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Release of updated Australian Energy Resource Assessment

13 June 2014

Geoscience Australia and Bureau of Resources and Energy Economics have released an update of the Australian Energy Resource Assessment.

Aerial photo of flood waters.

Coogee Beach in Sydney

Pipes carrying carbon dioxide gas

New phase for Chinese-Australian CO2 storage collaboration

8 May 2013

Australia and China can expect to have an improved understanding about the geological storage of carbon dioxide (CO2) following a meeting in Melbourne this week of leading researchers from both countries.

Navigator user interface

Access to products and data made easy

8 May 2013

To help you access Geoscience Australia's diverse range of data, products and services we have created a new purpose built interface, with text and map search functions.

Aerial photo of flood waters.

Do you have Australia's next Top GeoShot?

11 May 2013

Entries are now open for Geoscience Australia's 2013 Top GeoShot photographic competition.

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