DEA for developers Get started with our data

Your space to play with satellite data

Welcome to the DEA Sandbox

The DEA Sandbox is a learning and analysis environment for getting started with Digital Earth Australia (DEA) and our Open Data Cube.

It includes sample data and Jupyter Notebooks that demonstrate the capability of the Open Data Cube. The Sandbox is free to use.

Learn more and get access

Follow our guides

Man wearing headphones working on laptop
DEA beginner’s guide

Get an introduction to Jupyter Notebooks, Digital Earth Australia, and how to load, plot and interact with our data.

DEA beginner’s guide Learn more
Colourful sand spit seen from aerial view through turquoise ocean
Examples by product

See Notebooks on our baseline satellite data and derived products, including how to load each data product and special features of the data.

Examples by product Learn more
DEA Map image in false colour
Interactive apps

Explore DEA's satellite data and products using interactive applications that require little or no coding to run.

Interactive apps Learn more
 Laptop open on desk
How-to guides

A recipe book of simple code examples demonstrating how to perform common geospatial analysis tasks using DEA and open source software.

How-to guides Learn more
Real world examples

From detecting change in forests to monitoring chlorophyll in waterbodies, see code demonstrations of how DEA can be used to address real-world problems.

Real world examples Learn more
DEA to provide
Amazon Web Services

Access DEA data via a free or paid AWS instance.

Amazon Web Services Learn more
satellite dish in remote location
DEA Reporting

See real-time reporting metrics on the latency, user statistics, storage and web service performance of DEA products.

DEA Reporting Learn more

Register for training

DEA for Geospatial Analysts

Get familiar with using Python to explore DEA data in this two-day in-person and online live course. An introduction to scientific Python is provided and geospatial concepts are presented using practical and interactive examples through Jupyter Notebooks.

By the end of the course, you’ll have the necessary knowledge to use DEA satellite data and apply it to solve a range of analytical problems.

Learn more