Data and site logs

Page last updated:15 December 2023

Geoscience Australia collects and provides Global Navigation Satellite System (GNSS) data from the Australian Regional GPS Network (ARGN), South Pacific Regional GNSS Network (SPRGN) and the AuScope Network.

The GNSS data collected at these sites are made available to the public in the Receiver Independent Exchange (RINEX) and RTCM format. Geoscience Australia also provides navigation data, meteorological data (where available) and site logs. The Geoscience Australia GNSS data archive contains data from 1992 until present.

All data in theGeoscience Australia GNSS data archive is available to the public under the Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Australia Licence.

Data products

Geoscience Australia provides GNSS data at two sample rates:

  • Daily and hourly files with a sample rate of 30 seconds
  • High-rate and real-time data with a sample rate of 1 seconds
Product Sample RateLengthFormatNetworkLatency
Daily 30 secs 24 hour RINEX ARGN, SPRGN, AuScope 2 hours after UTC day
Hourly 30 secs 1 hour RINEX ARGN, SPRGN, AuScope 5 mins after UTC hour
High-rate 1 sec 15 min RINEX ARGN, SPRGN, AuScope 2 mins after UTC quarter hour
Real-time 1 sec stream RTCM (NTRIP) ARGN, SPRGN 2 secs after observation

AUSCORS mailing list

To be notified of station configuration changes, temporary outages and other relevant information relating to the operation of GNSS Continuously Operating Reference Stations (CORS) in Australia, please sign up to the AUSCORS mailing list.

To subscribe, please email

Real-time streams

Geoscience Australia collects 1Hz RTCM3 real-time streams from the ARGN, SPRGN and AuScope networks on a best effort basis and is unable to guarantee completeness or low latency.

In most cases, the latency of the real-time data is below 2 seconds, however because of the communication methods used at some sites, the latency can be more than 2 seconds and potentially be unsuitable as a base station stream for RTK purposes.

Real-time stream access is freely available to the ARGN and SPRGN by subscription (please note no differential corrections are provided). For further information on accessing these data streams refer to real-time access information guide or contact

The real-time data from AuScope stations are owned by the respective state and territory jurisdictions and access to those streams must be negotiated on a case by case basis.

Data retention

Daily RINEX files sampled at 30 second epochs are available online permanently.

Hourly RINEX files sampled at 30 second epochs are kept for 14 days before being deleted from the server.

High-rate RINEX files sampled at one second epochs are available online for one year. After this the files are stored on our internal archive and are available by request.

Site log files are updated as required.

Site logs

Current and historical information about the sites operated by Geoscience Australia are recorded in GNSS site logs.

The site log filename is composed of the 4-digit station identifier, followed by the 2-digit month and 2-digit year e.g. ALIC0414 is the site log for the Alice Springs GNSS site which was updated in April 2014.

Site logs may need a file editor that allows Unix files to be viewed on a PC Programmer's File Editor or EditPad are both suitable.