About us We support those who are there when we need them the most

Our Community Safety Team is a group of scientists, engineers and mathematicians who believe sharing knowledge is the best approach for keeping our communities safe from natural hazards. Our work forms part of the backbone behind the most important decisions made by governments, emergency services, and the industry sector.

Page last updated:18 June 2024

We build a better understanding of natural hazards

Our team provides scientific capabilities that monitor and model the impact and extent of damage from potential hazard events.

  • Understanding this exposure decreases the likely impact on Australia’s economy, environment and society.
  • Making this data available means Australians are less vulnerable to the threat of natural hazards.

This helps save lives, reduce damage to property and infrastructure, decrease disruption to business, and bring stability to people’s lives.

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We foster collaborative communities

Our team of earth system scientists, mathematicians and engineers bring expertise on how to be better prepared for the consequences of natural hazards through:

  • earth observation from space
  • location derived statistics
  • population data, and
  • an understanding of the built environment

We also partner with government agencies such as the Australian Geoscience-Intelligence Organisation, the Bureau of Meteorology, the Australian Bureau of Statistics as well as local and state governments to combine knowledge and boost capabilities.

These programs include the Australian Climate Service, the National Earthquake Alert Centre and the Joint Australian Tsunami Warning Centre.

Learn more about our other projects

We enable science informed decisions

We inform the Australian Government and other stakeholders of the likelihood of natural hazards and their consequences to community safety. These standards guide how Australia designs and maintains buildings, roads, critical infrastructure important for the longevity of transport systems, power, water and communication networks.

Learn more about our completed projects

We share our knowledge

With the latest science and technology, and a growing catalogue of freely available open-source data, we provide the community safety sectors with information they need to minimise everybody's vulnerability to natural hazards.

We also contribute to Australia's overseas development program by harnessing our science, sharing our knowledge and developing technology to help other countries reduce their risk.

Explore our capabilities per sector

Community Safety's latest projects

A Geoscience Australia staff member points at the wall monitors in the National Earthquake Alert Centre room, that display real-time seismic information across Australia
National Seismic Hazard Assessment (NSHA)

The NSHA defines the level of earthquake ground shaking across Australia, allowing higher hazard areas to be identified and mitigation strategies to be developed.

National Seismic Hazard Assessment (NSHA) Learn more
Screenshot of application
Tropical Cyclone Scenario Selector Tool

Use this interactive tool for querying, visualising and downloading cyclone scenarios plausible future tropical cyclone scenarios used for risk management and planning.

Tropical Cyclone Scenario Selector Tool View product
Australian Exposure Information Portal (AEIP)

Develop a statistical summary of the number of people, dwellings, buildings, infrastructure assets, agricultural and environmental assets potentially exposed during a threat or hazard event.

Australian Exposure Information Portal (AEIP) View product