These contacts are for members of the media only. Enquiries from the general public are best managed via our other contact points.

Indian geoscientists share minerals expertise with Australian colleagues

19 November 2014

Geoscience Australia recently hosted three geoscientists from the Geological Survey of India, creating an opportunity for collaboration on several cutting-edge research projects that are helping to unlock the mineral potential of eastern Australia.

Meeting global demand for precious metals in a high-tech world

31 October 2014

The platinum-group elements (PGEs) are a group of six precious metals considered critical commodities for many emerging technologies globally. 

2014 Top GeoShot winners announced

15 October 2014

The winners of Geoscience Australia's 2014 Top GeoShot photo competition were announced today, capturing the essence of Earth science and showcasing Australia's unique geological history.

Collated dataset provides clues to Georgina Basin mineral and petroleum potential

9 October 2014

A new mineralogical dataset has been generated for the Georgina Basin in the Northern Territory and Queensland that will aid explorers in their search for petroleum and mineral resources.

New data reduces mineral exploration risk

26 September 2014

The largest Airborne Electromagnetic (AEM) survey by area ever undertaken in Australia will help reduce risk for mineral exploration in the Capricorn Orogen region of Western Australia.

Earthquake modelling to create safer communities in southeast Asia

23 September 2014

Participants from around southeast Asia are meeting in Canberra to be trained in state of the art earthquake modelling techniques to better understand the potential impacts on their communities.

The role of government geoscience in the minerals industry

24 September 2014

Australia's mineral resources are an important component of the nation's wealth, both economically and socially. Governments across Australia recognise the challenges facing the minerals industry in continuing to make the discoveries essential to the success of the industry and health of the economy.

Become connected during Earth Science Week

18 September 2014

The count-down is on to Earth Science Week 2014, with annual celebrations due to kick-off in a few weeks. 

'No earthquake in Charleville' confirms Geoscience Australia

12 September 2014

Geoscience Australia has determined a previously identified earthquake occurring near Charleville, Queensland last Friday, was a shock wave caused by a large truck explosion on the Mitchell Highway near Wyandra.

Developing better techniques for monitoring CO2 storage

4 September 2014

Ensuring the effective and permanent storage of carbon dioxide is essential for any carbon capture and storage project. 

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