News Earthquake information for media outlets
Page last updated:1 March 2025
Geoscience Australia has recorded a 4.4 magnitude earthquake near Townsville, Queensland at 9.31pm local time. More detailed and up to date information about this earthquake is available through the Earthquakes@GA website here.
Download audio grabs from Senior Seismologist Dr Phil Cummins here.
If you need assistance, please contact emergency services on 000 or the State Emergency Service in your jurisdiction.
Members of the public who felt the earthquake are encouraged to lodge a felt report at Earthquakes@GA.
Media contact: Geoscience Australia Media - 1800 882 035 or
In the event of a significant earthquake, Geoscience Australia will provide up-to-date information for the public and media outlets in a timely manner. This includes interview opportunities or prepared grabs from a Senior Seismologist for use across television, radio, print and web.
For information about recent earthquakes visit the Earthquakes@GA website. Geoscience Australia encourages people who, at any time, felt an earthquake to lodge a felt report through the Earthquakes@GA website. This data is used to create a FeltGrid; a near-real-time map of publicly reported shaking intensity from an earthquake. FeltGrids are used by emergency managers to increase their awareness of the earthquake situation when coordinating an emergency response. FeltGrids can also be used by the media to see how widely spread an earthquake was felt.
For media enquiries, please reach out to the Geoscience Australia media team on 1800 882 035 or email with your request and deadline.
Please note that during significant earthquake events, there may be a delay in a media advisor getting back to you.
For more general information about earthquakes in Australia visit our Earthquakes page.