Promotional activities
Page last updated:24 July 2023
As part of the Geoscience Working Group (GWG) and associated Mineral Exploration Investment Attraction Plan, Geoscience Australia seeks to encourage investment in mineral exploration and the discovery of mineral resources in Australia. It does so, in particular, by increasing awareness of mineral exploration opportunities and promoting the benefits of exploring in Australia and the geoscience information available to reduce exploration risk. Activities include technical presentations and exhibitions at selected domestic and international mineral exploration and mining conferences, and targeted releases of scientific reports, maps and datasets that highlight Australia’s mineral resource potential.
Geoscience Australia's international mineral exploration promotion activities are undertaken as part of Australia Minerals, a partnership with the state and Northern Territory geological surveys and other agencies responsible for mining and exploration. Important destinations for these promotional activities include Japan, South Korea, India, Canada, the USA and countries in Europe. The program is coordinated through the Geoscience Working Group (GWG).
Comprehensive information for investors in mineral and petroleum exploration and development is available from:
- Australia Minerals
- Department of Industry, Science and Resources
- Australian Trade and Investment Commission
Domestic promotion events
- Diggers and Dealers, Kalgoorlie
- International Mining and Resources Conference (IMARC), Sydney
- NT Resources Week, Darwin
- Sydney Resources Roundup, Sydney
International promotion events
- Prospectors and Developers Association of Canada (PDAC) convention, Toronto
- Japan–Australia Mineral Resources Investment Seminar, Tokyo
- EU Raw Materials Week, Brussels
- Resourcing Tomorrow (Mines and Money), London
- Mineral exploration investment seminars in selected Indian cities