Visit our Education Centre
Page last updated:24 September 2024
Visit our Earth Science Education Centre for a hands-on-experience
Students discover the earth sciences through curriculum-linked, hands-on activities that keep them captivated, focused and looking for more.
Virtual tour
Take the 360 virtual tour of our Education Centre.
An Earth Science Excursion
The Geoscience Australia Education Centre offers curriculum-linked education programs designed to immerse students in hands-on geoscientific activities. Facilitated by experienced educators, general and custom-made programs are available to suit individual group needs, ensuring the best possible outcome for students.
While at Geoscience Australia, students will make their mark by adding a layer to our 'visitor book' sediment columns and explore our hands-on specimens. Our education programs also utilises the National Mineral Collection which includes a piece of Moon rock on loan from NASA that students can actually touch!
Virtual visits and experiences for students can be accessed here.
Visiting for families
Families are most welcome to visit us too! Whilst the Education Centre is regularly booked by school groups, members of the public are welcome to visit when it is not in use. To check availability, please contact Reception on Ph: 02 6249 9111. You can also access our outdoor TimeWallk at any time and can come inside and see amazing crystal displays as part of the National Mineral and Fossil Collection in the foyer between 9am and 5pm Monday to Friday.
Our on-site education programs
Geoscience Australia's Education Centre offers programs that link to the Australian curriculum ranging from general multi topic visits to natural hazards, rocks and minerals, plate tectonics and other earth and environmental science topics. Full details are available from Book Canberra Excursions.
Book a visit with us
Bookings are essential for school group visits. Our calendar is open for up to two years and one month in advance. Please note that we no longer accept school visits on Fridays.
General school visits run for 1.5 hours with a maximum group size of 60 students.
All bookings for the Geoscience Australia Education Centre are now made through the Book Canberra Excursions (BCE) portal. Teachers and tour operators will need to register with BCE prior to making a booking.
If you have any questions or concerns please don’t hesitate to contact the Education Team on or (02) 6249 9673.
Building opening times
Geoscience Australia is open weekdays during business hours and the Education Centre is open for bookings Monday to Thursday from 9 am to 5 pm. Please note that the Geoscience Australia building is closed over the weekend but the outdoor TimeWalk is accessible at any time.
Venue and safety information
Geoscience Australia is committed to providing a safe and accessible venue for visitors.
During a visit students remain the responsibility of teachers and must be supervised at all times.
- Venue and safety information [PDF 158.4 KB]
- View our Certificate of Currency [PDF 180.7 KB]
Cnr Jerrabomberra Ave and Hindmarsh Drive
Symonston ACT 2609
Coach parking is available at the front of the site.
Special Needs
Parking for people with disabilities is available near the main entrance to the building. Disabled toilet facilities are provided.
The Education Centre and the National Mineral Collection are both located on the ground floor with easy access for mobility impaired visitors.
Blackstone Café is located on the ground floor of the building and is open to the public from 8am to 4.00pm, Monday to Friday.
Morning tea, lunch and afternoon tea can be provided for school groups with prior notice. Contact Blackstone Café on (02) 6249 9149 or email
Virtual exhibits
A limited number of virtual visit opportunities are available to booked school groups, please contact directly.
View online exhibits using Google Arts and Culture. See exceptional samples from the National Mineral and Fossil Collection housed at Geoscience Australia including samples not on public exhibition. For further information see our virtual exhibits.
For further information please contact the Education Centre:
(02) 6249 9673
Geoscience Australia Education Centre
GPO Box 378
Canberra ACT 2601