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Title 2006 Christmas Island Satellite Imagery
Custodian Department of the Environment and Heritage, ERIN
Jurisdiction Australia
Abstract Pan-sharpened satellite imagery of Christmas Island recorded using the QuickBird Digital Globe satellite, taken over the island on Jan 27 2006. Each pixel represents 0.6m. 
Search Word(s) PHOTOGRAPHY AND IMAGERY Satellite
Geographic Extent Name(s) Christmas Island Edition 1 2010 1:30000 - Geoscience Australia GEOCAT 70145
Data Currency
Beginning Date 27 JAN 2006
Ending Date 27 JAN 2006
Dataset Status
Progress Complete
Maintenance and Update Frequency as required
Stored Data Format DIGITAL - ERMapper ECW & TIFF/TFW
Available Format Type DIGITAL - ERMapper ECW & TIFF/TFW
Access Constraint Restricted, see contact details below.
Data Quality
Lineage Quickbird satellite imagery of Christmas Island was commissioned by the Department of Environment and Heritage in mid 2003 and supplied to the Australian Government by DigitalGlobe in March 2006. It took this long (over 2 years) due to persistent scattered cloud over Christmas Island and many sensed scenes, not being up to 'cloud free' specifications. The Quickbird satellite recorded reflectance data of the islands in the red, green, blue, near infra-red and panchromatic bands, in 16 bit format. All sharpened imagery has a resolution of 0.6m/pixel.

Three 8-bit pan-sharpened TIFFs, one for each of the three sections, containing the red, green and blue bands was supplied to GA. Each pixel on the pan sharpened imagery represents 0.6m.

Due to disk space limitations these images are stored in ECW (Enhanced Compressed Wavelet) format. The files are stored in the 'CIGIS\data\sat_imagery\ecw' directory.
Positional Accuracy The satellite imagery did not need to be shifted to match the 2006 cadastre. 
Attribute Accuracy Not Relevant.
Logical Consistency Not Relevant.
Completeness Complete
Contact Information
Contact Organisation Geoscience Australia
Contact Position -
Mail Address Cnr Jerrabomberra Ave and Hindmarsh Drive
State ACT
Country Australia
Postcode 2609
Telephone (02) 6249 9479
Facsimile (02) 6249 9983
Electronic Mail Address
Metadata Date 27-01-2006
Additional Metadata
Projection MGA(UTM Zone 48)