Geoscience Australia: Appendix A -Feature Type Dictionary
Updated:   5 December 2006

Scales 1:250 000 & 1:100 000

Forestry Reserve




Public land reserved for forestry purposes.

Minimum Size for Inclusion

Criterion 1:25 000 1:100 000 1:250 000
Area (sq m) 31250 500000 3125000
Length (m)      

Data Attributes

FEATURE TYPE (FEATURETYPE) [String; No; 32; Pop_Req] The code which identifies the type of topographic feature represented

Forestry Reserve

SUBTYPE NUMBER (TYPE) [Long Integer; No; 5; Pop_Req] The numeric value assigned to sub classify the feature

DESCRIPTION OF SUBTYPE (TYPE_DESCRIPTION) [String; No; 32; Pop_Req] The textual description of the subtype classification.

NAME (NAME) [String; Yes; 60; Pop_Dep] The name of the Forestry Reserve (see Geodatabase Rules for population requirements.)

CONTROLLING AUTHORITY (AUTHORITY) [String; Yes; 100; Pop_Req] Name of controlling authority

The reliability date of the spatial object; Date to be adjusted only during spatial change or verification of an existing feature location or the capture of a new feature (see Section 1 Chapter 3.6);

Most Recent Reliability Date of Revision Source Material (or Base Material/digitial data for inital capture) used for Spatial Verification

This primary source used to determine the spatial location of a feature (For use in TOPO100K only;).

The reliability date of the attribute object; Date to be adjusted only during attribute change or verification of an existing feature's item values or the capture of a new feature (see Section 1 Chapter 3.6);

Most Recent Reliability Date of Revision Source Material (or Base Material/digitial data for inital capture) used for Attribute Verification.

The primary source used to populate the attribute fields of a feature (For use in TOPO100K only;).

PLANIMETRIC ACCURACY (PLANIMETRICACCURACY) [Short Integer; No; 4; Pop_Req] The standard deviation of the horizontal positional accuracy.The default value, when not specified in project instructions, will be as follows;
10 / 40 / 100

DATA SOURCE (SOURCE) [String; No; 50; Pop_Req] This is the official name of the agency that originally captured the spatial object for the TOPO250K NTDB (For use in TOPO250K only) ; The default value when unknown or not specified in project instructions will be GEOSCIENCE AUSTRALIA.

UNIQUE FEATURE IDENTIFIER (UFI) [String; Yes; 10; Pop_Aut] Alphanumeric feature identifier defined for GEODATA SERIES 2 (For use in TOPO250K only;) (see Section 3 chapter 5.14)

FEATURE CREATION DATE (CREATIONDATE) [Date; Yes; 0; 0; 36; Pop_Aut] Date of creation of feature in the database. This field will be entered/edited automatically by GEOSCIENCE AUSTRALIA.

FEATURE RETIREMENT DATE (RETIREMENTDATE) [Date;Yes; 0; 0; 36; Pop_Aut] Date of retirement of feature in the database.This field will be entered/edited automatically by GEOSCIENCE AUSTRALIA.

PERSISTENT IDENTIFIER (PID) [Long Integer; Yes; 8; Pop_Aut] This field will be entered/edited automatically by GEOSCIENCE AUSTRALIA.

SYMBOL (SYMBOL) [Short Integer; No; 4; Pop_Req] (Link to Symbol Dictionary)Symbol number/s applicable;


Geodatabase Rules

Forestry Reserves included in the NPIL database and meeting the size criteria will be shown. Where a named Forestry Reserve is broken into a number of areas with indentical attributes, each area will be shown regardless of size if the total area of the reserve meets the size criteria. These areas will be merged to form a multi-part polygon.

The Authority classification for reserve areas should not be populated with 'Not Applicable'. All reserves whose authority is not known, should have a authority value of 'Other (not specified)'.
Forestry Reserve features will be named where named in the NPIL database. Where the reserve is only identified by a number only the reserve type will be shown.  

Inter-Feature Relationship Rules - Internal to Associated Dataset

Forestry Reserve features will be bounded by a Reserve Boundary Line feature.

The Forestry Reserve cannot overlap other polygons in the Reserves Feature Class. Ie. Two differing reserve types cannot share a common polygon area.  

Where the edge of a Reserves (feature type) polygon has a similar shape to another feature, such as the edge of a Prohibited Area polygon, and is within 50 metres at 1: 250 000 and 20 metres at 1:100 000 of the feature, then the relevant section of polygon edge for the Reserve will be coincident with this other feature. Where both features are of similar shape but the distance separating them is greater than 50 metres at 1:250 000 and 20 metres at 1:100 000 the relevant section of polygon edge for the Reserve will be made coincident with the feature if it appears the relevant section of polygon edge for the Reserve should be following the feature. These rules will not apply where two reserves are separated by a road reserve. In such cases the separation between the two boundaries will be maintained.

Inter-Feature Relationship Rules - External to Associated Dataset

Where the edge of a Reserves (feature type) polygon has a similar shape to another feature, such as a Road, Watercourse, Railway, Shoreline or WaterbodyBoundaries (except junction and Limit Of Data) and is within 50 metres at 1: 250 000 and 20 metres at 1:100 000 of the feature, then the relevant section of polygon edge for the Reserve will be coincident with this other feature. Where both features are of similar shape but the distance separating them is greater than 50 metres at 1:250 000 and 20 metres at 1:100 000 the relevant section of polygon edge for the Reserve will be made coincident with the feature if it appears the relevant section of polygon edge for the Reserve should be following the feature, for example where the boundary is following a stream line. These rules will not apply where two reserves are separated by a road reserve. In such cases the separation between the two boundaries will be maintained.

Map Rules

Reserve - Forestry features will be named where named in the NPIL database. Where the reserve is only identified by a number only the reserve type will be shown.  

Related Features

Reserve Boundary Line, Limit Of Data

Related Chapters

Section 2 Chapter 5.8
Section 3 chapters 5.16, 5.17 and 5.18  

Related Products


Note: See disclaimer in Appendix A Chapter 1.2 Use of Feature Type Dictionary- Structure of an Entry regarding Related features,chapters & products. The information in this entry is uncontrolled when printed.

[back to top]

Geoscience Australia: Appendix A -Feature Type Dictionary
Updated:   5 December 2006

Scales 1:250 000 & 1:100 000

Indigenous Reserve




Land reserved due to its Indigenous significance excluding freehold land.

Minimum Size for Inclusion

Criterion 1:25 000 1:100 000 1:250 000
Area (sq m) 31250 500000 3125000
Length (m)      

Data Attributes

FEATURE TYPE (FEATURETYPE) [String; No; 32; Pop_Req] The code which identifies the type of topographic feature represented

Indigenous Reserve

SUBTYPE NUMBER (TYPE) [Long Integer; No; 5; Pop_Req] The numeric value assigned to sub classify the feature

DESCRIPTION OF SUBTYPE (TYPE_DESCRIPTION) [String; No; 32; Pop_Req] The textual description of the subtype classification.

NAME (NAME) [String; Yes; 60; Pop_Dep] The name of the Indigenous Area (see Geodatabase Rules for population requirements.)

CONTROLLING AUTHORITY (AUTHORITY) [String; Yes; 100; Pop_Req] Name of controlling authority

The reliability date of the spatial object; Date to be adjusted only during spatial change or verification of an existing feature location or the capture of a new feature (see Section 1 Chapter 3.6);

Most Recent Reliability Date of Revision Source Material (or Base Material/digitial data for inital capture) used for Spatial Verification

This primary source used to determine the spatial location of a feature (For use in TOPO100K only;).

The reliability date of the attribute object; Date to be adjusted only during attribute change or verification of an existing feature's item values or the capture of a new feature (see Section 1 Chapter 3.6);

Most Recent Reliability Date of Revision Source Material (or Base Material/digitial data for inital capture) used for Attribute Verification.

The primary source used to populate the attribute fields of a feature (For use in TOPO100K only;).

PLANIMETRIC ACCURACY (PLANIMETRICACCURACY) [Short Integer; No; 4; Pop_Req] The standard deviation of the horizontal positional accuracy.The default value, when not specified in project instructions, will be as follows;
10 / 40 / 100

DATA SOURCE (SOURCE) [String; No; 50; Pop_Req] This is the official name of the agency that originally captured the spatial object for the TOPO250K NTDB (For use in TOPO250K only) ; The default value when unknown or not specified in project instructions will be GEOSCIENCE AUSTRALIA.

UNIQUE FEATURE IDENTIFIER (UFI) [String; Yes; 10; Pop_Aut] Alphanumeric feature identifier defined for GEODATA SERIES 2 (For use in TOPO250K only;) (see Section 3 chapter 5.14)

FEATURE CREATION DATE (CREATIONDATE) [Date; Yes; 0; 0; 36; Pop_Aut] Date of creation of feature in the database. This field will be entered/edited automatically by GEOSCIENCE AUSTRALIA.

FEATURE RETIREMENT DATE (RETIREMENTDATE) [Date;Yes; 0; 0; 36; Pop_Aut] Date of retirement of feature in the database.This field will be entered/edited automatically by GEOSCIENCE AUSTRALIA.

PERSISTENT IDENTIFIER (PID) [Long Integer; Yes; 8; Pop_Aut] This field will be entered/edited automatically by GEOSCIENCE AUSTRALIA.

SYMBOL (SYMBOL) [Short Integer; No; 4; Pop_Req] (Link to Symbol Dictionary)Symbol number/s applicable;


Geodatabase Rules

Indigenous Reserves included in the NPIL data base and meeting the size criteria will be shown. Where a named Indigenous Reserve is broken into a number of areas with indentical attributes, each area will be shown regardless of size if the total area of the reserve meets the size criteria. These areas will be merged to form a multi-part polygon.

The Authority classification for reserve areas should not be populated with 'Not Applicable'. All reserves whose authority is not known, should have a authority value of 'Other (not specified)'.

Indigenous sacred sites will not be named as sacred sites on the map even if named on a previous edition map, but the feature may be a lake, pool or waterhole in which case the appropriate map symbol and hydrological name will be used.
Indigenous Reserves will be named.  

Inter-Feature Relationship Rules - Internal to Associated Dataset

Indigenous Reserves will be bounded by a Reserve Boundary Line feature.

Indigenous Reserves cannot overlap other polygons in the Reserves Feature Class ie. Two differing reserve types cannot share a common polygon area.  

Where the edge of a Reserves (feature type) polygon has a similar shape to another feature, such as the edge of a Prohibited Area polygon, and is within 50 metres at 1: 250 000 and 20 metres at 1:100 000 of the feature, then the relevant section of polygon edge for the Reserve will be coincident with this other feature. Where both features are of similar shape but the distance separating them is greater than 50 metres at 1:250 000 and 20 metres at 1:100 000 the relevant section of polygon edge for the Reserve will be made coincident with the feature if it appears the relevant section of polygon edge for the Reserve should be following the feature. These rules will not apply where two reserves are separated by a road reserve. In such cases the separation between the two boundaries will be maintained.

Inter-Feature Relationship Rules - External to Associated Dataset

Where the edge of a Reserves (feature type) polygon has a similar shape to another feature, such as a Road, Watercourse, Railway, Shoreline or WaterbodyBoundaries (except junction and Limit Of Data) , and is within 50 metres at 1: 250 000 and 20 metres at 1:100 000 of the feature, then the relevant section of polygon edge for the Reserve will be coincident with this other feature. Where both features are of similar shape but the distance separating them is greater than 50 metres at 1:250 000 and 20 metres at 1:100 000 the relevant section of polygon edge for the Reserve will be made coincident with the feature if it appears the relevant section of polygon edge for the Reserve should be following the feature, for example where the boundary is following a stream line. These rules will not apply where two reserves are separated by a road reserve. In such cases the separation between the two boundaries will be maintained.

Map Rules

Reserve - Indigenous areas will be named.  

Related Features

Reserve Boundary Line , Limit of Data 

Related Chapters

Section 2 Chapter 5.8
Section 3 chapters 5.16, 5.17 and 5.18  

Related Products


Note: See disclaimer in Appendix A Chapter 1.2 Use of Feature Type Dictionary- Structure of an Entry regarding Related features,chapters & products. The information in this entry is uncontrolled when printed.

[back to top]

Geoscience Australia: Appendix A -Feature Type Dictionary
Updated:   5 December 2006

Scales 1:250 000 & 1:100 000

Limit Of Data




The line bounding the limits of known source material or the edge of the defined NTDB.

Minimum Size for Inclusion

Criterion 1:25 000 1:100 000 1:250 000
Area (sq m)      
Length (m)      

Data Attributes

FEATURE TYPE (FEATURETYPE) [String; No; 32; Pop_Req] The code which identifies the type of topographic feature represented

Limit Of Data

SUBTYPE NUMBER (TYPE) [Long Integer; No; 5; Pop_Req] The numeric value assigned to sub classify the feature

DESCRIPTION OF SUBTYPE (TYPE_DESCRIPTION) [String; No; 32; Pop_Req] The textual description of the subtype classification.

The reliability date of the spatial object; Date to be adjusted only during spatial change or verification of an existing feature location or the capture of a new feature (see Section 1 Chapter 3.6);

Most Recent Reliability Date of Revision Source Material (or Base Material/digitial data for inital capture) used for Spatial Verification

This primary source used to determine the spatial location of a feature (For use in TOPO100K only;).

The reliability date of the attribute object; Date to be adjusted only during attribute change or verification of an existing feature's item values or the capture of a new feature (see Section 1 Chapter 3.6);

Most Recent Reliability Date of Revision Source Material (or Base Material/digitial data for inital capture) used for Attribute Verification.

The primary source used to populate the attribute fields of a feature (For use in TOPO100K only;).

PLANIMETRIC ACCURACY (PLANIMETRICACCURACY) [Short Integer; No; 4; Pop_Req] The standard deviation of the horizontal positional accuracy.The default value, when not specified in project instructions, will be as follows;
1 / 1 / 1

DATA SOURCE (SOURCE) [String; No; 50; Pop_Req] This is the official name of the agency that originally captured the spatial object for the TOPO250K NTDB (For use in TOPO250K only) ; The default value when unknown or not specified in project instructions will be GEOSCIENCE AUSTRALIA.

UNIQUE FEATURE IDENTIFIER (UFI) [String; Yes; 10; Pop_Aut] Alphanumeric feature identifier defined for GEODATA SERIES 2 (For use in TOPO250K only;) (see Section 3 chapter 5.14)

FEATURE CREATION DATE (CREATIONDATE) [Date; Yes; 0; 0; 36; Pop_Aut] Date of creation of feature in the database. This field will be entered/edited automatically by GEOSCIENCE AUSTRALIA.

FEATURE RETIREMENT DATE (RETIREMENTDATE) [Date;Yes; 0; 0; 36; Pop_Aut] Date of retirement of feature in the database.This field will be entered/edited automatically by GEOSCIENCE AUSTRALIA.

PERSISTENT IDENTIFIER (PID) [Long Integer; Yes; 8; Pop_Aut] This field will be entered/edited automatically by GEOSCIENCE AUSTRALIA.

SYMBOL (SYMBOL) [Short Integer; No; 4; Pop_Req] (Link to Symbol Dictionary)Symbol number/s applicable;


FEATURE WIDTH (FEATUREWIDTH) [Double; Yes; 8; 4; Pop_Dep]

Currently not used by symbology; 0

TEXT NOTE (TEXTNOTE) [String; Yes; 50; Pop_Dep] Descriptive note to appear on map. Text Note field should be added when directed in the Geodatabase Rules or if descriptive information is known about a feature that is not covered by any other item in the feature class and expands on the definition of the feature.

Geodatabase Rules


Inter-Feature Relationship Rules - Internal to Associated Dataset

The limit of Data feature will bound or complete all polygon features whose extent can not be fully determined by source material.

Inter-Feature Relationship Rules - External to Associated Dataset

Where Limit Of Data represents the edge of the database these sections must be coincident with the Limit Of Data in the Framework Dataset, with the exception of their entry and exit locations.  

Map Rules


Related Features

Prohibited Area, Indigenous Reserve, Forestry Reserve, Nature Conservation Reserve, Water Supply Reserve, SeriesIndex (feature dataset), Limit Of Data (framework)

Related Chapters

Section 1 chapters 3.4 and 3.7
Section 3 chapters 5.11.2 and 5.12

Related Products


Note: See disclaimer in Appendix A Chapter 1.2 Use of Feature Type Dictionary- Structure of an Entry regarding Related features,chapters & products. The information in this entry is uncontrolled when printed.

[back to top]

Geoscience Australia: Appendix A -Feature Type Dictionary
Updated:   5 December 2006

Scales 1:250 000 & 1:100 000

Nature Conservation Reserve




Land reserved for the conservation of native species.

Minimum Size for Inclusion

Criterion 1:25 000 1:100 000 1:250 000
Area (sq m) 31250 500000 3125000
Length (m)      

Data Attributes

FEATURE TYPE (FEATURETYPE) [String; No; 32; Pop_Req] The code which identifies the type of topographic feature represented

Nature Conservation Reserve

SUBTYPE NUMBER (TYPE) [Long Integer; No; 5; Pop_Req] The numeric value assigned to sub classify the feature

DESCRIPTION OF SUBTYPE (TYPE_DESCRIPTION) [String; No; 32; Pop_Req] The textual description of the subtype classification.

NAME (NAME) [String; Yes; 60; Pop_Dep] The name of the Nature Conservation Reserve (see Geodatabase Rules for population requirements.)

CONTROLLING AUTHORITY (AUTHORITY) [String; Yes; 100; Pop_Req] Name of controlling authority

The reliability date of the spatial object; Date to be adjusted only during spatial change or verification of an existing feature location or the capture of a new feature (see Section 1 Chapter 3.6);

Most Recent Reliability Date of Revision Source Material (or Base Material/digitial data for inital capture) used for Spatial Verification

This primary source used to determine the spatial location of a feature (For use in TOPO100K only;).

The reliability date of the attribute object; Date to be adjusted only during attribute change or verification of an existing feature's item values or the capture of a new feature (see Section 1 Chapter 3.6);

Most Recent Reliability Date of Revision Source Material (or Base Material/digitial data for inital capture) used for Attribute Verification.

The primary source used to populate the attribute fields of a feature (For use in TOPO100K only;).

PLANIMETRIC ACCURACY (PLANIMETRICACCURACY) [Short Integer; No; 4; Pop_Req] The standard deviation of the horizontal positional accuracy.The default value, when not specified in project instructions, will be as follows;
10 / 40 / 100

DATA SOURCE (SOURCE) [String; No; 50; Pop_Req] This is the official name of the agency that originally captured the spatial object for the TOPO250K NTDB (For use in TOPO250K only) ; The default value when unknown or not specified in project instructions will be GEOSCIENCE AUSTRALIA.

UNIQUE FEATURE IDENTIFIER (UFI) [String; Yes; 10; Pop_Aut] Alphanumeric feature identifier defined for GEODATA SERIES 2 (For use in TOPO250K only;) (see Section 3 chapter 5.14)

FEATURE CREATION DATE (CREATIONDATE) [Date; Yes; 0; 0; 36; Pop_Aut] Date of creation of feature in the database. This field will be entered/edited automatically by GEOSCIENCE AUSTRALIA.

FEATURE RETIREMENT DATE (RETIREMENTDATE) [Date;Yes; 0; 0; 36; Pop_Aut] Date of retirement of feature in the database.This field will be entered/edited automatically by GEOSCIENCE AUSTRALIA.

PERSISTENT IDENTIFIER (PID) [Long Integer; Yes; 8; Pop_Aut] This field will be entered/edited automatically by GEOSCIENCE AUSTRALIA.

SYMBOL (SYMBOL) [Short Integer; No; 4; Pop_Req] (Link to Symbol Dictionary)Symbol number/s applicable;


Geodatabase Rules

Nature Conservation Reserves included in the NPIL database and meeting the size criteria will be shown. Where a named Nature Conservation Reserve is broken into a number of areas with indentical attributes, each area will be shown regardless of size if the total area of the reserve meets the size criteria. These areas will be merged to form a multi-part polygon.

The Authority classification for reserve areas should not be populated with 'Not Applicable'. All reserves whose authority is not known, should have a authority value of 'Other (not specified)'.

Indigenous sacred sites will not be named as sacred sites on the map even if named on a previous edition map, but the feature may be a lake, pool or waterhole in which case the appropriate map symbol and hydrological name will be used.
Nature Conservation Reserve features will be named where named in the NPIL database. The exception is State Forests within Victoria, these will have a generic name of 'STATE FOREST' only. Where the reserve is only identified by a number only the reserve type will be shown.  

Inter-Feature Relationship Rules - Internal to Associated Dataset

Nature Conservation Reserve features will be bounded by a Reserve Boundary Line feature.

The Nature Conservation Reserve feature cannot overlap other polygons in the Reserves Feature Class ie. Two differing reserve types cannot share a common polygon area.  

Where the edge of a Reserves (feature type) polygon has a similar shape to another feature, such as the edge of a Prohibited Area polygon, and is within 50 metres at 1: 250 000 and 20 metres at 1:100 000 of the feature, then the relevant section of polygon edge for the Reserve will be coincident with this other feature. Where both features are of similar shape but the distance separating them is greater than 50 metres at 1:250 000 and 20 metres at 1:100 000 the relevant section of polygon edge for the Reserve will be made coincident with the feature if it appears the relevant section of polygon edge for the Reserve should be following the feature. These rules will not apply where two reserves are separated by a road reserve. In such cases the separation between the two boundaries will be maintained.

Inter-Feature Relationship Rules - External to Associated Dataset

Where the edge of a Reserves (feature type) polygon has a similar shape to another feature, such as a Road, Watercourse, Railway, Shoreline or WaterbodyBoundaries (except junction and Limit Of Data) and is within 50 metres at 1: 250 000 and 20 metres at 1:100 000 of the feature, then the relevant section of polygon edge for the Reserve will be coincident with this other feature. Where both features are of similar shape but the distance separating them is greater than 50 metres at 1:250 000 and 20 metres at 1:100 000 the relevant section of polygon edge for the Reserve will be made coincident with the feature if it appears the relevant section of polygon edge for the Reserve should be following the feature, for example where the boundary is following a stream line. These rules will not apply where two reserves are separated by a road reserve. In such cases the separation between the two boundaries will be maintained.

Map Rules

Reserve - Nature Conservation features will be named where named in the NPIL database. Where the reserve is only identified by a number only the reserve type will be shown.  

Related Features

RecreationAreas (Feature Class), Reserve Boundary Line , Limit of Data 

Related Chapters

Section 2 Chapter 5.8
Section 3 chapters 5.16, 5.17 and 5.18  

Related Products


Note: See disclaimer in Appendix A Chapter 1.2 Use of Feature Type Dictionary- Structure of an Entry regarding Related features,chapters & products. The information in this entry is uncontrolled when printed.

[back to top]

Geoscience Australia: Appendix A -Feature Type Dictionary
Updated:   5 December 2006

Scales 1:250 000 & 1:100 000

Prohibited Area




Area into which entry is prohibited without permission from the controlling authority.

Minimum Size for Inclusion

Criterion 1:25 000 1:100 000 1:250 000
Area (sq m) 31250 500000 3125000
Length (m)      

Data Attributes

FEATURE TYPE (FEATURETYPE) [String; No; 32; Pop_Req] The code which identifies the type of topographic feature represented

Prohibited Area

NAME (NAME) [String; Yes; 60; Pop_Dep] Alphanumeric feature identifier (see Geodatabase Rules for population requirements as well as Section 1 chapter 3.4 and Section 3 chapter 5.4)

CONTROLLING AUTHORITY (AUTHORITY) [String; Yes; 100; Pop_Req] Name of controlling authority

The reliability date of the spatial object; Date to be adjusted only during spatial change or verification of an existing feature location or the capture of a new feature (see Section 1 Chapter 3.6);

Most Recent Reliability Date of Revision Source Material (or Base Material/digitial data for inital capture) used for Spatial Verification

This primary source used to determine the spatial location of a feature (For use in TOPO100K only;).

The reliability date of the attribute object; Date to be adjusted only during attribute change or verification of an existing feature's item values or the capture of a new feature (see Section 1 Chapter 3.6);

Most Recent Reliability Date of Revision Source Material (or Base Material/digitial data for inital capture) used for Attribute Verification.

The primary source used to populate the attribute fields of a feature (For use in TOPO100K only;).

PLANIMETRIC ACCURACY (PLANIMETRICACCURACY) [Short Integer; No; 4; Pop_Req] The standard deviation of the horizontal positional accuracy.The default value, when not specified in project instructions, will be as follows;
10 / 40 / 100

DATA SOURCE (SOURCE) [String; No; 50; Pop_Req] This is the official name of the agency that originally captured the spatial object for the TOPO250K NTDB (For use in TOPO250K only) ; The default value when unknown or not specified in project instructions will be GEOSCIENCE AUSTRALIA.

UNIQUE FEATURE IDENTIFIER (UFI) [String; Yes; 10; Pop_Aut] Alphanumeric feature identifier defined for GEODATA SERIES 2 (For use in TOPO250K only;) (see Section 3 chapter 5.14)

FEATURE CREATION DATE (CREATIONDATE) [Date; Yes; 0; 0; 36; Pop_Aut] Date of creation of feature in the database. This field will be entered/edited automatically by GEOSCIENCE AUSTRALIA.

FEATURE RETIREMENT DATE (RETIREMENTDATE) [Date;Yes; 0; 0; 36; Pop_Aut] Date of retirement of feature in the database.This field will be entered/edited automatically by GEOSCIENCE AUSTRALIA.

PERSISTENT IDENTIFIER (PID) [Long Integer; Yes; 8; Pop_Aut] This field will be entered/edited automatically by GEOSCIENCE AUSTRALIA.

SYMBOL (SYMBOL) [Short Integer; No; 4; Pop_Req] (Link to Symbol Dictionary)Symbol number/s applicable;


Geodatabase Rules

At 1:250 000 all prohibited areas should be fully revised using the NPIL database clip supplied. All features in the NPIL database meeting the size and other selection criteria will be included in the new database. The only exceptions to this rule are those prohibited areas in the TOPO250K NTDB with an authority classification of 'Not Applicable' or 'Other (not specified)' which do not have an equilivant feature in NPIL as well as any additional features which may appear on the source map (when the source map is not the previous edition NTMS). These features should be reviewed against the project instructions and if no direction has been supplied the producer should seek clarification from Geoscience Australia on how and/or if these features should be represented in the revised database.

At 1:100 000 size and other selection criteria apply to all feature occurrences. All features in the NPIL database clip supplied will be included which meet the selection criteria. Feature occurrences on the latest previous edition map or in base material/digital data (e.g. state mapping databases) meeting the selection criteria but which do not have an equilivant feature in the NPIL database should be reviewed against the project instructions. If a feature is not addressed in the project instructions the producer should seek clarification from Geoscience Australia on how and/or if the feature should be represented in the revised database.

The Authority classification for prohibited areas should not be populated with a value of 'Not Applicable'. All prohibited areas obtained from miscellaneous sources (e.g. previous edition map or special instruction) whose authority is not known should have an authority classification of 'Other (not specified)'.

Prohibited areas will be named if names are included in the supplied material.
Prohibited areas are to have an accompanying textnote ‘prohibited area’ unless the words ‘prohibited area’ are included in the name. Where the reserve is identified by a number, only the reserve type will be shown.  

Inter-Feature Relationship Rules - Internal to Associated Dataset

Prohibited Areas cannot overlap other Prohibited Areas.  

Prohibited Areas will be bounded by a Prohibited Area Boundary Line., see section 3 Chapter 5.17.

Where the edge of a Prohibited Area polygon has a similar shape to another feature, such as the edge of a polygon in the Reserves feature class, and is within 50 metres at 1:250 000 and 20 metres at 1:100 000 of the feature, then the relevant section of polygon edge for the Prohibited Area will be coincident with this other feature. Where both features are of similar shape but the distance separating them is greater than 50 metres at 1:250 000 and 20 metres at 1: 100 000 the relevant section of polygon edge for the Prohibited Area will be made coincident with the feature if it appears relevant section of polygon edge for the Prohibited Area should be following the feature.

Inter-Feature Relationship Rules - External to Associated Dataset

Where the edge of a Prohibited Area polygon has a similar shape to another feature, such as a Road, Watercourse, Railway, Shoreline or WaterbodyBoundaries (except junction and Limit Of Data) , and is within 50 metres at 1:250 000 and 20 metres at 1:100 000 of the feature, then the relevant section of polygon edge for the Prohibited Area will be coincident with this other feature. Where both features are of similar shape but the distance separating them is greater than 50 metres at 1:250 000 and 20 metres at 1: 100 000 the relevant section of polygon edge for the Prohibited Area will be made coincident with the feature if it appears relevant section of polygon edge for the Prohibited Area should be following the feature, for example where the polygon edge for the Prohibited Area is following a stream line.  

Map Rules

Prohibited areas are to have an accompanying note ‘prohibited area’ unless the words ‘prohibited area’ are included in the name. Type style for this note will be that specified for ‘notes for areas restricted access’ Section 2 chapter 6.1. Where the reserve is identified by a number, only the reserve type will be shown.  

Related Features

Prohibited Area Boundary Line, Limit of Data 

Related Chapters

Section 2 Chapter 5.8
Section 3 chapters 5.17 and 5.18  

Related Products


Note: See disclaimer in Appendix A Chapter 1.2 Use of Feature Type Dictionary- Structure of an Entry regarding Related features,chapters & products. The information in this entry is uncontrolled when printed.

[back to top]

Geoscience Australia: Appendix A -Feature Type Dictionary
Updated:   5 December 2006

Scales 1:250 000 & 1:100 000

Prohibited Area Boundary Line




The boundary of a prohibited area.

Minimum Size for Inclusion

Criterion 1:25 000 1:100 000 1:250 000
Area (sq m)      
Length (m)      

Data Attributes

FEATURE TYPE (FEATURETYPE) [String; No; 32; Pop_Req] The code which identifies the type of topographic feature represented

Prohibited Area Boundary Line

SUBTYPE NUMBER (TYPE) [Long Integer; No; 5; Pop_Req] The numeric value assigned to sub classify the feature

DESCRIPTION OF SUBTYPE (TYPE_DESCRIPTION) [String; No; 32; Pop_Req] The textual description of the subtype classification.

The reliability date of the spatial object; Date to be adjusted only during spatial change or verification of an existing feature location or the capture of a new feature (see Section 1 Chapter 3.6);

Most Recent Reliability Date of Revision Source Material (or Base Material/digitial data for inital capture) used for Spatial Verification

This primary source used to determine the spatial location of a feature (For use in TOPO100K only;).

The reliability date of the attribute object; Date to be adjusted only during attribute change or verification of an existing feature's item values or the capture of a new feature (see Section 1 Chapter 3.6);

Most Recent Reliability Date of Revision Source Material (or Base Material/digitial data for inital capture) used for Attribute Verification.

The primary source used to populate the attribute fields of a feature (For use in TOPO100K only;).

PLANIMETRIC ACCURACY (PLANIMETRICACCURACY) [Short Integer; No; 4; Pop_Req] The standard deviation of the horizontal positional accuracy.The default value, when not specified in project instructions, will be as follows;
10 / 40 / 100

DATA SOURCE (SOURCE) [String; No; 50; Pop_Req] This is the official name of the agency that originally captured the spatial object for the TOPO250K NTDB (For use in TOPO250K only) ; The default value when unknown or not specified in project instructions will be GEOSCIENCE AUSTRALIA.

UNIQUE FEATURE IDENTIFIER (UFI) [String; Yes; 10; Pop_Aut] Alphanumeric feature identifier defined for GEODATA SERIES 2 (For use in TOPO250K only;) (see Section 3 chapter 5.14)

FEATURE CREATION DATE (CREATIONDATE) [Date; Yes; 0; 0; 36; Pop_Aut] Date of creation of feature in the database. This field will be entered/edited automatically by GEOSCIENCE AUSTRALIA.

FEATURE RETIREMENT DATE (RETIREMENTDATE) [Date;Yes; 0; 0; 36; Pop_Aut] Date of retirement of feature in the database.This field will be entered/edited automatically by GEOSCIENCE AUSTRALIA.

PERSISTENT IDENTIFIER (PID) [Long Integer; Yes; 8; Pop_Aut] This field will be entered/edited automatically by GEOSCIENCE AUSTRALIA.

SYMBOL (SYMBOL) [Short Integer; No; 4; Pop_Req] (Link to Symbol Dictionary)Symbol number/s applicable;

64 Single boundary
641 Dual boundary
0- Boundary along coastline

FEATURE WIDTH (FEATUREWIDTH) [Double; Yes; 8; 4; Pop_Dep]

Offset from coincident features in millimetres
The offset will move the feature to the left when viewed from start node to end node.  

TEXT NOTE (TEXTNOTE) [String; Yes; 50; Pop_Dep] Descriptive note to appear on map. Text Note field should be added when directed in the Geodatabase Rules or if descriptive information is known about a feature that is not covered by any other item in the feature class and expands on the definition of the feature.

Geodatabase Rules

Where different Prohibited Areas are separated by a linear feature such as a road two Prohibited Area Boundary Lines will be shown each at greater than 50 metres at 1:250 00 and 20 metres at 1:100 000 from the feature separating the Prohibited Areas. Road reserves will not be shown through a Prohibited Area.
The Prohibited Area Boundary Line symbol will not be offset from Reserve Boundary Line symbols if they are not also coincident with another symbolised linear feature.

At 1:100 000 a TextNote may be added to the data where a prohibited area boundary is not symbolised because it follows the coastline, for example ' prohibited area boundary follows coastline'.

Inter-Feature Relationship Rules - Internal to Associated Dataset

Prohibited Area Boundary Lines will bound Prohibited Areas and Prohibited Area Voids.

Prohibited Area Boundary Lines of symbol number 64 will be digitised such that the Prohibited Area is on the left going from start node to end node.

Inter-Feature Relationship Rules - External to Associated Dataset

When a Prohibited Area Boundary Line has a similar shape to a feature listed below, it must be coincident with that feature if:
- the line falls within 50m at 1:250 000 and 20m at 1:100 000, or
- if the Prohibited Area Boundary Line appears that it should follow the feature.

Case Feature Type
A Aerial Cableway
B Canal Boundary Line
B Canal Line
A Cleared Line
A Conveyor
A Dam Wall
A Discontinuities
A Fence
B Flat Boundary Line
A Foot Track
A InternationalBoundary
B Lake Boundary Line (where no perennial feature exists on either side)
B Lake Boundary Line (where perennial feature exists on either side)
A Railway
B Rapid Boundary Line
B Reservoir Boundary Line
A Road
A Sea Wall
C Shoreline
A State Border
A Pipeline (not water)
B Pipeline (water)
B Pondage Boundary Line
A Powerline
B Watercourse Boundary Line (where no perennial feature exists on either side)
B Watercourse Boundary Line (where perennial feature exists on either side)
B Builtup Area edge (feature type polygon)
A Cemetery Area edge (feature type polygon)
A Crater edge (feature type polygon)
A Landmark Area edge (feature type polygon)
A Mine Area edge (feature type polygon)
B Recreation Area edge (feature type polygon)
A Rubbish Tip edge (feature type polygon)
A AircraftFacilityAreas edge (feature class polygon)
A Deformation Area edge (feature class polygon)

In case 'A' the symbol will be 64 or 641 as appropriate. The FEATURE WIDTH value will be such that there will be a gap of 0.15 mm between the respective symbols. For example, where a Prohibited Area Boundary Line is coincident with a Road (class = Principal) the FEATURE WIDTH value will be 0.75 (0.15 plus half the width of the principal road symbol (0.45) plus half the width of the Prohibited Area Boundary Line's symbol (0.15)).

In case 'B' the symbol will be 64 or 641 as appropriate. The Feature Width value will be 0.

In case 'C' the symbol will be 0. The Feature Width value will be 0.

Map Rules

The Prohibited area line symbol will not be offset from Reserve line symbols if they are not also coincident with another symbolised linear feature.

Area symbols will be masked for the Prohibited area line verge.

At 1:100 000 a descriptive note may be added on the map where a prohibited area boundary is not displayed because it follows the coastline, for example ' prohibited area boundary follows coastline'.

Related Features

Built Up Area, Cemetery Area, RecreationAreas (Feature Class), Prohibited Area, Railway, Road Watercourse, Watercourse Area, Shoreline, WaterbodyBoundaries (Feature Class) 

Related Chapters

Section 2 chapters 2.9 and 5.8
Section 3 chapters 5.7, 5.8, 5.11.2, and 5.17  

Related Products


Note: See disclaimer in Appendix A Chapter 1.2 Use of Feature Type Dictionary- Structure of an Entry regarding Related features,chapters & products. The information in this entry is uncontrolled when printed.

[back to top]

Geoscience Australia: Appendix A -Feature Type Dictionary
Updated:   5 December 2006

Scales 1:250 000 & 1:100 000

Reserve Boundary Line




The line bounding a Reserves feature class polygon.

Minimum Size for Inclusion

Criterion 1:25 000 1:100 000 1:250 000
Area (sq m)      
Length (m)      

Data Attributes

FEATURE TYPE (FEATURETYPE) [String; No; 32; Pop_Req] The code which identifies the type of topographic feature represented

Reserve Boundary Line

SUBTYPE NUMBER (TYPE) [Long Integer; No; 5; Pop_Req] The numeric value assigned to sub classify the feature

DESCRIPTION OF SUBTYPE (TYPE_DESCRIPTION) [String; No; 32; Pop_Req] The textual description of the subtype classification.

The reliability date of the spatial object; Date to be adjusted only during spatial change or verification of an existing feature location or the capture of a new feature (see Section 1 Chapter 3.6);

Most Recent Reliability Date of Revision Source Material (or Base Material/digitial data for inital capture) used for Spatial Verification

This primary source used to determine the spatial location of a feature (For use in TOPO100K only;).

The reliability date of the attribute object; Date to be adjusted only during attribute change or verification of an existing feature's item values or the capture of a new feature (see Section 1 Chapter 3.6);

Most Recent Reliability Date of Revision Source Material (or Base Material/digitial data for inital capture) used for Attribute Verification.

The primary source used to populate the attribute fields of a feature (For use in TOPO100K only;).

PLANIMETRIC ACCURACY (PLANIMETRICACCURACY) [Short Integer; No; 4; Pop_Req] The standard deviation of the horizontal positional accuracy.The default value, when not specified in project instructions, will be as follows;
10 / 40 / 100

DATA SOURCE (SOURCE) [String; No; 50; Pop_Req] This is the official name of the agency that originally captured the spatial object for the TOPO250K NTDB (For use in TOPO250K only) ; The default value when unknown or not specified in project instructions will be GEOSCIENCE AUSTRALIA.

UNIQUE FEATURE IDENTIFIER (UFI) [String; Yes; 10; Pop_Aut] Alphanumeric feature identifier defined for GEODATA SERIES 2 (For use in TOPO250K only;) (see Section 3 chapter 5.14)

FEATURE CREATION DATE (CREATIONDATE) [Date; Yes; 0; 0; 36; Pop_Aut] Date of creation of feature in the database. This field will be entered/edited automatically by GEOSCIENCE AUSTRALIA.

FEATURE RETIREMENT DATE (RETIREMENTDATE) [Date;Yes; 0; 0; 36; Pop_Aut] Date of retirement of feature in the database.This field will be entered/edited automatically by GEOSCIENCE AUSTRALIA.

PERSISTENT IDENTIFIER (PID) [Long Integer; Yes; 8; Pop_Aut] This field will be entered/edited automatically by GEOSCIENCE AUSTRALIA.

SYMBOL (SYMBOL) [Short Integer; No; 4; Pop_Req] (Link to Symbol Dictionary)Symbol number/s applicable;

65 - Single boundary
650- Single Boundary no spline
68 - Dual boundary not coincident with another feature
680 - Dual boundary no spline
681 – Dual boundary coincident with another symbolised feature
0 - Boundary follows coastline

FEATURE WIDTH (FEATUREWIDTH) [Double; Yes; 8; 4; Pop_Dep]

Offset from coincident features in millimetres. The offset will move the feature to the left when viewed from start to node to end node.  

TEXT NOTE (TEXTNOTE) [String; Yes; 50; Pop_Dep] Descriptive note to appear on map. Text Note field should be added when directed in the Geodatabase Rules or if descriptive information is known about a feature that is not covered by any other item in the feature class and expands on the definition of the feature.

Geodatabase Rules

Road reserves, powerline reserves and other linear feature reserves will not be shown through reserve areas.
The Reserve Boundary Line symbol will not be offset from coincident Prohibited Area Boundary Line symbols unless the two lines are also coincident with another symbolised feature.

At 1:100 000 a TextNote may be added on to the data where a Reserve Boundary Line is not symbolised because it follows the coastline, for example ' Reserve boundary follows coastline'

Inter-Feature Relationship Rules - Internal to Associated Dataset

Reserve Boundary Line features will bound Indigenous Reserve, Forestry Reserve,Nature Conservation Reserve, Water Supply Reserve and Reserve Void features.

Reserve Boundary Lines of symbol 65 & 650 will be digitised such that the Reserves (feature class polygon) is on the left going from start node to end node.

Inter-Feature Relationship Rules - External to Associated Dataset

When a Reserve Boundary Line has a similar shape to a feature listed below, it must be coincident with that feature if:
- the line falls within 50m at 1:250 000 and 20m at 1:100 000, or
- if the Reserve Boundary Line appears that it should follow the feature.

Case Feature Type
A Aerial Cableway
C Canal Boundary Line
B Canal Line
A Cleared Line
A Conveyor
A Dam Wall
A Discontinuities
A Fence
B Flat Boundary Line
A Foot Track
A InternationalBoundary
B Lake Boundary Line (where no perennial feature exists on either side)
C Lake Boundary Line (where perennial feature exists on either side)
A Railway
B Rapid Boundary Line
C Reservoir Boundary Line
A Road
A Sea Wall
C Shoreline
A State Border
A Pipeline (not water)
B Pipeline (water)
B Pondage Boundary Line
A Powerline
C Watercourse
B Watercourse Boundary Line (where no perennial feature exists on either side)
C Watercourse Boundary Line (where perennial feature exists on either side)
B Builtup Area edge (feature type polygon)
A Cemetery Area edge (feature type polygon)
A Crater edge (feature type polygon)
A Landmark Area edge (feature type polygon)
A Mine Area edge (feature type polygon)
B Recreation Area edge (feature type polygon)
A Rubbish Tip edge (feature type polygon)
A AircraftFacilityAreas edge (feature class polygon)
A Deformation Area edge (feature class polygon)

In case 'A' the symbol will be 65 or 681 as appropriate. The FEATURE WIDTH value will be such that there will be a gap of 0.15 mm between the respective symbols. For example, where a Reserve Boundary Line is coincident with a Road (class = Principal) the FEATURE WIDTH value will be 0.725 (0.15 plus half the width of the principal road symbol (0.45) plus half the width of the Reserve Boundary Line's symbol (0.125)).

In case 'B' the symbol will be 65 or 68 as appropriate. The Feature Width value will be 0.

In case 'C' the symbol will be 0, 650 or 680 as appropriate. The Feature Width value will be 0.

Map Rules

The Reserve Boundary Line symbol will not be offset from coincident Prohibited Area Boundary Line symbols unless the two lines are also coincident with another symbolised feature.

At 1:100 000 a descriptive note may be added on the map where a reserve boundary is not displayed because it follows the coastline, for example ' Reserve boundary follows coastline'

Related Features

Built Up Area, Cemetery Area, RecreationAreas (Feature Class) , Railway, Indigenous Reserve, Forestry Reserve, Nature Conservation Reserve, Water Supply Reserve, Road, Watercourse, Watercourse Area , Shoreline, WaterbodyBoundaries (Feature Class) 

Related Chapters

Section 2 chapter 5.8
Section 3 chapters 5.7, 5.8, 5.11.2 and 5.17  

Related Products


Note: See disclaimer in Appendix A Chapter 1.2 Use of Feature Type Dictionary- Structure of an Entry regarding Related features,chapters & products. The information in this entry is uncontrolled when printed.

[back to top]

Geoscience Australia: Appendix A -Feature Type Dictionary
Updated:   5 December 2006

Scales 1:250 000 & 1:100 000

Water Supply Reserve




Land reserved to protect water supply catchments.

Minimum Size for Inclusion

Criterion 1:25 000 1:100 000 1:250 000
Area (sq m) 31250 500000 3125000
Length (m)      

Data Attributes

FEATURE TYPE (FEATURETYPE) [String; No; 32; Pop_Req] The code which identifies the type of topographic feature represented

Water Supply Reserve

SUBTYPE NUMBER (TYPE) [Long Integer; No; 5; Pop_Req] The numeric value assigned to sub classify the feature

DESCRIPTION OF SUBTYPE (TYPE_DESCRIPTION) [String; No; 32; Pop_Req] The textual description of the subtype classification.

NAME (NAME) [String; Yes; 60; Pop_Dep] The name of the Water Supply Reserve (see Geodatabase Rules for population requirements).

CONTROLLING AUTHORITY (AUTHORITY) [String; Yes; 100; Pop_Req] Name of controlling authority

The reliability date of the spatial object; Date to be adjusted only during spatial change or verification of an existing feature location or the capture of a new feature (see Section 1 Chapter 3.6);

Most Recent Reliability Date of Revision Source Material (or Base Material/digitial data for inital capture) used for Spatial Verification

This primary source used to determine the spatial location of a feature (For use in TOPO100K only;).

The reliability date of the attribute object; Date to be adjusted only during attribute change or verification of an existing feature's item values or the capture of a new feature (see Section 1 Chapter 3.6);

Most Recent Reliability Date of Revision Source Material (or Base Material/digitial data for inital capture) used for Attribute Verification.

The primary source used to populate the attribute fields of a feature (For use in TOPO100K only;).

PLANIMETRIC ACCURACY (PLANIMETRICACCURACY) [Short Integer; No; 4; Pop_Req] The standard deviation of the horizontal positional accuracy.The default value, when not specified in project instructions, will be as follows;
10 / 40 / 100

DATA SOURCE (SOURCE) [String; No; 50; Pop_Req] This is the official name of the agency that originally captured the spatial object for the TOPO250K NTDB (For use in TOPO250K only) ; The default value when unknown or not specified in project instructions will be GEOSCIENCE AUSTRALIA.

UNIQUE FEATURE IDENTIFIER (UFI) [String; Yes; 10; Pop_Aut] Alphanumeric feature identifier defined for GEODATA SERIES 2 (For use in TOPO250K only;) (see Section 3 chapter 5.14)

FEATURE CREATION DATE (CREATIONDATE) [Date; Yes; 0; 0; 36; Pop_Aut] Date of creation of feature in the database. This field will be entered/edited automatically by GEOSCIENCE AUSTRALIA.

FEATURE RETIREMENT DATE (RETIREMENTDATE) [Date;Yes; 0; 0; 36; Pop_Aut] Date of retirement of feature in the database.This field will be entered/edited automatically by GEOSCIENCE AUSTRALIA.

PERSISTENT IDENTIFIER (PID) [Long Integer; Yes; 8; Pop_Aut] This field will be entered/edited automatically by GEOSCIENCE AUSTRALIA.

SYMBOL (SYMBOL) [Short Integer; No; 4; Pop_Req] (Link to Symbol Dictionary)Symbol number/s applicable;


Geodatabase Rules

Water Supply Reserves included in the NPIL database and meeting the size criteria will be shown. Where a named Water Supply Reserve is broken into a number of areas with indentical attributes, each area will be shown regardless of size if the total area of the reserve meets the size criteria. These areas will be merged to form a multi-part polygon.

The Authority classification for reserve areas should not be populated with 'Not Applicable'. All reserves whose authority is not known, should have a authority value of 'Other (not specified)'.
Water Supply Reserve features will be named where named in the NPIL database. Where the reserve is only identified by a number only the reserve type will be shown.

Where a Water Supply Reserve surrounds, or is coincident with a waterbody of the same root name, name the waterbody in the Waterbodies feature dataset and provide the generic name 'Water Supply Reserve' in the name field on the Water Supply Reserve feature type.

Water Supply Reserves in Western Australia are to excluded from the NTDBs, the exception will be those Water Supply Reserves, with restricted access, which are used for urban consumption.

Inter-Feature Relationship Rules - Internal to Associated Dataset

Water Supply Reserve features will be bounded by a Reserve Boundary Line feature.

The Water Supply Reserve feature cannot overlap other polygons in the Reserves Feature Class ie. Two differing reserve types cannot share a common polygon area.  

Where the edge of a Reserves (feature type) polygon has a similar shape to another feature, such as the edge of a Prohibited Area polygon, and is within 50 metres at 1: 250 000 and 20 metres at 1:100 000 of the feature, then the relevant section of polygon edge for the Reserve will be coincident with this other feature. Where both features are of similar shape but the distance separating them is greater than 50 metres at 1:250 000 and 20 metres at 1:100 000 the relevant section of polygon edge for the Reserve will be made coincident with the feature if it appears the relevant section of polygon edge for the Reserve should be following the feature. These rules will not apply where two reserves are separated by a road reserve. In such cases the separation between the two boundaries will be maintained.

Inter-Feature Relationship Rules - External to Associated Dataset

Where the edge of a Reserves (feature type) polygon has a similar shape to another feature, such as a Road, Watercourse, Railway, Shoreline or WaterbodyBoundaries (except junction and Limit Of Data) and is within 50 metres at 1: 250 000 and 20 metres at 1:100 000 of the feature, then the relevant section of polygon edge for the Reserve will be coincident with this other feature. Where both features are of similar shape but the distance separating them is greater than 50 metres at 1:250 000 and 20 metres at 1:100 000 the relevant section of polygon edge for the Reserve will be made coincident with the feature if it appears the relevant section of polygon edge for the Reserve should be following the feature, for example where the boundary is following a stream line. These rules will not apply where two reserves are separated by a road reserve. In such cases the separation between the two boundaries will be maintained.

Map Rules

Water Supply Reserve features will be named where named in the NPIL database. Where the reserve is only identified by a number only the reserve type will be shown.

Where a Water Supply Reserve surrounds, or is coincident with a waterbody of the same root name, name the waterbody in the Waterbodies cover and do not name the Water Supply Reserve.However a descriptive note 'water supply reserve' should be added in parenthesis following the waterbody name.

Related Features

Reserve Boundary Line , Limit of Data 

Related Chapters

Section 2 Chapter 5.8
Section 3 chapters 5.16, 5.17 and 5.18  

Related Products


Note: See disclaimer in Appendix A Chapter 1.2 Use of Feature Type Dictionary- Structure of an Entry regarding Related features,chapters & products. The information in this entry is uncontrolled when printed.

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Unless otherwise noted, all Geoscience Australia material on this website is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Australia Licence.