Interim Australian Energy Resource Assessment Report now available online
Published:1 August 2016
Interim Australian Energy Resource Assessment Report now available online
Geoscience Australia has released the interim 2016 Australian Energy Resource Assessment (AERA) report, providing the latest update in the series of national assessments of Australia's energy resources.
Australia's energy resources are a key contributor to Australia's economic prosperity. The information contained within the report provides a useful basis for policy makers to make more effective decisions, and supports the energy industry in making considered exploration and investment plans.
This interim release of the report provides an overview of Australia's identified and potential non-renewable energy resources, and focusses on oil, gas, coal, uranium and thorium, with estimates of the resource quantities of each commodity. The full AERA report, due out in December 2016, will also include contributions from the Office of the Chief Economist and the Australian Renewable Energy Agency with the addition of hydro, solar, wind, geothermal, bioenergy and ocean energy data, along with market comparison information.
The report is also moving online, with the interim report representing the first step towards offering a digital format. This move offers improved functionality, including easier navigation and data download options. By going digital, the report will now also become accessible across multiple platforms.
We are seeking feedback via a short survey on the user-experience of the new digital format. This information will enable us to provide a better user experience ahead of the full release later this year.
Access the interim AERA report and provide your feedback.
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