Intergovernmental Collaborations and Partnerships

Page last updated:24 August 2020

Through partnerships and leadership, Geoscience Australia provides authoritative location information and geographic services, spatial analysis and advice. Our location information data and products enable evidence-based decision making, delivery of government policy, assist industry development needs and support community wellbeing.

Geoscience Australia collaborates with many other government agencies to enhance data availability and better decision making through the application of geographic data. Visit this link to view recent examples.

ANZLIC – the Spatial Information Council

ANZLIC is the peak government body in Australia and New Zealand responsible for spatial information. The role of ANZLIC is to develop policies and strategies to promote accessibility and usability of spatial information. ANZLIC is an advocate for the resolution of national level issues and provides a link between government and industry, academia and the general public.

Geoscience Australia is the Australian Government representative on the Council. The States and Territories also have representatives on the Council. Geoscience Australia also has the lead on a number of initiatives in the ANZLIC Strategic Plan.

Intergovernmental Committee on Surveying and Mapping (ICSM)

The Intergovernmental Committee on Surveying and Mapping (ICSM) role is to provide leadership, coordination and standards for surveying, mapping/charting and national datasets.

ICSM is a standing committee of ANZLIC and provides technical location information advice and expertise.

Geoscience Australia provides member representatives on most of ICSM's committees and working groups. Membership also consists of Location Information Agencies from the States and Territories.

Spatial Inter-Departmental Committee

Geoscience Australia is chairing this new initiative that will be the forum for APS agencies to come together to discuss space and spatial matters with a view to harness our collective data and capabilities to inform social, environmental and economic benefits. The cross-government forum will initially work to address how economic recovery from drought, bushfires and COVID-19 can be enhanced by improving Australia’s spatial data infrastructure. The Location IDC also aims to enable a whole-of-government approach to spatial data analysis and capability to ensure location data and a spatially literate APS workforce can inform faster, cheaper and smarter responses and decision-making across government.

Foundation Spatial Data Framework (FSDF)

The Foundation Spatial Data Framework (FSDF) provides a common reference for the assembly and maintenance of Australian and New Zealand foundation level spatial data in order to serve the widest possible variety of users. Geoscience Australia is the national custodian of a number of the foundation spatial data themes and datasets within the framework and is working through the ICSM and ANZLIC to ensure the framework aligns to the UNGGIM’s new geographic data frame that allows categorisation and grouping of fundamental geographic data sets into themes. This allows users to more easily find data of use to them in these key themes.

UNGGIM - United Nations Global Geospatial Information Management

As part of Geoscience Australia’s commitment to international collaboration there are a variety of activities involving the United Nations, specifically the Global Geospatial Information Management (UNGGIM) committee and is committed to supporting the UN’s Integrated Geospatial Information Framework (IGIF). We are working on improving positioning and geographic data and related standards as part of our work on modernising the Foundation Spatial Data Framework (FSDF).

EMSINA – Emergency Management Spatial Information Network

The Emergency Management Spatial Information Network of Australia (EMSINA) is a group of spatial practitioners from State & Territory emergency services as well as members from a number of Commonwealth agencies that work together to improve the use of spatial information technologies to support sound decision-making to increase safety for all Australians. Geoscience Australia represents the Commonwealth in the network along with a number of agencies who have a mandate or strong business interest in the Emergency Management sector.

State & Territory Location Information Agencies

National Location Information Partner Agencies