Data Online tools
Page last updated:28 May 2024
Acreage Release data portal
The Acreage Release Portal provides access to data and information about the government’s annual offshore petroleum exploration acreage releases. Each year, the government invites companies to bid for the opportunity to invest in oil and gas exploration in Australian waters.
Aerial Photography - Flight Line Diagrams
Aerial photography is recorded on flight line diagrams, which show; aircraft paths, the centre of the photos in relation to ground features, and film reference numbers. Use Geoscience Australia's online catalogue of flight line diagrams to select your photos.
As the Cocky Flies
As the Cocky Flies will calculate the distance between two places in Australia. This query searches the Gazetteer of Australia 2008 Release, which is a compilation of over 310 000 geographic names in Australia provided by members of the Committee for Geographic Names in Australasia.
The national AUSGeoid09 grid file, state files and 1:250,000 map sheet files can be downloaded from Geoscience Australia's ftp server. These files can be used to compute AHD heights in real time when used in Real Time Kinematic GNSS receivers.
AusH2 - Australia's Hydrogen Opportunities Tool
Australian's Hydrogen Opportunities Tool (AusH2) provides free access to geoscience data and tools for mapping and understanding the potential for hydrogen production in Australia. AusH2 tracks the development of hydrogen projects around Australia. The Hydrogen Economic Fairways Tool (HEFT) geospatial economic assessment tool can be accessed through AusH2. It uses key national-scale datasets and economic models to map the potential for hydrogen production. HEFT considers hydrogen production by electrolysis using renewable energy sources (green hydrogen) and hydrogen produced using fossil fuels coupled with carbon capture and storage (blue hydrogen).
AUSPOS - Online GPS Processing Service
AUSPOS is an online GPS data processing facility provided by Geoscience Australia and takes advantage of both The IGS Stations Network and the IGS product range. AUSPOS works with data collected anywhere on Earth.
AusPOS data centre
AUSPOS is an online GPS data processing facility provided by Geoscience Australia and takes advantage of both The IGS Stations Network and the IGS product range. AUSPOS works with data collected anywhere on Earth.
AusSeabed Marine Data portal
Explore seafloor mapping products, such as bathymetry, backscatter, side scan sonar data, as well as a suite of analytical assessment tools, across Australia’s marine jurisdiction prior to downloading.
Australia-wide Total Magnetic Intensity Variability
Using data from the six Australian continental magnetic observatories, a contour display of the rate-of-change of magnetic total intensity, F, over the continent is shown below. This provides a broad view of how F changes across Australia. The units shown on the contours are in nanoTesla per hour. The grey squares indicate the locations of the magnetic observatories. Both real-time and historic data can be displayed in this format. All maps are generated from a period of 15 minutes of observatory data and available at 15 minute intervals.
Australian Critical Minerals Portal
The Australian Critical Minerals Portal provides access to data, information and tools on Critical Minerals in Australia. Critical minerals are metals and non-metals vital to the well-being of global economies, yet vulnerable to disruptions in supply. This can be due to geological scarcity, geopolitical issues, trade policy or other factors. Australia has an abundance of many critical minerals essential to advanced technology applications for digital communication, clean energy, transport and defence industries.
Australian Flood Risk Information Portal
Search the Australian Flood Risk Information Portal and access the data entry application for the Australian Flood Studies Database. The portal provides a central point of access to published flood studies and the associated spatial data.
Australian Fundamental Gravity Network
Web delivery system to provide locality description and images of AFGN stations to the general public.
Australian Geomagnetic Reference Field Values
An application to calculate geomagnetic field values in Australia using the 2010 Australian Geomagnetic Reference Field model (AGRF) model.
Australian Marine Spatial Information System
The Australian Spatial Information System (AMSIS) is a web based interactive mapping and decision support system that improves access to integrated government and non-government information in the Australian Marine Jurisdiction. AMSIS contains over 80 layers of information including maritime boundaries, bathymetry, physical and environmental information, legal interests, fisheries and shipping that has been sourced from Geoscience Australia, other Australian government agencies and some industry sources. AMSIS also contains the offshore mineral locations data that was used to create the Offshore Minerals Map. AMSIS has been developed using standards to support interoperability enabling integration with the National Oceans Portal and other on-line initiatives. Geoscience Australia is working with other agencies and organisations to add additional information. Information in this application should not be relied upon as the sole source of information for commercial and operational decisions. AMSIS should not be used for navigational purposes.
Australian Mines Atlas
The Australian Atlas of Mineral Resources, Mines, and Processing Centres.
Australian Stratigraphic Units Database
The objectives of the Australian Stratigraphic Units Database are to provide the primary national standard for geological names in Australia and to improve the efficiency and effectiveness of communication of geological unit information.
Canberra Realtime Data
Canberra Realtime geomagnetic Data for last 24 hours.
City Quest
Interactive Quiz using satellite images of Australian capital cities.
Community and Education Portal
Geoscience Australia is Australia's pre-eminent public sector geoscience organisation. Geoscience Australia provides a range of material and services to promote geoscience awareness in the community. This portal is a geoscience information discovery, delivery, analysis and decision-support tool including access to over 7000 web-served data layers. The Community and Education portal is intended to bridge the gap between technical products and more general users; it is an introduction to the data and capabilities of other portals with a focus on non-geoscientists in the community, school teachers and students. The portal provides a pre-populated number of data layers for which the descriptions of the layers have been written in plain English wherever possible and includes information on how the data may be used or what analysis tools are available.
Critical Minerals Mapping Initiative
The Critical Minerals Mapping Initiative (CMMI) Portal is a free interactive mapping tool designed to share outputs from the geoscientific collaboration between Geoscience Australia (GA), the Geological Survey of Canada (GSC) and the United States Geological Survey (USGS). Focused on building a diversified critical minerals industry in Australia, Canada, and the United States, the CMMI is developing a better understanding of: • known critical mineral resources. • geologic controls on critical mineral distribution for deposits currently producing by-products. • how to infer new sources of supply through critical mineral potential mapping and quantitative mineral assessments.
Digital Atlas of Australia
A central online platform bringing together, curating and connecting trusted national datasets from across government. The interactive maps and tools in the Digital Atlas allows you to explore, analyse and visualise data on Australia’s geography, people, economy, and the environment by location.
Digital Earth Australia Hotspots
Detect areas producing high levels of infrared radiation, using our rolling archive of imagery and data.
Recent earthquakes
Explore the details of recent earthquakes across Australia and around the world, and search Geoscience Australia’s record of past earthquakes.
Felt report
Did you feel an earthquake? Tell us, and see whether other people in your area, or further afield, felt it too.
Earthquake catalogue
Some interesting lists of earthquakes in Australia and internationally.
Earthquake Mapping Tool
The earthquake mapping tool allows you to: * view recent earthquakes which occurred over the past 30 days * search and explore all Australian earthquakes * search and explore earthquakes worldwide * view seismograms of earthquakes over the past 90 days * advise Geoscience Australia when you have felt a recent earthquake.
Exploring for the Future Data Discovery Portal
Exploring for the Future Data Discovery Portal provides free access to new geoscience data and tools acquired and developed during the eight-year (2016-2024) Exploring for the Future program investigating the mineral, energy and groundwater resource potential in Australia. The portal provides the ability for government planners, regulators and industry to access new data and apply a range of assessment tools to support evidence-based decisions.
Geoscience Australia portal
This portal (Geoscience Australia Portal Core) provides full access to Geoscience Australia data and other publically available data sources as well as suite of analytical and multi-criteria assessment tools to maximise the value of the data. A series of personas have been created on the Geoscience Australia Portal Core technology to meet specific stakeholder and project requirements.
Geochron Delivery System
Geoscience Australia's Geochron Delivery system is the retrieval system for geochronological data stored by Geoscience Australia. The system will be continually updated as the volume, variety and quality of available geochronological data increase. The initial (September 2011) release contains only ion microprobe (SHRIMP) data, comprising data from about 560 samples, chiefly derived from Geoscience Australia's previous Geochronology OZCHRON. Migration of further OZCHRON data, and upload of more recent data (including analyses obtained in collaboration with the States and the Northern Territory under the National Geoscience Agreement) is ongoing and continuous.
Geochronology and Isotopes Data Portal
The Geochronology and Isotopes Data Portal provides access to compilations of 1) publicly-available radiometric age results and 2) full analytical data tables for publicly-available isotope data, from both Geoscience Australia and literature-compiled sources as well as suite of analytical tools to maximise the value of the data. Each result links to information about the sample (including unit name, lithology and age), sample collection site, method of analysis, analytical errors, associated Reference Standards and analytical values (full analytical datasets only), and references for location, age data, and the source publication information.
Geographic to Grid - Redfearn's Formulae
Geodetic Calculations - Redfearn's Formulae, Geographic to Grid Given Latitude and Longitude, calculate Easting, Northing, Zone for a Universal Transverse Mercator (UTM) projection, Grid convergence and Point Scale Factor.
Geophysical Archive Data Delivery System
Geophysical Archive Data Delivery System (GADDS) provides magnetic, radiometric, gravity and digital elevation data from Australian National, State and Territory Government geophysical data archives.
Grid to Geographic - Redfearn's Formulae
Redfearn's Formula, Grid to Geographic Given Easting, Northing and Zone for a Universal Transverse Mercator (UTM) projection, calculate Latitude, Longitude, Grid convergence and Point Scale Factor.
Interactive Maps
Interactive Maps is a discovery and exploration view of Geoscience Australia's geospatial services. The following scientific and decision support themes have curated content comprised of maps and functions. Each map has queries and functions with linked access to OGC (Open Geospatial Consortium) web services and metadata. This system replaces MapConnect and AMSIS applications.
K Indices from Australia
The k index is a quasilogarithmic index of geomagnetic activity relative to an assumed quiet day curve for the recording site. k is a code from 0-9 that characterizes magnetic activity (0 being the least active field and 9 the most active field) over a 3 hour period.
MARine Sediments Database
The MARine Sediment (MARS) database contains detailed information on seabed sediment characteristics for samples collected from Australia's marine jurisdiction, including the Australian Antarctic Territory. It is an important scientific resource that includes survey and sample information such as locations, water depths and sample descriptions. Data are also provided from quantitative analyses of the sediments, such as grain size, mud, sand, gravel and carbonate concentrations, mineralogy, age determinations, geochemical properties, and physical attributes for down-core samples including bulk density, p-wave velocity, porosity and magnetic susceptibility. Images and graphics are presented, where available. MARS currently holds >40,000 sample and sub-sample records, and approximately 200,000 records describing the characteristics of these samples. New data are being added as they become available. Please contact us at if you wish to contribute marine sediment data to the MARS database.
MinEx CRC National Drilling Initiative Portal
The MinEx CRC National Drilling Initiative (NDI) Portal provides access to drilling data that has been acquired for the NDI as well as legacy drilling data. The portal also provides a series of online tools and advanced 3D visualisation capabilities to maximise the value of the data collected as part of the NDI.
Moonrise and moonset times
Compute Moonrise and Moonset Times. To use this facility you need to know the latitude and longitude of the location you want to calculate rise and set times for.
National Geospatial Reference System
The GNSS database contains metadata and data quality statistics for continuous operating GNSS stations in Australia, its Territories and the South Pacific.
The National Map provides easy access to authoritative and other spatial or spatially-enabled data to government, business and the public; facilitates the opening of data by federal, state and local government bodies; and provides an open framework of geospatial data services that supports commercial and community innovation.
Natural Hazard Scenarios (Beta) Portal
Use this interactive tool for querying, visualising and downloading cyclone scenarios plausible future tropical cyclone scenarios used for risk management and planning.
Neotectonic Features Database
The Neotectonic Featues database contains information on faults, folds and other features within Australia that are believed to relate to large earthquakes during the Neotectonic Era (i.e. the past 5-10 million years). The neotectonic feature mapping tool allows you to: * search and explore Australian neotectonic features * create a report for a feature of interest * download feature data and geometries as a csv file or kml file * advise Geoscience Australia if you have any feedback, or wish to propose a new feature.
Place Name Search
Place Name Search allows the user to search for locations of places in Australia.
Rock Properties discovery and delivery Tool
The Rock Properties Explorer is the discovery and delivery tool for Geoscience Australia's Rock Properties Database. This database contains a range of petrophysical data from around Australia including mass density, magnetic susceptibility and natural magnetic remanence of surface and borehole samples.
Scanned 1:250 000 Geology Maps
View information on or download scanned images of all 1:250 000 scale geology maps of Australia in the AUSGIN Geoscience Portal. The images are available in 125 DPI and 250 DPI resolution JPG files. These images include the full map surrounds and legends, and are not georeferenced. For full instructions, consult the user guide for the Geoscience Portal.
Sun, moon azimuth and elevation
Compute Sun and Moon Azimuth & Elevation To use this facility you need to know the latitude and longitude of the location for which you want to calculate the azimuth and vertical angle.
Sunrise, sunset and twilight times
Computes sunrise, sunset and twilight times using the National Gazetteer of Australia.
Topographic Map Indexes
Interactive topographic map indexes for 1:50 000, 1:100 000, 1:250 000 and 1:1 million scale.
Topographic Data and Map Specifications
Topographic Data and Map specifications for The National Topographic Database and NTMS series 1:250 000 and 1:100 000 scale topographic map products.
Vincenty's Formulae - Direct Method
Geodetic Calculations - Vincenty's Formulae, Direct Method Given the latitude and longitude of a point (1) and the forward geodetic azimuth (1-2) and ellipsoidal distance to a second point (2), calculate the latitude and longitude of the second point and the reverse azimuth (2-1).
Vincenty's Formulae - Inverse Method
Geodetic Calculations - Vincenty's Formulae, Inverse Method Given latitude and longitude of two points, calculate the ellipsoidal distance and forward and reverse azimuths between the points.
Water Observations from Space
As part of the National Flood Risk Information Project, Geoscience Australia will map flooding from satellite imagery across Australia from 1987 to the present.
World Wind - 3D Viewer
Geoscience Australia's 3D Data Viewer is an application developed using NASA's World Wind Java Software Development Kit (SDK) to display Australia's continental data sets. The viewer allows you to compare national data sets such as the radioelements, the gravity and magnetic anomalies, and other mapping layers, and show the data draped over the Australian terrain in three dimensions.
3D Geoscience and Spatial Data Portal
Geoscience Australia has acquired and compiled a lot of surface and sub-surface 3D data that typically needed high-end workstations and specialist software to use. To expand the user base for 3D data Geoscience Australia has developed a free online 3D data viewer.