Satellite imagery at work Government

Last updated:18 June 2024

Informing decisions, from council to Commonwealth

Relevant, accurate and up-to-date spatial information is an essential resource for Australia’s public sector.

Through the Digital Earth Australia (DEA) program, any public or private project can now call upon petabytes of pre-processed satellite imagery and analysis ready data for free. The data can be viewed on a map, downloaded, or imported as a web service for use on other platforms. It’s information that’s been calibrated and validated according to international standards and provided as open source products.

Our data products help authorities keep an eye on our beaches, manage megalitres of water, and support economic accounting.

Got a project that needs a big picture?

Talk to us

Protecting a precious resource in the Murray-Darling Basin

DEA datasets have helped raise New South Wales’ capacity for water governance by 500 per cent

Learn more about the MDBA

Satellites for sustainable development

Satellite data contributes to economic accounting and Australia’s progress towards 2030 UN Sustainable Development Goals

Learn more about our Sustainable Development Goals