Geoscience Australia's GNSS Antenna Calibration Facility (ACF)

Last updated:7 March 2023


In order to achieve high accuracy of GNSS positioning, the phase centre variations (PCVs) of GNSS antenna have to be determined accurately. One of the most widely used calibration methods is the so-called robotic absolute field GNSS antenna calibration.

Geoscience Australia's Global Navigation Satellite Systems (GNSS) antenna calibration facility (ACF) was established under AuScope's Australian Geophysical Observing System (AGOS). The ACF consists of two outdoor robotic systems. The first is Geo++ supplied system, which includes both the robotic arm hardware and pre-programmed software to complete an absolute field antenna calibration. The second is a Kuka system, which enables heavy-lift experiments to assess the impact of station and antenna design on positioning accuracy. The Kuka robot has a lifting capability strong enough to support the calibration of GNSS antennas and monuments heavier than 15 kg and up to 60 kg. The Kuka system also supports a range of motions that enable a wide variety kinematic GNSS research projects, such as earthquake simulation.

Offer to perform antenna calibration service at GA

Geoscience Australia will provide GNSS antenna calibration services if it is in the national interest. The facility is heavily utilised and GNSS calibration services will be scheduled using the following priority framework:

  • Priority 1: GNSS antennas to be installed on AuScope CORS stations
  • Priority 2: GNSS antennas to be installed on state or territory CORS stations contributing to the APREF project
  • Priority 3: Other antennas where there is an assessed national benefit.

What you need to provide us:

A cover letter, in an email, formally requesting an antenna calibration. This letter should include: the number of antennas that you require calibrations for; and clearly indicate who you are, including your address and contact details. This letter should be addressed to Once we agree to calibrate your antennas, the antennas should be sent to the following address:

Antenna Calibration Facility
GNSS Analysis Section
Geoscience Australia
GPO Box 378
Canberra ACT 2601

You need to fill a form of offering to perform calibration services. A template form can be downloaded from the ftp link:

You will also need to provide us with a pre-paid freight voucher for the return of your antennas after calibration.

Publication of GNSS calibration results

A condition of Geoscience Australia's calibration services is that the results must be made publicly available. All results will be distributed via the Internet. Geoscience Australia will provide you with after calibration is: the individual PCV file in the ANTEX format in the link:

A list of antennas calibrated in GA can be found in the link: