News Input data changes impacting DEA products

Last updated:18 June 2024

Our satellite data providers are making changes to their systems that may impact you. The United States Geological Survey (USGS) and European Space Agency (ESA) provide the satellite imagery that we use to produce our Analysis Ready Data.

USGS Landsat Collection changes

From January 2022 USGS will no longer be supplying Landsat Collection 1 data, and are encouraging its stakeholders to use USGS Landsat Collection 2 data instead. In line with& USGS’ recommendation, we will transition to using USGS Landsat Collection 2 data.

All DEA Landsat observations from January 2022 will use USGS Landsat Collection 2 data as an input, while observations up to and including December 2021 will use USGS Landsat Collection 1 data as an input.

We have tested USGS’ new collection and are confident there will be minimal impact on the integrity of our Landsat based products.

If, when engaging with DEA products in the new year, you identify any issues with DEA’s Landsat products that you think might be related to this change, please contact us.

ESA Sentinel-2 processing changes

The ESA will upgrade its data processing systems to improve the quality of their Sentinel-2 products. Unfortunately, these changes are expected to cause disruptions to production of DEA’s Sentinel-2 products.

All Sentinel-2 products supplied by ESA will be supplied as processing baseline 04.00. DEA currently uses ESA’s Sentinel-2 products to produce its Analysis Ready Data, and from January 2022 we will transition to using ESA’s Sentinel-2 processing baseline 04.00.

All DEA Sentinel-2 observations from January 2022 will use ESA’s Sentinel-2 processing baseline 04.00 as an input, while observations up to and including December 2021 will use ESA’s Sentinel-2 processing baseline 03.01 and lower as an input.

DEA has carried out testing relating to these changes and is confident there will be minimal impact on the integrity of DEA products, however there may be a delay in production of new observations when the transition to 4.00 occurs.

What is affected?

We apologise for any inconvenience these changes may cause you. We will strive to resolve any issues as quickly as possible and will provide further updates as we know more in the new year.

If you have any questions, concerns or feedback, please contact us.