Page last updated:15 July 2014
Surface elevation
Formation bases
- Layer 01 Great Artesian Basin 3-second Digital Elevation Model surface
- Layer 02 Great Artesian Basin base of Cenozoic surface
- Layer 03 Great Artesian Basin base of Mackunda Formation and equivalents surface
- Layer 04 Great Artesian Basin base of Rolling Downs Group surface
- Layer 05 Great Artesian Basin base of Hooray Sandstone and equivalents surface
- Layer 06 Great Artesian Basin base of Injune Creek Group surface
- Layer 07 Great Artesian Basin base of Hutton Sandstone surface
- Layer 05-07 Great Artesian Basin base of Algebuckina Sandstone surface
- Layer 08A Great Artesian Basin base of Evergreen and Marburg formations surface
- Layer 08B Great Artesian Basin base of Poolowanna Formation surface
- Layer 09 Great Artesian Basin base of Precipice Sandstone and equivalents surface
- Layer 10 Great Artesian Basin base of Jurassic-Cretaceous sequence surface
Water table
- Water table elevation of the Great Artesian Basin [contours (Shapefile), grids (ESRI Grid & ASCII grid)]
Geoscience Australia 3D data viewer: Three-dimensional visualisation of the GAB
Formation thicknesses
- Thickness of Cenozoic sequence in the Great Artesian Basin
- Thickness of Cenozoic sequence in the Karumba and Kalpowar basins, Great Artesian Basin
- Thickness of Jurassic-Cretaceous sequence in the Carpentaria and Laura basins
- Thickness of Normanton Formation in the Carpentaria Basin
- Thickness of Paleogene-Neogene sequence overlying the Great Artesian Basin
- Thickness of Rolling Downs Group in the Great Artesian Basin
Weathering thickness
Geological/hydrogeological boundaries
GAB hydrogeological boundary
Eastern GAB hydrogeological boundary
- Great Artesian Basin Surat / Clarence-Moreton basins hydrogeological boundary
- Great Artesian Basin groundwater flow divide in the Hutton Sandstone boundary
Hydraulic interconnection between the Great Artesian Basin and basement units
- Hydrogeological basement units in contact with the base of the Great Artesian Basin [Polygon (shapefile)]
- Base Great Artesian Basin hydrogeological units in contact with basement [Polygon (shapefile)]
- Potential hydraulic interconnection at the base of the Great Artesian Basin
Geological boundaries
- Mesozoic Geology of the Carpentaria and Laura Basins
- Basement Inliers penetrating the Great Artesian Basin
- Great Artesian Basin and Laura Basin groundwater recharge areas
- Cenozoic geology overlying the Carpentaria and Laura Basins
- Boundary of Paleogene and Neogene Cover to the Great Artesian Basin
Geological Structural Elements