Classroom Resources Search
Poster highlighting the importance of minerals and elements in building and maintaining our everyday lives. Factsheet/pamphlet; Poster Teacher guide exploring how satellite data can track landscape and environmental change over decades. Activity/game; Booklet for teachers This teacher guide introduces satellite imagery as a way of studying the impacts of natural hazards on Australia. Activity/game; Booklet for teachers Poster showing satellite imagery across Australia. Introduction to sensors, true and false colour, and application. Map; Poster This classroom resource for secondary teachers explores porosity and permeability as it relates to groundwater. Booklet for teachers This teacher guide explains how to set a micro:bit (small programable computer) up as a mini seismometer. Activity/game; Booklet for teachers This teacher guide introduces Geoscience Australia earthquake data, and contains student activities. Activity/game; Booklet for teachers Poster describing each of the elements on a geological map. Map; Poster Explore important concepts about groundwater which includes First Nations Australian perspectives. Booklet for teachers Video flythrough around the coast of Australia showing the major topographic features of the seafloor. Multimedia Poster showing the height and shape of the land surface across Australia. Poster Explore different space education resources for preschool students all the way to university students. Factsheet/pamphlet Learn about the many minerals, both common and rare, that are essential for modern technology and renewable energy. Website external Investigate the expansion rate of water to ice and how this relates to weathering of rocks in the environment. Activity/game ‘Crib sheets’ that summarise talks and provide easy access links to each part of the videos. Factsheet/pamphlet; Multimedia Explore sonar and bathymetry with bouncy balls and pre-prepared data. Activity/game; Factsheet/pamphlet Students learn to think like Emergency Managers. Activity/game; Map Investigate earthquake magnitude using spaghetti pasta. Activity/game Explore the concept of lava viscosity and influence on volcanic cone shape. Activity/game This activity introduces the concepts of weathering and erosion by investigating why river pebbles are often rounded. Activity/game A comprehensive booklet exploring volcanoes. Includes Australian case studies. Booklet for teachers Poster entitled 'More Geology of Minecraft'. Poster National Mineral and Fossil Collection specimens displayed as themed exhibitions and items. Website external A world map that shows the edges of the major tectonic plates. Activity/game A quarterly email newsletter for teachers of science and geography in Australian schools. Website external Illustrated book on the geological evolution of Australia through the lens of human impacts. Book A comprehensive booklet exploring earthquakes. Includes Australian case studies. Booklet for teachers A simple to-scale geological timescale. Activity/game The height of the land and features of the sea floor including deep trenches. Poster A comprehensive booklet exploring tsunami. Includes Australian case studies. Booklet for teachers Map of Australia showing earthquake locations and size with accompanying information. Poster Illustrated suite of educational products about earthquake, volcano and tsunami hazard awareness in PNG. Factsheet/pamphlet A4 paper model showing tectonic plates, ready to cut out and assemble onto a tennis ball. Activity/game A comprehensive booklet exploring landslides. Includes Australian case studies. Booklet for teachers Theoretical geological cross section from the ocean through a mountain range to inland plains. Poster Simple rock cycle: formation and features of igneous, sedimentary and metamorphic rocks. Poster Seismological report for the year - report of poster map. Poster Pamphlet on warning signs of impending tsunami and what to do in such an event. Factsheet/pamphlet A4 paper model, ready to print, cut out and assemble into a 3D model of a trilobite. Activity/game A4 paper model, ready to print, cut out and assemble into a 3D model of a serendipaceratops. Activity/game Handy booklet for purchase with instructions on how to use topographic maps. Website external Poster showing a satellite image of each state. Many show natural hazards. Poster Black and white booklet focussed on silicate minerals, their structure and properties. Booklet for teachers A3 PDF of the magnetic intensity map of Australia. Map Activities for primary and secondary students about living and working in Antarctica.. Activity/game Learn about geological time, radioactive decay curves, fossilisation and dating (b & w). Booklet for teachers Information about elevation, water bodies, significant rocks, rivers, islands, waterfalls and deserts. Website internal; Map; Website external History of surface water coverage in Australia. Website internal; Map JPEG or PDF download of surface geology map of Australia. A3 size. Map Outline maps of Australia - black and white. State boundaries and capital cities or coastline only. Map A guide to Australian maritime boundaries such as the EEZ and how they are determined. Booklet for teachers Four-part wall map (2m x 1.7m), reference maps (1:5 million and 1:10 million), Asia-Pacific region map. Website external Map of Australia with search engine to find flood risk studies from around the country. Website internal; Map A4 paper model, ready to print, cut out and assemble into a 3D model of a triceratops. Activity/game Explore geological time, fossils and rock dating with an Australia focus (black and white). Booklet for teachers Reference poster - evolution of life, palaeogeography, sea level, climate change, minerals. Poster Purity, value and properties of gold (black and white). Booklet for teachers A4 paper model, ready to print, cut out and assemble into a 3D model of a pterosaur. Activity/game Large JPEG or PDF map file: operating mines 2018 on a generalised surface geology background. Map Full colour information and activities about drilling beneath Antarctic ice and the life forms discovered. Activity/game Interactive map with detailed information about significant earthquakes in Australia. Website internal Compact colour reference map of Australia showing major cities, roads, rail and topography. Map Compact colour reference map of Australia showing major cities, roads, rail and topography. Map Australia and the Australian people: geography, geological heritage and the people. Book Australia in time and space: geology of the continent, flora, fauna and landscapes. Book Living Australia: isolation from other large continental masses has shaped flora and fauna. Book Out of Gondwana: economic benefits of having been part of Gondwana in the form of fossil fuels. Book Old, flat and red: Australia's distinctive landscape, flatness, rivers and regolith. Book Living on the edge: The highly diverse costal margin has influenced the patern of settlement in Australia.. Book Groundwater: water availability for crops, farms and cities is underpinned by the knowledge of geology. Book Foundations of wealth: Mineral wealth in Australia and the geological processes that created it. Book Sustaining Australia's wealth: geological stability has created bulk commodities in iron ore, bauxite, coal and gas. Book Deep heat: geothermal energy could supply Australia's future electrical power needs. Book Advance Australia Fair: the opportunities and challenges that Australian geology creates for the future of this nation. Book PDF download of the gravity anomaly map of the Australian region (large file). Map An A4 page ready to cut out and assemble into a 3D model of the Sydney Basin. Activity/game Range of Geoscience Australia's geospatial services/maps. Includes marine, geology, hazards and water. Multimedia PDF A3 and A0 version of the radiometric map of Australia. Map Paper model of a globe showing tectonic plates, ready to cut out and assemble on a basketball. Activity/game Summary of earthquakes in Australia for 2013 including the last decade for comparison. Poster Detailed video of Geoscience Australia's highly varied work in remote sensing. Multimedia Poster comparing the concepts in the computer game Minecraft with science/geology. Poster A4 paper model, ready to print, cut out and assemble into a 3D model of a nautilus. Activity/game Geological history of Australia; animated continental drift maps over the last 600 Ma. App Rock factsheets downloadable as PDFs on a range of commodities, mostly metals. Factsheet/pamphlet Dimensions of States and Territories, Australia compared to other countries, border lengths. Website internal A comprehensive booklet exploring Australia's Coasts. Includes Australian case studies. Booklet for teachers Map of Australia showing large earthquakes over the last 50 years. Poster Comprehensive teacher notes with student activities. Booklet for teachers Animations of tsunami caused by undersea earthquakes, landslides and volcanic eruptions. Multimedia Three short videos on groundwater resources in Timor, hydrogeology and vulnerability. Multimedia Comprehensive teacher notes with student activities. Booklet for teachers Satellite image showing burnt land and the fire front during the 2003 Canberra bushfires. Poster An A4 paper model, ready to cut out and assemble into a 3D shield volcano. Activity/game A comprehensive 52 page colour booklet exploring the geological history of Australia. Book An A4 paper model, ready to cut out and assemble into a 3D strato volcano. Activity/game Introduction to the theory of plate tectonics; includes evidence and student activities (b & w). Booklet for teachers Instructions on how to create your own to-scale geological time scale for three distances. Activity/game Allows you to calculate the distance between two places in Australia. Website internal Mineral factsheets and information about Australia's identified mineral resources. Website internal Useful information on gold, copper, silver, mineral sands, iron and exploration techniques. Website internal Comprehensive webpages about natural hazards, risk analysis and nuclear monitoring. Website internal Instructions on how to geocache together with spatial activity ideas for the classroom. Activity/game A booklet explaining Australia's land and water jurisdictions in plain language. Booklet for teachers National bushfire monitoring system showing hotspots for emergency service managers across Australia. Website internal 32 page booklet about seismic activity in the ACT region. Book An A4 paper model, ready to cut out and assemble into a 3D model of a landslide. Activity/game Black and white booklet about fossils, fossilisation and major fossil groups. Booklet for teachers Colour brochure about landslide awareness and what to do in unstable areas. Factsheet/pamphlet An A4 paper model, ready to cut out and assemble into a 3D model of a moving slump. Activity/game Geological time scale, palaeogeographic maps and illustrations of life forms over time. Poster Map of Australia's land cover. Includes a link to a 3D data viewer. Website internal Satellite image of landcover across Victoria during the 2009 bushfires. Poster Information on groundwater, the Great Artesian Basin and groundwater resources in Australia. Website internal Video on the future of earth observation data management and analysis e.g. flood studies Multimedia The distinctive landform features associated with limestone rock weathering e.g. sinkholes. Factsheet/pamphlet Overview of rapid onset hazards in Australia, impact on communities and risk evaluation. Book Interactive Quiz using satellite images of Australian capital cities Activity/game Click through the images to see what Australia looked like throughout geological time. Multimedia Poster featuring satellite image of Antarctica and geological history of the continent. Poster
Meaningful Minerals poster
Analysing landscape changes over time
Observing Australian natural hazards
Satellite selfies: Australia from Space Poster
How do rocks store groundwater?
Make your own micro:bit seismometer
Analysis of earthquakes using real map and data sets
Discovering geological maps
Groundwater mini unit
Bathymetry of Australia video
Topography of the Australian continent poster
Space Education in Australia
Minerals in Modern Technology
Ice Power
Scientific talks
Mapping the ocean floor
Volcanic hazards
Spaghetti quakes
See how they run
Sugar shake: erosion experiment
Volcanoes - teacher notes and student activities
Geology of Minecraft 2
Google Arts and Culture
Tectonic Plates Jigsaw Puzzle
Education Centre Updates
Shaping a Nation: A geology of Australia book
Earthquakes - Teacher notes and student activities
Geological Timescale
Topography of Australia and surrounding region
Tsunami - Teacher notes and student activities
Australian Earthquakes 2014-15
Tsunamis, earthquakes, volcanoes and you.
Plate tectonics cut-out on a tennis ball
Landslides - Teacher notes and student activities
Discovering Geoscience
Our Changing Earth - The Rock Cycle
Australian Earthquakes 2013
Tsunami awareness pamphlet
Trilobite 3D cut-out model
Serendipaceratops 3D cut-out model
Map reading guide
Earth Observation: satellites over Australia
Silicate chemistry - Teacher notes and student activities
Magnetic Anomaly Map of Australia
Antarctic Geoheritage activities
Time and life, geological time and palaeontology - Teacher notes and activities
Geographic information
Water observations from space
Surface Geology of Australia
Outline maps of Australia
Australia's Maritime Jurisdiction - Teacher notes and student activities
Reference maps of Australia
Australian Flood Risk Information portal
Triceratops 3D cut-out model
Australia, an ancient land - Teacher notes
Australia Through Time
The science of gold - Teacher notes and student activities
Pterosaur cut-out 3D model
Australia Operating mines map
What lies beneath the Antarctic Ice?
Historic Earthquakes of Australia Storymap
A4 Map of Australia
A3 Map of Australia
Shaping a Nation - Chapter 1
Shaping a Nation - Chapter 2
Shaping a Nation - Chapter 3
Shaping a Nation - Chapter 4
Shaping a Nation - Chapter 5
Shaping a Nation - Chapter 6
Shaping a Nation - Chapter 7
Shaping a Nation - Chapter 8
Shaping a Nation - Chapter 9
Shaping a Nation - Chapter 10
Shaping a Nation - Chapter 11
Gravity Anomaly Map of Australia
Sydney Basin cut-out
Interactive Maps
Radiometric Map of Australia
Plate tectonics cut-out on a basket ball
Australian Earthquakes 2013 map
Remote sensing at Geoscience Australia video
Geology of Minecraft
Nautilus 3D cut-out model
Geological timescale: Australia Through Time app
Rock and mineral factsheets
Geographic dimensions
Australian Coast - Teacher notes and student activities
50 years of large Australian earthquakes
Weathering, erosion, landforms and regolith
Tsunami animations
Groundwater in Timor Leste
Exploring minerals and crystals
Canberra firestorm January 2003
Shield volcano cut-out
Geological TimeWalk: Australia's geological history
Strato volcano cut-out
Plate tectonics - Teacher notes and student activities
Create your own geological timewalk
As the cocky flies
Australian Mines Atlas
Minerals Downunder
Geocaching activity
Australia's maritime jurisdiction
Sentinel bushfire mapping application
Earthquakes in the Canberra region
Landslides cut-out
Fossils - Teacher notes, fact sheets and student activities
Landslide awareness brochure
Slump cut-out
History of the Earth
Land cover in Australia
Satellite images of Victoria bushfires 2009
Large data cube: earth observation data
Karst hazard brochure
Natural Hazards in Australia
City Quest
Australia - Palaeogeographic Atlas
Antarctica poster