Data Maps of Australia

Page last updated:31 May 2019

Topographic Maps
Interactive topographic map indexes for 1:50 000, 1:100 000, 1:250 000 and 1:1 million scale.

Report maps of Australia - showing capital cities, state borders, roads, elevation etc.
A4 size (1:20 million scale)
A3 size (1:15 million scale)

Australia's Maritime Jurisdiction
These maps depict the various jurisdictional limits and zones that make up Australia's maritime jurisdiction.

Basic outline maps
Perfect for the classroom, includes a basic outline, basic outline with state borders and a basic outline with state borders and capital city locations.

Geophysical maps
Includes a digital elevation model, as well as radiometric, magnetic and gravity anomaly maps.

Geological maps
Includes the Surface Geology of Australia 1:1 million and scanned 1:250 000 geology maps of Australia.

Geothermal maps
Australian radiogenic granite and sedimentary basin geothermal hot rock potential map.