Teacher Guides
These booklets are intended to provide information for both Science and Geography teachers to support their work with students in both upper primary and secondary settings. Teachers should evaluate the student activities to ensure that they are appropriate.

Groundwater mini unit - Teacher and Educator notes and student activities
Explore important concepts about groundwater using this comprehensive teaching resource. This mini unit includes case studies of Australian groundwater topics, First Nations Australian perspectives about water use and groundwater are also included.

Volcanoes - Teacher notes and student activities
This comprehensive booklet explains the types, causes, products and distribution of volcanoes around the world and includes Australian examples. Student activities include an eruption role play.

Exploring Minerals and Crystals - Teacher notes and student activities
Explore important concepts about minerals and crystals using this comprehensive resource. Includes sections on identifying minerals, significant minerals and gem resources in Australia and the uses of crystals. Contains student activities and answers.

The Australian Coast - Teacher notes and student activities
Australia's coastline is one of the longest national coastlines in the world. This booklet provides information about the major physical environmental characteristics of the Australian coast and the major physical processes which shape the coast as well as an introduction to the human-induced processes which impact upon Australia's coast. Student activities are included.

Earthquakes - Teacher notes and student activities
This booklet focuses on earthquakes including their causes, measurement, distribution and monitoring. The booklet also catalogues significant Australian earthquakes. Student activities are included, one of which is 'Epicentre Hunt'.

Weathering, erosion, landforms and regolith - Teacher notes and student activities
This booklet focuses on the processes of weathering and erosion, and includes case studies on Australian landforms such as Uluru, the Warrumbungles and the Twelve Apostles.

Landslides - Teacher Notes and Student Activities
Landslides are one of Australia's most dangerous natural hazards and result from a mass movement of material down a slope or cliff face. This booklet explains the nature of landslides and gives examples of various historical landslides that have occurred in Australia. Student activities included.

Tsunami - Teacher Notes and Student Activities
Tsunamis are associated with earthquakes, landslides or volcanic eruptions that occur in, or adjacent to, the ocean. This usually results in the sudden movement of water. This booklet explains the causes of tsunamis, detection and warning systems. Student activities included.

Geological TimeWalk - A Short Guide
This booklet describes major geological, climatic and biological events that have occurred over time. Geological events include continental drift, the break-up and amalgamation of continental land masses, mountain building and major volcanic eruptions. Climate changes include the occurrence of ice ages and biological events include the evolution of major groups of organisms.