Geoscience Australia: Appendix A -Feature Type Dictionary
Updated:   5 December 2006

Scales 1:250 000 & 1:100 000

Cleared Line




A graded path in a straight line.

Minimum Size for Inclusion

Criterion 1:25 000 1:100 000 1:250 000
Area (sq m)      
Length (m) 250 1000 2500

Data Attributes

FEATURE TYPE (FEATURETYPE) [String; No; 32; Pop_Req] The code which identifies the type of topographic feature represented

Cleared Line

The reliability date of the spatial object; Date to be adjusted only during spatial change or verification of an existing feature location or the capture of a new feature (see Section 1 Chapter 3.6);

Most Recent Reliability Date of Revision Source Material (or Base Material/digitial data for inital capture) used for Spatial Verification

This primary source used to determine the spatial location of a feature (For use in TOPO100K only;).

The reliability date of the attribute object; Date to be adjusted only during attribute change or verification of an existing feature's item values or the capture of a new feature (see Section 1 Chapter 3.6);

Most Recent Reliability Date of Revision Source Material (or Base Material/digitial data for inital capture) used for Attribute Verification.

The primary source used to populate the attribute fields of a feature (For use in TOPO100K only;).

PLANIMETRIC ACCURACY (PLANIMETRICACCURACY) [Short Integer; No; 4; Pop_Req] The standard deviation of the horizontal positional accuracy.The default value, when not specified in project instructions, will be as follows;
10 / 40 / 100

DATA SOURCE (SOURCE) [String; No; 50; Pop_Req] This is the official name of the agency that originally captured the spatial object for the TOPO250K NTDB (For use in TOPO250K only) ; The default value when unknown or not specified in project instructions will be GEOSCIENCE AUSTRALIA.

UNIQUE FEATURE IDENTIFIER (UFI) [String; Yes; 10; Pop_Aut] Alphanumeric feature identifier defined for GEODATA SERIES 2 (For use in TOPO250K only;) (see Section 3 chapter 5.14)

FEATURE CREATION DATE (CREATIONDATE) [Date; Yes; 0; 0; 36; Pop_Aut] Date of creation of feature in the database. This field will be entered/edited automatically by GEOSCIENCE AUSTRALIA.

FEATURE RETIREMENT DATE (RETIREMENTDATE) [Date;Yes; 0; 0; 36; Pop_Aut] Date of retirement of feature in the database.This field will be entered/edited automatically by GEOSCIENCE AUSTRALIA.

PERSISTENT IDENTIFIER (PID) [Long Integer; Yes; 8; Pop_Aut] This field will be entered/edited automatically by GEOSCIENCE AUSTRALIA.

SYMBOL (SYMBOL) [Short Integer; No; 4; Pop_Req] (Link to Symbol Dictionary)Symbol number/s applicable;


TEXT NOTE (TEXTNOTE) [String; Yes; 50; Pop_Dep] Descriptive note to appear on map. Text Note field should be added when directed in the Geodatabase Rules or if descriptive information is known about a feature that is not covered by any other item in the feature class and expands on the definition of the feature.

Geodatabase Rules

At 1:250 000 Cleared Lines shown on the TOPO250K NTDB will be retained, where there is clear evidence they exist. New Cleared Lines may be added.

At 1:100000 Cleared Lines shown on the latest previous edition map and in the TOPO250K NTDB will be shown, where there is clear evidence they exist. New Cleared lines may be added.
Cleared lines will be TextNoted e.g ‘cleared line’. No reference to seismic lines should be made in the text_note field. If pre-existing features have been identified as seismic lines and are still visible on imagery, they will be redefined as 'cleared line' in the text_note field.

Inter-Feature Relationship Rules - Internal to Associated Dataset


Inter-Feature Relationship Rules - External to Associated Dataset

Cleared lines cannot overlap;
Sea, Lake, Reservoir, Watercourse Area or Canal Area.  

Map Rules

Cleared lines will be labelled, for example ‘cleared line’.

Cleared lines will be masked where black type unavoidably overprints the feature. The break measurement will be 0.2 mm on either side of the type where it crosses the feature. (Note: the feature will be masked only on the map and will be complete in the data.)  

Related Features


Related Chapters

Appendix U chapter 2.2.2, 2.5.1

Related Products


Note: See disclaimer in Appendix A Chapter 1.2 Use of Feature Type Dictionary- Structure of an Entry regarding Related features,chapters & products. The information in this entry is uncontrolled when printed.

[back to top]

Geoscience Australia: Appendix A -Feature Type Dictionary
Updated:   5 December 2006

Scales 1:250 000 & 1:100 000

Forest Or Shrub




An area of land with woody vegetation greater than 10% foliage cover (includes trees and shrubs).

Minimum Size for Inclusion

Criterion 1:25 000 1:100 000 1:250 000
Area (sq m) 2500 40000 250000
Length (m)      

Data Attributes

FEATURE TYPE (FEATURETYPE) [String; No; 32; Pop_Req] The code which identifies the type of topographic feature represented

Forest Or Shrub

SUBTYPE NUMBER (TYPE) [Long Integer; No; 5; Pop_Req] The numeric value assigned to sub classify the feature

DESCRIPTION OF SUBTYPE (TYPE_DESCRIPTION) [String; No; 32; Pop_Req] The textual description of the subtype classification.

FOLIAGE COVER DENSITY (COVERDENSITY) [String; Yes; 20; Pop_Dep] Density of foliage coverage;For use in TOPO100K only;
This field must be populated with one of the following values:

GROWTH FORM (GROWTHFORM) [String; No; 20; Pop_Dep] The Majority Growth Form Type; For use in TOPO100K only;
This item must be populated with one to the following values:
Tree Mallee
Mallee Shrub
Heath Shrub
Chenopod Shrub
Other (unknown)

The reliability date of the spatial object; Date to be adjusted only during spatial change or verification of an existing feature location or the capture of a new feature (see Section 1 Chapter 3.6);

Most Recent Reliability Date of Revision Source Material (or Base Material/digitial data for inital capture) used for Spatial Verification

This primary source used to determine the spatial location of a feature (For use in TOPO100K only;).

The reliability date of the attribute object; Date to be adjusted only during attribute change or verification of an existing feature's item values or the capture of a new feature (see Section 1 Chapter 3.6);

Most Recent Reliability Date of Revision Source Material (or Base Material/digitial data for inital capture) used for Attribute Verification.

The primary source used to populate the attribute fields of a feature (For use in TOPO100K only;).

PLANIMETRIC ACCURACY (PLANIMETRICACCURACY) [Short Integer; No; 4; Pop_Req] The standard deviation of the horizontal positional accuracy.The default value, when not specified in project instructions, will be as follows;
9999 / 9999 / 9999

DATA SOURCE (SOURCE) [String; No; 50; Pop_Req] This is the official name of the agency that originally captured the spatial object for the TOPO250K NTDB (For use in TOPO250K only) ; The default value when unknown or not specified in project instructions will be GEOSCIENCE AUSTRALIA.

UNIQUE FEATURE IDENTIFIER (UFI) [String; Yes; 10; Pop_Aut] Alphanumeric feature identifier defined for GEODATA SERIES 2 (For use in TOPO250K only;) (see Section 3 chapter 5.14)

FEATURE CREATION DATE (CREATIONDATE) [Date; Yes; 0; 0; 36; Pop_Aut] Date of creation of feature in the database. This field will be entered/edited automatically by GEOSCIENCE AUSTRALIA.

FEATURE RETIREMENT DATE (RETIREMENTDATE) [Date;Yes; 0; 0; 36; Pop_Aut] Date of retirement of feature in the database.This field will be entered/edited automatically by GEOSCIENCE AUSTRALIA.

PERSISTENT IDENTIFIER (PID) [Long Integer; Yes; 8; Pop_Aut] This field will be entered/edited automatically by GEOSCIENCE AUSTRALIA.

SYMBOL (SYMBOL) [Short Integer; No; 4; Pop_Req] (Link to Symbol Dictionary)Symbol number/s applicable;

Polygons (250K only)
Polygons (100K only)
201 – Sparse
200 – Dense
2 – Closed

TEXT NOTE (TEXTNOTE) [String; Yes; 50; Pop_Dep] Descriptive note to appear on map. Text Note field should be added when directed in the Geodatabase Rules or if descriptive information is known about a feature that is not covered by any other item in the feature class and expands on the definition of the feature.

Geodatabase Rules

This classification excludes mangroves, orchards, plantations and rainforest.

Size criteria will not apply where 'Forest Or Shrub' completely covers small islands, i.e. such islands will have a matching 'Forest Or Shrub' polygon.

Fire Scars will be considered as defined holes (areas on universe polygon) within vegetation polygon feature classes. Regrowth of vegetation in these areas will not be anticipated.

The classification of Foliage cover density have the following meanings:
Classification: Meaning
Sparse : Foliage coverage of 10–30%
Dense : Foliage coverage of 30-70%
Closed : Foliage coverage of 70%+

Inter-Feature Relationship Rules - Internal to Associated Dataset

Plantations and Rainforest which are under their minimum size criteria, and are adjoined or surrounded by 'Forest Or Shrub' will be reclassified as 'Forest Or Shrub' and merged with its adjoining polygon.

Forest Or Shrub cannot overlap;
Other polygons in the Vegetation Dataset.

Inter-Feature Relationship Rules - External to Associated Dataset

Forest Or Shrub can overlap Built-up area.

Forest Or Shrub cannot overlap;
Mine Area, Building Area, Sand Area, Sand Dune, AircraftFacilityArea, Airport Area, Canal Area, Flood Irrigation Storage, Town Rural Storage, Outcrop, Settling Pond, Aquaculture Area, Salt Evaporator, Lake perennial, Watercourse Area perennial, and Sea.  

A NativeVegetationAreas edge (feature class polygon) must be coincident with the following features if they fall within 50m at 1:250 000 and 20m at 1:100 000 or if the area created between these features and the NativeVegetationAreas edge (feature class polygon) is less than 62 500 sq m at 1:250 000 and 10 000 sq m at 1:100 000:
Sea Wall
Airport Area edge (feature type polygon)
Building Area edge (feature type polygon)
Built Up Area edge (feature type polygon)
Cemetery Area edge (feature type polygon)
Foreshore Flat edge (feature type polygon)
Landmark Area edge (feature type polygon)
Mine Area edge (feature type polygon)
Rubbish Tip edge (feature type polygon)
AircraftFacilityAreas edge (feature class polygon)
MarineHazardAreas edge (feature class polygon)
RecreationAreas edge (feature class polygon)
Sands edge (feature class polygon)
WaterbodyBoundaries edge (feature class polygon) where they bound Flood Irrigation Storage, Town Rural Storage, Settling ponds, Aquaculture Areas, Salt evaporators, Lakes and Perennial Watercourse areas. (Does Not Include junction or Limit of Data feature types)

Map Rules

Forest Or Shrub will be masked for Built Up Areas on the map  

Related Features

Mangrove, Orchard, Plantation, Rainforest, Sand Area, Cleared Line and Windbreak 

Related Chapters

Section 2 chapter 2.2.3
Section 3 chapter 5.11.1, 5.11.2, 5.18, 5.19 and 6.3

Related Products


Note: See disclaimer in Appendix A Chapter 1.2 Use of Feature Type Dictionary- Structure of an Entry regarding Related features,chapters & products. The information in this entry is uncontrolled when printed.

[an error occurred while processing this directive]

Geoscience Australia: Appendix A -Feature Type Dictionary
Updated:   5 December 2006

Scales 1:250 000 & 1:100 000





A dense growth of mangrove trees, which grow to a uniform height on mud flats in estuarine or salt waters. The land upon which the mangrove is situated is a nearly level tract of land between the low and high water lines.

Minimum Size for Inclusion

Criterion 1:25 000 1:100 000 1:250 000
Area (sq m) 3906 62500 390625
Length (m)      

Data Attributes

FEATURE TYPE (FEATURETYPE) [String; No; 32; Pop_Req] The code which identifies the type of topographic feature represented


SUBTYPE NUMBER (TYPE) [Long Integer; No; 5; Pop_Req] The numeric value assigned to sub classify the feature

DESCRIPTION OF SUBTYPE (TYPE_DESCRIPTION) [String; No; 32; Pop_Req] The textual description of the subtype classification.

FOLIAGE COVER DENSITY (COVERDENSITY) [String; Yes; 20; Pop_Dep] Density of foliage coverage;For use in TOPO100K only;
Currently not to be populated.

GROWTH FORM (GROWTHFORM) [String; No; 20; Pop_Dep] The Majority Growth Form Type; For use in TOPO100K only;
Currently not to be populated.

The reliability date of the spatial object; Date to be adjusted only during spatial change or verification of an existing feature location or the capture of a new feature (see Section 1 Chapter 3.6);

Most Recent Reliability Date of Revision Source Material (or Base Material/digitial data for inital capture) used for Spatial Verification

This primary source used to determine the spatial location of a feature (For use in TOPO100K only;).

The reliability date of the attribute object; Date to be adjusted only during attribute change or verification of an existing feature's item values or the capture of a new feature (see Section 1 Chapter 3.6);

Most Recent Reliability Date of Revision Source Material (or Base Material/digitial data for inital capture) used for Attribute Verification.

The primary source used to populate the attribute fields of a feature (For use in TOPO100K only;).

PLANIMETRIC ACCURACY (PLANIMETRICACCURACY) [Short Integer; No; 4; Pop_Req] The standard deviation of the horizontal positional accuracy.The default value, when not specified in project instructions, will be as follows;
9999 / 9999 / 9999

DATA SOURCE (SOURCE) [String; No; 50; Pop_Req] This is the official name of the agency that originally captured the spatial object for the TOPO250K NTDB (For use in TOPO250K only) ; The default value when unknown or not specified in project instructions will be GEOSCIENCE AUSTRALIA.

UNIQUE FEATURE IDENTIFIER (UFI) [String; Yes; 10; Pop_Aut] Alphanumeric feature identifier defined for GEODATA SERIES 2 (For use in TOPO250K only;) (see Section 3 chapter 5.14)

FEATURE CREATION DATE (CREATIONDATE) [Date; Yes; 0; 0; 36; Pop_Aut] Date of creation of feature in the database. This field will be entered/edited automatically by GEOSCIENCE AUSTRALIA.

FEATURE RETIREMENT DATE (RETIREMENTDATE) [Date;Yes; 0; 0; 36; Pop_Aut] Date of retirement of feature in the database.This field will be entered/edited automatically by GEOSCIENCE AUSTRALIA.

PERSISTENT IDENTIFIER (PID) [Long Integer; Yes; 8; Pop_Aut] This field will be entered/edited automatically by GEOSCIENCE AUSTRALIA.

SYMBOL (SYMBOL) [Short Integer; No; 4; Pop_Req] (Link to Symbol Dictionary)Symbol number/s applicable;


TEXT NOTE (TEXTNOTE) [String; Yes; 50; Pop_Dep] Descriptive note to appear on map. Text Note field should be added when directed in the Geodatabase Rules or if descriptive information is known about a feature that is not covered by any other item in the feature class and expands on the definition of the feature.

Geodatabase Rules

At 1:100 000 size and any other selection criteria apply to all feature occurrences.

At 1:250 000 size and any other selection criteria apply to new feature occurrences. All feature occurrences existing in the TOPO250K NTDB will be retained unless there is clear evidence they no longer exist.

Mangroves will be revised from the imagery, ortho photography or vegetation revision databases to be supplied.

Size criteria will not apply where mangrove completely covers small islands i.e boundary of island is completely coincident with boundary of mangrove.

Polygons that are smaller than the minimum size for inclusion and are in groups may be aggregated into one larger representative polygon where the small areas of mangrove are less than 0.5 mm apart at map scale.

Fire Scars will be considered as defined holes (areas on universe polygon) within vegetation polygon feature classes. Regrowth of vegetation in these areas will not be anticipated.

Inter-Feature Relationship Rules - Internal to Associated Dataset

Mangrove cannot overlap;
Windbreaks, Other polygons in the Vegetation Dataset.

Inter-Feature Relationship Rules - External to Associated Dataset

Mangrove cannot overlap;
AircraftFacilityArea polygons, Airport Area, Sand, Mine area, Sand dunes, Sea, Building Area and polygons in the Waterbodies feature dataset.

A NativeVegetationAreas edge (feature class polygon) must be coincident with the following features if they fall within 50m at 1:250 000 and 20m at 1:100 000 or if the area created between these features and the NativeVegetationAreas edge (feature class polygon) is less than 62 500 sq m at 1:250 000 and 10 000 sq m at 1:100 000:
Sea Wall
Airport Area edge (feature type polygon)
Building Area edge (feature type polygon)
Built Up Area edge (feature type polygon)
Cemetery Area edge (feature type polygon)
Foreshore Flat edge (feature type polygon)
Landmark Area edge (feature type polygon)
Mine Area edge (feature type polygon)
Rubbish Tip edge (feature type polygon)
AircraftFacilityAreas edge (feature class polygon)
MarineHazardAreas edge (feature class polygon)
RecreationAreas edge (feature class polygon)
Sands edge (feature class polygon)
WaterbodyBoundaries edge (feature class polygon) where they bound Flood Irrigation Storage, Town Rural Storage, Settling ponds, Aquaculture Areas, Salt evaporators, Lakes and Perennial Watercourse areas. (Does not include Junction or Limit of Data feature types)

Map Rules


Related Features

Connector, Forest Or Shrub, Limit of Data, Plantation, Orchard, Forest Or Shrub, Rainforest, Watercourse, Watercourse Area, Shoreline, WaterbodyBoundaries (Feature Class) 

Related Chapters

Section 2 chapter 2.2.3
Section 3 chapter 5.11.2, 5.18, 5.19 and 6.3

Related Products


Note: See disclaimer in Appendix A Chapter 1.2 Use of Feature Type Dictionary- Structure of an Entry regarding Related features,chapters & products. The information in this entry is uncontrolled when printed.

[back to top]

Geoscience Australia: Appendix A -Feature Type Dictionary
Updated:   5 December 2006

Scales 1:250 000 & 1:100 000





An area covered by an orderly planting of trees, vines or bushes which yield fruits, nuts or other edible products.

Minimum Size for Inclusion

Criterion 1:25 000 1:100 000 1:250 000
Area (sq m) 3906 62500 390625
Length (m)      

Data Attributes

FEATURE TYPE (FEATURETYPE) [String; No; 32; Pop_Req] The code which identifies the type of topographic feature represented


SUBTYPE NUMBER (TYPE) [Long Integer; No; 5; Pop_Req] The numeric value assigned to sub classify the feature

DESCRIPTION OF SUBTYPE (TYPE_DESCRIPTION) [String; No; 32; Pop_Req] The textual description of the subtype classification.

PRODUCT CODE (PRODUCT) [String; Yes; 35; Pop_Dep] Type of product produced or transported;
(For use in TOPO100k only. At 100k item must be populated.)
Tree Nuts
Other Orchard type (unspecified).

The reliability date of the spatial object; Date to be adjusted only during spatial change or verification of an existing feature location or the capture of a new feature (see Section 1 Chapter 3.6);

Most Recent Reliability Date of Revision Source Material (or Base Material/digitial data for inital capture) used for Spatial Verification

This primary source used to determine the spatial location of a feature (For use in TOPO100K only;).

The reliability date of the attribute object; Date to be adjusted only during attribute change or verification of an existing feature's item values or the capture of a new feature (see Section 1 Chapter 3.6);

Most Recent Reliability Date of Revision Source Material (or Base Material/digitial data for inital capture) used for Attribute Verification.

The primary source used to populate the attribute fields of a feature (For use in TOPO100K only;).

PLANIMETRIC ACCURACY (PLANIMETRICACCURACY) [Short Integer; No; 4; Pop_Req] The standard deviation of the horizontal positional accuracy.The default value, when not specified in project instructions, will be as follows;
10 / 40 / 100

DATA SOURCE (SOURCE) [String; No; 50; Pop_Req] This is the official name of the agency that originally captured the spatial object for the TOPO250K NTDB (For use in TOPO250K only) ; The default value when unknown or not specified in project instructions will be GEOSCIENCE AUSTRALIA.

UNIQUE FEATURE IDENTIFIER (UFI) [String; Yes; 10; Pop_Aut] Alphanumeric feature identifier defined for GEODATA SERIES 2 (For use in TOPO250K only;) (see Section 3 chapter 5.14)

FEATURE CREATION DATE (CREATIONDATE) [Date; Yes; 0; 0; 36; Pop_Aut] Date of creation of feature in the database. This field will be entered/edited automatically by GEOSCIENCE AUSTRALIA.

FEATURE RETIREMENT DATE (RETIREMENTDATE) [Date;Yes; 0; 0; 36; Pop_Aut] Date of retirement of feature in the database.This field will be entered/edited automatically by GEOSCIENCE AUSTRALIA.

PERSISTENT IDENTIFIER (PID) [Long Integer; Yes; 8; Pop_Aut] This field will be entered/edited automatically by GEOSCIENCE AUSTRALIA.

SYMBOL (SYMBOL) [Short Integer; No; 4; Pop_Req] (Link to Symbol Dictionary)Symbol number/s applicable;


TEXT NOTE (TEXTNOTE) [String; Yes; 50; Pop_Dep] Descriptive note to appear on map. Text Note field should be added when directed in the Geodatabase Rules or if descriptive information is known about a feature that is not covered by any other item in the feature class and expands on the definition of the feature.

Geodatabase Rules

At 1:100 000 size and any other selection criteria apply to all feature occurrences.

At 1:250 000 size and any other selection criteria apply to new feature occurrences. All feature occurrences existing in the TOPO250K NTDB will be retained unless there is clear evidence they no longer exist.

Polygons that are smaller than the minimum size for inclusion and are in groups may be aggregated into one larger representative polygon where they are less than 0.5 mm apart at map scale.

Fire Scars will be considered as defined holes (areas on universe polygon) within vegetation polygon feature classes. Regrowth of vegetation in these areas will not be anticipated.
At 1:100 000 orchards are to have an accompanying TextNote e.g. ‘bananas’,’ tree nuts’,’ vineyard’, etc if the horticultural type/product is known.

Inter-Feature Relationship Rules - Internal to Associated Dataset

Orchard cannot overlap;
Other polygons in the Vegetation Dataset.  

Inter-Feature Relationship Rules - External to Associated Dataset

Orchard cannot overlap;
AircraftFacilityAreas, Airport Area, Built Up Area, Building Area, Sea, Reef, Shoal, Foreshore Flat, Flood Irrigation Storage, Town Rural Storage, Lake, Canal Area, Watercourse Area, Salt Evaporators, Settling Pond, Aquaculture Area, Mine Area, Sand Area, Sand Dunes.

A CultivatedAreas edge (feature class polygon) must be coincident with the following features if they fall within 50m at 1:250 000 and 20m at 1:100 000 or if the area created between these features and the CultivatedAreas edge (feature class polygon) is less than 62 500 sq m at 1:250 000 and 10 000 sq m at 1:100 000:
Sea Wall
Airport Area edge (feature type polygon)
Building Area edge (feature type polygon)
Built Up Area edge (feature type polygon)
Cemetery Area edge (feature type polygon)
Foreshore Flat edge (feature type polygon)
Landmark Area edge (feature type polygon)
Mine Area edge (feature type polygon)
Rubbish Tip edge (feature type polygon)
AircraftFacilityAreas edge (feature class polygon)
MarineHazardAreas edge (feature class polygon)
RecreationAreas edge (feature class polygon)
Sands edge (feature class polygon)
WaterbodyBoundaries edge (feature class polygon) where they bound Flood Irrigation Storage, Town Rural Storage, Settling ponds, Aquaculture Areas, Salt evaporators, Lakes and Perennial Watercourse areas. (Does Not Include junction or Limit of Data feature types)

Map Rules

At 1:100 000 orchards are to have an accompanying descriptive note e.g. ‘bananas’,’ tree nuts’,’ vineyard’, etc if the horticultural type/product is known.

Related Features

Forest Or Shrub, Plantation,Rainforest, Mangrove,

Related Chapters

Section 3 chapter 5.11.1, 5.11.2, 5.18 and 5.19
Appendix U chapter 2.5.2

Related Products


Note: See disclaimer in Appendix A Chapter 1.2 Use of Feature Type Dictionary- Structure of an Entry regarding Related features,chapters & products. The information in this entry is uncontrolled when printed.

[back to top]

Geoscience Australia: Appendix A -Feature Type Dictionary
Updated:   5 December 2006

Scales 1:250 000 & 1:100 000





Intensively managed stands of trees of either native or exotic species, created by the regular placement of seedlings or seeds.

Minimum Size for Inclusion

Criterion 1:25 000 1:100 000 1:250 000
Area (sq m) 3906 62500 390625
Length (m)      

Data Attributes

FEATURE TYPE (FEATURETYPE) [String; No; 32; Pop_Req] The code which identifies the type of topographic feature represented


SUBTYPE NUMBER (TYPE) [Long Integer; No; 5; Pop_Req] The numeric value assigned to sub classify the feature

DESCRIPTION OF SUBTYPE (TYPE_DESCRIPTION) [String; No; 32; Pop_Req] The textual description of the subtype classification.

PRODUCT CODE (PRODUCT) [String; Yes; 35; Pop_Dep] Type of product produced or transported;
(For use in TOPO100k only. At 100k item must be populated.)

The reliability date of the spatial object; Date to be adjusted only during spatial change or verification of an existing feature location or the capture of a new feature (see Section 1 Chapter 3.6);

Most Recent Reliability Date of Revision Source Material (or Base Material/digitial data for inital capture) used for Spatial Verification

This primary source used to determine the spatial location of a feature (For use in TOPO100K only;).

The reliability date of the attribute object; Date to be adjusted only during attribute change or verification of an existing feature's item values or the capture of a new feature (see Section 1 Chapter 3.6);

Most Recent Reliability Date of Revision Source Material (or Base Material/digitial data for inital capture) used for Attribute Verification.

The primary source used to populate the attribute fields of a feature (For use in TOPO100K only;).

PLANIMETRIC ACCURACY (PLANIMETRICACCURACY) [Short Integer; No; 4; Pop_Req] The standard deviation of the horizontal positional accuracy.The default value, when not specified in project instructions, will be as follows;
10 / 40 / 100

DATA SOURCE (SOURCE) [String; No; 50; Pop_Req] This is the official name of the agency that originally captured the spatial object for the TOPO250K NTDB (For use in TOPO250K only) ; The default value when unknown or not specified in project instructions will be GEOSCIENCE AUSTRALIA.

UNIQUE FEATURE IDENTIFIER (UFI) [String; Yes; 10; Pop_Aut] Alphanumeric feature identifier defined for GEODATA SERIES 2 (For use in TOPO250K only;) (see Section 3 chapter 5.14)

FEATURE CREATION DATE (CREATIONDATE) [Date; Yes; 0; 0; 36; Pop_Aut] Date of creation of feature in the database. This field will be entered/edited automatically by GEOSCIENCE AUSTRALIA.

FEATURE RETIREMENT DATE (RETIREMENTDATE) [Date;Yes; 0; 0; 36; Pop_Aut] Date of retirement of feature in the database.This field will be entered/edited automatically by GEOSCIENCE AUSTRALIA.

PERSISTENT IDENTIFIER (PID) [Long Integer; Yes; 8; Pop_Aut] This field will be entered/edited automatically by GEOSCIENCE AUSTRALIA.

SYMBOL (SYMBOL) [Short Integer; No; 4; Pop_Req] (Link to Symbol Dictionary)Symbol number/s applicable;

Polygons (250K only)
Polygons (100K only)
6 - Softwood
600 - Hardwood

TEXT NOTE (TEXTNOTE) [String; Yes; 50; Pop_Dep] Descriptive note to appear on map. Text Note field should be added when directed in the Geodatabase Rules or if descriptive information is known about a feature that is not covered by any other item in the feature class and expands on the definition of the feature.

Geodatabase Rules

At 1:100 000 size and any other selection criteria apply to all feature occurrences.

At 1:250 000 size and any other selection criteria apply to new feature occurrences. All feature occurrences existing in the TOPO250K NTDB will be retained unless there is clear evidence they no longer exist.

Polygons that are smaller than the minimum size for inclusion and are in groups may be aggregated into one larger representative polygon where they are less than 0.5 mm apart at map scale.

Fire Scars will be considered as defined holes (areas on universe polygon) within vegetation polygon feature classes. Regrowth of vegetation in these areas will not be anticipated.

When it is clear that a section of plantation has been harvested and no vegetation in that section now exists, that section will be considered as a defined hole (an area on universe polygon) within plantation feature class. Regrowth of the plantation in these areas will not be anticipated.
At 1:100 000 plantations are classified using the product field into two types; Softwood plantations which include features such as pine plantations and hardwood plantations which include the eucalyptus species.

Inter-Feature Relationship Rules - Internal to Associated Dataset

Plantations and Rainforest which are under their minimum size criteria, and are adjoined or surrounded by 'Forest Or Shrub' will be reclassified as 'Forest Or Shrub' and merged with its adjoining polygon.

Plantations cannot overlap;
Other polygons in the Vegetation Dataset.

Inter-Feature Relationship Rules - External to Associated Dataset

Plantations cannot overlap;
Mine Area, Sand Area, Sand Dune, Lake, Flood Irrigation Storage, Town Rural Storage, Canal Area, Watercourse Area, Building Area, Built Up Area, AircraftFacilityArea, Airport Area, Sea, Salt Evaporators, Aquaculture Area and Settling Pond.  

A CultivatedAreas edge (feature class polygon) must be coincident with the following features if they fall within 50m at 1:250 000 and 20m at 1:100 000 or if the area created between these features and the CultivatedAreas edge (feature class polygon) is less than 62 500 sq m at 1:250 000 and 10 000 sq m at 1:100 000:
Sea Wall
Airport Area edge (feature type polygon)
Building Area edge (feature type polygon)
Built Up Area edge (feature type polygon)
Cemetery Area edge (feature type polygon)
Foreshore Flat edge (feature type polygon)
Landmark Area edge (feature type polygon)
Mine Area edge (feature type polygon)
Rubbish Tip edge (feature type polygon)
AircraftFacilityAreas edge (feature class polygon)
MarineHazardAreas edge (feature class polygon)
RecreationAreas edge (feature class polygon)
Sands edge (feature class polygon)
WaterbodyBoundaries edge (feature class polygon) where they bound Flood Irrigation Storage, Town Rural Storage, Settling ponds, Aquaculture Areas, Salt evaporators, Lakes and Perennial Watercourse areas. (Does not include Junction or Limit of Data feature types)

Map Rules


Related Features

Forest Or Shrub, Orchard, Rainforest, Mangrove 

Related Chapters

Section 3 chapter 5.11.1, 5.11.2, 5.18 and 5.19
Appendix U chapter 2.5.2

Related Products


Note: See disclaimer in Appendix A Chapter 1.2 Use of Feature Type Dictionary- Structure of an Entry regarding Related features,chapters & products. The information in this entry is uncontrolled when printed.

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Geoscience Australia: Appendix A -Feature Type Dictionary
Updated:   5 December 2006

Scales 1:250 000 & 1:100 000





Vegetation community which contains key rainforest species, with a foliage cover greater than 70%.

Minimum Size for Inclusion

Criterion 1:25 000 1:100 000 1:250 000
Area (sq m) 3906 62500 390625
Length (m)      

Data Attributes

FEATURE TYPE (FEATURETYPE) [String; No; 32; Pop_Req] The code which identifies the type of topographic feature represented


SUBTYPE NUMBER (TYPE) [Long Integer; No; 5; Pop_Req] The numeric value assigned to sub classify the feature

DESCRIPTION OF SUBTYPE (TYPE_DESCRIPTION) [String; No; 32; Pop_Req] The textual description of the subtype classification.

FOLIAGE COVER DENSITY (COVERDENSITY) [String; Yes; 20; Pop_Dep] Density of foliage coverage;For use in TOPO100K only;
Currently not to be populated.

GROWTH FORM (GROWTHFORM) [String; No; 20; Pop_Dep] The Majority Growth Form Type; For use in TOPO100K only;
Currently not to be populated.

The reliability date of the spatial object; Date to be adjusted only during spatial change or verification of an existing feature location or the capture of a new feature (see Section 1 Chapter 3.6);

Most Recent Reliability Date of Revision Source Material (or Base Material/digitial data for inital capture) used for Spatial Verification

This primary source used to determine the spatial location of a feature (For use in TOPO100K only;).

The reliability date of the attribute object; Date to be adjusted only during attribute change or verification of an existing feature's item values or the capture of a new feature (see Section 1 Chapter 3.6);

Most Recent Reliability Date of Revision Source Material (or Base Material/digitial data for inital capture) used for Attribute Verification.

The primary source used to populate the attribute fields of a feature (For use in TOPO100K only;).

PLANIMETRIC ACCURACY (PLANIMETRICACCURACY) [Short Integer; No; 4; Pop_Req] The standard deviation of the horizontal positional accuracy.The default value, when not specified in project instructions, will be as follows;
9999 / 9999 / 9999

DATA SOURCE (SOURCE) [String; No; 50; Pop_Req] This is the official name of the agency that originally captured the spatial object for the TOPO250K NTDB (For use in TOPO250K only) ; The default value when unknown or not specified in project instructions will be GEOSCIENCE AUSTRALIA.

UNIQUE FEATURE IDENTIFIER (UFI) [String; Yes; 10; Pop_Aut] Alphanumeric feature identifier defined for GEODATA SERIES 2 (For use in TOPO250K only;) (see Section 3 chapter 5.14)

FEATURE CREATION DATE (CREATIONDATE) [Date; Yes; 0; 0; 36; Pop_Aut] Date of creation of feature in the database. This field will be entered/edited automatically by GEOSCIENCE AUSTRALIA.

FEATURE RETIREMENT DATE (RETIREMENTDATE) [Date;Yes; 0; 0; 36; Pop_Aut] Date of retirement of feature in the database.This field will be entered/edited automatically by GEOSCIENCE AUSTRALIA.

PERSISTENT IDENTIFIER (PID) [Long Integer; Yes; 8; Pop_Aut] This field will be entered/edited automatically by GEOSCIENCE AUSTRALIA.

SYMBOL (SYMBOL) [Short Integer; No; 4; Pop_Req] (Link to Symbol Dictionary)Symbol number/s applicable;


TEXT NOTE (TEXTNOTE) [String; Yes; 50; Pop_Dep] Descriptive note to appear on map. Text Note field should be added when directed in the Geodatabase Rules or if descriptive information is known about a feature that is not covered by any other item in the feature class and expands on the definition of the feature.

Geodatabase Rules

At 1:100 000 size and any other selection criteria apply to all feature occurrences.

At 1:250 000 size and any other selection criteria apply to new feature occurrences. All feature occurrences existing in the TOPO250K NTDB will be retained unless there is clear evidence they no longer exist.

Polygons that are smaller than the minimum size for inclusion and are in groups may be aggregated into one larger representive polygon where they are less than 0.5 mm apart at map scale.
Rainforest should be named where named on base material/digital data or rainforest revision source material, the name will be held in the textnote field.  

Inter-Feature Relationship Rules - Internal to Associated Dataset

Plantations and Rainforest which are under their minimum size criteria, and are adjoined or surrounded by 'Forest Or Shrub' will be reclassified as 'Forest Or Shrub' and merged with its adjoining polygon.

Rainforest cannot overlap;
Other polygons in the Vegetation Dataset.  

Inter-Feature Relationship Rules - External to Associated Dataset

Rainforest cannot overlap;
Mine Area, Building Area, Built Up Area, Sand Area, Sand Dune, AircraftFacilityArea, Airport Area, Flood Irrigation Storage, Town Rural Storage, Settling Pond, Aquaculture Area, Salt Evaporator, Lake, Watercourse Area perennial, Canal Area or Sea.  

A NativeVegetationAreas edge (feature class polygon) must be coincident with the following features if they fall within 50m at 1:250 000 and 20m at 1:100 000 or if the area created between these features and the NativeVegetationAreas edge (feature class polygon) is less than 62 500 sq m at 1:250 000 and 10 000 sq m at 1:100 000:
Sea Wall
Airport Area edge (feature type polygon)
Building Area edge (feature type polygon)
Built Up Area edge (feature type polygon)
Cemetery Area edge (feature type polygon)
Foreshore Flat edge (feature type polygon)
Landmark Area edge (feature type polygon)
Mine Area edge (feature type polygon)
Rubbish Tip edge (feature type polygon)
AircraftFacilityAreas edge (feature class polygon)
MarineHazardAreas edge (feature class polygon)
RecreationAreas edge (feature class polygon)
Sands edge (feature class polygon)
WaterbodyBoundaries edge (feature class polygon) where they bound Flood Irrigation Storage, Town Rural Storage, Settling ponds, Aquaculture Areas, Salt evaporators, Lakes and Perennial Watercourse areas. (Does Not Include junction or Limit of Data feature types)

Map Rules

Rainforest should be named where named on base material/digital data or rainforest revision source material. Type styles for named areas of rainforest will be those used for Vegetation features, see Section 2 chapter 8.4 (for 1:250 000) and 9.4 (for 1:100 000).  

Related Features

Forest Or Shrub, Plantation, Orchard, Mangrove, Cleared Line, Windbreak

Related Chapters

Section 2 chapter 2.2.3
Section 3 chapter 5.11.1, 5.11.2, 5.18 and 5.19

Related Products


Note: See disclaimer in Appendix A Chapter 1.2 Use of Feature Type Dictionary- Structure of an Entry regarding Related features,chapters & products. The information in this entry is uncontrolled when printed.

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Geoscience Australia: Appendix A -Feature Type Dictionary
Updated:   5 December 2006

Scales 1:250 000 & 1:100 000





A narrow strip of natural or planted trees, or scrub, positioned so as to break the force of the prevailing wind.

Minimum Size for Inclusion

Criterion 1:25 000 1:100 000 1:250 000
Area (sq m)      
Length (m) 125 500 1250

Data Attributes

FEATURE TYPE (FEATURETYPE) [String; No; 32; Pop_Req] The code which identifies the type of topographic feature represented


The reliability date of the spatial object; Date to be adjusted only during spatial change or verification of an existing feature location or the capture of a new feature (see Section 1 Chapter 3.6);

Most Recent Reliability Date of Revision Source Material (or Base Material/digitial data for inital capture) used for Spatial Verification

This primary source used to determine the spatial location of a feature (For use in TOPO100K only;).

The reliability date of the attribute object; Date to be adjusted only during attribute change or verification of an existing feature's item values or the capture of a new feature (see Section 1 Chapter 3.6);

Most Recent Reliability Date of Revision Source Material (or Base Material/digitial data for inital capture) used for Attribute Verification.

The primary source used to populate the attribute fields of a feature (For use in TOPO100K only;).

PLANIMETRIC ACCURACY (PLANIMETRICACCURACY) [Short Integer; No; 4; Pop_Req] The standard deviation of the horizontal positional accuracy.The default value, when not specified in project instructions, will be as follows;
10 / 40 / 100

DATA SOURCE (SOURCE) [String; No; 50; Pop_Req] This is the official name of the agency that originally captured the spatial object for the TOPO250K NTDB (For use in TOPO250K only) ; The default value when unknown or not specified in project instructions will be GEOSCIENCE AUSTRALIA.

UNIQUE FEATURE IDENTIFIER (UFI) [String; Yes; 10; Pop_Aut] Alphanumeric feature identifier defined for GEODATA SERIES 2 (For use in TOPO250K only;) (see Section 3 chapter 5.14)

FEATURE CREATION DATE (CREATIONDATE) [Date; Yes; 0; 0; 36; Pop_Aut] Date of creation of feature in the database. This field will be entered/edited automatically by GEOSCIENCE AUSTRALIA.

FEATURE RETIREMENT DATE (RETIREMENTDATE) [Date;Yes; 0; 0; 36; Pop_Aut] Date of retirement of feature in the database.This field will be entered/edited automatically by GEOSCIENCE AUSTRALIA.

PERSISTENT IDENTIFIER (PID) [Long Integer; Yes; 8; Pop_Aut] This field will be entered/edited automatically by GEOSCIENCE AUSTRALIA.

SYMBOL (SYMBOL) [Short Integer; No; 4; Pop_Req] (Link to Symbol Dictionary)Symbol number/s applicable;


Geodatabase Rules

At 1:250 000 Windbreaks shown on TOPO250K NTDB will be retained, unless there Is clear evidence they no longer exist. No new Windbreaks will be added.

At 1:100 000 Windbreaks shown on the latest previous edition map and its related 'parent' 250K maps will be shown, unless there is clear evidence they no longer exist. Windbreaks will be added when they can be confirmed on imagery and on additional approved revision source material.

No distinction will be made between different types of trees. This feature does not include uncleared portions of road reserves or fauna protection corridors regardless of whether or not that feature is represented on the previous edition map or in the data.

Inter-Feature Relationship Rules - Internal to Associated Dataset


Inter-Feature Relationship Rules - External to Associated Dataset

Windbreaks cannot overlap;
Sea, Watercourse Area, Lake, Canal Area, Reservoir, Building Area, Sand Area, Mine Area or Sand Dune.  

Map Rules

Windbreaks will be masked for roads. The break will be the same as the width of the road it crosses.

Related Features

Forest Or Shrub

Related Chapters

Appendix U chapter 2.5.5

Related Products


Note: See disclaimer in Appendix A Chapter 1.2 Use of Feature Type Dictionary- Structure of an Entry regarding Related features,chapters & products. The information in this entry is uncontrolled when printed.

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Unless otherwise noted, all Geoscience Australia material on this website is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Australia Licence.