Updated: 1/12/2007

Scales 1:25 000
1:100 000 &
1:250 000





A naturally formed, subterranean open area or chamber.

Minimum Size Criterion:

Minimum Size for: Criterion 1:25 000 1:100 000 1:250 000
Inclusion Area (sq m)      
Inclusion Length (m)      
Data Capture and
Map Representation
Area (sq m)      
Data Capture and
Map Representation
Length (m)      

Data Attributes

FEATURE TYPE (FEATURETYPE) [String;Yes(No);32;0;0;Pop_Req] The code which identifies the type of topographic feature represented.


NAME (NAME) [String;Yes;60;0;0;Pop_Dep]

The name of the Cave/s. This item should be populated where name is known.

FEATURE RELIABILITY DATE (FEATURERELIABILITY) [Date;Yes;36;0;0;Pop_Req] The reliability date of the spatial object; Date to be adjusted only during spatial change or verification of an existing feature location or the capture of a new feature (see Section 1 Chapter 3.6); Most Recent Reliability Date of Revision Source Material (or Base Material/digitial data for inital capture) used for Spatial Verification

FEATURE SOURCE (FEATURESOURCE) [String;Yes;50;0;0;Pop_Req] This primary source used to determine the spatial location of a feature.

ATTRIBUTE RELIABILITY DATE (ATTRIBUTERELIABILITY) [Date;Yes;36;0;0;Pop_Req] The reliability date of the attribute object; Date to be adjusted only during attribute change or verification of an existing feature's item values or the capture of a new feature (see Section 1 Chapter 3.6); Most Recent Reliability Date of Revision Source Material (or Base Material/digitial data for inital capture) used for Attribute Verification.

ATTRIBUTE SOURCE (ATTRIBUTESOURCE) [String;Yes;50;0;0;Pop_Req] The primary source used to populate the attribute fields of a feature.

PLANIMETRIC ACCURACY (PLANIMETRICACCURACY) [SmallInteger;Yes(No);0;4;0;Pop_Req] The standard deviation of the horizontal positional accuracy. See Section 1 Chapter 3.7 Positional Accuracy for more information;

REVISED DATE (REVISED) [Date;Yes;36;0;0;Pop_Aut] Date of creation or subsequent revision of the feature in the database. This field will be entered/edited automatically by GEOSCIENCE AUSTRALIA.

DATA SOURCE (SOURCE) [String;Yes(No);50;0;0;Pop_Req] This is the official name of the agency that originally captured the spatial object for the TOPO250K NTDB; The default value when unknown or not specified in project instructions will be GEOSCIENCE AUSTRALIA.

UNIQUE FEATURE IDENTIFIER (UFI) [String;Yes;10;0;0;Pop_Aut] The unique feature identifier used for the release of Geodata TOPO250K Series 2 product;

FEATURE CREATION DATE (CREATIONDATE) [Date;Yes;36;0;0;Pop_Aut] Date of creation of feature in the database. This field will be entered/edited automatically by GEOSCIENCE AUSTRALIA.

FEATURE RETIREMENT DATE (RETIREMENTDATE) [Date;Yes;36;0;0;Pop_Aut] Date of retirement of feature in the database.This field will be entered/edited automatically by GEOSCIENCE AUSTRALIA.

PERSISTENT IDENTIFIER (PID) [Integer;Yes;0;8;0;Pop_Aut] This field will be entered/edited automatically by GEOSCIENCE AUSTRALIA.

UPPER SCALE OF DATA UTILISATION (UPPERSCALE) [Integer;Yes;0;8;0;Pop_Dep] Upper Scale for which the entity should be considered suitable either in its current representation or in a different geometry representation;

Acceptable Domain Entries from dm_UpperScale;

UPPER SCALE CERTAINTY (USCERTAINTY) [String;Yes;10;0;0;Pop_Dep] Classification of upper scale certainity;

Acceptable Domain Entries from dm_USCertainty;

SYMBOL (SYMBOL) [SmallInteger;Yes(No);0;4;0;Pop_Req] (Link to Symbol Dictionary) Symbol number/s applicable;



Currently not used by symbology; 0

ORIENTATION (ORIENTATION) [SmallInteger;Yes;0;3;0;Pop_Dep] Orientation in whole degrees from East going anti-clockwise;

Currently not used by symbology; 0

TEXT NOTE (TEXTNOTE) [String;Yes;50;0;0;Pop_Dep] Descriptive note to appear on map. Text Note field should be added when directed in the Geodatabase Rules or if descriptive information is known about a feature that is not covered by any other item in the feature class and expands on the definition of the feature.

EDIT CODE (EDITCODE) [SmallInteger;Yes;0;2;0;Pop_Dep] A number allowed for ease of symbology of errors or production notes. This code is for production purposes and therefore for producers internal use only and will not be validated.

Geodatabase Rules

1:25 000

Caves shown on the base material, reference material or the latest previous edition map (if provided) will be shown.

1:100 000

Caves shown on the base material, reference material or the latest previous edition map (if provided) will be shown.

1:250 000

Only caves shown on the base material/digital data or the latest previous edition map (if provided) will be shown.

General - All Scales

This feature will be used to represent the location of an individual cave as well as groups of caves.

All caves are to have an accompanying TextNote 'cave', 'sinkhole', etc. unless the word 'cave', 'sinkhole', etc. is included in the name.

Inter-Feature Relationship Rules - Internal to Associated Dataset

Inter-Feature Relationship Rules - External to Associated Dataset

General - All Scales

Named caves will be cloned as Place Name in the locations feature class.

Caves cannot fall within the following polygons;
Lake, Reservoir, Watercourse Area, Canal Area, Building Area, Sea.

Map Rules

General - All Scales

Caves will be named where they are named in the associated geodatabases.

All caves are to have an accompanying descriptive note 'cave', 'sinkhole', etc. unless the word 'cave', 'sinkhole', etc. is included in the name.

Related Features

Related Chapters

Section 3 chapter 5.3, 5.11.1

Related Products


Note: See disclaimer in Appendix A Chapter 1.2 Use of Feature Type Dictionary - Structure of an Entry regarding Related features, chapters & products. The information in this entry is uncontrolled when printed.

[back to top]

Updated: 1/12/2007

Scales 1:25 000
1:100 000 &
1:250 000





A high, steep, significant or overhanging face of rock.

Minimum Size Criterion:

Minimum Size for: Criterion 1:25 000 1:100 000 1:250 000
Inclusion Area (sq m)      
Inclusion Length (m) 125 125 1250
Data Capture and
Map Representation
Area (sq m)      
Data Capture and
Map Representation
Length (m) 125 500 1250

Data Attributes

FEATURE TYPE (FEATURETYPE) [String;Yes(No);32;0;0;Pop_Req] The code which identifies the type of topographic feature represented.


SUBTYPE NUMBER (TYPE) [Integer;Yes(No);0;5;0;Pop_Req] The numeric value assigned to sub classify the feature


DESCRIPTION OF SUBTYPE (TYPE_DESCRIPTION) [String; No; 32; Pop_Req] The textual description of the subtype classification.


FEATURE RELIABILITY DATE (FEATURERELIABILITY) [Date;Yes;36;0;0;Pop_Req] The reliability date of the spatial object; Date to be adjusted only during spatial change or verification of an existing feature location or the capture of a new feature (see Section 1 Chapter 3.6); Most Recent Reliability Date of Revision Source Material (or Base Material/digitial data for inital capture) used for Spatial Verification

FEATURE SOURCE (FEATURESOURCE) [String;Yes;50;0;0;Pop_Req] This primary source used to determine the spatial location of a feature.

ATTRIBUTE RELIABILITY DATE (ATTRIBUTERELIABILITY) [Date;Yes;36;0;0;Pop_Req] The reliability date of the attribute object; Date to be adjusted only during attribute change or verification of an existing feature's item values or the capture of a new feature (see Section 1 Chapter 3.6); Most Recent Reliability Date of Revision Source Material (or Base Material/digitial data for inital capture) used for Attribute Verification.

ATTRIBUTE SOURCE (ATTRIBUTESOURCE) [String;Yes;50;0;0;Pop_Req] The primary source used to populate the attribute fields of a feature.

PLANIMETRIC ACCURACY (PLANIMETRICACCURACY) [SmallInteger;Yes(No);0;4;0;Pop_Req] The standard deviation of the horizontal positional accuracy. See Section 1 Chapter 3.7 Positional Accuracy for more information;

REVISED DATE (REVISED) [Date;Yes;36;0;0;Pop_Aut] Date of creation or subsequent revision of the feature in the database. This field will be entered/edited automatically by GEOSCIENCE AUSTRALIA.

DATA SOURCE (SOURCE) [String;Yes(No);50;0;0;Pop_Req] This is the official name of the agency that originally captured the spatial object for the TOPO250K NTDB; The default value when unknown or not specified in project instructions will be GEOSCIENCE AUSTRALIA.

UNIQUE FEATURE IDENTIFIER (UFI) [String;Yes;10;0;0;Pop_Aut] The unique feature identifier used for the release of Geodata TOPO250K Series 2 product;

FEATURE CREATION DATE (CREATIONDATE) [Date;Yes;36;0;0;Pop_Aut] Date of creation of feature in the database. This field will be entered/edited automatically by GEOSCIENCE AUSTRALIA.

FEATURE RETIREMENT DATE (RETIREMENTDATE) [Date;Yes;36;0;0;Pop_Aut] Date of retirement of feature in the database.This field will be entered/edited automatically by GEOSCIENCE AUSTRALIA.

PERSISTENT IDENTIFIER (PID) [Integer;Yes;0;8;0;Pop_Aut] This field will be entered/edited automatically by GEOSCIENCE AUSTRALIA.

UPPER SCALE OF DATA UTILISATION (UPPERSCALE) [Integer;Yes;0;8;0;Pop_Dep] Upper Scale for which the entity should be considered suitable either in its current representation or in a different geometry representation;

Acceptable Domain Entries from dm_UpperScale;

UPPER SCALE CERTAINTY (USCERTAINTY) [String;Yes;10;0;0;Pop_Dep] Classification of upper scale certainity;

Acceptable Domain Entries from dm_USCertainty;

SYMBOL (SYMBOL) [SmallInteger;Yes(No);0;4;0;Pop_Req] (Link to Symbol Dictionary) Symbol number/s applicable;

0 - non printing, see Inter Feature Relationship Rules External

TEXT NOTE (TEXTNOTE) [String;Yes;50;0;0;Pop_Dep] Descriptive note to appear on map. Text Note field should be added when directed in the Geodatabase Rules or if descriptive information is known about a feature that is not covered by any other item in the feature class and expands on the definition of the feature.

EDIT CODE (EDITCODE) [SmallInteger;Yes;0;2;0;Pop_Dep] A number allowed for ease of symbology of errors or production notes. This code is for production purposes and therefore for producers internal use only and will not be validated.

Geodatabase Rules

1:25 000

Size and any other selection criteria apply to all feature occurrences.

Cliffs will be named where named on the base material/digital or reference material, name will be held in the textnote field.

1:100 000

Size and any other selection criteria apply to all feature occurrences.

Cliffs will be named where named on the base material/digital or reference material, name will be held in the textnote field.

1:250 000

Size and any other selection criteria apply to new feature occurrences. All feature occurrences existing in the TOPO250K NTDB will be retained unless there is clear evidence they no longer exist.

Cliffs will be named where named on the base material/digital, name will be held in the textnote field.

General - All Scales

Geological faults will be shown as cliffs when there is a relative vertical displacement of the land mass at the fault.

Coastal cliffs will be treated in the same way as inland cliffs.

No differentiation will be made between cliffs and escarpments.

The feature shall be digitised such that the down hill side is on the left going from start node to end node.

Inter-Feature Relationship Rules - Internal to Associated Dataset

General - All Scales

Where a DeformationAreas edge (feature class polygon) have a similar shape to another natural feature such as a cliff, the relevant section of DeformationAreas edge will be made coincident with this other feature.

Cliffs cannot cross;
other features in the discontinuity feature class

Inter-Feature Relationship Rules - External to Associated Dataset

1:25 000

Contours & Auxiliary Contours will be broken for cliffs using the feature type Connector Discontinuity.

1:100 000

Contours & Auxiliary Contours will be broken for cliffs using the feature type Connector Discontinuity.

1:250 000

Cliffs cannot intersect Roads and Railways.

Shoreline will be non-printing (symbol 0) where cliff and shoreline symbols overlap, disregarding the ticks on cliff symbols.

Contours & Auxiliary Contours will be broken for cliffs using the feature type Connector Discontinuity.

General - All Scales

Cliffs cannot appear in;
Sea, Lake, Reservoir, Building Area, Reef, Shoal and Foreshore Flat.

Height of high cliffs and escarpments are to be indicated by the use of spot elevations where available.

A cliff will be symbolised to 0 a maximum of 0.8 mm either side of the location point of a lighthouse or horizontal control point symbol where the symbol touches the cliff.

Map Rules

General - All Scales

Cliffs will be named where named in the associated geodatabase, unless adjacent development means this would lead to clutter.

Cliff symbols will be masked where black type unavoidably overprints the feature. The break measurement will be 0.2 mm on either side of the type where it crosses the feature. (Note: the feature will be masked only on the map and will be complete in the data.)

Related Features

Auxiliary Contour, Connector Discontinuity, Connector Standard, Depression Contour, Interpolated Contour, Standard Contour, Lighthouse, Razorback, Waterfall Point and Shoreline, WaterbodyBoundaries (Feature Class)

Related Chapters

Section 3 chapters 5.3, 5.7 and 6.6

Related Products


Note: See disclaimer in Appendix A Chapter 1.2 Use of Feature Type Dictionary - Structure of an Entry regarding Related features, chapters & products. The information in this entry is uncontrolled when printed.

[back to top]

Updated: 1/12/2007

Scales 1:25 000
1:100 000 &
1:250 000





A bowl shaped natural depression with steep slopes at the rim, formed by volcanic activity or meteor impact.

Minimum Size Criterion:

Minimum Size for: Criterion 1:25 000 1:100 000 1:250 000
Inclusion Area (sq m) 625 625 62500
Inclusion Length (m)      
Data Capture and
Map Representation
Area (sq m) 625 10000 62500
Data Capture and
Map Representation
Length (m)      

Data Attributes

FEATURE TYPE (FEATURETYPE) [String;Yes(No);32;0;0;Pop_Req] The code which identifies the type of topographic feature represented.


NAME (NAME) [String;Yes;60;0;0;Pop_Dep]

The name of the crater. This item should be populated where name is known.

FEATURE RELIABILITY DATE (FEATURERELIABILITY) [Date;Yes;36;0;0;Pop_Req] The reliability date of the spatial object; Date to be adjusted only during spatial change or verification of an existing feature location or the capture of a new feature (see Section 1 Chapter 3.6); Most Recent Reliability Date of Revision Source Material (or Base Material/digitial data for inital capture) used for Spatial Verification

FEATURE SOURCE (FEATURESOURCE) [String;Yes;50;0;0;Pop_Req] This primary source used to determine the spatial location of a feature.

ATTRIBUTE RELIABILITY DATE (ATTRIBUTERELIABILITY) [Date;Yes;36;0;0;Pop_Req] The reliability date of the attribute object; Date to be adjusted only during attribute change or verification of an existing feature's item values or the capture of a new feature (see Section 1 Chapter 3.6); Most Recent Reliability Date of Revision Source Material (or Base Material/digitial data for inital capture) used for Attribute Verification.

ATTRIBUTE SOURCE (ATTRIBUTESOURCE) [String;Yes;50;0;0;Pop_Req] The primary source used to populate the attribute fields of a feature.

PLANIMETRIC ACCURACY (PLANIMETRICACCURACY) [SmallInteger;Yes(No);0;4;0;Pop_Req] The standard deviation of the horizontal positional accuracy. See Section 1 Chapter 3.7 Positional Accuracy for more information;

REVISED DATE (REVISED) [Date;Yes;36;0;0;Pop_Aut] Date of creation or subsequent revision of the feature in the database. This field will be entered/edited automatically by GEOSCIENCE AUSTRALIA.

DATA SOURCE (SOURCE) [String;Yes(No);50;0;0;Pop_Req] This is the official name of the agency that originally captured the spatial object for the TOPO250K NTDB; The default value when unknown or not specified in project instructions will be GEOSCIENCE AUSTRALIA.

UNIQUE FEATURE IDENTIFIER (UFI) [String;Yes;10;0;0;Pop_Aut] The unique feature identifier used for the release of Geodata TOPO250K Series 2 product;

FEATURE CREATION DATE (CREATIONDATE) [Date;Yes;36;0;0;Pop_Aut] Date of creation of feature in the database. This field will be entered/edited automatically by GEOSCIENCE AUSTRALIA.

FEATURE RETIREMENT DATE (RETIREMENTDATE) [Date;Yes;36;0;0;Pop_Aut] Date of retirement of feature in the database.This field will be entered/edited automatically by GEOSCIENCE AUSTRALIA.

PERSISTENT IDENTIFIER (PID) [Integer;Yes;0;8;0;Pop_Aut] This field will be entered/edited automatically by GEOSCIENCE AUSTRALIA.

SYMBOL (SYMBOL) [SmallInteger;Yes(No);0;4;0;Pop_Req] (Link to Symbol Dictionary) Symbol number/s applicable;

0 - 250K Only
901 - 25K and 100K Only

TEXT NOTE (TEXTNOTE) [String;Yes;50;0;0;Pop_Dep] Descriptive note to appear on map. Text Note field should be added when directed in the Geodatabase Rules or if descriptive information is known about a feature that is not covered by any other item in the feature class and expands on the definition of the feature.

DIMENSION (DIMENSION) [Double;Yes;0;15;0;Pop_Dep] This is the dimension of the linear feature in metres or the polygon feature in square metres as measured in the MGA94 projection of the appropriate zone. This field will be populated internally by Geoscience Australia and should not be altered in any form by producers.

EDIT CODE (EDITCODE) [SmallInteger;Yes;0;2;0;Pop_Dep] A number allowed for ease of symbology of errors or production notes. This code is for production purposes and therefore for producers internal use only and will not be validated.

Geodatabase Rules

1:25 000

Size and any other selection criteria apply to all feature occurrences.

1:100 000

Size and any other selection criteria apply to all feature occurrences.

1:250 000

Size and any other selection criteria apply to new feature occurrences. All feature occurrences existing in the TOPO250K NTDB will be retained unless there is clear evidence they no longer exist.

General - All Scales

Crater polygons will be defined by the perimeter of the crater rim.

Inter-Feature Relationship Rules - Internal to Associated Dataset

General - All Scales

The crater perimeter cannot cross the perimeter of other physiography polygon features.

Inter-Feature Relationship Rules - External to Associated Dataset

General - All Scales

Crater features cannot overlap;

The crater perimeter cannot cross the perimeter of a Mine Area feature.

Map Rules

General - All Scales

All craters are to have an accompanying descriptive note 'crater' unless the word 'crater' is included in the name.

Related Features

Related Chapters

Section 3 chapter 5.18, 5.19

Related Products


Note: See disclaimer in Appendix A Chapter 1.2 Use of Feature Type Dictionary - Structure of an Entry regarding Related features, chapters & products. The information in this entry is uncontrolled when printed.

[back to top]

Updated: 1/12/2007

Scales 1:25 000
1:100 000 &
1:250 000





An open excavation of the Earth's surface to provide passage for a road, railway, canal or similar entity.

Minimum Size Criterion:

Minimum Size for: Criterion 1:25 000 1:100 000 1:250 000
Inclusion Area (sq m)      
Inclusion Length (m) 50 50 500
Data Capture and
Map Representation
Area (sq m)      
Data Capture and
Map Representation
Length (m) 50 200 500

Data Attributes

FEATURE TYPE (FEATURETYPE) [String;Yes(No);32;0;0;Pop_Req] The code which identifies the type of topographic feature represented.


SUBTYPE NUMBER (TYPE) [Integer;Yes(No);0;5;0;Pop_Req] The numeric value assigned to sub classify the feature


DESCRIPTION OF SUBTYPE (TYPE_DESCRIPTION) [String; No; 32; Pop_Req] The textual description of the subtype classification.


FEATURE RELIABILITY DATE (FEATURERELIABILITY) [Date;Yes;36;0;0;Pop_Req] The reliability date of the spatial object; Date to be adjusted only during spatial change or verification of an existing feature location or the capture of a new feature (see Section 1 Chapter 3.6); Most Recent Reliability Date of Revision Source Material (or Base Material/digitial data for inital capture) used for Spatial Verification

FEATURE SOURCE (FEATURESOURCE) [String;Yes;50;0;0;Pop_Req] This primary source used to determine the spatial location of a feature.

ATTRIBUTE RELIABILITY DATE (ATTRIBUTERELIABILITY) [Date;Yes;36;0;0;Pop_Req] The reliability date of the attribute object; Date to be adjusted only during attribute change or verification of an existing feature's item values or the capture of a new feature (see Section 1 Chapter 3.6); Most Recent Reliability Date of Revision Source Material (or Base Material/digitial data for inital capture) used for Attribute Verification.

ATTRIBUTE SOURCE (ATTRIBUTESOURCE) [String;Yes;50;0;0;Pop_Req] The primary source used to populate the attribute fields of a feature.

PLANIMETRIC ACCURACY (PLANIMETRICACCURACY) [SmallInteger;Yes(No);0;4;0;Pop_Req] The standard deviation of the horizontal positional accuracy. See Section 1 Chapter 3.7 Positional Accuracy for more information;

REVISED DATE (REVISED) [Date;Yes;36;0;0;Pop_Aut] Date of creation or subsequent revision of the feature in the database. This field will be entered/edited automatically by GEOSCIENCE AUSTRALIA.

DATA SOURCE (SOURCE) [String;Yes(No);50;0;0;Pop_Req] This is the official name of the agency that originally captured the spatial object for the TOPO250K NTDB; The default value when unknown or not specified in project instructions will be GEOSCIENCE AUSTRALIA.

UNIQUE FEATURE IDENTIFIER (UFI) [String;Yes;10;0;0;Pop_Aut] The unique feature identifier used for the release of Geodata TOPO250K Series 2 product;

FEATURE CREATION DATE (CREATIONDATE) [Date;Yes;36;0;0;Pop_Aut] Date of creation of feature in the database. This field will be entered/edited automatically by GEOSCIENCE AUSTRALIA.

FEATURE RETIREMENT DATE (RETIREMENTDATE) [Date;Yes;36;0;0;Pop_Aut] Date of retirement of feature in the database.This field will be entered/edited automatically by GEOSCIENCE AUSTRALIA.

PERSISTENT IDENTIFIER (PID) [Integer;Yes;0;8;0;Pop_Aut] This field will be entered/edited automatically by GEOSCIENCE AUSTRALIA.

UPPER SCALE OF DATA UTILISATION (UPPERSCALE) [Integer;Yes;0;8;0;Pop_Dep] Upper Scale for which the entity should be considered suitable either in its current representation or in a different geometry representation;

Acceptable Domain Entries from dm_UpperScale;

UPPER SCALE CERTAINTY (USCERTAINTY) [String;Yes;10;0;0;Pop_Dep] Classification of upper scale certainity;

Acceptable Domain Entries from dm_USCertainty;

SYMBOL (SYMBOL) [SmallInteger;Yes(No);0;4;0;Pop_Req] (Link to Symbol Dictionary) Symbol number/s applicable;


TEXT NOTE (TEXTNOTE) [String;Yes;50;0;0;Pop_Dep] Descriptive note to appear on map. Text Note field should be added when directed in the Geodatabase Rules or if descriptive information is known about a feature that is not covered by any other item in the feature class and expands on the definition of the feature.

EDIT CODE (EDITCODE) [SmallInteger;Yes;0;2;0;Pop_Dep] A number allowed for ease of symbology of errors or production notes. This code is for production purposes and therefore for producers internal use only and will not be validated.

Geodatabase Rules

1:25 000

Size and any other selection criteria apply to all feature occurrences. All feature occurrences on the previous edition map meeting the minimum size for 'inclusion' will be captured unless there is clear evidence they no longer exist. New cuttings should meet the minumum height criterion of 5m.

1:100 000

Size and any other selection criteria apply to all feature occurrences. All feature occurrences on the previous edition map meeting the minimum size for 'inclusion' will be captured unless there is clear evidence they no longer exist. New cuttings should meet the minumum height criterion of 5m.

1:250 000

Size and any other selection criteria apply to new feature occurrences. All feature occurrences existing in the TOPO250K NTDB will be retained unless there is clear evidence they no longer exist.New cuttings should meet the minumum height criterion of 5m.

General - All Scales

The linear feature for which the cutting was made need no longer exist, eg a dismantled railway line.

A cutting may be either on one side of the linear feature (or its former position) or may be paired with a second cutting on the other side. The combination of a cutting on one side and an embankment on the other is permissible.

A Cutting feature represents the base of the entity, and will always be oriented so that the upslope will be on the right going from start node to end node.

Inter-Feature Relationship Rules - Internal to Associated Dataset

General - All Scales

Cuttings cannot cross;
the feature for which the cutting was created or other features in the Discontinuities feature class, Cave, Pinnacle.

Inter-Feature Relationship Rules - External to Associated Dataset

General - All Scales

Cuttings cannot cross;
the feature for which the cutting was created, Road, Railway, Canal Line, Canal Area, Watercourses, Watercourse Area, Dam Wall.

Cuttings cannot appear in;
Sea, Lake, Reservoir, Watercourse Area, Canal Area and Building Area.

Map Rules

Related Features


Related Chapters

Section 3 chapter 5.3, 5.7

Related Products


Note: See disclaimer in Appendix A Chapter 1.2 Use of Feature Type Dictionary - Structure of an Entry regarding Related features, chapters & products. The information in this entry is uncontrolled when printed.

[back to top]

Updated: 1/12/2007

Scales 1:25 000
1:100 000 &
1:250 000

Distorted Surface




An area over which vehicular movement is difficult or impossible due to the fractured nature of the ground, or rock debris lying on the surface.

Minimum Size Criterion:

Minimum Size for: Criterion 1:25 000 1:100 000 1:250 000
Inclusion Area (sq m) 3906 3906 390625
Inclusion Length (m)      
Data Capture and
Map Representation
Area (sq m) 3906 62500 390625
Data Capture and
Map Representation
Length (m)      

Data Attributes

FEATURE TYPE (FEATURETYPE) [String;Yes(No);32;0;0;Pop_Req] The code which identifies the type of topographic feature represented.

Distorted Surface

SUBTYPE NUMBER (TYPE) [Integer;Yes(No);0;5;0;Pop_Req] The numeric value assigned to sub classify the feature


DESCRIPTION OF SUBTYPE (TYPE_DESCRIPTION) [String; No; 32; Pop_Req] The textual description of the subtype classification.


NAME (NAME) [String;Yes;60;0;0;Pop_Dep]

This field is not applicable to this subtype and therefore is currently not to be populated;

FEATURE RELIABILITY DATE (FEATURERELIABILITY) [Date;Yes;36;0;0;Pop_Req] The reliability date of the spatial object; Date to be adjusted only during spatial change or verification of an existing feature location or the capture of a new feature (see Section 1 Chapter 3.6); Most Recent Reliability Date of Revision Source Material (or Base Material/digitial data for inital capture) used for Spatial Verification

FEATURE SOURCE (FEATURESOURCE) [String;Yes;50;0;0;Pop_Req] This primary source used to determine the spatial location of a feature.

ATTRIBUTE RELIABILITY DATE (ATTRIBUTERELIABILITY) [Date;Yes;36;0;0;Pop_Req] The reliability date of the attribute object; Date to be adjusted only during attribute change or verification of an existing feature's item values or the capture of a new feature (see Section 1 Chapter 3.6); Most Recent Reliability Date of Revision Source Material (or Base Material/digitial data for inital capture) used for Attribute Verification.

ATTRIBUTE SOURCE (ATTRIBUTESOURCE) [String;Yes;50;0;0;Pop_Req] The primary source used to populate the attribute fields of a feature.

PLANIMETRIC ACCURACY (PLANIMETRICACCURACY) [SmallInteger;Yes(No);0;4;0;Pop_Req] The standard deviation of the horizontal positional accuracy. See Section 1 Chapter 3.7 Positional Accuracy for more information;

REVISED DATE (REVISED) [Date;Yes;36;0;0;Pop_Aut] Date of creation or subsequent revision of the feature in the database. This field will be entered/edited automatically by GEOSCIENCE AUSTRALIA.

DATA SOURCE (SOURCE) [String;Yes(No);50;0;0;Pop_Req] This is the official name of the agency that originally captured the spatial object for the TOPO250K NTDB; The default value when unknown or not specified in project instructions will be GEOSCIENCE AUSTRALIA.

UNIQUE FEATURE IDENTIFIER (UFI) [String;Yes;10;0;0;Pop_Aut] The unique feature identifier used for the release of Geodata TOPO250K Series 2 product;

FEATURE CREATION DATE (CREATIONDATE) [Date;Yes;36;0;0;Pop_Aut] Date of creation of feature in the database. This field will be entered/edited automatically by GEOSCIENCE AUSTRALIA.

FEATURE RETIREMENT DATE (RETIREMENTDATE) [Date;Yes;36;0;0;Pop_Aut] Date of retirement of feature in the database.This field will be entered/edited automatically by GEOSCIENCE AUSTRALIA.

PERSISTENT IDENTIFIER (PID) [Integer;Yes;0;8;0;Pop_Aut] This field will be entered/edited automatically by GEOSCIENCE AUSTRALIA.

SYMBOL (SYMBOL) [SmallInteger;Yes(No);0;4;0;Pop_Req] (Link to Symbol Dictionary) Symbol number/s applicable;

90 - 250K Only
900 - 25K and 100K Only

TEXT NOTE (TEXTNOTE) [String;Yes;50;0;0;Pop_Dep] Descriptive note to appear on map. Text Note field should be added when directed in the Geodatabase Rules or if descriptive information is known about a feature that is not covered by any other item in the feature class and expands on the definition of the feature.

DIMENSION (DIMENSION) [Double;Yes;0;15;0;Pop_Dep] This is the dimension of the linear feature in metres or the polygon feature in square metres as measured in the MGA94 projection of the appropriate zone. This field will be populated internally by Geoscience Australia and should not be altered in any form by producers.

EDIT CODE (EDITCODE) [SmallInteger;Yes;0;2;0;Pop_Dep] A number allowed for ease of symbology of errors or production notes. This code is for production purposes and therefore for producers internal use only and will not be validated.

Geodatabase Rules

1:25 000

Size and any other selection criteria apply to all feature occurrences.

1:100 000

Size and any other selection criteria apply to all feature occurrences.

1:250 000

Size and any other selection criteria apply to new feature occurrences. All feature occurrences existing in the TOPO250K NTDB will be retained unless there is clear evidence they no longer exist.

General - All Scales

Existing polygons that form clusters (within 0.5mm of each other at map scale) may be combined to form one or more larger polygons if the individual polygons that constitute the cluster are smaller than the minimum size for 'inclusion', provided this does not misrepresent the true extent/significance of the feature.

New polygons that form clusters (within 0.5mm of each other at map scale) may be combined with other new or existing polygons to form one or more larger polygons if the individual polygons that constitute the cluster are smaller than the minimum size for 'data capture or map representation', provided this does not misrepresent the true extent/significance of the feature.

This feature can include distinctive broken country characterised by fractures, joints, faults, gilgai, or broken stone.

All distorted surfaces are to have an accompanying TextNote, eg 'gilgai', 'lava flow'.

Inter-Feature Relationship Rules - Internal to Associated Dataset

General - All Scales

Where a DeformationAreas edge (feature class polygon) have a similar shape to another natural feature such as a cliff, the relevant section of DeformationAreas edge will be made coincident with this other feature.

Distorted surfaces can not overlap other polygons in the physiography dataset.

Inter-Feature Relationship Rules - External to Associated Dataset

1:25 000

Distorted Surfaces cannot appear in or overlap;
Lake (Non Perennial), Watercourse Area (Non Perennial or Braided) or polygons in the industry dataset.

1:100 000

Distorted Surfaces cannot appear in or overlap;
Lake (Non Perennial), Watercourse Area (Non Perennial or Braided) or polygons in the industry dataset.

1:250 000

Distorted Surfaces cannot appear in or overlap;
Sea, Lake, Watercourse Area, Canal Area, Reservoir or polygons in the industry dataset.

General - All Scales

Where a DeformationAreas edge (feature class polygon) have a similar shape to another natural feature such as a Watercourse, the relevant section of DeformationAreas edge will be made coincident with this other feature.

Map Rules

General - All Scales

All distorted surfaces are to have an accompanying descriptive note, eg 'gilgai', 'lava flow'.

Related Features

Related Chapters

Section 3 chapter 5.18, 5.19

Related Products


Note: See disclaimer in Appendix A Chapter 1.2 Use of Feature Type Dictionary - Structure of an Entry regarding Related features, chapters & products. The information in this entry is uncontrolled when printed.

[back to top]

Updated: 1/12/2007

Scales 1:25 000
1:100 000 &
1:250 000





An artificial bank of earth and or stone built above the natural surface.

Minimum Size Criterion:

Minimum Size for: Criterion 1:25 000 1:100 000 1:250 000
Inclusion Area (sq m)      
Inclusion Length (m) 50 50 500
Data Capture and
Map Representation
Area (sq m)      
Data Capture and
Map Representation
Length (m) 50 200 500

Data Attributes

FEATURE TYPE (FEATURETYPE) [String;Yes(No);32;0;0;Pop_Req] The code which identifies the type of topographic feature represented.


SUBTYPE NUMBER (TYPE) [Integer;Yes(No);0;5;0;Pop_Req] The numeric value assigned to sub classify the feature


DESCRIPTION OF SUBTYPE (TYPE_DESCRIPTION) [String; No; 32; Pop_Req] The textual description of the subtype classification.


FEATURE RELIABILITY DATE (FEATURERELIABILITY) [Date;Yes;36;0;0;Pop_Req] The reliability date of the spatial object; Date to be adjusted only during spatial change or verification of an existing feature location or the capture of a new feature (see Section 1 Chapter 3.6); Most Recent Reliability Date of Revision Source Material (or Base Material/digitial data for inital capture) used for Spatial Verification

FEATURE SOURCE (FEATURESOURCE) [String;Yes;50;0;0;Pop_Req] This primary source used to determine the spatial location of a feature.

ATTRIBUTE RELIABILITY DATE (ATTRIBUTERELIABILITY) [Date;Yes;36;0;0;Pop_Req] The reliability date of the attribute object; Date to be adjusted only during attribute change or verification of an existing feature's item values or the capture of a new feature (see Section 1 Chapter 3.6); Most Recent Reliability Date of Revision Source Material (or Base Material/digitial data for inital capture) used for Attribute Verification.

ATTRIBUTE SOURCE (ATTRIBUTESOURCE) [String;Yes;50;0;0;Pop_Req] The primary source used to populate the attribute fields of a feature.

PLANIMETRIC ACCURACY (PLANIMETRICACCURACY) [SmallInteger;Yes(No);0;4;0;Pop_Req] The standard deviation of the horizontal positional accuracy. See Section 1 Chapter 3.7 Positional Accuracy for more information;

REVISED DATE (REVISED) [Date;Yes;36;0;0;Pop_Aut] Date of creation or subsequent revision of the feature in the database. This field will be entered/edited automatically by GEOSCIENCE AUSTRALIA.

DATA SOURCE (SOURCE) [String;Yes(No);50;0;0;Pop_Req] This is the official name of the agency that originally captured the spatial object for the TOPO250K NTDB; The default value when unknown or not specified in project instructions will be GEOSCIENCE AUSTRALIA.

UNIQUE FEATURE IDENTIFIER (UFI) [String;Yes;10;0;0;Pop_Aut] The unique feature identifier used for the release of Geodata TOPO250K Series 2 product;

FEATURE CREATION DATE (CREATIONDATE) [Date;Yes;36;0;0;Pop_Aut] Date of creation of feature in the database. This field will be entered/edited automatically by GEOSCIENCE AUSTRALIA.

FEATURE RETIREMENT DATE (RETIREMENTDATE) [Date;Yes;36;0;0;Pop_Aut] Date of retirement of feature in the database.This field will be entered/edited automatically by GEOSCIENCE AUSTRALIA.

PERSISTENT IDENTIFIER (PID) [Integer;Yes;0;8;0;Pop_Aut] This field will be entered/edited automatically by GEOSCIENCE AUSTRALIA.

UPPER SCALE OF DATA UTILISATION (UPPERSCALE) [Integer;Yes;0;8;0;Pop_Dep] Upper Scale for which the entity should be considered suitable either in its current representation or in a different geometry representation;

Acceptable Domain Entries from dm_UpperScale;

UPPER SCALE CERTAINTY (USCERTAINTY) [String;Yes;10;0;0;Pop_Dep] Classification of upper scale certainity;

Acceptable Domain Entries from dm_USCertainty;

SYMBOL (SYMBOL) [SmallInteger;Yes(No);0;4;0;Pop_Req] (Link to Symbol Dictionary) Symbol number/s applicable;


TEXT NOTE (TEXTNOTE) [String;Yes;50;0;0;Pop_Dep] Descriptive note to appear on map. Text Note field should be added when directed in the Geodatabase Rules or if descriptive information is known about a feature that is not covered by any other item in the feature class and expands on the definition of the feature.

EDIT CODE (EDITCODE) [SmallInteger;Yes;0;2;0;Pop_Dep] A number allowed for ease of symbology of errors or production notes. This code is for production purposes and therefore for producers internal use only and will not be validated.

Geodatabase Rules

1:25 000

Size and any other selection criteria apply to all feature occurrences. All feature occurrences on the previous edition map meeting the minimum size for 'inclusion' will be captured unless there is clear evidence they no longer exist. New cuttings should meet the minumum height criterion of 5m.

1:100 000

Size and any other selection criteria apply to all feature occurrences. All feature occurrences on the previous edition map meeting the minimum size for 'inclusion' will be captured unless there is clear evidence they no longer exist. New cuttings should meet the minumum height criterion of 5m.

1:250 000

Size and any other selection criteria apply to new feature occurrences. All feature occurrences existing in the TOPO250K NTDB will be retained unless there is clear evidence they no longer exist.New cuttings should meet the minumum height criterion of 5m.

General - All Scales

The linear feature for which the embankment was made need no longer exist, eg a dismantled railway line.

An embankment may be either on one side of the linear feature (or its former position) or may be paired with a second embankment on the other side. The combination of an embankment on one side and a cutting on the other is permissible.

An embankment feature represents the top of the embankment entity. The feature will always be oriented so that the downslope will be on the right going from start node to end node.

Inter-Feature Relationship Rules - Internal to Associated Dataset

General - All Scales

Embankments cannot cross;
the feature for which the embankment was created, any other feature from the Discontinuties feature class, Cave or Pinnacle.

Inter-Feature Relationship Rules - External to Associated Dataset

General - All Scales

Embankments cannot cross;
the feature for which the embankment was created or Road, Railway, Canal Line, Canal Area, Watercourse, Watercourse Area and Dam Wall.

Embankments cannot appear over the following;
Sea, Lake, Reservoir and Building Area.

Map Rules

Related Features

Cutting , Levee

Related Chapters

Section 3 chapter 5.3, 5.7

Related Products


Note: See disclaimer in Appendix A Chapter 1.2 Use of Feature Type Dictionary - Structure of an Entry regarding Related features, chapters & products. The information in this entry is uncontrolled when printed.

[back to top]

Updated: 1/12/2007

Scales 1:25 000
1:100 000 &
1:250 000





A low earth wall erected to restrain flood waters or to contain irrigation water.

Minimum Size Criterion:

Minimum Size for: Criterion 1:25 000 1:100 000 1:250 000
Inclusion Area (sq m)      
Inclusion Length (m) 50 50 500
Data Capture and
Map Representation
Area (sq m)      
Data Capture and
Map Representation
Length (m) 50 200 500

Data Attributes

FEATURE TYPE (FEATURETYPE) [String;Yes(No);32;0;0;Pop_Req] The code which identifies the type of topographic feature represented.


SUBTYPE NUMBER (TYPE) [Integer;Yes(No);0;5;0;Pop_Req] The numeric value assigned to sub classify the feature


DESCRIPTION OF SUBTYPE (TYPE_DESCRIPTION) [String; No; 32; Pop_Req] The textual description of the subtype classification.


FEATURE RELIABILITY DATE (FEATURERELIABILITY) [Date;Yes;36;0;0;Pop_Req] The reliability date of the spatial object; Date to be adjusted only during spatial change or verification of an existing feature location or the capture of a new feature (see Section 1 Chapter 3.6); Most Recent Reliability Date of Revision Source Material (or Base Material/digitial data for inital capture) used for Spatial Verification

FEATURE SOURCE (FEATURESOURCE) [String;Yes;50;0;0;Pop_Req] This primary source used to determine the spatial location of a feature.

ATTRIBUTE RELIABILITY DATE (ATTRIBUTERELIABILITY) [Date;Yes;36;0;0;Pop_Req] The reliability date of the attribute object; Date to be adjusted only during attribute change or verification of an existing feature's item values or the capture of a new feature (see Section 1 Chapter 3.6); Most Recent Reliability Date of Revision Source Material (or Base Material/digitial data for inital capture) used for Attribute Verification.

ATTRIBUTE SOURCE (ATTRIBUTESOURCE) [String;Yes;50;0;0;Pop_Req] The primary source used to populate the attribute fields of a feature.

PLANIMETRIC ACCURACY (PLANIMETRICACCURACY) [SmallInteger;Yes(No);0;4;0;Pop_Req] The standard deviation of the horizontal positional accuracy. See Section 1 Chapter 3.7 Positional Accuracy for more information;

REVISED DATE (REVISED) [Date;Yes;36;0;0;Pop_Aut] Date of creation or subsequent revision of the feature in the database. This field will be entered/edited automatically by GEOSCIENCE AUSTRALIA.

DATA SOURCE (SOURCE) [String;Yes(No);50;0;0;Pop_Req] This is the official name of the agency that originally captured the spatial object for the TOPO250K NTDB ; The default value when unknown or not specified in project instructions will be GEOSCIENCE AUSTRALIA.

UNIQUE FEATURE IDENTIFIER (UFI) [String;Yes;10;0;0;Pop_Aut] The unique feature identifier used for the release of Geodata TOPO250K Series 2 product;

FEATURE CREATION DATE (CREATIONDATE) [Date;Yes;36;0;0;Pop_Aut] Date of creation of feature in the database. This field will be entered/edited automatically by GEOSCIENCE AUSTRALIA.

FEATURE RETIREMENT DATE (RETIREMENTDATE) [Date;Yes;36;0;0;Pop_Aut] Date of retirement of feature in the database.This field will be entered/edited automatically by GEOSCIENCE AUSTRALIA.

PERSISTENT IDENTIFIER (PID) [Integer;Yes;0;8;0;Pop_Aut] This field will be entered/edited automatically by GEOSCIENCE AUSTRALIA.

UPPER SCALE OF DATA UTILISATION (UPPERSCALE) [Integer;Yes;0;8;0;Pop_Dep] Upper Scale for which the entity should be considered suitable either in its current representation or in a different geometry representation;

Acceptable Domain Entries from dm_UpperScale;

UPPER SCALE CERTAINTY (USCERTAINTY) [String;Yes;10;0;0;Pop_Dep] Classification of upper scale certainity;

Acceptable Domain Entries from dm_USCertainty;

SYMBOL (SYMBOL) [SmallInteger;Yes(No);0;4;0;Pop_Req] (Link to Symbol Dictionary) Symbol number/s applicable;


TEXT NOTE (TEXTNOTE) [String;Yes;50;0;0;Pop_Dep] Descriptive note to appear on map. Text Note field should be added when directed in the Geodatabase Rules or if descriptive information is known about a feature that is not covered by any other item in the feature class and expands on the definition of the feature.

EDIT CODE (EDITCODE) [SmallInteger;Yes;0;2;0;Pop_Dep] A number allowed for ease of symbology of errors or production notes. This code is for production purposes and therefore for producers internal use only and will not be validated.

Geodatabase Rules

1:100 000

At 1:100 000 size and any other selection criteria apply to all feature occurrences.

1:250 000

At 1:250 000 size and any other selection criteria apply to new feature occurrences. All feature occurrences existing in the TOPO250K NTDB will be retained unless there is clear evidence they no longer exist.

General - All Scales

All levees must meet the minimum height for inclusion of 2m except those within Salt Evaporators which have no minimum height criteria.

Where a levee and a road co-exist and the road travels the whole length of the levee then an embankment feature should be used instead of a levee.

Inter-Feature Relationship Rules - Internal to Associated Dataset

General - All Scales

Levees cannot cross;
themselves, other features in the Discontinuties feature class.

Inter-Feature Relationship Rules - External to Associated Dataset

1:25 000

Levees cannot overlap;
Sea, Building Area.

1:100 000

Levees cannot overlap;
Sea, Building Area.

1:250 000

Levees cannot overlap;
Sea, Building Area.

General - All Scales

Levees cannot overlap;
Sea, Building Area.

Map Rules

Related Features

Embankment, Salt evaporator , Salt Evaporator Internal Line

Related Chapters

Section 3 Chapter 5.3

Related Products


Note: See disclaimer in Appendix A Chapter 1.2 Use of Feature Type Dictionary - Structure of an Entry regarding Related features, chapters & products. The information in this entry is uncontrolled when printed.

[back to top]

Updated: 1/12/2007

Scales 1:25 000
1:100 000 &
1:250 000





An area of land where large rocks or boulders protrude from or rest on the surface.

Minimum Size Criterion:

Minimum Size for: Criterion 1:25 000 1:100 000 1:250 000
Inclusion Area (sq m) 3906 3906 390625
Inclusion Length (m)      
Data Capture and
Map Representation
Area (sq m) 3906 62500 390625
Data Capture and
Map Representation
Length (m)      

Data Attributes

FEATURE TYPE (FEATURETYPE) [String;Yes(No);32;0;0;Pop_Req] The code which identifies the type of topographic feature represented.


SUBTYPE NUMBER (TYPE) [Integer;Yes(No);0;5;0;Pop_Req] The numeric value assigned to sub classify the feature


DESCRIPTION OF SUBTYPE (TYPE_DESCRIPTION) [String; No; 32; Pop_Req] The textual description of the subtype classification.


NAME (NAME) [String;Yes;60;0;0;Pop_Dep]

The name of the outcrop. This item should be populated where name is known.

FEATURE RELIABILITY DATE (FEATURERELIABILITY) [Date;Yes;36;0;0;Pop_Req] The reliability date of the spatial object; Date to be adjusted only during spatial change or verification of an existing feature location or the capture of a new feature (see Section 1 Chapter 3.6); Most Recent Reliability Date of Revision Source Material (or Base Material/digitial data for inital capture) used for Spatial Verification

FEATURE SOURCE (FEATURESOURCE) [String;Yes;50;0;0;Pop_Req] This primary source used to determine the spatial location of a feature.

ATTRIBUTE RELIABILITY DATE (ATTRIBUTERELIABILITY) [Date;Yes;36;0;0;Pop_Req] The reliability date of the attribute object; Date to be adjusted only during attribute change or verification of an existing feature's item values or the capture of a new feature (see Section 1 Chapter 3.6); Most Recent Reliability Date of Revision Source Material (or Base Material/digitial data for inital capture) used for Attribute Verification.

ATTRIBUTE SOURCE (ATTRIBUTESOURCE) [String;Yes;50;0;0;Pop_Req] The primary source used to populate the attribute fields of a feature.

PLANIMETRIC ACCURACY (PLANIMETRICACCURACY) [SmallInteger;Yes(No);0;4;0;Pop_Req] The standard deviation of the horizontal positional accuracy. See Section 1 Chapter 3.7 Positional Accuracy for more information;

REVISED DATE (REVISED) [Date;Yes;36;0;0;Pop_Aut] Date of creation or subsequent revision of the feature in the database. This field will be entered/edited automatically by GEOSCIENCE AUSTRALIA.

DATA SOURCE (SOURCE) [String;Yes(No);50;0;0;Pop_Req] This is the official name of the agency that originally captured the spatial object for the TOPO250K NTDB; The default value when unknown or not specified in project instructions will be GEOSCIENCE AUSTRALIA.

UNIQUE FEATURE IDENTIFIER (UFI) [String;Yes;10;0;0;Pop_Aut] The unique feature identifier used for the release of Geodata TOPO250K Series 2 product;

FEATURE CREATION DATE (CREATIONDATE) [Date;Yes;36;0;0;Pop_Aut] Date of creation of feature in the database. This field will be entered/edited automatically by GEOSCIENCE AUSTRALIA.

FEATURE RETIREMENT DATE (RETIREMENTDATE) [Date;Yes;36;0;0;Pop_Aut] Date of retirement of feature in the database.This field will be entered/edited automatically by GEOSCIENCE AUSTRALIA.

PERSISTENT IDENTIFIER (PID) [Integer;Yes;0;8;0;Pop_Aut] This field will be entered/edited automatically by GEOSCIENCE AUSTRALIA.

SYMBOL (SYMBOL) [SmallInteger;Yes(No);0;4;0;Pop_Req] (Link to Symbol Dictionary) Symbol number/s applicable;

90 - 250K Only
912 - 25K and 100K Only

TEXT NOTE (TEXTNOTE) [String;Yes;50;0;0;Pop_Dep] Descriptive note to appear on map. Text Note field should be added when directed in the Geodatabase Rules or if descriptive information is known about a feature that is not covered by any other item in the feature class and expands on the definition of the feature.

DIMENSION (DIMENSION) [Double;Yes;0;15;0;Pop_Dep] This is the dimension of the linear feature in metres or the polygon feature in square metres as measured in the MGA94 projection of the appropriate zone. This field will be populated internally by Geoscience Australia and should not be altered in any form by producers.

EDIT CODE (EDITCODE) [SmallInteger;Yes;0;2;0;Pop_Dep] A number allowed for ease of symbology of errors or production notes. This code is for production purposes and therefore for producers internal use only and will not be validated.

Geodatabase Rules

1:25 000

Size and any other selection criteria apply to all feature occurrences.

1:100 000

Size and any other selection criteria apply to all feature occurrences.

1:250 000

Size and any other selection criteria apply to new feature occurrences. All feature occurrences existing in the TOPO250K NTDB will be retained unless there is clear evidence they no longer exist.

General - All Scales

Existing polygons that form clusters (within 0.5mm of each other at map scale) may be combined to form one or more larger polygons if the individual polygons that constitute the cluster are smaller than the minimum size for 'inclusion', provided this does not misrepresent the true extent/significance of the feature.

New polygons that form clusters (within 0.5mm of each other at map scale) may be combined with other new or existing polygons to form one or more larger polygons if the individual polygons that constitute the cluster are smaller than the minimum size for 'data capture or map representation', provided this does not misrepresent the true extent/significance of the feature.

Inter-Feature Relationship Rules - Internal to Associated Dataset

General - All Scales

Where a DeformationAreas edge (feature class polygon) have a similar shape to another natural feature such as a cliff, the relevant section of DeformationAreas edge will be made coincident with this other feature.

Outcrops cannot overlap;
Other Deformation Areas (feature class), Crater, Sand Area, Sand Dunes, Mine Area.

Inter-Feature Relationship Rules - External to Associated Dataset

1:25 000

Where a DeformationAreas edge (feature class polygon) have a similar shape to another natural feature such as a Watercourse, the relevant section of DeformationAreas edge will be made coincident with this other feature.

Outcrops cannot overlap;
AircraftFacilityPoints, AircraftFacilityAreas (feature class), Airport Area, Building Area (Ruin), Lake (Non Perennial), Flood Irrigation Storage, Watercourse Area ( Non Perennial)

1:100 000

Where a DeformationAreas edge (feature class polygon) have a similar shape to another natural feature such as a Watercourse, the relevant section of DeformationAreas edge will be made coincident with this other feature.

Outcrops cannot overlap;
AircraftFacilityPoints, AircraftFacilityAreas (feature class), Airport Area, Building Area (Ruin), Lake (Non Perennial), Flood Irrigation Storage, Watercourse Area (Non Perennial)

1:250 000

Where a DeformationAreas edge (feature class polygon) have a similar shape to another natural feature such as a Watercourse, the relevant section of DeformationAreas edge will be made coincident with this other feature.

Outcrops cannot overlap;
AircraftFacilityPoints, AircraftFacilityAreas (feature class), Airport Area, Built Up Area, Sea, Building Area, ForestOrShrub, Lake, Flood Irrigation Storage, Town Rural Storage, Watercourse Area, Canal Area.

Map Rules

General - All Scales

Rocky outcrops are to have an accompanying note 'rocky outcrops'.

Related Features

Crater, DeformationAreas (Feature Class), Mine Area, Sand Area, Sand Dune

Related Chapters

Section 3 chapters 5.18, 5.19

Related Products


Note: See disclaimer in Appendix A Chapter 1.2 Use of Feature Type Dictionary - Structure of an Entry regarding Related features, chapters & products. The information in this entry is uncontrolled when printed.

[back to top]

Updated: 1/12/2007

Scales 1:25 000 &
1:100 000

Physiography Anno




Type associated with the Physiography Feature Dataset

Minimum Size Criterion:

Minimum Size for: Criterion 1:25 000 1:100 000 1:250 000
Inclusion Area (sq m)      
Inclusion Length (m)      
Data Capture and
Map Representation
Area (sq m)      
Data Capture and
Map Representation
Length (m)      

Data Attributes

ANNOTATION CLASS IDENTIFER (ANNOTATIONCLASSID) [Integer;Yes;0;10;0;Pop_Aut] This is the Annotation Class Identifier which is used to define annotation subtypes.

The following annotation classes exist in PhysiographyAnno;

FEATURE (FEATURE) [String;Yes;32;0;0;Pop_Req] The code which identifies the class of topographic feature represented by the annotation. This field must be a legitimate feature class name.

Acceptable Domain Entries from dm_PhysiographyFCs;

REVISED DATE (REVISED) [Date;Yes;36;0;0;Pop_Aut] Date of creation or subsequent revision of the feature in the database. This field will be entered/edited automatically by GEOSCIENCE AUSTRALIA.

PERSISTENT IDENTIFIER (PID) [Integer;Yes;0;8;0;Pop_Aut] This field will be entered/edited automatically by GEOSCIENCE AUSTRALIA.

EDIT CODE (EDITCODE) [SmallInteger;Yes;0;2;0;Pop_Dep] A number allowed for ease of symbology of errors or production notes. This code is for production purposes and therefore for producers internal use only and will not be validated.

Geodatabase Rules

General - All Scales

No feature type field exists for this annotation feature class. The feature type has only been included throughout the specifcation documentation for ease of reference.

Only Annotation associated with, or derived from, entities in feature classes grouped within the Physiography feature dataset should exist within the PhysiographyAnno feature class.

Wherever possible annotation should be stored using the subclasses indicated under AnnotationClassID. Annotation stored as inline text should be kept to a minimum.

Type for large polygons and long linear features may be held in an annotation feature for each word to allow for spacing and differences in orientation, see Section 2 chapter 4.

Annotation should not contain any HTML tags within the blob element, nor should it contain any special characters.

Editing and placement of Annotation should be conducted in the appropriate MGA 1994 zone to ensure the spatial position of type on the map face can be correctly represented.

Inter-Feature Relationship Rules - Internal to Associated Dataset

Inter-Feature Relationship Rules - External to Associated Dataset

Map Rules

Related Features

Related Chapters

Section 2 Chapters 5, 9, 10

Related Products


Note: See disclaimer in Appendix A Chapter 1.2 Use of Feature Type Dictionary - Structure of an Entry regarding Related features, chapters & products. The information in this entry is uncontrolled when printed.

[back to top]

Updated: 1/12/2007

Scales 1:25 000
1:100 000 &
1:250 000





A tall, slender spire shaped rock; projecting from a level or gently sloping surface, or the top of a mountain.

Minimum Size Criterion:

Minimum Size for: Criterion 1:25 000 1:100 000 1:250 000
Inclusion Area (sq m)      
Inclusion Length (m)      
Data Capture and
Map Representation
Area (sq m)      
Data Capture and
Map Representation
Length (m)      

Data Attributes

FEATURE TYPE (FEATURETYPE) [String;Yes(No);32;0;0;Pop_Req] The code which identifies the type of topographic feature represented.


NAME (NAME) [String;Yes;60;0;0;Pop_Dep]

The name of the Pinnacle. This item should be populated where name is known.

FEATURE RELIABILITY DATE (FEATURERELIABILITY) [Date;Yes;36;0;0;Pop_Req] The reliability date of the spatial object; Date to be adjusted only during spatial change or verification of an existing feature location or the capture of a new feature (see Section 1 Chapter 3.6); Most Recent Reliability Date of Revision Source Material (or Base Material/digitial data for inital capture) used for Spatial Verification

FEATURE SOURCE (FEATURESOURCE) [String;Yes;50;0;0;Pop_Req] This primary source used to determine the spatial location of a feature.

ATTRIBUTE RELIABILITY DATE (ATTRIBUTERELIABILITY) [Date;Yes;36;0;0;Pop_Req] The reliability date of the attribute object; Date to be adjusted only during attribute change or verification of an existing feature's item values or the capture of a new feature (see Section 1 Chapter 3.6); Most Recent Reliability Date of Revision Source Material (or Base Material/digitial data for inital capture) used for Attribute Verification.

ATTRIBUTE SOURCE (ATTRIBUTESOURCE) [String;Yes;50;0;0;Pop_Req] The primary source used to populate the attribute fields of a feature.

PLANIMETRIC ACCURACY (PLANIMETRICACCURACY) [SmallInteger;Yes(No);0;4;0;Pop_Req] The standard deviation of the horizontal positional accuracy. See Section 1 Chapter 3.7 Positional Accuracy for more information;

REVISED DATE (REVISED) [Date;Yes;36;0;0;Pop_Aut] Date of creation or subsequent revision of the feature in the database. This field will be entered/edited automatically by GEOSCIENCE AUSTRALIA.

DATA SOURCE (SOURCE) [String;Yes(No);50;0;0;Pop_Req] This is the official name of the agency that originally captured the spatial object for the TOPO250K NTDB; The default value when unknown or not specified in project instructions will be GEOSCIENCE AUSTRALIA.

UNIQUE FEATURE IDENTIFIER (UFI) [String;Yes;10;0;0;Pop_Aut] The unique feature identifier used for the release of Geodata TOPO250K Series 2 product;

FEATURE CREATION DATE (CREATIONDATE) [Date;Yes;36;0;0;Pop_Aut] Date of creation of feature in the database. This field will be entered/edited automatically by GEOSCIENCE AUSTRALIA.

FEATURE RETIREMENT DATE (RETIREMENTDATE) [Date;Yes;36;0;0;Pop_Aut] Date of retirement of feature in the database.This field will be entered/edited automatically by GEOSCIENCE AUSTRALIA.

PERSISTENT IDENTIFIER (PID) [Integer;Yes;0;8;0;Pop_Aut] This field will be entered/edited automatically by GEOSCIENCE AUSTRALIA.

UPPER SCALE OF DATA UTILISATION (UPPERSCALE) [Integer;Yes;0;8;0;Pop_Dep] Upper Scale for which the entity should be considered suitable either in its current representation or in a different geometry representation;

Acceptable Domain Entries from dm_UpperScale;

UPPER SCALE CERTAINTY (USCERTAINTY) [String;Yes;10;0;0;Pop_Dep] Classification of upper scale certainity;

Acceptable Domain Entries from dm_USCertainty;

SYMBOL (SYMBOL) [SmallInteger;Yes(No);0;4;0;Pop_Req] (Link to Symbol Dictionary) Symbol number/s applicable;



Currently not used by symbology; 0

ORIENTATION (ORIENTATION) [SmallInteger;Yes;0;3;0;Pop_Dep] Orientation in whole degrees from East going anti-clockwise;

Currently not used by symbology; 0

TEXT NOTE (TEXTNOTE) [String;Yes;50;0;0;Pop_Dep] Descriptive note to appear on map. Text Note field should be added when directed in the Geodatabase Rules or if descriptive information is known about a feature that is not covered by any other item in the feature class and expands on the definition of the feature.

EDIT CODE (EDITCODE) [SmallInteger;Yes;0;2;0;Pop_Dep] A number allowed for ease of symbology of errors or production notes. This code is for production purposes and therefore for producers internal use only and will not be validated.

Geodatabase Rules

General - All Scales

All feature occurrences in the base material/digital data will be retained unless there is clear evidence they no longer exist.

Rocks shown as point features on the previous edition map or reference material which do not meet the definition of a pinnacle will be represented as a Place Name with a symbol of 52 (these features must contain a name to be captured).

Inter-Feature Relationship Rules - Internal to Associated Dataset

Inter-Feature Relationship Rules - External to Associated Dataset

General - All Scales

If the elevation of the top of the Pinnacle is known it will be cloned as a Spot elevation.

Pinnacles cannot appear in the following;
Sea, Lake, Flood Irrigation Storage, Town Rural Storage, Canal Area, Watercourse Area, Building Area, AircraftFacilityAreas, Airport Areas..

Map Rules

General - All Scales

Pinnacles will be named where known.

Where a pinnacle is coincident with a spot elevation feature the elevation of the spot elevation will be shown on the map.

Related Features

Spot elevation, Place Name

Related Chapters

Section 3 chapter 5.3, 5.11.1

Related Products


Note: See disclaimer in Appendix A Chapter 1.2 Use of Feature Type Dictionary - Structure of an Entry regarding Related features, chapters & products. The information in this entry is uncontrolled when printed.

[back to top]

Updated: 1/12/2007

Scales 1:25 000 &
1:100 000





A long and narrow upland with steep sides.

Minimum Size Criterion:

Minimum Size for: Criterion 1:25 000 1:100 000 1:250 000
Inclusion Area (sq m)      
Inclusion Length (m) 125 125  
Data Capture and
Map Representation
Area (sq m)      
Data Capture and
Map Representation
Length (m) 125 500  

Data Attributes

FEATURE TYPE (FEATURETYPE) [String;Yes(No);32;0;0;Pop_Req] The code which identifies the type of topographic feature represented.


SUBTYPE NUMBER (TYPE) [Integer;Yes(No);0;5;0;Pop_Req] The numeric value assigned to sub classify the feature


DESCRIPTION OF SUBTYPE (TYPE_DESCRIPTION) [String; No; 32; Pop_Req] The textual description of the subtype classification.


FEATURE RELIABILITY DATE (FEATURERELIABILITY) [Date;Yes;36;0;0;Pop_Req] The reliability date of the spatial object; Date to be adjusted only during spatial change or verification of an existing feature location or the capture of a new feature (see Section 1 Chapter 3.6); Most Recent Reliability Date of Revision Source Material (or Base Material/digitial data for inital capture) used for Spatial Verification

FEATURE SOURCE (FEATURESOURCE) [String;Yes;50;0;0;Pop_Req] This primary source used to determine the spatial location of a feature.

ATTRIBUTE RELIABILITY DATE (ATTRIBUTERELIABILITY) [Date;Yes;36;0;0;Pop_Req] The reliability date of the attribute object; Date to be adjusted only during attribute change or verification of an existing feature's item values or the capture of a new feature (see Section 1 Chapter 3.6); Most Recent Reliability Date of Revision Source Material (or Base Material/digitial data for inital capture) used for Attribute Verification.

ATTRIBUTE SOURCE (ATTRIBUTESOURCE) [String;Yes;50;0;0;Pop_Req] The primary source used to populate the attribute fields of a feature.

PLANIMETRIC ACCURACY (PLANIMETRICACCURACY) [SmallInteger;Yes(No);0;4;0;Pop_Req] The standard deviation of the horizontal positional accuracy. See Section 1 Chapter 3.7 Positional Accuracy for more information;

REVISED DATE (REVISED) [Date;Yes;36;0;0;Pop_Aut] Date of creation or subsequent revision of the feature in the database. This field will be entered/edited automatically by GEOSCIENCE AUSTRALIA.

PERSISTENT IDENTIFIER (PID) [Integer;Yes;0;8;0;Pop_Aut] This field will be entered/edited automatically by GEOSCIENCE AUSTRALIA.

UPPER SCALE OF DATA UTILISATION (UPPERSCALE) [Integer;Yes;0;8;0;Pop_Dep] Upper Scale for which the entity should be considered suitable either in its current representation or in a different geometry representation;

Acceptable Domain Entries from dm_UpperScale;

UPPER SCALE CERTAINTY (USCERTAINTY) [String;Yes;10;0;0;Pop_Dep] Classification of upper scale certainity;

Acceptable Domain Entries from dm_USCertainty;

SYMBOL (SYMBOL) [SmallInteger;Yes(No);0;4;0;Pop_Req] (Link to Symbol Dictionary) Symbol number/s applicable;


TEXT NOTE (TEXTNOTE) [String;Yes;50;0;0;Pop_Dep] Descriptive note to appear on map. Text Note field should be added when directed in the Geodatabase Rules or if descriptive information is known about a feature that is not covered by any other item in the feature class and expands on the definition of the feature.

EDIT CODE (EDITCODE) [SmallInteger;Yes;0;2;0;Pop_Dep] A number allowed for ease of symbology of errors or production notes. This code is for production purposes and therefore for producers internal use only and will not be validated.

Geodatabase Rules

General - All Scales

Razorbacks will be named where named is known. The name will be held in the textnote field.

Inter-Feature Relationship Rules - Internal to Associated Dataset

General - All Scales

Where a DeformationAreas edge (feature class polygon) have a similar shape to another natural feature such as a cliff, the relevant section of DeformationAreas edge will be made coincident with this other feature.

Razorbacks cannot cross;
other features in the discontinuity feature class

Inter-Feature Relationship Rules - External to Associated Dataset

General - All Scales

Razorbacks cannot appear in;
Sea, Lake, Flood Irrigation Storage, Town Rural Storage, Building Area.

Razorbacks cannot intersect Watercourse, Watercourse Area, Road and Railway

Height of razorbacks are to be indicated by the use of spot elevations where available.

Contour & Auxiliary Contours will be broken for razorbacks using the feature type Connector Discontinuity

Map Rules

General - All Scales

Razorbacks will be named where named on the latest previous edition map unless adjacent development means this would lead to clutter.

Razorback symbols will be masked where black type unavoidably overprints the feature. The break measurement will be 0.2 mm on either side of the type where it crosses the feature. (Note: the feature will be masked only on the map and will be complete in the data.)

Related Features

Cliff , Connector Discontinuity, Connector Standard, Depression Contour, Interpolated Contour, Standard Contour, Auxiliary Contour

Related Chapters

Section 3 Chapter 5.3, 6.2, 6.6

Related Products


Note: See disclaimer in Appendix A Chapter 1.2 Use of Feature Type Dictionary - Structure of an Entry regarding Related features, chapters & products. The information in this entry is uncontrolled when printed.

[back to top]

Updated: 1/12/2007

Scales 1:25 000
1:100 000 &
1:250 000

Sand Area




An area predominantly covered with sand and devoid of vegetation.

Minimum Size Criterion:

Minimum Size for: Criterion 1:25 000 1:100 000 1:250 000
Inclusion Area (sq m) 3906 3906 390625
Inclusion Length (m)      
Data Capture and
Map Representation
Area (sq m) 3906 62500 390625
Data Capture and
Map Representation
Length (m)      

Data Attributes

FEATURE TYPE (FEATURETYPE) [String;Yes(No);32;0;0;Pop_Req] The code which identifies the type of topographic feature represented.

Sand Area

SUBTYPE NUMBER (TYPE) [Integer;Yes(No);0;5;0;Pop_Req] The numeric value assigned to sub classify the feature


DESCRIPTION OF SUBTYPE (TYPE_DESCRIPTION) [String; No; 32; Pop_Req] The textual description of the subtype classification.


FEATURE RELIABILITY DATE (FEATURERELIABILITY) [Date;Yes;36;0;0;Pop_Req] The reliability date of the spatial object; Date to be adjusted only during spatial change or verification of an existing feature location or the capture of a new feature (see Section 1 Chapter 3.6); Most Recent Reliability Date of Revision Source Material (or Base Material/digitial data for inital capture) used for Spatial Verification

FEATURE SOURCE (FEATURESOURCE) [String;Yes;50;0;0;Pop_Req] This primary source used to determine the spatial location of a feature.

ATTRIBUTE RELIABILITY DATE (ATTRIBUTERELIABILITY) [Date;Yes;36;0;0;Pop_Req] The reliability date of the attribute object; Date to be adjusted only during attribute change or verification of an existing feature's item values or the capture of a new feature (see Section 1 Chapter 3.6); Most Recent Reliability Date of Revision Source Material (or Base Material/digitial data for inital capture) used for Attribute Verification.

ATTRIBUTE SOURCE (ATTRIBUTESOURCE) [String;Yes;50;0;0;Pop_Req] The primary source used to populate the attribute fields of a feature.

PLANIMETRIC ACCURACY (PLANIMETRICACCURACY) [SmallInteger;Yes(No);0;4;0;Pop_Req] The standard deviation of the horizontal positional accuracy. See Section 1 Chapter 3.7 Positional Accuracy for more information;

REVISED DATE (REVISED) [Date;Yes;36;0;0;Pop_Aut] Date of creation or subsequent revision of the feature in the database. This field will be entered/edited automatically by GEOSCIENCE AUSTRALIA.

DATA SOURCE (SOURCE) [String;Yes(No);50;0;0;Pop_Req] This is the official name of the agency that originally captured the spatial object for the TOPO250K NTDB; The default value when unknown or not specified in project instructions will be GEOSCIENCE AUSTRALIA.

UNIQUE FEATURE IDENTIFIER (UFI) [String;Yes;10;0;0;Pop_Aut] The unique feature identifier used for the release of Geodata TOPO250K Series 2 product;

FEATURE CREATION DATE (CREATIONDATE) [Date;Yes;36;0;0;Pop_Aut] Date of creation of feature in the database. This field will be entered/edited automatically by GEOSCIENCE AUSTRALIA.

FEATURE RETIREMENT DATE (RETIREMENTDATE) [Date;Yes;36;0;0;Pop_Aut] Date of retirement of feature in the database.This field will be entered/edited automatically by GEOSCIENCE AUSTRALIA.

PERSISTENT IDENTIFIER (PID) [Integer;Yes;0;8;0;Pop_Aut] This field will be entered/edited automatically by GEOSCIENCE AUSTRALIA.

SYMBOL (SYMBOL) [SmallInteger;Yes(No);0;4;0;Pop_Req] (Link to Symbol Dictionary) Symbol number/s applicable;


DIMENSION (DIMENSION) [Double;Yes;0;15;0;Pop_Dep] This is the dimension of the linear feature in metres or the polygon feature in square metres as measured in the MGA94 projection of the appropriate zone. This field will be populated internally by Geoscience Australia and should not be altered in any form by producers.

EDIT CODE (EDITCODE) [SmallInteger;Yes;0;2;0;Pop_Dep] A number allowed for ease of symbology of errors or production notes. This code is for production purposes and therefore for producers internal use only and will not be validated.

Geodatabase Rules

1:25 000

Size and any other selection criteria apply to all feature occurrences.

1:100 000

Size and any other selection criteria apply to all feature occurrences.

1:250 000

Size and any other selection criteria apply to new feature occurrences. All feature occurrences existing in the TOPO250K NTDB will be retained unless there is clear evidence they no longer exist.

General - All Scales

Existing polygons that form clusters (within 0.5mm of each other at map scale) may be combined to form one or more larger polygons if the individual polygons that constitute the cluster are smaller than the minimum size for 'inclusion', provided this does not misrepresent the true extent/significance of the feature.

New polygons that form clusters (within 0.5mm of each other at map scale) may be combined with other new or existing polygons to form one or more larger polygons if the individual polygons that constitute the cluster are smaller than the minimum size for 'data capture or map representation', provided this does not misrepresent the true extent/significance of the feature.

Inter-Feature Relationship Rules - Internal to Associated Dataset

General - All Scales

Where a Sands edge (feature class polygon) have a similar shape to another natural feature such as a cliff, the relevant section of Sands edge will be made coincident with this other feature.

Sand Area cannot overlap;
Deformation Areas (feature class), Crater, Other Sand Area, Sand Dunes, Mine Area.

Inter-Feature Relationship Rules - External to Associated Dataset

1:25 000

Sand Area will not be shown in watercourse area (Non Perennial).

1:100 000

Sand Area will not be shown in watercourse area (Non Perennial).

1:250 000

Where existing Sand Areas are overlapped by newly defined Forest Or Shrub, Rainforest or Plantation by definition the Sand Area feature no longer exists. Therefore the relevant portion of Sand Area must be removed from the NTDB, with any remaining portion being subject to size criteria.

Where a Sands edge (feature class polygon) have a similar shape to another natural feature such as a cliff, the relevant section of Sands edge will be made coincident with this other feature.

Sand Area will not be shown in watercourse area.

Sand Area cannot overlap;
NativeVegetationAreas (feature class), CultivatedAreas (feature class), AircraftFacilityAreas (feature class), Airport Area, Lake (Perennial), Town Rural Storage , Watercourse Area (Perennial), Canal Area or Sea.

General - All Scales

Sand Area will not be shown in braided watercourses.

Sand Area cannot overlap;
Lake (Non Perennial), Flood Irrigation Storage, Watercourse Area (Non Perennial).

Map Rules

Related Features

Plantation, Rainforest, Crater, DeformationAreas (Feature Class), Mine Area, Sand Area, Sand Dune, Forest Or Shrub

Related Chapters

Section 3 chapters 5.11.2, 5.18 and 5.19

Related Products


Note: See disclaimer in Appendix A Chapter 1.2 Use of Feature Type Dictionary - Structure of an Entry regarding Related features, chapters & products. The information in this entry is uncontrolled when printed.

[back to top]

Updated: 1/12/2007

Scales 1:25 000
1:100 000 &
1:250 000

Sand Dune




Mounds of loose sand usually crescent shaped transverse to the prevailing winds.

Minimum Size Criterion:

Minimum Size for: Criterion 1:25 000 1:100 000 1:250 000
Inclusion Area (sq m) 3906 3906 390625
Inclusion Length (m)      
Data Capture and
Map Representation
Area (sq m) 3906 62500 390625
Data Capture and
Map Representation
Length (m)      

Data Attributes

FEATURE TYPE (FEATURETYPE) [String;Yes(No);32;0;0;Pop_Req] The code which identifies the type of topographic feature represented.

Sand Dune

SUBTYPE NUMBER (TYPE) [Integer;Yes(No);0;5;0;Pop_Req] The numeric value assigned to sub classify the feature


DESCRIPTION OF SUBTYPE (TYPE_DESCRIPTION) [String; No; 32; Pop_Req] The textual description of the subtype classification.


FEATURE RELIABILITY DATE (FEATURERELIABILITY) [Date;Yes;36;0;0;Pop_Req] The reliability date of the spatial object; Date to be adjusted only during spatial change or verification of an existing feature location or the capture of a new feature (see Section 1 Chapter 3.6); Most Recent Reliability Date of Revision Source Material (or Base Material/digitial data for inital capture) used for Spatial Verification

FEATURE SOURCE (FEATURESOURCE) [String;Yes;50;0;0;Pop_Req] This primary source used to determine the spatial location of a feature.

ATTRIBUTE RELIABILITY DATE (ATTRIBUTERELIABILITY) [Date;Yes;36;0;0;Pop_Req] The reliability date of the attribute object; Date to be adjusted only during attribute change or verification of an existing feature's item values or the capture of a new feature (see Section 1 Chapter 3.6); Most Recent Reliability Date of Revision Source Material (or Base Material/digitial data for inital capture) used for Attribute Verification.

ATTRIBUTE SOURCE (ATTRIBUTESOURCE) [String;Yes;50;0;0;Pop_Req] The primary source used to populate the attribute fields of a feature.

PLANIMETRIC ACCURACY (PLANIMETRICACCURACY) [SmallInteger;Yes(No);0;4;0;Pop_Req] The standard deviation of the horizontal positional accuracy. See Section 1 Chapter 3.7 Positional Accuracy for more information;

REVISED DATE (REVISED) [Date;Yes;36;0;0;Pop_Aut] Date of creation or subsequent revision of the feature in the database. This field will be entered/edited automatically by GEOSCIENCE AUSTRALIA.

DATA SOURCE (SOURCE) [String;Yes(No);50;0;0;Pop_Req] This is the official name of the agency that originally captured the spatial object for the TOPO250K NTDB; The default value when unknown or not specified in project instructions will be GEOSCIENCE AUSTRALIA.

UNIQUE FEATURE IDENTIFIER (UFI) [String;Yes;10;0;0;Pop_Aut] The unique feature identifier used for the release of Geodata TOPO250K Series 2 product;

FEATURE CREATION DATE (CREATIONDATE) [Date;Yes;36;0;0;Pop_Aut] Date of creation of feature in the database. This field will be entered/edited automatically by GEOSCIENCE AUSTRALIA.

FEATURE RETIREMENT DATE (RETIREMENTDATE) [Date;Yes;36;0;0;Pop_Aut] Date of retirement of feature in the database.This field will be entered/edited automatically by GEOSCIENCE AUSTRALIA.

PERSISTENT IDENTIFIER (PID) [Integer;Yes;0;8;0;Pop_Aut] This field will be entered/edited automatically by GEOSCIENCE AUSTRALIA.

SYMBOL (SYMBOL) [SmallInteger;Yes(No);0;4;0;Pop_Req] (Link to Symbol Dictionary) Symbol number/s applicable;


DIMENSION (DIMENSION) [Double;Yes;0;15;0;Pop_Dep] This is the dimension of the linear feature in metres or the polygon feature in square metres as measured in the MGA94 projection of the appropriate zone. This field will be populated internally by Geoscience Australia and should not be altered in any form by producers.

EDIT CODE (EDITCODE) [SmallInteger;Yes;0;2;0;Pop_Dep] A number allowed for ease of symbology of errors or production notes. This code is for production purposes and therefore for producers internal use only and will not be validated.

Geodatabase Rules

1:25 000

Size and any other selection criteria apply to all feature occurrences.

1:100 000

Size and any other selection criteria apply to all feature occurrences.

1:250 000

Size and any other selection criteria apply to new feature occurrences. All feature occurrences existing in the TOPO250K NTDB will be retained unless there is clear evidence they no longer exist.

General - All Scales

Existing polygons that form clusters (within 0.5mm of each other at map scale) may be combined to form one or more larger polygons if the individual polygons that constitute the cluster are smaller than the minimum size for 'inclusion', provided this does not misrepresent the true extent/significance of the feature.

New polygons that form clusters (within 0.5mm of each other at map scale) may be combined with other new or existing polygons to form one or more larger polygons if the individual polygons that constitute the cluster are smaller than the minimum size for 'data capture or map representation', provided this does not misrepresent the true extent/significance of the feature.

Inter-Feature Relationship Rules - Internal to Associated Dataset

General - All Scales

Where a Sands edge (feature class polygon) have a similar shape to another natural feature such as a cliff, the relevant section of Sands edge will be made coincident with this other feature.

Sand Dunes cannot overlap;
Deformation Areas (feature class), Crater, Sand Area, Other Sand Dunes, Mine Area.

Inter-Feature Relationship Rules - External to Associated Dataset

1:250 000

Where a Sands edge (feature class polygon) have a similar shape to another natural feature such as a Watercourse, the relevant section of Sands edge will be made coincident with this other feature.

Sand Dunes cannot overlap;
NativeVegetationAreas (feature class), CultivatedAreas (feature class), AircraftFacilityAreas (feature class), Airport Area, Lake (Perennial),Town Rural Storage, Watercourse Area (Perennial), Canal Area or Sea.

General - All Scales

Sand Dunes cannot overlap;
Lake (Non Perennial), Flood Irrigation Storage, Watercourse Area (Non Perennial).

Map Rules

Related Features

Crater, DeformationAreas (Feature Class), Mine Area, Sand Area

Related Chapters

Section 3 chapters 5.11.2, 5.18 and 5.19

Related Products


Note: See disclaimer in Appendix A Chapter 1.2 Use of Feature Type Dictionary - Structure of an Entry regarding Related features, chapters & products. The information in this entry is uncontrolled when printed.

[back to top]

Updated: 1/12/2007

Scales 1:25 000
1:100 000 &
1:250 000

Sand Ridge




Sand drifts in long ridges tending parallel to and elongating in the direction of the prevailing winds.

Minimum Size Criterion:

Minimum Size for: Criterion 1:25 000 1:100 000 1:250 000
Inclusion Area (sq m)      
Inclusion Length (m) 100 100 250
Data Capture and
Map Representation
Area (sq m)      
Data Capture and
Map Representation
Length (m) 100 100 250

Data Attributes

FEATURE TYPE (FEATURETYPE) [String;Yes(No);32;0;0;Pop_Req] The code which identifies the type of topographic feature represented.

Sand Ridge

AVERAGE HEIGHT (AVERAGEHEIGHT) [SmallInteger;Yes;0;2;0;Pop_Wk] The average height of the Sand ridges above the surrounding country;

FEATURE RELIABILITY DATE (FEATURERELIABILITY) [Date;Yes;36;0;0;Pop_Req] The reliability date of the spatial object; Date to be adjusted only during spatial change or verification of an existing feature location or the capture of a new feature (see Section 1 Chapter 3.6); Most Recent Reliability Date of Revision Source Material (or Base Material/digitial data for inital capture) used for Spatial Verification

FEATURE SOURCE (FEATURESOURCE) [String;Yes;50;0;0;Pop_Req] This primary source used to determine the spatial location of a feature.

ATTRIBUTE RELIABILITY DATE (ATTRIBUTERELIABILITY) [Date;Yes;36;0;0;Pop_Req] The reliability date of the attribute object; Date to be adjusted only during attribute change or verification of an existing feature's item values or the capture of a new feature (see Section 1 Chapter 3.6); Most Recent Reliability Date of Revision Source Material (or Base Material/digitial data for inital capture) used for Attribute Verification.

ATTRIBUTE SOURCE (ATTRIBUTESOURCE) [String;Yes;50;0;0;Pop_Req] The primary source used to populate the attribute fields of a feature.

PLANIMETRIC ACCURACY (PLANIMETRICACCURACY) [SmallInteger;Yes(No);0;4;0;Pop_Req] The standard deviation of the horizontal positional accuracy. See Section 1 Chapter 3.7 Positional Accuracy for more information;

REVISED DATE (REVISED) [Date;Yes;36;0;0;Pop_Aut] Date of creation or subsequent revision of the feature in the database. This field will be entered/edited automatically by GEOSCIENCE AUSTRALIA.

DATA SOURCE (SOURCE) [String;Yes(No);50;0;0;Pop_Req] This is the official name of the agency that originally captured the spatial object for the TOPO250K NTDB; The default value when unknown or not specified in project instructions will be GEOSCIENCE AUSTRALIA.

UNIQUE FEATURE IDENTIFIER (UFI) [String;Yes;10;0;0;Pop_Aut] The unique feature identifier used for the release of Geodata TOPO250K Series 2 product;

FEATURE CREATION DATE (CREATIONDATE) [Date;Yes;36;0;0;Pop_Aut] Date of creation of feature in the database. This field will be entered/edited automatically by GEOSCIENCE AUSTRALIA.

FEATURE RETIREMENT DATE (RETIREMENTDATE) [Date;Yes;36;0;0;Pop_Aut] Date of retirement of feature in the database.This field will be entered/edited automatically by GEOSCIENCE AUSTRALIA.

PERSISTENT IDENTIFIER (PID) [Integer;Yes;0;8;0;Pop_Aut] This field will be entered/edited automatically by GEOSCIENCE AUSTRALIA.

UPPER SCALE OF DATA UTILISATION (UPPERSCALE) [Integer;Yes;0;8;0;Pop_Dep] Upper Scale for which the entity should be considered suitable either in its current representation or in a different geometry representation;

Acceptable Domain Entries from dm_UpperScale;

UPPER SCALE CERTAINTY (USCERTAINTY) [String;Yes;10;0;0;Pop_Dep] Classification of upper scale certainity;

Acceptable Domain Entries from dm_USCertainty;

SYMBOL (SYMBOL) [SmallInteger;Yes(No);0;4;0;Pop_Req] (Link to Symbol Dictionary) Symbol number/s applicable;


EDIT CODE (EDITCODE) [SmallInteger;Yes;0;2;0;Pop_Dep] A number allowed for ease of symbology of errors or production notes. This code is for production purposes and therefore for producers internal use only and will not be validated.

Geodatabase Rules

1:25 000

Size and any other selection criteria apply to all feature occurrences.

1:100 000

Size and any other selection criteria apply to all feature occurrences.

1:250 000

Size and any other selection criteria apply to new feature occurrences. All feature occurrences existing in the TOPO250K NTDB will be retained unless there is clear evidence they no longer exist.

General - All Scales

The average height of the sand ridges attribute is to be populated, where the average height is shown on the latest previous edition map or compilation. Where the average height was not shown this attribute will be retained as 0.

Inter-Feature Relationship Rules - Internal to Associated Dataset

Inter-Feature Relationship Rules - External to Associated Dataset

1:250 000

Sand Ridges cannot overlap;
Sea, Lake (Perennial),Town Rural Storage, Watercourse Area (Perennial), Canal Area.

General - All Scales

Sand Ridges cannot overlap;
Lake (Non Perennial), Flood Irrigation Storage, Watercourse, Watercourse Area (Non Perennial), Canal Line.

Map Rules

General - All Scales

Descriptive notes indicating the average height of the sand ridges are to be included, where the average height is shown on the latest previous edition map or compilation.

Related Features

Related Chapters

Section 3 chapter 5.3, 6.6

Related Products


Note: See disclaimer in Appendix A Chapter 1.2 Use of Feature Type Dictionary - Structure of an Entry regarding Related features, chapters & products. The information in this entry is uncontrolled when printed.

[back to top]

Unless otherwise noted, all Geoscience Australia material on this website is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Australia Licence.