
Last updated:16 October 2018

Geoscience Australia's volunteer program offers opportunities to volunteer across the organisation in suitable roles. We welcome and value the contribution of volunteers and recognise the wide range of expertise and experience they bring with them.

We provide opportunities for volunteers to work in a safe, supportive environment and to contribute their skills, knowledge and time to our work programs. Geoscience Australia manages its volunteers in accordance with relevant legislation including Work Health and Safety Act 2011, Privacy Act 1988, APS Values and Employment Principles, the APS Code of Conduct (Public Service Act 1999) and the standards and practices of Volunteering Australia.

As we are a Commonwealth entity, we can only accept Australian citizens into the volunteer program. If you wish to volunteer at Geoscience Australia the first step is to register your interest.

Please be aware that we will only contact you if we have a suitable project available. As projects do become available, appropriate candidates will be contacted and they will have the opportunity to confirm their interest. For further information you can contact the Volunteer Coordinator.

Thank you for your interest in volunteering at Geoscience Australia, and we look forward to hearing from you.

Current volunteer projects

Some of our dedicated volunteers have been working on tasks including:

  • Specimen photography
  • Specimen conservation and labelling
  • Cataloguing and data entry
  • Transcription of thin section slide and handwritten ledgers via the Digital Volunteer platform Digivol.