southern Thomson project
2018/038 Source rock geochemistry of the Isa Superbasin and South Nicholson Basin, Northern Australia: Baseline regional hydrocarbon prospectivity
2018/039 50th anniversary of the 14th October 1968 Mw 6.5 (Ms 6.8) Meckering earthquake: Australian Earthquake Engineering Society Pre-conference Field Trip, Meckering, 15 November 2018
2018/040 Tropical cyclone hazard assessment: 2018 release
2018/041 The 2018 Australian probabilistic tsunami hazard assessment: hazard from earthquake generated tsunamis
2018/044 20th Australian Organic Geochemistry Conference: Origins of oil, old organics and organisms: program and abstracts: 3-7 December, 2018, Canberra
2018/045 Exploring for the Future - source rock geochemistry of Northern Australia. Data release 1: Total organic carbon (TOC) and Rock-Eval pyrolysis of samples from the South Nicholson Basin and Isa Superbasin, Queensland
2018/046 Australian Geomagnetism Report 2013–2016: Volume 61
2018/047 Northern Lawn Hill Platform depth structure and isochore mapping update
2018/048 Northern Australia Hydrogeochemical Survey: Data release, preliminary interpretation and atlas - Tennant Creek, McArthur River and Lake Woods regions
2018/049 U-Pb geochronology compilation for northern Australia: Version 2, 2018
2018/050 New SHRIMP U-Pb zircon provenance and in situ monazite metamorphic ages from the Mount Robe Sub-block, Broken Hill, New South Wales: July 2015–June 2017
2018/051 Critical Minerals in Australia: a review of opportunities and research needs
2018/052 Benthic sediment surveys of inner Darwin Harbour and shallow water areas in and around Bynoe Harbour (2017): GA0358 and GA039 - Post-survey report


Record Number Title
2019/001 Preliminary national-scale lead isotope maps of Australia
2019/002 Northern Australia Geochemical Survey Data release 2: Total (coarse fraction), Aqua Regia (coarse and fine fraction), and Fire Assay (coarse and fine fraction) element contents
2019/003 Producing magnetite and hematite alteration proxies using 3D gravity and magnetic inversion - method and results for the Tennant Creek – Mt Isa Project, northern Australia
2019/004 Oxygen isotopic heterogeneity in the Temora-2 reference zircon
2019/005 New SHRIMP U–Pb zircon and titanite ages from the Lachlan Orogen and the New England Orogen, New South Wales: Mineral Systems Projects, July 2016–June 2017
2019/007 Report on the analysis of the Asia Pacific Regional Geodetic Project (APRGP) GPS campaign 2018
2019/009 New SHRIMP U–Pb zircon ages from the South Nicholson and Carrara Range region, Northern Territory
2019/010 New SHRIMP U–Pb zircon ages from the South Nicholson Basin, Mount Isa Province and Georgina Basin, Northern Territory and Queensland: July 2017-June 2018
2019/011 Geochemical compositions of natural gases from the wells Roc 1 and Roc 2, Roebuck Basin, Australia
2019/012 TOC and Rock-Eval pyrolysis data from the well Roc 2, Roebuck Basin, Australia
2019/013 Organic geochemistry data release for Phoenix South 1 ST2 oils, Bedout sub-basin, Australia
2019/014 Depth to pre-Neoproterozoic rocks between Tennant Creek and Mount Isa: a preliminary model
2019/015 Prospective hydrogen production regions of Australia
2019/016 New SHRIMP U-Pb zircon ages from the southern Thomson Orogen, northern Lachlan Orogen and Koonenberry Belt: April 2014-June 2016
2019/017 Report on the Asia Pacific Reference Frame (APREF) Project
2019/019 Exploring for the Future: source rock geochemistry of Northern Australia. Data Release 2: Total organic carbon (TOC) and Rock-Eval pyrolysis of samples from the McArthur Basin, South Nicholson Basin and Isa Superbasin, Northern Territory
2019/021 Exploring for the Future: South Nicholson Basin geological summary and seismic data interpretation
2019/022 Crustal structure and distribution of volcanics in the Northern Carnarvon and Roebuck basins, central Australian Northwest Shelf: potential field modelling
2019/023 Exploring for the Future - X-ray diffraction (XRD) data release of sedimentary rocks in the South Nicholson Basin and Isa Superbasin, Northern Australia