Figure is an example multiple fences and a livestock track.
Livestock tracks generally comprise of multiple tracks converging onto one point or area, such as; Dams, streams/river banks, vehicle access point (often a paddock corner or convergence of two or more fence lines), or a feeding point (eg silo).
Livestock tracks can be seasonal.
Livestock tracks may not be visible on imagery after strong vegetative growth following a rainy season.
Livestock tracks may also be winding, may run parallel to a watercourse for some distance, and may appear to disappear under foliage and reappear some distance way.
Vehicle Tracks, in the vicinity of livestock tracks, will be singular, will often terminate at a watering or feeding point, are not seasonal and are generally better defined on imagery than livestock tracks.
Fences are usually rectilinear and are generally better defined on imagery than livestock tracks. Fences cam however converge at a point where livestock tracks terminate.
Reference and Supporting Material may assist in differentiating between Vehicular Tracks, Fences and livestock tracks.
Regional Considerations:
Figure: Representation of Livestock Tracks in association surrounding features.