
New apps explore geological time

Published:21 August 2014

New apps explore geological time

Geoscience Australia is entering the world of mobile apps with the release of two new apps that explore geological time.
Screen grab of the TimeWalk Rock Guide.

A screen grab from the new
Geoscience Australia Time Walk app.

Geoscience Australia is entering the world of mobile apps with the release of two new apps that explore geological time.

Geoscience Australia Time Walk is an iPhone app that provides users with a virtual experience of the physical Geological TimeWalk, which is located in the landscaped gardens of the Geoscience Australia building in Canberra.

The physical Geological TimeWalk reveals the evolution of the Earth from its formation through to the present day, leading visitors on a 1.1 kilometre journey through the Earth's 4600 million year history. It includes rock samples, collected from around Australia and put on display at locations along the TimeWalk that reflect their age. Each rock has a unique story to tell, whether this relates to its geological, economic, environmental or cultural significance.

The iPhone app guides visitors along the TimeWalk, providing opportunities to read, hear and learn about the significance of these rocks as part of Earth's history and discover other interesting facts and events of geological history along the way.

Geological Timescale: Australia through time is an iPad app that provides users with information about the various Geological Timescale periods, including details of life and minerals for each time period and animated Paleogeographic maps visualising the formation of the continents. It also displays the changing sea level and Australia's climate trend up to 540 million years ago.

The app is based on a concept developed by a prize winner in the recent GovHack competition in which the Australia through time entry demonstrated a creative tablet application based on an existing Australia Through Time poster available through the Geoscience Australia Education Centre.

Both apps are available for free download via the Apple App Store.

Other geological time resources


