Digitised records 2020s
Page last updated:27 August 2024
2020 | 2021 | 2022 | 2023 | 2024
Record Number | Title |
2020/001 | An organic petrological analysis of shales and carbonates in the Isa Superbasin, northern Australia |
2020/002 | Exploring for the futue - Whole-rock geochemistry data release of sedimentary and igneous rocks from the South Nicholson region, Northern Territory and Queensland |
2020/003 | Vertical motion of Pacific Island tide gauges: combined analysis from GNSS and levelling |
2020/004 | Geochemical compositions of natural gases from the onshore Canning Basin, Australia |
2020/005 | Science data and information governance framework 2020-2023 |
2020/006 | Rock-Eval pyrolysis data from Waukarlycarly 1, Canning Basin, Australia: destructive analysis report 2020-003 |
2020/007 | Severe Wind Hazard Assessment: Tropical cyclone scenarios for coastal Western Australian communities |
2020/008 | Rock-Eval pyrolysis data from wells of the Canning Basin, Australia: destructive analysis report 2020-004 |
2020/009 | Exploring for the Future – Regolith-landform mapping for the Alice Springs region: Northern Territory |
2020/010 | Exploring for the Future – Regolith-landform mapping for the Ti Tree, Western Davenport and Tennant Creek regions: Northern Territory |
2020/011 | Australian Lithospheric Architecture Magnetotelluric Project (AusLAMP): New South Wales: data release (Phase one) |
2020/012 | Notes on North Australian Craton solid geology maps: Northern Territory-Queensland, 2015-20 |
2020/013 | Impact of the January 2013 flood on Bundaberg's households and businesses: results of Geoscience Australia surveys following flooding in Bundaberg in 2013 |
2020/015 | Northern Australia Hydrogeochemical Survey: Final Data Release and Hydrogeochemical Atlas for Exploring for the Future |
2020/016 | Subsidence monitoring in the Sydney Basin, New South Wales: results of the Camden Environmental Monitoring Project |
2020/017 | Levelled surface sediment geochemistry data for the North Australian Craton: Data release 1 |
2020/018 | Organic Geochemical Data Release for Source Rocks of the Roc 2 Well, Bedout Sub-basin, Australia |
2020/019 | Magnetic susceptibility and bulk density data from Waukarlycarly 1, Canning Basin, Australia: Destructive Analysis Report 2020-007 |
2020/020 | Seismic Monitoring of NSW CSG Areas: Monitoring of seismic activity in the CSG production area of Camden and the seismicity of the region |
2020/021 | Organic geochemical data release for petroleum fluids of the Roc 1 and 2 wells, Bedout Sub-basin, Australia |
2020/022 | 2019 Australian national gravity grids explanatory notes |
2020/023 | Exploring for the Future: Fluid inclusions from the Benmara and Carrara Range regions, Northern Territory: Buddycurrawa Volcanics (Benmara Group) and Plain Creek Formation (McNamara Group) |
2020/024 | Exploring for the Future: data release of whole-rock Re-Os from the South Nicholson region, Northern Territory and Queensland |
2020/025 | Exploring for the Future – New SHRIMP geochronology constraints on the basin evolution of the South Nicholson region |
2020/026 | Exploring for the Future - South Nicholson Basin and Lawn Hill Platform geomechanical testing data release |
2020/027 | Report on the analysis of the Asia Pacific Regional Geodetic Project (APRGP) GPS Campaign 2019 |
2020/028 | Exploring for the Future - Waukarlycarly 1 petrophysical testing program data release, Canning Basin, Australia |
2020/029 | National Probabilistic Seismic Hazard Assessment for Papua New Guinea : 2019 Revision |
2020/030 | Gascoyne Marine Park post-survey report, RV Falkor, FK200308 (GA4859) |
2020/031 | Towards a heavy mineral map of the Australian continent: a feasibility study |
2020/032 | Exploring for the Future - Regional hydrogeological characterisation of the McBride and Nulla basalt provinces: Upper Burdekin region, North Queensland |
2020/033 | Exploring for the Future – New SHRIMP geochronology constraints on the basin evolution of the South Nicholson region |
2020/034 | Positions and orientations for the Queensland corner reflector array, Australia: report on geodetic surveys conducted in May and June 2018 |
2020/035 | Organic petrography of Proterozoic shales from northern Australia |
2020/036 | Interim amendment of PNGS 1001-1982: part 4 earthquake design actions |
2020/037 | Bulk kinetics of Proterozoic kerogens from the McArthur Basin and Lawn Hill Platform, northern Australia |
2020/038 | Burial and thermal history analysis of the northern Lawn Hill Platform, Isa Superbasin, Part A |
2020/039 | Whole-rock inorganic geochemistry data release of sedimentary rocks from northern Australia |
2020/040 | Marine seismic surveys and the environment: an updated critical review of the potential impacts of marine seismic surveys on fish and invertebrates |
2020/041 | Exploring for the Future - Baseline whole rock geochemistry of northern Australia: data release - geochemistry of drill core samples from the McArthur Basin, Lawn Hill platform and Tomkinson Province, Northern Territory and Queensland |
2020/042 | New SHRIMP U–Pb ages from the Cobar Basin, New South Wales: Mineral Systems Projects, July 2018–June 2019 |
2020/043 | Exploring for the Future - Groundwater hydrochemistry data release: East Kimberley project, Northern Territory |
2020/044 | Exploring for the Future - Groundwater hydrochemistry data release, Ti Tree project, Northern Territory |
2020/045 | Exploring for the Future - Groundwater hydrochemistry data release: Alice Springs project, Northern Territory |
2020/046 | Exploring for the Future - Hydrochemistry data release, Daly River project, Northern Territory |
2020/047 | Exploring for the Future - Groundwater hydrochemistry data release, Howard East project, Northern Territory |
2020/048 | Exploring for the Future - Groundwater hydrochemistry data release: Western Davenport project, Northern Territory |
2020/049 | Exploring for the Future - Bore positioning survey data release for the Nulla and McBride basalt provinces: Upper Burdekin region, north Queensland |
2020/050 | Exploring for the Future - Groundwater level interpretations for the McBride and Nulla basalt provinces: Upper Burdekin region, North Queensland |
2020/051 | Exploring for the Future - Groundwater level data release for the McBride and Nulla basalt provinces: Upper Burdekin region, north Queensland |
2020/052 | Exploring for the Future - Barometric response function interpretations in the McBride and Nulla basalt provinces: Upper Burdekin region, North Queensland |
2020/053 | Exploring for the Future - Groundwater level data release: East Kimberley project, Northern Territory |
2020/054 | Exploring for the Future - Groundwater level data release: Southern Stuart Corridor project, Northern Territory |
2020/055 | Exploring for the Future - Groundwater level and electrical conductivity data release: Howard East, Northern Territory |
2020/056 | Exploring for the Future - Geological and hydrogeological investigations in the Western Davenport region: Northern Territory |
2020/057 | Exploring for the Future - Integrated hydrogeological investigation of the Koolpinyah Dolostone Aquifer, Howard East, Northern Territory |
2020/058 | Maturation characteristics of samples from Wallara-1 well, Canning Basin, as deduced from FT-ICR-MS analysis |
2020/059 | Exploring for the Future - Surface Nuclear Magnetic Resonance (SNMR) method: data acquisition, processing and inversion |
2020/060 | Petroleum systems summary: Canning Basin |
2020/061 | Petroleum systems summary: South Nicholson Basin and Isa Superbasin region |
Record Number | Title |
2021/001 | Tectonostratigraphic evolution of the Centralian Superbasin (Australia) revealed through three-dimensional well correlations |
2021/002 | Petroleum systems summary: McArthur Basin |
2021/003 | Well log data Analysis and interpretation on the pre-Carboniferous succession in Waukarlycarly 1, Canning Basin, Western Australia |
2021/004 | Exploring for the Future - Remodelling the Oolloo-Jinduckin interface across the Daly Basin, Northern Territory: Interpreting stratigraphic boundaries using probablistic airborne electromagnetic inversions |
2021/005 | Exploring for the Future - Hydrogeochemical survey of the McBride and Nulla basalt provinces: Upper Burdekin region, North Queensland |
2021/006 | Total Organic Carbon (TOC) and Rock-Eval pyrolysis data of samples from wells of the northern Lawn Hill Platform, Queensland, Australia |
2021/007 | Exploring for the Future - Alice Springs hydrogeology synthesis report, Northern Territory |
2021/008 | New SHRIMP U-Pb zircon ages from the Lachlan Orogen, New South Wales: East Riverina Project, July 2016–June 2020 |
2021/009 | Severe Wind Hazard Assessment: Tropical cyclone scenarios for coastal Western Australian communities |
2021/010 | The Centralian Superbasin (Canning, Amadeus, Georgina and Officer basins) stratigraphic review and well correlations |
2021/011 | Exploring for the Future - Architecture of the deep Ti Tree Basin (Report 1), Northern Territory |
2021/012 | Exploring for the Future - Preliminary HyLogger results of borehole samples from the Southern Stuart Corridor project area, Northern Territory |
2021/013 | Exploring for the Future - Summary of hydrogeological findings in the Ti Tree Basin (Report 3), Northern Territory |
2021/014 | Exploring for the Future - A hydrochemical assessment of groundwater processes in the Ti Tree Basin (Report 2) |
2021/015 | Earthquake Impact and Risk Assessment for Perth and Supporting Infrastructure (EIRAPSI): final report on the backgrounds, collaboration structure, methods, and findings from the EIRAPSI project |
2021/016 | Isotopic Atlas of Australia: Lu-Hf and O isotope data structure and delivery. Version 1.0: North Australian Craton compilation |
2021/017 | Qualitative BIB-SEM imaging of Proterozoic shales in northern Australia |
2021/018 | Geology of the northern Jetty Peninsula, Mac.Robertson Land, Antarctica, GIS dataset: metadata statement |
2021/020 | Geological setting, age and endowment of major Australian mineral deposits - a compilation |
2021/021 | Electrical resistivity structures and mineral prospectivity from Exploring for the Future AusLAMP data (2016-2019) in northern Australia |
2021/022 | Investigation of potential hydrocarbon contamination sources during the study of Barnicarndy 1, Canning Basin, Australia |
2021/023 | Exploring for the Future - Bulk density data from NDI Carrara 1, South Nicholson region, Australia: Destructive analysis report |
2021/024 | Isotopic Atlas of Australia: Geochronology compilation for Victoria: Version 1.0 |
2021/025 | Exploring for the Future - Organic geochemistry analyses on Lower Ordovician cores from Barnicarndy 1, Barnicarndy Graben, Canning Basin, Western Australia: data release |
2021/026 | Exploring for the Future - Rock-Eval pyrolysis data from NDI Carrara 1, South Nicholson Region, Australia: Destructive Analysis Report |
2021/027 | Australian Capital Territory Geochemical Urban Mapping (ACTGUM): Project Manual 1 - Sample Collection, Preparation and Total Element Content Analysis |
2021/028 | Exploring for the Future - petrophysical and geomechanical testing program data release, Officer Basin, Australia |
2021/029 | Exploring for the Future: Molecular and Isotopic Compositions of Natural Gases from Nangwarry 1, Onshore Otway Basin, South Australia |
2021/030 | Exploring for the Future: Molecular and Isotopic Compositions of Natural Gases from Canunda 2 and Ralgnal 1, Cooper Basin, Australia |
2021/031 | Source rock and maturity modelling of the northern Lawn Hill Platform, Isa Superbasin. Part B |
2021/032 | Exploring for the Future - Whole rock inorganic geochemistry data release of NDI Carrara 1, South Nicholson region, Northern Territory: destructive analysis report |
2021/033 | The North Australian Craton 3D Gravity and Magnetic Inversion Models: A trial for first pass modelling of the entire Australian continent |
2021/034 | Compositional Kinetics – Ordovician Goldwyer and Bongabinni formations, Canning Basin, Western Australia |
2021/035 | Towards a regolith mineralogy map of the Australian continent: a feasibility study in the Darling-Curnamona-Delamerian region |
2021/036 | East Tennant National Drilling Initiative campaign – summary of field data acquisition |
2021/037 | Modelling and associated data analysis of Ordovician petroleum systems of the southern Canning Basin: the Kidson and Willara sub-basins and the Barnicarndy Embayment |
2021/038 | Exploring for the Future – Whole rock inorganic geochemistry of sedimentary rocks from Barnicarndy 1, Canning Basin, Western Australia: Data release |
2021/039 | Compositional Kinetics for the Lower Cretaceous Eumeralla Formation, Otway Group, Otway Basin, Australia: Data Release |
2021/040 | Reconnaissance study of Early Ordovician organic-walled microfossils from Barnicarndy 1, Barnicarndy Graben, Canning Basin, Western Australia |
Record Number | Title |
2022/001 | Palynological data review of selected wells and new sampling results in the Great Artesian Basin: Phase 1 data review & Phase 2 infill sampling analysis |
2022/002 | Regional stratigraphic correlation transects across the Great Artesian Basin - Eromanga and Surat basins focus study |
2022/003 | CO2 EOR-storage methodology in residual oil zones |
2022/004 | Geoscience Australia Exposure Report: Product Description |
2022/005 | Exploring for the Future – Quantitative X-ray diffraction data release of NDI Carrara 1, South Nicholson region, Northern Territory |
2022/006 | Improving hydrogeological conceptualisations of the Great Artesian Basin. Northern Surat Basin pilot study – methods and preliminary results |
2022/007 | Exploring for the Future: defining a chemostratigraphic framework for the Officer Basin: Inorganic and stable isotopic analyses of ten petroleum wells from Western Australia and South Australia |
2022/008 | Evaluation of Geoscience Australia’s proposed GNSS CORS antenna mount adaptors |
2022/009 | Exploring for the Future - The 2019 Barkly Reflection Seismic Survey (L212) |
2022/010 | Database of zinc-lead-bearing mineral deposits |
2022/011 | Geochronological studies of selected Australian mineral deposits, 2003 – 2020 |
2022/012 | Improving the performance of the AEIP by reducing the complexity of vector polygons |
2022/013 | Exploring for the Future – Pb isotope data release of NDI Carrara 1, South Nicholson region, Northern Territory: Destructive analysis report |
2022/014 | Exploring for the Future - NDI Carrara 1 gas geochemistry: molecular composition, carbon and hydrogen isotopes of hydrocarbon gases, and the sources of molecular hydrogen and helium |
2022/015 | Exploring for the Future – Petrology of NDI Carrara 1, South Nicholson region, Northern Territory |
2022/016 | Exploring for the Future: Canning Basin: Kidson seismic survey (18GA-KB1) and geological interpretation |
2022/017 | Great Artesian Basin eastern recharge area assessment – northern Surat Basin airborne electromagnetic data interpretation report |
2022/018 | New SHRIMP U–Pb geochronology of in situ monazites from the East Tennant area, Northern Territory: Results from the MinEx CRC National Drilling Initiative program |
2022/019 | Great Artesian Basin geological and hydrogeological surfaces update: report and data package |
2022/020 | Broken Hill Groundwater and Regolith Geochemistry (1999-2005): Datasets, Metadata and Geochemical Atlases |
2022/021 | Geological and hydrogeological architecture of the Great Artesian Basin: A framework for developing hydrogeological conceptualisations |
2022/023 | Ground surface movement in the northern Surat Basin derived from campaign GPS measurements |
2022/024 | Pacific Sea Level and Geodetic Monitoring Project: Levelling & GNSS Monitoring Survey Report |
2022/025 | An evaluation of East Tennant borehole wireline density data |
2022/026 | AusArray temporary passive seismic station deployment, servicing and retrieval: Geoscience Australia standard operating procedures |
2022/027 | AusArray TROMINO® Active Seismic Data Acquisition, Processing and MASW Modelling |
2022/029 | InSAR processing over the Great Artesian Basin and analysis over the western Eromanga Basin and northern Surat Basin |
2022/030 | Bayesian inferences on groundwater flow modelling within the Great Artesian Basin |
2022/031 | The Heavy Mineral Map of Australia Project: Data Release 1: The Darling-Curnamona-Delamerian Region |
2022/033 | Great Artesian Basin eastern recharge area assessment – Eastern Eromanga Basin airborne electromagnetic data interpretation report |
2022/034 | New SHRIMP U–Pb zircon and titanite ages from the Cobar Basin and Lachlan Orogen, New South Wales. Mineral Systems Projects, July 2017 to June 2019 |
2022/035 | Exploring for the Future – Petrology of the Officer Basin |
2022/036 | Archean alkaline and related igneous rocks of Australia |
2022/037 | Multilayered chronostratigraphic airborne electromagnetic interpretation workflow |
2022/038 | Mesozoic alkaline and related igneous rocks of Australia |
2022/039 | Curnamona Geochemistry Compilation |
2022/040 | Geological Context of the 2022 Offshore Acreage Release Areas for Petroleum Exploration |
2022/041 | Exploring for the Future: Petrology of select volcaniclastic intervals from NDI Carrara 1, South Nicholson region, Northern Territory |
2022/042 | Exploring for the Future: SHRIMP U–Pb geochronology of NDI Carrara 1, South Nicholson region, Northern Territory |
2022/043 | The Heavy Mineral Map of Australia Project. Data Release 2. The Barkly-Isa-Georgetown Region |
2022/044 | Isotopic Atlas of Australia: Geochronology compilation for Tasmania. Version 1.0 |
2022/045 | Severe Wind Hazard Assessment for South East Queensland - SWHA-SEQ Technical Report |
2022/046 | Assessing the status of groundwater in the Great Artesian Basin – Summary report |
2022/047 | Water Balance for the Great Artesian Basin - 2019: Summary of data, methods and results |
Record Number | Title |
2023/02 | Considerations for a water balance of the Great Artesian Basin |
2023/03 | Isotopic Atlas of Australia: Lu Hf and O isotope data structure and delivery. Version 1.1 |
2023/04 | Airborne Magnetic and Radiometric Technical Standards - Data Acquisition, Processing and Supply |
2023/05 | Feasibility of underground hydrogen storage with salt cavern in the offshore Polda Basin, South Australia |
2023/06 | Cenozoic Alkaline and related igneous rocks of Australia |
2023/07 | Exploring for the Future – Baseline whole rock geochemistry Data release — geochemistry of drill core samples from the Stuart Shelf region, South Australia |
2023/08 | Australian Geomagnetism Report 2017–2021 |
2023/09 | York Earthquake Building Mitigation Implementation Project: Final Report |
2023/10 | Basin Inventory Adavale Basin |
2023/11 | Petroleum systems modelling of the Adavale Basin 1D burial and thermal history modelling |
2023/12 | Petrography of the Birrindudu Basin |
2023/13 | Legacy stream sediment sample reanalysis - Red River, Hann River, Ebagoola, Coen, Georgetown, Kakadu, Araluen, Brindabella, Hedleys Creek, and Mammoth Mines Surveys |
2023/14 | Australian Mineral Exploration Review 2022 |
2023/15 | Contribution towards a Regolith Mineralogy Map of the Australian continent A Study in South Australia, Queensland and the Northern Territory |
2023/16 | Pacific Sea Level and Geodetic Monitoring Project Levelling & GNSS Monitoring Survey Reports 2018 - 2020 |
2023/26 | Wireline log data analysis in NDI Carrara 1, Northern Territory |
2023/27 | Palynological data review of selected boreholes in the Great Artesian, Lake Eyre basins and Upper Darling Floodplain (part 2) - Infilling data and knowledge gaps |
2023/28 | Regional stratigraphic correlation transects across the Great Artesian, Lake Eyre basins and Upper Darling Floodplain (part 2): Infilling data and knowledge gaps |
2023/29 | Mesoproterozoic basins of Australia |
2023/30 | Groundwater dependent vegetation assessment using remote sensing, Upper Darling River floodplain, New South Wales |
2023/31 | Report on the analysis of the Asia Pacific Regional Geodetic Project (APRGP) GPS Campaign 2022 |
2023/32 | Summary of results. Joint GSQ–GA Geochronology Project.Mount Isa region, 2017–2018 |
2023/33 | Defining a chemostratigraphic framework for the Adavale Basin - Inorganic and stable isotopic analysis of 10 petroleum wells from the Adavale Basin, Queensland |
2023/34 | Paleozoic Alkaline and related igneous rocks of Australia |
2023/35 | Earthquake risk and mitigation assessment in Tasmania - A collaborative project between the Tasmanian Department of State Growth and Geoscience Australia |
2023/36 | New SHRIMP U-Pb zircon ages from the Lachlan Orogen, NSW: Dubbo, Forbes and East Riverina areas, July 2020 – June 2021 |
2023/37 | Summary of results. Joint GSQ-GA Geochronology Project: Horn Island, Torres Strait, 2016–2017 |
2023/38 | Rock geochemistry from the Curnamona Province and Delamerian Orogen |
2023/39 | Geochemistry of drill core samples from the Stuart Shelf region, South Australia |
2023/40 | Australian Sub-bottom Profiling Guidelines |
2023/41 | Summary of results. Joint GSQ–GA Geochronology Project, Kalkadoon–Leichhardt and Mary Kathleen Domains, 2018–2020 |
2023/42 | The Heavy Mineral Map of Australia Project.Final Data Release.National Dataset and Atlas |
2023/43 | Compound-specific Isotope Analyses of Crude Oils from the Onshore Canning Basin, Western Australia - Data Release |
2023/44 | Eastern Australia 3D geological and hydrogeological surfaces update, Version 2.0: Report and data package of updated Great Artesian Basin and Lake eyre Basin surfaces extending to additional onshore-offshore eastern Australian basins |
2023/45 | Exploring for the Future - Thermal property data release for NDI Carrara 1, South Nicholson region, Northern Territory |
2023/46 | Delamerian Margins NSW National Drilling Initiative campaign – Summary of field data acquisition |
2023/47 | Exploring for the Future—Upper Darling River floodplain, northwest New South Wales: context report |
2023/48 | Proterozoic Alkaline and related igneous rocks of Australia |
2023/49 | Exploring for the Future —Groundwater Level Data Release - Musgrave Palaeovalley Project |
2023/50 | Exploring for the Future Groundwater Hydrochemistry Data Release: Musgrave Palaeovalley Project |
2023/51 | Basin Inventory Carpentaria Basin |
2023/52 | 2023 Mount Pleasant Geodetic Observatory (Hobart) Co-Location Local Tie Survey Technical Report |
2023/53 | The 2023 National Seismic Hazard Assessment for Australia: Model Overview |
2023/54 | The 2023 National Seismic Hazard Assessment for Australia: notes on fault parametrisation for the Fault Source Model |
2023/55 | Basin Inventory Birrindudu Basin |
Record Number | Title |
2024/01 | Metallogenic characteristics of key mineral prospects in the Delamerian Orogen, Australia |
2024/02 | Geochemistry of drill core samples from the Stuart Shelf region, South Australia - Exploring for the Future – Baseline whole rock geochemistry data release 2 |
2024/03 | Global rare earth element deposits – a compilation |
2024/04 | Rock geochemistry and Isotopes from the Georgina Basin. Exploring for the Future – East Tennant NDI drillholes |
2024/05 | Cenozoic geology, hydrogeology, and groundwater systems: Kati Thanda – Lake Eyre Basin |
2024/06 | LEMI-424 Magnetotelluric Station Field Operations - Geoscience Australia Standard Operating Procedure |
2024/07 | West Musgrave 3D palaeovalley model report and data |
2024/09 | Vertical motion of Pacific Island tide gauges (2023) -Combined analysis from GNSS and levelling |
2024/10 | The 2023 National Seismic Hazard Assessment for Australia: Model Input and Output Data |
2024/12 | Building the Foundations of the GeoInsight Pilot: A Methodology for the Integration of Complementary Information with Geoscientific Data |
2024/13 | Accessible energy information: A methodology for the GeoInsight pilot |
2024/14 | 2018 Mount Stromlo Geodetic Observatory Co-Location Local Tie Survey Technical Report |
2024/15 | 2014 Mount Stromlo Geodetic Observatory Co-Location Local Tie Survey Technical Report |
2024/16 | Accessible groundwater information.A methodology for the GeoInsight pilot |
2024/17 | Guide and data requirements for submission of mineral deposit geochemical data in the Critical Minerals in Ores (CMiO) database |
2024/18 | Accessible mining and minerals information: A methodology for the GeoInsight pilot |
2024/19 | Data Analysis for Determination of International Terrestrial Reference Frame (ITRF) Coordinates for the 2008 Northern Fiji Islands GPS Survey Campaign Network |
2024/20 | Exploring for the Future – SHRIMP U–Pb geochronology of drill hole LBD2, Limbunya region, Northern Territory |
2024/21 | New U-Pb SHRIMP zircon geochronology from NDI drilling of the Delamerian Orogen: Loch Lilly-Kars and Lake Wintlow Belts, southwest NSW |
2024/22 | Petroleum systems modelling of the Carrara Sub-basin: 1D and 2D burial and thermal history modelling |
2024/23 | Facilitating dynamic geoscientific data delivery for the GeoInsight pilot. A methodology for database, web service and application development |
2024/24 | Connections between geology, landscape, and people: Regional geological summaries for the GeoInsight pilot |
2024/25 | Exploring for the Future, 2023 Northwest Northern Territory Seismic Survey (L214): Preliminary geological interpretation and drill core analytical program |
2024/26 | Explanatory notes on layered geology maps, eastern Queensland 2020-2022 |
2024/27 | Report on the Analysis of the Asia Pacific Regional Geodetic Project (APRGP) GPS Campaign 2023 |
2024/28 | Preliminary assessment of the managed aquifer recharge potential in the Wilcannia region, northwest New South Wales |
2024/29 | Geological and hydrogeological investigations of the Upper Darling River Floodplain, northwest New South Wales |
2024/30 | Australia’s Future Energy Resources (AFER) Project: Assessment of the Geological Storage Potential for Carbon Dioxide, Pedirka and western Eromanga basins |
2024/31 | Musgrave Palaeovalley Groundwater Project- Synthesis Report |
2024/32 | Groundwater Dependent Ecosystems - Remote sensing methods for regional scale mapping and characterisation of terrestrial ecosystems |
2024/35 | Noble Gas Isotopes of Natural Gases from the Shipwreck Trough, Offshore Otway Basin, Victoria, Australia - Data Release |
2024/36 | Noble Gas Isotopes of Natural Gases from the Bedout Sub-basin, Roebuck Basin, Australia. Data Release |
2024/37 | Hydrogeology and groundwater systems of the South Nicholson and Georgina basins, Northern Territory and Queensland |
2024/38 | Australia’s Future Energy Resources (AFER) Project - Regional Geology of the Pedirka and western Eromanga basins |
2024/39 | Australia’s Future Energy Resources (AFER) Project: Hydrocarbon Resources Assessment, Pedirka and western Eromanga basins |
2024/40 | Australian Mineral Exploration Review 2023 |