Scientific topics Minerals
Page last updated:22 August 2024
Geoscience Australia provides pre-competitive geoscience information to address greenfield exploration challenges and identify new mineral provinces within Australia. This pre-competitive information is acquired through integrated programs of national strategic importance, such as the Exploring for the Future program. The organisation also advises the Australian Government on mineral resources, mining and land use which is integral to decisions on the nation's known mineral endowment, the sustainable development of mineral resources and levels of exploration activity.

Geoscience Australia supports the objectives of Australia’s Critical Minerals Strategy to grow our critical minerals sector, expand downstream processing, and help meet future global demand.

Information about Geoscience Australia’s projects that are funded through the Australian Critical Minerals Research and Development Hub.

Geoscience Australia aims to facilitate increased exploration expenditure in Australia by promoting both the benefits of exploring in Australia and the geoscience information available to reduce exploration risk.

Information on mineral exploration in Australia and links to precompetitive data and products to facilitate exploration activity.

The mineral potential mapper is a new computer-based decision support tool being used to help identify prospective regions for new deposits.

Building Australia’s resources wealth to maximise benefits from our mineral and energy resources, now and into the future.

Australia has a robust and world-leading mining industry. Geoscience Australia supports the Australian Government and industry by providing advice and data to inform decision making and assist the development of policies and programs related to resources and energy.

Geoscience Australia, in collaboration with the state and Northern Territory geological surveys and the research community, will seek to reveal the hidden potential of Australia's buried but prospective geology.

Links to state, national, international bodies associated with mineral exploration.