Digital Earth Australia Satellite imagery to inform Australia

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Two young professional women smile at a desktop computer in an open plan office
About DEA

Digital Earth Australia is a platform that uses spatial data and images recorded by satellites orbiting our planet to detect physical changes across Australia in unprecedented detail.

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Abstract image showing Australian coast and waters as captured by satellite
DEA data and products

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Young man in plaid red shirt standing in green crop looking up at cloudy evening sky
DEA Learning Hub

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man looking at image on computer
DEA for developers

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Aboriginal line artwork of a crow
DEA news and updates

Satellite imagery at work in our community

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Explore imagery on a map

See more than 30 years of landscape change

For decades satellites have been capturing imagery of Australian landscapes. Digital Earth Australia (DEA) corrects, curates, and makes this image data freely available on the interactive DEA Maps.

1. Go to DEA Maps
2. Go to 'Explore map data'
3. Select your data product
4. Add to the map

Put it into your project

Get your hands on the data

Digital Earth Australia’s analysis-ready imagery and datasets are made freely available to download and to access via web services.

Browse our data products

What is analysis ready data?

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We encourage developers to uncover the potential of our data

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Finding water to fight fire

Satellite data maps of Australian waterbodies are fuelling a more confident flightpath for Victoria’s Country Fire Authority.

Read the story

Danielle Wright

It was at a remote sensing workshop that I heard a seminar by Dr Claire Krause from Geoscience Australia. She gave a presentation on the all the DEA data products, and I was just amazed.

Danielle Wright

Remote Sensing Analyst, Research and Development, Country Fire Authority