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Antarctic minerals new to science

20 May 2014

Some very special Antarctic rocks, containing rare minerals which have never been found anywhere else on Earth, will now be protected under international treaty.

The Budget 2014-15

13 May 2014

Read about the outcomes for Geoscience Australia in the Budget 2014-15. Our Agency's budget report is incorporated in the Department of Industry Portfolio Budget Statement 2014-15.

South Australian town tops annual list of Australian earthquakes two years in a row

7 May 2014

The small town of Ernabella (Pukatja) in South Australia has recorded the largest earthquake in the nation for two consecutive years, experiencing a 5.7 magnitude event in both 2012 and 2013.

Exploring Antarctica's marine biodiversity hotspots

24 April 2014

Over the past summer, a team of scientists from the United States and Australia travelled to Antarctica to discover the secrets of the unexplored regions near the Totten Glacier in Australia's Antarctic Territory.

Understanding Northern Australia's Carbon Capture and Storage Potential: An Integrated Regional CO2 storage study

24 April 2014

The completion of a recent study by Geoscience Australia indicates that the Petrel Sub-basin (Bonaparte Basin), offshore Northern Territory, is suitable for the geological storage of CO2.

2014 Offshore Petroleum Acreage Release announced

9 April 2014

The Minister for Industry Ian Macfarlane has formally released the latest offshore petroleum exploration areas at the annual Australian Petroleum Production and Exploration Association conference being held in Perth this week.

Overview of the 2014 offshore acreage release areas for petroleum exploration

9 April 2014

The latest offshore petroleum exploration areas have been formally released by the Minister for Industry Ian Macfarlane at the 2014 annual Australian Petroleum Production and Exploration Association (APPEA) conference.

New disaster management software released worldwide

8 April 2014

Geoscience Australia has contributed to a new version of software that can predict the potential social and human impact of natural disasters.

New geophysical data for CO2 storage and hydrocarbon prospectivity in the Browse Basin

3 April 2014

Government-funded pre-competitive regional-scale airborne magnetic data have an important role to play in helping to understand energy and mineral systems.

Marine treasures of Tasmania's Flinders Island

20 June 2014

Marine geoscientists have gained an amazing underwater view of the Flinders Commonwealth Marine Reserve, located off northeast Tasmania.

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